"O" Exhibition Catalogue

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‫ ا‬...‫ موهبة فنية شابة‬25 ‫تفتخر مجلة أوسيس بتقدمي مايزيد عن‬ ‫سعت مجلة اويسس منذ انشائها كأول مجلة سعودية فنية ثقافية باللغة اإلجنليزية لإلحتفال باألنشطة‬ ‫ وإمتدادا ً لهذه الرؤية كان من الضروري تبني املواهب الشابة وعرض‬.‫الفنية الشابة في بالدنا‬ ‫أعمالهم من خالل معارض فنية تبدأ من الرياض وتنتقل مستقبالً إلى مدن وعواصم مختلفة على أمل أن‬ ‫ ا‬.‫يكون هذا دعما ً لهذه املواهب وتشجيعا ً للمسيرة الفنية الشابة في بالدنا‬

Oasis Magazine is proud to present more than 25 young artists... Oasis started as a celebration of Saudi culture. Each issue is aimed at exposing a rich cultural heritage and a modern, progressive and young generation that is coming up with new ideas and excelling at them. Oasis has always seen itself as a link between Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world. Articles about the newest happenings in the West and the rest of the world, aim to inspire our youth to live up to the expectations of the rest of the world while still maintaining their unique identity. Articles about Saudi Arabia’s culture and continually progressive society, Middle Eastern happenings, Islamic art, etc… have created more awareness amongst foreigners about how modern and progressive Saudi has become and gives a glimpse of the rich culture of the region. From its inception Oasis has continuously celebrated and supported many cultural, art and various other activities as an extension of Oasis’s ideas, vision and mission. It is essential that Oasis build on its success by presenting opportunities for young and emerging artists in Saudi Arabia and encouraging them by providing the right platforms to be exposed and to pave the way for a long and prosperous future.

Venue Sponsor | ‫راعي القاعة‬

Title Sponsor | ‫الراعي الرئيسي‬

Gold Sponsor | ‫الراعي الذهبي‬

zoom | creative Delicious Sponsor | ‫الراعي اللذيذ‬

Framboise & Olive Print Sponsor | ‫راعي الطباعة‬

L’Art Pur Foundation Gallery L’Art Pur Gallery is a one-of-kind gallery in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It offers the city a gallery space of international specifications. Located on the ground floor of the Arts & Skills Institute, it offers the institute’s students the opportunity to attend various exhibitions and events that the gallery offers.

‫الغاليري مبؤسسة الفن النقي‬ ‫الغاليري مبؤسسة الفن النقي متميز بتصميمه ومرافقة جتهيزاته‬ ‫ الغاليري في مدينة الرياض في الدور األول من‬.‫على مستوى عاملي‬ ‫معهد املهارات والفنون يساعد طالبات املعهد على فرص التفاعل‬ ‫ ا‬.‫واالطالع واحلضور للمعارض والفعاليات املقامة باملوقع‬

Arts and Skills Institute Arts and Skills Institute is committed to the provision of a comprehensive educational experience, which develops and encourages creativity in the field of art and design. The institute aims to encourage, motivate and inspire arts and design practice in a challenging educational environment. The Arts and Skills Institute is the first institute for the study of Visual Arts and Fashion Design in Saudi Arabia. The institute provides a high standard of art and fashion education. The program reflects the cultural values of contemporary society while incorporating the culture, history and tradition of Saudi Arabia. It creates an atmosphere that is challenging and inspirational and encourages the exchange and expressions of art and design ideas.

‫معهد املهارات والفنون‬ ‫يلتزم معهد املهارات والفنون بتقدمي بيئة تعليمية تثري اإلدراك مما يسهم في تطوير وتشجيع‬ ‫ ا‬.‫االبداع في مجالي الفنون والتصميم‬ ‫املهارات في‬ ‫يعتبر معهد الفنون أول معهد متخصص في التعليم والتدريب وإكتساب وصقل‬ ‫ يقدم املعهد مستوى عال جدا ً في طرق التدريس والتدريب املتخصص‬.‫مجالي األزياء والفنون‬ ‫ا‬.‫في الفن والتصميم‬ ً .‫السعودي وتاريخه وتراثه أساسا يبني عليه فكره املعاصر‬ ‫كما يتخذ البرنامج قيم اجملتمع‬ ‫ كما تثري‬،‫وتساهم برامج املعهد في حتقيق بيئة عمل ذات طبيعة محفزة للتميز واإللهام‬ ‫ ا‬.‫التعبير عن أفكار في اجملاالت الفنية والتبادل املعرفي‬

