March 8 2020 Concert program Northern Valley Youth Orchestras

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Great Gate of Kiev/Hopak - “The Great Gate of Kiev,” originally for piano, is part of a larger work, Pictures at an Exhibition. Mussorgsky was inspired to write the set of ten pieces after seeing watercolor paintings of a close friend’s trip abroad. Although the paintings are mostly lost, Mussorgsky’s music keeps the artwork and our imaginations alive through the vibrant sounds and colors depicted in each of the pieces."Hopak" was originally part of the score for his comic opera "Sorochinsky Fair."

Program Notes

(continued) by his orchestra. The music of Bologne's Symphony #2 is identical to the Overture of the opera L’Amant Anonyme, which was first performed exactly 240 years ago, on March 8th 1780. L’Amant Anonyme (The Anonymous Lover) is the only one of six operas by SaintTragic Overture: Brahms was known to compose pieces George to survive in its entirety. It tells the story of Valcour, a in pairs, and the dark and moody Tragic man secretly in love with his friend Leontine, but because of Overture contrasts with its more famous and lightsocial norms he is unable to tell her of his affections. It is hearted counterpart, Academic Festival Overture. entirely possible that Saint-George had a similar experience. Although an overture is typically written to introduce the An exciting work in the classical style, the Symphony features melodies found later in a larger work, both the Tragic many fast passages for the strings. Overture and the Academic Festival Overture are Estampas Mexicanas I: Férial (parade) standalone pieces. The dramatic work seems to depict Estampas Mexicanas is a three movement suite for orchestra contending forces of the human struggle, beginning and featuring Mexican folk elements in a style akin to the nationalistic ending with dramatic chords. compositions of the beginning of the twentieth century. The first Bal Masqué movement, Férial, is a festive parade of simple, colorful, folk-like Bal Masqué, originally written for piano, was then tunes and rhythms woven into a tapestry of western European orchestrated by Amy Beach (the composer) and engraved textures. It relates to music written right after the Mexican Revolution and reorchestrated as a project of the Women's of 1910, when composers, who had been writing in the European Philharmonic Advocacy. Bal Masqué is a delightful waltz salon-music styles favored at the time, started to borrow folk musical meant to depict the magic, mystery and fun of a elements to spice up their compositions. Originally written as a masked (masquerade) ball, and is one of Beach's few university class assignment, Estampas was premiered by the San standalone orchestral works. Jose Symphony to an enthusiastic crowd of 25,000 and has been since performed hundreds of times all over the world. Dance of the Tumblers An exciting and well-known dance from the opera "The Dances in the Canebrakes Snow Maiden," Dance of the Tumblers depicts the Price composed her three Dances in the Canebrakes for piano in interactions between humans and mythological 1953, and unexpectedly died shortly afterward. As was her usual creatures. Throughout the opera composer RimskyKorsakov distinguished each of the characters using practice, she used the rhythms, melodic traits and emotions of the different musical themes or "leitmotifs." The opera itself African-American experience, but not borrowed melodies. The was Rimsky-Korsakov's favorite composition. dances were orchestrated after her death by her friend, William Grant Still, who was widely regarded as the “Dean of AfricanSymphony Op 11, #2 American Composers.” A “canebrake” is a dense stand of sugarcane, In 1793, the brilliant violinist, fencer and composer a staple crop on antebellum southern plantations . The first and last Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-George became dance suggest theatrical inspiration: Nimble Feet is a version of the musical director and leader of the Concert de Amateurs, cakewalk, a popular 19th-century social dance in the South and in which rapidly won recognition as one of the finest minstrel shows; and Silk Hat and Walking Cane sounds like a slow, orchestras in France. The first performance of the nostalgic rag to accompany a snappily-dressed dancer. The middle symphony #2 , originally scored for strings, horns and movement, Tropical Noon, is a subtly syncopated imagination of a oboes, was given in Paris at the Hôtel de Soubise, peaceful, mid-summer scene.

