Spectrum Insights March 2017 issue

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since September 2015 @Spectrum.edu.kz

№7 (15) March 2017 @Spectrum_IS

Congratulations on Nauryz On behalf of the Senior Management Team of Spectrum, I would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the school community on the occasion of Nauryz, a wonderful spring holiday which symbolizes rebirth and arrival of Spring.

Nauryz not only brings nations and cultures together, it does more by reminding us to cherish the planet we share. By accentuating the beauty of nature and the renewal of springtime, Nauryz can inspire the people of the Earth to practice greater environmental safekeeping. I offer my best wishes to those who celebrate and express hope that all people can use this occasion to reflect on the beauty of nature, the promise of Spring and the power of cultures to build peace that the world needs nowadays. Sincerely Yours, Mr Muharrem Ustun Principal Spectrum International School


CIS/NEASC Accreditation Visit

School improvement is a vital and constant process that we at Spectrum International School assume to be committed to. It tends to be most appropriately implemented through recognised and reliable means of quality assurance in the form of institutional accreditation. Here at Spectrum we realise the pivotal importance of the accreditation and have been engaged in the process of accreditation through Council of International Schools (CIS) and New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) so far.

there was music and two characters from famous movies, and they were «The Mad Hatter» from «Alice in Wonderland» and «Nick Wilde» from «Zootopia». And they were dancing to entertain us while we were celebrating this day, and even called some of us to dance with them and take a picture for memory. I want to say the last thing, and it is thank you for everyone around me, at school,home, everywhere! And everyone have good days and be as happy as possible, I wish happiness everyone! Nurel Sadykova Grade 7A



• Наурыз көжені қалай дайындайды? • «Жарқын болашақ» қазақ тілі олимпиадасы • «Сен білесің бе?»



• Starting learning to read independently • Helping one another • Alphabet Puzzle Mat • Spring



• 7A Class Show • Looking forward to Spring Break • International Women’s Day and Mothers’ Day • Mother’s Day in grade 3A

Gratitude Day When the «Gratitude Day» come, my friends and I thought about what we were going to do. Because last time it was very cool, we had cupcakes and we were very happy, as last school year, there were not any cupcakes, and they were new to us. But this time we had amazing donuts that had beautiful colored frosting and some «thank you» saying papers on top of them. That cheered us. There was a board that you can put your thank you messages on, so everyone would see them, it had graffiti letters that when you read they would say «Thank You» And for last, while we were eating

Spectrum Channel

The school will be evaluated against two basic ‘benchmarks’ which are the school’s own Guiding Statements and Standards for Accreditation endorsed by both agencies above. During this process we have undergone a rigorous self-study process and have produced a report for the agencies and now expect a Visiting Team represented by CIS and NEASC. The visit will take place from 15 April to 21 April. During the visit, Visiting Team Members will meet with all stakeholders, visit classrooms and make observations to provide us with an unbiased external assessment of the conclusions of the self-study. It is to be noted that the purpose of the Visiting Team is to review the quality of educational experiences we offer at Spectrum rather than the evaluation of specific individuals and making relevant reference. Based on this visit, the Visiting Team will make overall recommendations and convey them to their respective accrediting organisations. Each agency will make its own independent decision with regard to the possible accreditation of the school. Rinat Mautin Vice Principal Accreditation Coordinator


English Week

• English Week at Spectrum • Does science leave room for imagination? • What I learned from debate • Lights, Shadow, Creativity!



• Social activities room • Have you ever been to Indonesia? • The course «Digital Literacy» • Gratitude Day • Is Coffee good for kids and teens? • No language barrier! • Job of teaching assistance • Amazing poem

Білгенге маржан


Наурыз көжені қалай дайындайды? Ұлыстың Ұлы күні - Наурыз мерекесін наурыз көжесіз елестету мүмкін емес. Әрбір шаңырақта қазан қайнатылып, наурыз көже пісіріледі. Наурыз көженің адам ағзасына берер

негізі су болып табылады. Бұның астарында - өмір өзен, ұрпақөріс судай асып-тасысын дегені болса керек. Ет. Қашанда қазақы дастарханның берекесін

тұтастай Наурыз көжеге салып қайнатады. Арпа. Арпаның емдік қасиеті жайлы бәріне белгілі. Арпаны жиі пайдаланатындардың қаны бұзылмайды дейді білгіштер.

қоса, тары, күріш сияқты дәнді дақылдар қосылады. Ақ. Көжеге міндетті түрде айран немесе ақ құяды. Құрт. Кейде езілген құрт та қосатын болған.

құнары мен пайдасы мол. Көже жеті түрлі тағамнан дайындалады: Су. Сусыз тіршілік болмас. Сондықтан Наурыз көженің де

ет келтіреді. Сол себепті Наурызкөжеге қазақтың төл асы – ет қосылады. «Ұзын сарыға» сақталған сүрі етті қазан толсын, ас мол болсын деген ырыммен

Ирак тәуіптері бұл дәнді «ғажап құтты дән» деп атаған. Көптеген ауруларға шипалы. Сонымен қатар тойымды болып келеді. Дәнді дақылдар. Арпамен

Тұз. Кез келген тамақтың дәмін тұз келтіреді. Сондықтан Наурыз көжеге де міндетті түрде тұз салынады. Интернет желісінен алынды


«Жарқын болашақ» қазақ тілі олимпиадасы «Білім-инновация» халықаралық қоғамдық қорының ұйымдастыруымен

қазақ тілінің қолданылу аясын кеңейту, қазақ тілінің байлығы мен көркемдігін дәріптеу.

