Roots of Resilience: Oakland Leaf's 2020-21 Annual Report

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Table of Contents Welcome Letter........................................................................................ 3 Mission and Vision................................................................................... 4 Values............................................................................................................... 5 Covid Response Efforts.......................................................................6 Afterschool Programs...........................................................................8 Parent Voices............................................................................................14 Love Cultivating Schoolyards.......................................................16 Roots Internship......................................................................................18 Summer Internship Program........................................................ 20 Oakland Leaf Staff.................................................................................22 Oakland Leaf Board.............................................................................24 Use of Funds.............................................................................................24 Volunteer Spotlight..............................................................................25 Supporters................................................................................................. 26 For the best viewing experience, utilize zoom function and fullscreen mode.

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Oakland Leaf celebrated our 20th anniversary in March with Roots of Resilience, a live virtual event that shined a spotlight on the creativity and brilliance of our students and honored our community’s strength and perseverance. Oakland Leaf has emphasized resilience skills and other aspects of social and emotional learning (SEL) from the very beginning. The specific impact of this work over the past year, however, has cemented for us that SEL is not only a meaningful component of a well-rounded youth development curriculum, it is fundamental to supporting student success in all realms of life. While some of our students adjusted relatively well to distance learning, most struggled with online classes and endured major hardships at home. In hindsight, it is clear to us that the consistent spaces we created for young people to share their feelings, as well as our daily work teaching mindfulness, self-management, advocacy, goalsetting, and wellness practices, were far and away the most valuable contributions we made to our community this past school year. SEL is going to be just as essential when young people return to schools in August. Students and families will be navigating brand new challenges - restructured classrooms, instruction styles, and school schedules - all while grappling with the long-term impacts of the pandemic. Students will need time to process their feelings, rebuild friendships, practice their social skills, and adjust to the routines of campus life again. Our programs will offer the nurturing relationships and SEL skill-building opportunities that students will need to confidently reengage, reconnect, and thrive in a new and changing school context. We are so grateful to the many generous community partners, donors, and funders that truly “get” this work, and have made it possible for us to be such a critical resource to our youth and families over this past year. Much Love to all of you. Thanks for being a part of our community. Sincerely,

Melissa Mendez Ochoa Executive Director

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Oakland Leaf’s mission is to cultivate community transformation through creative education for youth and families. We envision a future where all young people in Oakland have the knowledge, skills, confidence, and drive to co-create a more loving, just, and vibrant city. Roots of Resilience | Oakland Leaf Annual Report 2020-21 4

Oakland Leaf’s core values guide every aspect of our work. Oakland Leaf plants seeds to grow. We root in, rise up, and branch out. We’re committed to stay.

C U LT I VAT I O N : We acknowledge, honor and nurture potential by providing space for growth. We look to the future. C O M M U N I T Y: We create safe space filled with Much Loves, support, healthy relationships, celebration and breaking bread. VO I C E : We hear, respect and develop voice and creative expression. We provide opportunities for input and accountability for ourselves and others. C R I T I CA L T H I N K I N G : We embrace the process of challenging the dominant narrative. We believe in the power of reflecting, questioning and digging deeper with intention. LOV E I N AC T I O N : We are rooted in love, transformational justice and restorative practices. We see the whole person. We practice peace, self care, and empathy.

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“Oakland Leaf has provided so much help not only with education but also emotionally. Staff have been so supportive in so many ways. They helped so many times when me and my family didn’t have enough food to survive during the COVID-19 crisis.” — Karen, parent of a 3rd grader

“Things have been tough. I feel really overwhelmed and anxious. It’s been so nice when I hear from Oakland Leaf. They care about my daughter, and they also really care about me.” Maria, parent of a 3rd grader

Oakland Leaf’s COVID-19 Response Efforts East Oakland was one of the Bay Area communities hardest hit by the pandemic. The high rates of COVID infection and prolonged social disconnection over the past year and a half were compounded by the intensification of the health, employment, housing, food security, and other struggles that our communities have always known. Roots of Resilience | Oakland Leaf Annual Report 2020-21 6