Remember that technique is valuable only as a means to an end. You must first have something to say... if you feel deeply and know how to express what you feel, you make others feel.” ~ Amy Beach, composer

Program 3.8.2020 • Empire Arts Center

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Kara Hartten, conductor

Great Gate of Kiev/Hopak

Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)

from Pictures at an Exhibition/ Sorochinsky Fair

Tragic Overture

Bal Masqué

arr. Edmund J. Siennicki

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

arr. Vernon Leidig

Dance of the Tumblers

Amy Beach (1867- 1944)

edited /orchestrated Chris Trotman

Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)

from the Snow Maiden

arr. Sandra Dackow

Philharmonic performed this concert on 2/19/20 for schools in East Grand Forks, Crookston, & Thompson.

Symphony Symphony #2 I: Allegro Presto

Dr. Kevin Sütterlin & Dr. Cody Hunter, Conductors

Josephe Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-George (1745-1799) ed/arr. Naomi Welsh

Estampas Mexicanas I: Férial / Parade Dances in the Canebrakes (1953)

1. Nimble Feet 2. Tropical Noon 3. Silk Hat and Walking Cane

José Elizondo (b. 1972) Florence Price (1887-1953) orchestrated William Grant Still

Following the performance please join us for a reception in the lobby.

coaches and mentors this Season

Dr. Simona Barbu, Tamara Bertram*, Shari Boschee, Leah Brooks, Dr. Lisa Bost-Sandberg Michael Farrick, Claire Folson*, Rich Gonzales, Nicholas Hagen, Sarah Harlow, Jeremiah Johnson, Jayne Morrison* Mark Nelson*, Dr. Brian Pfeifer, Marcelo Rebuffi, Dr. Scott Sandberg, Matthew Wellert *denotes performing today

special thanks to Grand Forks Public Schools/GF Central HS Music Department • East Grand Forks Public Schools/Senior High Music Department • Thompson, Crookston and East Grand Forks Schools and music faculty • Triangle Coach Service Empire Arts Center • Chester Fritz Auditorium • Michele Lucia Ingle • Sarah Harlow • The Concordia Orchestra • Robin Riveland • Hugos Family Marketplace •• the school & private instructors of these wonderful young people • and the many other supporters, donors, and grantors listed in this program.


Kara Hartten, conductor

Violin Elias David-Schill, GF - Central Betty Fang, GF - Valley Rock Fang, GF - Valley Kathryn Gonsorowski, GF - Century Hannah Holte, GF - Red RIver Katelyn Hur, GF - Discovery Charlotte Kapinos, GF - South Rhilynn Leroux-Peters, GF - Sacred Heart Alexis Massey, GF - South Kai Pasch, GF - South Gretta Pratt, GF - homeschool Jayla Sharp, GF - South Abby Quick, Plummer /Thief River Falls Briley Zhang, GF - Valley Viola Elizabeth Flagg, GF - South Gillian Hoffman, GF - Central Conner Leao, GF - Red River Cello Andrew Folson, GF - Central Emerson Byron, GF - Schroeder Sheigh Panos, GF - South Garrett Peterson, GF - Schroeder Bass Libby Yates, GF AFB - Twining Julia Biby - GF Valley Flute Emma Dockter, Mayville Lauren Tran, GF - Central Nivanthi Wijetunga, GF -South Clarinet Morgan Uhlir, GF - South Bassoon Cayden Jacobson, GF - Central Trumpet Eli Zerr, GF - South Horn Claire Schill, GF -South Lucy Welsh, GF - Central Trombone Elias David-Schill, GF - Central Tuba Spearit Washington, GF - Central Percussion Norah Goulet, Thompson Nylah Goulet, Thompson * NVYO Symphony member

