Volume 132, Issue 7: February 1, 2024

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SIGNAL The heart of Ouachita news


COVER STORY.............................3 NEWS......................................4-5 ARTS/ENTERTAINMENT...............6 OPINIONS...................................7 SPORTS......................................8





Emilee Webb



Kaelin Clay


Kate Ellis


Jane Ellen Dial



Madison Basco COPY EDITOR


Dr. Jeff Root Adviser

Ouachita Baptist University Office: Evans Student Center Email: signal@obu.edu Phone: (870) 245-5210


Abby Nipper


Sarah Dean


Meghann Bledsoe PHOTO EDITOR

Dr. Deborah Root Adviser

Dr. Jackson Carter Online Adviser

The Signal is the student newspaper of Ouachita Baptist University, and is published twice a month on Thursdays during the fall and spring semesters when school is in session. The newspaper is distributed free of charge; 1,200 copies are placed in more than 20 locations across campus. Opinions expressed are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the newspaper staff or university. The Signal is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the Associated Collegiate Press and is printed by the Nashville Leader. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Letters to the editor are encouraged and accepted, unless libelous, irresponsible or obscene. Letters should be typed and include a signature and contact phone number, and must be less than 500 words. The Signal reserves the right to edit letters for space and style. Letters should be sent via campus mail to Box 3761 or via email to signal@obu.edu.


Bell serves state as Miss Arkansas’ Teen BY EMILEE WEBB Print Editor-in-Chief

Allie Bell, a freshman communications major, is currently serving the state as Miss Arkansas’ Teen 2023. After being crowned in June in Little Rock, Ark., Bell has spent her time traveling all across Arkansas and the country volunteering and promoting causes that are important to her. Her journey to becoming Miss Arkansas’ Teen was one full of hard work, resilience and determination. Upon reflecting on her experiences, Bell found that the Lord’s plan for her was at the center of it all. She began competing to promote her service initiative, “Finish What He Started,” and quickly found that becoming Miss Arkansas’ Teen gave her the opportunity and the voice to advocate for a cause that is very close to her heart. “I started competing for Miss Arkansas’ Teen two years ago,” Bell said. “I started competing because my uncle passed away when I was 13 from an opioid addiction. My family and I started Finish What He Started: Opioid Abuse Awareness, which aims to educate and empower people of all ages about what they can do to play a part in fighting the opioid epidemic because it is the biggest drug epidemic in America. I work with Renewal Ranch and the Harbor Home here in Arkansas, and I love getting to partner with those organizations and share my story in order to pour into others the best that I can.” In addition to her work with her service initiative, Bell spends her time collaborating with other organizations, schools, businesses and people across the state. “I get the fun opportunity to kind of do a little bit of everything,” Bell said. “I get to work with a lot of cool sponsors that have accumulated over many years, and I get to travel to a lot of schools and civ-

ic organizations in Arkansas. I’ve spoken to students ranging from kindergarteners to high school students, and it’s definitely been a highlight of my year to meet and connect with students of all ages and see how they learn and grow as they age.” The work of Miss Arkansas’ Teen may seem overwhelming, but Bell handles it with grace. As a college student holding the title, Bell is in a rare position that few others can share. “My case is a unique one,” Bell said. “There has only been one other Miss Arkansas’ Teen who has been college-aged; everyone else has been in high school. So, I have relied on her a lot for advice about how to balance both college schoolwork and commitments and being Miss Arkansas’ Teen. I am also a member of the dance team here, so I do stay very busy. However, the Ouachita professors have been wonderful and are very accommodating and understanding about my busy schedule. The Ouachita community has been my backbone and something I know I can rely on. My calendar is always full, and my days normally consist of a lot of driving, but it has been incredible so far. I would not change a thing about it.” Miss Arkansas’ Teen is a part of the Miss America Organization, which means that Bell had the opportunity to compete with girls from every state for the title of Miss America’s Teen. The competition was held on Jan. 6-14 in Orlando, Fla. and consisted of a week and a half full of events, service opportunities and varying phases of competition that concluded with the new Miss America’s Teen 2024 being crowned. “It’s very hard to find something to compare that experience to. I got to meet someone from literally every single state, and it was an eye-opening experience to see so

