2023 Customer Yearbook - External

Page 51

Volume 1: Mid -Year

Ricky was born 5 months premature and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Now 25 years old, Ricky remains very ac ve in his community in Brunswick, OH. He has worked as a greeter at a grocery store and local recrea on center, where everyone loved him. His mom, Darlene said he had people coming to the rec center to just talk to him and enjoy his infec ous smile. He currently works with Kong dog toys – his program helps package/label and get productsready for sale to local pet stores.

Brunswick, OH

Ricky has been a Numo on customer for seven years and received his first power wheelchair at four years old. Ricky loves his Numo on Team and said working with them is great, “My guys are willing to help – quickly – and they are ALWAYS fun to be around because we can joke and laugh about stuff while they are helping to fix things.”

With his wheelchair, Ricky can remain ac ve and do the things he loves. Ricky’s mom, Darlene said “In all, Ricky has the greatest outlook on life. His chair has always been an extension of him, and he does everything he wants to do. It’s been said many mes that his personality is the best that can be found, his smile and laugh are infec ous. He has a beau ful and caring heart. He is truly the kid who cares about others more than himself!”

Chelsie is 30, flirty, and thriving in Nashville, TN. At 18 years old she had dreams of being a soldier in the United States Army. On her way to basic training, her car stopped working, and while siÅng in the undrivable vehicle, Chelsie was struck by another car. The accident caused Chelsie to sustain a C4/C5 spinal cord injury, leaving her paralyzed from the neck down.

She graduated from Tennessee State University,with degrees in sociology and English in 2020, with thoughts of going to grad school one day. Chelsie acquired her first job since her injury, tutoring and teaching chess at an elementary school in Nashville just this year. She is discovering a new passion for teaching, and has added it to her list of loves. Chelsie also loves pop-punk concerts, reading books, and fashion.

Nashville, TN

Fashion is 4 Every Body, a nonprofit that promotes body-posièvity and self-esteem, seeking inclusion for all adults within society and the fashion industry, puts on an inclusive runway show every year. Chelsie learned about the Fashion is 4 Every Body show led by Alicia Searcy and started volunteering for the event years ago. Chelsie was asked to be a model this year and loved the experience. Chelsie’s love of color and an edgy taste shined as she rolled down the runway.

Numoèon has been Chelsie’s wheelchair provider for the last five years. Chelsie’s ATP always does his best to make her custom molded backrest comfortable and provides proper support due to her shoulder issues. “He has always been great and works well with my physical therapist and the rest of my seating clinic.”

John and his wife Chris ne live in Middletown, DE. Originally from Binghamton, NY, John was infected with Polio only six months before Salk’s vaccine was widely tested, and as a result was paralyzed from the neck down for six months. Through physical therapy and help from his mom, John walked again a year later, and was able to play sports in high school. When he turned 40 he began showing Post-Polio Syndrome issues and now uses a power wheelchair.

John has worked with True Mobility for the past 10 years and of all of his experiences with True Mobility have been great. (True Mobility is now part of SpinLife, Numo on’s Retail Division.)

Since 2010, Michael and PaÅ Castoria have been providing Delaware with mobility equipment and home access services. “Michael and PaÅ, along with their wonderful team, have always treated me like their best customer. Always with respect and a desire to listen and help. They are knowledgeable, helpful, and willing to take on a challenge and see it through to comple on. I am very rough on my mobility equipment, and they have worked hard to keep me mobile,” said John.

“To me, the most important aspect of obtaining my mobility equipment from SpinLife is that they listen. They take the me to understand my specific mobility needs and work hard to meet those needs. I have purchased 2 wheelchairs, 2 vans, a chair li" for my home, and many smaller mobility devices. I have yet to be disappointed in their products or their service.”

John is very ac ve in his community and with his family. He volunteers for Rotary Interna onal to help eradicate Polio worldwide and is a season cket holder at Yankee Stadium as a lifelong Yankees fan. “I have a saying that I try to live up to: ‘There’s very li#le I can’t do, I just have to find a different way of doing it,’” said John.

“SpinLife has been my mobility solution allowing me to find those ways to be able to accomplish my goals in life.”

