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HOUSE OF ART K5 Basler Kurszentrum Switzerland

Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia in Switzerland Obor Berkat Indonesia

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.� (Pablo Picasso)

House of Art Childrens with OBI teacher

That quote also applicable to children from less prosperous families living in the Tanah Merah area, Jakarta Utara. They are also children blessed with artistic talents, it is a pity that due to their limited economic situation they are unable to develop their skills. For that reason, The House of Art stands in Tanah Merah, to help these children coming from less prosperous families to have access to facilities which will develop their artistic skills. It has been a year since May 17th 2013, when the House of Art OBI was erected in Tanah Merah. Beginning with learning the activities of Batik making in October 2013, then the OBI House of Art undertook another endeavor which was learning to make screen painting. After providing lessons for a year to children of Tanah Merah, in an effort to awaken their potentials, the following is a progress report from the OBI House of Art.

BATIK One year is not a short time for these children to learn how to Batik. To cope with the intricacy which they had to face, strong willed audacity was needed to be able to survive to this day. From the 31 students who enrolled last year, today there were 17 students who stood tall.



Adi Prasetya


Ajeng Aisah


Etika Setia Bunda

Glen Koemba



Joy Tehupuring


Nur Fadillah

Ramadhan J. N.


Rizaldi Ibnu Fajar



Sari Wulan

Sarmila Damayanti

Viona Veronika

Windi Fitri Yani


try again. Maintaining a good mood is the primary capital of a young student beginning to start Batik activities. PATIENCE Patience is the key to doing any andeavor by anyone, which is also applicable to children. Even they need to be patient to create Batik art to its maximum result.

They endured after going through various obstacles, which formed their character. A few things which they have learnt are:

MOOD A peaceful heart is needed to make Batik. In the beginning they will be angered or upset when facing difficulties in canting (applying wax with a spouted tool named canting), however they have learnt to control their emotions, to stay calm. So should there be an error or difficulties when canting, they remain happy and

RESPONSIBILITY AND SELF RELIANCE Male and female students are taught to be responsible for the batik euquipment which they are using. Such as the canting, pan, stove, stationery, gawangan (cloth rack) small stool and colorings. Each student after having used the equipments must return them to its place. This is done to simplify storing and reusing of the equipments. For those who will be canting, they will have to examine the oven prior to using it, to ensure its readiness. Should there be a problem with the wick they would have to dismantle the stove and replace the wick. Thus they will be trained to take care of each piece of equipment used.

PERSEVERANCE One of the attitude needed to make Batik is perseverance, however this attitude is very difficult to maintain by students, who by definition, live in a condition where there are no set rules and live life freely. During this last year they were trained to perservere and learn by determined set rules. THE STRUGGLE To achieve good results, for sure, we need a process. This process is a struggle to overcome problems, particularly in Batik making. This attitude will slowly be generated in the minds of children when they are able to survive. LEARN MUTUAL RESPECT Mutual respect is a philosophy of Batik makers. They who have skills in making patterns will need to have someone who is an expert in using a canting. After finishing with canting, they will also need someone who is very good in coloring. This just goes on and on, until the stage where they need someone to market the Batik.

Thus is the process in the House of Art OBI, each child possesses different uniqueness and talents. This is taught to all students so that they can see that no one amongst them is a super person. Each one of them are blessed by God with different special personal skills to complement each other. They also realize that there will never be a perfect situation or condition if they do not have mutual respect and help each other.


The children taught at OBI House of Art make Batik from a cloth measuring 40x40 cm up to 50x100 cm in a process of repetition until they get the best result.



The OBI House of Art coached children are autodidact in dyeing Batik. The colors used are all synthetic dyes (not natural coloring) using Napthol. They have to understand the process of dyeing Batik completely so that they can create Batik in a complete flow of processes from drawing a pattern until dyeing thereof. When they create a Batik completely by themselves they will realize that they have been given a certain advantage by God and they can be proud of themselves because of it.

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In the month of January 2014, the male and female students learn to recycle the Batik cloth which they made, but remain unused, to make wall decorations. By using kitchen utensils or even ice cream sticks, they are constantly trained to create new ideas to make handicraft.