мен Аталар Гүпсенұр «Сөз шеберлері» сайысына, ал Гасанова Айгүн және Жеңіс

Біздің мектеп ұжымының ұйымдастыруымен өткен «Сөз шеберлері» конкурсында қазақ

наурыз айының төрті күні ІХ республикалық «Жарқын болашақ» олимпиадасының Астана қалалық кезеңі өтті. Олимпиаданың көздеген мақсаты - оқушылардың қазақ халқының тілі, әдебиеті, салтдәстүрі, тарихы, мәдениеті секілді ұлттық құндылықтарға деген қызығушылығын арттыру,

«Жарқын болашақ» олимпиадасы бес конкурстан тұрады: «Тілші - әдебиетшілер», «Әнші-бұлбұлдар», «Жас ғалымдар», «Сөз шеберлері», «Жазушылар». Аталмыш додаға біздің мектебімізден де ойы ұшқыр, сөзге алғыр оқушылар қатысты. Мәселен, Қуантқан Марғұлан

Әлішер «Тіліші - әдебиетшілер» бөлімі бойынша білімін сынады. Жарыс нәтижесінде Гасанова Айгүн 3 орын иеленді. Біз де өз кезегімізде оқу ордамыздың намысы үшін осындай ауқымды іс-шараға ат салысқан оқушыларымызға ерекше алғысымызды білдіреміз.

тобы бойынша 56 оқушы, өзге ұлт тобында 25 қатысушы өнер көрсетті. Жыл өткен сайын ауқымы кеңейіп келе жатқан байқаудың қатысушылары бұл жолы да асыл сөздің маржанын терер сөз шеберлері екендігін айқын көрсете білді. Дәнеева Гүлжайна Қазақ тілі мұғалімі

«Сен білесің бе?» •Жолбарыстардың жүні де терісі де жолақты болады. •1 кг бал жасау үшін, ара 2 млн. гүлді айналып ұшып өтуі керек. •Тасбақа 300 жыл өмір сүреді. •Американдықтар күніне орта есеппен 18 га пицца жейді. •6 жасар бала күніне орта есеппен 300 рет күледі, ал ересек адам күніне 15 рет күледі. •Футболшы бір ойында шамамен 11 шақырым жүгіреді. •Акула - бір мезгілде екі көзін

бірдей жұма алатын жалғыз балық. Ол сондай-ақ судың 100 миллион бөлігіндегі қанның иісін сезе біледі екен. •Адамның ұйқыға кетуі үшін ең кемі 7 минут уақыт қажет. •Баобаб —ең көп өмір сүретін ағаш. Өмір сүру ұзақтығы 5 мың жыл. •Әрбір 3 секунд сайын бір бала дүние есігін ашса, 5 секунд сайын бір адам өмірмен қоштасады. Интернет желісінен алынды

Starting learning to read independently We are now in the quarter of the academic year, I would say that almost all of my students had already mastered the phonics and we are starting reading short stories of CVC words, and teaching them to read independently because

independent reading builds fluency, increases vocabulary development and improves reading comprehension. Ashiela Machon Homeroom teacher Precious Kids

Helping one another You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others.” It is also essential to a teacher to teach students virtues, like loving one another, caring and helping each other for these are the keys to having a friendly classroom environment. Every single day I was encouraging my pupils to demonstrate kind and helpful behaviour toward each other and according to research, students who show this kind of behaviour

achieve greater academic success, have more friends and develop better relationships with teachers. On the picture it shows helping one other. For the reason that the two of them are new ones and they needed a help to learn the dance steps for the Nauryz Program. Thus, helping others will bring success. Miss Ashiela Machon Homeroom kindergarten teacher Precious Kids


Metamorphosis The children enjoyed the short film and were very excited when I said that we will make a project about it. They also learned a new word: metamorphosis. Marilyn Lobo Homeroom teacher Shining Stars

Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring! It’s the season after winter were birds start to fly in the sky. The flowers start to bloom. It’s the season were a caterpillar turns into a wonderful and colorful butterfly. Playing is the best way of learning in early age. They like anything that

will made their imagination work. They enjoyed building and creating. The Busy Bees made a wonderful caterpillar out of clay. Julie Annbacy Homeroom teacher Busy Bees

Alphabet Puzzle Mat Hop to it kids! Let’s play! Learning is fun. I arranged the Alphabet Mat on the carpet for our activity. I told them to wait their names to be called. I call out a letter by saying the name of the letter, the phonetic sound it makes or a word that starts with the letter and asks the child to jump to it.

The children were yelling. Some of them shouted “This is letter P!” or “This is G- for girl”. The kids enjoyed the activity. Children can not only play with it but can also learn alphabets easily through Alphabet Mat. Rowena Kabigting Homeroom teacher Rainbow Kids

Recycling Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It is a way of making a new and wonderful things out of trash. The Busy Bees made a bee from a tissue tube. In this kind of

activity they enhance their imagination, creativity and resourcefulness. Rowena Kabigting Homeroom teacher Rainbow Kids


The Shining Stars group recently learned all about animals in Science. Since our lesson in English came about butterflies as well, I decided to integrate the lesson and taught them about its life cycle. They watched an animated short film of Eric Carle’s “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”.


