The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History Annual Report 2020-2021

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES & STAFF Executive Committee

Trustees Emeritus

Abdiel Ramirez

Hal Behl James (Jim) Ferland Dan Hardin Michael Hartshorne, MD Judith Mead Marcus Mims, CPA Greg Morrison John Shaw Alison Schuler, Esq. Pam Sullivan Warner Talso


Zabrina Johal Vice President

Toni Hiley Secretary

Ben Balkcom, CPA Treasurer

Wayne Laslie Past President

Board of Trustees Raffi Andonian Dr. Sandra Biedron Dr. Robert Busch Erin Chisolm Aleli Colon Dr. Joanna Fair Dayra Fallad-Mendoza Dr. Gregg Franklin Dr. Damon Giovanielli Dr. Katrina Groth Dave Jansen Madison Jones Dr. Tim Koeth Michael McLaughlin Dr. Chris Perfetti Michael Rogholt Elisha Saavedra-Torres Robert Singer, Esq. Dr. John Stichman

Executive Staff Jim Walther Museum Executive Director

Jennifer Hayden Deputy Director & Director of Communications

Administration, Finance & Store Elena Seaberg Director of Finance & Administration

Stephen Whitman Administrative Coordinator

Molly Brunell

Operations Buyer & Instagram Creator

Michael Rodriguez Weekend Supervisor Store Staff

Amisha Choudhary Lorali Macias Barbara Miller Alaric Bender

Education Staff Lisa Guida Director of Education

Linda Anderson

Curatorial Staff

Education Enrichment Coordinator

Sandy Fye

Museum Educator

Collections Coordinator & Registrar

Anna Part

David Gibson Austin Ozolins Museum Educator

Digital Collections Coordinator

Development Staff

Ryan Painter

Leslie Fraser Director of Development

Julie Dolegowski Events & Volunteer Associate

Jennifer Thompson Membership Associate

Honorary Trustees

Olivia Gannon

Clay K. Perkins Richard Rhodes William Wabbersen

In Memoria

Exhibitions & Facilities Director of Exhibits & Facilities

Michael Brock Facility Operations Coordinator

Cody Willis Security

Travis Byrd Security

Grant Writer

Jerry Adams Pete Domenici Charles Loeber

Doug Moody Harry Mumma Murray Gell-Mann

MISSION Our mission remains a guiding principle of the efforts of our Board of Trustees, volunteers and professional staff. The museum is a non-profit charitable corporation designated by Congress as the official nuclear museum resource for our nation. The mission of the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History is to serve as America’s museum resource for nuclear science and history. This is accomplished through presentations of exhibitions and quality educational programs conveying the diversity of individuals and events that shape the historical and technical context of our world.

LETTER FROM THE FOUNDATION As we all know, 2020 was a year unlike any before due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its profound and lasting effect on this museum and many other cultural institutions of our world. The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History closed to the public for five and a half months, shifting much of our programming to online services. The result of the decrease in attendance, events, tourism and summer-camp programming caused a ripple effect in our finances. The museum was forced to reduce its staff by six to stabilize operations. Thankfully with staff and Board working together, through a shared commitment of hard work, collaboration, innovation and care for operational consideration, the museum has emerged from this dark time into a bright 2021. The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History continues exciting progress as an institution making nuclear science and history accessible to tens of thousands of visitors. Through our many programs and exhibitions, our growing group of enriching camps and classes, the museum has been very successful in enhancing young people’s knowledge and excitement of STEM. We remain committed to our growth through projects such as “The Museum Artifact Center” and “Peacekeeper Memorial” which we will construct as funds are raised. We have hired the architect and are now poised to move forward but funds are not quite fully secured so we invite contributions for this worthy effort. Nuclear Science Week, which started here in 2009, is now celebrated in six countries worldwide, and was observed this past fall for the twelfth time in Washington DC for the BIG U.S. observance. Last March, we held the twenty third annual Einstein Gala virtually, where we presented the National Award of Nuclear Science and History to Cynthia Kelley, Founder and President of the Atomic Heritage Foundation. We had several great events over the year such as Discover STEM Week. None of these transformative projects would have been possible without dedicated volunteers and generous support from individuals, companies and foundations in our community, such as the ones many of you represent. We invite you to visit the museum to explore our exhibits and, if interested, become a member or supporter. We have lofty institutional goals, but it is through a spirit of collaboration that we achieve these goals. Your involvement can make this a reality.