If in the year 2013 they made Batik using a prepared media drawing, in 2014 they are requested to find their own drawing with a different theme for each month. Each coached child in fact, must create one piece of Batik cloth with a predetermined size each month. This targeting was done to dig out the students’ sense of creativity so that they can find their potential in themselves.



In August of last year, to be exact during the Idul Eid holidays, 2 students visited the Batik Museum in Pekalongan. During the visit, the students learnt about various kinds of canting and types of wax (hot liquid wax for Batik Tulis) and herbs which can be used as natural dyes. Besides that, the students saw the kinds of cloth which can be used for Batik making. They also observed the examples and kinds of Batik from various areas in Jawa Tengah. In this opportunity the students attended a workshop session how to make Batik Tulis (handmade) and Batik Cap (stamped batik). Eventhough they learnt about Batik Tulis in Jakarta, they wanted to know more about Batik Tulis. Whereas for Batik Cap (stamped batik) this was the first time that they saw the making of stamped Batik on a piece of cloth. By visiting the Batik Pekalongan Museum, they got additional insight and their love for Batik as a national culture was given an added depth.


ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM OPPORTUNITY TO BE COVERED BY MNC TV In the month of December 2013, the Batik students of OBI House of Art received an opportunity to be covered by MNC TV (a local national TV station in Jakarta). The story was later broadcasted by the station. This gave the chance for the children included in the TV shooting and interview to feel surprised and unsuspectingly proud. During all this time there were maybe some students who though that Batik making was something ordinary and was not given much publicity. However with this news event the students are being spiritually motivated. They are spurred to really and truly learn how to make Batik.



In the same month, to celebrate Mother’s Day which fell on December 22nd 2013, each student was required to make a Batik piece to be given to their mother. This piece of Batik Art was to be given as a thanks to their mother for educating them since the time they were young until now. Whatever or however their mother’s attitude towards them, as a child, they have to show their appreciation to the woman who gave birth to them.


ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM AITIS EXHIBITION AT JIEXPO JAKARTA In the month of April 2014, a few Batik students visited the AITIS exhibition (Apkasi International Trade and Investment Summit) in the JiExpo Jakarta. In this exhibition, there were various kinds of Indonesian culture being shown. This exhibition was also visited by local people and those from abroad. In this exhibition, it was said that Indonesian products were being marketed to foreign countries. The intent of the students visiting the exhibition was to open up their insight and give them understanding about what they are doing now, particularly learning to make Batik, can provide them with new hope. Their thoughts were opened to doing something earnestly will open doors of opportunity for them, because many work of art by Indonesian is in fact going to international markets. That aside, they can also see that the Batik cloth which they make can be used to create many accessories and other creative objects. From this exhibition, their ideas and creativity will be sharpened even more.


ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM NURTURING A CHILD’S CHARACTER In the month of May 2014, The Art House of OBI conducted an event to nurture a child’s character in the form of roasting corn, cassava, chicken and fish, also eating together and having a sleep-in. The female students were accompanied by the women supervisors whereas the male students by the men supervisors. This activity was done as a communal celebration to mark a national holiday (Waisak 2014 Buddhist Holy day).

SCREEN PRINTING The activity of learning Screen Printing started in October 2013 at the House of Art OBI in Tanah Merah. The screen printing class, in the beginning, was attended by 14 students. However, during the passing of time and the testing of true commitments, today in the screen printing class, there are only 9 students left, consisting of 7 old time students and 2 new students. The male and female students being taught are slowly understanding screen printing. Thusfar they have understood the screen printing processes from beginning until end. They have also made their own screen printing objects, but they still have to learn how to create work that entail more details and complexity.