7A Class Show Our 7A show was something special. It was unique, we have not done it for winning or to brag. We did this to show and find our classmates talents. And what could be achieved with hard work. This took cooperation and teamwork to be able to finish it. This truly shows how much teamwork can achieve. The main goal of our show was to find love in your heart. We do not mean relationship, we mean

respect and love for your parents and friends. We did this so everyone else would know and realize that love and respect to each other and their parents are life changing We did this so others could feel and believe in love and respect to the parents. We would like to thank everyone that participated in this. Alan Sakbay Grade 7A

Interview In this interview we asked fellow teachers and students whether they think that it is noisy during the lunch break-time. Would you agree with their opinion? «I am on a neutral side. Firstly, I think that we should respect our teachers and it is wrong that students sometimes can be loud or not follow the rules of order during the lunch time. On the other hand, it is students choice how to behave as it depends on their own discipline.» «In my opinion, we can not

stop children from talking. Surely it is important to consider others’ points of view, but it is break-time for us to relax and chat.» «It does not distract me at all. To be honest, I got used to this.» «I hope it is okay for others, maybe a little bit uncomfortable for primary teachers that have lunch earlier, but overall everything is fine.» «I’m a patient person and do not think that it is noisy- I simply got used to this.» Zhuldyz Kapysh, 11A

Looking forward to Spring Break Spring Break never fails to bring a big smile on our faces. What with ten weeks of grueling schoolwork not to mention activities and tons of projects plus examinations done. Wheww!!! We thought of going around the halls of Spectrum IS and ask fellow students how they intend to spend the Spring break. Read on and find out. Yusuf from 2B says he is going to the new Mega to check out the climbing center because he wants to have lots of fun. Rassul from 5A wants to go camping for two days because he can truly relax there. Alper from 3B wants to go to Turkey because he wants to spend time with his grandparents. Mansur from 3A says Taraz is the place to be. He wants to visit his grandparents. Narmin from 1B says she is going to Baku, because she is from there. Aryzhan from 4B will definitely be in Russia, as her sister should have an operation. Taimen from 1A will go to Pakistan as she wants to be with her Grandparents. Renata of 5B says Oskemen is her place of choice for relaxation and visiting relatives. Ansara of 5B says she is excited to visit Almaty for her brother’s

birthday celebration. Sagir of 4A will visit an island as he wants to rest. Hanin of 4B says she wants to visit her homeland. Zhanibek of 3A wants to visit the city of Lights Paris to learn something new. Mahir of 3B wants to see their new house in their home country. Elif of 1A says he wants to relax in the city and go to Khan Shatyr Danis of 1B says it is playtime for him and nothing else Jasmin of 5A is joining a competition in Kazan. So there you have it, what about you? Make sure that you use your time wisely and be fully recharged once the fourth term begins. Happy Spring Break!!! Amirali Assylkhan Amina Kuspanova Grade 5A ********************************** This holidays I am going to Thailand to swim and relax every day I am going to wake up and go to breakfast then read and swim and of course be with my family. This is going to bring my family closer than it already is This holiday I will take a break from school and find friends. This is also a huge relief to me after the stressful week of exams. Amalia Zaneva, 7A

Happy Women’s Day! International Women’s Day and Mothers’ Day The 8th of March is International Women’s Day and in many countries all over the world especially here

celebration. Ours was held on the 7th of March after class time and we invited all our Moms and gave

song,“House of Gold” which the former played on the ukulele. Our next number featured a game

the affair. The gathering was completed by a sketch led by Ayaulym and Nurahmet about what

in Kazakhstan, the celebration is all too special. Historically, this day was celebrated as the Day of Working Women’s solidarity in the struggle for equality of rights and emancipation. As this day is a holiday or day off in our country, our class joined the rest of the school in the

them a fitting tribute via a concert. This event was hosted by Mira and Mikhail. We started a video presentation, where we expressed our appreciation for them and then a talent show ensued. Dancers Kamila and Nigina performed an energetic number. Meruyert and Ayaulym then rendered the

called “Whisper challenge“ led by Tamila where four moms with headphones gamely joined to guess what their own children were saying. Incredible guitar performances of the French song “SOS D’un Terrien en Detresse” by Zhamilya followed by Arman N. and Bolat’s “Titanium” highlighted

mothers do for their children and why we need to honor the sacrifices they do. The boys later gave gifts to all the girls and everyone in turn gave gifts to the mothers. Hope that all of you had a great holiday. I certainly did! Diana Issakova Grade 9A

Mother’s Day in grade 3A There are many holidays in our country, the 8th of March is one of them. It’s Mother’s day.

poems to their mothers, played different games such as Crocodile, interpretation, invited their mothers

It is a happy and nice holiday. It is a good tradition in our country to give presents and flowers to women on this day. Each family celebrates this spring holiday. Grade 3A also prepared for this very important holiday and looked forward to when they can give a pleasant mood to their mothers. And on March 3 was held a concert, the students met their mothers at the entrance to the classroom with flowers made with their own hands. Each student went to his mother to his place. The concert started with a song about mom, then the students dedicated

to dance. In the end, we prepared a video that was prepared in advance and was prepared not only by us, students of the third grade, but also by the popes. Perhaps, it was the most touching moment. Mom did not expect to see on the screens of their husbands, who at that time were on business trips in various countries. They cried, they were very happy. Moms were grateful to their children and husbands for a surprise Liyalana Kazangapova Teacher assistant

8 March Hello my name is Ji-Hwan. I will tell you story about mother`s day. On mother`s day, I was so excited and embarrassed. I went to toilet and change my clothes. When I was coming back, I saw my mother! My heart was beating fast. I came to class calmly. When the event was started, mothers came to class, and we went out. In mother`s day party we danced, sang, cited the poem, and said comic. When I was singing, I was very shy and embarrassed. But when it finished I was proud of that. And I went to my home. It was my mother`s day story. Ji-Hwan, Grade 5B ********************************** Every year our classmates and teachers brighten one of the most wonderful day full of spring spirit,

8th of March. This year students of both 10,11 grades worked cooperatively as a result, created something new, perfect mix of songs of Mr Sungat, humor show, acting scenes and competitions. Ernis, Baglan, Alizhan, Aituar and Jakub participated in this humor show, which consisted of true-life situations. Mr Sungat sang Kazakh song in honor of mother. Grade 10 students, Aziza and Madi played in acting scene , whose the main purpose was to thank mothers for small things everyday. Nurbol played a bold theme from the Star Wars. Overall, I want to thank everybody who participated in this show. It’s pleasure watching it. Ernis Malabayev Grade 11A


