NUKS Spring 2022 | Good Vibrations

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Good Vibrations


Study Association KNUS

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 Giveaway 02 Foreword 03 Recommendations 05 KNUS Canon 07 Let it bee-art (poem) 09 Nicosia’s Moons 11 Members Weekend 13 Restaurant review

14 Recipe 15 Yo Momma! 17 Fashion Police 19 Get to know... 20 Activity BINGO 21 Horoscopes 22 Cosy corner

y t l i i b a y Sus tain a w a e giv Anne van Bruggen

With this new spring edition of the NUKS, we have a new feature in the form of a giveaway contest! What can you win? You can win a wonderful piece of KNUS merch! All you have to do is answer the following questions, puzzle together the final answer and send it in to the KNUS Instagram (@studyassociationknus) before May 27th. You will need the following clues: What will make April 22 a special day? It is..? Take the first letter. In what year was Nijmegen the Green Capital of Europe? The last two numbers of that year will correspond to a letter in the order of the alphabet. Who is the Overall Coordinator of the Radboud Green Office? Use the first letter of their last name. What is the first one of the three Rs of waste management? Take the fourth letter. The word you are looking for is FIVE letters long. Four were given. The winner will be drawn from the correct answers that are sent in.


FOREWORD Dear reader, Breaking news! The NUKS is getting a rebrand! You read that right. I am your new NUKS Editor- and Designer-in-Chief. Not only that, but this Spring edition has also brought some new, first-time NUKS writers. For new readers and old, we bring you this NUKS, themed ‘Good Vibrations’. Trend alert: this edition is all about POSITIVE VIBES and a good outlook on life. After rain always comes sunshine, after Winter comes Spring, and after reading this NUKS comes joy. When brainstorming about the NUKS and its future, we decided to really think of our audience (the KNUS members). We decided to focus more on writing positive, silly, funny, lively and high-spirited articles that reflect the essence of KNUS. Of course, that does not mean that there is no place for any seriousness in the NUKS! But we hope that, after reading this NUKS, you will be crying from laughter, instead of an existential life crisis. Another ‘change’ in the NUKS is more focus on returning columns, which in my opinion have been missing in the NUKS for a few years. Think of traditional NUKS columns such as the KNUS Canon, Yo Momma!, or a café or restaurant review. And the NUKS can’t be the NUKS if we’re not striving to be forward thinking! So we also came up with new columns, such as Fashion Police. We hope that by writing more columns, you get to have that feeling of anticipating the next NUKS. After all, the NUKS is made especially for you! So, what are you still waiting for? Turn this page around and start reading some recommendations, or the KNUS Canon, or one of the other many wonderful articles that this NUKS and its writers have brought you. See you next edition, Adil (editor-in-chief)

Editor-in-Chief Adil Boughlala

Designer-in-Chief Adil Boughlala

Editors Anne van Bruggen Stephanie de Groot Anna Heijnis Emily Hölz Janneke Kluts Daniela Piangiolino

Fien Smit Anouk Stevens Sam van Stokkom Merel Van Bommel Angela Wang

Dear KNUSser, Woooo, here we are: a brand new NUKS! Are you as excited as I am? As you have been able to tell, the theme for this NUKS is ‘Good Vibrations’. This so happens to be one of my favourite songs from The Beach Boys, but that isn’t the only reason for my excitement about this theme. I think we can all use some positivity in our lives at this point. The last year hasn’t been the easiest; a lot of uncertainty regarding COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, the seemingly ever-remaining worldwide political unrest… And on top of that we somehow still need to manage our studies and social life, like nothing out of the ordinary is going on. We have seen brighter days, is what I’m trying to get at. But amidst all of this, I can’t help but feel a sweet sense of optimism. Maybe it’s just the sun, blue skies, and the thought of the fast-approaching summer vacation that have me feeling like we are headed for better times, but still, the feeling is there. And apparently, I’m not the only one who feels like this. Our lovely NUKS-writers have been channelling their inner sunshine too, and have written some beautiful pieces that will surely lift your spirits. So, as you read through these wonderful pieces of writing, take your time, and feel the warmth radiate from them. I hope this particular issue of the NUKS can give you some peace of mind, because you deserve that. Though it sounds easier said than done; don’t worry so much. Give your busy mind a break; try to lay back and enjoy the ride every now and then. Actually, here is a challenge for you: while reading this NUKS, focus on nothing but the things you’re reading. Don’t let your mind wander off to things you ‘should be doing’, just focus on what you’re doing right now. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy! Loads of KNUSjes, Sam (secretary 2021-2022)


