JOB2SEA - 2013

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Save time and money Recruitment both ashore and at sea can be a time consuming task. Traditionally, you had to create a text, get somebody to do the layout, get the layout approved, get it published and then wait for applications. Most companies have a policy that all jobseekers should receive a reply, when forwarding an application. That is the background for outsourcing the

improvements. You do not need to think

task to crewing companies when it comes

about layout, we proof-read your text, you

to positions at sea. When outsourced, the

get it published within 24 hours and you

crewing company can handle this, but in-

may even receive advice on additional rel-

stead you will have to pay a relatively large

evant advertising platforms like LinkedIn

amount of money to them.

and local maritime media.

JOB2SEA utilize the opportunities in mod-

Even more important, you have access to

ern technology, to optimize the process

new innovative concepts like direct person-

and you may even consider taken home

al email campaigns, where job seekers are

the crewing again.

targeted based on relevant qualifications and online live access to the CV database.

At JOB2SEA we accommodate traditional job advertising, with some important

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