NW Kids Magazine August 2019

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Waldorf, Montessori & Reggio Emilia Schools Back to School Health with Dr. Bill Sears Stress-Free Hair Tips • Resale Guide • August Events



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Editor’s Note With summer in full swing, all of the shops around town are beginning to look a lot like back to school! August in my family includes a gaggle of birthdays and a beach reunion with cousins, siblings and a very happy grandma who gets to see all five of her grandkids (normally spread from San Diego to Portland to Seattle) all in one place at the same time. It also means school supply lists, trying on sneakers from the spring to see how much little feet have grown over the summer and hoping nothing weird was forgotten in backpacks. This month we are taking a look at Waldorf, Montessori and Reggio Emilia education approaches and have a few guides to help your back to school transition go as smoothly as possible. Enjoy these last four weeks and all of the gifts that a Portland summer has to offer. Cheers,


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Contents AUGUST 2019 10 Waldorf, Montessori & Reggio Emilia Education 14 Sure-Fire Tips for Stress-Free Back to School Hair 17 Back to School Shopping Tips + Resale Guide 22 Back to School Health 29 Get Out & Play! August Events

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Publisher Michelle Snell michelle@nwkidsmagazine.com

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Listings All Families Surrogacy...........................28 A Renaissance School..............................7 Art World School......................................8 Bamboo International School................25 Beanstalk................................................21 Bennett Suzuki.......................................28 Beyond Caricature..................................24 Boy Scouts of America...........................24 Cedarwood.............................................13 Childroots.................................................3 Denim & Frills........................................20 Earthquake Tech.......................................2 Endeavor Schools Children’s Garden...................................24 6 | NW Kids Magazine

Endeavor Schools Montessori Alameda..............................28 Engineering For Kids..............................25 German American Society.....................28 German International School................27 ILA..........................................................20 K12.........................................................16 Little Fruit Farm......................................28 Micha-el School.....................................25 Montessori School of Beaverton...........25 Mr. David’s School of Film......................24 Oregon Episcopal School.......................21 PELP.......................................................28 Play Fit Fun.............................................31

Portland Children’s Museum...................9 Portland Parks and Rec..........................31 Portland Village School............................7 Portland Waldorf School........................13 Saturday Academy.................................21 Scuola Italiana di Portland....................28 Sit Still......................................................2 Smallfry..................................................20 Spielwerk Toys..........................................8 Stronger Skatepark................................20 Superkid Resale......................................20 Village Kids Supply................................20 Yoga Playgrounds....................................8

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Waldorf, Montessori and Reggio Emilia Education: 3 APPROACHES



Waldorf Waldorf education is based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy. Its pedagogy strives to develop pupils’ intellectual, artistic, and practical skills in an integrated and holistic manner. The cultivation of pupils’ imagination and creativity is a central focus.The first Waldorf school opened in 1919[ in Stuttgart, Germany. A century later, it has become the largest independent school movement in the world, with about 1,200 independent Waldorf schools,1,800 kindergartens and 646 centers for special education located in 75 countries.

Cedarwood Waldorf School

Portland Village School

Their early childhood program is playbased and well-rounded, with hands-on artistic & practical activities, social skillbuilding, and loads of time outdoors. Ages Infant-7 years, $1,200-$16,500/yr 3030 SW 2nd Ave 503-245-1477 cedarwoodschool.org

Advancing a Waldorf-inspired education, teaching respect & reverence by developing the head, heart & hands of children from all backgrounds & cultures. Grades K-8, free public charter 7654 North Delaware Ave 503-445-0056 portlandvillageschool.org

Micha-el School Waldorf School dedicated to bringing Rudolf Steiner’s intentions and indications into the 21st century. Grades K-8, $6,730-$8,340/yr 13515A SE Rusk Rd 503-882-3322 micha-elschool.org 10 | NW Kids Magazine

Portland Waldorf School Education for the whole of life. Ages Infant-12th Grade, $5,000-$19,000/yr 2300 SE Harrison St., Milwaukie 503-654-2200 portlandwaldorf.org

Montessori The Montessori Method of Education, developed by Maria Montessori, is a child-centered educational approach based on scientific observations of children. Montessori’s method has been used for over 100 years in many parts of the world. The Montessori method views the child as the one who is naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a supportive, thoughtfully prepared learning environment. It attempts to develop children physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively.

