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Fuzzy frenzy Plushies have original personalities Page 8 Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Volume 97 | Issue 7

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The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Financial aid tops Jazzing up the Syndicate state chopping block BY ISAAC WRIGHT Senior Staff Writer

ARTS & LIFE: Heritage creates fashion line Page 3

First drafts of the new state budget look grim for higher education. Faced with the daunting task of balancing a record-setting deficit, lawmakers are hoisting state university funding onto the chopping block. Texas currently faces a budget shortfall of $25 billion, and in early editions of the budget, legislators are responding by cutting $31.1 billion from state and federal spending in what would be a $156.4 billion budget. One of the cost-cutting measures would deal a blow to

“It will be difficult to make up what Texas grants provide.”

SPORTS: Men’s basketball faces road test Page 4

VIEWS: Student shares uncertainty about future Page 6

ONLINE: SGA kicks off new semester

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—Troy Johnson UNT Vice Provost

students who could receive state financial aid for college. “It’s hundreds of students here at UNT that would be affected by those cuts, as well as the potential students that may not be able to go to school without that subsidy,” said V. Lane Rawlins, UNT president. Under the House plan, no new applicants would be accepted for some state financial aid programs. Texas Grants, one of the largest providers of financial aid, would only be able to provide for 27,000 students in 2013 –– a reduction of 60,000 students compared to past years. That kind of large-scale reduction could cause problems for universities with a large number of students who receive aid, said Troy Johnson, UNT vice provost.

“While there is other aid available, such as loans, it will be difficult to make up what the Texas Grant provides,” Johnson said. Close to 70 percent of UNT students receive some kind of financial aid. And while most of that money is federally funded — $300,000 a year — Rawlins said the proposed cuts are alarming. He said university officials are looking very hard at the possibility of increasing tuition and at the effect that would have when paired with the possibility of decreased financial aid. “If we had to add tuition, how much would be covered by federal grants and loans and how much would be put on the backs of the students? We haven’t figured that out yet,” Rawlins said. “We’ll increase tuition if our data shows it would make a significant difference in the quality of education.” UNT Chancellor Lee Jackson said the university has been trimming where it can. A hiring freeze has been put into place and cuts have saved UNT money on energy and information technology costs. The new cuts proposed by the legislature may prove too drastic for UNT to deal with easily, Jackson said. “These cuts that have been proposed go beyond UNT’s ability to make them up,” Jackson said. “If the state cuts ten items from our funding, we might have the funds to offset two or three of them.” Jackson said the cuts could have an immediate impact on UNT’s Tier One goals. “There’s no way to make reductions of this size and not have an impact on something,” Jackson said. “That could include slower enrollment growth, lower graduation rates and a slower growth in research for a variety of reasons.”


Colin Campbell, a jazz studies senior, performs “The Oracle” by Kevin Swain with the university’s awardwinning One O’Clock Lab Band in the University Union Syndicate Wednesday. The band plays there every week and the atmosphere created is that of a jazz club, with alcoholic beverages served to those over 21. The band recently cracked the Top 50 for national jazz airplay, said Steve Wiest, the assistant director of jazz studies.

Last-second shot buries UNT Rawlins’ contract worth $1.2 million BY BOBBY LEWIS

Senior Staff Writer

It took until the last second of its game on Wednesday, but the Mean Green women’s basketball team let another big lead slip on the road at LouisianaLafayette. A last second tie-breaking jump shot from ULL junior for ward Mercedes Johnson gave the Louisiana-Lafayette Ragin’ Cajuns (10-11, 3-5) a 71-69 win over the Mean Green (5-17, 2-7). “I just knew they were going to go to one of the post players, so when they took the screen, we switched it and I did everything I could,” said sophomore forward Jasmine Godbolt. “I was up all in [Johnson’s] face close to her, but I didn’t want to foul her.” The Mean Green defeat extended its losing streak to three and buried the team further into last place of the West Division of the Sun Belt Conference. UNT led by as many as 13 late in the first half, as the team knocked down seven 3-pointers en route to one of its best halves of the season. The Mean Green went into the locker room with a 48-39 lead. “The first half was just a really focused, team effort,” head coach Shanice Stephens said. “We had a strong ratio of assists to turnovers and we played pretty good defense.” UNT ended the first half with a 46.2 shooting percentage, but

