Benefits Of Oasis

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Benefits of Oasis What Our Participants Are Saying 2015

Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development 419 Deerfield Road Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717)737-8222

"I am sincerely honored to have been blessed with a scholarship to participate in the Spiritual Direction Training Program at Oasis Ministries. Through this generous opportunity I have been able to humbly walk with someone else as they seek out God's presence in their life. For this, I say thankful because I am forever grateful." Peace and Blessings, Lisa D. Robinson

Holy Wow! I have heard a lot of sermons, been to Sunday school classes and even taught some but none of these experiences have taken me to the deep part of my being. Oasis has enriched my life with time and practices that give me the gift of being in the presence of the Holy, a place of ‘home’. Thank you Oasis Ministries for the continued offering of contemplative practices and experiences with any seeker of the Holy. Namaste Jill Speelman

Oasis has been like a raft in the moving water of my life. It held and supported me through these last two years as I experienced with eyes wide open and all senses awake this time in my journey. Life, like the water can be sweet, flowing and gentle, then sometimes with little or no notice turn rough, turbulent and dark. My Oasis connections held me close and gave me the gift of support knowing that no matter what happened I could always trust in the knowledge of the love I felt and the care that was a constant. The teams of teachers, my peers, the lessons and the pertinent and deeply gratifying and soulful reading assignments all contributed to the blessing I call Oasis. I am as thrilled today, now as I graduate as I was on the day I decided to enroll in this SDSG Program. Oasis has been the most positive, enriching and life-affirming gift ever and for that I am eternally grateful. ~ Diana Barbera

When I first agreed to serve on the Board and quickly found myself in the position of Board Chair, I knew virtually nothing of the contemplative path… And it was at a time when Oasis was in a fragile and painful period of transition: A barebones Board under interim-staff leadership which left much to be desired… To say it was difficult would be an understatement… But slowly those rooted in the contemplative way along with the Spirit’s steady nudging moved us along to where we eventually had a vision of hindsight, prompting one Board member in particular to frequently say, “Wow, we’ve come a long way, baby!” It wasn’t long before the painful transition of the Oasis organization intersected with my own personal and professional pain, prompting me to fully immerse myself in the contemplative waters of Oasis… There I learned that pain is the great teacher – the only thing strong enough to grab our attention and rescue us from our ego… Simply put: Oasis saved my life… Of course the journey continues, but Oasis is what put me on the path… ~ Rev. Richard C. Gordon

"Because of my participation in the SDSG program--I am now getting my Master of Social Work through the Rutgers School of Social Work-- and pursuing a dream of practicing psychotherapy as an LSW/LCSW with a spiritual direction and pastoral foundation. It was during the Peer Group time with our shared stories and experiences with direction-that I felt God's "nudge" to "something more" and know it was Karios time for a new journey! Looking back, I now wonder if my own call to Oasis for the SDSG program was not simply about becoming a spiritual director, but about my own spiritual journey and engagement with the contemplative life. For, without the deep contemplative space within our larger SDSG group and my peer group, I would not have been able to truly listen to "the nudge' from the Holy. So, truly Oasis changed my life! Holy Wow! ~ Hugh E Brown, III, SDSG class of 2013-2015

Oasis has been just that for me, an oasis. To be clear, however, the oasis I have experience is not one in which I simply chill without reflecting. Rather, Oasis activities have offered me the opportunity to engage in deep reflection where the important questions are encountered and must be lived. For example, the Men4Directions experience (I have done it twice) has been an incredible journey through the seasons of spiritual experience with other men who quickly became and will always be brothers in the journey. Other opportunities to listen to and interact with amazing spiritual teachers have each served as a catalyst for moving forward. I am externally grateful for the chance to participate in what Oasis has offered. I know I will keep returning to the well for the sustenance that is Oasis. ~ Skip

A Holy Wow! I am in year 2 of the Spiritual Direction for Spiritual Guides program at Oasis. I feel a new awakening in my heart as I engage in each component of this course of study. The readings, retreat lectures and experiences with other participants, and especially my interaction with my directees, enriches my spiritual growth on a daily basis. I believe I am increasing my capacity to live in love in this world through my participation in the SDSG course at Oasis. The SDSG course is helping me to feel deeply the meaning of Jesus’ words, “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “’Love your neighbor as yourself’.” This time of study with Oasis is a great gift and I am grateful to God for it. ~ Fran MacEachren

I am most grateful for the assistance I received from Oasis in updating my training and skills as a spiritual director-some 25 years after my initial preparation. DYDM was an excellent program that renewed both my knowledge about and sense of call to the privilege of accompanying seekers in their growth towards The Holy. The day of the last class, I was invited to provide direction through a local spirituality and wellness program--a confirmation of sorts of my discernment. I continue to grow in both confidence and humility, and give thanks for opportunities to journey with others through this Adventure Mystery we call life. To God be the glory! ~ Marie Mitarotondo

"Having completed two years of spiritual direction training and a year of DYDM at Oasis, I'm grateful for the leadership and facilitators who graced me with the opportunity to learn and develop into my "true self". My experience through Oasis has allowed me to meet amazing people and continue to network with other spiritual directors and contemplatives. Oasis has truly been a gift to me!" Blessings, Katharine Detwiler

"In a stage of life when resources (financial and otherwise) might not normally lend themselves to deeper contemplation, I've been blessed by the investment of others on my behalf. Through Oasis' programs I've found an active relationship with God and been exposed to so many tools, resources and companions for the journey. It's because of the investment of others that I'm able to share these gifts and graces with my own community and family." ~ Kelly Chripczuk