PepsiCo Inc “PepsiCo is a proud sponsor of emerging talent from Saudi Arabia. We believe Saudi has great potential to generate world class artists and we are determined to support them in their development.” --Farhan Hasan - Marketing Director PepsiCo Inc. ‫شركة بيبسي احملدودة‬ ‫شركة بيبسي تفتخر بأن تكون راعي رئيسي لهذا املعرض الفني اللذي‬ ‫ نؤمن بأن السعودية لديها قدرة على‬.‫يحتفل باملواهب الفنية الشابة‬ ‫ ا‬.‫تقدمي نخبة من فناني الدرجة األولى ونحن نعتزم مساندة تطورهم‬ ‫ مدير التسويق‬- ‫فرحان حسن‬


A special thanks from the Oasis Magazine team goes to all those who helped make this exhibition possible. Thank you to all the sponsors who saw in Oasis the ability to organize an exhibition at the same caliber of the magazine; and who most importantly saw the need of supporting the young art scene in our region and in specific in Saudi Arabia.

‫ شكر لكل‬.‫مجلة أوسيس تشكر كل من ساهم في اجناح هذا املعرض‬ ‫الداعمني اللذين وجدوا في مجلة أوسيس املقدرة على تنظيم هذا‬ ‫ و الهتمامهم و دعمهم‬،‫املعرض على نفس مستوى مجلة أوسيس‬ ‫ ا‬.‫احلركة الفنية الشابة في اململكة‬


Embassy of the United States of America What you are looking at now is the culmination of decades of work on the part of aspiring art from Saudi Arabia. From the following manuscripts of Arabic calligraphy to the stunning sketches of artists like Wahbi Al-Hariri to the work of about 30 different artists on display here - all have played their part in bringing the Saudi art and artists into the mainstream. I understand that “O� is the first exhibition of its kind in Saudi Arabia, and we at the US Embassy in Riyadh are deeply honored to be among the sponsors of this extraordinary initiative. Indeed, it is through the sharing and appreciation of culture as exemplified in the work of these Saudi artists that people around the world can better understand and appreciate one another. I wish all involved in this exhibition continued success in your efforts to showcase Saudi talent, vision and creativity to the world.

Amal Saud

‫أمل سعود‬

(digital artwork)

“‫“ ا “الفتاة الشرقية‬Eastern Girl” (150 x 150 cm)

An Eastern girl is holding her Mibkharah to be perfumed and sitting with closed eyes wanting to be separated from the outside world. She’s trying to avoid people’s glances and the news, from tragedies and sorrows, that are plastered everyday in the newspapers. She just wants to forget. But these newspapers surround her and force her to pay attention to what’s being written in it about how the world looks upon the Eastern girl with curiosity and wonder... because she is an Eastern girl. .‫الفتاة الشرقية تتبخر وحتاول أن ال ترى نظرات الناس لها أو أن تقرأ ما يكتب في اجلرائد عنها من فضولية من اليعرف وال يتفهم الفتاة الشرقية‬ ‫ا‬

Samah al-Rajhi

‫سماح الراجحي‬

(acrylic on canvas | photography)

“Black - White” (top) Life is a collection of opposites. Black and white is one of these unlimited opposites. It represents any and all of them. Concepts are often defined by their opposite. Sometimes, to really realize something, you have to contrast it with something else. If it is not for black, we will not appreciate how light and pure white is, and the same goes with black; we cannot fully

appreciate its darkness if there were no white. Moreover, in every black, deep down, there is white, and in every white, you might find blackness. No absolutes. There are always these layers behind the exterior one. And there is always this gray area in the middle

