Oasis Academy Temple Quarter (English)

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Academy: Temple Quarter Prospectus

A very warm welcome to Oasis Academy Temple Quarter

We are delighted that you’re considering our academy for your child(ren). We are incredibly proud to be opening Oasis Academy Temple Quarter and providing families with a secondary school that will serve the local community and help every young person in its care to flourish.

At Oasis Academy Temple Quarter, every child – regardless of background or faith – will be nurtured in an exceptional school; one that knows its students and families and supports them every step of the way.

We care deeply about creating an innovative, exciting, and inclusive learning environment centred around the Oasis ethos:

• A passion to include everyone.

• A desire to treat everyone equally, respecting differences.

• A commitment to healthy and open relationships.

• A deep sense of hope that things can change and be transformed.

• A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul.

Underpinning the Oasis ethos is the Oasis 9 Habits; a set of values that we actively promote and practice with both students and staff, helping us become the best version of ourselves.

The Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone (TQEZ) is one of the UK’s largest city regeneration projects designed to create a sustainable and thriving new urban area in Bristol. A large part of the TQEZ will include an innovation district centred around a University of Bristol Enterprise Campus.

We will make sure Oasis Academy Temple Quarter has close links with the university and surrounding businesses to provide our students with a unique opportunity to engage with these organisations and have meaningful experiences that will help shape their understanding of future career pathways and create a culture of aspiration throughout our academy.

With the Oasis Curriculum, our enrichment entitlement, pastoral care and community projects, our students will leave us with the competence, character, and sense of community to live happy and fulfilling lives in an ever-changing world.

I look forward to meeting with you and welcoming you to our academy.

A message from our Principal

Life at Oasis Academy Temple Quarter

Oasis Academy Temple Quarter is an inclusive 11-18 secondary school, dedicated to helping young people reach their full potential from the moment they join us in Year 7 to the day they leave for their next chapter.

We achieve this by practising and promoting our academy values:

Scholarship – a relentless focus on securing outstanding academic qualifications and developing a love of learning for all.

Transformation – a growth mindset belief that everyone can change for the better, and that everyone has the power to change and influence others and the community.

Aspiration – the belief that aiming high and showing courage enables success and happiness in learning, work, and life.

Inclusion – the certainty that we are one family: no one will feel isolated or alone.

Resilience – the knowledge that ‘greatness’ does not come without huge amounts of hard work, perseverance, determination, and effort. We must never give up.

Social Responsibility – a commitment to care for our community and help others whenever we can.


Oasis Academy Temple Quarter has stateof-the-art facilities in every classroom and breakout learning spaces available for group work or SEND students. Other facilities include a sports hall, activity studio and a multi-use games area.

Our Offer

Students will benefit from:

• A curriculum designed using the latest research into learning, with a focus on character, competence, and community.

• Additional support in English and maths for those who need it.

• Outstanding pastoral care: we will make sure every student and their family are supported from the very beginning of their journey with us.

• Enrichment opportunities in and out of school.

• Experience of work both within the curriculum and in the real world.

• Links with universities – mentors and guest teachers.

• Links with businesses – projects, mentors, and experience opportunities.

• State-of-the-art facilities for students and their community.

• An iPad for every student for the duration of their time with us, giving everyone access to technology and enhancing our young people’s learning both in class and at home.

The move from primary to secondary school is an exciting time in a young person’s life. It brings with it a lot more independence and new opportunities. We also recognise some children and parents are nervous about the transition to Year 7.

Our aim is to support families through the process, making sure the move to secondary is exciting and goes smoothly.

We will host a ‘Welcome Evening’ at the end of June to provide parents and children with all the information they need. This will be followed by an induction day for all new starters, so they get to know staff, make new friends, and take part in fun activities.

Your First Year

Lessons will be timetabled to ensure students are given a rich selection of subjects every day, and time to rest and socialise at breaks. Our lessons are 55 minutes each, allowing children to move from classroom to classroom. Students also have a daily 20-minute tutor time and a 25-minute personal development session.

Parents’ Evening, combined with regular progress reports help us to track the progress your child is making academically and, very importantly during the first stage of their secondary education, pastorally and socially.

Your child will receive support from dedicated pastoral and academic leads throughout their journey with us.

