Marking Our Way - Winter 2016

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Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, the children of Israel are often found building altars to mark the places where they had experienced God in significant ways. So, we too, at Oasis Ministries are at a place to “mark our journey,” which is the intention behind this release entitled “Marking Our Way.” We desire to stay connected with God and with you.

Celtic Pilgrimage to Iona October 2-14, 2016 Led by Cindy Garis and Kathleen Roney Only 8 spots left!

Lent 2016

Marking Our Way

Poetry as Prayer:

David Whyte Poems of Transformation Friday, April 1, 2016 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Lititz Church of the Brethren 300 West Orange Street Lititz, PA 17543 Learn more by visiting PoetryRetreat.html

Led by Glenn Mitchell,

They say Iona is a ‘thin place,’ a place where heaven and earth are separated by a whisper. However, the heavenly experience does not hit you over the head. As one of our 2012 pilgrims put it "When someone asked me what I did on Iona and I responded by saying I walked a lot, I’m sure it didn’t sound inviting or exciting to them. The awareness created from walking, meditating, listening to the sounds or stillness of nature really can’t be described. A heightened awareness and inner peace remains."

Director of Training and Program

Interested? Contact our office at 717-737-8222;

Others shared the high point would be “the lovely pace of Iona with a mixture of activity and guidance and alone time.” Plus, “time to BE in these special liminal places, meant less time on a tour bus, yeah!!” “Worship in the Iona Abbey- wonderful!!!” “Side trip to Staffa island, very unique geology. Wow!!” “Hike to top of Dun I hill, spectacular!!”

We hope you will create your own memories and join us in October. Share the word with others. View a complete brochure and pictures at

Inside This Edition ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Page Poetry as Prayer ................................... 1 Celtic Pilgrimage.................................. 1 Refreshment for your Community ...... 2 The Wisdom of Rhythm ...................... 3 M4Directions Leadership Change....... 4 Enneagram: Beyond the Basics ........... 4 HOPE through the Seasons ................. 5 Spirituality of Work ............................ 5 Contemplative in the Garden .............. 6 Merton Retreat Day ............................. 6 Capital Campaign Update ................... 7 Annual Report 2014-2015 .............. 7-11

Marking Our Way

Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

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Refreshment for Your Community As we turn toward the Spring, we are hopeful for signs of life and new growth. I saw some new life in two recent encounters with Oasis. I had the opportunity to lead a Lenten Quiet Morning at an Episcopal church. Together we found new life in the desert and the wilderness testings of Lent. The next day, I spoke to an adult Sunday School class at a Presbyterian church about spiritual direction and how one might go about finding a spiritual director. Again, a timeliness around this exploration of Love at the beginning of the Lenten journey (and on Valentine’s Day) . Through Oasis, rest for weary souls and new life can come to you and your faith community. We are excited to bring opportunities to introduce and explore contemplative practices and spiritual direction in your community. We have a simple program in place that allows us to come to you to share in the context of an hour, a half day or a full day around the topic of your choice: ⇒ A Mindful Approach to Reducing Stress ⇒ What is Spiritual Directon? ⇒ Introducton to Contemplatve Spirituality All you need is 6-12 interested people, space to gather and a date coordinated with Oasis and we will be happy to meet you where you are and offer some refreshment. Learn more at Request a “Refreshment for Your Community” brochure from our office or download one now at Blessings on your Lenten journey, Cindy Garis Executive Director

The Oasis Call Oasis Ministries creates and fosters a contempla ve way for people to experience God in the unfolding of their lives, and creates communi es to support this ministry. We do this by • Providing training in spiritual direc on • Educa ng in mindfulness and prayer prac ces • Offering retreat opportuni es for groups and communi es

Conference Connec ons? Are you aware of conferences or gatherings where it might be appropriate and valuable for Oasis to have a display? We have display boards, brochures and flyers to share. We have graduates all over the country, who have staffed tables for us. Please let us know the dates and the contact person so we can be sure to share this wonderful community with the world.