New Castle, DE

In 2009, a C4 spinal cord injury le Stefanie, now 38 years old, paralyzed from the chest down. At the Åme of her accident, Stefanie had just finished her first semester studying adverÅsing for her master’s degree and was an avid and accomplished equestrian.

Stefanie discovered a way to bring horses back into her life through carriage driving. She is one of the only quadriplegic carriage drivers in the world, compeÅng mostly against able-bodied drivers in the U.S. She has collected many awards and accolades over the years, including placing fi h in the para–World Championships held in Holland.

“My wheelchair enables me to accomplish my acÅviÅes of daily living, to drive my car, and to work with the horses. Surprisingly horses immediately accept the wheelchair as being an extension of who I am,” said Stefanie. “Normally horses are frightened of anything ‘different’ but, they don’t mind the wheelchair at all.”

Stefanie moved from California to Kentucky due to her parÅcipaÅon in UofL’s renowned Epidural S mulator study.

Of the team she works with at the Louisville branch, Stefanie said, “When my wheelchair suddenly stops working, I stop working. I can’t move, and I am at the mercy of other people. My autonomy is suddenly taken away from me and I feel helpless. It is a deeply personal crisis for me. I would say that most people do not understand this –the personal nature of my wheelchair. But, my team at Numotion understands this. It is why they are so special to me. To have a person I do not know or trust work on my wheelchair would be horrifying.”

“My wheelchair is so much more to me than just a way of ge!ng around. It is a part of me and enables and empowers me,” said Stefanie. “My power chair gives me the means to reach my goals, overcome challenges, and conÅnue to grow toward independence.’”

Like many others, COVID presented certain challenges to Stefanie. “In response to our pleas for help three remarkable individuals stepped forward to support Stef despite the extreme pressures created by COVID. ATP, Cynthia, SeaÅng Tech, Jerome, and Customer Care Coordinator, Devon have consistently gone above and beyond and their cooperaÅon, respect, follow through, a"enÅon to detail, and professionalism have been second to none. You have a group of amazingly dedicated and gi ed individuals here in Louisville,” said Marcia, Stefanie’s mom.

Louisville, KY

Nick is 18 years old and just graduated high school. His hobbies include playing simulator games and being outside in his community.

Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Numo on has been a part of Nick’s mobility journey for five years. “When I started with Numo on I was hesitant because I had an amazing wheelchair team at a previous company that went out of business,” said Nick. “I see two different teams at Numo on - one at Shriner’s in Chicago and the Milwaukee team for service. I enjoy working with both teams. Both are knowledgeable with products and ordering new equipment. George and AJ from my repair team are awesome.”

When asked what it has been like working with his Numo on team, Nick stated, “What is most important to me is that when there are issues Numotion always accommodates me. Even when there are insurance issues everyone pitches in to get them resolved. I want to thank Jeff, Vice President of Customer Experience, and my mom for advocating for what I need. Numotion is like an extension of my own family. Thank you for all that you do. I appreciate it.”

Nick’s equipment has given him the freedom to go to school, a!end prom and spor ng events, adventure out on his own, and be independent. “My power wheelchair is crucial for my independence. I am very independent. I go to dinner, and downtown Waukesha on my own. I see no limits to what I can do,” said Nick.

Milwaukee, WI

Monique is “a Cajun girl’ from Houma, LA now living in Gonzales, LA. Monique is a wife and mother of three children. Working as a Registered Nurse for 17 years, nursing was her passion. Her life changed dras cally on April 30, 2018, when she was diagnosed with ALS.

Numo on has been a part of Monique’s journey since the beginning of her diagnosis. She first met her Numo on ATP, Chris, at her local ALS clinic when he measured her for her new wheelchair.

From the beginning, Monique felt her Numo on team was courteous, personable, and a joy to work with. “Chris would come into my room with my physical therapist, and we would discuss my changing needs. I always felt like Chris had a solu on to any change I needed with my chair. I always felt understood and heard,” said Monique. In her me working with Numo on, Monique has received a power wheelchair, headrest, sidebar, hand bars, seat cushions and other important accessories.

Baton Rouge, LA

As the preferred CRT provider, Numo on works with Team Gleason to provide technology services and solu ons that ensure those with ALS con nue living produc ve, purposeful, and meaningful lives.