Abdiel Ramirez, Foundation President 1

Jim Walther, Executive Director

EDUCATION Nuclear Science Week ALBUQUERQUE The museum’s education team celebrated Nuclear Science Week in October 2020 and invited students and families in grades 6-12 to a virtual event that explored the five pillars of nuclear science: Carbon-Free Energy, Global Leadership, Transformative Healthcare, Innovation & Technology, and Space Exploration through demonstration, experimentation, guest speakers, and engaging activities. Participants explored how nuclear changed the world, nuclear medicine and radioactive tracer activity, nuclear energy and how a reactor works, a Half-life activity, radiation with a shielding activity, and nuclear in space with Timmy Telescope. The local NSW virtual event received over 800 registrations, over 390 unique viewers (viewers outside of New Mexico), and over 70 hours of participation and watch times throughout the week. This virtual event was supported by Sandia National Laboratories.

2 Photo Credit: John T. Consoli of UMD

EDUCATION Extended Care Program AT THE MUSEUM The museum was pleased to offer a new Extended Care Program to the education program line up this year. Due to COVID-19, many Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, and Charter schools opted for a remote learning model for students during the fall semester of 2020. With the help from gracious sponsors: The Education Plan, Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union (SFLU), and AT&T, the museum was able to offer a safe space for distance learning supports to over 150 students and counting. The education team provided families with a high-quality, safe learning environment for their students during the school day, supported each student’s individual school schedules, communicated with school day teachers; and supported classroom work, tutoring, and homework help weekly. In addition to their school day work, students were able to enjoy Kubo and Tetrix Prime coding and robotics, engineering, story time science experiments, and the museum’s nine-acre outdoor museum during their afterschool hours. Complete with lunch, snacks, missions to mars, and plenty of off-screen options, students had an extraordinary virtual school experience!

Thank you and the museum for offering the Extended Care program for as long as it was needed. It was a huge help to our family! - PARENT


EDUCATION Discover STEAM VIRTUAL EVENT Discover STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) went virtual in 2021, welcoming 594 registrations over multiple days of engaging speakers, science experiments, and STEAM activities that could be recreated at home. Discover STEAM was a family event that took place February 22-28, 2021, that provided over 40 livestreams with activities that allowed children to learn about flight from Tuskegee Airmen, explore bubble explosions, learn about the science behind x-rays, recreate zero gravity, and more. This virtual event also allowed students to learn from other students during “Students with STEAM” where local students from New Mexico demonstrated hands-on STEM projects. Presenters included but were not limited to the Tuskegee Airmen, Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails, the Aerospace Corporation, the American Nuclear Society Trinity Section, Sandia National Laboratories, and several New Mexico museums. With over 15,000 impressions, this successful event was graciously sponsored by Sandia National Laboratories.

Charlotte Gibson (top) and representative from the Tuskagee Airmen (right) provided activities during the virtual Discover STEAM event.


EDUCATION “Science is Everywhere” CAMPS The museum’s staff were pleased to welcome many students into the winter break camps, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day camp, President’s Day camp, spring break day camps, and all school break camps that follow the Albuquerque Public School break schedules. Camps were offered to Kindergarten through 7th grade, and they included engaging themes such as Fairy Tale STEM, Chasing the Rainbow, Geology Rocks, Movie Magic, and more! The museum served over 450 students in small, multi-age day camps, adhering to COVID-19 safe practices. The museum was excited to offer 10 full weeks of COVID-19 safe and socially distanced, full-day, in-person day camps for pre-Kinder, school-aged, and teen youth. The talented education team was proud to host over 700 youth and teens to explore weekly STEAM related themes such as Minecraft Madness, Coding, Hogwerts, Out of This World: Space Exploration, Magnificent Bubbles, and more! Campers spent their days having fun while exploring all things STEM, crafting their artistic abilities, building life-long friendships, and cooling off at the Multi-generational Community Center’s spray park.

Thank you for offering in-person summer camps. Our kids needed to connect with other kids after this year! - PARENT


EDUCATION “Science is Everywhere” CAMPS


EDUCATION Counselor in Training (CIT) PROGRAM The museum’s education department was proud to offer a teen Counselor in Training (CIT) program for teens ages 14-17 years old. The CIT program provided teens with the opportunity to develop important leadership and interpersonal skills and encouraged youth to utilize their strengths, build a strong rapport with day campers, and demonstrate responsibility and accountability. The education team hosted ten CIT’s over the summer, where ten CIT’s received the Presidential Volunteer Award.

Each photo shows CITs from 2021.


EDUCATION Homeschool SESSIONS This year, the museum’s education department was proud to once again offer in-person homeschool sessions which began in September 2021. This program offered an enrichment science learning series that was taught throughout the school year and builds upon previous lessons. Sessions ran from September 2021 through April 2022 and met every other week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The museum hosted over 130 students and families, exploring nuclear science topics such as Reactions, Fun with Chemistry, Electrons and Exploring Electricity, What’s the Matter, Radiation and “U”, and more!

Museum Educator, David Gibson, explaining experiment with homeschool attendee.