many different people working for things they are passionate about,” Bell said. The final night of competition was held on Jan. 14, but the candidates competed in several phases of competition, including private interview, evening gown, fitness, onstage question and talent, leading up to the big night. “We always start out the week with a private interview with the judging panel. In those five minutes, I got the chance to share my heart with the judges about my service initiative and the job of Miss Arkansas’ Teen. For onstage competition, we all competed in the preliminary rounds of fitness, evening gown, onstage question and talent. The fitness portion is sponsored by Rebel Athletic and aims to promote healthy lifestyles. Evening gown is my favorite portion of the competition because I felt so confident and empowered walking across the stage in my gown. For my talent, I did a jazz dance to the song “It’s My Life,” and I’m excited to perform that again at Miss OBU on Feb. 3. And, for my onstage question, I answered a question about my service initiative for everyone in the audience. Competing on the stage is something I will never forget.” While her time in Orlando was focused on vying for the title of Miss America’s Teen, Bell cherishes the memories made with her fellow contestants more than any award or title. “It’s tradition for Miss Hawaii and Miss Hawaii’s Teen to give every single contestant a tree planted in their name in Honolulu, so I came home with a certificate for my tree in Hawaii,” Bell said. “I would love to go visit my tree in the future. I also got very close with Miss Alabama’s Teen, and I already have plans to go visit her next month. It’s crazy to see how close we all got in just a week and

Allie Bell competes in the evening gown portion of the 2024 Miss America’s Teen Competition. Bell spent over a week in Florida with candidates from all 50 states, representing Arkansas on the national stage. (photo by Houston M. Photography)

a half. We were staying up late and getting up early, so there were definitely some silly moments that are the best memories.” Bell will complete her time as Miss Arkansas’ Teen in June 2024, and she is looking forward to her future as an OBU student. “I will serve as Miss Arkansas’ Teen for a full year, until June 2024,” Bell said. “Then, I will crown the next girl, and it’ll be her turn to pick up the title, put

her own spin on it and continue forward. I have decided that after I give up my crown, I will be taking a break for a little bit. I’m going to take a step back and enjoy college. It’s been phenomenal, and I would never change it, but it’s time to find new ways to serve as an OBU student and as Allie. I’ve learned and grown so much throughout this year, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me for the remainder of my time at Ouachita.”



Christian Focus Week fosters community, centers around theme “Your Will Be Done”

Left: Students and leaders participate in worship in Jones Performing Arts Center (JPAC) during Christian Focus Week 2023. The schedule for CFW 2024 was crafted to include many worship events for students. (photo by Levi Dade) Right: Lorraine Soto (left) and Kaylee Smith (right) enjoy the “Our Unexpected Change of Plans” coffee and dessert event, which was held in Walker during CFW 2023. (photo by Natalie Moore)


Christian Focus Week (CFW) will be held Feb. 5-9 on campus, with events throughout the week and class schedules altered to allow students to refocus on their relationship with God and others. Led by faculty, staff and students, this year’s theme is “Your Will Be Done,” based on the Lord’s Prayer in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:10. Campus Ministries leader Bailey Buettner shares the significance of this year’s theme. “A question that college students often ask is: ‘What am I doing with my life?’ This can be asked about the future, the present, figuring out how to use their degrees in their careers to glorify the Lord and much more. These can be really big picture questions, or students’ questions might focus on their day-

to-day lives. However, all of it relates back to how God’s will can be done today. So, I think this year’s theme will cover a wide variety of those questions, ranging from the large, overarching questions to the small, mundane daily things. I think it will be very applicable to students’ lives, and they will hopefully leave with some peace about the future and how to pray for the Lord’s will and what that means,” Buettner said. Art and Worship, a unique way to express praise, will be held Monday, Feb. 5. “I think it’s just so different than any other event that we have, not just in Christian Focus Week, but throughout the year,” Buettner said. “It feels like a time you can be so free. You can paint, sit and listen to worship music or pray and journal. One year, an art student was working on a cutout of a mural and worked on it through the whole