At a recent visit with Monique, Chris no ced that she was no longer able to drive her chair or control her sea ng system. Chris called Team Gleason, and through a combined effort, was able to get her Ability Drive. Ability Drive allows Monique to move and control her wheelchair with her eyes.

“Aèer receiving my Ability Drive, Numo on connected it and very pa ently taught me how to use it. Thank you to Numotion and Team Gleason for the gift of Freedom!”

Annie Grace lives with Periodic Paralysis and experiences recurrent paralysis from the knees down and muscle loss due to this.

She is is an advocate for the chronic illness/disability community and works with brands, specifically in the beauty and fashion industries, on how to become more inclusive in their branding and markeÅng. Annie Grace graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta, GA.

“Thanks to my wheelchair I was able to finish my degree and pursue a career that works for me and my abilities, as well as maintain a more active lifestyle than before. I was previously bed-bound since I am unable to bear weight on my legs. Having my wheelchair has truly opened so many doors for me, and allowed me to open doors for others.”

Atlanta, GA

Pictured is Annie Grace with her sister. Annie Grace was recently the maid of honor at her sister’s wedding. Of the experience, she said, “I felt beyond lucky to be able to be my sister’s maid of honor and be by her side - regardless of how I got there, walking OR rolling.”

A er a lengthy baÅle of 351 days for new equipment for Numoçon customer, Pastor Thomas Moseley, our Haèesburg team delivered a new wheelchair!

Candy Parker, Numoçon Customer Care Coordinator, said, “What a privilege to be able to witness the joy on his face when we were able to deliver Mr. Moseley his equipment. Delivery day saw many happy tears, much laughter and great joy! We had to fight denials, appeals, and a State Fair Hearing, but we were successful and won our case for him. I am so very proud of Team Hattiesburg and all we are able to achieve for our customers.”

Hattiesburg, MS

Mr. Moseley said, “No maÅer the situaçon or the circumstances are that we find ourselves in, whether good or bad, all things ulçmately work together for our good and can have a great impact not only in our life, but in other lives as well.”

Dominic has an extremely rare disease called Congenital Disorders of Glycosyla on (PMM2-CDG).

He loves books, music, and watering the plants outside. “He recently learned how to use the water hose nozzle so he signs to go outside to water the plants all day long,” said his mom Karen.

She con nued, “Getting his wheelchair last fall has been a game changer in progressing his independence and mobility.”

Arlington Heights, IL

According to Karen, although PMM2-CDG presents many uncontrollable symptoms and Dominic is non-verbal, he loves people and interac ng with anyone he can. “He is a social bu!erfly and the wheelchair allows him to have the ability to socialize with everyone!”

Charlotte, NC

“A special thank you to Todd Dewey tonight for coming through to deliver a new wheelchair to Barre . It could not have arrived at a be er Åme açer Barre ’s old chair had stopped working. 20 years ago, Todd gave Barre his very first wheelchair. I can sÅll remember both of us standing in awe watching Barre race his wheelchair up and down the parking lot for the first Åme. Todd laughed and said, ‘Well I guess he doesn’t need much training.’ For 20 years, Todd has been there for Barrett and our family. We are beyond grateful! Thank you Todd for what you do for Barrett and so many other special needs adults and children.”

- April, Barre ’s mom

Jacksonville, FL

“Blair is 2.5 years old and has HIE, cerebral palsy, and is trach and g-tube dependent. He loves watching cartoons, fake sleeping to get out of therapy, pool me and bath me, and anything that lights up. He is currently an ambassador for Wolfson’s children’s hospital to raise awareness and funds for the hospital, the program is called the Wolfson 55. He loves his big sister, Mason.”

- Blair’s mom

Hoffman Estates, Illinois

“We would like to THANK YOU for the gi of the seat li . Team Gleason and Numotion made this so easy for us as we did not need to ‘jump through hoops’ for help. You should have seen Eddie’s smile when he was in his chair... the ROHO cushion is so comfortable for him, and a provides him a feeling of independence again. We were recently celebra!ng his birthday with our family,and dinner was ready, and we went out front to see where he was... it turns out, Eddie’s new sense of independence brought him up to the court and he was talking to our neighbors! I am so happy that he has this. These photos show when we just received it and his license plate on the back of the wheelchair - FAST EDDIE.”

- Maria, Eddie’s wife.