Marking Our Way

Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

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The Wisdom of Rhythm: A Men’s Retreat on Belonging The Wisdom of Rhythm Retreat is for men looking for a fulfilling and indepth experience to replenish their vital energy. During the experience you will gain valuable, natural and effective lifelong skills to help you align with your purpose and keep feeling your best. You’ll also experience the camaraderie of a safe, supportive and friendly group of men where you can feel comfortable to just be yourself. The retreat is composed of three interconnected tracks that will focus on:

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Personal wellness Connection with others Renewing & deepening your connection to your spirit

You’ll learn a balanced array of evidence-based techniques that will help you to:

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Relieve stress & anxiety Get deep, more restful sleep Gain mental clarity Increase and sustain your energy

You’ll also enjoy many vibrant musical and meditative experiences that will help you to connect with your spirit. Including:

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Tibetan Sound Healing Drum & Chant Group Drumming & Expressive Music Creation Time in solitude Meditation Deep relaxation

Leader: Jim Donovan is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of Fine Arts at Saint Francis University. He is a professional musician, recording artist, writer, teacher and lecturer. He is the former drummer and one of the founding members of the multiplatinum band Rusted Root. He is also the author of Drum Circle Leadership and regularly leads workshops, trainings and retreats that teach people how to lead creative group musicmaking as a way to enhance wellness and social connection. (

During the experience you can expect:

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A clear purpose Actionable steps Stories to connect to Activities to do and feel Inspiration to go further Social connection opportunities

If you’re ready to get inspired, laugh and realign yourself this spring in the company of other like minded men, then join us.

Dates: Friday, April 22, 2016 (6:00 PM) to Saturday, April 23, 2016 (4:00 PM) Location: Krislund Camp & Conference Center , 189 Krislund Drive, Madisonburg, PA 16852 Price: $135 -$165 (as you are able) Learn more on the web:

Marking Our Way

Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

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Men4Directions Announces New Leadership We are excited to announce that Roy Shirley has accepted the leadership of our Men4Directions program that will start a new season later this summer. Roy brings a rich background of leadership to this position through his work as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Coach and his work over the years with crisis care, group dynamics and organizational development. Roy is co-founder of Life Resource Associates, Inc. and Cornerstone Center for Training and Development, Inc. Roy has himself participated in two years of M4D and has offered programs for men in various settings. It is great to have Roy step forward to assume the responsibility of leadership for Men4Directions. Roy will be present for our Spring retreat and can be contacted at <> with any questions you have about the retreat or M4D. Learn more and download 2016-2017 brochure at

The Enneagram: Beyond the Basics The Enneagram: Beyond the Basics is a day-long learning opportunity for those with a rudimentary knowledge of the Enneagram who desire to deepen their understanding of this ancient spiritual self-awareness method. This workshop will invite participants to explore the Enneagram’s wisdom in facilitating personal and interpersonal shadow and integration work (especially helpful at midlife), identifying life-giving responses during times of both stress and relaxation, offering invitations to style-specific prayer modalities, and increasing awareness of relational dynamics, particularly relating to celebration, compassion, and forgiveness. Familiarity with the fundamental dynamics of the Enneagram is necessary for this workshop. An Enneagram Introduction: The Basics satisfies this prerequisite. Those who have attended other introductory Enneagram workshops are also welcome. When: Saturday, March 19, 2016 9:00a.m.—3:30p.m. Where: Hosanna! 29 Green Acre Road, Lititz, PA 17543 Fee: $50-$75 (as you are able) Leader: Jo Ann Kunz, M.A., serves as a Senior Pastor at a non-denominational Christian church located in Lititz, PA. She teaches spiritual formation/spiritual direction at both Eastern University and Evangelical Theological Seminary, as well as being a certified Enneagram trainer. Jo Ann has been part of the faculty of Oasis Ministries since 2001. More at or call 717-737-8222

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Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

