Parent Handbook 2021 2022

Page 1

Parent Handbook 2021 2022 for your from your child....

Contents: Page 3

Welcome to Oakleigh House

Page 4

Headteacher's Welcome

Page 5

Mission Statement

Page 6

A word of encouragement for new parents.

Page 7

Nursery Information

Page 8

Nursery information continued

Page 9

Cognita Connect Parent Portal

Page 10 -14

School Information Reception to Year 6

Page 15


Page 16

Out of Hours Provision

Page 17

2021 2022 Term Dates

Welcome to Oakleigh House School I hope this welcome pack provides some useful information to help in the first few weeks of your new school. Please be assured that your child’s wellbeing and happiness are very important to us. At Oakleigh House we are happy to answer any queries you may have. No query is too small! The staff are always available to meet with you as well whether in person, via Teams or on the phone to discuss your child’s progress or to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Contact information: Telephone: 01792 298 537 Website: Receptionist/School Administrator for General enquiries/transport/trips and visits and afterschool bookings. Business Manager for Finance: Admissions Registrar: Direct Line: 01792 294083 Out of Hours Manager for After School and Holiday Club - Mrs Ali Direct Line: 01792 294086

Welcome from the Head

Welcome to Oakleigh House and the start of your child's educational adventure. I am delighted that your family is joining our friendly, caring community, home to our lively , happy Nursery and School. These are important years in your child's education. Our aim is to develop a love of learning in all our pupils underpinned by strong shared values of respect and kindness, complemented by outstanding pastoral care. We believe our values form the foundation for the excellent academic results we achieve and help our pupils grow into confident, resilient, well-rounded young people ready to embrace the next part of their learning journey. In this booklet you will find lots of practical information about our school. I hope you find it useful. Please do not hesitate to contact me, or one of my team should you have any questions.

Mrs Rhian Ferriman, Headteacher

Mission Statement At Oakleigh House School we encourage children to be the best they can be

Aims To provide a safe environment so that each child is free to explore and learn To encourage pupils to take pride in everything they do and have high expectations of themselves To celebrate achievements and successes at every opportunity To develop rounded, self-assured individuals, capable of embracing challenge To be positive role models To encourage children to respect each other and the world in which we live To foster a lively and varied learning environment adopting teaching styles relevant to each child's learning. To work in partnership with parents, in the best interests of their child

A word of encouragement for our new parents September is an exciting time for both teachers and pupils, especially for those children starting school for the first time or joining from another school. Whilst it can be a little daunting, most children settle quickly and easily into their new surroundings. Throughout their lives, our children will go through many phases of transition, and with a little help, preparation and encouragement they will be able to cope, and indeed flourish during these times. There are a few things you can do as a parent / carer to help in the weeks and months ahead. Firstly, do not worry, children commence school with a wide range of experiences and abilities. For those joining school for the first time, some will already have experienced a nursery environment, others a playgroup setting, and some will have had very little experience outside of the home environment. Teachers are there to help everyone adjust to their new setting and routines. Share experiences If joining Early Years, your child doesn't need to be able to read or write before they start school. However, it is helpful if you have shared experiences of reading stories together to build a love of books and engaged your child in activities involving mark making, such as painting and handling large crayons and chalks. Build their curiosity Many activities such as singing, playing games, talking about nature and having fun with numbers will begin to build your child's enthusiasm for learning and encourage their curiosity to want to investigate the world for themselves. Little jobs for little hands Help your child build the skills to become an independent thinker and learner. Little things like putting on their own shoes and coat, hanging up their bag, washing their hands or helping you to tidy away can prepare them for listening and following instructions, to encourage them to become more independent.