EDUCATION Junior Docents TEEN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM The museum’s education department was excited to host the Junior Docent teen leadership program. Junior Docent’s met two Saturday’s a month and worked side-by-side the museum’s educators, staff, and volunteers, becoming experts in a science or history topic related to the museum. Our Junior Docents developed customer service and leadership skills and engaged with the public while working as educator’s in the museum’s exhibit halls and explored STEM career paths. The museum’s education team was proud to work with and guide these exceptional teens in the 2021 Junior Docent program.


EDUCATION Outreach/Service Learning PROGRAM The education team was pleased to team up with the Technology Leadership High School to offer students in grades 9-12 a service-learning program which began in September 2021. Students worked directly with the education team creating and delivering science experiments for Nuclear Science Week, Spooky Science, and school break camps. The museum’s partnership with the Technology Leadership High School has helped museum programming reach over 800 visitors at more than eight outreach events from September through December. This year the museum participated in the New Mexico Out of School Time Networks Annual Fall into Place Conference, Explora’s Science Fiesta outreach event, and Big Brother’s Big Sister’s Science Discovery Festival.

Student participants as they virtually interacted with the museum programs.


EXHIBITS & COLLECTIONS The museum accessioned 1,095 new items into the collection in FY 2021. Highlighted items included a wonderful Chicago Pile limited edition Leo der Vartanian lithograph with portraits of Leo Szilard, Arthur H. Compton, Enrico Fermi, and Eugene P. Wigner depicting the first controlled and sustained nuclear chain reaction at the University of Chicago in 1942, donated by Gary H. Brown. According to the University of Chicago newspaper, “The lithograph was presented to Herbert L. Brown on the 35th Anniversary of the world’s first controlled nuclear chain reaction. Thirty-eight lithographs were presented at that time. Herbert L. Brown retired from the University of Chicago on April 28, 1989, after 42 years of service.” Mary Walker also donated beautiful, irradiated jewelry to the museum’s collection including a green irradiated diamond necklace, a black pearl necklace, and a pair of topaz earrings. Longtime museum supporter, Jerilynn Loeber, donated a unique shadow box with a postcard of the Vemork Heavy Water Plant and a postcard that has a small glass vial of D2O tungtvann heavy water, deuterium oxide, from the Museum at Vemork. The shadowbox belonged to Chuck Loeber, Past Chair for the National Atomic Museum Foundation and generous supporter of the museum.


EXHIBITS & COLLECTIONS FDR: His Vision, Our Freedoms Still Alive EXHIBIT The museum told the story of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, America’s 32nd president, who led the United States through two of the gravest crises in its history – the Great Depression and World War II- in the special temporary exhibition, “FDR: His Vision, Our Freedoms Still Alive.” This exhibition opened to the public when the museum reopened to the public on August 31, 2020, when New Mexico State COVID restrictions were lifted, and it ran through March 28, 2021. This exhibit highlighted FDR’s enduring achievements, using historic photographs, documents, cartoons, and posters from the rich collections of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. In addition to these in-depth panels, visitors walked back in time with several amazing historic artifacts on display in the exhibit. This temporary exhibit was sponsored by Jerry Adams and the New Mexico Humanities Council.



EXHIBITS & COLLECTIONS Infamy: December 7, 1941 EXHIBIT As 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of the Allied victory in World War II, it was also recognized as the 79th anniversary for the attack on Pearl Harbor that took place on the morning of December 7, 1941. The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History shared many programs in 2020 to commemorate the anniversary of the ending of WWII as a critical time in American History, and it continued to do so in its temporary special exhibition, Infamy: December 7, 1941, displayed November 7, 2020, through January 4, 2021. Produced by The National WWII Museum, this special exhibit explored the events that followed Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, which ultimately led to America’s entry into World War II. The special exhibit recounted the strike in Hawaii as well as the lesser known but nearly simultaneous attacks on American territories in the Pacific, including Wake Islands, Guam, and Philippines. Exhibit displays – featuring powerful images and personal stories taken from oral histories of witnesses - conveyed the losses, disrupted lives, and reactions of military service members and ordinary Americans as they realized they were now at war. This temporary exhibit was sponsored by Abdiel Ramirez and Skip Brown.


EXHIBITS & COLLECTIONS Picturing Women Inventors EXHIBIT Throughout American history, women with diverse backgrounds and interests created inventions that changed lives every day. But women haven’t always had equal opportunities to be inventors or received as much recognition. The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History hosted “Picturing Women Inventors,” an exhibition created by the Smithsonian and the United States Patent and Trademark in the Spring of 2021. This temporary display was a poster exhibition that explored the inventions of 19 highly accomplished American women. Astronauts, computer pioneers, and businesswomen join athletes, engineers, and even teenagers in this remarkable group of inventors. The posters were on view at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History from March 6, through May 2, 2021. This special exhibition was generously supported by Dr. Robert Busch and Suzanne Busch. “Picturing Women Inventors” showcased the breakthroughs, motivations, and challenges women encountered while pursuing their goals as inventors. The poster exhibition highlighted stories of inventors like Marilyn Hamilton, who after a hang-gliding accident in 1978 left her paralyzed, invented a lightweight wheelchair that was easy to maneuver. Diversity of background and age were showcased including inventor Alexis Lewis, who at 12-years-old in 2011 was inspired to adapt a traditional Native American sled, called a travois, by adding wheels to create a simpler way to transport families and their belongings in Somalia.