Little Fruit Farm


Celebrating a Love for Learning since 2004. Beautiful Home & Garden School, Classical Montessori Activities year-round. Ages 2-6, $700-$1,250/mo 16445 SW Melinda St, Beaverton 503-521-8603 littlefruitfarmmontessori.com

MSB is a renowned Montessori school with a storied tradition, set on an idyllic 6-acre campus in the hills west of Portland. Grades P-6, $9,500 - $12,500/yr 7654 North Delaware Ave 503-439-1597 msb.org

Montessori of Alameda They provide a child centered educational environment and bilingual Spanish and English Montessori experience for children birth to Kindergarten. Ages 3mo-K, $1,035 to $1,635/mo 4210 NE Going St, 503-335-3321 montessoriofalameda.com

The Children’s Garden Helping children discover their special qualities, blossom within their uniqueness and learn how to learn in a nurturing environment. Ages infant-K, $948 to $1,620/mo Multiple Locations, 503-228-2443 thechildrensgarden.com continued on p. 12



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Reggio Emilia The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy focused on preschool and primary education. It is a pedagogy described as studentcentered and constructivist that uses self-directed, experiential learning in relationship-driven environments. The program is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery through a self-guided curriculum. At its core is an assumption that children form their own personality during early years of development and are endowed with “a hundred languages”, through which they can express their ideas. The aim of the Reggio approach is to teach how to use these symbolic languages (e.g., painting, sculpting, drama) in everyday life. It was developed after World War II by pedagogist Loris Malaguzzi and parents in the villages around Reggio Emilia, Italy, and derives its name from the city.

Hillsboro Parent Preschool Hillsboro Parent Preschool is cooperative school that inspires children’s creativity, wonder and love of learning using the Reggio Emilia approach. Ages 3-5, $180-$258/mo 168 NE 8th Ave, Hillsboro 503-648-4781 hillsboroparentpreschool.com *Educational approach information from Wikipedia 12 | NW Kids Magazine

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Sure-Fire Tips for Stress-Free Back to School Hair! by JESSA LOWE

Heading back to school in the fall can bring up a lot of emotions. Excitement, anticipation, jitters, fear… Here are some tips from Sit Still Kid’s Master Stylist, Jessa Lowe, to make dealing with your kiddo’s hair worry-free:

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For stress free detangling I recommend investing in a Wet Brush and a leave in conditioner. You’ll want a lighter spray for fine hair such as Loma’s Leave in Conditioner or for thicker hair, a more creamy formula such as the Original Sprout Leave in Conditioner. • I f bath time is before bed at night, lightly disperse leave in conditioner throughout the ends of the hair (try to the roots or you may end up with greasy flat hair!). Working from the ends to the root brush through the hair with a Wet Brush. Once detangled, braid hair using a soft cloth elastic such as a Knottie hair tie. This will help reduce friction from tossing and turning during the night. The Knottie hair tie leave minimal damage compared to a rubber elastic. Sleep with the braid in the hair. In the morning, undo the braid and brush through with the Wet Brush. Tangle free, soft, protected, waves! • F or extra curly and thick hair, use a wide tooth comb during bath time before rinsing out conditioner then proceed with the Leave in Conditioner and braid. For curly and and kinky hair, an oil will also help to maintain moisture.

