Earth Day Issue TOOC

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As diverse as our oceans


I S S U E 3 A P R I L 2 0 2 3
Models : Julia Fernando & Emma Smith surfing in Tofo, Mozambique Photographer : Zandile Ndhlovu

P t t P t t

05 Editors Note 10 Earth Day Cover Story 20 Sci-Stories & a Marine Biologist 13 The SpearoSustainable Fishing 28 Protecting Paradise for allSmall Business Big Impact 31 Passion x Purpose 36 Lashanti the Siren 39 Current Favs x Earth Day 42 What we're streaming EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Katie Storr Zandile Ndhlovu ART DIRECTION Katie Storr WRITING & COPY EDITING Katie Storr Zandile Ndhlovu SPECIAL THANKS Alex Kaufmann Sophu Qoma PUBLISHED BY The Ocean of Colour - Issue ThreePhotographer : Katie Storr 07 08 Katie & Zandi's Take 49 Tea Time 48 Health & Wellness PHOTOGRAPHY/DESIGN Katie Storr Zandile Ndhlovu INQUIRES oceanofcolour@gmail com CONTRIBUTORS Danielle Bachew Xochitl Clare Sophumelela Qoma Lashanti Jupp 44 Travel


Dear Ocean Tribe

Dear Ocean Tribe,

This year has been an incredible one for us, and in this moment we are proud to be releasing our third issue for 2023 We started the year knowing we wanted to publish monthly, driven by a deep sense of wanting to commit to seeing this publication become home to many people across the world

We hope to inspire while expanding dive locations and all things underwater in preparation for your travels, and so, are in awe of the support we've received thus far in readership - thank you fam!

This month we celebrate Earth day and feature some incredible humans in the world doing amazing work We hope you feel seen, and expanded in all the ways, and that this becomes a driver to explore, finding new and exciting ways to be in the outdoors, uncovering hidden gems in the process!

As the US goes into Summer, we are excited to hear about everything you're getting up to, we also hope this issue becomes a staple on all things sustainable and regenerative, all the ways in which we can create better tomorrows, for the generations to come.


M E S S A G E F R O M T H E E D I T O R S Mermaid Katie
Zandi The Mermaid
Zandile Ndhlovu aka Katie Storr aka

Sunsets and melted glass feelings in Costa Rica, it tastes like Summer!

K A T I E ' S


Reflection: Power of Voice

This experience is undoubtedly a powerful one, in which the opportunity to explore and share stories that amplify the voices of those who are often unheard has impacted those who are flipping our very own magazine pages The positive feedback we have gotten has truly brought tears to my eyes, this is what Zandi and I have spoken about for years and now it exists. Don't be afraid to use your voice

Meaningful Connections: Building a Support Network

When I look back on my life the best parts are all the beautiful connections The people I have made memories with, built friendships and laughed til my tummy hurt On this page is a picture of two amazing women (Left to right: Lashanti Jupp & Linzi Belton) whom stuck beside me through every phase of my journey and when I needed them they came running Our discussion on this day in picture was creating positive change in our communities as a collective, mermaiding and sea lice which ate us alive as we snorkelled lol There's nothing better than finding your tribe, being with people who share your values and goals, working together to make a positive change in your communities That's actually one of the main reasons I am so happy to have you, our ocean tribe, our community of explorers, scientist, mothers, fathers, doctors, conservationists, divers, ocean lovers, entrepreneurs, and friends Love is in this book!

Reflection: Girl you got this!

First off this year is flying by it's the end of April and here we are bringing to you the "Earth Day Special!"

When we first started I wasn't sure how I would manage with writing, while work working (as I call it because I do work multiple jobs while I'm working), personal life, and running a small business would I be able to find balance? My answer: "Yes Katie, Just Keep Swimming!" I am excited, and ready for this months issue It's been a great month and I'd like to reflect on a few things I've faced in the last 29 days of April. Some good some not so good but the best part is we made it through! HOORAYYY! Also, Zandi wrote a book yal!!!!! What an accomplishment we doing big things in 2023 and beyond, look out world here we come.