In response to the heightened need and many new challenges experienced by our students and families over the last year and a half, Oakland leaf increased our emphasis on social and emotional wellness across all our programs, and expanded existing and developed new family support initiatives, including: Weekly one-on-one and group wellness check-ins and self-care support for students and families, facilitated by Restorative Justice practitioners trained in trauma-informed care. Daily online tech support for students/families struggling with new technology and platforms. Weekly home deliveries of organic produce from our gardens, along with the thousands of pounds of food and bread donated weekly by local business partners. Distribution of classroom and art supplies, including paper, pencils, crayons, scissors, markers, watercolors, glue sticks, books, fidget toys, and soccer balls to ensure that all youth could fully participate in program activities from home. Distribution of home garden kits (pots, starters, seeds, and compost) and ongoing guidance, to support youth interns to grow vegetables, herbs, and medicinal plants for their families. Stocking and maintenance of a Basic Needs Center that provided families in need with consistent access to hygiene and cleaning supplies, dry goods, and other living essentials. Expansion of our annual Holiday Family Support Initiative that includes distribution of food, toys, winter coats, and other warm clothes.

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“Something I learned in program is that it’s ok to talk about your feelings and what’s going on - it’s safe to talk in this space and not hold things in where later you feel sad or stressed.” — Natalia, 6th grade asp student

“My favorite part about school is afterschool!” — Anro, 4th grade ASP student

Afterschool Programs Oakland Leaf provided quality, enriching, and free virtual afterschool programming for approximately 450 East Oakland students at six high-need elementary and middle schools this past year. In-person programming will resume in August, and we expect to enroll approximately 750 students, our pre-Covid annual average. Our programming this past year focused on social and emotional learning, creative expression, leadership development, academic support, service learning, and social justice, and included a diverse range of enrichment opportunities including S.T.E.M. activities, sports, poetry, visual arts, dance, service learning, community impact projects, and more.

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“I love coming to program because I feel safe and it feels like everyone cares about you. Oh, and it’s also fun!” — Zaira, 5th grade ASP student

One of the ways we adapted our afterschool programs to more effectively meet the needs of our students and families over this past year was an increased emphasis on social and emotional wellness. For example, we carried out weekly one-on-one wellness check-ins with students and families, we launched a new self-care class, and we incorporated resilience and wellness practices and conversations into all of our classes. Leveraging our strong relationships of trust with both families and the school district, Oakland Leaf was able to serve as a muchneeded bridge between the two over this past year. For example, we provided regular translation and interpretation support services between schools and families and we represented the interests of the Oakland Leaf community in schools and at the district level, advocating for expanded services to better meet student and family needs.

Oakland Leaf FY 20-21 Program Partners:



qualified for free or reduced lunch


were English Language Learners.

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of the students we served identified as students of color

That Zoom Life Staying Connected During Remote Learning

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Youth Voice and Creative Expression

Meet the Artist by Zenith, Bret Harte middle school, Portrait by Gabe, Bret Harte middle school, Visions of Freedom by Encompass students, Visions of Outerspace by Ascend students, Warmup by Dayana and My Theme Partk by Saray

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Life by Dona, 3rd grade It has its flaws but nothing is perfect although it may glitter and shine there are always little things that break the heart and other things that can cheer the whole world up

Trees by Zaida, 4th grade Trees trees they produce many leaves it’s a home to all the bees and their queen They dance along with a super powerful breeze. They make me sing sing they put me at ease ease ease Trees make me free Trees make me sneeze Trees make me sing

Our Earth is Fading A team poem by Ascend Afterschool Program 4th and 5th graders I am somebody who wants to make a change We should all rearrange the way we treat our Earth wide range Our Earth is in pain because of our careless ways We shouldn’t remain silent anymore. Generation that leads the way! We must protect it and not neglect it. What is our planet gonna turn out to be? We’re chopping down too many trees, excuse me please! We have low waters and low time remaining can’t you see? The time is now and we will make the change! We will save our planet you’ll see, it starts with you and me!