Murfreesboro, TN

“Wheelchairs are freedom. Without these four wheels I wouldn’t be able to live my best life. We can do anything with the right accommoda!ons and accessibility!”

Hoffman Estates, Illinois

“Marley is 4 years old, and has Re Syndrome. Rett Syndrome undeniably presents challenges, but it absolutely does not touch Marley’s spirt. Joy radiates from her, she is a ball of sunshine. She loves music, princesses, Bluey, bubbles, and just being outside. She really lights up when the wind blows, and the sun is shining. Her nurse always says she reminds her of a li le woodland fairy.”

- Marley’s Mom

Phoenix, AZ

“I can not thank Numo on enough for everything that you did to get my sister Martha her new, awesome wheelchair. She is delighted and just on cloud nine with her new wheelchair and the freedom it means for her. Wonderful service by your whole team. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

“I have been living with ALS since 2022. I own a hotrod performance shop and love to build custom cars. I’m very thankful for my Numotion team. I wouldn’t have been able to obtain my power wheelchair and learn all the func!ons without the assistance and guidance from Numo!on.”

Chatsworth, CA

Customer Videos

“I am very impressed with the work and the professional approach that Cameron B. exhibits when he helps me each !me he is here working on my chairs. I appreciate him. Cameron sees the needs and makes appropriate recommenda!ons.”

- Washington

“I’m never sure what to expect when we get a new provider, and Numotion did a fantastic job! Not only did we get replacement parts installed, but a good !p on cleaning my wheelchair!”

- North Dakota

“Can-do attitude, willingness to learn, humble, and kind. Thank you for the extra special a#en!on on ge$ng the footbrake installed the right way on our daughter’s wheelchair. ”

- Washington

“I’ll be back to SpinLife when I am in need. This was a simple process with guidance on the website as to what I was looking for. Money well spent with the best retailer in the mobility market.”

- SpinLife

“Service tech was very professional and skilled at his job.”

- Minnesota

“Evan was polite, professional, prompt and thorough. I am happy my son’s wheelchair is working for him a%er the repair was complete.”

- Colorado

“Big thank you to everyone involved who made ge$ng my wheelchair possible. It was a combined effort between a team that worked tirelessly. Faith, John, Jo, Jeff, Devin, Eric . They were all very helpful.”

- Louisiana

“SpinLife is great to work with. Great products, very quick delivery. Very good prices.”

- SpinLife

“Jay was excellent at repairing my chair with the new parts.”

“Peter was so very helpful. And professional. Thank you.”

- Illinois

- New Jersey

“Ma! took the me needed to adjust my new chair. He was attentive and patient. Great personality and he shows that he really cares about his clients.”

- South Carolina

“SpinLife always gives good service. I have used them for many products.”

- SpinLife

“Crystal delivered our chair, and was phenomenal! She was friendly, courteous and knew the product well.”

- Kentucky

“Doug’s service was very good. He was polite and professional. He took care of my chair and adjusted it to the way I like it.”

- North Carolina

“Andrew, the sea ng tech who delivered the chair, was extremely helpful and friendly. He took the time to explain all of the features and encouraged me to call him if I had any ques ons.”

- Arizona

“Joe, thank you for keeping me safe.”

- New York

“Technician Rich was on time, courteous, exact, professional, and knowledgeable about his cra!. He did a fantas"c job.”

- North Carolina

“Lawrence did a great job repairing my wheelchair. He was friendly and professional and solved for everything that was wrong at the "me!”

- Georgia

“Stephen is great, amazing, caring and so nice. He was punctual - and I can’t say enough, he made me feel comfortable, he is a super nice guy.”

- Tennessee

“Our service technician was amazing. Prompt, attentive, and caring. Thank you so much Shaun!”

- Ohio

“Brent was so nice, courteous and professional! He handled everything quickly and efficiently!”

- Colorado

“I have never been disappointed when Ty comes out to fix or do services on my wheelchair. He is the most knowledgeable technician that’s ever touched my chair and I have complete faith in him. Really really appreciate what he does.”

- South Carolina

“My Service Tech Ed was tremendous.”

- Louisiana

“Great selection at a good price. This is the second wheelchair I have bought thru SpinLife. I bought this wheelchair for my sister when she was in need of a new one. She received her chair today, less than a week a!er my ordering of it. She loves it.”

