Flying Fish 2015 2

Page 135

if any marinero should be less than effusive in his welcome I should report him to his manager. It is perfectly possible for the marina to be full in the high season or when running events in line with their sporting charter, but I think the reason for this is becoming clear... One way around this problem is that, because the 29 club náutics in Galicia are united into a group called ASNAUGA, it is possible to book your next port of call from the one you are in, no matter how many days hence. In fact there is an app one can download to make this process even easier. Another preconception is that the Spanish club náutics, especially those with the appellation ‘real’ (royal) and thus blessed by the King or his antecedents, are snooty. There is no doubt that certain members of these clubs were hoping to hobnob with folk higher up the food chain than your average cruiser, but this is certainly not the view or attitude of the management. As mentioned, one of the principle attractions of the club náutics as opposed to commercial marinas is their variety, and to illustrate this let us dip into a few of my favourites: RCN Coruña has a wonderful city setting and is one of the true crossroads of the yachting world. There are two long basins linked by a wide passage. Most cruisers tie up in the eastern portion, but this makes access to the RCN Coruña clubhouse less accessible. I prefer the northwestern part of the marina. RCN Portosin is a charming, friendly and well-run club with stunning views westwards from the bar/dining room. A feature of this club is the camarotes, cabins apparently used for crews sick to death of the sea after a long passage. How green behind the gills you have to be to qualify I do not know...

Musicians at Club Náutico Boiro, Cabo Cruz


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