Ari Anggara Age : 14 years Education : Paket A PKBM OBI Tanah Merah Parent’s Occupation : Small Scale Entrepreneur (Father) Housewife (Mother)

Rizal Ibnu Fajar Age : 17 years Education : Paket B PKBM OBI Tanah Merah Parent’s Occupation : Small Scale Entrepreneur (Father) Household Helper (Mother)

M. Riski Heriyanto Age : 12 years Education : Paket A PKBM OBI Tanah Merah Parent’s Occupation : Masseur (Guardian of Relatives)

Victor Halumuan Pardede Age : 15 years Education : Paket B PKBM OBI Tanah Merah




Inayah Setio Putri

Age : 15 years Education : Paket B PKBM OBI Tanah Merah Parent’s Occupation : Security Guard (Father) Housewife (Mother)

Age : 22 years Education : Vocational High School Parent’s Occupation : Small Food Stall (Mother)

Rizki Prasetyo

Miftakhul Khoir

Age : 17 years Education : Paket B PKBM OBI Tanah Merah Parent’s Occupation : Laborer (Mother)

Age : 18 years Education : Paket B PKBM OBI Tanah Merah Parent’s Occupation : Driver (Father) Housewife (Mother)


Note: No Picture

Age : 21 years Education : Paket A PKBM OBI Tanah Merah Parent’s Occupation : Laborer (Father) Small Scale Farming (Mother)

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INTRODUCTION TO SCREEN PRINTING AND THE EQUIPMENTS USED. The supporting tools used in screen printing are: drawing table which functions to make drawing sketches and making the film from the sketch, screen, rakel, ink, hairdryer, and others. They are also taught to care for the equipment enabling long usage.

CLASSES ARE DIVIDED INTO 2 SHIFTS, MORNING AND EVENING CLASSES. In the beginning the classes were only in the evening, but because a few students had problems in adjusting their available time, classes were open also in the morning. There is a slight difference between the morning and the evening classes. In the evening class the students are given more material and a higher level of difficulty and taught directly by a screen printing teacher. Whereas the morning classes, because the ages of the students are much younger and the level of understanding is below that of the evening classes they are given easier material to learn. And they are being taught by a student from the evening class. The reason for doing that is to enable the evening class student to practice what he or she has already learnt so that they can also repeat and train again to become better yet. The students are taught in this manner, should they have more ability then they must share it with the less able ones.


THE USED TECHNIQUE IS THAT OF BLOK AND RASTER. The blok technique is the basic way learnt by new students, whereas the raster technique has a higher level of difficulty. However whatever the technique is being used the student needs constant practice in order to produce better results. During the process of research, the student will learn to solve problems or obstacles that appear. For example, the problem of adjusting a film with a color or obstacles with the equipment used.

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IN MAY 2014 THE STUDENTS GOT THE OPPORTUNITY TO ACCEPT AN ORDER FOR SCREEN PRINTING AS MANY AS 8 PIECES. For the OBI House of Art, it is not the amount of the order which is important now, however, how the opportunity becomes a means to learn, which is more important for the students is to be appreciated for what they have done so far. The students were very enthusiastic, not really believing, and afraid of doing something wrong while making the order, up to looking radiant because of happiness. Sometimes they did make an error, but that is all a part of the early process to make themselves ready to become professionals in the field of screen printing



STUDENTS ALSO LEARN COLOR TECHNICALATIES WITH CYMK (COLOR SEPARATION). By using CMYK the resulting drawing will be better, like the original.

ON JUNE 7TH 2014, THE STUDENTS TOOK THE INIATIVE TO VISIT A CLOTHING MAKER OWNED BY THEIR SCREEN-PRINTINGTEACHER IN THE BILANGAN AREA, JAGAKARSA, JAKARTA SELATAN. At first, they only wanted to see the condition of a clothing manufacturer and what can be done there. However as it turns out, they were given the chance to do screen printing by trying out equipment unlike that which they were used to during class. This experience became a new lesson for them when they enter the world of real screen printing production.

The level of education in the Tanah Merah area is low. There are many who are school drop-outs. Even then with a SMA diploma nowadays the competition is very tight to get a job, to live a decent life, and be prosperous. PKBM OBI and the House of Art OBI, stands in Tanah Merah with as goal to try to overcome these problems. Not only to help the children and the local community to continue their education, but also to equip them with unique skills, so that they will be more competitive in the working world.

The OBI House of Art will not only be just providing creative knowledge to their educated children. Even more than that the OBI House of Art endeavors to invite them to dare dream, help them to fight, find, and have a purpose in life with a zest for life, accompanying them to change to become an even better person, and encourage them to continually chase a brighter future.