The hard parts were the balance, finding time for the time There were a lot of tears this month yal, but I made it through I found myself reminding 'the self' whom she was and how far she has came This happens often... but that is okay we are human and sometimes we need to be reminded of the journey Nobody is perfect! We are all on our way and sometimes different paths Along the way we come to a crossroads of hard decisions, some when made end in loss but that doesn't mean you have failed It just means try another way, life doesn't always go as planned It's important to remind yourself just who the hell you are, how hard you have worked to get here and you got this!

Life Traits to Foster: The Art of Adaptation

Adapting is essential because life is unpredictable and constantly changing Learning how to adapt fosters personal growth, creativity, and innovation The best thing I did in 2020 was master this valuable life skill This enabled me to navigate change, thrive in new environments, and achieve my goals relatively faster than before

Katie Storr, PADI MSDT & Oceanpreneur
"Adapting is crucial to future self "
Time Flies, make good use of it.

Take Z A N D I ' S

These measures are everything for me, it is how I show up in the fullness of life, and in the fullness of my joy When anything is off, I find myself unable to hear my heart, and when I cant my heart, we have a big problem, because she is the driver of all things

And so, we recharge energies, ensure rest, prioritize play and double down on self care

I arrived in Costa Rica almost 7 weeks ago and found myself overwhelmed between work globally, and work in the current requirement while in Costa Rica This was weird, but in the weirdness was a reminder that I am very much an extrovert, but I am also very much an introvert, I recharge in solitude

This inaccessible solitude was quickly followed by the body's request for silence We would say nothing if it didn't need to be said, we would refrain from all unnecessary talk

This can be a challenge when working with other people because as a society, we have become so accustomed to filling silence with words

In the honouring of the body's request, came rest, a charging of the body's energies and finding myself in handstands and cartwheels and wild laughs,

Beautiful humans,

The year has been wild, I cannot believe in a month we're going to be halfway through the year, and this tells me a few things,

Its time to reflect, measuring ones energy, and doing what needs to be done to ensure I finish strong

Prioritizing rest, this is not to be done once feeling beyond fatigued, but finding ways to make this a regular check in with self, Prioritizing play

Priorizing self care

Perhaps another key part of the self care, was daily sunset swims then watching the sun set in silence, with no phone in sight, this then followed by what we could term a thesis of journaling sessions.

All to say, there is beauty in silence, and not all moments need to be filled with words Your body will always tell you what it needs Take the time to listen Xx

1 2 3 4
Zandile Ndhlovu, Ocean Explorer
"The power of silence"
School of Silversides Hollywood Bowl Nassau Bahamas Photographer: Katie Storr

The parallels. #earthday

When earth day is spoken of, we often think of greens - lush thriving forests but not often do we see it in Blue, in our minds eye at least, and so, how curious that we call this rock we live on, planet earth when it can be fittingly called planet ocean.

In recent settings hearing people answer the question of where they think the largest contributor to our oxygen is, and the answer being trees of course, the correct answer is the oceans, the oceans are the largest contributors through plankton, not only this, but our oceans are strong carbon sinks that absorb large amounts of carbon emissions too

Outside of this, is a knowing that, in our collective effort to protect mother earth and our oceans, is a parallel work of protecting humanity

The oceans provide us with 70% of the oxygen we breathe, are a key source of sustenance to the global majority, and what is rarely spoken about, is how these oceans are the source of our fresh water for our daily hydration needs and more

The question of any life and world without healthy oceans is quite possibly a challenging thought, and scary one at best With ‘investing in our Planet’ being the focus for this years earth day, is a myriad of ways to partner the efforts towards the greater, the greater, holding multiples of current concerns which include climate change, plastic pollution and food scarcity, but perhaps first, is to revisit the language we use in order to inspire hope, like swapping the following,

Climate Change for Climate Restoration, Food scarcity for food security, regenerative agriculture and supply chain resilience And biodiversity loss for biodiversity restoration,

We could go on endlessly, but in all our pursuits for the above, may we find new and innovative ways to spread awareness on the things we can do to protect our oceans and making climate literacy universally accessible, like I always say, if we're gonna save our oceans, we need all hands on deck - and this starts with literacy.