English Lang


English Week at Spectrum English week was a fun week for many students since we had many different activities. This week our English language teacher, Ms Elisha Ward, decided to challenge us with tricky games and activities. Everyone had their own responsibility so we were all participating. The first lesson of the week was a very exciting listening game where we had to listen for the some old and new song lyrics and try to guess the name of the song or even trying to understand the song lyrics. I have to say that everyone had fun, with groups singing or even trying to figure out which word they heard from the song. Furthermore, some of the students prepared a fun play using the alphabet. I can remember the students looking for an original idea in the break time and looked like they found a pretty creative one. Some of the students even showed their social experiment based videos in the class. One video was to show if there were English native speakers in Kazakhstan and how they viewed the country. The other one was to see whether people will help or not when you asked help for in English and surprisingly no one actually helped! On the other hand, when the same task was asked in Russian, people helped without a second thought. These videos also showed us the idea of

‘English language’ from Kazakhs’ point of view. It was impossible to get bored in the class. Primary students also participated a lot, for instance, with their colourful and funny superhero outfits they visited every class. Afterwards there was a fair in the entrance where their beautiful handmade crafts, paintings, drawings and models were placed. Crafts ranged from famous stories to cartoons and even their favourite heroes. A lot of posters were placed on the walls and in front of the tables that were full of models from famous bedtime stories. Class activities were not the only things we did. Some students wanted to colour our classroom’s windows related to English. Our teacher offered the idea of World Scholar’s Cup(WSC) themes which was an interesting competition based on debates and many other quizzes and even talent shows. Students drew meaningful symbols and quotes inspired by WSC. Congratulations to 8A’s window decoration which sparked debate on whether Donald Trump should or shouldn’t be classed as a modern myth. To sum up it was a great week to participate in many different and fun activities, competitions and plays. Zeynep Naz Yelken, 11A

English Week Rewind “I participated in the Debates. I tried not to be nervous because judges will put minus points.”Renata. “The best part of English week was the Spelling Bee” – Alan. “I had to dress as my favorite character and show myself to people. I got to the front and said who I was” – Amna. “We got to perform and I tried my best to be “the Assasin” . The Tenth graders loved my characters , I guess” –Sultanali. “For the Book parade, I did the costume without any help” – Daniyal B. “During English week we didn’t just have Book and Character parade,we also had many amazing things!” – Tomiris. “For me, English week was exciting,amazing and funny. We all enjoyed it and our teachers did too.”- Laura.

“I decided to wear a Pharaoh costume. I think you have heard about Tutankhamun? He was the youngest Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.”- Nikita. “English week is the week where you can do many interesting things !”Jasmin. “When I joined the Debate , I was so nervous that I said my words softly. I got confused many times …but next time I want to be the winner!”- Asem. “In the Charmander book, there were many interesting and new Pokemon. But then, I saw the book called “Wings of Fire” so I chose this book” Rassul. Fifth grade students

Does science leave room for imagination? Do you think, science leaves room for imagination? Science is one of the most important subjects in the school syllabus. In my opinion science open doors to interesting careers and for a better future. For example, Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton are some of the most famous and important scientists in the world. Science opened their imagination. Isaac Newton’s theory came from a falling apple and thanks to this falling sphere the theory of gravity was born. Albert Einstein’s mathematical and physical theories came to life through Newton’s theories, Einstein reached and expanded this knowledge made theory about energy. I believe that science will never kill our imagination. In line with English Week we had the 3rd annual debate between Grade 10 and 11. Grade 10 students made up the opposition team and Grade 11 students the affirmative. The judges were Alisher from Grade 10, Jakub from grade 11, Mr. Celal and Ms. Bineetha. The 1st speaker Alizhan from the affirmative team started the debate with an interesting introduction, followed

by the 1st speaker from the opposition Maksat started very well, but was a bit nervous. The 2nd speaker from the affirmative side Aidana made excellent facts about health and science. However, Maria, the 2nd speaker from the opposition team, connected interesting ideas about the history of science and love. The final speaker from the affirmative team Zhuldyz cooked up an exemplary conclusion. The last speaker from the opposition side Madi made magnificent speech by giving skillful facts. For the judges it was hard to come to an agreement. As they whipped up their final decisions everyone looked nerve-racked. The points were collected and the score was 42 to 47; Grade 11 students won the debate. My congratulations to Grade 11. Nursultan Kazistay, 10A

guage Week Primary School English Week All the children in Grades 1 to 5 had a fantastic English week. The aim of this event in school is to promote the learning of English through a range of different activities. Teaching staff provided a wide range of items for children throughout the week such as debates, building and then describing models, making characters, quizzes, spelling bees, signing and drama. We also had a Book Cover Design competition, character dress up day and

a reading challenge. The children loved taking part in these activities that no doubt have helped their English skills! Thank you to all staff and parents for making English Week such a success. Mr Trevor Gibson Primary English Coordinator

Grade 4B The children in 4B really enjoyed reading with a partner from 2A, as part of their English Week activities. They also built Chocolate Factories (based on the book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’) which they then wrote descriptions for.