Nursery Information Our aim is to provide all Nursery children with an exciting learning environment in an atmosphere of gentle encouragement and emotional warmth. In Nursery we lay the foundations upon which our children build their school career, and indeed, their adult life. Oakleigh House Nursery staff are committed to supporting and encouraging your child’s development, providing them with the very best possible start. TIMES Morning sessions finish at 12.30 p.m., the end of the school day is 3.00 p.m. and a long day finishes at 6.00 p.m. At 12.30 and 3.00 the children are collected directly from their classrooms via the security gate at the side of the building. Try to be on time as your child will be looking out for you. At the end of a long day, children should be collected from the Reception classroom via the security gate at the side of the building. Starting school, or just a change in routine can be very tiring at this age, so don’t be surprised if your child is very tired after the first day. GETTING READY Please ensure all articles of clothing, including shoes are clearly labelled. When you arrive at school, please help your child to follow the morning routine as independently as possible. Hanging up coats and bags and putting their name on the registration board is part of the daily routine and something the children can take pleasure in doing independently All children are given breakfast at 9 a.m., they have a two course lunch at 11.30 a.m. and an afternoon break. Nursery opens from 8 a.m. and the first session starts at 8.50 a.m. Arriving when everyone else is already settled can be quite disconcerting so please make sure you arrive by this time.

Encourage your child to become independent. All the simple procedures we take for granted like going to the toilet, using toilet paper and flushing the chain, washing and drying hands, using a handkerchief and dressing and undressing, are major milestones at this age. Children feel a real sense of achievement if they can complete these tasks independently.You can help by practising these skills at home. Let us know of little things that are important – a special name, a favourite activity, these will enable us to ensure the passage from home to school is as easy as possible. Parents: If you know in advance your child will not be in Nursery or you wish your child to attend an additional session, please request permission from the Nursery Teacher. If your child is ill or there is a family emergency, please let us know on the first day of absence in one of the following ways: 1. Send a message via Cognita Connect or 2. Email: or 3. Telephone the school on 01792 298 537 or 4. Send a note via an older sibling We realise there may sometimes be problems, so if we do not hear from you, we may contact you by telephone.

With a view to ensuring excellent communication between school and parents, Cognita has an online portal and app – Cognita Connect. You will receive an invite to Cognita Connect the day after your child has enrolled. In addition to messages, emails and the newsfeed there is lots of useful information in 'The Hub' section. If you experience any difficulty finding your way around the app then please contact either Mrs Napier or Miss Barguss who will be happy to assist. Staff will send you a weekly communication via this app and in addition regular newsletters and updates will also be posted, keeping you up to date with everything that is going on at school. We will also contact you with shorter more immediate messages, should a school visit be running late or an afterschool activity cancelled, for example. Key features of Cognita Connect:

Access through the app or online. Personalised newsfeed with information relevant to you. Smart calendar to keep track of important dates and events. View letters and give trip permissions. An easy and interactive way to manage payments for your child/children’s clubs and visits and activities 24/7 access to your transaction history via the app or web Please note invoices for school fees will be sent via email from Cognita Connect is our main channel of communication with you and the only way to make payments for non-fee items, such as peripatetic lessons, school trips, Acorns Stay and Play, Acorns Holiday Club. As always, we thank you for your support and cooperation.

School Information Reception to Year 6

ATTENDANCE: Each pupil should aim for 100% attendance. PARENTS: If you know in advance your child will not be in school you should: Apply for leave of absence if you want to take your child on holiday during term time. Please complete and submit an absence form which can be found on Cognita Connect prior to finalising any holiday arrangements to request permission from the Headteacher Send in a medical appointment card or email your child's Classteacher (please try to avoid dental appointments during school hours unless it is an emergency) ABSENCE: If your child is ill, please try to let us know on the first day of absence in one of the following ways: Message school via Cognita Connect Email Class Teacher or Miss Barguss Telephone the school on 01792 298 537 We realise there may sometimes be problems, so if we do not hear from you, we may contact you by telephone on the first day of absence. PUNCTUALITY: Learning to be punctual is essential if pupils are to succeed in the future. Always make sure that your child arrives at school on time. Pupils are expected to be in school by 8.45 a.m. for registration. If a pupil arrives after this time they must report to Miss Barguss at the Reception area and sign in. Minutes late per day during a school year 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes

Equivalent days of learning lost in a year 3.4 days 6.9 days 10.3 days 13.8 days 20.7 days

Frequent lateness can add up to a considerable amount of lost learning and can seriously disadvantage your child.