- SpinLife

“Jackson is a wonderful tech! One of the best experiences I’ve had with a tech and a huge reason I wanted to complete this survey. He went above and beyond to make sure it was fixed properly.”

- Georgia

“Your company is fantastic! Very nice people!”

“Long time customer - always great service and great help from product experts.”

- Connec!cut

- SpinLife

“Mario and Nathan are both very professional kind and caring men! Couldn’t ask for better service repair technicians. I’m grateful to both of them! Thanks again for all you guys do!”

- Missouri

“Chris is always so helpful and always goes above and beyond to help our clients wheelchairs func"on properly.”

- California

“Everyone has been exceptional!!! Great team.”

- Nebraska

“Jeff was extremely helpful with the guidance and informa"on he provided. A&er sharing with him what we needed and how it would be used, he recommended a transport wheelchair and why it was the best fit. Jeff was friendly, patient, understanding, knowledgeable, and answered all of our ques"ons and concerns.

- SpinLife

“Neal was very professional and when he was done, thanked me for my service. As a military veteran that really meant a lot.”

- Utah

“Loved the service while ge#ng my chair delivery. Filemon was very patient with me and didn’t rush anything upon delivery. Love this company.”

- California

“Anthony performed service well beyond what was expected. During vaca"on my ba$ery died and he replaced it onsite without an appointment within a couple of hours. Outstanding service.”

- Montana

“Adam did a great job repairing my wheelchair, and he was very pleasant.”

- Washington

The mission of the Numo on Founda on is to support people and causes that work towards enhancing the lives of people with disabili!es in communi!es of common interest.

Numo!on makes a contribu!on to the Founda!on for each new wheelchair sold. Addi!onally, the Numo!on Founda!on is dedicated to engaging employees and supporters to donate funds and provide a centralized, coordinated, and compliant structure for distribu!ons on behalf of Numo!on to relevant charitable organiza!ons and programs.

Numotion Foundation Sponsors National Wheelchair Basketball Association Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

The Numo on Founda on was proud to sponsor the 2023 Na onal Wheelchair Basketball Associa on (NWBA) Hall of Fame Induc on Ceremony, held in Wichita, KS on Saturday, April 1, 2023.

According to the NWBA, “the purpose of the NWBA Hall of Fame is to enshrine, in the form of a permanent record, the names of those individuals who have exerted a dis nc ve, posi ve influence of unique dimension on the sport of wheelchair basketball.”

Those inducted into the 2023 class included Willie Hernandez, Will Waller, Jayne Chiluç, and former Numo on team member, Josh Turek.

Concerning the Numo on Founda on’s contribu on, Chair of the NWBA Hall of Fame Commièe, Dave Kiley stated, “The evening was as good as it could possibly get as we inducted and celebrated the game’s best. The Hall of Fame depends on sponsorship to present our elite in the manner they deserve and I want to thank the Numotion Foundation for its support.”

Photo credit: Darrin Hackney Photography

Numotion Foundation Sponsors “The Ride,” a Jack Trottier Foundation Fundraiser to Benefit Adolescents

Living with New Spinal Cord Injury

On January 16, 2013, Jack Tro er experienced a spinal cord injury while snowboarding. The burst fracture of his C6 vertebrae caused paralysis from the chest down. AÅer emergency surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital, Jack spent 9 days in intensive care to stabilize his spine and autonomic funcçons. He then traveled to the Shepherd Center in Atlanta for 13 weeks of intense rehabilitaçon. Jack subsequently returned home and began his senior year of High School in Tyngsboro, MA that fall.

AÅer graduaçon, Jack enrolled at UMASS-Lowell to earn a degree in business, graduaçng in 2019. Since his injury, Jack has graduated from college, relearned how to drive, completed the Baystate Marathon using a hand-cycle, conçnued coaching high school football, published a book, and started working selling adapçve vehicles. His family and community have supported him since the beginning. Now, he looks to assist those who navigate a similar experience

January 16, 2023, marked the tenth anniversary of Jack’s spinal cord injury. Reflecçng on ten years post-injury, Jack stated, “It’s also been ten years since I was discharged from the Shepherd Center, a complex rehab facility for spinal cord injury and other neurological impairments. I knew I needed to return, and this milestone felt right to me.”