“Urban Decay”: stretched photo canvas (76x56 cm) (bottom)

Ilham Elhattan

‫الهام احلتان‬

(oil on canvas)


‫ خريجة قسم‬.‫ مصورة وكاتبة ورسامة سعودية‬،‫إلهام احلتان‬ ‫حاليا ً كمحاسب‬ ‫ تعمل إلهام‬،‫احملاسبة في جامعة امللك سعود‬ ‫ ن‬.‫ اململكة العربية السعودية‬،‫ضريبي في الرياض‬ Ilham Elhattan is a Saudi photographer, writer, and painter. She holds a bachelors degree in accounting and currently works as a Tax Accountant in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

This painting stems from the artist’s fascination with colors. In an attempt to curve some enthusiasm in a traditional art/portrait class, Ilham chose the vivacious Stevie Wonder as her muse. Vigor, rhythm and blues gave birth to Wonderism.

Abdalrhman Abu jabal

‫عبدالرحمن أبوجبل‬

(digital on canvas)

“The Path” (top) “Ink Composition” (bottom) I personally like to create my artwork using the digital medium. I use a computer program called Corel Painter, a raster-based digital art application created to simulate the appearance and behavior of traditional media associated with drawing, painting, and printmaking, to create it. I have a background in using the traditional medium (oil to watercolor) and this is key to using Corel. I still find pleasure and fun in painting on canvas with all the traditional mediums and I still

sketch a lot on paper with ink. Most of the time I do my compositions on paper before going to the digital realm. I paint abstract expressionism and I love to do that. I find it the best way to express myself. I have learned to name my paintings in numbers and some words that have meaning to me and maybe it has no meaning to the viewer but this is the trick, because I don’t want the viewer to be guided by anything other than his or her own thoughts and perception, I want the viewer to experience a personal ride.

Huda Beydoun

‫هدى بيضون‬

(acrylic on canvas) “The Man in the Portrait” As you can see from the different elements of the painting, the unsymmetrical eyes, peculiar facial structure and posture is slightly familiarized with Picasso’s memorable paintings. While the portrait does not signify a specific person to the artist, it symbolizes someone with a distinct, historical character of importance. The artist used Acrylic paint in this piece, while using ink to form the figure’s hair, creating a unique appearance. More elements were used to provide a more defined texture.

Nouf Beydoun

‫نوف بيضون‬

(acrylic on canvas)

“Girls with Lipstick” Inspired by the fast-pace lifestyles we live today and what little time women have for themselves, ‘Girl with Lipstick’ is a tribute to all women who find the time to put on lipstick and have some fun.

talal al-zeid

‫طالل الزيد‬

(ink on paper)

Born in 1981, I spent most of my life traveling and living in different countries, mainly throughout Europe. I then moved to the United States to pursue my higher education and am now living and working in Riyadh. At a young age, most of my inspiration came from comic book heroes, classical cartoon characters and 80’s graffiti letterings. After taking art classes and having studied under Dennis Cigler, an American artist working and teaching arts in Rome, Italy, I got interested in portraits.


By exploring different techniques and mediums, today I paint with a combination of various styles to deliver my messages in a modern way.

corinne martin

‫كورين مارتني‬

(acrylic on canvas)

“Vimto” Corinne Martin was born in France, raised in Lebanon, and educated in the United States with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Communications and a minor in Art History. In 2006 destiny brought Corinne back to her roots in the middle east, where she took every opportunity to immerse herself in the culture. She fell in love with the richness of Arabic traditions and became fascinated with how the culture was transforming into a modern global society with an evident juxtaposition of old and new. “Everyday objects and products that

I perceived as mundane and ordinary in America, I find beautiful and intriguing when I see them in Arabic. These everyday objects and products carry the same symbolism of popular culture in The Middle East but have their own distinct personalities. There is a happy undertone in the ‘newness’ of everything that is very similar to the prosperity of the fifties and the sixties in America and everyone here is embracing it. I draw my inspiration from the freshness of this new energy and I aim to express the bold colors of our everyday culture in my paintings.”