BY ISAAC WRIGHT Senior Staff Writer


Junior guard Tamara Torru tries to find an open teammate during a recent home game. The Mean Green lost to Louisiana-Lafayette 71-69 last night. couldn’t stay hot. The team shot just 34.8 percent from the field in the second half and did not make a field goal in the last 3:25 of the game. “We just didn’t execute,” Godbolt said. “Some people were

just doing stuff on their own and we weren’t playing together as a team. And then turning over the ball and not being smart — we just weren’t in rhythm.”

See WOMEN on Page 4

University President V. Lane Rawlins made it official Jan. 3 when he signed his finalized contract, removed the “interim” from his title and became the 15th President of UNT. Rawlins, 73, who has served as president of Washington State University and the University of Memphis, received a three-year, $1.2 million contract to steer the helm of the fourth largest university in Texas. He will receive an additional $30,000 annual retention bonus each year he returns. UNT System Chancellor Lee Jackson said the contract is nearly identical to the one Rawlins had as interim president. “It’s really the same compensation and support, just on a three -ear rather than a oneyear basis,” Jackson said. The addition of a retention bonus was a development that had been in the works prior to Rawlins’ hiring, Jackson said. System administrators hired an outside consulting firm to make recommendations based on national trends in the salaries and benefits earned by top officials in higher education, Jackson said. The firm found that a reten-

tion bonus is a tool many universities use for executives they want to remain on staff for an extended period of time. Jackson said UNT officials decided to implement it into Rawlins’ contract and intend to use it in the future. “It’s sort of the first example of using that recommendation,” Jackson said. “The board is likely to use it when they want to send a strong signal that says you’re a strong performer and we want you here for a certain period of time.” He said the contract is similar to that received by past presidents. Former president Gretchen Bataille received a total of $500,000 for the 2010 fiscal year, but Jackson said that figure included both a housing a nd ca r a l lowa nce. The contract for President Rawlins is different, because rather than provide an allowance, UNT decided to lease a house and a car in the university’s name. “It’s, for us, a very standard contract,” Jackson said. “The housing and car allowance has changed for all of us and the retention fee has become a pattern.”

See CONTRACT on Page 2


Page 2 Josh Pherigo & Laura Zamora, News Editors

Families may benefit from home visits Study: children perform better in school By Stacy PowerS

Design Assistant A UNT professor w it h an interest in child advocacy recently concluded a 10-year study on the effect iveness of usi ng home visiting programs to build st ronger fa m i ly fou ndations. T he st udy, publ i shed in the Journa l for Infant Mental Health, found that t he ch i ld ren i n home s that were visited as often as once a week performed significantly better on standardized tests than those who were visited only once a month. “I wa nted to f i nd out why some of the findings were inconsistent, because some studies show t hat t hey were effective and some studies show that they weren’t,” said Angela Nievar, the conductor of the survey and educational psycholog y professor. “I was looking for something t hat caused t he dif ferences.” Home visiting programs a re of fered by a va riet y of orga nizations to give parents of mostly low-income fa milies t he extra assistance they may need to help steer their children on a successful path, she said. “Having someone come in their home for support every week and tell them some tips and tricks they can use to be a better parent, most of the mothers really want t hat,” Nieva r sa id. “They want their child to go to school and succeed no matter whom they are.” The study focused on how well children performed academically based on how often the programs visited the families. Nieva r found t he programs that visited only once a month had “pretty much no effect,” while those that came on a regular basis made more of a difference in the child’s development. UNT has g raduate students who work as supervisors and evaluators for the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters

program. “ T h e role of H I PP Y i s to help empower t h o s e parents so ANGELA t he y c a n NIEVAR see themselves as making a difference for their own ch i ld ren,” sa id A r m inta Jacobson of the educational psycholog y facult y. “The belief system that a parent can be their child’s first teacher is a new concept for many of these parents.” Jacobson, t he origina l evaluator of Texas HIPPY, recruited Ursula Johnson as a progra m eva luator. Joh n son, a n e duc at ion research doctoral student, collected data for Nievar’s study and worked as a home visitor.