Kevin Sütterlin & Symphony Dr. Dr. Cody Hunter, conductors Violin Grant Anderson, GF - Red River Cami Antonenko, GF - Schroeder Rachel Blawat, Thief River Falls, MN Ainsley Boucher, Crookston, MN Oliver Dalmi, GF - Central Elias David-Schill, GF- Central Dennis Du, GF - Central Avery Gooden, GF - Red River Lily Helm, Thief River Falls, MN Sadie Hillman, GF - Central Sarah Hong, GF - Red River Trevor Masa, GF - Red River Neecon Mardani, GF - Central Gabe Sagini, GF - Schroeder Megan Schill, GF - Central Carter Schmisek, GF - Central Elise Stevens, GF - Red River Viola Cassie Fincher, GF - Central Sophia Frank, GF - Central Matthew Moe, GF - Red River Cello Carter Byron, GF - Red River Lauren Hillman, GF - Central Aiden Krogh, GF - Red River Claire Lapp, GF - Red River Maisy Lindseth, GF - Central Caleb Mendez, Crookston, MN Grace Nelson, GF - Central Sarah Sayles, GF - Red River Bass Daniel Hettich, GF - Central Annie Powell, GF - Central Harp Jack Bulman, Concordia/NVYO alum Flute Madeline Fortman, GF - Central Nyssa Morales, GF - Central Dustin Ringuette, EGF - Sacred Heart Emma Rudow, GF - Central Oboe Maisy Skalicky, East Grand Forks HS Claire Mellema, UND CMP Clarinet Alexia Threatt, Crookston Greta Nelson, GF - Central Bassoon Cayden Jacobson, GF - Central Trumpet Dan Musselman, GF - Red River Horn Alex Berglund, GF - Red River Kolby Gourneau, GF - Central Trombone Gabe Almlie, East Grand Forks HS Jacob Loer, East Grand Forks HS Nate Thompson, East Grand Forks HS Percussion Cami Antonenko, GF - Schroeder Maisy Lindseth, GF - Central Andres Moreno, GF - Central CMP: College Mentor-Performer

2020 High School Senior Class

WAY TO GO! NVYO is proud of all these graduating high school seniors. Whether they plan to stay nearby or are heading off to new experiences, we hope they keep their love of music throughout their lives... and stay in touch! In their words, here's a little bit about their time with NVYO and what comes next.

back: Aiden, Maisy L, Gabe, Alex, Kolby, Nate, Daniel/ front: Anna, Emma, Cassie, Trevor, Maisy S. Gabe Almlie, trombone, graduates from East Grand Forks Senior High after 4 years of NVYO. His favorite NVYO piece was the Hebrides Overture. [March 2018] He thanks his band director Stacey Searle, and says " she has left a great impact on my high school career and has made me love playing my instrument." His advice to younger players is "Practice often, enjoy playing." Gabe is heading to Tulane University in the fall, where he would like to be in the marching band and other wind ensembles, and also plans to continue playing guitar for fun. Alex Berglund, horn, graduates from Red River High School after 4 years of NVYO. His favorite piece was "My Name is Aiden." [March 2019] Alex will be working for the Summer Performing Arts Company over the summer and, in the fall, going to college to start a music education degree. His advice to young musicians is "Enjoy it. Every song. Every crescendo, staccato, and accelerando. You may not like the piece you're playing, but looking back you should always be happy to have made music." Alex's thanks go out to: "My parents for never letting me quit. All my private teachers through the years. My directors, accompanists, and peers. It takes a village to make a musician, and I wouldn't be where I am today without every single one of them." Alex's future goals include "conducting beautiful music with amazing musicians," and says he hopes music becomes his life. Anna Caoili, violin, graduates from Red River High School, having played for 9 years in NVYO. Anna's best memories of NVYO are spending time with her orchestra friends and being able to connect with others in the area who share a common love for music. Anna advises younger players to "make an effort to connect with fellow musicians because with that connection you will be able to achieve meaningful performances." Anna thanks her parents, and her private teachers, especially Tamara Bertram. She says, 'without my school orchestras, I would have never gained some of my closest friendships which have made making music even more special." Anna plans to major in Global Studies next year, and hopes to continue participating in orchestras and supporting the music community wherever she is in the future.

"try new music groups, you could enjoy something you never thought you would." - Cassandra Fincher Oliver Dalmi, violin, graduates from Grand Forks Central after three years of NVYO experience. He says that the tours and trips to Concordia have been "very interesting and unlike anything I would have done if I weren't in NVYO." Next year, Oliver heads to an as-yet-determined college to study economics, and sees music as a hobby he can continue in the future. His advice? "Work hard but also make sure to have fun." He adds that the social element of music has been a big reason he has continued to play, and thanks all the various music teachers and conductors that he has had over the years.