Photo credits: Top left to bottom right

Courtesy of Smithsonian National Museum of American History Photo by Michelle Fishburne Courtesy of Alexis Lewis

Photo by David Cournoyer at IBM Research for AISES award video Courtesy of IBM

Courtesy of Eraka Bath, MD Photo by Nancy Crase Courtesy of Sports ‘N Spokes

EXHIBITS & COLLECTIONS Origami Peace Crane Display EXHIBIT The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History worked with eight elementary and middle schools across the Albuquerque Public School district as students and art teachers created 1,000 origami paper cranes to hang as a temporary installation in the museum’s permanent Hiroshima and Nagasaki history exhibition during the summer of 2021. The story of the 1,000 origami cranes stems from the story of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl diagnosed with leukemia from radiation caused by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during WWII, and her efforts to fold 1,000 cranes to be granted a wish. The APS schools that participated were the STEM Magnet Mission Avenue Elementary School, Griegos Elementary School, Governor Bent Elementary School, Apache Elementary School, Zuni Elementary School, Chelwood Elementary School, La Mesa Elementary School and Garfield Middle School.


EXHIBITS & COLLECTIONS Nuclear By Mail EXHIBIT The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History showcased a new permanent exhibit called Nuclear by Mail that opened to the public on August 7, 2021. Nuclear by Mail chronicled the development of nuclear science and technologies in the 20th century as told through the mail. This exhibit showcased the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History’s collection of mail related artifacts including over stamps, envelopes, postcards, and photographs. Nuclear by Mail was primarily based on two collections donated to the Museum by Steve Stow, a collector with an expansive collection of nuclear themed stamps from around the world in two large, annotated volumes of stamps. The main collection of artifacts came from Bill Pedace who donated his collection of Naval Covers - General Dynamics cachets and envelopes for US Navy ships - that he acquired over the span of 37 years working for General Dynamics. This special exhibition was sponsored by New Mexico Mutual.


EXHIBITS & COLLECTIONS MiG-21 Restoration PROJECT The MiG-21restoration project, the museum’s only non-American aircraft, was completed in the Spring of 2021. The MiG-21 is a supersonic jet fighter and interceptor aircraft designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau in the Soviet Union. This project was supported by over 300 volunteer hours and a dedication ceremony was held on June 24, 2021.

Museum Board of Trustee Toni Hiley and museum volunteers Corinne Berendt, Tom St. Aubin & Sam Finch


EXHIBITS & COLLECTIONS Museum Artifact Center (MAC) PROJECT As of the end of year 2021, the museum successfully raised $385,000 towards its goal of $600,000 to move the collection of more than 120 individual items – systems or deployment technology that are too large for complete concurrent in-museum display - that remain in storage by Kirtland Air Force base. The fundraising efforts have been supported in large by individual donors who have a connection that pertains to the weapon heritage collection to be stored in this soon-to-be-built new facility. The museum’s leadership and Board of Trustees are thankful to those individuals who have contributed to this project and are excited to see this new facility built, put to use to maintain the museum’s reputation for collections storage, and uphold museum standards and practices.


EXHIBITS & COLLECTIONS Other Exhibit & Facility Updates Three Eagle Scout projects - Lucas Chan completed half the pathway around the MiG-21 and Ethan Crabtree completed the other half of the pathway. Hunter Bruney put chain barriers around the Atomic Annie and Nike Hercules, also located in Heritage Park. The Northrup SM-62 Snark - an intercontinental, ground-launched, cruise missile - has been almost completely sanded by a volunteer team, mainly of Sam Finch and Mark Soo Hoo, as of Fall of 2021. Enterprise builders excavated and poured a four-foot-deep concrete pad for the LGM-30 Minuteman 1 Missile – a U.S. land-based intercontinental ballistic missile - and the museum’s staff and volunteer team led by Tom St. Aubin mounted the steel plate the missile will eventually stand on. JB Henderson generously loaned the museum equipment to do this. JB Henderson also loaned the museum’s team equipment to clear the Northeast corner of Heritage Park in preparation for the building of the Museum Artifact Center. Michael Brock, the museum’s Facility Operations Coordinator, and volunteer Tom St Aubin did much of the clearing. The museum’s team moved the AGM-129 – an air-launched cruise missile - into place, though it still resides on temporary stands and has not yet been painted.