Since last August, Jack and his team have been planning a major event to not only commemorate ten years but to raise funds and awareness for his nonprofit organizaçon, the Jack Tro er Foundaçon. They have partnered with the High Fives Foundaçon to prepare for Jack to ride an adapçve hand cycle from Massachuseùs to the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

The trip traverses 11 states and more than 1,200 miles. The funds raised during this campaign will support the kids of the adolescent team (paçents under the age of 18) at Shepherd, who are at the beginning of an uphill baùle through paralysis. In 2013, Jack spent 11 weeks in inpaçent rehab on the adolescent team that shaped the beginning of his recovery.

“High Fives is an incredible organizaçon that I became a part of through my involvement in adapçve acçon sports a decade ago. Given the nature of this endurance ride, we couldn’t think of a beùer organizaçon to share the experience with.

Numotion Foundation Provides Third Round of Emergency Relief Intended to Assist Those Living with Mobility-Related Disabilities Impacted by the Conflict in Ukraine

In May 2023, the Numo on Founda on announced a third round of emergency relief funds intended to provide assistance to those living with mobility-related disabili es who have been impacted by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The $20,000 contribu on was distributed to The Chernivtsi Regional Organiza on of People with Disabili es (CROPD). CROPD is a member organiza on of Na onal Assembly of People with Disabili es of Ukraine (NAPD) and is iden fied as an NGO run by and focused on serving those living with mobility-related disabili es.

This contribution, in addition to the $80,000 in contributions completed in 2022 bring the total Ukraine relief funds provided by the Numotion Foundation to $100,000. The two previous rounds of funding were u lized by our recipients to obtain medica ons, medical supplies, transporta on, employment aides, hygiene products, food, and hea ng fuels such as firewood.

In response to the Numo on Founda on’s contribu on, Valentyna Dobrydina, President of CROPD stated, “Our organization, people with disabilities, and Ukranians are sincerely thankful to your organization for the provided support! We continue the implementation of our joint project to support people during wartime. Thank you for your cooperation! Together, we are strong!”

Numotion Foundation Supports AXIS Dance Company

The Numo on Founda on provided support to AXIS Dance Company whose mission is to collaborate with “disabled and non-disabled ar sts to create world-class produc ons that challenge percep ons of dance and disability.”

Nadia Adame, Ar s c Director & Choreographer at AXIS recently provided the following impact story. Led by Ar s c Director Nadia Adame and Managing Director Danae Rees, AXIS is one of the na on’s most acclaimed ensembles of disabled and non-disabled performers. AXIS was founded in 1987 and creates world-class produc ons that challenge percep ons and redefine dance and disability. The Bay Area, California-based company has toured over 100 ci es in the US, Israel-Pales ne, UK, Holland, Germany, United Arab Emirates and Russia, among others, and has received nine Isadora Duncan Dance Awards.

AXIS commissions new work from a host of renowned interna onal choreographers including Arthur Pita, Robin Dekkers, Asun Noales and Jennifer Archibald.

In tandem with a robust performance calendar, AXIS provides unparalleled integrated dance educa on and outreach programs. AXIS builds paths to dance educa on for disabled and non-disabled people of all ages and experiences. The company presents over 20 in-school assemblies throughout the Bay Area each year. These assemblies include interac ve par cipa on by students, plus candid discussion and Q&A with AXIS dancers. AXIS has an annual Summer Intensive where par cipants develop their technique while collabora ng with diverse dancers from across the globe. Addi onally, the company offers Teacher Training programs for teachers, educators and administrators who are given tools to create an inclusive, crea ve environment in their classrooms or organiza ons.

Photo Credits: David DeSilva and Doug Kaye

Numotion Foundation Supports BlazeSports America

The Numo on Founda on provided funding to BlazeSports America in support of their adap ve athle cs programs.

Daniel Degraffenreid, Development Manager provided the following impact story. BlazeSports America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organiza on formed as the legacy organiza on of the 1996 Paralympic Games held in Atlanta, Georgia. For 25 years, our mission has been to change the lives of youth and veterans with physical disabili es through adap ve sport and recrea on.

Last summer the Numo on Founda on supported the 2nd Annual Peachtree Paragames, which is a mul -sport event that provides compe on for the developmental to the elite Paralympic athlete. Events offered were archery, swim, and track and field, in addi on to free sports clinics offered over the weekend.