Location : Playa Potrero, Costa Rica Photographer : Zandile Ndhlovu


B Y D A N I E L L E B A C H E W @ D A N Z O F A L L T R A D E S

My name is Danielle Bachew, aka Danz aka Danz ofalltrade aka eSpeara aka Sharkbite! Im based in sweet Trinidad & Tobago and teach snorkeling, freediving and spearfishing for kids and adults

"I was then able to dive and spearfish more efficiently and effectively all day without getting frustrated, exhausted or uncomfortable Imagine running a marathon in the wrong shoes!

How did your love for the ocean start?

I fell in love with the ocean at a very young age and was freediving before I even knew what it was Naturally I got into snorkelling and SCUBA diving quite early in life, with full support from my ocean loving mother.

I was later introduced to Freediving at 21 years old and was immediately re-born into a whole new life It was a roller-coaster at first, but as soon as I settled into it, I felt like EVERYONE should get to experience this

What spurred the passion?

While teaching, and having worked in the Fisheries Industry for a while, I gained the understanding of the history and reasoning behind why so many Caribbean people cannot swim, or have a fear of the water - it was one of 2 things:

(1) Lack of opportunity or

(2) unfortunate first experience in the water

What does eSpeara do & How did it start?

I wanted to share my love of the ocean by offering the opportunity to be introduced to the ocean in the most economical and “free” way that I know how, which is Freediving

Freediving is not yet a recognized sport in Trinidad and Tobago, and I don’t believe it is - anywhere in the region- which is INSANE, given that we are an archipelago of ISLANDS!

What do you hope to achieve?

Our main goal is to bring Caribbean people back to the ocean, and the secondary goal is to have the sport be popularised and recognized – a hope to eventually have a national team, with locals holding national records and have competitions held here, or at least in the region

Tell us your most memorable Ocean experience

Well it would have to be a toss-up between the Shark-bite and the catching a 62 lb Cobia

I always say – The sea giveth and the sea taketh away! Both stories are available on my IG Go check em out!

What challenges have you faced in the industry as a woman?

I’ll answer this in 2 parts Personally and in the community.

Yes later I learnt that getting a proper fitting wetsuit; the right stiffness of fins; and a more easily loadable speargun for my size; would enhance my diving immeasurably

I was then able to dive and spearfish more efficiently and effectively all day without getting frustrated, exhausted or uncomfortable…Imagine running a marathon in the wrong shoes!

And second, from a community perspective, In the beginning, I received a lot of skeptical comments which was a bit annoying at first

There are MANY swimming classes and opportunities available but no real Ocean opportunities other than a snorkel tour (which does not teach you) or a SCUBA class (which would take larger commitment)

Personally the main issue is a lack of female gear It may sound like a minimal issue, but it took VERY long to customize my freediving and spearfishing gear to my body and strength The hardest part was that I didn’t realise that it was an issue!

I started out with borrowed gear, and eventually worked my way up to whatever used gear I could affordwhich of course was all male tailored so I just thought diving was uncomfortable!

that, he gave her that to hold

But I realized that I would feel the same way if I wasn’t exposed to women doing these things ( and I would have been the first they ever saw) – so I turned these unsolicited comments into conversations; and I befriended these guys and now I have fisher friends everywhere This change in mindset was the initial leap in making a name for myself throughout the fishing community nationwide Now I love the post-dive gatherings!


Spearfishing can be a largely male dominated arena, how has your experience been as an instructor?

I actually think I have a huge advantage pioneering as a Woman Instructor in the Caribbean for many reasons:

Being the first female this big in the game, my journey was “popularized” so people can connect with more deeply -I am not a “stranger”

It is innately natural to connect with a female teacher, as most of us grew up with predominantly female teachers And parents definitely feel especially comfortable with me and thier kids (I’m also a mom) This may sound insulting, but I am not insulted by it – Some may look at me and think – If she can do it, I can do it I like that I represent a “regular” person I’m not exceptionally fit, rich or strong I’m just a thick , happy chic who loves the ocean.

What advice would you give to girls that want to work in the ocean space?