VOLUNTEERS Annually, the museum had approximately 112 volunteers involved with different programs that included exhibition construction, restoration projects, cataloging collection items, field trips, camps, administrative help, and much more. This number encompasses the museum’s volunteer core and one-time corporate/group volunteers. During FY21 the total number of hours contributed by all museum volunteers was 4,174.

VOLUNTEER AWARDS Every year in December, the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History hosts the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner to thank the dedicated volunteers for their hard work. Awards are presented for years of service and departmental recognition, but the culmination of the evening is the presentation of the Maydew-Jeblick Award and the Outstanding Student Award. The Maydew-Jeblick Award honors the memory of two past volunteers, Randall C. Maydew and Harold Jeblick, whose impact on the museum was significant. The lifetime award is the highest honor given to a volunteer. The honoree for the year is nominated and selected by the museum staff. Similarly, the Outstanding Student Award recognizes the work done by the museum’s youth and young scholars, such as Junior Docents, Camp Counselors in Training, and Student Interns. Due to the COVID restrictions on gatherings, the museum was unable to meet in 2020 to present the Maydew-Jeblick and Outstanding Student Awards. 20

MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Attendance at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History reached 40,093 in the fiscal year of 2021 The facility rental program was impacted during FY 21 due to COVID-19, the museum was the venue for 15 facility rentals during this time-frame, welcoming over 900 guests as event attendees During the fiscal year of 2021, the museum had 880 members, 124 of whom were Einstein Society members The museum’s Instagram page has grown to over 2,900 followers, the museum’s Facebook page has grown to over 8,900 followers, and the museum’s Twitter account has grown to over 4,880 followers The museum’s podcast, distributed to our Atomic History Patron members first, produced 17 episodes and received 771 plays during FY 21 The museum’s store team adapted after being closed for many months during 2020, and the store has seen great success since. Even with longer lead times due to product shortages and popular vendors not making it through the pandemic, the museum’s team came through and welcomed all visitors with amazing customer service and uniquely wonderful merchandise!


MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Science on Tap EDUCATION INITIATIVE Science on Tap is an adult education initiative where the museum partners with the University of New Mexico and Explora Science Center & Children’s Museum of Albuquerque. The goals of Science on Tap are to bring science to the public to increase public awareness and pride in their research accomplishments of local scientists and to provide local science enthusiasts a fun and unique venue for meeting and interacting with one another. This event took place monthly at O’Neill’s Pub on Central before the pandemic, with an average attendance of 50 people. Though it was suspended during most of FY 21, it resumed in July of 2021 and was held at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, welcoming 280 visitors in attendance.


MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Nuclear Science Week A ViRTUAL CELEBRATION Recognizing the state of the world in 2020 due to COVID-19, as well as the need to create meaningful content for students who were learning on a variety of platforms in a variety of places, Nuclear Science Week 2020 utilized a first of its kind educational method. Creating a streaming platform called “Nuclear Network,” organizers worked with partners in government, academia, and the private sector to write, shoot, and edit three educational news magazine shows that were available on demand at on October 20-22, 2020. Nuclear Science Week focused on five major benefits of nuclear science: Carbon-Free Energy, Global Leadership, Transformative Healthcare, Innovation & Technology, and Space Exploration. Working with Palo Verde Generating Station and Southern Company, the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History served as the Co-Presenting Sponsors in 2020. These companies led an impressive team of sponsors, partners, and key contributors coming from each other five nuclear science benefits and included MiT, NASA, the U.S. Navy,

the Department of Energy, Idaho National Laboratories, Arizona Public Service, Entergy, Exelon, General Atomics, the Nuclear Energy Institute, NuScale Power, and Terrapower. The streaming shows were hosted by Ashley Chaney, a national host, voice-over actor and science enthusiast, and by two 6th grade science-loving kid anchors from Arizona, Gabriella Anderson and Mickey Raftery. This virtual celebration hosted over 9,000 views at and NSW saw over 31 million impressions via social media.




Top: Ashley Cheney, Bottom: Gabriella Anderson & Mickey Raftery

MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Einstein Gala A ViRTUAL CELEBRATION The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History virtually hosted the 23rd Annual Einstein Gala on March 20, 2021, welcoming 284 attendees to the event. This 23rd annual, black-tie science party went virtual - after being canceled in 2020 and seeing the museum close to the public for six months - to continue to raise funds for the museum’s STEM education programs for students kindergarten through 12th grades. The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History’s Board of Trustees, leadership team, and education department welcomed guests from all over the world to explore an online silent auction filled with items unique to New Mexico, award the National Award of Nuclear Science & History Honoree, and experience entertainment featuring high school volunteer-led science experiments. In the museum’s second year of mobile fundraising for its prestigious Silent Auction, the museum successfully raised $21,345. Highlights of the silent auction included trips to the Caribbean Islands, local attractions such as wine and beer tastings at local breweries, admission to theme parks, photography sessions for family portraits, pet care and more. In 2021, the museum staff and Board of Trustees were honored to award Cynthia C. Kelly, President and Founder of the Atomic Heritage Foundation. The Atomic Heritage Foundation (AHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of the Manhattan Project and its legacy. From 2002 on, AHF led efforts to create a Manhattan Project National Historical Park, working with Congress and Federal, State and local partners. Ms. Kelly was introduced by Richard Rhodes, Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb.

MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Day A ViRTUAL CELEBRATION Cultural performances and music from New Mexico’s Asian communities, bright Japanese floral arrangements, intricate Chinese art activities, and much more filled the day on May 8, 2021. The museum partnered with the Sandia National Laboratories Asian Leadership Outreach Committee to virtually host the 24th Annual Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Day, celebrating the cultural traditions, ancestry, native languages, and unique experiences represented among ethnic groups from Asia and the Pacific. Through the continuing support of the Chinese Cultural Center and Lin’s Martial Arts Academy, Talin Market, New Mexico School of Chinese Language and Arts, Ikebana International Chapter 41, BK Taiko, Association of Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists of New Mexico, and the New Mexico School of Chinese Language & Arts, virtual visitors were treated to both live and pre-recorded sessions that included cultural dance performances, captivating activities such as origami and calligraphy, learning about beautiful Ikebana floral arrangements, delicious Asian food demonstrations, and more. There were almost 200 registrations who attended this virtual event, and sponsorship was generously provided from the City of Albuquerque Urban Enhancement Trust Fund.


MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Virtual Events ViRTUAL ENGAGEMENTS The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, continued hosting virtual events to engage the museum members at no cost and the community at a low cost per household. In November of 2020, two virtual events were hosted. One showcased Toni Hiley, former director of the CIA Museum and the National Atomic Museum Foundation Board Secretary, as she discussed the series of extraordinary events in the life of USAF veteran, Col. Hervey Stockman on Veterans Day. On November 19, 2020, Dr. Timothy Koeth, Foundation Board of Trustee member, and Dr. Miriam Hiebert, both of the University of Maryland, as they discussed the state of nuclear research in Germany throughout WWII and the many possible reasons that contributed to their failure. Dr. Koeth and Dr. Hiebert hosted another event in December of 2020 that explored the structure of the Manhattan Engineering District and the roles of some of these smaller offices in the Manhattan Project and in the fate of the uranium cubes. In 2021, other virtual events began with Dr. Sandoval-Strausz, a renowned historian of Latino studies, urban history, spatial theory, sociability, and immigration who discussed how the urban development of Albuquerque and New Mexico were influenced by the Manhattan Project and ongoing government research facilities. In July, Lucy Jane Santos, owner of a formidable collection of radium health and beauty products, spoke about some of the fascinating, curious, and sometimes macabre devices and treatments that were foisted upon the public during the Radium Era, which spanned the early part of the twentieth century. In August, Reba Wissner, an assistant professor of musicology at Schwob School of Music at Columbus State University, considered not only how nuclear issues looked on Cold War television but how they sounded in varying contexts from atomic testing narratives, children’s shows, comedy, shelter anxiety, and science fiction. September’s virtual event, Living with Secrets, wrapped up the FY 21 virtual events. Here, a fascinating virtual talk was hosted by the museum with Alan Carr, Senior Historian of Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Dr. David Kenyon, Research Historian at Bletchley Park (Buckinghamshire), as audience members were shown the differences between life for Bletchley Park Codebreakers and Los Alamos researchers.


MUSEUM HAPPENINGS Membership Events MEMBERS-ONLY The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History’s team worked tirelessly over FY 21 to provide the museum’s members with exceptional benefits and perks for being supporters of the museum. One very popular benefit of being a museum member came in the form of member-only events. During this past year, many of these events went virtual, but the museum’s team were also able to start introducing in-person events again at the end of 2021. The museum kicked off these member events with Spooky Science Night in late October 2020 where the education and development departments provided virtual fun through ooey and gooey activities for the whole family. Museum members were then invited to another virtual event in October where the museum partnered with the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia where speakers Dr. Jeffrey Womack of the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Joanna Fair of the University of New Mexico and Board of Trustee member, engaged members in a fun and educational discussion entitled, Healing Energy: Radiation Therapy Yesterday and Today. Other events throughout FY 21 included Emergency War Plan with Dr. Sean M. Maloney, Professor of History at the Royal Military College; a partnership with the Museum of Flight regarding stories from WWII; and The What Ifs presented by Dr. Tim Koeth, focusing on what would have happened if Germany did develop the atomic bomb first. In September 2021, the museum welcomed back the upper-level member Einstein’s Night Out events. These special events allowed time for Einstein society members to socialize and connect with each other. “Cocktails, Conversation, and Canapes” at Hotel Andaluz was a wonderful way to restart these loved events with 30 members and guests in attendance. It was a successful experience where everyone was very happy to see each other in person again.

