Online astronomy society academy school support

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Online Astronomy Society Academy GCSE Astronomy – Schools brochure

Introduction We understand as an academy that some schools would like to offer GCSE Astronomy to some of their students in fact due to the growing popularity of the subject more students are requiring it. The problem for many schools is that many have neither resources or expertise to offer the subject.

Online Astronomy Society Academy can offer support for GCSE Astronomy to schools and colleges anywhere in the country who might not otherwise have the expertise (or time). Drawing from several years of experience offering GCSE Astronomy, as well as other courses by distance learning our course has evolved over the years to cater for students of various abilities and learning methods.

The Portal Logging into the Virtual Learning Environment is easy and every student will have their own login details

Once logged in the student can proceed to their online classroom

Each tutor group has its own forum where students are required to login for tutor group specific announcements. Although with the advent of the new format this is becoming less likely but will be available if required. The general chat forum is a place to ask general questions and every student has access to this.

School Specific It is possible to provide a school with their own classroom dedicated to their school with teachers enabled to login and support their students if required without tutors still being able to support. We appreciate some schools will not want to share with our main open program.

The classroom itself Below is an example of the layout of one of the topics

Our lessons are supported by downloadable pdf’s, embedded videos, and interactives which can be accessed either on a mobile device or laptop. At the time of writing this, recorded online lessons were in place of being recorded. Note: Due to the nature and complexity of the end of unit questions, they are self marking as opposed to interactive quizzes, however the student is asked to send in their marks with any questions for tutor guidance. One of our many (and growing) interactives

Online Astronomy Society Academy is proud to say it has partnered with the Faulkes Telescope Network enabling us to offer an experience to all our students where they can gather their observations using professional quality telescopes

One of our interatives.

Administration Once committed, the school or academy will be required to send a list of names and email addresses the academy can use to create the accounts. We prefer to create the accounts as we have a specific nomenclature we prefer to use when adding students Once registered on the system, a list is sent to the school for distribution to students along with other material, such as text books.

Safeguarding Our tutors have recent DBS clearing, we can also guarantee that at no point or any circumstances do we share details with any third party. The Virtual Learning Environment is fully secure and may only be accessed by authorised people. This is also why only names and email addresses are asked for (the email is so we can add the student to the system and is used for no other purpose other than to communicate with the student).

Interested in further discussion? Please email for more information and a quote.

Other services Due to the nature of our network and skillsets we are also able to offer

First Aid training for teachers (fully accredited) and for children please see our sister site A mobile planetarium, please ask for more information.

Children too young for GCSE Astronomy? Why not take a look at our SpaceKidets programme. School packages available.

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