GEDDIT GIRL! Don’t forget your sunscreen and hair conditioner

Editors Note, Spearfishing remains one of the most sustainable ways to catch fish, it is the ability to choose the fish with intentionality, knowing population numbers, knowing that the fish is the right size according to catch regulations, and there are minimum numbers per catch that are often adhered to. We celebrate Danz in this deeply male dominated world!

French Angel Fish Photographer: Katie Storr Flying High Above the Exuma Cays Photographer: Katie Storr

Make An Impact

Our planet is facing a lot of environmental problems, like climate change, pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss.

These environmental problems have serious consequences They can lead to the extinction of species, food and water scarcity, extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and health problems for humans and other animals It's crucial that we take action to address these issues and protect the environment

There are many ways that you can help to reduce the impacts our planet is facing.

Here are a few suggestions:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: You can help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and oceans by reducing the amount of waste you produce, reusing items when possible, and recycling materials that can be reused

Conserve Energy: Turn off lights and electronics when you ' re not using them When possible, use natural light and avoid artificial light during the day

Conserve Water: You can conserve water by taking shorter showers. When you brush your teeth, shower or shave, turn off the water

Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about the environmental problems we face and share your knowledge with others By raising awareness, we can encourage more people to take action and make a difference

Support Sustainable Practices: By supporting sustainable businesses and organizations, like buying local, using renewable energy, or investing in sustainable tech, you can help keep the world clean

Remember that small actions can have a big impact when done collectively. Even if you feel like your individual efforts may be insignificant, every little bit counts.
Photographer : Zandile Ndhlovu XochitlS.Clare XochitlS.Clare Marine Biologist & Performing Artist

Tell us about you and your journey of finding the magic in storytelling

I am a Marine Biologist & Performing Artist I started conducting interviews & recording "audio logs" from the early age of 10 years old Always curious--I'm an addict for connecting with the magic that exists within each and every being on our planet. Now, having traveled, performed & conducted research at some of our planet's most unique places--I am driven to ensure each new storytelling project I lead mends broken relationships that prevent us from connecting with our environment

What does it mean to be a PADI Ambassadiver?

Through my dive ambassadorship as a PADI Ambassadiver , I am physically breaking barriers as a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) marine scientist and diver I am dedicated to making individuals of all backgrounds feel welcome to partake in the scientific discovery needed to help understand our changing planet However, SCUBA often remains exclusive to those with aquatic heritages or access to the ocean Growing up in Glendale, California, it is to the surprise of many, that I spent most of my life far away from the water Without the ability to afford swimming lessons, or marine science summer camps, my single mother kept my aquatic dreams afloat through bright books and media Despite these challenges, in order to embark on my dive education, I learned to swim as an adult five years ago Since then, I developed strong dive mentors and relationships, excelled in my aquatic development, and have obtained both my Open Water and Rescue Certifications

Tell us about your experience as a Smithsonian fellow

This Winter (January-March) I served as a Short-Term Fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Bocas del Toro, Panama I investigated the effects of ocean warming on the reef urchin while hosted by the Collin Lab at the STRI Bocas del Toro Marine Station While at STRI, I directed and produced my own enviroseries on ocean leaders in Bocas del Toro. This work is supported by my following funding sources: UC President's PreProfessoriate Fellowship, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships Program and the STRI Short-Term Fellowships

What are you most excited about in your work currently?

I am very excited to have launched my media making platform “Sci-Stories Project”! Sci-Stories Project has been in the works since 2016–An idea I had my last year of college to blend my art & science disciplines 7 yrs later I’m proud to have built a community of swirly talented folks who are up for the challenge for building #NarrativesinNature

Who inspires you?

Danni Washington, Science Communicator

De’Marcus Robinson, UCLA Oceanography Ph.D. Student

Dr. Tiara Moore, The Nature Conservancy & Black in Marine Science (BIMS) CEO

Learn about many more prominent black ocean explorers via the BIMS website: https://www blackinmarinescience org/

"I'm an addict for connecting with the magic that exists within each and every being on our planet."

What are you doing when you're not diving?