night, and now it’s hanging in the Campus Ministries office. It’s a free space to do what you want to do, all glorifying the Lord and drawing closer in community.” Every day of the week will offer a time of worship through music at some point throughout the day. Student leader Allie Jane Wilson sees this as a unique opportunity for usually busy students to worship the Lord throughout the week. “I think the coolest thing about Christian Focus Week is that there is simply so much you can attend,” Wilson said. “There are Campus Ministries events throughout the entire year that are always at the exact same time, like Refuge or Noonday. Some people’s schedules don’t allow them to attend those, and Christian Focus Week provides new, varying times that allow more students to attend that may not be able to otherwise, especially with classes cancelled.”

Student Leader Katelyn Hartsell reflected on the value of Christian Focus Week. “I think one thing Christian Focus Week highlights is that it’s not just for people who are believers; it’s also for people who may not know about Christ,” Hartsell said. “It’s for everyone. You can be a very strong believer who’s grown up in church all your life, and you’re still going to learn something this week. On the other hand, if you want to know more about Christ, this is also a week for you. The pacing of the events and people in their beliefs and faith doesn’t matter as much as the fact that we are able to get together and learn together as one. This week truly is for everyone, and all across campus are welcome.” As a biology major involved in Campus Ministries, Wilson sees CFW as a way to plug in and grow closer to the Lord.

“I think the whole point of Christian Focus Week is this: how would our lives be different if we were truly able to align our entire lives, our entire days, around worshiping God, thinking about Him and His will? Having the scheduled ability to really do that during Christian Focus Week is really eye-opening. It’s no longer about attending things and checking a box. Christian Focus Week is something special that’s out of our normal routines. It brings in speakers you’ve probably never heard from before, missionaries, some current students and people you can hopefully really learn from and grow closer to Christ through,” Wilson said. The first Christian Focus Week event, a time of worship, will be held on Monday, Feb. 5 at 9 a.m. in JPAC. Students can see the full schedule and learn more about CFW and how to get involved by visiting obu.edu/campusministries.



Speer Writing Center offers writing assistance BY SYDNI WHITFIELD Staff Writer

No matter a student’s major or desired career path, writing is necessary. At Ouachita, the English department believes any student can become an excellent writer. To help students in their writing journey, the Speer Writing Center, staffed by students, is available free of charge to students in any major or field of study. “We are there to help with any stage of the writing process whether it is brainstorming, understanding the assignment, assisting in gathering content, editing a paper or reading a final draft,” Sydney Motl, a senior English major who is a consultant at the Writing Center, said. “I strongly believe that a second opinion is valuable for anybody. We are fellow students, and we are able to have a better understanding of the obstacles col-

lege students can encounter when working on an assignment.” Professor Jennifer Pittman, the director of the Speer Writing Center describes it as a “confidence builder” for students. “A lot of times people come in and they just don’t have the confidence. They didn’t have a lot of writing assignments in the past or just always believed they were poor writers. The Speer Writing Center is a no judgment zone. We want to meet people where they are,” Pittman said. Students don’t just have to come to the center for homework assignments; they can come for anything involving writing. “I have had someone come work on poems just for fun,” Emily Blair, a senior English major and writing consultant, said. The Writing Center has served many students over the years and has had many success stories.

“I remember one student who was not confident in their writing skills at all. They came to me not knowing where to start. They scheduled an appointment every week for about a month. This student found me later and showed me the paper we had been working on together for weeks. They were given the highest grade they had ever received. They were close to tears,” Blair said. “That is what we do,” Pittman said. “We have created a slogan for ourselves: ‘Making Better Writers.’ We want to make better writers, not better pieces of writing. We want to provide people with skills to continue writing on their own. We want to provide students with editing skills, writing skills and creative skills.” While certain majors on campus are known for having heavier writing loads, all majors are welcome to schedule an appointment.