“They want their child to go to school and succeed.”

—Angela Nievar UNT professor

“It’s a rewarding but frustrating job, because you put a lot of time and effort into working with these families,” Johnson said. “ You are not only trying to change this one parent or these two parents, you are trying to affect that whole environment t hat’s a round t hat child.” Paying for the programs State and local governments have funded home visiting programs in the past Nievar said, but President Barack Obama has promised $2 billion in additional federal grants in 2012. The study may have had something to do with that, said Nievar, who was first asked to submit it for publication in 2005. She said she started out as a chi ld advocate a nd she’s grateful for the opportunity to help bring awareness. “One of our goals is to help people in general and to serve the community,” Nievar said. “This is something that can be used for the good of society.”

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Local café repairs iPhones for cheap By candice LindSey Staff Writer

Apple still has not found a solution to keep iPhone screens from cracking, but until they do, Naranja Café has a quick fix. W h e n he i s n’t bu s y helping customers, manager Lin Sze and his employees repair iPhones on the side. “I le a r ne d how to do it f rom watching a YouTube video,” Sze said. Sze, who has been doing this for about a year, buys all the parts from eBay and said he can repair LCD screens, any of the buttons and the charging modules on all generations of the iPhone. Re p a i r s s t a r t at $ 3 5 and can be completed in about a half hour, Sze said. Mick Burson, a printmaking junior, broke his iPhone after it fell from his pocket while riding his bike. Burson said he also lost something else that day — respect for the iPhone. “It was hard to read the texts,” Burson said. “And no one likes a kid with a broken screen.” Hearing about the café’s additional services, Burson said he wished he had known about t h is place before he got a different phone. Jordan Fotouhi, a philosophy and psychology junior, said he has had a broken iPhone screen

Photo by Kalani Gordon/Staff PhotoGraPher

Employees at Naranja Café fix iPhone screens starting at $35. Lin Sze, manager of Naranja Café, said it only takes about half an hour to fix a cracked screen and all employees can fix the phones. twice. After trying to repair the screen on his own and having no success, Fotouhi said he bought a second iPhone only to have it crack on him again. “At first I was just like, ‘ugh, buzz kill,’” Fotouhi said. Fotouhi has trouble reading text messages through the cracks, but said he does not want to risk trying to repair the damage on his own. “I’ve heard it’s near 100 bucks to

get it fixed in Dallas,” Fotouhi said. After hearing the starting price of repairs at Naranja Cafe, Fotouhi said he would definitely be interested in gett ing his phone f i xed. But self-repairers beware — according to the company’s website, Apple will void any warranty if an iPhone has been fixed by anyone other than their company. Apple charges $99 for iPhone 3G screen repairs and $199

for repairs to newer generations. Sze listed his repair services on CraigsList, in addition to the signs he has posted inside the café, to try and get the word out. Sze said he keeps an eye on how much other repair shops charge, lowering his prices when the competition demands it. “It’s easy money,” Sze said. Naranja Café is at 906 Avenue C. Lin Sze can be reached at 940-483-0800.

Students and faculty respond to WikiLeaks By Seth cohn Staff Writer

Their slogan says it all: “We open governments.” But with two widely publicized releases of thousands of secret documents over the past year, WikiLeaks has challenged the limits of exactly how far the U.S. government will stretch. The website, founded by Aust ra lia n hacker-turnedinternet mogul Julian Assange, has been bot h v iciously condemned and widely praised for its release of sensitive diplomatic wires and classified military reports on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now referred to as ‘Cablegate,’ the most recent release, in November, was widely distributed to the media, and set off a firestorm of debate on the legality of releasing confidential information to the public. “I can’t help but feel safer knowing that there are watchdog groups like WikiLeaks who report government corruption and illegal activity,” said Clint Townsend, a member of the UNT Young Americans for Liberty. Townsend, an economics sophomore, said he views the actions of WikiLeaks as beneficial, almost