Cancelled Events DUE TO COVID-19 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the museum was not able to host its annual events known as Nuclear After Dark in October of 2020 or Movie Under the Wings in June of 2021.


GRANTS The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History gratefully acknowledges grant support received from the PNM Resources Foundation, New Mexico Finance Authority (NMFA), Bernalillo County, Sandia National Laboratories, Southwest Capital Bank, the New Mexico Humanities Council (NMHC), and New Mexico Mutual. Sandia National Laboratories generously supported the museum’s special initiatives, Discover STEAM Week, which transitioned to a virtual platform in 2021, and the local Nuclear Science Week event, which was held virtually for a second year in a row. Southwest Capital Bank supported the museum’s “Science is Everywhere” Summer Camps. New Mexico Finance Authority (NMFA) and Bernalillo County, through CARES small business grants, supported the museum in economic recovery due to challenges incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. The museum reduced their energy usage with the support from the PNM Resources Foundation to upgrade energy efficient LED lighting throughout the museum. The New Mexico Humanities Council (NMHC), through a federal pass-through subaward from the National Endowment for the Humanities, funded the special exhibition, “Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II.” The exhibition was developed by the National Museum of American History and adapted for travel by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES). “Righting a Wrong” examines the complicated history and impact of Executive Order 9066 that led to the displacement and incarceration of Japanese Americans and Japanese Nationals following the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II. New Mexico Mutual supported the museum’s new permanent exhibit, Nuclear by Mail. Based on the philatelic artifact collections donated to the Museum by Steve Stow and Bill Pedace, this exhibit chronicles the development of nuclear science and technologies in the 20th century as told through the mail.




Total Liabilities Revenue



Earned Support $2,260,068 ...... Contracted Services $525,000 ...... Admissions $383,151 ...... Store Sales $310,506 ...... Program Services $274,096 ...... Memberships $186,763 ...... Special Events $58,854 ...... Other Income $521,698

Support from Individuals, Corporations & Foundations $613,875 Contributed Use of Land $267,000



Management $252,352 General Programs $131,982 Museum Programs $1,289,707 Education $409,840 Membership $73,669 Fundraising $149,569

Net Income



MEMBERS Einstein Membership

Oppenheimer Membership

S. Grant Russell

John & Kristine Stichman

Peter Thimmesch & Lauren Owensby

Barry Berkson Henry & Jennifer Bohnhoff Leonard 7 Patricia Duda

Curie Membership

Roger & Donna Hagengruber

Hal Behl

Jerilynn Loeber

Alison Schuler

Anthony Lupinetti & Joanna Fair

Melissa Jabour

Marcus Mims

Ronald Knief

Michael & Judith Muldawer

& Pamela Hurd-Knief

Alexander & Rebecca Kenny

Chris Patscheck

James & Joan Woodard

Lanny & Rebecca Sigler

Jerry & Lee Rottler

Mr. Warner Talso

Dr. & Ms. L Wayne Brasure

Ronald & Mary Thompson

Ryan Brasure Laurence & Priscilla Costin Dr. Richard Holcomb & Janine Sjostrom Holcomb

Fermi Membership Jerry Adams

Dr. & Ms. Robert Lynn

JoAnn Albrecht

Regner Rider

Dr. Robert Amme

Mr. Michael Rogholt

Robert & Suzanne Busch

Ted & Leeondra Schuler-Sandy

Judith Mead

Niels Chapman & Ruth Burstrom

Joyce Scott

Robert Milne & Ann DeHart

Michael R. Clager

Milo & Ellen Myers

David & Cheryl Summers

Brian & Aleli Colon

John D. Shaw

Mr. Matt Thompson & Sil Han

John & Anne Freund

Jay & Kat Vinson

Gerald Geise

Keith 7 Shirley Tolk

James & Celeste Walther

Dr. & Mrs. Damon Giovanielli

UNM Health Sciences Ctr.

Mr. Wendell D. Weart

William & Tracie Jansen

Dathan Weems

Augustine & Mary Letto

Stephanie Zenn

Mr. Duane L. Hughes Gary & Yolanda King Dr. Timothy Koeth Wayne & Mary Pat Laslie