Cassandra Fincher, viola, graduates from Grand Forks Central High School after 6 years of NVYO including Philharmonic, Symphony, Dal Segno and Crescendo. Her favorite piece was the Brahms Academic Festival Overture [March 2017]. Cassie will attend Concordia College in the fall, and plans to stay involved in the music community, whether that be music education or playing in local groups. Cassie encourages younger musicians to "stay involved and try new music groups, you could enjoy something you never thought you would." She would like to thank "my parents for getting me to rehearsals and concerts on time while I was growing up and for constantly motivating me to get better and stay involved. She also thanks "Mrs. Harlow, Mr. Barta, and Mrs. Welsh for calming me down before and after auditions and performances, answering my random questions, pushing me to be the best musician I can be, and for being positive role models that have impacted my life." Kolby Gourneau, horn, graduates from Grand Forks Central with 2 years of NVYO experience. Favorite memories of NVYO include playing Stars and Stripes Forever [November 2019] as well as the other compositions. He says "having the feeling of being in a well orchestrated group of musicians was amazing." Next year's plans include Digital Audio Production and being happy! His advice to younger players is "always keep practicing. Put time aside every week can and will get you places if you try." He thanks his teachers for helping build the foundations of music and assisting with musical problems. "They gave me a home away from home where the music is what truly matters most in that moment. " He adds his life is going to revolve around music, as it always has; "a constant head bop is not uncommon. "

"keep practicing even when you get frustrated." - Nate Thompson

2020 High School Seniors, CONT. Daniel Hettich graduates from Grand Forks Central after nine years of playing violin and string bass in NVYO, in Allegro, Philharmonic, and Symphony. Daniel says, "I am glad I have been a part of NVYO as it helped me meet many new people who enjoy making music. It also helped me have a chance to play more difficult songs than you would normally play in school. My advice for younger musicians would be to keep doing it even when it gets hard. It is worth it to keep playing it in the end." College details are still unknown, but he hopes to continue playing music throughout his life as a hobby. Daniel would like to thank all the music educators who refused to take "I don't really want to" for an answer and who "kept pushing me to try different things, whether that be chamber choir, jazz band, All-State, UND Honor Orchestra, Solo and Ensemble performances and many other things." M

" Work hard but also make sure to have fun." -Oliver Dalmi

Aiden Krogh, cello, graduates from Red River High School and from 2012-20 played in Philharmonic, Crescendo, Dal Segno, and Symphony. He loved playing the Brahms Academic Festival Overture with the Concordia Orchestra and getting to work with them. [March 2017] He says it was fun to see Dr. SĂźtterlin's approach to working with a college orchestra compared to a youth orchestra. Next year Aiden plans to attend college for engineering, most likely somewhere out of state; this summer he will tour North America with the National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America (NYOUSA). Aiden's advice to younger musicians: "Try to explore as many musical opportunities as you can! New experiences will open up more doors with your music and make your time more fulfilling. " Aiden would like to thank his cello teacher Naomi Welsh "for encouraging me to seek new opportunities for cello and for teaching me the skills to be able to be successful at a national level. I am so thankful to have a teacher who pushes me to be the best version of myself. " Though he doesn't plan on focusing solely on music as a career, Aiden plans to continue playing cello in orchestras in the future.