Photo by Jordan Shedd/intern

WikiLeaks was founded in 2006. The website offers private, secret and classified information to the public. comforting, to himself as a U.S. citizen and college student. However, a recent national poll found that most Americans don’t share Townsend’s view. When asked, 68 percent of Americans said WikiLeaks’ exposure of government documents harms the public interest, according to the December poll conducted by the Washington Post. More than 59 percent felt that Assange should be arrested and charged for his organization’s actions. While he wouldn’t go as far as to suggest Assange should be arrested, Steven Forde of the political science faculty said he sympathizes with the govern-

ment’s position. “Transparency is important in a democracy, but some of government, especially international relations and diplomatic negotiations, requires confidentiality,” Forde said. “What if nuclear negotiations with Iran or North Korea or Russia were derailed by disclosures like these? What if peace negotiations in the Middle East were derailed?” The poll also showed that age affected opinion. Americans 18 to 29 were twice as likely to say he or she believes WikiLeaks serves the public interest than those aged 50 or older. “I don’t feel even remotely

threatened by the release of WikiLeaks,” said Andrew Mount, a political science senior. “I truthfully don’t know if the whole thing is going to hinder the government or endanger the American population. I suppose only time will tell.” Echoing that sentiment, Forde said that while the actions of Wikileaks and Assange were irresponsible, the actual content found within the ‘Cablegate’ leaks was not terribly damaging to U.S. security. “Most of the leaks seem to have been harmless, but some have created embarrassing situations that may make it more difficult for the United States to manage its diplomatic affairs in the future,” Forde said. In a recent interview with Forbes Magazine, Assange said the organization intends to release several more documents this year. The documents, according to the Washington Post, reportedly range from secrets involving U.S. banks to videos showing civilian casualties in Afghanistan. To form your own opinion on WikiLeaks, visit wikileaks. ch or one its 1,400 ‘mirrored’ websites.

Contract includes annual retention bonus Continued from Page 1 Rawlins took the job as interim president for UNT last year after Bataille’s resignation in February. Rawlins said he hadn’t intended to remain at UNT for

more than one year while the university conducted a national search. Due to factors such as the current economic environment, however, there were stumbling blocks in finding the right candidate and Rawlins was asked if he

would remain interim president for another year, something he said he wasn’t interested in. “This is the first time I had an interim job,” Rawlins said. “There were things about an interim job that I didn’t like because you start things and you don’t get a chance to see them work.” When the chancellor asked if Rawlins would be willing to make his stay at UNT longer, Rawlins said he hadn’t considered the prospect. After seeing the support from the board, faculty and other administrators at UNT, Rawlins said he decided he would stay if they felt it would be best for the university. “I thought, ‘I’m having a good time,’” Rawlins said. “I’m feeling strong, I’ve got good support staff around me, I like the students, the winters are better than they are in Idaho and this is what I do.” Rawlins said he already has a clear idea of his priorities as president for the next three years. “The first order of business

is protecting the quality of undergraduate education in the current budget environment,” Rawlins said. While he said he is committed to the excellence of other aspects of the university, Rawlins emphasized his focus on undergraduates as the foundation of the university. If an institution succeeds in providing a quality undergraduate education, Rawlins said, its other goals would be met as well. “I think that’s the right priority,” said Kevin Sanders, president of the UNT Student Government Association. “You look at UNT’s 36,000 students on our campus and a majority of those are undergrads.” Sanders said Rawlins was the right man for the job both because of his experience as president of other universities and his ability to reach out to students at UNT. “I think it’s a great step forward for the university,” Sanders said. “You have a person that is as student-centered as you can possibly have.”