Junior Owen Dodd works as a Speer Writing Center consultant. Dodd had the opportunity to help fellow students hone their writing skills. (photo by Sarah Dean)

“Every major on campus has to write something,” Pittman said. “I know of professors who have required students in Organic Chemistry to bring lab reports to the Writing Center. In the past few semesters, professors have also sent nursing majors to us. We are happy to help students from any major with any writing assignment.”

The Writing Center is open for sessions Monday-Thursday at 7 p.m., 7:45 p.m., and 8:30 p.m. Online sessions are also scattered throughout the week. Students interested in scheduling an appointment with the Speer Writing Center can email obuspeerwritingcenter@ gmail.com with their availability and an assignment description.

New men’s social club preps to join campus BY KATE ELLIS News Editor

On any given night during the beginning of 2023’s fall semester, Ouachita’s campus was most likely bustling with predictable Ouachitonian activities. Perhaps a handful of students were in Tunes practice, while some were studying for the first wave of exams or others strategizing about their dates for upcoming TWIRP dances. But while most students were caught up in the tried-and-true rhythms of college life, a historic meeting was taking place for the budding new men’s social club on campus, The Men of Men. Since the founding of Eta Alpha Omega in 1997, there have only been four men’s clubs, an unequal counterpart to the five women’s

clubs. However, with a seven-page constitution drawn up and 18 current members, it seems that the fifth official club is on its way. Junior Joseph Osborne, the newly appointed vice president of The Men of Men, shares how the club came to fruition and the deeper meaning behind the letters. “The Greek letters of Men are Mu Xi Nu. Each letter has a meaning, and the middle letter, Xi, has three meanings,” Osbourne said. “The pillars stand for respect for creation, respect for yourself and others and respect for hard work and dedication. We want to be a club that creates another area for men to get involved on campus and produces good Christian leaders, which can be hard to find in the world that we live in today. We’re starting with a very Christ-focused

vision. Hopefully, this club lasts a long time and our vision stays true for many years to come.” Even though Ouachita’s small campus often cultivates community naturally, it can be difficult to find a sense of belonging, a home away from home. Nathan Price, director of internal committees for the Men of Men, shares why he felt led to start this process. “My sister, who is a junior here, was trying to typecast me by telling me which clubs I would fit in, so I started looking into them,” Price said. “There are some really awesome people in each club, but as I got to campus and started meeting people, I found a lot of guys on campus did not rush because they did not find a spot where they fit. There was an apparent need for another men’s group. So, a group of

us started brainstorming and asked ourselves a few fundamental questions. What would happen if we did this? What would we want to stand for?” Currently, the club has completed all the formalities and paperwork and is waiting on the green light from Student Life. The club, whose official colors will be olive green, sage green, brown and cream, has already crafted a mission statement and set of values that outlines the club’s plans for the future. The Men of Men strives to be a group of Christian men, united in the belief that true men are called to love God, love others and exercise spiritual discipline in accordance with Biblical principles and teachings. They aspire to be a close-knit group of brothers designated to emphasize fellowship, discipleship

and evangelism in the Ouachita community. Price shares how their Christian beliefs have affected every decision in this process, down to the club mascot. “Instead of going for a regular owl, where it is common for the mother to go hunt for the food and take care of the children, we decided on the Eagle-owl as the mascot,” Price said. “For this specific species, it is the father that goes out and searches for food for the family, as he is the provider. We want this to serve as a reminder for us to not only look out for ourselves. We want to be reliable, trustworthy men of God.” After months of preparation, documentation and meetings, The Men of Men will see what was once a mere idea transform into an official club this semester.