Your child will receive a planner on their first day at the academy to help them record homework and any other deadlines. Staff will communicate any non-urgent messages home via the planner, which parents and carers must sign each week and should also use to send nonurgent messages to academy staff.


Our lunches are tailored for all dietary needs and are balanced and nutritious. Students can choose what they would like from the daily menu and are encouraged to sit together and dine as a family. Children are also very welcome to bring in packed lunches, but we do ask that lunchboxes are clearly labelled and healthy.


Students will have access to a variety of extra-curricular activities where they get to learn valuable skills, make friends, and explore new interests. We want our students to have enriching experiences, helping them to discover new passions and learn who they are as individuals as they grow throughout their time with us.

The Oasis Entitlement

All students enjoy the Oasis Entitlement, a guaranteed set of opportunities during their time at the academy:

• Reading strategies so that every student becomes a fluent reader.

• Access to online learning.

• Access to high quality mental health support.

• Be a student leader or mentor.

• Be part of a school production.

• Be part of a school team.

• Play a musical instrument.

• Play an active part in a Hub project.

• Attend a residential trip.

• Visit the theatre, an art gallery, and a museum.

• Visit universities and places of work.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

The Oasis ethos is based on an overarching theme of inclusion; welcoming, encouraging and enabling all to achieve their best whatever the challenges may be in doing so.

At Oasis Academy Temple Quarter, we:

• Identify children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and ensure provision is made in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice.

• Have an appointed SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator).

• Invest in whole academy and targeted training for staff.

• Ensure that teaching is inclusive and support practices are embedded throughout the academy.

• Ensure that all teachers understand that they are teachers of SEND.

• Plan for transitions across all key stages.


We want our students to take pride in belonging to our academy and show this through their uniform; we know that looking smart and feeling good about what they wear to school helps them to be at their best. With this in mind, our uniform is designed to be both smart and practical. It includes a branded blazer, smart trousers and skirts, school shirts, a school tie and smart shoes. You can find out more about our uniform online.

Pastoral Care

We know that each of our young people will face different challenges as they grow up, be that academically, socially, emotionally, or developmentally, therefore we want to do everything we can to help them through whatever life throws their way. For this purpose, we have set up a comprehensive pastoral care system, designed to support students in all aspects of school life.

These include:

• Building relationships with peers.

• Rewards for positive behaviour.

• Rewards for attendance and punctuality.

• Partnerships with external organisations for those more challenging problems.

We know that the most effective learners are happy learners, therefore from the start of your child’s journey with us through to the end of their time in our home we aim to make sure they feel supported, encouraged, and motivated to learn.

We want the academy to feel like a home-from-home for your children. Our academy is a family – thriving with healthy relationships and positive influences. Our class teachers and tutors take the time to get to know each of their students, finding out what your child is interested in, where their aspirations lie and what hopes they have for their year.

Environment and Sustainability

We recognise it’s our responsibility as an education provider to protect the environment for current and future generations.

Oasis is on a journey to becoming Net Zero. This is being moved forward by several initiatives happening across the trust as a whole and within individual academies.

For more information, please visit www.oasiscommunitylearning.org


Curriculum Approach

At Oasis Academy Temple Quarter we strive to achieve exceptional education at the heart of the community, using the latest research into the science of learning we aspire to develop active citizens and lifelong learners who have a strong understanding of the world around them and a desire to drive positive impact locally, nationally, and globally.

We want our young people to:

• Be inspired to improve the world around them.

• Have the ambition, skills, and expertise to thrive in a fast changing, interconnected and communication rich world, with the confidence and technical expertise to thrive.

• Have a network that supports them.

• Be comfortable in who they are and be able to continuously explore who they are becoming.

• Be rich in language with a passion for learning.

• Seek to include others, be other-centred and celebrate difference.

• Have a values approach to life and a sense of what is right and wrong through the lived experience of the Oasis 9 Habits.

We achieve this through the Oasis Curriculum, which focuses on developing character, competence, and community.


Our Ofsted-praised curriculum includes the following subjects: English, mathematics, science, computing, geography, history, modern foreign languages (MFL), religious education, art, music, drama, physical education, design technology and personal development.

If you’d like to find out more about our subject curriculums, please visit our website.