‫بدور الراجحي‬

‫‪Budoor Al-Rajhi‬‬ ‫)‪(digital‬‬

‫إمرأة الكلمات‪ and “Lyrics Lady” or ‬إطار من حروف ‪“Frame of Letters” or‬‬ ‫‪ ‬الفكرة كانت بإبراز اإلطار للصورة وما يعبر عننا هو حروفنا وكلماتنا‬ ‫‪ ‬فـهي من جتعلنا بإطار معني أمام الناس وبدون الكلمات نحن عراه وقد تتزعزع شخصيتنا‪.‬‬ ‫قد تكون الكلمات هي الشيء الوحيد الذي تقدسه املرأة ‪ ،‬سماعا ً وكالما ً ‪ ،‬فعندما تعشق املرأة تعشق رجالً يعرف مفاتيح قلبها‬ ‫ويدخل له بكلماته‪ ،‬وبالتالي ال تستطيع أن تعبر له عن أي شيء من مكونات قلبها إال بالكلمات‪ .‬ا‬ ‫‪ ‬وفي تصميمي ‪ ،‬عندما جتتمع كلمة العني وكلمة الفم ‪ ،‬نعرف أن تلك األنثى ‪ ،‬أنثى بحق ولو ركزنا قليالً لعرفنا قلبها حق املعرفة‬ ‫البار كود في تصميمي يعني االختالف بني تلك واألخرى ‪ ..‬اجلهة األخرى لغير القادرين على فهم الكلمات ومعنى النظرة ‪ ..‬لن‬ ‫يستطيعو أن مييزوا األنثى من األخرى إال بأرقام جتعلهن مختلفات عن بعضهم البعض‪ .‬ا‬

Neama AlSudairy

‫نعمة السديري‬

(mixed media)

Neama A. Al-Sudairy is an Art-ographer that enjoys experimenting in the dark room and playing with different mediums. After obtaining her BA in cultural anthropology from George Washington University, she took art courses and workshops in Boston, New York and Paris. Neama aims to have her first solo exhibition sometime soon. Artist Statement: I like to compare my art to an unplanned cruise in a car around busy streets in a foreign country. You take a big chance and explore without any agenda, you have no idea where you are, and getting lost along the way, and seeing things that are so beautiful, you are happy you are lost. All of a sudden, it is dusk and the sky has turned sepia tones, making it necessary to find my way back. It gets darker and the scenery is changed which alarms me a bit. I see old cemeteries, dilapidated houses,

garden patches, and ancient wells that drew water for ages. I feel apprehensive, but the beauty I saw hours before stays in my head, the inspiration I must put down before it totally escapes me. I drive around and around looking for familiar landmarks, the anxiety builds up and then, I am on the right track. I have just spent precious moments creating an experience to cherish. Every one of my artwork is like cruising where I experience all these moments not in a car but using all the medium that I use when I work. There are no limits on this road, no time constraints, as I create with colors and film. I improvise making marks with colors that either feel like everything all is right with the world or nothing makes sense at all.

Sulafa Hefzi

‫سالفة حفزي‬


“3ood” (left) “What’s On Your Mind” (right) A State of Mind is a project of mine that goes around taking into consideration other people’s perspectives and directions of thinking. Opening up one’s mind to different experiences and thoughts in order to see the world in its bigger image and take better judgments towards life. The pieces of art work would show simple examples from life to bring this thought of mine to life... Whats on your mind now? “Fish” is a sample of how people look at things differently...some people see it cute, others see it colorful, others see it clumzy, maybe it’s just a fish...and the list goes on.

Safi Jamlallail

‫صافي جمل الليل‬

(mixed media)

“Edit 2” Born in Jeddah in 1982, Safi obtained his bachelors degree in architecture. He received several awards for his work and now works as a graphic designer and photographer. Artist Statement: Most of the work that I do is based on my photography. I take photos and process them to show people the way I see the world around me.

“Jeddah Albalad”

In “Jeddah Albalad” I try to capture the traditional architecture of old Jeddah and the feeling of the area. In “The ride” I show the feelings of freedom and joy through a bike. “Edit2”, or the Thought, is about thought and thinking. These mental forms and processes allow beings to model the world and to represent it according to their objectives. “Ink mess” EXPRESSES visual thoughts on paper.