Thursday, January 27, 2011 Christina Mlynski, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Page 3 cmlynski@ntdaily.com

Concert benefits war-torn countries Group has ‘future without poverty’

By A lexA ChAn

Senior Staff Writer Students, faculty and staff can experience a global change today during the Music for Peace benefit concert for the Shropshire Music Foundation. The event will be at 8 p.m. in the Recital Hall. Admission is free. Music for Peace, for the Shropshire Music Foundation, is an effort to raise awareness about the violent effects of children growing up in war-torn countries. The foundation is a nonprofit and creates programs to help continue music education. It also provides a way for children to be removed from the hostile conditions of their everyday lives, said Liz Shropshire, the founder of the foundation. “These children play executioner, fight each other, reenact horrible stuff they have seen,” said Shropshire. “When I first started teaching them, they wouldn’t even look at me. After I had given them these instruments, they were raising their hands to be called on.” The benefit concert w ill feature the Green Tones, UNT’s only contemporary a cappella group. The Green Tones will perform three songs alongside children from Lake Dallas, Nelson, Parkway, Polser, Providence and Rivera elementary schools. “Everyone is mixed together so there is no segregation,” said Brian Alexander, one of the founding members of the Green Tones. “We want to show people that UNT, as big as it is, can still give back to an organization not as well known,” Alexander said. “As college students, we need to donate time amidst our busy

By DAnielle BiCe Contributing Writer

Photo courtesy of Liz shroPshire

The Northern Ireland program volunteers in action. The Shropshire Foundation provides former child soldiers and refugees of war-torn countries like Kosovo, Northern Ireland and Uganda with free musical instruments and instruction. schedules. This is a way for us to give back.” Shropshire said she made her first visit to Gjakove, Kosovo

“I had to do everthing I could to come back.”

—Liz Shropshire Founder of Shropshire Foundation

12 years ago with a volunteer group. She stayed in Kosovo for six weeks, spending her life savings to provide instruments and education for children. “These children, who had g row n up surrounded by violence, started crying when I told them I was leaving,” said Shropshire. “I knew I had to

do everything I could to come back.” To sustain the programs, Shropshire trains local teens to become music teachers. They are able to decide the songs, lesson plans, reports and can travel within their country to teach. Shropshire said she provided 140 harmonicas, 130 penny whistles, 50 pairs of drumsticks, four electric keyboards and 60 beginning piano books to the foundation. “These teens have lived through the war themselves,” said Shropshire. “They can help the children heal, and in turn, heal themselves. They are the victims, but then they become the leaders.” The foundation extends to Northern Ireland and Northern Uganda where classes are taught at local community centers and schools.

Student infuses heritage with clothing business By CorrisA JACkson Staff Writer

With her clothing line, Chibuzor Onwuanaegbule is showcasing her culture and bringing an appreciation for Nigerian style to campus. Onwuanaegbule, a public health administrations junior, started Belle D’Afrique Designs last September, after transferring to UNT from Rutgers University. “Life shouldn’t be stressful, neither should picking out clothes,” she said. Perseverance is an important quality to have if someone wants to own a clothing line, Onwuanaegbule said. “I could’ve quit a long time ago,” she said. “You look at others and feel you can’t beat the market.”

Design and Dedication Onw uanaegbule designs clothes and sends the designs to a tailor in Nigeria who makes the products. Clothes from her line are sold on Storenvy, a shopping website. The items range from dresses to skirts and cost between $20 to $50. Onwuanaegbule said Belle D’Afrique Designs are for everyone. “I should be able to wear it to class or work or a party,” Onwuanaegbule said. She said she is currently working on a men’s collection. “Everyone does stuff for girls,” she said. “It would be nice to see guys wear more African clothes.” Sheri Dragoo, a fashion design associate professor at Texas Woman’s University, said owning a clothing line is a blend of understanding consumers, design skills and having financial backing. “Students have great ideas when they leave college,” she

Photo by zac switzer/intern

Chibuzor Onwuanaegbule, known by most as Chi Chi, is a public health administration senior and owns her own clothing business. said. “They need to understand the other side of it, the need for branding.” Someone pursuing fashion design needs to understand what customers want, Dragoo said. Consumers will only pay for what they value. Designers need to be aware of what buyers enjoy, Dragoo said. “Their goal is to create something innovative and creative,” she said. “They need to build customer loyalty.” Zigwai Remy Odukomaiya, a fashion design graduate student and Nigerian, said what Onwuanaegbule is doing is a good idea. “I think her efforts must be applauded,” she said.