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Parent Voices “I want to share my deep appreciation for all that Oakland Leaf has offered my child during this past year that has been filled with so much change and so many challenges, across many aspects of life. Through offerings that ranged from art to restorative justice to leadership to Brazilian jiu jitsu, Gabriel learned a lot about the value of respect (for self and others), community, perseverance, and fun.” — Monica, mother of a 6th grader

“The afterschool program has helped my daughter in many ways. It was an outlet for my daughter to get help academically as well as getting to know her peers & becoming a little more social and less shy. The program helped me as a working parent, by helping my daughter with her homework before she came home. They also give emotional support to students and make a safe place for them to be.” — Soncilia, mother of an 8th grader

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“My child is on the Autism spectrum and the afterschool program has taken care of him, showing loving care and compassion, and providing homework support, recreation, social support, and exercise, for the last two years. Staff are always great with parent communication and respond to my inquiries, no matter the day or time and we’re always in touch via text. I am so thankful to see how much they care about students”. — Lai, mother of an 8th grader.

“The staff truly go out of their way to go above and beyond to help students and parents feel comfortable and welcomed. They show they care for the students and parents to have peace of mind. Go to them for a problem and they will do their best to fix it, they have been a blessing to my family.” — Cynthia, mother of a 3rd grader

“The afterschool program helps my child with her homework and they help her develop in an environment where she feels safe and where her opinion counts. We are so grateful and happy with the teachers who help and encourage students to always excel beyond their expectations.” — Sandra, mother of a 5th grader

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“Working in my garden reminds me how beautiful and heartwarming nature can be. It’s like a stress-free zone where I can focus on my breathing and relaxation and get things off my mind. And I really like using crops from my garden to cook for my family. It sparks conversations and brings us together.” — Diego, 11th grade LCS Intern

Love Cultivating Schoolyards This past year, our Love Cultivating Schoolyards (LCS) paid internship program engaged ten East Oakland High School students in virtual leadership and professional development trainings, as well as conversations and community impact projects related to food justice and food security issues. LCS also offered consistent COVIDsafe outdoor education opportunities at the Castlemont Farm and Gardens in East Oakland. These onsite planting, garden maintenance, harvesting, and food prep opportunities were a major highlight of the program, especially for students struggling with online learning and being indoors all day. The produce students grew continued to be the core of Oakland Leaf’s food distribution initiative, providing fresh, organic vegetables and herbs to families in Oakland’s most foodinsecure neighborhoods. Roots of Resilience | Oakland Leaf Annual Report 2020-21 16

“I have been an intern with LCS for the past four years. The internship has always meant a lot to me but this past year it was especially important because it was one of the only opportunities I had to be outside in nature and it helped me take my mind off of online school. I graduated this year but I will be coming back to help train and support new LCS interns”. — Jovanna, 12th grade LCS intern

Oakland Leaf also provided interns with the materials to create and expand their home gardens and supported them to cultivate vegetables and medicinal plants to feed and support the wellness of their families. To share their growing expertise, interns created youtube instructional videos about their gardening experiences and lessons learned. Earlier this year, LCS interns began working with the Castlemont High School Social Enterprise Coordinator to research, design, and launch a CSA program in East Oakland. The model they created ensures that all Castlemont High School families have access to free produce, while other community members pay on a sliding scale to subsidize the free boxes. Also this year, LCS began a new learning and action unit on food preparation and cooking. The team planted a range of culturally relevant crops, including black eyed peas, pinto beans, and hot peppers, and then facilitated a series of live online cooking demos. Interns interviewed their families to gather family and ancestral recipes and conducted research to learn about the health benefits of different foods.

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“I started interning with Oakland Leaf when I was in 6th grade. I hosted afterschool program student showcases, helped kids with their homework, and did spanish translation. I’ve learned so many new skills and I’ve grown so much from working with Roots for the past five years. I am a much better communicator and I am more confident, independent, and organized.” — Lucia, 10th grade Roots intern

Roots Internship Our Roots paid internship program created leadership development opportunities for 20 East Oakland high school students. Roots interns worked as Instructor Aids in our virtual after-school programs where they learned how to create and maintain a creative educational space for young students. Interns led zoom breakout rooms, facilitated check-ins and other activities, provided administrative and tech support, and served as tutors and mentors for program participants.