Keep hair secured and tied back during school to help avoid lice and tangles throughout the day. Some easy morning hairstyles for young kiddos with both shorter or longer hair: • M ini mouse buns or puffs! Part hair down the center with a comb. Using a small elastic or a knottie cloth elastic, make a pigtail on either side of the head. For puffs, you’re done! For mouse buns, do not pull the tail of the hair all the way through, leaving a small loop. You can either twist and pin up the remaining hair around the base of the bun for a neater look or wear as is for a more artsy look. • D ouble dutch braids! Part hair down the enter using a comb. For each side, start a dutch braid (also known as an inside out french braid) near the part close to the face. Keep braiding down to the nape while keeping hair taut and knuckles flush with the scalp. This will help ensure the tightest, flattest braid. • T opsy turvy tail! Brush hair back into low pony at nape. Using your finger, poke a small hole above the elastic. Pull the end of the pony tail up and through the hole of the elastic turning the ponytail inside out. Once hair is pulled through, tighten the ponytail to secure. A quick fun look!

Jessa Lowe is the Master Stylist at Sit Still Kids where she has worked for the past three years. She loves working with kiddos and helping their unique personalities shine through with their hair. When not in the salon, Jessa works as a hair and makeup artist for theater, photo shoots, |and weddings. If you’d like to see more of her work you can check out her instagram @lowejessa. NW Kids Magazine | 15

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Steps to Take the Stress out of Back to School Shopping



Without a plan, back-to-school shopping can be a stressful and overwhelming endeavor. Clothing is one of the biggest expenses parents face in back to school preparation, and it can be difficult to balance both kids’ preferences and budget. Strategizing your family’s approach to back-to-school shopping is the best way to breeze through it without breaking a sweat – while still ensuring everyone gets what they want. Here are 5 tips for saving time, money and stress while getting your kids ready for school to start.


Clean out the closet

Going through your family’s closest and getting rid of out-grown items will create less clutter for you to stress over. Make the process of getting rid of old or unwanted items fun by having your kids join you in the process of purging by sharing memories of when an item was worn. Help your kids say good-bye to clothing and shoes that no longer fit them (hello Marie Kondo), and assess whether or not other items are ones they still enjoy and plan to wear again. As they grow, they get regular opportunities to revisit their style and interest. For those items to get rid of, make sure to give them a fresh wash and take them to your nearest children’s resale shop to earn money for trade or to put toward a brand-new item.


Make a list and strategy

Having a thought-out list is your best defense against being overwhelmed when faced with seemingly endless clothing options. Start with a list of essentials for fall and winter clothing and shoes. This may include things like a raincoat, rain boots, a winter coat, everyday school shoes, athletic or gym shoes, basic pants, shirts, dresses, socks and underwear. Then visit the extra things your child may want: Dress-up clothing for recitals, school functions or celebratory events. Have an idea of how many pants, jeans, leggings, skirts, dresses and shirts you will need for your kids. Some kids may be able to wear a pair of pants a few times before they need to be washed, and therefore maybe only need a few pairs to get to the next size. continued on p. 18 NW Kids Magazine | 17


Set a realistic budget

Plan ahead and save yourself (and your wallet) some financial stress. When setting the budget, again it’s good to have a list of essentials as your main priority, such as daily clothes, shoes and rainwear. All families will have an idea of their own budget amount, which may be visited seasonally in order to get things that fit for each season and spread out cost. Resale shops are a great way to find many things that you both will love, as they are one-of-a-kind, unique and affordable. By shopping children’s resale, parents can get nearly all of their items for half the cost or less, so you can get even more of your essentials while still keeping your budget low.


Best time to go

If you like to avoid the crowds, then Sundays and earlier weekdays are ideal for shopping. In order to get all of your back-to-school shopping item needs met it’s important to start early. Most resale shops put new items on the floor daily. Stopping in regularly increases your chances of finding those things your kids need. Score a great deal on rain boots and a raincoat in the summer, or even the prior spring. Take 30 to 60 minutes every week four to six weeks prior to school starting to cruise through your favorite resale shops to get those essentials. You may have a better chance of finding their winter coats and rainwear in September, when those items are more readily available.

Many shops also have end-of-winter and end-of-summer sales, which can be a great time to get the next size or two up for the following year; you will see huge savings, especially on winter coats, rainwear and snow gear.