.. Emily Holz Sliding Doors (1998) If you find the idea of fate and destiny as fascinating as I do, then I recommend that you get a large bucket of popcorn, change into a comfy pair of joggers and kick back, because this is the perfect movie for you to watch. Starring Gwyneth Paltrow, the movie narrates two parallel stories. While both stories start off the same, they eventually take on entirely different endings, departing only from one tiny incident – the main character missing her train. In short, the movie shows how only one decision or coincidence can dramatically change your entire life. So, if you also tend to be the first to fall asleep during movie nights, I guarantee you that this one will capture your attention until the very last second – a movie that´s freakishly beautiful and disturbing at the same time.




Myle Everyone who has siblings knows that they can be the most annoying human beings alive. However, if they do achieve something, they make you the proudest you can possibly feel. My big brother has been passionate about music his entire life, and while I did get HELLA annoyed of him for practicing for hours EVERY SINGLE DAY, turns out, it finally paid off and he signed a contract ! So, if you feel like supporting my idiot brother, who I am so insanely proud of, then go ahead and check him out on Spotify !

Trevor Noah (comedian) Staying up to date with what is going on in our world is important. Lately however, Covid and the fear of a Third World War have urged me to turn the news right back off again, to spare myself from all that is going on. Well… we all know that that is not a solution. Though, if you do feel the same, then I might just have the perfect alternative for you. The Comedian Trevor Noah manages to combine education and entertainment in such a way that you stay updated without becoming heavily depressed. So, if this sounds like something you might just need, then go ahead and check him out on YouTube!



KNUS KNUS CANON CANON Die-hard KNUS members might still remember it – the KNUS Canon! What is it exactly? The KNUS Canon introduces a list of ten songs that embody the KNUS spirit and which you might have heard at a party or two. But what is a canon if not an ever-changing list of disagreements? And who is better to criticize this list than our very own teachers? For this NUKS edition, we asked two lecturers including music scholar Vincent Meelberg and education/research assistant Maaike van Leendert to reflect on the list and make some changes based on their musical knowledge and taste. - Anouk Stevens and Adil Boughlala







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When we asked Maaike, she instantly knew which song she wanted to add to the KNUS Canon, the real struggle was with choosing the song she would remove! As an old-KNUS member, Maaike knows all the best what could happen if you remove a fan-favourite song! Nevertheless, she was very fair in her judgement. “I think I’m choosing “Piano Man”, I just think it’s a bit overrated,” Maaike says, fully knowing that her choice is very daring.”Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE singing along with this song in a club, but it’s always so high in the Top 2000, every year.” We let Maaike listen to the song one more time and she concluded: “it’s just very cheesy at this point - but that doesn’t make this a bad song, I still love yelling along with the lyrics!” Now, it was time to add a song and given Maaike’s enthusiastic face, we knew that this would be a great song. “I have chosen a song that the somewhat older students would probably know, namely, Strange Machines by The Gathering.” As we listened together to the song, Maaike explained why she chose it: “back when this song came out, in 1995, there were almost no female singers in the metal scene. This song was really revolutionary. Even nowadays, female singers in the metal scene still look back to this song and call it the moment they realised they too could become a metal singer.”