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“I have always been an introverted person, but the Roots program helped me step out of my comfort zone and use my voice to advocate for myself and other students. I have grown as a leader, speaker, and advocate, and I’ve created long-lasting mentorships and friendships”. — Jasmine, 12th grade Roots intern

Interns also participated in trainings and coaching sessions, team-building activities, and community impact projects designed to support their socialemotional and professional development, as well as their college and career readiness. As part of a professional development speaker series, interns had the opportunity to learn from and dialogue with diverse professionals in the youth development and education sectors. We supported all of our senior interns with their college application processes and all thirteen of them were accepted to, and enrolled in, colleges and universities, including seven different UC and Cal state universities. A major highlight of the year for Roots interns was preparing for and participating in the 17th Annual California Afterschool Challenge. As part of this statewide day of action, interns met virtually with state legislators to share how out-of-school time programs have directly impacted them and their communities, and to advocate for an expansion of state funding. To prepare, interns carried out extensive research and participated in public speaking coaching sessions.

“For almost ten years I’ve been hiring and supporting the youth that come out of Oakland Leaf. What you get from a youth participant coming from Oakland Leaf is an empowered youth. You get a youth that cares about their community, has a high level of leadership skills, and a desire and a passion to change the adverse effects of institutional racism in our communities.”

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— Frederick Douglass Mesa, Director of Expanded Learning at East Bay Asian Youth Center

Summer Internship Program Oakland Leaf coordinated an intensive summer internship program for 20 high school-aged youth from June 7th to June 25th. The internship combined daily virtual trainings, discussions, and project-based learning opportunities with in-person outdoor education opportunities. Training topics included financial and media literacy, self-care, and research skills. Guest speakers also presented on diverse social justice issues affecting our local community. Roots of Resilience | Oakland Leaf Annual Report 2020-21 20

Leveraging their new skills and learnings, interns developed and carried out community impact projects of their own choosing. Students delved into racial justice, gender justice, mental health, food justice, and LGBTQ rights, among other issues. They conducted online research, surveyed community members, and interviewed nonprofits and activist groups about available support, solutions, and opportunities to get involved in making change. Compiling what they learned, students created resource guides, infographics, and other community education materials that they shared online and in their communities. The outdoor education component of the internship included hands-on experience growing and harvesting produce at the Castlemont Farm and Gardens in East Oakland. The summer program was designed as an introduction and orientation to our Roots and LCS internship programs, and all youth participants will be considered priority applicants for our internship programs this coming school year.

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Oakland Leaf Staff At Oakland Leaf, we believe that when instructors and other youth program staff reflect the culture, communities and experiences of the young people they work with, it fosters a sense of belonging, builds community ties and inspires young people to envision themselves in leadership roles.

96% of Oakland Leaf program staff identify as people of color

90% reside in Oakland

43% of Program Managers are former OL youth participants

Staff Voices Oakland Leaf staff members reflecting on what resilience means to them. have mine”. I say this all the time to parents when they seem reluctant to accept support. I tell them, “I know your struggle. I’ve been there. I’ve needed help just to make ends meet. We are a community, and we take care of each other.”

Erika Cardona, Learning with Without Limits Afterschool Program Manager For me, a big part of resilience is being willing to ask for and accept help. This is really hard for people in general, but especially those of us that are from immigrant communities who feel like we are constantly fighting negative stereotypes.

I started the Basic Needs Center (BNC) last year, in direct response to what parents of my students were telling me on a daily basis. My families all live in the Fruitvale, one of the Bay Area neighborhoods hardest hit by COVID-19. Parents had lost jobs, homes, and loved ones to the pandemic and a lot of families were going without basic necessities of life

There is a phrase in Spanish – “Hoy por ti, mañana por mi”. It means, basically, “Today I have your back and tomorrow someone will

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– deodorant , toothpaste, shampoo, hand sanitizer, diapers, cleaning supplies.

on a staff members’ unsung contribution in our internal newsletter. In every afterschool program session and staff meeting, we prioritize intentional space for Much Loves, what we call our appreciations. I feel really lucky that expressing and nurturing gratitude is a part of my job.

At first, I just bought things myself and added them to the bags of food we were dropping off a couple times a week to families. Then some teachers at my school started contributing items. Then we put the word out to the larger Oakland Leaf community and soon, we had a whole classroom full of supplies. It has been a true labor of love, powered by community volunteers and donations.