Maisy Lindseth, cello & percussion, graduates from Grand Forks Central after 6.5 years of NVYO and has been in the Allegro, Philharmonic, and Symphony orchestras. Maisy is glad that she participated in NVYO throughout middle and high school because of the different music and composers she has been exposed to. Next year Maisy plans to attend UND to continue her education in music and medicine, and also continue playing. She would tell younger musicians, if they love and are passionate about music, to "always try to find a way to stay involved. I would also say to enjoy every music ensemble or experience you are part of, playing music should be fun. " Maisy thanks the middle school, high school, and private music teachers that she had: Mrs. Eylands, Mr. Knabe, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Barta, Mr. Mercer, Mr. Carriere, Mr. Wogsland, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Harlow, Caleb Fritel, and Mike Blake. She says "all of these teachers have in some way pushed me to be a better musician and person in my musical journey, for which I am very grateful." Trevor Masa, violin, graduates from Red River High School after four years of NVYO. His favorite piece was Stars and Stripes Forever [November 2019]. Next year Trevor will head off to study Psychology PT. Trevor recommends to younger musicians, "balance your time with schoolwork and NVYO," and thanks his mom and dad for helping him go farther in NVYO. He sees music fitting into his future as use of "storytelling and lyric dissection."

Emma Rudow, flute and piccolo, graduates from Grand Forks Central after five years of NVYO, including Philharmonic, Symphony, Crescendo, and Dal Segno. She says participating in NVYO programs has helped her grow and branch out in the music world, and make connections that she would have missed out on, had she not been a part of it. Emma plans to study music education and/or performance at Concordia College starting in the fall of 2020, where she will continue performing in ensembles and work toward her goal of becoming a music educator. She advises younger players: "Make music fun, there are so many different ways to pursue music whether it is a central focus in your life or a hobby." Emma would like to thank: her private flute teacher Angie Urlacher for her endless support and kindness and for being an outstanding role model. Emma also thanks her band teachers: Cassel Everson, Don Nagle, Sarah Harlow and Leah Brooks for their guidance and support...Naomi Welsh for being proactive in our music community ...and all of the professors she has had the opportunity to work with: Dr. Lisa Bost-Sandberg, Debora Harris, and Dr. SĂźtterlin. Emma says, "Without all these wonderful mentors, I would not be the musician I am today!" Maisy Skalicky, oboe, graduates from East Grand Forks Senior High after one season with NVYO. She enjoyed receiving difficult music, and finally perfecting it. She is interested in the field of health and nutrition studies, at an undecided college where she also plans to participate in various music groups. Her advice to younger players is "even when you think you can't do something, know you can. Always persevere and push past the hard times." In thanking those who have helped shape her musical growth, Maisy says "first of all, I must thank my mom for buying me my instrument in the first place, and making all of it possible, and my parents and grandparents for always encouraging me." She also thanks all the music teachers she's had throughout the years of who have taught her almost everything she knows about music today.

Nate Thompson, trombone, graduates from East Grand Forks Senior High after 6 years of NVYO: two in Philharmonic and four in Symphony. He really enjoyed the side by side concert at Concordia [March 2017], as it was "fun performing alongside them." In the fall, Nate is planning to attend Purdue University for engineering, however hopes to keep music a part of his life while in college. Nate's advice to younger musicians is "keep practicing even when you get frustrated." He thanks the following people for their role in his musical growth: his parents; and band teachers Mrs. Loer and Mrs. Searle.

Artistic Staff

Dr. Kevin F. E. Sütterlin, Artistic Director & Symphony conductor

is an internationally sought-after conductor and pedagogue. He belongs to Beyond Artists, a coalition of artists that donates a percentage of their concert fees to organizations they care about. He supports “WIRES” (Australian Wildlife Rescue) and the “Memphis Music Initiative” through his performances. In addition to his position as Artistic Director of the Northern Valley Youth Orchestras, he is Director of Orchestral Activities and Opera at Concordia College, where he and his colleagues received two EMMY awards for 2016’s nationally broadcast Concordia Christmas Concert productions. Furthermore, The Concordia Orchestra won the prestigious American Prize competition in 2018-19 under his leadership. Sütterlin is Music Director of the Fox Valley Symphony Orchestra and Sinfonietta Memphis, and is Artistic Director of the Sinfonietta Academy for Historically Informed Performance Practice. He holds The Phyllis and Richard Duesenberg Endowed Orchestra Chair as Director of Orchestral Activities and Conducting Studies of the Lutheran Summer Music Festival and Academy. Considering himself a "citizen of the world," Sütterlin has been building musical bridges across four different continents, and has led his ensembles on many successful national and international tours. He has performed and taught across the globe including Austria, China, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Switzerland and the United States. Institutions he has taught at include the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Sichuan Conservatory, The University of Hawaii, Lucerne Conservatory Switzerland, and The University of Memphis. This upcoming season Sütterlin will guest conduct in China, South Africa, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Texas, Alabama, Connecticut, Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, and Minnesota.

