Obinna Nwogu - Lifestyle Tips to Stay Healthy During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Obinna Nwogu - Lifestyle Tips to Stay Healthy During The Covid-19 Pandemic COVID-19 has altered many of our everyday habits in unexpected ways. To limit our exposure, many of us are staying at home more. Isolation and being at home can make us crave high-sodium snacks, fast food, and low-quality meals that provide immediate gratification for our taste buds rather than nutrient-dense whole foods that can also be delicious. In these times of social alienation and selfisolation, this is a challenging task for many. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are sitting at home and engaging in fewer social interactions and physical activities. This can be harmful to both your physical and mental health. Obinna Nwogu suggests some excellent health advice to help you maintain a safe lifestyle during the pandemic. He is a certified Canadian health and fitness trainer who also lectures about fitness and health as a guest speaker.

So, while the world around us has adapted to limiting COVID-19 exposure, here are some things we can do to maintain a safe and active lifestyle and routine. Diet and Nutrition: It is important to practice self-discipline and stop “emotional eating” as a result of stress linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects our lives is imperative. Whole foods like dark, leafy greens, bananas, and tomatoes, as well as fresh herbs, are high in vitamins, fiber, and minerals, according to the CDC. Make it a point to consume more whole, balanced foods rather than processed snacks or fast food as a habit. Stay active: While the gyms may be closed, there are plenty of safe ways to get some exercise without going against the CDC's preventive best practices, such as social distancing and avoiding large crowds. Aerobics can be performed at home with success. Another thing to keep in mind is that staying away from crowds does not mean staying away from nature. It is still considered reasonably safe to go for a brisk walk or jog outside in uncrowded areas. Push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and other workouts will help you stay in shape outside of the gym. Healthcare maintenance: If you've been given medicine for a specific illness, follow your doctor's instructions carefully. Chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, and a variety of others should be managed by following your doctor's instructions and taking your drugs as directed. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact your healthcare team. If you need to talk with a physician about a health issue that isn't connected to COVID-19, telehealth options are available.

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