Johanna Masis, Program Director When I think of resilience I think of social justice. Even with something that literally affects everyone on the planet, like the pandemic, some communities have suffered so much more than others and those same communities have the least access to resources to make it through and recover.... to be resilient. When we see a headline like “Thousands still without power in Texas following winter storm”, we can’t put the blame on the weather. Inequitable systems and structures caused the storm to have the disastrous effect that it did, and our responses need to address those root issues.

We are resilient, as a community, when we can ask each other for help, without shame or fear of judgment. We are resilient when we help others in ways that uphold their dignity and humanity. We take care of ourselves when we take care of each other. Sara Rousseve, People and Culture Manager In my role at Oakland Leaf, I think a lot about resiliency and wellness, both in terms of the individual humans who make up Oakland Leaf, and the organization as a whole. Resilience is a set of skills that can be grown through practice. Skills that are at the core of our youth programs. One of these skills that often gets overlooked, especially in our workplaces, is gratitude and appreciation. There is science to show that there is actually a gratitude circuit in our brains and strengthening this circuit improves our physical, mental, and emotional health and helps us feel more connected to other people.

The same principle holds true for access to quality education and afterschool programs. Earlier this year, Oakland Leaf youth interns met virtually with state legislators to make the case for how critical afterschool programs are and to advocate for increased state funding. We participated as part of a statewide network of organizations. There is power in numbers and coordinated action, and understanding ourselves as part of a larger ecosystem of organizations, government agencies, and policymakers is critical to our sustainability.

Every day in my work, I try to think creatively, and from a place of love, about how I can support every person in the organization to feel more witnessed, affirmed, and appreciated. This might look like me mailing a handmade card with words of personal gratitude to a coworker or shining a spotlight

We cannot expect youth to be resilient - to keep bouncing back after experiencing one hardship after another - unless we are fighting for and WITH young people for the resources and opportunities that they deserve.

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Oakland Leaf

Use of Funds

Board of Directors:

Revenue 2020-21*

Gail Camacho, Board Chair Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Informing Change

Fee for service

Howard Joyce, Treasurer Managing Partner, Morgan HIll Partners


Corporate Grants


Foundation Grants


Individual Donations




Other income

Marina Ortega, Secretary Physician Assistant, UCSF



Harris Bostic II Strategic Senior Advisor, Tides


Expenses 2020-21* Program Expenses

Kim Bronson Sourcing Manager, Genentech Kim Duff Director of Product Marketing, Rally Health


Management and General




Fundraising 6%

Management and General 13%

Monica Guzman Vice Principal, Mount Diablo Unified School District Debra Levinsky Retired Medical Doctor, Private Practice

Program 81%

Scott Sillers Board of Trustees, Health Professions Education Foundation

Total: $2,076,277 Reserve: $59,891

Stephen Walrod Retired Clinical Psychologist


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VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT: Workday, a financial and human resources management software vendor headquartered in the Bay Area, is one of Oakland Leaf’s most dedicated corporate partners. In 2020, Fortune magazine and SF Business times ranked Workday as one of the top companies to work at based on employee satisfaction surveys. A big part of what makes Workday so special is their company-wide commitment to giving back to their communities. Between community impact grants, workforce development initiatives, environmental sustainability commitments, employee giving programs, and employee volunteer projects, Workday is setting the bar for engaged corporate responsibility. They don’t just do this work because they “have” to do it. It’s truly part of who they are. Workday’s first ever Oakland Leaf volunteer effort was organized by Josh DeFigueiredo, a long-time Oakland Leaf supporter and Workday’s Chief Security Officer. He brought together 40 of his coworkers to provide support for an afterschool program student showcase. Since then, Workday volunteers have provided support in classrooms, coordinated a toy drive, created activity workbooks, recorded kids book read-alouds, and trained staff in online tools, just to name a few of their many contributions. Workday has also invested in Oakland Leaf with grant funding. In addition to creating opportunities and incentives for all their employees to volunteer and donate, Workday gives “Team Volunteer Grants” to organizations for any volunteer project that involves five or more employees. “When we suddenly had to start doing everything remotely last year, we were really at a loss for how we were going to engage volunteers in meaningful and productive ways”, shared Rena Stoler, former Development Manager at Oakland Leaf, “Everyone at Workday, especially Zoe, their Employee Events Manager, has been so flexible, reliable, and genuinely enthusiastic about whatever project we come up with. Our partnership over this past year is a testament to what is possible, even in a virtual context, when “giving back” is so fully embedded in a company culture. We look forward to many more years of creative partnership with Workday.”