By spending their time to learn art at the House of Art of OBI, these children can distance themselves from a free life style and juvenile delinquency which is spreading all over the Tanah Merah, Jakarta Utara area. Their activities become more positive, which previously was often hanging out in internet stalls or on the road, now they can visit the House of Art of OBI and learn something which is of interest to them.


From the Batik Class

GLENN KUEMBA Glenn is the youngest son of 3 siblings. He lives with his mother, Dewi, while both older brothers live in Manado with their grandmother. His mother and father have separated since 7 years ago. This 15 year old student chose to enter the Batik class because of an interest in making Batik. It is a pity that he spends his days with a feeling of uncertainty and often his mood is not good. Even while doing canting Glenn does not try to do it well. He even does the opposite. Glenn also attend the Batik class following his whim, eventhough the schedule indicates each Tuesday and Friday. When he was reprimanded and given good advise to stay focused, Glenn rebelled. He even said that he was quitting the Batik class. Finally the OBI Education Team scheduled time to talk to Glen open heartedly, to find out more about his reasoning and actions. Glenn said honestly that his attitude as shown was because he felt just like what people have been saying about him. People always say that Glenn can’t do anything well, he can only sleep, is of no use and everything that he does is for nothing because nothing results in any good and all other negative words about him. Resulting in a Glenn who feels that he is just like what people say about him. Glenn often shows no responsibility towards the Batik class which he attends in the OBI House of Art in Tanah Merah. Glenn was then mentored to understand that there was something valuable in him. After being mentored, Glenn started to believe that he is of value and whatever he undertakes can be successful. This day, except his life attitude changed, the way that Glenn looked at himself also changed, his industriousness towards learning Batik became better, his responsibility surfaced. Thus in the OBI House of Art, Glenn does not only learn about Batik, but Glenn is also learning about the process of changing his personality to become someone better than before.


From the Screen Printing Class

MIFTAHUL KHOIR His name is Miftahul Khoir, but his daily nickname is Aung. Aung joined the screen printing class at the House of Art OBI since the class was opened for the first time in October 2013. Swear words and bad luck always comes out of his mouth when he is having difficulties or problems. What is sure is that a negative attitude prevails in himself. Actually there is a lot of potential in Aung, however he often does not know it or he does not show it. For example, his fondness of drawing, characteristically a skull or other thing having a metal theme. But by following the screen printing class, each potential fact is being felt and known by Aung, including the potential to make drawings which can be made into a film for screen printing. Aung started to develop from one stage to another higher stage. At this time, Aung is selling hotdogs in a mall in the Kelapa Gading area. Aung works there from morning until evening and gets a free day quota only twice a month. Eventhough that is the case, going home from work Aung still attends the screen printing classes each Tuesday and Thursday. Sometimes he attends outside of his schedule, if there are additional tasks to be done. Each Monday—if Aung is free from work—he starts to learn designing, separation, and vectoring (fixing outlines on drawings and the color separation processes) at the house of the screen printing teacher, in the area of Bilangan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan. There is on thing that the OBI Education team believes in, when we don’t stop to direct a student to see and develop his/her potential, at the end for sure there will emerge changes in that student. The student will have a passion to dig for his/her potential and the desire to be the best. Happiness for the OBI Education team is simple and that is to see the student’s face, when they realize the many potential which they can generate, and also when they see them maximize their fight for the potentials.

Thank You K5 Basler Kurszentrum Switzerland & Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia in Switzerland For the opportunity given to the students of the OBI House of Art in Tanah Merah, so that they will have the experience and learn new knowledges. Hopefully the available bridge made ready for them can be utilized well so that they can cross to a place which is much better, happier, and prosperous. Telp. (62-21) 8990.5940 Fax. (62-21) 8990.5942, SMS : 0818 9000 43, e-mail : Bank Central Asia, Cabang Lippo Cikarang, Acc. No. 522-030-9292 Cimb Niaga Cab. Lippo Cikarang 468-010-036-5005 Bank Mandiri Cab. TB. Simatupang 127-00-0639746-5

Obor Berkat Indonesia @OBIndonesia

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