Your Music Magazine April Issue # 67

Page 44



Britannia Arms

Parish Pub

Boardwalk Bowl Coasters Lounge

Video Interview by MIKE LYON with THE DUST 3/24/09 from Introductions: Matt: Bass- Ibanez Fieldy K5, amp is a GK, cabinet is an amp Peg 610 with a tweeter. I have been hammering on the thunder broom for 15 years/ Influence: anything from the heart, Matalica, Suidal Tendenceies ,Korn, Flea/ Past bands: Baring Som Motto: “Stand in the front row and dodge to bullet” Brian: Lead vocals/ 14 years/ Metallica, White Zombie, Pantera, Lamb of God, Tom Petty/ Drains to Ocean Motto: “When in Rome” YYM: The Dust, what does it mean? Matt: Good question, no one really knows. We just wrote it on the wall with a list of 200 other names and right before the first show we had to pick one. It relates back to a classic skate session. We’re going to wait for the VH1 Behind the Music to reveal more. Brian: Dust makes up 80% of dead skin cells. And we ain’t dead. YMM: So you’re the first band that we’ve had in from Half Moon Bay. What is it like up there? Matt: Awesome, we grew up there surfing, skating, and riding bikes in the hills. Couldn’t ask for a better place. YMM: Nice beach town? Band: Yeah. Brian: Wait I should take that back, there are a lot of sharks. YMM: What is the The Dust’s band history? Band: Brian and and Josh started in 2002, but then the bass player skipped town. I stepped in January of 03’. First show was April of 03’. We’ve had numerous drummers since then, a demo, a full length album, and many good shows and times. YMM: I should have asked, who’s missing? Brian: We’re missing our drummer David and our guitar player Josh. They had complications with work. YMM: Any CD’s? Matt: Only one full length album called “Twenty-Two.” Available online at YMM: where did you record your album? Matt: We record at 414, with our good friend Jason Allen. We all got exactly what we wanted. YMM: What is your song writing process? Brian: Definitely complicated. On occasion someone will come up with some riffs, but we kind of jump right in, someone will just throw something down. We then record it on a 16 track recorder. We don’t know how we lasted without the recorder. YMM: Is your single on Myspace? Matt: We have two: the first is a track from “Twenty-Two” called Pretty and Confused, and our live track, “The Wall of Books,” is the other song you can hear online. YMM: So you got a song on the Thrasher video? Matt: Yes, thank you Thrasher. We’re skateboard fans, I’ve skated all my life. There new video is called Brutality. YMM: So what do you have coming up? Brian: Your Music Olympicks on April 18th at the Brookdale Inn & Spa. YMM: What else do you have coming up? Matt: In a couple of weeks we are doing a charity event in San Francisco for surfers who are permanently disabled, sponsored by Red Bull if your beer pong. YMM: Where can people contact or how can they book The Dust? Matt: Booking, that’s me. All online stuff goes to YMM: Any last words? Matt: Hell yeah, the funnest thing you can do is play music. Brian: Come to the show, stand in the front row, and dodge a bullet.

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