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Oakland Leaf Supporters Much love to all of the individual and institutional investors who help make Oakland Leaf’s work possible. We are deeply grateful for your commitment to the success and well-being of East Oakland youth. This list reflects total donations and grants received from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

Abhi Shandilya

Arzu Minstry

Charlie Kaplan

Abigail Falik and Joel Segre

Audrey Yang

Abigail Lutsky

Aya Brackett

Charlotte Buchen and Elie Khadra

Adele and Paul McAndrew

Ayanna and Carlos Reed

Chris Bruzzo

Adolph Rosekrans

Banks Family Foundation

Christian Blanco

Alexis Green

Barbara de Janvry

CLIF Bar Family Foundation

Alice Erb and Robert Harris

Barbara Gordon

Alice Waters

Barry Lesch

Clorox Company Foundation Fund

Alida Cheung

Bart Magee

Alison and Dale Miller

Bayer USA Foundation

Alison Fletcher

Ben Redcross and Michael Sears

Allen Chang

Conor Redington Corey Newhouse Crankstart Foundation Cristina and Brian Borghi

Bernard E. & Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation

Cuong Quach

Amy and Chris Marvin

Blake Lawrence and Dina Gorenshteyn

Daniel and Wendy Schuman

Amy and Dennis Spangler

Bonnie and Jeff Felix

Amy and George Gorman

Darren Kalb

Bonnie Fraenza

Amy Friedkin

Darrin Force and Mala Singh

Caitlin Lang and Chris Gaither

Andrew and Teresa Gunther

Darryla and Dan McGrath

Caleb Teo

Andrew Wilson

David Cussen

Carol Kusmierski

Angelo Rauseo

David Fox

Caroline and Roger Purves

Ann Smulka and Robert Blackburn

David Hanscom and Babs Yohai

Caroline McMahon

David Judd and Kathryn Fitch

Catie Stewart

David Kessler and Nancy Mennel

AmazonSmile Amber Xie

Anna Kneitel and Michael Gross

Dania Mendez Daragh O'Sullivan

Anne Hildebrande

Charlene and Amber Kristin Green

AnnJanette Rosga

Charles and Beata Dillingham


David Siegel and Andrea Picchi

Charles and Naomie Kremer

Anthony Minaise

David Woodard and Daryl Dean

Charlie Dillingham

Dea Inguito

April Wu and Jace Levinson

David Maltzan

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Donor Spotlight In addition to being long-time generous donors, Michael and Peter have consistently sponsored a table at our annual gala and they are currently organizing a fundraising and volunteer event at one of our school-based gardens.

“For us, Oakland Leaf is a space to thrive, a space to learn – a space to build community. We believe true personal and spiritual nourishment comes with education, knowledge of the world, and the love and support of our families and our communities. Oakland Leaf collects all of these beautiful aspects of life into an organization of incredible importance. Whenever we drop into its orbit, whether through events, videos, or email mailers, the sense of joy that is being propagated and shared is palpable and we feel so very lucky to be able to share in it all.” — Michael Breland and Peter Harper