I have always been an artist with a scientific mind I received two bachelor’s degrees at the same time: Theater Arts and Marine Biology--and have never been able to separate my love for my two disciplines My career has pushed me to meet and learn individuals from such a wide range of backgrounds, I am always learning something new from my collaborators As a Latina African American with Caribbean heritage, the importance of life at sea is interwoven in my culture. With determination and a passion for adventure, I set forth to explore our underwater world using the combined power of science and performing art Through my dedication to science communication, I am bridging my global change biology research to fishing communities and the public to increase understanding of ocean resources I use performance art, film & storytelling to share the voices of our blue backyards

Follow Xochitl's work!

Sci-Stories Project: Instagram: @scistoriesproject

Twitter: @SciStoriesProj

Website: https://www scistoriesproject com/

Personal Website: www dancingbiologist com

Institution Collaborators & Funding

Sources: @ucsb graduate division @hofmannlab @xochitlclare

@lter community @csep ucsb @blackinmarinescience #dancingbiologist

Ambassadorships: @paditv @sciallorg @smithsonianpanama



Brain Coral Photographer: Katie Storr

What is the difference between sustainable vs regenerative?

Regenerative travel is a company working to change the nature of the travel industry to be a force for good.

They help travellers find hotels who share that vision and are pushing the boundaries of art, design, food, adventure, and the outdoors that serve as hubs of creativity and innovation with truly unparalleled experiences.

As an Asian American led, majority female team, they believe in uplifting underrepresented groups and communities through our work, and igniting a new generation of hospitality

What is the difference between Sustainable vs Regenerative?

Sustainable tourism or travel aims to minimise the negative impacts of the tourism industry and counterbalance its social and environmental impacts On the other hand regenerative travel looks to repair the harm that has already been done by leaving the place you are visiting better than you found it

Where your vacation meets your values

To transform communities and economies to more regenerative models requires systemic change Our hotels amplify their individual efforts by supporting and sharing with the collective, and are held accountable through our standards and ongoing data collection.

'We are a community of independent hotels regenerating people and place' @regenerativetravel Women Who Travel Podcast @womenwhotravel



Photographer: KatieStorr

Photographer : Zandile Ndhlovu
NESS PROTECTING PARADISE FOR ALL 2 0 2 3 Now Now Small Business | Big Impact



In my experience as a small business owner, sustainability is critical to longterm success The region's natural resources, such as coral reefs, rainforests, and beaches, are essential to the tourism industry This is the lifeblood of many Caribbean businesses Climate change and environmental degradation threaten our businesses Rising sea levels, ocean acidification, and more frequent and intense hurricanes can cause severe damage to the infrastructure and facilities that our businesses depend on

There are several reasons why you should be concerned about the implementation and future of sustainability in your region

Firstly, consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of their environmental impact and are more likely to support businesses that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability Implementing sustainable practices in your business can help to attract environmentally aware customers, and therefore increase your customer base

Secondly sustainable practices can help to reduce operating costs in the long term For example, implementing energy-efficient lighting or equipment can reduce your energy bills, while reducing waste can save on disposal costs This can help to improve your profitability and make your business more financially sustainable in the long term

Thirdly, implementing sustainable practices can help to protect the natural resources and ecosystems that your business relies on The Caribbean region is home to a diverse range of ecosystems and species, many of which are threatened by climate change and other environmental pressures By implementing sustainable practices you can help to reduce your impact on the environment and contribute to the preservation of these important natural resources

Finally governments and regulatory bodies in the Caribbean are increasingly taking steps to promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact By proactively implementing sustainable practices in your business, you can stay ahead of regulatory requirements and avoid potential penalties or negative publicity

Overall there are many benefits to implementing sustainable practices in your business, from attracting customers and reducing costs to protecting natural resources and staying ahead of regulatory requirements By prioritizing sustainability, you can help to ensure the long-term success and resilience of your business in the Caribbean

Here are a few simple steps I followed with my small business

Environmental Impact: Sustainable practices help reduce the negative impact of business activities on the environment We've recycled bottles, plastics and hay straws used on charter We have also implemented acrylic glassware and silverware onboard

The chemicals used in cleaning can have a negative impact on your employees and the environment in which they work This is why it is important to explore eco-friendly ways to ensure your office is clean as part of your commitment to sustainability In our office and on board our boats we only source eco-friendly cleaning products We also use reusable spray bottles with diluted vinegar and water and diluted water and rubbing alcohol my GO too!