What is a musical KNUS Canon without the participation of a musical scholar? Vincent, of course being a musical scholar, knew all the songs in the canon. He quickly remarked that “all titles in the canon can be grouped under the heading of pop music, and this immediately shows how diverse the ‘genre’ is.” He put emphasis on genre as pop music is more than a genre according to him. “At the same time, this also shows the hegemony of pop music, because the canon doesn't contain a single classical, jazz, or folk music piece. Apparently people almost automatically think of ‘pop music’ when they think of ‘music’.” Vincent’s words were critical, but very appropriate nonetheless! Thinking of which song to remove from the canon, Vincent defined a canon to him as “a list of – in this case – pop songs that in one way or another helped shape or change pop history. This means that songs newer than say two years have not yet earned a place in a canon, because they have not yet been able to demonstrate their value to pop history.” Because of this, Vincent has chosen Doja Cat’s “Say So” - a song mostly known because it went viral via TikTok - because it was the least innovative song to him and it has the least chance of helping to shape or change the course of pop music. Those who have had classes from Vincent - think of HotWA, Data Culture, or Music Culture - will know that Vincent has an affinity with electronic music genres such as EDM and trance. And given his just criticism, it comes as no surprise that he has chosen Lil’ Louis’ “French Kiss” (the instrumental version!), the first trance hit in music history. This song not only inspired other artists, but also made the ‘salonfähig’ genre. Vincent based his choice not only on his music knowledge, but also because when the song came out in 1989, he danced to it nights long as a 19 year student.




Nicosia's Moons

Disclaimer: By describing the details and symbols that struck me in Nicosia, I might reproduce the discourse of Orientalism. However, I still want to share with you the way my eyes and skin perceived those spaces, albeit perhaps biased.

D�iela Pi��olino I walk through renovated buildings made of warm tuff; their wooden window shutters are bright and colorful. Greek and Cypriot flags fly on the balconies, where old ladies dressed in flowered dresses hang out the laundry, checking who is out in the streets. The main street is covered by yellow and blue tents, letting people walk under the blinding sun without getting burned. A young woman sits on a bench below a sign saying “Peace.” I walk past a peculiar monument, “Resolution”, commemorating Cypriot human rights. The monument is the end of the Cypriot Nicosia. A few metres from it, tourists and Cypriots have to go through two passport controls to step yet again into Nicosia, but this time, deeply different. Young soldiers secure the buffer zone, which goes from a few metres to several kilometres of width, extending for 180 km across the island. Roads end at barrels and barbed wire; buildings are marked by bullets and glass is shattered all over the ground. The soldiers tell me to not take pictures. Signs say that if we walk over the gates, we might be shot. Once the passport control is passed, the flags that fly in Nicosia have changed colours, now painted in red and white. The white Turkish moon waves at the red Northern Cypriot moon. In the sky, a rising moon. The mouth of the people around me utters words in another language, Turkish. Their skin is darker, their black eyes lay on me with a gentle look through their long eyelashes. My nose encounters different smells, while my eyes observe the same tuff buildings, but this time they are visibly aged, darker.


The atmosphere is different. The way inhabitants engage with the architecture around them has changed, although I cannot grasp the reasons. Then the night comes, and my body is pervaded by foreign vibrations. The mosque starts to sing melodies that I have never heard before, while the voice of the imam reverberates through the silent streets. In the morning I am in a warm Christian Orthodox church, with golden Byzantinian mosaics. At night, my skin is permeated by an unfamiliar spirituality, getting lost in the shadows of the moons on the ancient walls of the mosque. This is Nicosia. Or at least, this is what Nicosia told me of herself in the day I spent there.

