The Artifice, Spring 2012

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Oklahoma Art Education Association Newsletter Spring 2012 Volume 10, Issue 11

A Note From OAEA President

Marsha Carman Welcome to OAEA.

This is a place for art educators to grow and learn together, share creative expression, develop friendships and access educational opportunities. I invite all members to participate in member benefits including Fall Conference, Young Peoples Art Exhibit, State Superintendents Art Showcase, Young Talent in Oklahoma, Jr. Young Talent in Oklahoma, Members Art Show, YAM Activities, and others. The OAEA Board works hard to plan these activities for the total membership. Please contact us ( if you have any questions about sponsored activities or membership.

Marsha Carman OAEA President Weatherford, OK

Portfolio Day 2012 On January 13th, the hallway of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was swarming with high school seniors and juniors toting their large portfolios and nervously chatting with each other. Some were lined up to enter the classroom areas to talk with representatives from sixteen colleges, universities and art institutes. Others of the almost 200 students had already visited with reps and were anxious to either get to the second classroom space or view the newly arranged Chihuly exhibit. So many smiling faces and energetic voices created a festive atmosphere. High school teachers from all over Oklahoma took advantage of this opportunity to bring or send students for their chance to talk one-on-one to art professors and school reps. Students were able to show current work and get not only advice on the sum of their portfolio but needed inside advice on careers in art, majors available, costs, and curriculum. Not only were our large Oklahoma universities present but junior colleges, smaller universities and art institutes from Kansas City and Memphis. Santa Fe University was represented this year as well. The University of Oklahoma, University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, University Science & Arts of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Christian University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, East Central University, Rose State College, and St. Gregory’s had tables filled with literature about the entrance requirements, costs, and scholarship forms and information. Students could leave with questions answered and contact names. As these students passed the registration desk many were excited to tell others about how much they had learned and how encouraged they were. Over twenty-five reps and their assistants talked non-stop from 10 am till 2 pm, some not taking time out to eat lunch. These people gave generously of their time and our organization owes them our very loudest thank you. There were a number of parents who took advantage of this event to gain information as well and most of them were grateful to see how many different schools, majors, and opportunities from which to choose. Most students, teachers and parents ended the time with a tour of the museum. Some had never been to this jewel of a museum. The day became one of real discovery and encouragement. Portfolio Day is jointly sponsored by the OAEA and the Oklahoma City Museum of Art each January. Be sure to schedule this on your planning calendar for January 2013. Jann Jeffrey, OAEA Chair Portfolio Day

Middle Division Report By:Frances Williams The Junior Young Talent in Oklahoma Exhibit will be on display, March 3 through March 30, at the Gold Dome Multicultural Gallery at 23rd and Classen, Oklahoma City. This exhibit is a wonderful array of middle school student art in all mediums. Come and check it out and if you have not entered your students in this exhibit see what you/they have been missing. Junior Young Talent in Oklahoma closing awards will be held March 30th from 6:00pm-7:00pm; award presentation will be at 6:30pm. All work by participants must be picked up at this time!! The 2012 art school year has been moving along fast and furious for me as I am sure it has been for all of you! There are several things coming up that you and your students may be interested in and want to participate. Trashin’ Fashion is the brain child of Linda Esser, an art teacher who was taken by cancer but left a wonderful legacy for us in the things she believed in. One of those was a showcase of fashions developed from materials that would be thrown away. Mikel Iberra and I will be coordinating this event for the second time which will be held on the Cafe Stage from 12:0012:45pm, Friday April 27 during the Festival of the Arts in downtown Oklahoma City. Please contact either of us for more information. Montmartre Chalk Art Contest at the University of Arts & Sciences in Chickasha is perfect for introducing middle school students to an art oriented collage and creating art. The contest is April 5th contact montmartre.html March is Youth Arts Month!! This is how we bring the arts into the public and legislative focus! What can you do to showcase how art is important to your students? Plan a school, library, bank, etc. exhibit of student work. Want something more spontaneous? Take your students to the elementary school and make art with a class, or do chalk art, create and fly kites or take them on a texture hunt. If you are in a small community take a walking field trip and decorate a local business’ window with art. Put up a bulletin board exhibit of your student art and make a poster about the importance of art education in public schools. Post these activities on the OAEA Facebook page. Please contact me with any questions. Frances Williams Art is not a thing; it is a way – Elbert Hubbard

YAM Update By: Lisa Taulman March is the official Youth Art Month. Currently we have the Young People’s Art Exhibit hanging at City Arts in Oklahoma City. This Exhibit features over 40 artworks from schools across Oklahoma. There will be a reception and awards ceremony for this exhibit March 3rd at 2pm. The State Superintendent’s Elementary Art Showcase will be hung February 28th in the Hodge building (State Superintendent’s office) with the reception and awards ceremony March 27th at 3pm. Come out and see student talent from across the state! Don’t forget to get YAM proclamations signed and mailed to the YAM chairs. You can print a proclamation from the wikispaces site. Youth Arts Day is March 13th. This event will be held in the State Capitol Rotunda from 9am-11am. Art teachers are encouraged to attend and feel free to bring students as well. The YAM chairpersons will be distributing door hangers and small artworks to each state legislator to raise support and awareness for art education. For more information feel free to contact a YAM Chairperson. These contacts can be found at our YAM website (yamok.

Bartlesville “Intro

To Art” art class

Bartlesville “Intro To Art” art class just completed a re-cycling unit, using found objects to create “Bruin Robots”. This year the students took lightweight plastics, styrofoam, cardboard and wire to complete 2′ – 3′ tall robots in the form of the Bruin Mascot. After completing the construction of the robots, the students used spray paint to unify the design and embellished the sculptures with mechanical wires, used batteries and more to finalize the mechanical look to the robots. Jane Harlow AP Studio Art Instructor, Secondary Art Department Chair College Board APSA Consultant, National CB Reader Bartlesville High School

Metamorphosis By: Gail Sloop “Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal’s body structure through cell growth and differentiation.” Metamorphosis is a 2nd grade CoreKnowledge life cycle vocabulary concept. The first metamorphosis drawing is from observation of a butterfly. It is an illustration of noticing deeply the chrysalis stage and the attitude of the caterpillar. The second set of drawings is from a child’s playful imagination. As an urban elementary art teacher, we have the tools, technology and network to enhance or create a metamorphic change in our students’ visual awareness of nature, human expression and making connections. Visual art education is going through a transformation. The art teacher’s role and value in teaching different forms of visual communication and literacy is growing steadily faster with new technological advancements. We should keep our minds and hearts open for the metamorphic change. Artwork created by second graders: Bailey, Isaac, and Siam. Gail Sloop is a new foster parent, changing one child at a time.

Trashin’ Fashion Show WHAT: Trashin’ Fashion Show WHEN: April 27, 2012, 12:00pm WHERE: Café Stage, Festival of the Arts, Oklahoma City Myriad Gardens To sign up go to: OR1NJYkw2eFhLZVZZUXl5Y0E6MQ#gid=0 Trashin’ Fashion was started by Linda Esser. With her passing in 2011; Frances Williams and Mikel Ibarra stepped in to carry on her dream. My students look forward to participating in this all year long. They start thinking of ways to up-cycle and recycle things into fashion statements. You can see a video of last year’s runway show on Utube: All materials must be up-cycled or recycled. No duct tape, it is something that is purchased and new. Things which are used as joiners are fine: thread, Velcro, a zipper. Awards will be presented in two categories: Fashion or Accessory Elementary, Middle School, High School, Adult Questions, contact: Frances Williams: cell: 405-550-8933 Mikel Ibarra:

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