CUBA! Myth, Music and Spirit

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NEW YORK CENTER FOR JUNGIAN STUDIES Seminars and Study Tours in Extraordinary Settings

“Cuba! Myth, Music and Spirit” An Educational Program January 4-11, 2014

The heritage of Cuba is rich and many layered; it is an amalgam of and influenced by African, Caribbean, Spanish and American culture. Its exotic setting makes Cuba a wonderful place to explore our theme and enjoy what promises to be a very special program – one which will explore the roles that myth, magic and music play in its psychology and spirituality. Led by Jungian Analyst Aryeh Maidenbaum, our program will begin in Havana and include presentations by Havana University Professors as well as accompanying faculty Monika Wikman. During the course of our trip, we will hear some of Cubaʼs most gifted musicians perform for us; visit Havanaʼs Santeria Museum to experience the archetypal aspects of the Santeria “religion” and the integral role music and ritual dance play in this system of beliefs. Additionally, we will enjoy a guided tour of Cubaʼs world class Fine Arts Museum, see the Colonial mansions, Cathedrals and cobblestone plazas of Havana and Trinidad de-Cuba. Our group will be traveling to Cuba under the auspices of an approved Treasury Department license. We invite you to join us on this exotic and extraordinary adventure.

Central Havana

Some of the Highlights of our program will include:

- Presentations by accompanying faculty, Jungian Analyst Monika Wikman - Presentation, with accompanying images, by Professor Mario Coyula, one of Havanaʼs leading architects - Walking tour of Habana Vieja (Old Havana)- designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site - An opportunity to view examples of the fascinating colonial architecture in Havana, including its four main squares: Plaza Vieja; Plaza de la Catedral; Plaza de San Francisco and Plaza de Armas - A chance to hear some of Cubaʼs most gifted musicians perform for our group - Visit and guided tour of some of Cubaʼs outstanding cultural institutions, including: - Museo Nacional de Bellas Artesʼs (Cuban collection)- Havanaʼs world class fine arts museum with its fascinating collection of Cuban art- from Colonial times to the present - Ceramics Museum in Old Havana - La Cabaña, overlooking Havana Bay and providing a breathtaking view of Old Havana - Experience a music and dance ritual enactment at Havanaʼs Santeria Museum - Enjoy accommodations at the Melia Cohiba - one of Havanaʼs best hotels - Two day (overnight) excursion (via air conditioned coach) to Cienfuegos (one of Cubaʼs loveliest towns) and Trinidad de Cuba - Visit historic, colonial Trinidad de Cuba (considered the “crown jewel” of Cuban cities) - Sample (optional) dinners at a Paladar, one of Havanaʼs famed private home restaurants

Accompanying Faculty and Staff: Aryeh Maidenbaum, Ph.D., a Jungian Analyst in private practice in New York City, is Director of the N.Y. Center for Jungian Studies. Among his publications are “Psychological Types, Job Change and Personal Growth”; “Sounds of Silence,” and “The Search for Spirit in Jungian Psychology.” A contributor to and editor of Jung and the Shadow of AntiSemitism, he, taught Jungian psychology and was on the faculty of NYU for over 18 years. Dr. Maidenbaum is also a contributing author to Current Theories of Psychoanalysis (Robert Langs, ed.) Monika Wikman, Ph.D., is a Jungian Analyst and Astrologer. Author of Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness, she has contributed articles and poems to numerous journals. Internationally, she leads retreats for inner renewal through the activation of the subtle body realms and lectures on mythology, dreams, wellness, alchemy, and creativity. A graduate of the Jung-Von Franz Center for Depth Psychology in Zurich, she has taught in the graduate department at California State University and currently has a private practice in Tesuque, New Mexico.

Evry Mann, M.A. is a percussionist, composer and writer who holds masters degrees in religious studies and in music composition. Founder of the Center for Creative Education a non-profit cultural center in Stone Ridge, N.Y.- he was an artist in residence with the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes in Mexico for six years, performing throughout the country. Ev has led over 50 trips to Cuba to study music, dance and visual art, and authored the section on Music and Nightlife in Havana for the “Time Out” Guidebook. He has also studied traditional African music in Mali and Senegal and worked extensively with the Ballet Folklorico Cutumba of Santiago de Cuba. _____________________________________________________ This program ” is co-sponsored by NAAP and the New York Center for Jungian Studies. NAAP is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. This program will carry 16 C.E. credits and NAAP maintains responsibility for the program. Full attendance is required to receive full credit.