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Healing Our Pain with the Eternal (HOPE) through the Seasons To live is to love. To love is to lose. To lose is to live. ~ Dan Moseley All of life involves loss, some big and some small. How we intentionally embrace the small losses helps prepare us for the larger ones. Just as we journey through the seasons of nature, we too can journey through the seasons of life knowing that the losses of fall can lead to the darkness of winter with transformation and the new growth of spring waiting around the corner, leading us into the fullness of summer. HOPE through the Seasons is an opportunity to learn about losses and move some of the pain from the inside to the outside all while being held in God’s loving embrace. Our time will be spent sharing in small and large conversational groups, creative expression, music and nature. Led by Jackie Naginey Hook and Zack Maser Bios on-line When?: Saturday, April 9, 2016 Times: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Where? Harrisburg Brethren in Christ 2217 Derry St, Harrisburg, PA 17104

Fee: $50-$75 (as you are able) Bios and more info at

Toward a Deepening Spirituality of Work Human beings often have a love-hate relationship with work. Even when we play, we can turn it into something that feels like work. On the one hand, we want to take responsibilities seriously but, on the other hand, we know that we were created for more than endless activity. How do we live in that tension? This retreat day provides space to explore that question. Together, we will attempt to come to a deeper spiritual understanding of work and how it can express our true identities and callings without consuming, addicting, or damaging us (or others). The day together will include times for dialogue, personal reflection, teaching, and fellowship in an unhurried, safe, and comfortable environment. Leaders: Tony Blair and Jo Ann Kunz Full bios and more information online at SpiritualityOfWork.htm When: Saturday, May 21, 2016, 9:00a.m.—3:00p.m. Where: Hosanna!, 29 Green Acre Road, Lititz, PA 17543 Retreat Fee: $50-75 (as you are able) To register for any of our events, please contact Betsy Keller at 717.737.8222 or

Marking Our Way

Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

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The Contemplative in the Garden Through many centuries and cultures, gardens have been sacred places for reflection and meditation. Join Oasis teacher and devoted gardener Nancy Bieber as she opens her country home and garden for a day of retreat. Come and explore the spiritual gifts of the garden. Be open to its abundant variety as we actively engage our senses, as we make space for silence and stillness, as we use our creativity and imagination. Reflect on the paradox of wildness within a boundary that is at the heart of all gardens. Being attentive to the large and small miracles around us will bring a renewal and rest for our bodies and spirits. The rhythm of our day will include pauses for prayer in the midst of activity, individual retreat time, and group reflection and sharing.

Learn more at

LEADER: Nancy L. Bieber, M.A., M.S., has been on staff at Oasis Ministries for eighteen years. In 2008, she guided the creation of the Contemplative Living program and provided its leadership for the next seven years. She presently serves as a lead teacher for the Spiritual Direction program. Nancy is a clinical psychologist whose ministry has called her to spiritual direction, retreat leadership and teaching. She is the author of DecisionMaking and Spiritual Discernment: The Sacred Art of Finding Your Way. A Quaker and a graduate of Shalem Institute, Nancy finds joy in her garden, in traveling with her husband Larry, and spending time with their four granddaughters. When: Fr id ay, Ju n e 24, 2016, 9:30a.m .—3:30p.m. Where: The B ieber H o m e, 566 Steh m an Chur ch Rd., Miller sville, PA 17551 Cost: $50 - $75 (as you are able) To register, contact Betsy Keller at 717.737.8222 or