Beyond the Fashion Onwuanaegbule said she wants to be a neonatologist or an obstetrician. She currently volunteers at a local hospice and also works in nursing homes and with people in assisted living. “Being a doctor is my number one passion,” she said. “I don’t think there’s been a time when I didn’t want to be a doctor.” Onwuanaegbule said she enjoys helping others and making their lives a little brighter. As far as her clothing line goes, she said she could see herself growing a bigger market. “It’s nice to see someone wear what I’ve created,” she said. “I feel a sense of accomplishment.”

Music for Peace

What: Shropshire Music Foundation When: 8 p.m. Where: UNT Recital Hall Admission: Free and accepting donations Programs include weekly classes, volunteer programs, staff training and community concerts. “In A mer ica, we a ren’t exposed to the kind of violence and wars that these children experience every day,” said Amina Hardaway, an accounting junior. “I don’t know what it’s like to wake up and be scared to go to class. These programs allow the children to wake up unafraid.”

From small field trips to Mexico to fighting poverty in countries like Haiti and Peru, Future Without Poverty helps build sustainable communities by bettering the lives of those in need. While the group makes plans to expand their projects to countries like India, there are still projects in Denton. The organization builds partnerships with community programs, like the Denton Rotary Club, to organize service opportunities like delivering food to the hungry. “We believe very strongly that you help individuals by doing one thing and one thing only –– to reduce poverty and to create jobs,” said Tom Benjamin, secretary and treasurer. A Future Without Poverty summit held on Jan. 21 discussed project opportunities and further expansion of the organization. “Around 1995, we started concentrating more seriously on taking students from UNT to fieldtrips involving service learning,” said Stan Ingman, vice president. The organization started out with simple projects and now plans to expand to other developing nations in Africa, the Middle East and other povertystricken countries. Future Without Poverty is a national organization. The Future Without Poverty UNT Chapter contains around 30 members. The group strives to help people find a job that fits each

individual’s needs, Ingram said. “We’re establ ish i ng a web store to sell products from micro producers from these countries,” she said. “That could be our means of supporting people.” The organzation has helped projects, like the village of San Martin in the State of Jalisco, Mexico. The city had problems with property rights, water and energy. “They were all squatters, and now they have land rights to their property,” said Ingman. “They’ve got water, some minimal access to energy, and life is just a tad better than it was.” Denton Independent School District high school students are contributing to the group’s projects. Building solar panels and electric generators powered by horse movements help power buildings in deprived areas, Benjamin said. “We’re finding that the students here are quite capable of engineering, designing and producing almost any project that we bring to them,” he said. The Future Without Poverty community garden is an exhibition, showing the community’s efforts in being environmentally friendly, said Amanda Coleman-Mason, the advisor for the UNT Dallas Future Without Povert y Student Association. “What we’re looking at is how each of us can give back to the community,” Benjamin said. “What we’re looking at is how do you work together to make the community better.”

Sports Arts & Life

Page 4 Thursday, December 2, 2010 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor Katie Grivna Arts & Life Editor