There is a quiet, uninvasive nurturing of one’s gifts and calling that happens in SDSG. Oasis doesn’t press you into a onesize-fits-all mold but rather encourages you to break-out into that beautiful person you were created to be. ~ Kelly Chripczuk

I learned through Oasis to let go and trust God's profound presence. Praying in a supportive community with others on the spiritual journey strengthened my faith and inspired me to reach out to others and the world...In short: Oasis helped me to experience God's love, rather than just to know about God. ~ Endre G. Witthoeft

Oasis has been a gift for my soul! Before I began the program I thought the things I would learn would help me to be a better pastor. What I discovered instead is that [participation in Oasis has not only given me tools I can use in ministry, it has also been the refreshment my soul needed to continue in ministry…including the invitation to ‘return again’ to who I am. ~ Penny Hogan

The Spiritual Director for Spiritual Guides program with Oasis Ministries is an experience steeped in the rich holiness of God’s presence in every second of time and molecule of matter. [This program is Shalom—it is wholeness and peace to my wounded soul.] ~ Barbara Hutchinson

I have been at this ‘God-thing’ for most of my life. So by now I’ve experienced small groups, retreats, Bible study, all kinds of prayer, worship, even seminary! But the stillness, silence, and attentiveness I’ve been invited into through the SDSG program is the most important Christian practice I’ve ever experienced. They have become foundational to my life—my marriage, parenting, friendships and vocation. ~ Jean Holmes

SDSG has been like coming out of a closet. Being a seeker who is most comfortable as a contemplative had been a somewhat lonely, isolative journey. Having guidance group to share with has been invaluable in deepening and helping me trust my relationship with God. ~ Mary Boutsellis

SDSG has been a wonderful process to help me become a more prayerful person, a better listener, and prepare me for the practice of spiritual direction. ~ John Algera

The Spiritual Direction for Spiritual Guides program has opened up doors of perception for me when I never even saw the doors there before. Thank you, Oasis Ministries, for an incredibly meaningful program. ~ Barbara Peters

It is worth the six hour drive! ~ Anissa Glaser-Bacon

I have been thankful for the openness and willingness of instructors to accommodate my particular situation—going through a job change and housing change in the middle of Year I. Developing a relationship with a directee was challenging. Glenn and Nancy affirmed beginning where I am. ~ Kathleen Jamhoury

SDSG has provided a context for me to explore, learn and grow deeper in my relationship with God and my desire to offer love to others. ~ Roy Shirley

While discerning whether to embark on the spiritual direction training, I hesitated due to not knowing what I would “do with it.” Now, at the halfway mark, I can’t imagine what I would do without it!! ~ Mary Jane Kistler

I recommend SDSG for a life changing experience in growing closer in communion with God. ~ Debbi Roldan

SDSG takes me into that place within where I practice connecting with my own love for others, my authentic self, my deepest desires, my vulnerabilities—to know myself and God; to be energized for contemplative living and personal transformation and to realize Christ’s image on continued work on earth. ~ Mary Kokesh

SDSG expanded and refined my prayer life. ~ Cheryl Regis

Oasis has really been an oasis in my life, restoring, refreshing, and replenishing me. ~ Peace Lee

This program has offered me a safe place to live, learn, laugh, and love God, others and myself. It has guided me in discerning a way to direct and guide myself and others to God. ~ Dale Brown

I wish I had done this training before entering full-time pastoral ministry. It has been life-giving, deepening and inspiring! ~ Kiran Young Wiberly

I came into this program with the full expectation that I would learn much about becoming a spiritual guide. What I could not have anticipated was the deep and personal growth I am experiencing through the process. The movement of the Holy Spirit in my life, stirred by wonderful instruction, profound readings, as well as our participation are gifts beyond measure. I am filled with gratitude. ~ Vicki Pry

Everyone deserves to treat themselves to an Oasis. ~ Deirdre Whitfield

“This program has really helped me get in touch with my Christian vocation: Inviting others to making meaning of their life of faith, inviting others into a deeper relationship with God, and together building an ever-expanding network of relationships with others. The program has also helped me push out the boundaries of what it means to experience God.� ~ Marcy Nicholas

Oasis has been like a raft in the moving water of my life. It held and supported me through these last two years as I experienced with eyes wide open and all senses awake this time in my journey. Life, like the water can be sweet, flowing and gentle, then sometimes with little or no notice turn rough, turbulent and dark. My Oasis connections held me close and gave me the gift of support knowing that no matter what happened I could always trust in the knowledge of the love I felt and the care that was a constant. The teams of teachers, my peers, the lessons and the pertinent and deeply gratifying and soulful reading assignments all contributed to the blessing I call Oasis. I am as thrilled today, now as I graduate as I was on the day I decided to enroll in this SDSG Program. Oasis has been the most positive, enriching and life-affirming gift ever and for that I am eternally grateful. ~ Diana Barbera

The SDSG Oasis Program not only forms one for spiritual direction practice but offers a journey of personal transformation and life-changing opportunity. I recreated, in God’s grace, my professional identity and ministry as a result of this program. ~ Hugh Brown

I have been soaked in the Spirit, steeped in the study of contemplative practice and spiritualities and filled up with Love at this Oasis! ~ Maria Cirillo-Lein

Thank you for taking the time to read these reflections from Oasis Ministries. If you would like to learn more about participating in our program offerings, please visit

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