The history of Nicosia begins in the early centuries, between different civilisations coming from West to East through the Mediterranean Sea; from the Byzantines to the Lusignan kings, from the Venetians to the Turks, to the British. However, the Nicosia we see today is the result of the Turkish occupation of Cyprus, initiated in 1974, although the inter-communal violence between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots was already present since 1963, resulting from a constitutional breakdown. The Turkish invasion led to the occupation of 37 percent of the island’s territory in the NorthEast, which had an enormous impact in the socio-cultural and economic realm of Cyprus. In 1983, Turkish Cypriots stated a declaration of independence as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is still recognised only by Turkey. With the Turkish Cypriots in the North-East of the island, 162,000 Greek-Cypriots fled their homes becoming refugees in their own country. To this day, the occupying forces impede the return of refugees to their homes and property. Since 1974, Turkey mass transfered more than 160,000 Turks from Turkey in order to alter the population balance of the island. Local Cypriots told me that the Turks that were forced to move to Cyprus, however, were the cultural minorities present in Turkey, such as the Kurds. They told me that the Turkish families that were then inhabiting the Greek Cypriots homes were expecting the original families to come back someday, thus they left everything untouched; pictures, furniture, tapestry. Some families still live like this, in a perceived temporary lived space. Nicosia is known as “the last capital divided in the world”. I wonder if peace will ever be reached in such a bicommunal community. Until then, the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots will continue living in a lived space of mixed symbols, cultures, and practices, stained by blood but shining under the same moon.


MEMBERS "Are you … a person?" - Fien

"I'm low-key/Loki dating Jesus" - Anna


WEEKEND "I Lacan't with you" - Adil

"Fucking glitter everywhere" - Coen

"I gave you appelsap, you gave me betrayal" - Anouk 12

Restaurant Review: van Dijk en de Boer M E RE L V AN B OM M E L

Name: Location: Type of food: Diet: Occasion: Affordability:


van Dijk en de Boer Nijmegen-Oost: Dommer van Poldersveldtweg 71, 6523 CW Nijmegen Experimental, local and seasonal creams and cronch Vegetarian and vegan option, other restrictions can be accommodated if you let them know in advance. Perfect for anniversaries, celebrations or when your parents come to visit. Best when your monthly allowance has freshly landed in your bank account or when someone else is paying. Starters €11-15, Main course €2127, Dessert €8-15. More for your coin? Chef’s Choice menu with multiple courses starting at €34,50. Intimate, atmospheric lights, plants.

Restaurant van Dijk en de Boer has been my go-to for a more fancy evening out. It is on the more pricy side, but the quality of the food and service makes it worth it. Immediately upon entering, you receive a free plate of fresh bread and butter, homemade marinated olives and a carafe of water. The owners have been perfecting their craft for 30 years, as evidenced by the food. The menu changes regularly, based on what’s in season. Everything is made from scratch, which translates into a limited amount of meals that are each crafted to perfection. Van Dijk en de Boer is not for picky eaters though, as they use a mix of classic and more unexpected ingredients, you might find some new or creative flavors and textures on your plate. In short, perfect for food lovers that want to broaden their palette!


Vegan Coconut Lemon Pie Recipe STEPHANIE DE GROOT Preparation time: 20 minutes Refrigerator time: at least 4 hours 8 persons Vegan Glutenfree No baking

Ingredients Pie crust: 185 grams Medjool dates 150 grams raw almonds 1 teaspoon coconut oil Filling: 300 grams unsweetened coconut yoghurt 1 tablespoon maple syrup 1 tablespoon lemon zest 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon agar-agar 100 millilitres water Garnish (optional): Grated coconut Lemon zest

Preparation 1. Put the almonds in a food processor until it is finely ground. 2. Add the dates and the coconut oil and mix it in the food processor until it has a fine and crumbly substance. 3. Put the mixture in a cake pan and press it evenly across the bottom. Put it in the fridge until the filling is ready to be put in the cake pan. 4. For the filling, mix the coconut yoghurt with the lemon juice, lemon zest and maple syrup. 5. Now, put the agar-agar in a saucepan and add the water. Boil this mixture on a low setting and keep stirring until there are bubbles. Turn off the stove and let the mixture cool off for just 2 minutes. 6. Slowly add the agar-agar to the coconut yoghurt mixture and mix. 7. Take the cake pan out of the fridge and put the coconut yoghurt mixture over the pie crust. Put it in the fridge for at least 4 hours. 8. Garnish with lemon zest and grated coconut and eet smakelijk! Tips If you want your pie to be sweeter, add more maple syrup. If you want your pie to be sourer, add more lemon juice. You can also roast your grated coconut for garnishing.