This event served youth and veterans with disabili es and aèracted par cipants from across the country for compe ve and fun two-day event.

BlazeSports America believe that everyone has the right to access sport and physical ac vity, to live a healthy lifestyle, to make friends and experience the benefits of sport and recrea on.

Numotion Foundation Provides Funding to “Gaylord Gauntlet” in Support of Adaptive Athletes and the Gaylord Sports Association

The Numo on Founda on provided support to Gaylord Specialty Healthcare’s “Gaylord Gauntlet,” a 5k obstacle race to benefit adap ve athletes and the Gaylord Sports Associa on. Following the event, Gaylord Specialty Healthcare’s Assistant Director of Events & Donor Rela ons, Katelyn Muolo provided the following impact story.

Robert Sanchas of Rhode Island has never been one to turn down a challenge.

A freak bungee cord accident while serving in the Army leç Sanchas legally blind. The cord not only hit his eye, but also caused him to fall backwards and hit his head on a desk, causing brain damage that permanently impaired his vision and his hearing.

For an ac ve person like Robert, the diagnosis was devasta ng and he withdrew from the world un l he realized that “this was not the way I wanted to be.”

Robert, now 54, immersed himself the world of adap ve sports. He’s won gold medals in adap ve rowing and kayaking in the US World Compe on, he does adap ve surfing and skiing, and he has taken up running6 – a sport he used to hate while serving in the Army, but now loves.

He loves the camaraderie and spirit that comes with adap ve sports and credits it to helping him understand that there are no limits to his abili es.

“I learned my life had just begun because I am doing much more.”

This past June, Sanchas tackled his next challenge: conquering the Gaylord Gauntlet Trail and Obstacle Run, a tough mudder race with 24 grueling obstacles, mud and water. He says it was his “most challenging race to date.”

He is grateful to the Numotion Foundation for funding the first annual out-of-state Gauntlet Adaptive Athlete sponsorship, which allowed him to participate in the race with this support team – aptly named “Conquering Sights.”

“Thank you for helping me do the impossible – this probably will be with me forever, I am always going to remember my first obstacle course without sight and with guides … it’s really, really fun. I have been dreaming of doing this since I first saw it 5 years ago, but didn’t have the ability until you chose me and opened my world. So thank you wholeheartedly for helping me become a be!er me.”

Numotion Foundation Provides Grant to Make-A-Wish of Central and Western North Carolina

The Numo on Founda on recently provided a grant to support the Wish programming of the Make-A-Wish Founda on of Central and Western North Carolina.

Ali Magnuson, Grants and Founda on Specialist for Make-A-Wish provided the following impact story. “There are few greater joys than finding out what wish experience we’ll get to bring to life for a child – whether that’s building a pirate-themed playhouse or planning a trip for a wish kid to see the ocean for the first me. Even beçer is knowing that each of those wishes can help give kids the strength and resilience they need to keep figh ng against their illnesses. Today, we want to share that same joy with you.”

Jalen’s Wish Story

Wish kid Jalen was all smiles at the “Happiest Place in the World”! Jalen is a kind, adorable ten-year-old boy from Winston-Salem with a neuromuscular disorder. Jalen likes the color red, cars and trucks,chocolate (don’t we all!), gummy bears, and going to the pool. His favorite movie is Transformers, and he loves LEGOS and Disney. The neuromuscular disorder that Jalen has causes mobility and breathing complica ons, as well as fa gue.

This has meant lots of doctors’ appointments and visits, sidelining him from the typical ac vi es of a young boy. He and his family have taken on much stress and anxiety; however, Jalen does not let this get him down!

Fortunately, Jalen’s wish to go to Walt Disney World helped brighten his spirits. At Disney, he was able to meet all his favorite characters and enjoy the thrill of the rollercoasters with his family. This was a much needed get-a-way from constant doctor’s appointments and treatments, where Jalen could focus on simply being a kid!

“We had a wonderful me, it was the best experience we can ask for. You all have made a special memory for us and we will never forget it.” – Jalen’s Mom

When a wish comes true, it creates strength, hope and transforma on. We are so grateful for our friends and supporters at Numo on Founda on who help us to fund wishes for kids diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, like Jalen’s wish.

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