Ms. Kara Hartten, Philharmonic conductor Kara Hartten began her musical studies at the age of five in her hometown of Redding, Connecticut. She earned both a Bachelor of Music Performance and a Bachelor of Arts in French from DePauw University, followed by a Master of Music in cello performance and instrumental conducting from the University of North Dakota. Ms. Hartten is presently an orchestra teacher in the Grand Forks Public Schools and performs with the Fargo Moorhead Symphony Orchestra as well as the Greater Grand Forks Symphony Orchestra. She founded a string ensemble she currently directs, the UND Community Orchestra, and is a past conductor for NVYO’s Allegro Orchestra; she has additionally coached NVYO Crescendo chamber music and cello sectionals. As a cellist, Kara has performed with the UND Student String Quartet and UND’s Red River Trio, a student ensemble that toured in May of 2014 in Tokyo, Japan and Shanghai, China. Kara has studied with Drs. Simona Barbu, Darilyn Manring, Yeon-Ji Yun, and Eric Edberg, as well as performed in master classes with renowned cellists such as Amit Peled, Matt Haimovitz, Nicholas Photinos, Emilio Colon and Laszlo Varga. In 2009, she performed with the DePauw Chamber Orchestra during a tour of Austria and Germany. She also performed the Lalo cello concerto with the Greater Bridgeport Youth Orchestra in 2007 as the winner of its concerto competition. In 2011, she played Mendelssohn’s Octet in E-flat major with internationally known cellist Yo-Yo Ma.

Dr. Cody Hunter, Symphony assistant conductor Dr. Cody Hunter is Assistant Professor of Music and Head of Fine Arts at Mayville State University, where he directs the performance ensembles. Prior to his appointment at MSU, Dr. Hunter was the band program director for East Hardy Schools in Baker, WV. As a bassoonist, Dr. Hunter has performed with notable ensembles such as the Eroica Ensemble of Memphis, Memphis Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra Augusta, and the Arkansas Symphony. Most recently, Dr. Hunter has performed with the FargoMoorhead Symphony, Fargo-Moorhead Opera, and Bemidji Symphony. Dr. Hunter received his D.M.A. from the University of Memphis, his M.M. from the University of MNTwin Cities, and his B. Mus. Ed. from the University of WI-Stevens Point.

Donors & Supporters $10,000+ City of Grand Forks Arts Regrant (through Community Foundation) $5000 + ND Council on the Arts $2500-$4999 Community Foundation Facebook fundraisers Myra Foundation Richard & Nancy Foss $1000-$2499 All Seasons* Madelyn Camrud Ann & Barry Folson GF Convention & Visitors Bureau Ground Round* Hal & Kathy Gershman Family Foundation O For Heaven’s Cakes* Darren & Jodi Straus Jennifer Tarlin Xcel Energy Foundation Wonderful Giving

January 2019 to Feb 15, 2020

$250-$499 Active Registration donations Alerus Financial Phil & Shelly Amundson Mark & Nicole Antonenko Rock Bundlie Hugos Family Marketplace* Yong Hou & Jin Zhang InPrints Screen Printing Larissa Hood & David Krogh Yvonne & Greg Lapp Yong Hou & Jin Zhang Romanick Family Mark & Gloria Sanford Gail Schmisek in memory of Bill Schmisek Jackie Spiros Swiftwater Rafting* Naomi & Jeff Welsh Ted & Alyson White

