Health disparities among latinos with disabilities

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Use of Herbal Medicines include spearmint, chamomile, aloe vera, garlic, brook-mint, osha, lavender, ginger, ginseng, camphor, rue, anise, wormwood, orange leaves, sweet basil, oregano, peppermint and lime (Zeilmann et al., 2003; Rivera et al., 2002; Trotter, 1981), marijuana tea (Pachter 1994). Tila (Linden flower) tea and Sarsaparilla may be used for nervous disorders (Pasquali 1994). Mercury (Azogue) may be used (Pachter 1994) by elders practicing Espiritismo or Santeria, as it is believed to provide good luck and protection from evil and the envy of others (Zayas & Ozuah, 1996).

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