Cost Savings: Implementing sustainable practices can help reduce operational costs in the long run I have implemented digital invoicing that's been a game changer for my small business We also spend less on cleaning products which were costing us $300 00 dollars per month Now we buy products for the office every 4 months!

Reputation: Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of the products and services they use When we had plastic cups and plates on board, the most frequently asked question was do you recycle this plastic Also most of our day was spent keeping on top of trash because no one wants it to end up in the ocean We made changes based on our clients requests

Legal Compliance: Many countries have regulations in place to reduce the negative impact of business activities on the environment

Implementing sustainable practices as a small business owner is important not only for the environment but also for your bottom line, brand reputation, and legal compliance

By taking these actions, we can work towards protecting paradise for all and ensure that future generations can enjoy the same beauty and abundance of natural resources that we do.
Basket Star & Gorgonian Photographer: Katie Storr

Passion x Purpose

Sophumelela Qoma studied Nature Conservation at Nelson Mandela University and is currently the Director of Shark Research Unit in Mossel Bay and is the African Regional Coordinator for Minorities In Shark Science She is also the Biodiversity Representative and Deputy Secretary for African Protected Areas Congress Youth

What was your main motivating factor through your journey?

What carried me through is knowing that I am not here for myself, but I am here to represent the minorities, the communities,thevoiceless Thiscarriesmethroughtrialsand tribulations as this vision unfolds because it is bigger than me


My goal is to see people-centred conservation voices magnified and elevated through personal relations with nature strivingtoachieveanyenvironmentalgoal

How did your ocean journey begin?

Growing up, Ive always been a curious kid with wild imaginations and for a while because of that I felt like I did not belong in any circle or group

My ocean journey really began in 2017 when I enrolled for a year in a shark-based company This push came from observation and determination to be exposed and understand both terrestrial and marine The marine space became a huge fascination for me as I believed I could make a larger impact for other black people

What made you choose the ocean?

Terrestrial has always seemed like a norm as a person that likes to push their own boundaries, operating outside of my own comfort zone I decided to dive into a world that was unfamiliar, a world with less representation, a world that I could grow in and most importantly a world that was deemed to not be for our people (black-people)

I entered this space as a force to disrupt the past and present norms, to be a part of creating new stories, while elevating our people’s stories My journey was not easy but I had the courage and drive to push through and see my vision fulfilled

A people-centred conservation involves engaging and empowering local communities to participate in conservation efforts while respecting their cultural traditions and livelihoods By involving the community in the process, wenotonlyachievebetterconservationoutcomesbut also ensure that the well-being of people is taken into account This approach recognises the interconnectivity of humans and nature and how our actions can have positive or negative impacts on the environment Ultimately by magnifying and elevating personal relations with nature, we cancreateamoresustainablefutureforourselvesandfuture generations

I believe that we have a tomorrow because we still have today and that’s all the time we need to make necessary changes

The Aquarium Snorkel Site at The Exuma Cays Photographer: Alden Chisholm


From the writer and Director of The Black Mermaid Film, comes Zandi's song, an empowering story about following your dreams and caring for the environment, a must have for your little one!

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Model : Zandile Ndhlovu Photographer : Pier Nirandara


Throughout my life, I was always different - the way I was and also the way I looked at the world In high school, I was unanimously voted “weirdest girl” in my graduating class and everyone believed I’d end up living on a more rural island with animal friends

I am a siren, marine conservationist and science communicator I chose siren over mermaid because I believe that despite the mythology, I’d use my voice (I actually do sing too) to attract people to the “rocks” and educate them

I want to reconnect people with their environment, one conversation at a time Growing up on the island of New Providence was key for sparking my interest in conservation and the marine environment. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology from Barry University in North Miami, Florida and completed my graduate studies at University of Cambridge, in the UK, and received a Masters of Philosophy in Conservation Leadership

Over the last decade, I have been involved in educating young Bahamians and communities across nearly a dozen islands in The Bahamas about marine conservation and marine protected areas, through creative outreach and community meetings

