A Glance at Sustainable Urban Development - Methodological, Crosscutting and Operational Approaches

Page 44

QSF FYJTUJOH QMPU EJTUSJCVUJPO QBUUFSO *U XBT the urbanisation of the city, its urbanisation in TRVBSF GPSNBU

1.1.5. Birth of the Street The phĆ°áť?ng XFSF TUJMM UIFSF #VU UIFZ IBE begun to disappear from references, even official ones, and had become increasingly rare, to the point that documentation no longer mentions them. Somewhere between UIF FOE PG UIF th and the beginning of UIF th DFOUVSZ XIFO )Ă‹ /Ě˜J MPTU JUT TUBUVT of capital city, they completely disappeared.



There only remained, on paper, on the ground, their internal divisions, namely the collection of a hundred or so units, very soon less, which XFSF SFGFSSFE UP BT UIF iWJMMBHFT PG )Ă‹ /Ě˜Jw 5IFZ XFSF SFGFSSFE UP CZ EJòFSFOU OBNFT (thĂ´n mostly) but were always small sized. "U UIF FOE PG UIF th century the average XBT ̓ NĚ V PS IFDUBSFT POF RVBSUFS PG B TRVBSF LJMPNFUSF PS UIF FRVJWBMFOU PG UIF Jardin des Plantes in Paris. This was small, even when compared to the villages in the DPVOUSZTJEF BU UIJT QFSJPE MFTT UIBO PG UIFN NFBTVSFE NĚ V PS MFTT

Surface Area of Urban Units in Hà N᝙i in 1894


Number of Villages

>= 100 mẍu 50-100 mẍu 20-50 mẍu < 20 mẍu Total Hanoi of which Th�-Xưƥng of which VĊnh-Thuận

13 10 18 21 63 32 31

Average Surface (in mẍu) 238 65 28 9 72 43 102

Equivalents in Hectares 86 24 10 3 15 37

Source: ANV, Hanoi Town Hall, folder 5833.

5XP UIJSET PG UIF WJMMBHFT JO )Ă‹ /Ě˜J NFBTVSFE MFTT UIBO IFDUBSFT 5IF BWFSBHF WJMMBHF JO the Mekong Delta would have held four or five of these urban villages. The latter, in the DFOUSF PG UIF DJUZ JO UIF 5IĚ’ 9Ë?ËŒOH EJTUSJDU represented on average a space the size of the Parc Montsouris in Paris, and there were TPNF XIJDI NFBTVSJOH N – the FRVJWBMFOU PG UIF QMBDF %BVQIJOF XFSF USVMZ microscopic.

the city, may be seen clearly on a map that is CPUI VOJRVF BOE NZTUFSJPVT *U JT DPOTFSWFE in the Fonds Pineau in the Centre d’Archives de l’Institut Français d’Architecture. It is a detailed record of the commercial city, between the Red River and the Citadel, with the details of the ponds and lakes, a plan of buildings, the toponyms in Vietnamese and, something that can be found nowhere else, the dotted tracing of the village limits.

This confinement, which, because it did not FYJTU JO UIF DPVOUSZTJEF CFDBNF B DSJUFSJPO PG

The villages that resulted from the great political and commercial liberalisation of the

[ ] July 2015 / Tam Ä?ảo Summer School Week 2014 / Š AFD

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