A Blooming Great Day

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‘Let’s go out,’ says Grandad. ‘It’s a lovely June day.’

‘I’m playing my game,’ I reply. ‘No way.’

He’s putting the breakfast things into the sink, Then he stops ... and gives Leo the cat a big wink.

June 16

‘My hat!’ he calls out. ‘I’ve dropped it, oh no!

Catch it! It’s really my favourite, you know.’

I sigh. Grandad loves playing these jokes on me.

He threw the hat out and thinks I didn’t see.

‘Okaaay, then,’ I say, though I’d much rather stay. Here goes yet another ordinary day.

We go down the steps and ... What’s happening here?

Why’s everyone wearing this old-fashioned gear?

Eccles Street looks like it did years ago.

A lady in a big poofy dress says hello.


I jump up to catch Grandad’s hat. Oops, too high!

The postman helps too, on his bike passing by.


The hat flies on down to a busy school yard.

‘Oh, Grandad,’ I say, ‘this is going to be hard.’

There are so many children, all rushing about.

When they notice the hat, they all jump up and shout.


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