What I learned from debate “Debate is not wrangling , we were told. I saw it as an opportunity to upgrade my speaking skills, to be resourceful, to read selectively and to listen well. This made me decide to join the class debates last February 22 during the English week as I wanted to prepare for the upcoming World Scholars’ Cup this March 31-April 1. The debate activity was very amazing and nervewracking. We were excited and gave our all during

the activity. Every team member as I had observed, listened very carefully, spoke clearly, and tried to gather information within the allotted time. We likewise learned to give feedback to our opponents on how to become improved speakers. It was a very good lesson for us all as we learned a lot that week. Most importantly, the teams who joined the debates realized that the purpose really was not to win. The best part of the activity was finishing it as a better person with a new learning. Danial Askargaliev Grade 5A

Lights, Shadow, Creativity! The shadow puppet show that we had during English week was” without a shadow of doubt” an enjoyable task. We had three teams and each of them showed a really good play. We did an exciting story which we integrated with Science lessons in our play. The team where I belonged got the second place. We performed a famous story we had learned in our English class entitled “Stone Soup”. We cut silhouettes of people, a village, vegetables, an old man and of course that well-known huge pot. The second group played “Hansel and Gretel”. They showed a fantastic play, but won the third place. Finally, the last team was Team three which won

the first place with another famous story “Red Riding Hood” where they included our Science lesson about the law of gravity. Theirs was perfect and the story had shown originality. Now if you are wondering why we did this play, the purpose was all about about how shadows are formed . So our teacher in Science, Miss Katrine asked us to do a shadow puppet play and timed it with the English week celebration. We all enjoyed doing this activity and have learnt that it was not easy to make a shadow puppet play. We used our voice to make sound effects and spent hours coordinating our moves, so that the play would look and sound interesting. We needed to consider a lot of things and make silhouettes which I truly enjoyed the most. All in all, we came up with a great show. Nikita Glokke Grade 5A


Hooray for English Week Last month, Spectrum International School held the annual observance of English Week. From Monday to Friday , some of the most exciting activities for me were the Character Parade, Book Parade and Sing your wellloved movie theme (Karaoke) Day and Debates (in that order, mind you). During our character parade on Friday, the entire Primary Department showed off their creativity and choice. We saw well put and colorful costumes. Some of them included; Pharaohs, Princesses, Comic book characters and even mythical creatures. Some of us even had the opportunity to visit the Secondary Department and let them ask questions regarding our characters. My class had its fair share of unicorns, Queens, warriors, Medusa, Pharaohs, Greek gods, a Jedi and Harry Potter. It felt like the whole world of literature came alive! On Thursday, students got to know a little more of their classmates and their schoolmates. Spectrum students got to choose their favorite book and make an alternative book cover for it. No book was the same. People used their artistry and creativity to make a book cover as though they were the publisher of their favorite book. We saw how Spectrum, truly has a

new world of books. I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, saying ayooooo I’m a Lego! On Monday, students got to choose their favorite movie theme and make a cover for it. We saw talented singers who belted out songs from Pocahontas, Alice through the looking glass , Zootopia and Pitch perfect. Our class chose melodies like Colors of the wind, Just Like Fire, Harry Potter in 99 seconds , Happy and Try Everything from Zootopia plus more. ‘For all the power of video and film, I am not giving up my pen… together they are more fun than the sum of their parts ‘Naomi Wolf would say because during English Week, some classes held debates. In Grade 5, we centered on literature, homework and uniforms. Students chose whether to be on the affirmative or negative side. The affirmative side would argue for the motion whilst the negative side would argue against the motion. It felt like professionalism inside us was growing. Overall, I would say kudos and thank you to the entire Primary Department teachers who organized English week and made it a memorable experience for each and every one of us, Spectrum International School students! Arailym Kizayeva Grade 5A

List of Book Cover Winners 1A – Milena Aydin (Winner – Grade 1) 1B – Rassul Kaliyev (Runner Up – Grade 1) 2A – Harun Arda Gul (Winner – Grade 2) 2B – Alpartur Karagoz (Runner Up – Grade 2) 3B – Aruzhan Nazar (Winner – Grade 3) 3A – Zarina Saginayeva (Runner Up - Grade 3) 4B – Gleb Danilkin (Winner – Grade 4) 4A – Katia El Mostafa (Runner Up – Grade 4) 5A – Adila Mukai (Winner – Grade 5) 5B – Zeynep Karaca (Runner Up – Grade 5) Best Dressed Grade for Costume Parade – Grade 3 Grade 4 Spelling Bee – 4B Grade 4 English Quiz – 4B

Student Council


School uniform School uniform represents a student as a member of an important community, which makes up an inseparable part of their lives- school. Following special set of rules and comprising uniform as a mandatory point can have its own positive impacts on studies. Uniforms symbolize unity, as well as structure and discipline. Many students have also lost the professionalism involved with education; students do not feel that school is a place of work but rather a place to hang out with friends and socialize. Dressing up for school, in their opinion, might seem as a vital routine to abide by. It is totally not about losing your individuality and closing your eyes on sense of creativity, as long as everyone looks the same. It removes social barriers

and eliminates prejudice amongst students. Those who come from

other students because of the lessexpensive clothing options that

different classes do not have to face ridicule and bullying from

they wear. This creates a healthier and happier learning environment,

which enables students to study well and develop their skills without distractions. Following to the statement that uniforms limit freedom of expression, there is no saying that students can not still express their individuality by other means. It should not just be about the clothes that define you . A unique individual is developed not from appearance, but rather, intellect, personality and skills. So to wrap it up, it is clear that uniforms are essential, and have a good influence when used right. Moreover, schools that provide uniforms as a part of a discipline, would only benefit from having them. Kemalova Aziza Grade 10A

Social activities room During the last month, the first ever social activities room was introduced. The room was organized by the Student Council with the help of school administration. It was a long awaited activity that was one of the main promises of the Student Council, and was an important feature of Council Chair campaign. The social activities room consists of several sofas, a small tea table with a kettle, a last version of Playstation 4 with 2 games(FIFA 17,Need for speed), a TV, a table

football game, table tennis and a couple of board games,such as Monopoly. There are several rules in social activities room.Students can visit social activities room only with their homeroom teacher, and only after 5:30 PM, after office hours end. The schedule for visiting is already have been made.If you want to visit the social activities room, you will need to ask your homeroom teacher, who will contact our Vice Principal, Mr.Celal. Ernis Malabayev Student Council Chair