Ahmad gusti (photography)

‫أحمد قستي‬

carl willoughby

‫كارل ويلوبي‬


I am interested in beauty in all its forms. Not just the traditional variety. It could be a window, a building, someone’s smile or even their inability to smile. It could be anything. Finding the obvious interesting subject is great. But looking deeper to find its inner beauty is even more of an achievement. Here in Bahrain I have managed to change the way I see things by immersing myself in the culture. It has helped me look deeper to find a beauty and richness so abundant that I feel it should be celebrated. There is a manner of pride that should be displayed. Something that I feel can help shift perception as it has shifted mine. Being able to sit in the souk and mix with the locals, enjoying Arabic tea or even smoking sheesha has made me feel more alive and even more at home than I ever thought imaginable. If I can capture that in my photographs then I have achieved something. “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.” –Anais Nin So today I am collecting a series of photographs I’ve taken from the portraits of local faces to the boats along the coast. All of this will be documented in a coffee table book to help promote Bahrain. I have fallen in-love with this place that I call home for now. It’s a part of my journey to transform myself and has proven to be key. I am hoping to move into more studio work, less reportage style work in order to keep changing. I think that’s crucial to being a creative person. “I mean if you scrutinize reality closely enough, if in some way you really, really get to it, it becomes fantastic.” –Diane Arbus.

Ala ahmed

‫آالء أحمد‬


“Secret Window” A simple abstract which reflects the real simplicity of a village life, without containing any human elements to send that message. The simplicity of the picture that was taken in a simple village near Bursa- Turkey triggers the curiosity of the human. It almost looks as if the window was not even meant to be there in the first place, as if it was put there by force. It gives the sense that there is a secret behind it. The placement of the cracks and the size of the window regarding the size of the wall makes it even more intriguing. That is why I call it Secret Window.

Abeer mahmoud (photography)

“Heart Bokheh II” I’m 27 years old and photography is my endless passion. I was drawn to photography at the age of 16. I first became serious about it in July 2003. Photography, for me, has always been a means of self-expression. I have passion for shapes, forms, textures, colors, and lighting. I love how you can capture the beauty of those little things in life that most people don’t see or which they just take for granted. To be able to show it to the whole world from my own view, and how you can sum up a thousand words and memories into one photo is what I love.

‫عبير محمود‬

Khalid Al-Ghamdi (photography)

“Kingdom”, “Euphoria”, & “Solitude” Khalid is a 24 year old photographer who currently lives in Riyadh. He is a freelance photographer who is selftaught. His photographs capture the beautiful sparks of light that make up our world.

‫خالد الغامدي‬

Israa Garatli

‫اسراء قرطلي‬

(photography) “Istanbul”

mohammad arkoobi

‫محمد أركوبي‬


“Three” Born in 1992 in Riyadh, Mohammad has a natural talent for photography and sketching.

‫وجدت فرصه اللتقاط صوره أجمع‬ ‫ فاإلنسان‬. ‫بها املاء و السماء واإلنسان‬ ،‫ والسماء كما هي‬،‫بحركته الطبيعيه‬ ‫ ا‬.‫والبحر بشكله ولونه‬

I took this photograph in Truro, Canada. In the moment I took this photo, I found an opportunity to combine water, sky, and person. The person with his natural movement, the sky as it is, and the sea with its movement and color.

Leena Koshak (photography)

“Skulls” The collection was made of 24 shots with different statements that reveal the life of someone who died years ago. In this series of skulls, I was trying to reinvision our predetermined association of skulls with death by creating a new vision or association of it with life. I was trying to tell the story of this life, with its different stages, behind this skull. I’ve always thought about the fact that someone died the moment I was born. That person was alive with dreams and goals. What if I share with him today the same goals that he had. Maybe these lives of ours that converge, have different bodies but one soul. This way of thinking might confuse a lot and it is confusing to me as well. But, what if somehow what I feel is true. Hope you feel the joy and curiosity I’ve tasted in every single shot.