Annual Merton Retreat Day A Repeating Event with New Explorations Come join us for a day apart with Thomas Merton in the beautiful setting of Still Waters, a retreat center along the banks of the Conodoguinet Creek. Thomas Merton, (1915-1968), Trappist Monk, writer, poet, contemplative, was one of the most influential Christian voices of the 20th century. His writings include such classics as The Seven Storey Mountain, New Seeds of Contemplation, and Zen and the Birds of Appetite. Merton is the author of more than seventy books that include poetry, personal journals, collections of letters, social criticism and writings on peace, justice and ecumenism. We will explore his contribution in a contemplative and active way and experience the ways in which his life and work still speak to us. LEADERS: Sanford Alwine, a ther apist pr oviding m ar r iage, fam ily and individual counseling and spiritual direction in Carlisle, PA, and co-director of Still Waters Retreat Center, and, Glenn Mitchell, Dir ector of Tr aining and Pr ogr am for Oasis Ministr ies, w h o h as led a var iety of retreats around the country on themes of prayer, spirituality, spiritual direction, nature and spirituality and the interplay of art and spirituality. He has a practice of spiritual direction and retreat leadership based in State College, PA. More at DATE & TIME: Ju ne 3, 2016; 9:30 a.m .-3:30 p.m. PLACE: Still W ater s R etr eat Center , 501 W . Slate H ill Ro ad , Car lisle, P A 17013. COST: $75-$95 (As you are able) To register, contact Betsy Keller at 717.737.8222 or

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Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

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Annual Report 2014-2015

Green Space for the Soul: 25th Anniversary Campaign Update 2016 marks the third and final year of a 3-year campaign Our 25th Anniversary Campaign saw $48,757 pledged. Gifts and pledges came from 57 contributors, and ranged from $5—$15,000! It is with deep, humble gratitude that we thank the following people, from all over the country, for their support. Michael Allwein (Gettyburg, PA) Sandy and Lois Alwine (Carlisle, PA) Wendy and Chris Anderson (York, PA) Anonymous gift (Riverside, PA) in honor of Dorothy Locker Robert S. Burns (Mount Joy, PA) in honor of Kent Groff Karna Burkeen (Aurora, IL) Michael Carr (Danville, PA) Maria Cirillo-Lein (Elkton, MD) RenÊ Colson Hudson (Moorestown, NJ) Lawrence Cozzens (Wayne, PA) Kim Dalton (Harrisburg, PA) Judy A Daniels (Harrisburg, PA) in honor of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kent Ira Groff Pat Deeney (Lawrenceville, NJ) Kimberly Denyes (Newtown, PA) Shirley Denyes (Minneapolis, MN) Lynne Courtney Diehl (Asheville, NC) in memory of The Reverend John Diehl III Jane Edgar Freet (Harrisburg, PA) Kathleen Frey (New Hope, PA) Fern Gaffey (Camp Hill, PA) Cynthia Garis (Dillsburg, PA) Dorothy Gearon (South Amboy, NJ) Paul Gennett, Jr. (Newark, DE) Kent Ira and Fredrika Simpson Groff (Denver, CO) in memory of Rev. John Norman Margaret Hardy (Severna Park, MD) in memory of her mother John Heinsohn (Nazareth, PA) A. Bryer Helmer (Lancaster, PA) Diane Joseph (Center Valley, PA) Ann Marie Judson (Lemoyne, PA) Jean Kelly (Windsor, CT) Mary Lee Kelly (Williamsport, PA) Michael Kunisky (Harrisburg, PA) Ray Lindquist (Conesus, NY) Sally Mathews (Lewisburg, PA) Lynn M. Miller (Ebensburg, PA) in honor of Dale C. Selover Frohlke Glenn Mitchell (Spring Mills, PA) Kathleen Mitchell (Martinsburg, PA) Sara Jane Munshower (Glastonbury, CT) Kurt and Lorelei Oelschlager (Newton, NJ) Gary Ostwald (Harrisburg, PA) Terry-Thomas Primer (Hopewell, NJ) Mary Ann Prior (Dillsburg, PA) MaryAnn Purtill (Glastonbury, CT)

Dear Friends, we have done our best to acknowledge in this report our gratitude for the over 130 contributors to Oasis. If you gave to Oasis in our 2014-2015 program year, and do not see your name listed, please know that it is an unintentional error and that we value your support. Please be in contact with us, so that our records can be corrected. Thank you.