I Facetimed my mom and told her about this interview. My first question was “Anything you’d like to say before we start?” “I just want to start off by saying I am a huge fan of duct tape” Alright mom? Has absolutely nothing to do with this interview but go off!! I started the interview by asking her: “What do you do?” but she did not agree with the way I asked that question, saying: “Do you mean a job, or what I like to do, or what I do in life, or what I do today?” Note to myself for the rest of this interview: be specific. She proceeded to tell me what her daily occupations are at the moment, she works in healthcare; she visits people's homes to indicate what kind of care they need, “But it's mostly talking with people about their lives, which I love! Next to this I have been doing some home repairs like pimping the garden furniture. Also, I read and invest time in family and friends.” I asked her what her experience is with arts, and she said, giggly: “Well I had arts in high school, hihi. But at the moment my experience with art is not really there”, but I did not agree with this. My mom is actively taking singing classes and playing the guitar, but she did not consider this to be art??!? She told me she is learning a technique about using your voice even more nasally than nasal, but she forgot the name. Unfortunately, I cannot show you the sounds she made to demonstrate this, but trust me, it is great. “Can you hear the difference? Well, that.” She then further told me about what art she likes, saying she wants to go see a silent documentary that is a hundred years old that plays in our hometown next week, accompanied with live music.


Favourite movie: I asked her what her favourite movie was, she said A Star is Born, which I find so funny, but I’ve never seen the movie so I can’t say anything about that. Also, she has said multiple times that I should really watch it because the music is great, so I’ll add it to my to do list.

“Well, there are certain singers I think are very talented. Like Beth Hart, she is really good. Also Lady Gaga, George Micheal, Bruno Mars. Not because I like their music a lot but because they are very talented. What I really want to listen to right now is something I heard on the radio yesterday, it was a harpist who accompanied a poem. Lavinia Meijer is her name.”

Favourite work of art: “Do you know Henry Moore? He makes organic sculptures, well he did a long time ago. I love organic figures and forms. I love when things melt together into one whole. But that’s not always the case, I also love extreme things that stand out from the rest. It’s one or the other, everything in between I often find…..” (probably boring but she did not finish her sentence) “But I love roundabout art! I often drive another round to take a good look! But my favourite work of art is what hangs on the wall, by the great artist Fien Smit. I look at it with great pleasure.” YES! My mom is my biggest supporter. I love her.

I asked my mom what she would listen to in certain situations and when she is really happy she’d listen to A Brand New Day from the movie The Wiz. When she is really angry, or actually when we are both really angry, we put on Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine to yell out all the anger. Overall, she doesn’t listen to music too often because it’s too intense: “My emotions are already heavy, so I don’t want them to get heavier by listening to music.”

Favourite artist: “Do you have a favourite artist?” “No.” “A top five?”

When I asked her if there was anything else she wanted to say, she said: “No. Well, yes about the duct tape but I’ve already said that.” People, I don’t know if you realise how much my mother loves duct tape. Luckily, I am my mother’s daughter, and that love has rubbed off on me so I have a roll of duct tape in my room with which I can fix anything that’s broken. Try me. Mom: “Oh wait! Another artwork I love is when a man duct taped himself to the wall. Didn’t last long.”



Martine's Definition:

Dictionary Definition:


“What do I think of first? A canon of course”

The conventional timeline of artists who are sometimes considered as “Old Masters” or “Great Artists”.

Mise en scène

“I immediately think of food but that's not it. It sounds the same as mise en place, so I assume it has something to do with the preparation of an artwork”

The arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.