We provide students with a progressive careers programme, which enables them to plan and manage their careers effectively. The programme offers opportunities to explore a variety of career pathways through assemblies, tutor activities, employability masterclasses, employer visits, workshops, careers fairs and 1:1 impartial and independent careers advice and guidance.

We use Grofar as a tool to record each student’s activities, action plans and skills development. Oasis Horizons supports this aspect of our strategy even further helping us to monitor and track each student’s careers education journey as well as planning and organising meaningful encounters to raise their aspirations.

Oasis Horizons

With Oasis Horizons, every child who joins Oasis Academy Temple Quarter will receive their very own iPad for the duration of their time with us. We want to give our children equality in their opportunity for learning, therefore the iPad will be theirs to use at school and at home.

Filled with educational apps, the iPad is used in lessons for exploration of learning, class quizzes and teamwork projects. They are a fantastic teaching tool for our staff to keep on top of new resources, students’ understanding and preparing our young people for a future working with digital technologies.

The iPad has strict e-safety measures in place to keep every child safe online, both at the academy and at home, alongside lock and tracking features should the device go missing.

How to apply

For information about applying for a place at Oasis Academy Temple Quarter please visit www.oasisacademytemplequarter.org

If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone about admissions, please feel free to contact us.

Email: admissions@oasistemplequarter.org


am delighted that you and your family are interested in becoming part of Oasis Academy Temple Quarter.

Oasis Community Learning was established as a Multi-Academy Trust in 2004 with the vision to create “Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community”.

We now run academies in four main regions throughout the UK, providing either Primary, Secondary or All-through education.

All of our academies are committed to providing a rich educational experience and ensuring that every child and young person has the opportunity to achieve at the highest level.

Our ethos is integral to that provision. It is an expression of our character, a statement of who we are and therefore the lens through which we assess all we do. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope and perseverance throughout all aspects of the life and culture of each academy community.

We passionately embrace learning and are committed to every child within our care reaching their full potential, developing holistically across every area of their lives both now and in their future.

All of this is underpinned by our philosophy of education which highlights our focus on inspirational leadership, deep learning and healthy communities. It aspires to develop the character and competence of every child within every community of which we are a part.

At Oasis Community Learning therefore, we believe we are all ‘the architects of our students’ lives’ and as such we are committed to laying the right foundations for every one of our young people.

So we look forward to your family potentially becoming part of Oasis, in the knowledge that we will work in partnership with you to ensure your children become confident learners ready to fulfil their aspirations in life.

A message from our Founder

When I started Oasis back in 1985, I had no idea it would grow into the wonderful family of charities that it has become today. In Oasis Community Learning, we are the country’s second largest provider of Academy schools, educating around 25,000 children and young people. Through Oasis Aquila Housing, we provide housing for vulnerable young people.

With Oasis Community Partnerships we run social projects – from community farms and coffee houses to churches and children’s centres – and much more besides. And we do this in communities as diverse as Gateshead in the North East to Bristol in the South West. So, the question is…why?

Not only do we believe your child should receive the very best formal education, but also that there is more to a healthy life and future than simply the knowledge they hold. Every one of us is a product of the community in which we live. That is why Oasis is passionate that every community served by one of our Academies should be a happy, healthy place where every person is included and valued, and has the ability to thrive and achieve their full, God-given potential.

That is why Oasis’ vision not only aims to deliver outstanding education, but also to help build great local neighbourhoods.

We are motivated by our core Christian ethos which means that we believe every person – those of all faiths or none – are equally valuable and have a part to contribute in helping this vision become a reality. Helping a young person realise who they are meant to be is about more than simply the qualifications they get or the job they want; it’s about how they see themselves and those around them. That’s why Oasis’ goal is to help create great communities where every young person achieves their best, respects themselves, values those around them and contributes to the good of all.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to an Oasis Academy in order to experience this for yourself.

A message from our CEO I
Oasis Academy Temple Quarter e: info@oasistemplequarter.org admissions@oasistemplequarter.org @OATempleQuarter @oasistemplequarter www.oasisacademytemplequarter.org Community Learning If you wish to know more about Oasis Community Learning – part of the Oasis group of charities – please contact: The Oasis Centre, 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HS @OasisAcademies www.oasiscommunitylearning.org

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