Parent - Teacher Association PSHE - Healthy food My mom was a PSHE teacher in Grade 2A class! It was 15th of March when my mom was invited to be a teacher in PSHE. Her name is Aldiya Kizayeva. She taught about healthy and unhealthy food to eat. My classmates were so active and alert! We had board games. First game we had was to list down all the food we ate. Then my mom explained if the food was healthy or unhealthy. Next she drew a spider’s web and played another game. She

asked us to list down healthy food that we taught our mothers were giving us. Lastly, she gave us a quiz if those food shown online is healthy or unhealthy. On our way home my mom said, “Your classmates were really so active, you have really enjoyed my lesson”! I said to her, “yes mom I hope more mommies will come to teach us again during our PSHE!” Amina Kizayeva Grade 2A

PTA meeting Parent Teachers Association is a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school and which work to support the school in a wide variety of ways. Foster positive relationships between the school and families pertaining to the wellbeing of the school community. The last PTA meeting agenda addressed the issue related to some upcoming events such as Nauryz on 15th April, Annual International Day on 28th

April, and accreditation team visit from 15th April to 21th April. Also Chairperson of the PTA told about the change of the school name and rebranding of the governing body. Parents were asked to support the school`s projects: actively take part in the events and come to see CIS visiting team in school. PTA members` involvement and support is important in working towards common goals of the school. Gulmira Alimova Vice Principal

Have you ever been to Indonesia? Have you ever been to Indonesia? Are you willing to go there someday? Well, I did and I would like to say that it was awesome. On the 11th February me, Ayaulym, Nigina, Aziz, Lunara, Atina, Masha, Mr Celal and Ms Dana had a flight to Indonesia. I would like to say that the trip way was very long, but it was worth it and it was a lot of fun. From the airport of Indonesia we immediately set of to Global Jaya

Amazing Trip

School, which our school had a cultural exchange with. When we arrived, we were surprised by the hospitality of people in Indonesia. Everyone: parents and children, teachers and staff were very friendly. We had a special program ready for us. Keeping up with it we visited beautiful places such as Taman Safari, Monas, Kota Tua Museum and many more. Indonesia is a very beautiful country with tropical climate that has only two seasons a year: rainy and dry. This climate was very unusual for us, comparing to -30 C in Astana. In Indonesia we were staying with kind and friendly host families. These families and the school made our small holidays unforgettable. We visited many places and got friends with many interesting people. In addition, I went there with my friends. It

Host families in Indonesia When we came to Indonesia they already were waiting for us in

was a lot of fun finding out about Indonesia together, travelling in a bus and sharing emotions. The goal of the cultural exchange was to find out about customs of the nation and we achieved it. We found out that there are completely different interesting and unusual traditions, culture and people. We spent incredible time, which we will never forget. And if you ask me, I would definitely say that Indonesia is one of the countries that you should visit at least once in a lifetime, to see the difference in standard of living, culture and architecture. I would like to go there again and if we have another cultural exchange, we all invite you to come with us. Thank you for the wonderful experience Spectrum And Global Jaya schools. Tomiris Kaliyeva Grade 9A

the airport. And every day we were going somewhere like: exploring the city, going to the malls and visiting their cultural places. Our host families were always telling us about their culture and nationality.

to wait. When it was already time to get into plane everyone became nervous, because flight to Abu Dhabi would take 5 hours. Then we should wait there for 6 hours,

And they even were cooking for us their national food. We were always watching movies and play with our hosts. Also their mom was showing us their national clothes. I liked it. I am still calling to our host family even they are far from us. And

and I want to visit more countries. I hope you will join it with me. Mariya Kucherova Grade 7A

we want to meet with them in the summer. My host sister’s names were Amaris, Amand and Mayra. I enjoyed the trip and hope we will come back to Indonesia. Atina Adam, 6A



I am interested to travelling to different countries. In my life I want to visit a lot of different countries, like France, Italy, Japan, UK and USA. Also I want to travel to some exotic countries like Australia, Philippines or Indonesia. A month ago our school organized a cultural exchange trip to Indonesia. It was my chance to make my dream come true. After the announcement of the trip, I went home and talked to my father about that. My father gave the permission to me. I started

before the plane to Jakarta and it would take 9 hours to reach it. In Abu Dhabi it was very hot and the air there was kind of heavy. So, the first thing that we did was to leave our baggage in the lounge. Then we went to McDonald’s and duty free. First 2 hours were interesting to walk everywhere, but then it became really boring and we just sat in the lounge. Everyone was sleepy. Then happy, because we went onto the plane. Global Jaya School’s students greeted us kindly. They took a lot of pictures with us. From the airport the driver took us to Global Jaya School. There we met our host families. My host family was good, kind and friendly to me. I gave them a lot of presents that represent Kazakstan and Kazakh nation. Everyday we had 2 lessons in Global Jaya School. I was in the 6th grade because there was no one in the 7th grade. Lessons there were very interesting. After the lessons we had excursions. One of the most interesting and my favourite excursions was a trip to Taman Safari Park. There were a lot of different kinds of animals. My favorite was a yak. It had big horns and I thought that it could hurt me. I really enjoyed that trip


«Digital Literacy» course On March 6-7, teachers of the Kazakh language of primary and secondary school, as well as a Russian teacher and secretaries, and teachers of the «Nurorda» school-lyceum attended a twoday seminar called «Digital Literacy». Digital technology, which is designed for simple and fast transfer of data, digital literacy, especially, plays an important role in teaching. The main objectives of the seminar were the following, to learn: • What the Internet is-the basic principle of working with Internet resources? • Introduction to the main file formats • the use of the LMS - online education management system • Operation with links, podcasting, blogging, etc. • Work with cloud services,

Google Apps and Services for Educators (Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides etc.)

sites for teachers. • Working with online.