“Isn’t this that we take a photo upside down? Sounds like the same word” I think she means Pentaprism?

The use of strong contrasts between light and dark, usually bold contrasts affecting a whole composition.


“Encapsulated sex. Like a little ball of sex somewhere in your body that wishes to go out.” I’ll admit that my pronunciation was not at its best when I said this word.

The interconnected nature of social categorizations regarded as creating interdependent systems of discrimination.


“The period after Modernism.”

A late twentieth-century style and concept in the arts and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism.


“Not original. So look at this, it is a work of art, originally made by me with a piece of duct tape. If you recreate it, it’s kitsch. Now I understand why she was looking down instead of at me, artistic queen.

Art and design that is perceived as naïve imitation, gratuitous, or of banal taste. According to early critical theory, kitsch provides immediate gratification based on contrived sentiment.


“Oh yes! That’s an intergalactic being from a different planet.”

An organism that has restored function or enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial component or technology that relies on some sort of feedback.




Tom Holland’s rise to fame has been a long and slow road, growing exponentially since he starred in Spider-man: Homecoming. Lately Tom has seen a new peak in popularity due to the mountain of media coverage on his relationship with his co-star Zendaya. Many of their fans idolise their relationship and project images of who they imagine the couple to be on the ‘Tomdaya’ relationship. When referencing to the roles the two play in their relationship, Zendaya is always imagined the star, the model, the actress. For Tom, however, a whole different set of roles are assigned. During public appearances of the couple, the public perceives Tom to look educated and academic, like an English teacher, or posh, like a golf dad. This is an interesting case of image-making, because while Tom does come from an upperclass background and plays golf, his personal life seems far from the studious and academic life his styling portrays. Therefore, I want to look at some of the outfits Tom wears on the street, when he is spotted by fans or paparazzi, and some outfits Tom wears to public events. Since the beginning of his career with Marvel, his style at public events has drastically changed. Going for more of a street-style, urban look at the start of his Spider-man journey, he now wears more elevated outfits which give him the ‘humanistics-professor-at-an-Ivy-Leagueschool’ air. Just look at the following images from 2017 photocalls:

In all these three looks, Tom is seen wearing jeans, varying from very loose-fitting light jeans to a tighter black fit. All these looks fit under the label ‘semi casual’ or ‘casual formal’ and were styled by his then-stylist Jeanne Yang. Another noticeable feature of these three looks are the high-top shoes and the height of his waist. Both the high shoes and the low-ish waist make Tom appear shorter, which is unconventional as generally people attempt to appear taller, with longer legs. With her styling, Yang seems to emphasise Tom’s youth, as he was 21 at the time at the youngest Spider-man at that point, this is partially done by adding some sporty elements such as the sneakers and the burgundy jacket together with some casual pieces such as the jeans. When Law Roach, stylist to Zendaya and many others, took over Tom’s styling his clothing started to tell a whole new story; one that emphasises Tom’s britishness and good upbringing. Take for example the images on the next page.


Law often uses jackets to emphasise Tom’s waistline and ensures that the shoes do not shorten the length of the pant.





classic prints such as plaid or a simple pinstripe. While the 2017 styling is quite generic, Law is not afraid to give Tom’s style personality. Maybe it is simply better tailoring and more money that goes into the clothing, however when piling all of Law’s looks together, I believe it creates the image of someone who is not afraid to express themselves by making bold choices, such as a yellow turtleneck or a preppy




keeping the outfits simple and classy. Unlike the 2017 styling, not everyone might already own each piece. Still the clothes are plain enough that anyone could aspire to look as such.

Finally, we will look at some images of Tom when he is not styled and free to wear whatever. Throughout the years he has made quite a shift in his personal style. When looking at some of his older pictures it is clear he used to dress a little more ‘alternative’, dressing like a skaterboy with some elements that express some teenage angst.

More recently his day-to-day wear has

seen all sorts of styles, from rugby shirts and band tees to plaid jumpers and striped jeans.