Green Space Supporters continued William Rader (Dauphin, PA) Jane Rohrbach (Robesonia, PA) Cheri Roth (Chambersburg, PA) Ann L. Schoonover (Princeton, NJ) Nadine Smet-Weiss (Reading, PA) Barbara Smith (Coatesville, PA) Mary Stevenson (Gettysburg, PA) Daniel Stewart (Charleroi, PA) Judy Stoltzfus (Loysville, PA) Keith Thomas (Biglerville, PA) Wayne Walker (Philadelphia, PA) Debbie White (Smyrna, GA) Elaine Wicker (Yorktown, VA)

Marking Our Way

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Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

Annual Report 2014-2015

Ministry Makers

Our ministry is made possible by regular contributors. We wish to thank our 2015 Ministry Makers (monthly supporters). The list below includes people who have committed to giving to Oasis on a monthly basis. Monthly gifts range from $10 - $175. Every gift makes a difference! Catherine Campanaro René Colson Hudson Thomas Danney Jacalyn Fossler Fern Gaffey Cynthia Garis Paul Genne', Jr. Richard Gordon Margaret Hardy Jane Hoover Arlyne Hoyt Lisa Lancaster Glenn Mitchell Mike Mumma and Marjorie Rupert Sara Jane Munshower Emilie Murphy and Byron Nimocks

Marc Oehler Kurt and Lorelei Oelschlager Mary Ann Prior Mari Quint William Rader Cathy Regush Pam Root-Baechle Erin Shrader Kathy Spitzer Mary Stevenson Doug Stoner and Diane Brandt Cindy Thompson Wanda Veldman Be'y Wright-Riggins Ruth Zeiders

Ministry Maker Growth 2014-2015

Compared to 2012:


# of Ministry Makers: 31 Average Monthly Gift: $43 Total monthly gifts: $1,302

9% 41%

For Comparison, in Summer 2007, when the program first began: # of Ministry Makers: 5 Average monthly Gift: $29 Total monthly gifts: $145

Our deep gratitude for these people who share their gifts so that we can share the gifts of contemplation with the world! Thank you!

If you are interested in becoming a Ministry Maker, visit or contact our of+ice at (717) 737-8222. (Note: The list above does not include people who have chosen to ful+ill their 25th anniversary pledge on a monthly basis, nor people who give monthly in gratitude for spiritual direction sessions. They are included elsewhere in the report.)

Gifts to Scholarship Nancy Arico Diana Barbera Hugh Brown Walter De Gunya Barbara Hutchinson Linda Klopp Spencer Niles Mary Richards Barbara Smith Margo Walters

Additional 2014-15 Supporters Nancy Allen Michael Allwein Andover Newton Theological School Anonymous Buff Barnes

Additional 2014-15 Supporters (continued) Robin Ba'en Paula Bauer Tomas Bayou Jennifer Biemiller Tony Blair Jeremy Bond Mary Boutselis Hugh Brown Kathryn Burchess Jan Chaplick Judy Clark Margaret Cra8 Laura Dalton Corrine Dautrich Judith deChamplain Joshua Dembicki C. Gregory Desmond Dan Dolquist Daryl Driscoll Doris Eisenberger

Margaret Fenstermacher Fishers Island Union Chapel Jus n Foster Kathleen Frey Loraine Gaffey Dorothy Gearon Marianne Grabowski Grace Presbyterian Church, Highlands Ranch, CO John Grace Kenneth Green Kent and Fredrica Groff Paul Grout Jim Hanna Margaret Hardy Alicia Harter Bryer Helmer Patricia Hoste'er Donna Hughes Stephanie Iache'a

Ann Marie Judson Ellen Kanagy Karen Keleman Ben Keller Jerry Kennell Phil Kenney Lancaster County Community Founda on Evelyn Landis Jennifer Lee Ray Lindquist Judy MacDougall Deidre Magee Jason Malec William McFarland Bruce McQueen Debbie Miley Glenn Mitchell Judith Mitchell (Continued on page 11)

Marking Our Way

Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

Statements of Financial Position and Activities

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Annual Report 2014-2015

The Condensed Financial Statements shown below were derived from the compiled financial statements of Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development, Inc. These condensed statements do not include all disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accoun ng principles. The complete financial statements, including statements of cash flows, footnote disclosures and the report of our accountants, Miller Dixon Drake LLC, are available for review upon request.