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Deborah and Bill Joost

Gary Parsons and Rachel Rush

Deborah and Michael Lesser

Gayle Nygaard

Joann Falkenburg and Chad Graff

Deborah and Robert Van Nest

George Lewinski

Jocelin Saks and Steven Tindall

Debra Levinsky

Jocelyn Manuel

Deirdre Kidder

Georgina and Juan Carlos Ochoa

Diego Perez

Gloria and Timothy McGuire

Joey Schuman

Donald Jacobus

Grace Stori

John Bliss and Kim Thompson

Dora Barbosa

Gregg Bowman

John Coll

Douglas Campbell

Hai Kim

John Hamilton

Eileen Keller and Craig Williams

Hannah Lesser

Jonathan Amores

Elaine and Ric Tombari

Hannah Roucher

Jonathan Yu

Electronic Arts

Harley and Joan Ferguson

Jorge Escobedo

Elizabeth and Charles Farnsworth

Harris Bostic II and Thomas Fortin

Joseph Keatinge

Elizabeth Kandall and Jonathan Slone

Heather Hart

Judy Wofsy

Helene and David Buchen

Julie and Fred Nachtwey

Elka Chamberlin and Dara Beirne

Hella Coastal

Julie Bulanda

Herbert Klar

Ellen Pulleyblank Coffey

Justice Outside

Emily and Dan Loeb

Howard Joyce and Jennifer Cabalquinto

Justin Hughes

Emily Mayer

Howard Stanger

Emily Woolf

Ilana and Joe Harrow

Emma Liss

Ito and Casey Ripsteen

Eoghan O'Connell

J. T. Childs Jr

Eric Hsiao

Jackson Porretta

Erica and Rich Pelavin

Jacob Schatz

Erin Lewellen and Amy Jones

James Ellis

Evan Gattozzi Evan Miller and Elinor Buchen

James Hawley and Diane Ehrensaft

Eve Yalom

Jamie Nadle

Katherine Falk

Fishman Family Fund

Jane Clausen

Kathleen Mendoza

Florangel Jovellanos

Janet White and Michael Clark

Francis Meynard

Jeff Clark

Kathryn Frank and James B Blume

Frederick E. and Anne R. Barstow Fund

Jennifer and Donald Bellenger

G.B. Levine and Marilyn Masters Levine

Jenny Ratzel

Gabe Appel Kraut

Jia Zou

Gail Camacho and Reuben Sana

Jim Blume

Gap, Inc.

Joan Mikkelsen

Joel Appel Kraut

Joshua DeFigueiredo

Justin Pratt Kaethe Weingarten Kaiser Permanente Kamryn Ralph Karen McClung Karen Meryash Karissa Yee Findley

Jennifer and Michael Merdinger Jessica Breland and Jack Lyons

Karyn Mandan Kassandra Hinrichsen

Kathy Weiner Katia Dunkel Kelly Lopez Kelsey Hermann Ken and Becca Moss Kendra Aiken