So, what do you think? Did any of the stylists capture his personal style? Did they simply build upon different elements of Tom’s personal style, or did they narrate a completely







With many thanks to @tomhollandstylefiles 18

GET TOKNOW... You might know them, you might not: the study association's very own Chair and Commisioner Internal Affairs! As per (unofficial) NUKS tradition, you're not really


board member until you have been introduced in the NUKS. So, without further ado:


Bir thda y: 28/08/1999 Astrological sign: Virgo Favourite thing to do in my free time: I love myself a game of league of legends! Besides that I love baking, cooking and walking through the forest. KNUS Board position: Chair Favourite








about being the Chair is that I get to meet and talk to a lot of different people!

Not just within the sphere of KNUS,

but also with other associations and stuff. Why I love KNUS: I love KNUS because of all the wonderful people that make it work. They choose to put their time and effort into this association, which makes it amazing. Besides that, I just love to meet people multiple times a week. Covid made this quite hard, but as a group, we have found our ways! My







2022 with a lot of thanks to the committee for organising


wonderful camp activities!

Bir thda y: 25/12/2000 Astrological sign: Capricorn Favourite thing to do in my free time: Draw, read, walk in nature, drink coffee, watch YouTube, do yoga KNUS Boar d position: Commissioner Internal Affairs Favourite thing about my position: I love that I am always working so closely with all the committees, I really get to see all the progress they make in organising events. It is so fun to see these activities come to life! Why I love KNUS: I feel very welcome in KNUS, and also the study in general. I switched cities, before I studied in Nijmegen, I studied Arts and Culture in Rotterdam. This was a bigger study and I felt very excluded. When I came to Nijmegen, everyone was very interested in where I came from and everyone answered all my annoying questions because









welcomed me with open arms into a very warm, low-key environment which I am very grateful for:) My favourite KNUS activity ever: Last month we did a members weekend in a scouting hut in Velp! It was so fun, we played living stratego, we chilled in the forest, we had a performance evening and a great party! It was a great time and I really want to do it again next year:)


ACTIVITY BINGO Sp�ng/S�m� 2022

28/4 NUKS 3 Release Open Hour

9/5 KNUSVision

19/5 ExBet Auction

19/5 Murder Mystery Dinner

23/5 Mug Customisation

28-29/5 Hitchhike

2/6 OSKNUS Expo

7/6 Art and Pleasure Symposium

30/6 Active Member Appreciation Day

Will you go to these KNUS activities this sp�ng/s�m�? The NUKS �all�ges you! C� you �oss out 3 ev�ts in a row by the �d of the ye�? Sh�e yo� bingo c�d �d be s�e to tag @studyassoci�i�knus � Instag�m! 20


Aries March 21 - April 19

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Dear Aries, it is no secret that your energy is unmatched: you are magnetic, passionate, attractive (inside and out) and you have great ideas. This period is a great time to channel all this energy that you naturally already have and show the world just how radiating you are! However, don’t become greedy or demanding; you may have a tendency to become obsessive or possessive this period, and I wanna vibe check you immediately and tell you that that is very uncool. By balancing that beautiful energy and with that also caring for others, this could become a period of emotional satisfaction, with abundance coming your way!

Gemini May 21- June 20 Wow, Gemini! Lots of energy for you this period. You are incredibly smart and can do whatever you put your mind to; this might result in some emotions surfacing or secrets being revealed this period; stay connected to your intuition. Make sure that the information you are receiving and spreading is true, otherwise you might miss out on love or just not get closer to it… You might feel like you are closing a cycle this period, starting anew, and this is a good thing! Karma is wrapping up :)

Happy birthday, Taurus! This period will be full of creativity and passion for you; perhaps you will even do something that will change you or someone else will do that for you (look out for earth signs) ;). This is good energy, so make sure to keep an open mind and trust in the universe; blocking this or denying positive energies will only hold you back and will disable you from healing or fulfilling your dreams. Trust your intuition, this will be very strong this period. You are very intelligent, so trust your gut and look for balance!