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Annual Report 2014-2015 The snapshots below represent 5-year averages of Oasis Ministries’ income and expenses for the past 15 years. At a glance, they help to give an overview of how Oasis has grown and changed.

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Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

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Annual Report 2014-2015

Board of Directors 2014-2015 Michael Allwein (Ge'ysburg, PA) Michael Carr (Danville, PA) Cathy Campanaro (Nazareth, PA) Kim Denyes (Newtown, PA) Fern Gaffey (Camp Hill, PA) René Colson Hudson (Moorestown, NJ) Sally Mathews (Lewisburg, PA) Frank Miller (York, PA) Sara Jane Munshower (Glastonbury, CT) Mary Ann Prior (Mechanicsburg, PA) Ann Schoonover (Princeton, NJ) Dale Selover (Princeton Junc on, NJ)

Staff and Teaching Staff EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Rev. Cynthia (Cindy) Garis, M. Div. DIRECTOR OF TRAINING AND PROGRAM Rev. Glenn Mitchell, M.Div. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mrs. Elizabeth (Betsy) Keller FOUNDING MENTOR Rev. Dr. Kent Ira Groff, D.Rel. 2014-2015 TEACHING STAFF

SECRETARY Ann Schoonover (Princeton, NJ)

Spiritual Direc#on for Spiritual Guides Glenn Mitchell Nancy L. Bieber Jo Ann Kunz Melissa Stock Ruth Workman BJ Katen-Narvell

TREASURER Margaret Hardy (Severna Park, MD)

Men4Direc#ons Joel Blunk

Cathy Campanaro (Bethlehem, PA) Paul Genne', Jr. (Newark, DE) Sara Jane Munshower (Glastonbury, CT) Kathleen Roney (Somerville, NJ)

Breath and Prayer Ruth Zeiders

Current Board of Directors CHAIR Dale Selover (Princeton Junc on, NJ)

Plus, addi#onal leaders for our day retreats.

Thanks to all for their leadership!

Office Information Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development, Inc. 419 Deerfield Road Camp Hill, PA 17011 Phone: (717) 737-8222 Web: Email: Normal Office Hours: Monday—Thursday, 9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.

Additional 2014-15 Supporters (continued) (Continued from page 8)

Kathleen Mitchell Mary Lou Moran Dixie Myers Johanna Ogden Jonathan Owen Philip Owen Tom Petro Mary Ann Prior

P.I. Puszlai Ruth Raia David Ripper Patricia Robertson Miguel Santamaria Ursula Schreffler Dale Selover Kristal Smith Laurie Smith

Jill Speelman Margaret Spengler Carmel Stabley Gail Stetler Ruthann Stevenson Daniel Stewart Melissa Stock Melanie Taormina Bruce Tallman

David and Ann Tregurtha Robert Turner Craig Vanderlan Sally Vanderloop Jonathan Wallace Sco' White Susan Wooley Bonita Zobeck

UPCOMING CALENDAR March 19—Advanced Enneagram April 1—Poetry as Prayer April 9—HOPE through the Seasons April 22-23—Wisdom of Rhythm Retreat May 21—A Deepening Spirituality of Work June 3—Annual Merton Day June 24—The Contempla ve in the Garden October 2-14 - On Retreat on Iona, Scotland

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It is a great way to learn of new events, and receive Meditative Moments! To sign up: Visit

By the way, if you wish to no longer receive mail from Oasis, please be in touch with, or call 717-737-8222

Lent 2016

Keeping Connected with Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

Marking Our Way Oasis Ministries 419 Deerfield Road Camp Hill, PA 17011

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