• Online testing, games, etc. • Mobile apps for teachers, an introduction to social networking

• Effective presentation skills. Our course guide was Yerlan Konyrbaev, despite the large

Lane Community College Visit We hosted Ms. Carla Andersen who is Associate Director of International Student Requirement at Lane Community College from U.S.A. It was a good opportunity for the students intending to study at a university in U.S.A. Our students asked and were informed about the life in U.S.A. and facilities, departments and education programs of the universities. We learned that Lane is a learning-centered community

college that provides affordable, quality, lifelong educational opportunities that include: • Professional technical and college transfer programs • Employee skill upgrading, business development and career enhancement • Foundational academic, language and life skills development • Lifelong personal development and enrichment, cultural and community service.


number of questions and unclear points, he was very friendly, for what many thanks to him! The course was oriented for teachers. During the course, despite what we know generally about digital literacy, there were many details that we did not know, and thanks to this course it was pleasant to learn and acquire all new. Thanks to this course, we learnt how to properly and efficiently use multimedia materials in the classroom, how to use mobile applications for effective teaching, how to create online tests, how much less time to spend on preparation, verification, evaluation and analysis tasks, tests and examinations and more. The seminar was very informative and useful. We would like to express special gratitude to the leadership of our school for this opportunity. Nursulu Kulmaganbetova Secretary

Alumni voices Hello, Spectrum family! During writing this article I recalled my happy school days and understood that Spectrum (NurOrda) was like a shelter where we were always safe and happy. 5 years in my lovely school passed very fast. Those were 5 carefree and funny years full of unforgettable moments with my friends and teachers(who were actually our friends too). I am very thankful to Spectrum for knowledge I have received, for a great experience of studying in foreign environment, for teachers who were very kind and attentive to us in spite of our sometimes horrible behavior.

International Relations and Political science major. There are many rumors that studying here is hard and we do not have time for ourselves, BUT, to be honest, if you study well at school, especially at our school which gives you a great fundament, learn accurately and by time, education is easy here. I strongly recommend you to apply to the school the school of humanities and social sciences because we have the most interesting professors who use original teaching approaches. Beside studying you must know for sure that studentship is cool! You

Actually, this is best part of our school - that teachers do really care about students here and always ready to give advice, help or just have a cup of tea with you. Now I am a first year student at Nazarbayev University with

become an independent adult and do what you really want and like. Thank you, Spectrum for opportunities that you give to young generation! Aynash Olzhabayeva Class of 2015

Gratitude day This year our school organized Gratitude day on 1st March. Students collected “Thank You” cards from teachers and each other’s. Some snacks were given to students as a simple way of thanking and everyone enjoyed it. Words like “Thank You” were written on papers and posted on the wall. Animators came to entertain students from primary classes, some students took photos with them, some were brave enough to dance. This event is reminding us that

we should thank people around us for the simple things as it is a very good manner, politeness and intelligence. The gratitude day is an special holiday in Kazakhstan, it was established in 2016 to celebrate the anniversary of the Assembly of the people Kazakhstan. It is national advisory body designed to represent the country`s ethnic minorities at national level. Alina Barsukova Grade 8B

“Football Enthusiast “ Football improves health, fitness and social abilities. Football is a pleasurable sport that provides an all-round fitness and can be used as treatment for lifestyle-related diseases. Men worry less when playing football than when running. Women’s soccer creates we-stories and helps women stay active. The above statements are taken from the results from an extensive football research project involving more than 50 researchers from seven countries. The researchers studied physiological, psychological and sociological aspects of recreational football and compared it with running.

Football is a pleasurable team sport that provides an all-

diseases. Men worry less when playing football than when running.

round fitness and can be used as treatment for lifestyle-related

Women’s football creates westories and helps women stay

active. Study leader Peter Krustrup concludes «Football is a very popular team sport that contains positive motivational and social factors that may facilitate compliance and contribute to the maintenance of a physically active lifestyle. The studies presented have demonstrated that football training for two-three hours per week causes significant cardiovascular, metabolic and musculoskeletal adaptations, independent on gender, age or lack of experience with football» (Get Fit While Having Fun) Mr. Rodolfo Fuentes PE Teacher


Is Coffee good for kids and teens? due to the high level of caffeine. In addition, there are no right ages to

drink coffee. A sip of coffee for a child is just fine, but the higher the amount of caffeine might interfere

to the proper growth of bones. Human grows at the later age of adolescents, so for a child to drink coffee everyday this can negatively affect their proper growth. Too much consumption of caffeine can also lead to weight gain because of the high intake of sugar. A child who drinks two cups of coffee may loss appetite that causes mood swings and anxiety, and these things can cause inattentiveness at school and malfunctioning of how the brain works every day. Brain is one of the vital organs in our body and drinking coffee causes it to produce more adenosine. Adenosine is a chemical in your

brain that makes you sleepy, so more adenosine may affect your attention span. You might just think of your bed because that is what you need to get some ZZZs. So before giving a child a coffee think of these effects of caffeine in our body. There are maybe advantages for us adults, but just think about these conditions. If this will affect our children just think about how they can perform at school. So children, remember that coffee is for adults. Snag your glasses and get some orange juice! Miss Katrine Magno Science Teacher

No language barrier! as he wanted to freely communicate with the French girl. Their engaging story can be watched by the QR code provided. Moreover, the design is very iconic and comfortable for usage. ‘The Pilot’s’ price is about $129, which means it is affordable. What is also exciting is that company plans to add more languages in the future. Nobody can predict or know what will happen tomorrow for sure, but certainly technology develops and hopefully will develop at the same – extremely fast- rate. Therefore, being interested in science, technology is beneficial; thus, always remember that you can be the one who will bring a new invention to this world. Zhuldyz Kapysh, 11A