Cancer June 21- July 22 This period you may discover a lot about yourself, Cancer. This could be a lot, but I know you are ready. Make sure to take time for yourself and perhaps distance yourself to truly work on yourself and prepare for the challenges that come along with it. You might feel more tired this period, so make sure to rest enough, maybe try meditating! By taking this time for yourself, you will get to know yourself very well and experience growth. Secrets may come to light, it is up to you to understand these, and make sure that they do not remain hidden nor confuse you too much. This might be a confusing time, but trust in yourself and take the time you need!

Leo July 23 - August 22 Hi Leo, I feel like you need to hear this: nothing lasts forever. You may feel bored and stuck, so just know that this won’t always be the case. In fact, someone or something (an air sign?) might surprise you this period, quickly taking you off your feet. You may also be weighing your options right now, waiting for something to happen. I think being careful can’t hurt, just make sure you keep an open mind!

Libra September 23 - October 22 Libra, you, are a strong and committed person, a good friend to those you care about, providing security and stability. Be careful, though; someone might be taking advantage of this and is lying to you, doing something behind your back. You will quickly figure out what is happening though, and cut this person or situation out since you know what is good for you. You are a great communicator and are free to do whatever you want, so use this well!

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 You may discover a lot about yourself this period, Sag, and you are ready! Be prepared to take some distance to work on you, as introspection will help you find yourself. Don’t be scared to be a little critical and analytical. All this may be hard for you, but try not to turn defensive. What do you want? Take some time to clear this up for yourself, and maybe talk to Cancer about all of this.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18 Your relationships may be tested this period, Aquarius. Trust your judgment. You may feel like everything is really heavy this period, like you can’t change where you are despite wanting to move. Maybe, instead of fighting for things to change, you should put the weight down; nobody told you to carry it in the first place. During this period you may also feel very confident with your empathic and vulnerable side; use this to your advantage!


Virgo August 23 - September 22 Are you sleeping okay, Virgo? You might feel clueless or stuck, and are overthinking this. You should know this: don’t be afraid to cut things off that don’t serve you this period. You are free and able to use your clarity for your own good. This period is also a good time to work on projects, together with others. You are a hard worker and you trust the people around you to be the same way (and they trust you, too!).

Scorpio October 23 - November 21 Patience is a virtue, Scorpio. It is time to learn that letting things go on their own and going with the flow will make you heal and grow. This period will be a lot of giving and taking for you, make sure that this balance is safeguarded. You will receive a little good luck offering this period, too!

Capricorn December 22 - January 19 Heyyyy Cap. How is your love life? Have you found your soulmate, or do you feel stuck? You might be on someone’s (Gemini?) mind, but you haven’t noticed yet. You are busy struggling with other things, and it is about time you realize that. You have the strength to overcome any struggle this period, channel your inner strong yet kind and gentle spirit. Go to Leo for advice or guidance, if that feels right!

Pisces February 19- March 20 This period is great for finishing projects, Pisces. You are extra creative and lucky right now, resulting in your goals easily being achieved and feeling proud of what you do, be it for yourself or others. This is a period of abundance for you, since your energies are strong right now. You can do whatever you want, being as passionate, magnetic and radiating as you are! Expect lots of luck this period :)

COSY CORNER Hi, Adil here! You have reached the end of this NUKS. What did you think of it? Did we manage to brighten up your mood with some good vibrations? ;) I hope you also liked the design. This was my first big design project! The general idea was 'maximalism, but with care'. I hope you got the same vibes. Well, don't get all too emotional about finishing this edition, because more NUKSes will follow! Before I say goodbye, I would like to thank you, on behalf of the NUKS editorial team, for taking your time to read the articles. I hope to bring a smile to your faces one more time with some funny memes I have seen lately. Till we meet!


"We become what we think about" - Earl Nightingale

Friends of KNUS: Marcel van den Haak

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