AFA Annual Meeting 2011 Program Book

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Kyle Witham, The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose, Do you ever feel there aren’t enough hours in the day; that you pour yourself out to others and have nothing left for yourself? Society believes the art of balance is accepting the things you must do, spending time on the things you want to do, and eliminating things you feel you should do but aren’t truly necessary. In this interactive workshop, participants will assess their current life balance and develop a plan to live in accordance with their values. As a result of participation in this educational program, participants will make plans to modify their current schedule to reflect a more balanced life that aligns with their values. FEA ROUNDTABLE: NORTH-AMERICAN INTERFRATERNITY CONFERENCE STANDARDS Benton – Jameson Root, North-American Interfraternity Conference, Fraternity headquarters staff members are invited to join colleagues in a discussion about the North-American Interfraternity Conference Standards implementation. Come ready to share ideas and best practices, ask each other questions, and gain new perspectives.


n 0 - s ,!.$-!2+ &/9%2 Do you follow @afa1976? Have you participated in an #afachat? Join us for the inaugural Annual Meeting Tweetup to meet the friendly faces behind the Twitter handle. At the Tweetup, participants will network, partake in discussion on the topics of the previous #afachats, and brainstorm future chat topics to advance the fraternal movement—140 characters at a time. Bring your creativity, CONVERSATION AND MOBILE BUSINESS CARDS

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n 0 - s -!*%34)# $% AFA Associate members contribute in excess of $70,000 each year to the Association. In addition to this generous support, the Associate members offer services that enhance the performance of campuses, chapters, and inter/national organizations. We are pleased to welcome almost 40 exhibitors to this year’s Annual Meeting. Please join our Associate members and interfraternal partners in the Exhibit Hall. Enjoy the opportunity to network and learn more about their various products, resources, and services.


AFA Annual Meeting

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The Fireside Chats Meet & Greet: Institution Edition will be structured with campus-based professionals stationed at tables. Oganizationbased professionals and volunteers will be able to seek out an institutional representative with whom they want to meet. While this is a great opportunity to put a face with a name, meet up with an old colleague, or a say quick hello, this is not an appropriate environment for bringing up major issues which you have not scheduled a Fireside Chat to discuss. We encourage you to stop by the institutions’ tables to say hello and introduce yourself. Begin creating those partnerships early. Be sure to stop by to pick up your Fireside Chats schedule. Preregistration is not required for the Meet & Greet.

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0 - s -%%4 ). 4(% (/4%, ,/""9 '2!.$ 4/7%2 Attending the AFA Annual Meeting is an incredible opportunity for you to meet other professionals, especially at mealtime. As you create your Annual Meeting schedule, be sure to pencil in the First Timers Meal Gathering. Joining the First Timers Committee for a meal will help you connect with other colleagues who are new to the Annual Meeting. Make plans to network and enjoy a great meal with other fraternity/sorority professionals from around the country. Please register at the First Timers Welcome Table ahead of time. We look forward to dining with you. (Please note: All participants will pay for their own meals.)

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