One of the highlights of my professional career was leading the Bahamas Protected project as Conservation Planner at the Bahamas National Trust to help the government of The Bahamas meet its commitment to reaching 20% marine protection by the year 2020 I have also planned and led a few beach and coastline cleanups that helped to bring awareness and conservation action to one of the country’s most common conservation issues - like land-based pollution

During the beginning of the pandemic, I created a live web series titled “Siren Sundays”. I use Siren Sundays as a platform to raise awareness about the Bahamian conservation and environmental sector to people who are not environmentalists or conservationists, which expanded through the Caribbean with the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Marine Protected Area Connect (MPA Connect) Network Throughout my time in the field, I noticed there was a gap not only between the community and the researchers/practitioners in conservation, but also each other I would know about a project happening that I thought was so cool, then meet someone studying a similar topic and connect the two I also found that there was a lot of “common knowledge” amongst individuals in the field that the public just had no idea existed


Siren Sundays is focused on connecting people to the researchers, scientists and practitioners in conservation around The Bahamas, with the public and upcoming individuals studying similar things.

Throughout my journey, I was fortunate to interact with like minded women who looked like me - black girl magic! It was sometimes hard to be taken seriously in densely masculine communities across the country and I am grateful for my male peers who supported me, while giving me the space to earn community’s trust and respect As I continued trying to expand my skill set, I was so happy to find other women like me internationally! I hope to inspire other young girls of color to believe that they belong here and the ocean is big enough for us all

@ L A S H A N T I S I R E N
Caribbean Reef Shark & Silversides at The Ray of Hope Shipwreck Nassau Bahamas Photographer: Katie Storr

Current Favs

B r a n d s w e T r u s t


This Earth day issue celebrates all the ways in which we can become more intentional in how we consume. This issue Katie and I discuss things we've found that help make our choices planet friendly.

There are multiple ways to do this, and we encourage you to find your way that makes this journey dare we say easier, but probably mean, pth of least resistance, that you can go back to, over and over again.


When attending events it is the normal thing to consider the next purchase to suit the evening. I found this garment at a lovely place called Style Rotate in Cape Town, they had the most incredible array of garments, this was for sure a winner find!


Compact to carry in your picnic basket or in your backpack for traveling. I love this utensil set It's always in my backpack. I'm always on the ocean and this product has really made a difference, I bought four sets and I keep two in my bag just in case a friend is in need.


My reusable coffee cup, come water cup, come anything i'd love to keep hot or cold is a winner. It means I can have my coffee and later refiull nice crisp water that stays cold for hours. My definition of winning.Mine is made by MiiR, gifted by the 11th Hour Racing Team.


I think by now you all get that Katie loves her food lol. Reusable & Collapsable Containers are my go to, these make it so easy for me to save my tummy and the ocean at the same time. I find that when I'm hiking or diving products that make my life easier are where the party is at. And I'm saving the planet by doing so it's a win win situation for me.

Black Point Exuma at Sunset Photographer: Katie Storr



We found a series that made us beyond excited! And in celebrating #Earthday, could you imagine a better fit? We think not! Find us on social media and share your fav episodes and any super exciting nature series you're stuck in, #sharingiscaring

Travel from freezing poles to tropical rainforests to meet nature’s most captivating giants, who prove being big comes with enormous challenges Narrated by Tom Hiddleston, the 10-episode series, premiering across five weeks, features the gray whale, the elephant seal, the giant otter, the gorilla, the hippo, the brown bear, the ostrich, the orangutan, the tiger and the polar bear.

#thingswelove - all things nature swoon worthy! Catch it on Apple TV



but the bigger birds, worked with the fishermen, and in absence of this relationship, the birds would swoop in on the fisher-mans catch

The founders narrative

Often, when we see pictures of paradise, and the places we aspire to go, it is often portrayed without its people For me, part of this journey asked, where are her people and how do I tell this story by making them the centre of the experience

interaction, was realizing that language however novel in this moment, was irrelevant, if only I listen through the ears of time He wanted me to capture him, here, and then in the water while he demonstrated the learnings of a lifetime To watch him walk and move and be in the water, was easily one of the moments that will stay with me for forever

Why does this relationship matter?

