Your Call - special edition

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ISSUE 07 Autumn 2019

Patient and public panel special edition Becoming a panel member is as easy as 1, 2, 3 Page 2

Meet some of our panel members Page 3


to the Autumn special edition of Your Call. In this issue we will be focusing on our newly formed Patient and Public Panel (PPP). Patient engagement is at the heart of everything we do and we wanted a way of ensuring that the patient voice is captured and their views are acted upon. We serve a population of 7 million people across the North West providing Urgent and Emergency Care, NHS 111 and Patient Transport Services.

Our aim is to be the best ambulance service in the country by delivering the right care, at the right time, in the right place; every time. One of the ways we can achieve this is by working with panel members to influence how we plan and deliver our services to provide the highest quality of care. If this is something that is of interest, you can find out more in the following pages. Julie Treharne Head of Communications and Engagement

Becoming a panel member is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Becoming a panel members is easy to do, just follow these three simple steps. STEP

Firstly you will need to complete an initial expression of interest online or call 01204 498428.


Following this, you will then be invited to one of our taster sessions where you will learn more about what we do, the various roles of a PPP member and what this will involve. You can ask us questions and there will be short group activities designed to replicate the type of work panel members may undertake. The session also provides the time for us to get to know more about you and discuss your choices in these new exciting PPP roles.







Once you have attended the taster session, we will then invite you to a follow up induction event. The aim of the session is to provide you with a better understanding of our main service lines, how the panel will progress, along with providing external co-production training to support you in your role.

As a member of our panel, you can increase your understanding of our services, or your level of participation, through visits and educational activities, so there is lots to get involved in. Our panel members have already started to attend various events and meetings we have hosted. You can read more about the events our new panel members have attended so far in this edition, along with what you can expect from the different levels of involvement.

Are you an influencer? Level of involvement: Influence This is the highest level of involvement where you can take an on-going, active role in high-level meetings and committees, usually held at headquarters in Bolton, to enhance decision making and discussions. If you are able to commit time and have some experience in attending meetings or speaking in front of large groups of people and comfortable with background reading then this may be the level for you.

Meet Joe: Joe was the chair of the national trade body for the industry he was in at the time and is a member of the Influence Cheshire East Citizens Panel. Although Joe has not used the ambulance service, he believes it plays an important role in the community and would like to play a part in its continued development by using the skills and experience he has developed over the years. These involve admin and finance skills as well as experience of dealing with all sorts of people and groups.

I am a new member of the panel and as such recently had the opportunity to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM). It was a well organised event which gave me the opportunity to meet many of the people with responsibility for the different areas of activity within the service. As a layperson you don’t always realise the breadth and depth of the ambulance service operations and attendance at an event like this certainly gives one a new perspective on their role within the NHS.

Do you like the idea of co-producing services with others? Levels of involvement: Co-produce You will be invited to meetings and discussion groups and can contribute by providing opinions, experience and expectations to help inform improvements. This is also an opportunity for you to get involved with how our services are planned and provided.

Meet Peter: Peter has experience of using the emergency ambulance service. He has joined the panel to help improve the services we provide. He believes his excellent communication skills and ability to look at systems and offer suggestions would be beneficial to the work of the panel.

My expectation of the AGM was that it would be a fairly long event about finances and structure. However after attending I was pleasantly surprised as the content was concise and to the point, giving me enough detail. The meeting was opened up to questions from the floor and the speakers answered with expertise. It lasted about 90 minutes and was well worth my trip.

Get involved anytime, anywhere. Levels of involvement: Consult Your role would involve responding to surveys, giving feedback on strategies, initiatives and publications and giving your thoughts on events and campaigns on an occasional basis. This level of involvement is great for you if you want to be involved but can’t commit to periods of time and if you are not able to or don’t want to travel.

Meet Cassie: Cassie works for a family-run nursing home in Southport, she is also a Vice Chair of the Governors and Safeguarding group/committee for a primary school in Southport and has a particular interest in local community health and social care. Cassie decided to join the panel to help give a voice to her residents and also to pass on information to the local community.

I attended the Southport Community event in September and thought it was a well ran, informative event. It was really interesting to learn more about how the different services within North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) work and how we can utilise them not only in our personal lives but also within work. It was an excellent opportunity to meet and speak with NWAS members of staff, and a great opportunity for the general public to have their questions answered. I think NWAS genuinely want to listen to our views and opinions to continuously improve the services they provide and it was nice to feel listened to.



Meet the PPP team Jenna Matthews


“My role is to ensure the voices of our patients and the public are heard and acted upon, providing opportunities for them to influence services we deliver. It’s an extremely exciting role and I am looking forward to meeting future panel members. “I have a passion for engagement and understanding the need of patient and public representation to improve the services we provide. “In my spare time, I enjoy visiting new places not only in the UK but around the world. When I’m not travelling I love going on long walks with my family and our many dogs around the local area.”

Francesca Balon


“My role involves providing general admin support for the PPP and to Jenna. I will be communicating with members regularly, keeping them updated with latest information and inviting them to various events. I look forward to potentially meeting you in the future at one of our PPP taster events. “Outside of work, I am a keen runner and currently training for my third marathon (wish me luck) with a guide runner who runs with me for support as I have a visual impairment. I also love volunteering at activities for young people with visual impairments which I have done for many years. I understand the difference they can make to the young people building their confidence and independence. “



“I am the first canine member to join team NWAS. As a qualified guide dog my role is to help my owner, Francesca, get around our headquarters in Bolton and when out and about at events safely. I was born in Leamington Spa at the National Breeding Centre, puppy walked in Horwich and went to the Guide Dogs Training School in Atherton. “When not working hard, I enjoy long free runs, playing in water and snoozing. I look forward to meeting you.”

How to become a panel member Applications are welcome from people of all backgrounds, beliefs, cultures and circumstances to ensure the panel is representative of the communities served by NWAS. Our next rounds of taster evenings are taking place throughout November across our North West localities

but don’t worry, we will be organising even more in the New Year for you to get involved in! You can express your interest via the online survey on our website or via the contacts below.

Tel: 01204 498428 | Email: 4


Trust Headquarters Ladybridge Hall, Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 5DD

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