MORE’s Got Talent hitting the stage this month BY KYNDALL FOMBY-BELL Staff Writer

MORE’s Got Talent will be hosted on Monday, Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. in McBeth Recital Hall. This engaging jamboree will be a part of the month-long Black History Month celebration, which kicked off on Tuesday, Jan. 30 with the Singing Culture: Songs Reflecting African American Life and Culture event. These upcoming events are hosted by Ouachita’s Multicultural Organization Reaching Equality (MORE), an organization in which students from diverse ethnic

backgrounds build a campus community, specifically focusing on diversity. Michael Barnes, director of Multicultural Student Programs, shares the importance of MORE’s Got Talent and the events to follow during Black History Month, “MORE’s Got Talent is a chance for students, faculty and staff to see exceptional talent from students on campus specifically surrounding the overall theme of Black History Month this year ‘Celebrating Our Resilience,’” Barnes explained. To get involved with MORE’s Got Talent, students can email Barnes at barnesm@obu.edu. In addition, Barnes will provide information to the student body that will

include details about what kind of talent the organization is seeking for MORE’s Got Talent and signup slots for rehearsal times. Acceptable talents will surround the overall theme along with themes of Christ, Martin Luther King Jr., progress, courage, peace, unity, and love. If students want to participate but are unsure of what to showcase, they can reach out to Dr. Natilan Crutcher via email (crutchern@obu.edu) and work with her to find their talent. Naturi Harris, a junior member of MORE and MSP Gospel Choir, recalled one of her favorite memories from last year’s Black History Month festivities.

“Last year during Black History Month, the MSP Gospel Choir got to perform during chapel,” Harris explained. “The worship I got to be a part of was very moving for all involved, and the presence of Christ was illuminating JPAC.” Harris shared why she believes Black History Month is significant. “During this month many individuals of the African American background and those of different cultures get to celebrate and gain knowledge of the achievements, contributions and struggles faced by African Americans over the years,” Harris explained. “Being able to celebrate provides people with the chance to recognize our culture’s

Lord through music and opening up scripture with your fellow colleagues and friends is very refreshing. Refuge has always been a special night for me,” expressed Weick, embodying the enthusiasm shared by many students. At the helm of Refuge is Bailey Buettner, who oversees many aspects of these services for OBU students. Buettner emphasizes the student-led nature of Refuge, highlighting its distinctive features. “Students should attend Refuge for so many reasons. First and foremost, it’s a time to hear from their peers. Everything is student-led, from the planning to the actual worship service. Even the Instagram posts are created by students. I think it’s unique because students don’t always get to hear from someone their own age,” Buettner said. The uniqueness of Refuge lies in its focus on student leadership, creating a space where young voices can be heard among peers. “They get to hear a message and worship with their community, the people they are walking through life with day by day. One of the

goals of Refuge is to glorify and worship Christ alongside community. This leads to another goal of Refuge, which is to create community for all on Ouachita’s campus and give students another way to get plugged in.” Refuge serves a dual purpose as not only a spiritual outlet but also as a platform for fostering spiritual connections among students. Buettner envisions the worship service as a time to fellowship and meet new friends. Moreover, Refuge extends its embrace to Henderson students, offering an opportunity for cross-campus connections and friendships in addition to those among Ouachita students. While Refuge isn’t intended to replace traditional church attendance for Ouachita students, Buettner emphasizes its role as an additional space for communion, scripture exploration and praising the Creator. “It’s another time to commune, hear from the Word, and praise our Maker,” she concluded, encapsulating the mission of Refuge in the essence of Ouachita’s spiritual life.

A group of students lead worship for their peers during Refuge. Every Thursday at 9 p.m., attendees convened for the worship service. (photo by Meghann Bledsoe)

importance and participate in the connecting events throughout the month hosted by MORE.” The MORE student organization works extremely hard to bring awareness to Black history, coordinating with faculty and staff to offer eventful and educational activities throughout the month. These events cast a light on the strong Black history at OBU and all over the world. It’s a beautiful celebration that is welcoming to all and a great representation of the colorful community at Ouachita. All students are invited and encouraged to attend MORE’s Got Talent on Feb. 12.