Local people have always lived with nature, they have never been separate from Her beauty has always been a mosaic painted by how the people live with nature Perhaps one of the things I hope, is that in the big of documentary film making, in depicting nature, that we would always, seek to show her people too This is a critical part of story when talking beautiful lands and by expansion the richness in biodiversity of said beautiful places

My Fav Activities:

Boat Excursions - Scuba Diving, Sustainable Artisanal fishing done the traditional way with Connect Ocean, a dive company invested in educating while uplifting the community

Beaches - This was my first time seeing Black sands and I loved it, each night I'd watch an incredible sunset at Playa Penca, as the sun set behind the Las Catalinas islands, easily one of the most iconic sights, alongside the many beaches and their varying intensity of the most epic sunsets you've ever seen!

Night Life - The Shack is a lovely place for karaoke and predrinks before partying at Las Brisas for ladies night, easily one of my most memorable evenings!

Images : A fisherman just before sunset at Playa Potrero, Costa Rica Photographer: Zandile Ndhlovu





How to get there

Compass Cay can be reached by boat or by private plane There is a small airstrip on nearby Staniel Cay, and several marinas in the area offer docking and fuel services

Most visitors get there by local tour boats coming in form Nassau, Staniel Cay or Great Exuma.


Compass Cay has a small quaint marina and there are a few private homes available for rent There are also several nearby islands and cays that offer accommodation options, such as Highbourne Cay, Norman's Cay, Staniel Cay and Black Poin


The Exuma Cays have a tropical climate, with warm temperatures throughout the year The hurricane season runs from June to November, so it is important to check the weather forecast before you travel The best part about The Bahamas is the weather can be enjoyable all year round

Nurse Sharks - Baby Shark Do Do Doooo

Compass Cay is famous for it's resident Nurse Sharks, visitors can swim with them This has to be my favourite part of the entire island other than the main beach Crescent Beach pictured above

This cay is certainly a place for reconnection, and rejuvenation with ones self. Its super laid back and the most welcoming, Yachters flock to this location to escape the weather and feel a little slice of home

My Fav Activities:

Paddle Boarding The Creek - A Chance to see Red Mangroves, Green Turtles and Juvenile Lemon Sharks

Beaches - There are several Beaches however Crescent beach is the most popular with cabana access

Food - Hamburgers, Beers, Soft Drinks on site

Snorkelling & Kayaking Near by reefs

Hiking The Trails

Compass Cay is located in the Exuma Cays, which are a chain of islands and cays in the central Bahamas The island is located about 50 miles southeast of Nassau
Green Moray at Shangre La San Salvador Bahamas Photographer: Katie Storr Pumpkin Patch Wall Nassau Bahamas Photographer: Katie Storr Caribbean Reef Octopus James Bond Wrecks Nassau Bahamas Photographer: Katie Storr



Let's embark on a journey to Saint Lucia. Over six days, this retreat will be a one-of-a-kind experience deeply rooted in yoga, culture, and adventure. Prepare to experience bold, flavorful, and fresh cuisine and to move and breathe along with the ebb and flow of the Caribbean sea. All levels are welcome as we explore our growth on and off our yoga mats.

June 22 - 27, 2023


Breath Training

Breath training is an important part of health and wellness. How we breathe enables our bodies to do more. Exercises you can do to heal your body for just 10minutes a day.

Inhaling through your nose and out though your mouth.

Box breathing - inhale for 4sec, hold for 4sec, exhale for 4sec, hold for 4 sec.

Breathing through your diaphragm - letting your breath make your stomach expand into a pot shape.

Breath hold sets, inhale, hold, exhale and rest


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Sip Sip
The 2023 winners will be announced on May 10, 2023. Photographer: Zander Botha


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➤ TRIPS South Africa Travel with Zandi & Katie For any current trip enquiries, email Book your trip and travel to the picturesque islands of The Bahamas with Katie aka Mermaid Katie B O O K N O W ➤ H T T P S : / / B I T . L Y / 3 9 D Q N L R DONATE Support our Vision OceanofColour Paypal SARDINE RUN EXPEDITION & EXPLORE SOUTH AFRICA The Bahamas CONSERVATION VACATION & SHARK DIVING COLOUR AS DIVERSE AS OUR OCEANS OceanOf

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