‫لينا كوشك‬

norah mukhtar

‫نورة مختار‬


“Escalator”: I wanted to catch the silent stairs that are usually constantly busy for moving pilgrims in the Holy mosque in Mekkah. “Dark sky/clouds”: as much as nature can be beautiful as much as it can be horrific, I tried to capture God’s power through nature, to remind us of the great creator. “Eagle”: an emphasis on the wings of a delicate predator, was taken during the heritage festival in Jubail industrial city.

“Rain” In “Rain” I was trying to catch both entities of how beautiful rain can be and of how people run away from it. Two contradicting sides when we usually wish for the sky to rain.

Monira alBanyan

‫منيرة البنيان‬



Rania razek

‫رانية رازق‬


Rania A. Razek began her freelance photography career soon after receiving her B.A. degree in Visual Media Communications from the American University in Washington, D.C., where she also received her Master’s degree in Film and Video Production, after working in television production for the, ANA (Arab Network of America)/MBC (Middle-East Broadcasting Channel). Razek currently teaches at Dar AlHekma College, a women’s private college in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She has contributed to numerous photography exhibitions internationally and received awards. She helped found the first women’s photo club in Saudi Arabia and was involved in developing the Photography diploma program at Dar Al-Hekma College and other institutions in Saudi Arabia. She is also working on media projects with her students, creating videos to promote awareness of Middle–Eastern women’s interests.

“Reflection” (85 x 71 cm) “Reflection,” is an image that I took in the US. It had been raining for days. I wanted for a while to take a few close-up reflection shots of the raindrops. Finally, I took a glass and shot through a reflection of trees and got, with a lot of hard work, a good sharp shot. This is the only raindrop image I have taken. I hope I will be able to take another. “Everyone is Welcomed,” (100 x 66 cm): When I was working on a British Council project of images of Islam in the UK, I photographed the mosques, and I thought of the popular Nike shoe right outside the mosque. I thought of how a Western shoe was sitting outside an ancient Mosque. To me, this image shows a modern world that still cares about religious traditions. This image was then used in East London as an advertisement poster for the exhibition. Now it is taking me to Riyadh...

reema Al-harbi (photography)

Slow Shutter Photography Born in 1987 in Jeddah and now living in Riyadh. Reema is currently studying Business Administration in King Saud University. She started taking photographs in 2007 and fell in love with. Ever since then, she has joined a couple of exhibitions in KSU and has taken a beginner’s photography course in KSU. Artist statement: my favorite type of photography is macro, conceptual and I am currently learning portrait. My ambition is to be a professional photographer. And, hopefully I’ll change the world in a positive way.

‫رميا احلربي‬

Shahad serafi

‫شهد صيرفي‬



sulafa kurdi

‫سالفة كردي‬



noura bouzo (acrylic on canvas)

‫نورة بوظو‬

Lina arkoobi

‫لينا أركوبي‬


For my Chibi Style Video, I used Adobe Photoshop CS4 to draw the picture. Then I used ishowU HD to record my screen while I was drawing. Imovie ‘09 was what I used to edit the whole video.

The artists


Painting/digital/mixed media •Samah Al-Rajhi •Amal Saud •Abdalrhman AbuJabal •Ilham Elhattan •Nouf Beydoun •Huda Beydoun •Corinne Martin •Talal Al-Zeid •Neama Al-Sudairy •Budoor Al-Rajhi •Safi Jamalallail •Sulafa Hefzi

Abeer Mahmoud •Ala Ahmed •Israa Garatli •Khalid Al-Ghamdi •Leena Koshak •Mohammad Arkoobi •Monira AlBanyan •Norah Mukhtar •Reema Al-Harbi •Rania Razek •Sulafa Kurdi •Shahad Serafi

Photography •Carl Willouby •Ahmad Gusti

Animation •Lina Arkoobi •Leena Koshak

‫مجلة أوسيس تقدم أول معرض فني للمواهب الفنية الشابة‬ Oasis Magazine presents the first annual “O” Art Exhibtion L’Art Pur Gallery, Riyadh ‫ الرياض‬،‫معرض الفن النقي‬

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