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5 PPC tricks to increase

ROI BY 100% 1. Analytics and the Prospect Marketing and advertising are nothing without analytics. Analytics will put light on what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong in your campaign. You get to know what improvisations can be made. Analyze the results of various campaigns you are running.

2.Catch the Competitors Keep an eye on your competitors. See how they are structuring their ads, the keywords they target, and the prices they keep for their products. It might happen that one of your best selling isn’t the best selling anymore because your competitors are giving the same product at low prices.

3. Incorporate a Strong CTA CTA is the most important part of your site. It motivates your sales funnel. There are two things. One is that CTA creates a better user experience and secondly, it provokes the user to take immediate action thus converting the visitor into a customer. The trick is to make it brightly colored to attract the users.

4.Know The Right Keywords To Bid The keywords which you think best describe your product might not be the ones that the users are searching for. If you want your product to be sold then think like the people who use such products. Know the rate of every keyword you do bidding on.

5.Optimize Landing Page An optimized landing page can increase conversion rates. Make sure that it is relevant to your ads and it is user-friendly. Besides that, add testimonials to the landing page.

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