ARRIVAL AND COLLECTION: Early Bird Club runs daily from 8.00 a.m. until 8.30 a.m. for parents who wish to drop their child in school before 8.30 a.m. Staff come on duty at 8am. Staff arriving before this do so to complete preparations for the day. There is no charge for this facility. Pupils are looked after by members of staff until the Classteachers collect them at 8.30 for the start of the school day. The school day starts at 8.50 a.m. End of day collection times: Reception 3.15 p.m. Year 1 3.20 p.m. Year 2 3.25 p.m. Year 3 & Year 4 3.30 p.m. Year 5 & Year 6 3.40 p.m. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils will be released directly from their classrooms, please buzz at the side gate (Press ‘R’) Year 3 – Year 6 pupils are brought to the main entrance at the end of the day. Please use the side gate to collect your child from Acorns Stay and Play

MONEY AND VALUABLES: Pupils are asked not to bring money or valuables to school. Articles such as calculators should be marked indelibly with a pupil’s name. Pupils are not allowed to have mobile phones in their possession in school during the day. Should these be needed for after school they must be given to the Classteacher for safe keeping or left with Miss Barguss at Reception.

INFORMATION BOOKLETS We have produced a number of information booklets which can be found in 'The Hub' These include: NACE | Aim High Booklet Spelling Guide Speech Lessons - LAMDA Ballet Instrument Lessons Catering by Thomas Franks Netball Uniform Booklet

Catering At Oakleigh House we believe that providing our pupils with healthy choices at mealtimes is very important. Pupils eat together in the dining hall. Hot lunches for all are freshly prepared daily in the school's own kitchens by Thomas Franks caterers. The weekly menu options are included in the information available on Cognita Connect. Breakfast is available to all pupils at 8.30 a.m. daily (This is charged at £2 per week for pupils in Reception to Year 6)

Uniform Requirements Parents are asked to ensure that pupils adhere strictly to the prescribed uniform. Parents are requested to clearly label all items of uniform with their child’s name. Please see the uniform brochure for more details. Uniform can be purchased from : J & S Products, 74 Tycoch Road, Swansea SA2 9EQ 01792 206658

Senior Prefects

Head Boy: Angel Rangel

Head Girl: Imogen Griffiths

Deputy Head Boy: Spencer Stephens-MacLennan

Deputy Head Girl Sophia DiIulio

Oakleigh House is committed to providing a safe environment where each child can play, learn and develop. These people are part of the safeguarding team at Oakleigh House

Mrs Sally WIlson H&S Co-ordinator

Mrs Rhian Ferriman Headteacher

Mrs Emma Owen DSL

Mrs Suzanne van Hooijdonk

Mrs Cerys Wendon ALNCo


Mrs Elaine Saunders First Aid

Mrs Nasima Ali DDSL

PARKING We request that parents do not stop or park on the zig zag lines outside school as this presents a danger to children. The school opens at 8 a.m. in the mornings and the end of the day times are staggered to try to reduce congestion in the Crescent. School opens from 8am and pupils need to be in school by 8.50am, We offer a drop off service in the mornings. Parents are able to stop to drop-off in the school bus stop. However, this area should not be used for parking. Please never leave your car unattended in the bus stop. Mr Ferriman will meet the children as they exit the cars and see them safely to the front door. The pupils would then need to make their way to Early Bird independently. Parents are required to approach the bus stop by coming up the hill from Notts Gardens so they are not crossing the flow of traffic. Parents should never try to complete a three point turn in the road but should follow the traffic stream. Pupils need to be ready to leave the car only releasing their seatbelts when the car has stopped. (not requiring to get anything out of the boot etc) The service is available primarily to pupils in years 3 – 6, to include younger siblings only if parents are happy for the older sibling to be responsible We always advise our neighbours of events in school that will impact on parking in the Crescent and we are very aware of the restricted parking availability. Please can I request that you park with due consideration to our neighbours at all times. HOME SCHOOL TRANSPORT Oakleigh House runs two minibuses for home - school transport. This service can be used on a regular or ad hoc basis providing we are able to accommodate your request. Regular Use: Seats are booked on a term by term basis. Names of interested families are taken prior to the start of an academic year. Transport routes can then be ascertained and those interested will be advised whether or not we are able to meet the request. Charges are raised at the start of each term for that period and posted on Cognita Connect. Charges: The fee for a regular user is £3 per journey and charged for the whole term whether the seat is used or not. The fee for ad hoc use is £5 per journey. f you are interested in finding out more about this service, please contact Miss Barguss email: or telephone school 01792 298 537.