What to buy new vs used

Not everything needs to be bought brand new at retail price. Kids grow fast, so getting as much of their essentials as possible at resale shops is ideal for the pocketbook. However, if you aren’t able to find something you need and you need it right away, then going new is often necessary. Many children’s resale shops are selective in their quality and brand. However, as children get older (typically 10 and older), it can become more difficult to find those items on a time crunch. Most shops will have the clothing you need, but if you only have a few days to shop, it may be hard to find the shoes and coats you’re looking for. Consider buying a brand-new good pair of shoes and a solid warm and water-proof coat; though they might be the most expensive items on your list, consider how often your kids will wear them to make you feel better about your investment. Many children’s resale shops do carry items up to age 12 or 14; be sure to inquire about your shop’s available sizes and take advantage of these sections as they are less shopped and can have really great items.

With these 5 steps, you’ll get all the styles your kids love, while keeping your sanity and savings intact. Best of luck to you and your kids this back-to-school season! Carmen Ripley-Wilson is the owner and founder of Beanstalk. She brings years of sustainable thinking and environmental awareness to the local clothing, toy and gear resale business. With her medical background, she truly cares about the well-being of families and their exposure to quality clothing, toys and gear. For more information, visit beanstalkpdx.com. 18 | NW Kids Magazine

SHOPPING RESOURCE GUIDE Editor’s Picks Beanstalk

Beanstalk specializes in contemporary high quality, new and gently used children’s clothes (newborn to 14 youth sizes), shoes, toys and gear at affordable prices. The shops also offer a selection of handmade items from local artisans. Just like a garden, the stores change all the time depending on season and new items brought in from local families. 3527 NE 15th, 8021 SE Stark beanstalkpdx.com

Denim & Frills

Family owned children’s and teen resale/new store. Offering name brand clothing, accessories, toys, books, furniture, maternity, etc. 628 NE 81st St STE A, Vancouver, WA denimandfrills.com


Smallfry is a resale shop for ladies and littles. They specialize in children’s, women’s and maternity clothing, books and toys. You will also find gear and equipment for kids and parents alike. They feature locally made clothing and gifts for the whole family. Weekly Spanish Story Time on Thursday mornings! Event informationSpanish Storytime, Thursdays at 10am. 4107 NE Tillamook smallfrypdx.com

Superkids Resale Events

Consign and shop at the SuperKids Resale events this fall! Earn some money on the stuff your kids no longer use and then shop for new stuff they need for back to school and the winter. Save 50-90% off retail prices on over 100,000 items. Consignors earn 65-80% and shop early at the exclusive presales. September 26-29 at Oak Grove Market and November 14-17 at the Jantzen Beach Toys R Us superkidsresale.com

Village Kids Supply Co.

Pre-worn kids fashion benefitting People, Planet and Pets. Infantpreteen fashion and a great selection of toys and books. Open daily from 10-6 in the heart of Multnomah Village. 7832 SW Capitol Hwy. (971) 808-8466

Baby to Baby


Rock It! Resell

Back on the Rack



Beaverton babytobabyresale.com Hillsboro backontherack.biz

SW Portland hoot-n-annie.com SE Portland piccolinaresale.com

NW Portland (Cedar Mill) rockitresale.com SE Portland sweetpearesale.com NW Kids Magazine | 19

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Coping with Bathroom Anxiety and Other Back-to-School Health Issues by WILLIAM “DR. BILL” SEARS, M.D.

We’ve encountered and survived many back-to-school health issues in my over 50 years as a pediatrician, 52 years as a parent of eight children, and now 15 grandchildren. Now, I’m sharing some of my family’s best tips for three of the most common issues your children are likely to face this time of year.