& Janice Lehmann-Shaw


Tony & Maureen Sill

MEMBERS Seaborg Membership John Burke & Katrina Groth

Ms. Zabrina Johal

Patrick & Valerie McKinney

Robert & Margaret Singer

James & Darhla Gilson

Suzanne & Art Menichiello

Ben & Darci Balkcom

Robert Goodwin

Anthony Lucero & Elisha Saavedra-Torres

Mark Grubelich

Dr. Stephen Milton & Dr. Sandra Biedron

Donald & Joan Hendricks

Rosalie & Samantha Multari

Ann Phillips

David & Toni Hiley

Ann Nelson

Tom Baumgartel & Joyce Whelchel

Lt. Col. Gary Hoe USAF & Ms. Penelope R. Hoe

Dr. & Mrs. Jim Novak

David Becker

Donald & Linda Holle

Leslie Phinney

Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Boecker

David & Mary Hoover

John Pitcher

Kevin Broderick & Karoline Bota

Dixie Hornby

David Potter & Laura Sanchez

Donald & Molly Brunell

Mr. Jai Prasad

Mr. John H. Burke

Charles ‘Rick’ & Sharon Hutchinson

Greg Cameron

John Loukota

Mr. Abdiel Ramirez

Ms. Erin Chisolm

John Johnson

Byron & Linda Ristvet

Rommie & Denny Compher

P. Andrew Karam

Janet Saiers

Michael Cutter

Roger & Linda Kennedy

Milo Schield

Elizabeth Deuble

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Key

Taylor & Deidre Schulmeister

Elis & Susan Eberlein

Karl Koeppen

Elena & David Seaberg

Celeste Elkins

Greg & Mona Shuman

D. Maxwell & Ruth Ellett

Dean Kratzenburg & Dawn Nickell

Lewis & Sarah Fair

James Chris Krok

Felipe Mendoza & Dayra Fallad-Mendoza

Richard Larson

Andrew Tompkins & Jackalie Blue

Mr. Patrick Lofy

Toxicology/Health Risk

Josiah & Carol Fidel

Judy Love

Daniel Trout

William & Jacklyn Flor

Ron Mack

Greg & Sara Trujillo

Dr. Gregg & Mrs. Mara Franklin

Madison Jones

Dennis & Terry Walker

Leslie Fraser

Jeffery & Eileen Mahn

Maryla Wasiolek

Ron Freiheit

John & Kathy Matter

Mr. Jeffrey West

Frank & Rose Gasperich

Charles & Mary McCorvy

Janusz & Brahna Wilczynski

David Gay

Mike & Jeanelle McGuire

Mr. E.D. (Charlie) Zaffery


Dr. Christopher Perfetti

Raffi Andonian

Jennifer Thompson

DONORS $500-$999


Anonymous Robert & David Butler Carr, Riggs, & Ingram, LLC

Aerospace Corporation Albert I. Pierce Foundation Ben & Darci Balkcom Barry Berkson Blackbaud Giving Fund Katrina Groth Mr. & Mrs. Russ Caskey Century Bank John & Cara Chavez Ms. Erin Chisolm City of Albuquerque Judi Cooper Laurence & Priscilla Costin Gregg & Mara Franklin General Atomics Dr. & Mrs. Damon Giovanielli David & Toni Hiley Duane L. Hughes William & Tracie Jansen Marsha Montemayor New Mexico Mutual Dr. Christopher Perfetti Leslie Phinney Pulakos CPA Raffi Andonian Abdiel Ramirez Roberta Conroy Alison K. Schuler Robert & Margaret Singer David Smith John & Kristine Stichman Nance Crow Warner Talso TechSource, Inc Thomas A. Tumolillo & Pamela J. Sullivan

Niels Chapman & Ruth Burstrom

Michael R. Clager Brian & Aleli Colon Tom & Vicki Crow Ronald & Faye Detry CM Duncan Harris L Hartz Joel O. Lubenau Mike & Jeanelle McGuire New Mexico Humanities Council

Peter Knight Preston Olsen Ralph Trigg Michael Rogholt Southwest Capital Bank Toxicology/Health Risk


Sacramento Region Community Foundation Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union Savannah River Site Community Reuse Organization USS James K. Polk Veterans James and Celeste Walther Independent Community Foundation Dr. Stephen Milton & Dr. Sandra Biedron Anthony Lupinetti & Joanna Fair NM Oncology Hematology Consultants Patterson/Kalemba Charitable Fund American Society of Radiologic Technologists

DONORS $5,000-$50,000

Over $50,000

Jerry Adams & Sandy Wick Hal Behl Bernalillo County Economic Development Robert & Suzanne Busch Duke Energy Entergy Corporation Exelon Generation Company, LLC. Honeywell Idaho National Laboratory Interlock Holdings LLC Jensen Hughes, Inc. Kirtland Federal Credit Union Dr. Timothy Koeth Wayne & Mary Laslie Judith Mead Melissa Jabour Mountain West Consulting National Science Foundation New Mexico Finance Authority Nuclear Energy Institute NuScale Power Clay & Dorothy Perkins PNM Jerry & Lee Rottler Sandia National Laboratories Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Southern Nuclear Operating Company Thorium Energy Alliance Mr. & Mrs. James Woodard

Palo Verde Generating Station


National Museum of Nuclear Science & History 601 Eubank Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123

505-245-2137 |

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