Travelling sometimes gets really hard because of the different languages countries speak. It turns out that it can be essential to carry a small dictionary to avoid misunderstanding or embarrassing situations. Now, instead of doing this people can use in-ear device that translates languages immediately. They are not really well-known, but it is because introducing a new product means huge changes to the market and requires patience. Firstly, it is important to understand how it works. The Pilot system and Waverly Labs allowed this gadget to translate to Spanish, Italian, English and French. Very interestingly, it was developed because by the creator

Interesting facts


The aroma of coffee makes us awake in the morning, and makes us hit the alarm snooze. It is a miracle! It boosts our stamina and keeps us awake on a lazy day. Coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that makes our brain cells active. According to studies coffee can improve energy levels and make you smarter. Furthermore, coffee fights depression and makes us happier! But caffeine can make different things in our body too much caffeine can cause insomnia, hyperacidity, headaches, palpitation and difficulty in concentrating. However, a lot of people are obsessed with coffee


Job of teaching assistants Children’s psychology is something that need special attention. Before coming to work at school, I was nervous about working with children. However, to my own luck I have been put to cooperate with experienced teacher and pedagogue, Mr. Robert. I was privileged to learn a lot of interesting and beneficial ideas from 22 years experienced pedadogue as Mr. Robert. In fact, I did not think it would be different than I expected. Working and teaching fourth graders is something totally different. Every child has his/her own opinion, upbringings, behaviors and personalities. It takes so much energy to talk, to teach and to deal with them everyday. Their personalities differ from one pupil to another.

Pupils’ personalities and upbringings demonstrate a lot

has well-behaved and educated families. However, some times I

of things about their families. Sometimes I stay positive and happy to know that some of my students

feel so disappointed and extremely sad to learn how some students reflect all the negativity they see

from their families. The family bonds and parents’ relationships are so effective and powerful on children. Teaching Assistants must be the «correctors» and the supporters of students. Teenagers and students from primary school are going through «tipping period» of their lives. They need support from Homeroom teachers as well as Teaching Assisstants. The School is the second home for the students and TAs are the second «mothers» of these children who would support and help during «breaktimes». It is a huge responsibility to be a Teaching Assistant of Primary School. Sometimes difficult and energy consuming, sometimes so tiring, but in general it is very enjoyable. Akerke Andagul Grade 4 Teaching Assistant

Student-teacher interview This month Aidana Sagynayeva from Grade 11 interviewed our Biology teacher Ms Farida to learn more about her fascinating hometown of London. What is something a b o u t London that makes it different from the other cities? The thing that I feel makes London really unique is that you can

be in the centre of London and you can meet people from many different countries, so you don’t even have to travel to find something new, for example about particular type of religion or particular tradition. You can be in the room with someone from Jordan and you can just share so much information. What word would best describe London? I love the way it is diverse. Probably serendipity. What do you think Britain and Kazakhstan have in common? Any differences? It is very difficult to compare them. If I would say living in London versus

living in Astana, I feel like there are more things to do in the evening and more activities in London perhaps there more outdoor activities in London. I think in Kazakhstan my generalization would be that people are very hospitable. To the point when people in London would come over and they are very surprised how hospitable people are. I think it is really rare to go to London and to meet someone and has been invited to his or her house and have dinner and so on. It is more likely to happen in Kazakhstan. What is the most common myth about the UK in general? The most common myth is that

Knowledge Strength - is knowledge, knowledge – in books. Strong person is a smart person, to be smart we need knowledge. Strong person will easily win stupid person many times. Think that your teacher is your father because your teacher gives you knowledge. Don`t run after gold, run after knowledge. If you have many knowledge you will reach

many things, so don’t be lazy and learn, don’t be sad if you don`t understand, ask don`t be shine and remember “the roof of education are bitter but the fruits are sweet” I get knowledge from school, my school is Spectrum and I love it very much. Laula Akhmetova Grade 4A


Amazing poem

Our Second family is our School, It’s sometimes boring but always cool. The students are full of joy and laughter, The atmosphere is bright like glitter. Homeworks disappear in deep mystery, Especially in a subject like history. Our Teachers in our school are so lovely, and They lead us to the right way so nicely.

The school newspaper would like to apologize for the «Being bilingual changes the architecture of your brain» article attributed to Ms. Michelle Duldulao in our February issue. Said article was shared by Sayasat Nurbek, as parent contribution. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Monthly newspaper of Spectrum International School. Published in English and Kazakh since September 2015. Sole proprietor: Spectrum International School

Head: Mr Muharrem Ustun Editor-in-chief: Ms Banu Abutalip Editorial Board: Mr Rinat Mautin Ms Jennifer Singson Zhuldyz Kapysh Designer: Zhandos Tursynaliyev Videographer, photographer: Sungat Izmakhan

everyone speaks with the same accent that the Queen has. I think sometimes people are unaware of so many different accents exist. What is you favourite museum? I love the Natural History museum so much. I actually did my internship there when I was a student and studying some plants and they have some specimen that Charles Darwin himself collected I think it is fantastic. They also have old dinosaurs. So I have been going to that museum since I was a child and I still go back there on daily basis and I think it is great. Aidana Sagynayeva Grade 11A

Zhania Ermekova, Min Yong Kim Grade 4A

Newspaper office address: Spectrum International School 010000 Astana Kasym Amanzholov street Building 34 Tel: +77172427832 Fax: +77172427831 newspaper@spectrum.edu.kz spectrum.edu.kz

The views and opinions expressed in this newspaper are solely those of the authors and do not in any way represent the views of editorial office or Spectrum International School. Author works are not returned. Editorial Board may not be held accountable for the opinions and views of the authors. When citing a piece of information from this newspaper, please include a reference.

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