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Bathroom anxiety and belly aches. Parents are sometimes surprised when their children won’t use a school bathroom, and they’re often just as perplexed about how to solve the problem. When my kids were in school, bathroom anxiety and belly aches from irregularity were an occasional problem. But with grandchildren, these are intensified with increased amount of processed, constipating foods available to them. Regularity is such a huge issue that my wife Martha Sears, R.N. and I wrote “Dr. Poo: The Scoop on Comfortable Poop.” It provides the same tips and resources I give to our own children and grandchildren for how to poo better. Admittedly, “So, how is your poop…” is probably never going to become a favorite topic of dinner conversation. But one reason why kids won’t go number 2 at school is they would rather play than spend any extra time sitting on the potty. Today we have some great hacks such as “invisible” fiber to put into what they are already eating and drinking so going to the bathroom is much more comfortable. Our family prefers kid-friendly fibers, such as Sunfiber or Regular Girl, that don’t cause extra gas or bloating. The great thing about one of these is if they have to go number 2, they are more likely to go right away. They won’t be straining to try to hurry the process. continued on p. 26 NW Kids Magazine | 23

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Back-to-school stress. The stress my children experienced in school was nothing like our grandchildren face today. Now there’s more media time and less play time. Competition is more intense. Children begin feeling stressed at younger ages. And after a summer of play, sleeping in and no homework, suddenly children, like some adults returning from a long vacation, suffer stress overload. Remember, both parenting and schooling are basically giving your children the tools to succeed in life. One of the top tools to teach them early on is stress-reduction, especially with the “attitude of gratitude.” No matter how much “life sucks,” and sometimes it does, everyone has a few things to be thankful for. The top stress-reliever we have taught our children is what we call “preloading” the calming center of your brain by how you drift off to sleep and how you wake up each school day. These were considered novel when my kids were small but are more accepted now. First, have them tape a list on their bathroom mirror entitled “Five things I like about me,” such as “I like my smile,” “I like that I’m a good soccer player,” and “I like that I’m honest.” Next, as they drift off to sleep, sometimes with “stress-therapist” Dr. Mom or Dr. Dad as a facilitator, have them think about five things that they really are, which we call the “I am” technique – a technique taught to me by several patients in my pediatric practice: “I am smart,” “I am pretty,” and so on. We call these stress-reduction exercises preloading the brain, which sets the child up for a good night’s sleep, and a good night’s sleep sets them up for a good day of learning. Upon awakening, they then go back to their bathroom mirror and say five things they are thankful for – the “attitude of gratitude”: “I am thankful for my friends at school …” 26 | NW Kids Magazine

P reventing

back-to-school coughs and sniffles. When my kids were small, we taught them to wash their hands frequently to help kill the viruses and bacteria they may have collected. According to the CDC, hand washing is still the most effective way to stay healthy. We taught them use regular soap and warm water to scrub their hands including the back of their hands, in between fingers and under nails for 20 seconds. Today, the grandchildren use antibacterial gel or wipes if soap and water are not available. Martha and I also showed our children how to properly cover their nose and mouth when they cough. Many people only put their fist in front of their mouth, but many germs also come through the nose. Instead, children should put a whole hand over their nose and mouth so that the fingers are over the nose and the palm of their hand covers their mouth. My kids also ate brainy breakfasts, filled with antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables that supported their immune health. Now, with our grab-and-go society, breakfast may not always be as nutritious. While good nutrition is considered essential in the Sears extended family, our grandchildren, ages 4 and up, can also take black elderberry supplements such as Sambucol, a highly researched form of black elderberry available as great-tasting chewies for natural immune support during cough and cold season. The label says “Gummies” but I prefer to call them “suckies.” I love them that way!

Bonus tip: Teach kids

to drink up when you wake up. The young student’s brain doesn’t like to start the day dehydrated from all the water they breathed out during the night. Soon after awakening, have your child down a couple glasses of water.

William Sears, M.D., has been advising parents on how to raise healthier families for over 40 years. A father of 8 children, he and his wife Martha have written more than 45 books and hundreds articles on parenting, childcare, nutrition, and healthy aging. He is the co-founder of the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute for training health coaches, and he runs the health and parenting website AskDrSears.com.

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Get Out and Play! This month’s local adventures




While many of us are preparing for back to school, summer is not over yet! Check out some of the events that are here to enjoy before we pull those rain boots and slickers out from the back of the closet!