Refuge creates space for students to rest BY SAM BENNETT Staff Writer

In the heart of Ouachita’s campus, a longstanding tradition known as Refuge takes place every Thursday night at 9 p.m. in the Jones Performing Arts Center (JPAC). This student-led worship service has become a vital aspect of campus life, offering students a unique opportunity during the middle of the week to come together for rest, spiritual reflection and communal worship. Refuge holds a special place in the hearts of many Ouachita students, serving as a beacon of community and connection. On the occasion that JPAC is unavailable, Refuge is moved to Second Baptist Church in Arkadelphia, ensuring that the spiritual gathering remains a constant in the lives of students. David Weick, a junior at Ouachita and a regular drummer in the worship band at Refuge, attests to the significance of these Thursday night gatherings. “I always look forward to Thursday nights. Just worshipping the



American Sign Language and its value BY EMMA DONLEY Guest Writer

As a high school student, I was privileged with the opportunity to learn American Sign Language (ASL), and since that time, I have had a love for the unique form of communication. I believe there are several reasons why any person should consider studying ASL and why a Ouachita student should consider studying ASL for their foreign language credit. 1. Studying ASL helps to develop visual and spatial thinking. I, like so many others, used to think that ASL was simply English but

using your hands instead of your voice. However, ASL is so much more than that. It is a complex system of hand shapes and movements that the user utilizes to draw visual images that convey meaning. While a short conversation may look very simple to an outside viewer, storytelling and song interpretation show the true beauty and complexity of the language. Those who are native sign language users have enhanced visual and spatial awareness, which allows them to be able to think fundamentally differently than the rest of the world. Therefore, those studying ASL will continuously

find themselves thinking about how they communicate and interact with the world differently. 2. ASL can be used in many professional settings. Ouachita offers several majors whose students would benefit tremendously from studying ASL. Those looking to go into early and special education would find that ASL in the classroom is a tool that can be used to build communication skills. In addition, ASL is used regularly in the field of speech pathology both in communicating with clients and as a tool for instruction. Though Ouachita does not currently offer ASL courses, students interested

can look into other colleges with ASL classes and take them to fulfill their required language credits. 3. ASL can help connect us to our deaf neighbors. The world is made for people who can hear, but there is a large population of people who cannot fully connect using spoken communication. Being able to understand and communicate using ASL opens opportunities to get to know and love them. In addition, the deaf community has a rich culture that welcomes those who desire to learn American Sign Language. I have been welcomed with open arms into small deaf communities, and I have met many

people that I never would have met without learning ASL. Studying ASL has made me passionate about communicating the benefits of studying the language to others. More than 500,000 individuals in North America, West Africa and Southeast Asia utilize ASL as their primary form of communication. Everyone will likely find themselves in a situation where ASL could help them communicate with someone whom they might otherwise have not been able to. The deaf community is all around us, and studying even a bit of ASL can help make the world a more accessible place for them to live.

ies wherever I am and whenever I want. Netflix is the streaming service that has been around the longest and is the one I use most frequently. Netflix has a great variety of movies and shows in all different categories and is extremely user friendly. It’s easy to turn the subtitles on and off, fast forward and find shows that match my interests. It’s very affordable as well, starting at $6.99 per month for an ad-based plan. Besides the fact that Netflix has been around the longest, I believe its original shows are also the reason for its mass popularity. Netflix produces hit shows such as Stranger Things, Outer Banks and The Crown, while also supplying original movies. This, I believe, is what truly transformed traditional TV. Some of the most popular shows are produced by streaming services, changing the dynamic of how people watch their favorite shows. Instead of releasing around 20 episodes per season with a new season every year, streaming services typically put out no more than 10 episodes at a time. Waiting

for a new season can range anywhere from a year to four years and beyond. For example, Stranger Things has been around for almost 10 years and has only produced four seasons, with its fifth and final season currently in production after its season four release in 2022. In addition, many streaming services put out their new episodes all at once, changing what used to be weekly episode sessions to binging episodes back-to-back. Personally, I love binging shows; however, I do miss longer seasons and longer lasting shows. I remember a time in my life where it felt like Netflix was the only streaming service available,