Finance Payment of Fees School fees are payable either in full on the first day of term or if you wish to pay your fees over a twelve-month period you can do so via School Fee School Fee Plan Tel: 0330 123 9720. You will receive an invoice via email from All other charges eg: Acorns Stay and Play, Acorns Holiday Club | trips and visits | tickets etc will be processed via the Cognita Connect app. Childcare Vouchers You are able to use Childcare Vouchers towards payment of fees up to and including the term your child turns 5 years. After this date, we can no longer accept vouchers towards school fees but they can be used to pay for Acorns Play and Stay and Acorns Holiday Club. New applications need to be made via Childcare Choices. Giving Notice Parents are required to give one whole term’s notice when they wish to withdraw their child from school. (eg: if you intend leaving at the end of an academic year notice needs to be received before the start of the summer term). Failure to do so will result in fees in lieu being charged. Please refer to our terms and conditions. In addition, if you wish your child to give up a peripatetic lesson, a term’s notice is required. We will make a note of your request and advise the relevant peripatetic teacher that their timetable will change – as I am sure you will appreciate all our peripatetic staff have busy schedules with commitments outside school. New Bank Details: Account Name: Oakleigh House School Sort Code 40-41-70 Account No: 00021830 SWIFT Code: IBAN:

MIDLGB22 GB52MIDL40417000021830

OUT OF HOURS PROVISION For many families, the most difficult childcare to arrange is that which covers the times when parents have to be at work, but school is closed. Our Acorns Holiday Club provides a safe and fun environment for all children to get the most from their school holidays, with action packed days and lots of projects to keep them entertained. The emphasis in Holiday Club is on having lots of fun and our creative team make sure that there is always plenty to entertain the children, be it team games or individual activities. You can book and pay for these sessions via the Cognita Connect app. Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee spaces without prior booking. Cancellations require 48 hours’ notice. The full amount will be charged for any cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice. Details can be found on 'The Hub' Any queries should be directed to either: or

30 Hours free childcare is now available during 9 weeks of our Holiday Club. You can register at Once you receive your 10 digit unique reference number please pass this to Miss Barguss together with full details of the hours you intend to use. UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS Parents are asked to ensure that pupils adhere strictly to the prescribed uniform. Parents are requested to clearly label all items of uniform with their child’s name. Please see the uniform brochure for more details. Uniform can be purchased from : J & S Products, 74 Tycoch Road, Swansea SA2 9EQ 01792 206658

Term Dates 2021 - 2022

Autumn Term 2021 Monday 6th September Tuesday, 7th September Wednesday, 8th September Monday 25th October Friday 5th November Friday, 17th December

INSET - School Closed INSET - Acorns Holiday Club Autumn term commences

Monday 20th - Wednesday, 22nd

Acorns Holiday Club

Half Term - Acorns Holiday Club Autumn term ends

Spring Term 2022 Monday 3rd January Tuesday, 4th January Wednesday, 5th January Monday, 21st - Friday 25th February Friday, 8th April

INSET - School Closed INSET - Acorns Holiday Club Spring term commences Half term - Acorns Holiday Club Spring term ends

Monday, 11th - Thursday, 14th

Acorns Holiday Club

Summer Term 2022 Monday, 25th April Tuesday, 26th April Monday, 2nd May Monday, 30th May Wednesday1st June Thursday, 2nd + Friday, 3rd June Friday, 8th July

INSET - Acorns Holiday Club Summer term commences Bank Holiday -School Closed Half term - Acorns Holiday Club Bank Holidays - School Closed Summer term ends

Monday, 11th July - Friday, 5th August - Acorns Holiday Club

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