Gary and Willette Iwatani

Kenneth Lewis Kenneth Rainin Foundation

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Kenny Lewis and Kat Daniel

Lowell Berry Foundation

Morgan Hill Partners

Kerry Compton

Luis Mendez

Nadine F. Joseph

Kevin Kilty

Luis Paniagua

Nan Gefen

Kim and Malcolm Duff

Lyn Fine

Nancie and Tom Hughes

Kim Bronson

Lynn and Len Epstein

Nancy Mueller

Kirby Kim and Zuleika Ladha

Lynn Johnson

Nataj Walker

Koshland-Wachtel Fund

Marcia Tanner

Natalie Blackmur

Kristin Helé and Justin Defreitas

Margaret Kross

Natalie Van Tassel

Kristine Hirschhorn

Margery Cantor

Neil Shah

Kunal Parulekar

Margo McDaniel

Neku Pogue

Kurt Patzner and Carla Picchi

Maria and Juan Carlos Mendoza

Niaz Benaei

Lacey Sher and Jason Silverio

Nicholas and Kristin Walrod

Larry Stoler and Amy Schuman

Marina Ortega and Shannon Coughlin

Laura J. Katz

Marisol Rodriguez

Nirali Beri

Laura Kretschmar

Mark Nakamura

Noah Finkelstein

Laura Miele

Mark Pincus

Norma Pizano

Laura Peck

Marlene and Rick Millikan

Odiaka and Viet-Ly Gonzalez

Laura Spiekerman and Nick Greene

Marnie Curry

Olga Salinas

Martha Chase

Pacific American Group LLC

Lauren McDonnell Learning For Action

Mary Canavan and Marie Minghini

Pacific Workers Compensation Law Corporation

Lee & Associates

Mary Wakely

Lee Slome and Anthony Fenner

Matt Ross and Gloria Lawrence

Pam Gelman and Rick Rosenbaum

Leo Kremer

Matthew Bilbey

Patricia and Michael Sullivan

Leon Dixon

Matthew Orgill

Patricia Merchant

Leslie Rogers

Matthew Sexton

Patty and Jesus Mendez

Li-Chi Lee

Melindevic Gamil

Paula and Bill Inwood

Linda Assante


Paula Heller and Robbie Yohai

Linda Lubitz and Norman Boone

Michael Breland and Peter Harper

PayPal Giving Fund

Lior Appel-Kraut

Michael Lenghel

Lisa Lee

Michael Weldon

Peter Van Tassel and Cory Henrickson

Lisa Orselli and Robert Rodriguez

Micheal McCarthy


Michelle Koo

Ralph and Terry Sklar

Lisa Reynolds

Miguel Mendez

Liset Esqueda

Mirella Rangel and Francisco Nieto

Ralph Kaywin and Lisa Buchberg

Loop and Tie

Nina Pressman and Ben Siebert

Peter Danzig and Lava Thomas

Raymond James

Lorraine Lerman and Clyde Leland

Molly Hill and Armando Merlero

Rebecca Baraconi

Molly Sloane

Rebecca Fisher

Louisa Larkin

Monica Chew and Chris Karlof

Rebekah Espino-Drobner

Love Cultivating Assets

Monica Guzman

Rena Stoler

Roots of Resilience | Oakland Leaf Annual Report 2020-21 29

Renee Hildebrand Reni and Don Harper

Sheila Sosnow and Richard Nagler

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Richard and Dee Lawrence

Sher-Right Fund

Theresa and Timothy Thomas

Rikki Edelman

Sherry and Jack Delo

Theresa Esparrago Lieu

Robin (Aviva) Schwartz

Sid and Maria Gallego

Theresa Fleury

Roger Manuel

Simone Hudson

Thomas Clark Dashiell

Roger Mendelson

Sonata Perez

Thomas George Wood

Ronald and Patricia Adler

Sonja Woodham

Tides Foundation

Ronald Congdon

Stacie Chun

Rosa Torres Mendez

Star Grocery

Beneficial State Bank Foundation

Rose Mendelsohn

Stefan Highsmith and Evelyn Kawahara

Tim and Kristin Ogles

Stephanie Lepow

Toni Garrett

Stephen and Marie Fox

Tony Kim

Stephen Beal and Elizabeth Hoover

Tracy and Jim Winchester

Roselyne Swig Royal Coffee, Inc. Ruth Hedy Anne Fallenbaum Ruth Miska Ruth Quinn

Tom and Janice Boyce

Trish Brennan and Eric Fieberling

Ruth Stroup and Yasou Sonoda

Stephen Walrod and Lauren McIntosh

Ruth Stroup Insurance Inc.

Steven and Marion Fredman

United Health Care

Ryan Miyahara

Suki O'Kane

Ursula Von Fluegge

Sal Mendez and Rosa Ochoa

Susan and David Princehouse

Valerie Threlfall


Susan Helmrich and Richard Levine

Veronica Churchill

Susan Mattmann and Matthew Morse

Wanda and Jud Peake

Sam Alcabes Sam Edwards Sara London


Victor Bonfilio

Susan Peick

Wells Fargo Foundation

Susan Woodward and Chris Woodward

Will and Dorothy Sillers Wind River

Seewan Eng

Suzanne Siskel and Peter Gajewski

Shahar Sztainer

Swig Company

Sharon Drager

Teresa Picchi and Joel Linzner

Sharon Silverman

The Brickyard Berridge Fund

Sharon Simpson

The Nicholson Family Foundation

Sarah Graham Satya Kedarisetty Scott Sillers and Mona Williams

William Dayton Workday Yumi Sato and Mark Kawano Zachary and Catherine Berman Zakary Bliss Zarak and Caitlin Khurshid

Funding Partners Income for service: East Bay Asian Youth Center

Oakland Public Education Fund

Education for Change

Oakland Unified School District

Oakland Fund for Children and YOuth

Roots of Resilience | Oakland Leaf Annual Report 2020-21 30

Roots of Resilience | Oakland Leaf Annual Report 2020-21 31

If you would like to support Oakland Leaf, please mail: Oakland Leaf Foundation | 520 3rd Street, Suite 109 | Oakland, CA 94607 or make a yearly/monthly gift that allows us to plan for and meet unexpected challenges: For more information about our programs, please contact us at: Oakland Leaf is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our tax ID # is: 810-565800 Roots of Resilience | Oakland Leaf Annual Report 2020-21 32

@OaklandLeaf @oaklandleaf

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