and I could find almost all my favorite TV shows and movies on the platform. However, that is simply not the case now. In order to watch a variety of different shows, I now have to subscribe to several different streaming services, which is one of my only complaints with streaming platforms in general. Those that subscribe to streaming services must be strategic about the ones they choose, as every platform boasts varying shows and movies. Personally, my favorites are Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime, though there are several other options to choose from. If you are an avid Disney watcher, Disney+ is definitely worth a

try. It’s the only place where you can watch the majority of Disney shows, movies and documentaries. It starts at an affordable $7.99 per month for ad-based plans. Amazon Prime is an amazing streaming service that has the most options for movies and tv shows starting at $8.99 per month for an ad-based plan. Cable, on the other hand, is less affordable, ranging from $55 to $250 per month. Traditional television does provide a wide range of channels for a variety of interests, which is great for a family. However, streaming services also provide a variety of movies and tv shows that you can watch at any time on any device, anywhere.

Streaming services versus cable networks BY MADISON BASCO Copy Editor

Watching cable growing up was a staple of my childhood. Disney Channel and Nickelodeon were constantly blaring in the living room, despite my parents’ clear annoyance with it. I still remember the days of recording episodes of my favorite shows so I could watch them whenever, waiting up to watch the new Disney Channel Original Movie premiere and having my family cram into our living room one night a week to watch an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. It’s crazy to think that I don’t even have cable anymore, and I haven’t used it in years. Traditional TV has been almost completely taken over by streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and Amazon Prime. Although I miss the nostalgia of watching shows and movies on what TV used to look like, I can’t say that I prefer cable over the convenience of streaming services. It is convenient to be able to watch my favorite TV shows and mov-



Wrestling looks to repeat after 2022-23 success BY KELSIE LAWHON Staff Writer

The Ouachita wrestling team began 2024 with a 29-17 victory against Carl Albert State College. Since then, they have had some challenging matches, but they are determined to finish strong. The anticipation for this wrestling season was at an all-time high after the team’s impressive 202223 season. The Ouachita wrestling team ended the year with a 7-6 record, and senior Johnny Green placed fifth at the NCAA Division II Wrestling Championship. Head coach Kevin Crutchmer explained his goals for the team moving forward. “I am aware that setbacks and obstacles are inevitable, and we

plan to adapt to every situation that may arise and continue on,” Crutchmer said. Senior wrestler Donald Paul remarked that he is grateful for the team culture. “The team tries their best to push each other but also support each other through any tough times,” Paul said. The coaching staff is involved in the athletes’ lives, ensuring success both in matches and in the classroom. Paul mentioned that balancing his school and commitments to the wrestling team can be challenging at times, but it is worth it. “I try not to focus on one when I’m doing the other. Being a part of the wrestling team makes things that don’t involve wrestling seem easy in comparison to the demanding sport,” Paul said.

The coaching staff places a lot of importance on daily routines for the athletes and developing individual match plans that focus on the areas in which they can improve their performance. For the remainder of the season, their goal for their athletes is to lean on their plans and training. “I believe there is room for improvement,” Paul said. “These next few matches will be tough, but we will surely refine our wrestling skills moving forward.” The wrestling team values support from the Ouachita community, and fans are encouraged to attend meets to help cheer them on. The next meet will be held against Drury University, Newman University and William Jewell College on Friday, Feb. 2, and Super Regionals will be held on March 2.

Donald Paul wins a match over a Carl Albert competitor on senior night. Paul is the lone senior on the 2023-24 OBU wrestling team. (photo by Matthew Branch)











Records set in 600m, 800m and distance relay

Sat Jan 27 Searcy, AR

Sun Jan 28 Warrensburg, MO

Sat Jan 27 Searcy, AR

Sat Jan 27 Pittsburg, KS








Fri Jan 19 Arkadelphia, AR MEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVING


Thurs Feb 1


Thurs Feb 1


Fri Feb 2

Tennis VS

Fri Feb 2







Thurs Feb 1

Softb. VS

Fri Feb 2

Softb. VS

Fri Feb 2


Fri Feb 2


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