$100-$249 Amazon Smile Jay & Erin Almlie Phil & Shelly Amundson Badman Design* Behls Photography* Luise & Richard Beringer Mae Marie Blackmore Wendy Bulman $500-$999 Leah & Jeff Byzewski Chester Fritz Auditorium* Erin & Jay Almlie Choice/Park District* Sarah Barron & John Madden Grand Forks Park District Foundation Expressway Suites* Fighting Sawks* HB Sound and Light* Les & Patty Howard Avery & Vicki Jones in memory of Harold Anderson Kanishka & Madhavi Marasinghe Suzanne Larson Kari & Bill Noyes Karna Loyland Maria-Joy & Dr. Cedric Masa Tyler Manske Thrivent Financial Minnesota Orchestra* Evan & Emily Montgomery Marjorie Murray

$100-$249, cont. Northern Air* Panos Family Mark & Michele Peterson James & Melanie Popejoy Rehab Authority Round Table Jerry Ryan in memory of Karen Ryan Scheels* Cynthia Shabb Spicy Pie Pizza* Sterling Carpet One* Dr. Kevin Sütterlin Thompson Family Athena Threatt* Thursday Music Club Jeff & Brooke VanLooy Devera Warcup in honor of Alyssa Warcup Lloyd & Shirley Welsh

up to $99, cont. River Cinema* Robert & Nikki Seabloom Up North Pizza* Widmans* Endowment Contributions: Jan Jelliff Mary Loyland *in-kind or partially in-kind thank you to all! Advertising Sponsorships 2019-20 program /2019 Camp Tshirt

Amundson Funeral Home Arioso Music Academy* Concordia College Empire Arts Center Givens Violins* up to $99 GRAND Magazine Anonymous Grand Forks Chorales Kari & Anthony Anderson Grand Forks Montessori in memory of Jonah Borth Greater Grand Forks Al & Donna Bott Symphony Bully Brew* Eagles Crest Grill & Bar* Inprints Ely's Ivy* International Music Camp Ember* Minot State University Empire Arts Center* Popplers Music* Evolve/701* Remer Accounting Half Brothers* Upper Midwest String Camp Robert Hoverson Wakefield Hearing Sandi Kerr Phil & Laurie Kraemer John & Cathy Martsolf *both sponsorships North Dakota Museum of Art* THANK YOU to our ad Rhombus Brewing Company* sponsors!

About us...

Northern Valley Youth Orchestras

Northern Valley Youth Orchestras is in its ninth year of inspiring musicians and engaging communities. NVYO offers two orchestras, a chamber music program (Crescendo), and a summer day camp (Dal Segno). NVYO provides young musicians aged 12 to 21 with symphonic and chamber music experience, community connections, and opportunities to stretch and challenge themselves in a supportive setting. Participants throughout the year number over 120 and come from cities and towns within a 75-mile range of Grand Forks. NVYO Alumni pursue degrees in a variety of professional fields including music and the sciences, and consistently earn places at excellent colleges and universities both locally and around the country. NVYO's two orchestras, Philharmonic and Symphony, rehearse weekly from September to March at Grand Forks Central High School and the Empire Arts Center, and perform two to three formal concerts per season. Guest clinicians and professional instrumentalists provide additional mentoring and orchestral training, and a variety of community performances are offered to students as well. Past NVYO collaborations have included events with Post Traumatic Funk Syndrome, the Fargo-Moorhead Area Youth Symphony, Concordia Orchestra, and the Grand Cities Children’s Choir. NVYO has an office located in the Empire Arts Center, as well as a membership at the 701 Coworking Space, and is proud to be a lead agency in the evolving Grand Forks Welcoming Community Initiative.

offering free or reduced rate rehearsal/performance spaces


More information about NVYO is available at, and on our social media platforms.

Board of Directors

David Krogh, President Phil Amundson, Vice President Mark Romanick, Treasurer Wendy Bulman, Secretary Yong Hou, Tyler Manske, Madhavi Marasinghe, Evan Montgomery, Jennifer Tarlin, Angela Urlacher Naomi Welsh, Executive Director (ex officio) Office Assistant: Claire Folson

Chester Fritz Auditorium

Join NVYO!

Dal Segno registration is open online! Auditions for 2020-21 announced soon. Check or email for audition options #gfwelcomes

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