August 1 - 4 Washington Park Summer Festival

The Washington Park Summer Festival is always a highlight of summer in Portland, featuring amazing performances among the roses that are free to attend. There will be four magical nights of rich cultural music, dance, and hands-on art activities that make the festival such a vibrant celebration of community! Free. portlandoregon.gov/ parks/article/489145

August 3

PDX Kids Build Kids Build events are free workshops for children ages 5–12. At these workshops, kids have the opportunity to make wood projects, as well as develop their skills and confidence. Council staff and members will be on hand to help children do their projects and learn new skills. Children will be able to take their projects home to enjoy, along with a certificate of project completion. Free. eventbrite.com/e/pdx-kids-buildtickets-59469061564

August 4

Barbeque in the Grove BBQ tournament, multiple vendors, cornhole tournament, family games, live music, food, wine and beer tastings. There will be something for the whole family to enjoy! Proceeds go to Forest Grove Wrestling. Free. forestgrove-or.gov/community/ page/barbeque-grove

August 4 - 25

Kids Cook at the Market At Kids Cook classes, kids learn about the seasonality of food, meet local farmers, and prepare ingredients purchased fresh at the market. Classes include shopping the market for ingredients, handson instruction, a shared meal, and recipes to take home so students can share what they learned with family and friends. Free portlandfarmersmarket.org/ programs-events/kids-classesactivities continued on p. 30

Please confirm calendar events and performances as scheduling changes may occur. NW Kids Magazine | 29



August 7

Alien Invasion at Multnomah County Library Little blue creatures are coming to take over the planet and eat all our pizza! Chances are, once you sing a song with them, and hear their story, you will decide to go grab a slice together. Songs, comedy, and puppetry come together in a mini-musical for all ages that shares the lesson of understanding other cultures… or creatures. Free. multcolib.org/events/alieninvasion/102125

August 10

Guided Nature Walk: Where’s The Water? Venture out with a park guide for a nature hike to explore the forest and stream ecosystems and natural history at Tryon Creek State Natural Area. Tryon Creek State Natural Area is Oregon’s only state park within a major city! Topics will vary from week to week, and will be geared for ages 5 through adult, but all ages are welcome. Free. tryonfriends.org

August 17 - 18 TinyFest Northwest

Come celebrate tiny living at TinyFest NorthWest! Explore a variety of tiny houses from pro-builders and DIYers. Tour tiny houses on wheels, backyard cottages, shipping container homes, vans, bus conversions and more! Enjoy the Marketplace, live music, good food & craft beer! $15. tinyfestnorthwest.com



August 18

Girl-power Musical: Matilda The much-loved story by Roald Dahl bursts into musical life on the stage! Prepare yourself for a captivating masterpiece that revels in the anarchy of childhood and the power of imagination. Matilda the Musical is about a girl who dreams of a better life and dares to take a stand to achieve it at Lakewood Center for the Arts in Lake Oswego. $39. lakewood-center.org/pages/lakewoodplay-Matilda

August 20

Twilight Tuesday at the Zoo There are few things better than a summer evening in Portland, and the zoo has the perfect park setting to make the most of it. On select Tuesdays, you can eat dinner outdoors from local food carts, sample great Oregon beers, listen to live music and let your kids run around or try crafty activities—all while hanging out with crepuscular creatures such as lions, tigers and bears. $9. oregonzoo.org/ events/twilight-tuesday-1

August 26

Hawthorne Street Fair The Hawthorne Street Fair has vendors, family activities, beer gardens, and live music on the sidewalks of this historic walkway. SE Hawthorne Boulevard has a long history of tradition and is known for its eclectic mix of boutiques shops, cafes, food carts, bars, restaurants and music related destinations. Check it out! Free. hawthornepdx.com/event/hawthornestreet-fair

Looking for more? Check out our online calendar: nwkidsmagazine.com/events 30 | NW Kids Magazine

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Guide to Portland Expo

Saturday, September 28 10am - 5 pm at OMSI

Portland is a special place. There is so much to explore; so much to do; so much to see; so much to taste and so much to learn! And whether your family is new to Portland or new to parenting (or both!), NW Kids has an expo planned just for you!

Learn more at nwkidsmagazine.com

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