Program Details: * Cost of Program: $3650 includes: - Round trip air from Miami to Havana aboard charter flight - Visa to Cuba - Seven nightsĘź accommodations (including deluxe Melia Cohiba hotel in Havana) - Full breakfast daily; four lunches, and three dinners - All transportation within Cuba by deluxe, air-conditioned coach - Admission to historic sites and museums - All presentations and lectures by accompanying and local faculty * Based on double occupancy; gratuities ($145) and Visa fee ($50) additional. Single supplement available at $395. Airport taxes in Havana (25 CUC) additional and will be collected by airport authorities. Airport taxes in Miami included. Special hotel rate available, for those interested, at the Crowne Plaza Miami Airport hotel on the night of Friday, January 3. Balance Due: September 16, 2013

To Register: Include non-refundable deposit of $600, payable to The New York Center for Jungian Studies. Please complete the attached registration form and return to: The New York Center for Jungian Studies 27 North Chestnut Street New Paltz, NY 12561 (OR) Registration accepted by telephone or fax with credit card Tel. (845) 256-0191 Fax (845) 256-0196 Changes: All rights are reserved by the Program Directors to make faculty substitutions and/or to modify the itinerary (including hotels) as needed. Insurance: For your convenience, insurance forms will be sent upon registration or consult your own agent. Cancellations and Refunds: All cancellations must be received by the NY Center for Jungian Studies in writing. Deposit refundable, less $275 administration fee, before June 30, 2013. Cancellations received July 1 September 16, 2013: full refund less $600 deposit per person; September 17 – October 21, 2013: 50% refund per person after $600 nonrefundable deposit. No refunds after this date. Insurance: Due to the terms and conditions set by the U.S. Treasury Department, once the Visa applications are turned in, there can be NO substitutions of name so there can be no refunds for this trip. For this reason, we strongly recommend travel insurance for losses necessitated by having to cancel participation. Upon registration, for your convenience, an insurance application will be mailed to you... OR, feel free to consult your own insurance agent. For More Information: contact NY Center for Jungian Studies at: Tel. 845-256-0191 Fax: 845-256-0196 or e-mail <>

Cuba  January 4-11, 2014

Registration Name

TO REGISTER: Include non-refundable deposit of $600 per person, payable to The NY Center for Jungian Studies. Please complete the enclosed form and return to the office of: New York Center for Jungian Studies 27 North Chestnut Street New Paltz, NY 12561 (OR) REGISTRATION ACCEPTED BY TELEPHONE OR FAX WITH CREDIT CARD Tel. (845) 256-0191 Fax (845) 256-0196



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Phone (day)




 Yes! I am registering now and my deposit of $600 is enclosed  I prefer a double room  Iʼll be traveling with___________________  I would prefer a single room (single room supplement $395) Credit Card Registration Accepted by Tel. (845) 256-0191, Fax (845) 256-0196  Visa  Mastercard  American Express Card holderʼs name Card number Expiration date Signature

PLEASE NOTE: This tour will entail considerable walking and may include uneven and/or slightly hilly terrain. All participants must be able to keep up with the group. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the New York Center for Jungian Studies office at: (845) 256-0191

Cancellations and refunds Please see Program details for policy.

Amount $ Auth. Code: ____________

Participation Open to the general public and mental health professionals; no prerequisites required. All rights reserved by the program directors to make faculty substitutions and/or ask a participant to leave who is disruptive to the program. Disclaimer of Responsibility By registering for this program, participant specifically waives any and all claims of action against The New York Center for Jungian Studies and its staff for damages, loss, injury, accident or death incurred by any person in connection with this program. The NY Center for Jungian Studies and its respective employees assume no responsibility or liability in connection with the service of any train, vessel, carriage, aircraft or other conveyance which may be used wholly or in part in the performance of their duty to the passengers. Neither will The NY Center for Jungian Studies be responsible for any injury, death, loss, accident, delay or irregularity through neglect or default of any company or person engaged in carrying out the purposes for which tickets, vouchers, or coupons are issued. No responsibility is accepted for losses or expenses due to sickness, weather, strikes, wars and other causes. In the event it becomes necessary or advisable for any reason whatsoever to alter the itinerary or arrangements, such alterations may be made without penalty. All rights reserved to require any participant to withdraw from the program at his/her own expense when such an action is determined by the tour staff to be in the best interest of the participant’s health and safety, or that of the group in general.

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