Thursday, January 27, 2011 Page 5 sgorman@ntdaily.com kgrivna@ntdaily.com

Basketball standout finds stability

Seniors to debut their dance works Friday By BoBBy Lewis

Senior Staff Writer


January 2009, junior accompanied by earned the 2010 University Dance nineIndancers guard Brittney wasit lightingHudson to make Educator of the Year from the focused in the getting ready seem as hospital if they are each in their Months of hard work all come National Dance Association. to endure what she thought “They have to create a product, own motel room. Each dancer down to one night. a routine surgery. isolated from knee the others and Senior dance students will which the public is invited to see, iswas After an eventful start her display their original works on and in this process they have to dances with minimalistictomovecollege received for career, a strongshe impact. The Friday for the first time at the solve all of the problems they are ment P hoto by Ryan bibb/Staff PhotogRaPheR more unexpected news. New Choreographers Concert. given in order to create this work themes include love, loss, isolaSenior guard Dominique Johnson looks forofanart,” openshe mansaid. during a home game tion“They said my kneecap and insomnia, whichwas are The concert will start at 8 p.m. earlier this season. UNT travels to face Louisiana-Lafayette today. tracking wrong,” Hudson teleIn the class, students learn overlaid by the glow of asaid. in the University Theatre in “So initially, I went into surgery the Radio, Television, Film and about dynamics, unity, variety, vision. and thought I wasWe going “It’sI ajust good program. have content, form and theme, Performing Arts Building. to have a scope done, but when some amazing faculty that have General admission is $5 and Cushman said. they pushed actuallyuswent inside, I far,” Wert said. From the 10 choreographed really tickets can be purchased at the had an arthroscopic lateral All 56 dancers were chosen box office, over the phone, at the works at the concert, two dance release.” the dance department pieces were chosen to represent from door and in advance. the American advancedtochoreography Students enrolled in dance UNT at the American College by According Academy of Orthopedic PHOTO BY TARYN WALKER/INTERN professor Shelley Cushman’s Dance Festival, including Amelia students. Some choreographers Surgeons, the recovery time Dance students perform “The Itch,” choreographed by dance senior Anna Olvera, at a rehearsal for the New Choreograsenior projects class are required Wert’s “The Television is Watching also decided to dance. Cushman By Ben BaBy Photo couteSy of Mean gReen SPoRtS 70 points after Troy tallied for a knee scope is students to anywhere perform if phers Concert. Me Again” and Cassie Farzan allowed to choreograph or perform in the under Senior Staff Writer Junior guard Brittney Hudson takes the ball upcourt during a home game earlier this season. After transferring from Rice 89 points on the Mean Green. from six to eight weeks. Hudson concert. They also can complete a Panah’s “Gravity of Deception.” they were up for the challenge. University and battling injury, Hudson averages 8.6 points per game this season. When UNT allows less than 70 was told her more complicated Before facing two first-place Rachel Caldwell choreo- ence of being blind by wearing harmonies. “I set out with this image of a research study in fieldwork. feeling of dance with touch and 11-0. procedure wouldUncertainty” require six Sun“Their Belt teams a culmination row, the UNTto points, “Certain motel.itI is was interested in doing graphed workin is a Caldwell said her piece is about sound rather than with sight,” blindfolds. In 28 rehearsals, the “That’s what we really months recovery. in “Guess four I think, men’s basketball will travel Hudson played through her Success atasUNT is alsoofperforming different,” Wertharp said. and demonstrate theteam knowledge they something Caldwell said. but I had to sit blindness an experience, not games, dancers adapted to their on, that’s what we really feed It was another twist on the because my leg tooat tohave the acquired Bayou State for a rematch entire freshman year during the her first year at UNT, through the course “I thought about the idea of why Who’s Not Coming to Dinner,” hearing and touching senses to a During The concert willwas alsojust be held handicap. off,” White said. “We have to go long, winding road she took to weak,” she said. with the Louisiana-Lafayette 2007-2008 season, but did not like it looked like Hudson may never people would want to stay at a choreog raphed by A n na help them through the modern of their study,” Cushman said. “I was in my modern class last 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. especially on they the get where she is now. She played over half Theatre. of her Ragin’ Cajuns.the artistic director down the team’s style of play. the chance how lie well Womack. motelthere, and wondered what Cushman, in the University semester and to wesee would on Sunday piece. Caldwell also worked with get road, and have a great defensive injury-plagued first season, Future opponents Denver and “I think she has a lot more she fit with the team. In Caldwell’s choreography, music student Ryan Pivovar to the ground and shut our eyes. For more information, visit www. of the concert, is known for felt.” Lafayette happens to be 6.4 points in 19 Florida Atlantic lead diviourof transition Rice University dancers explore the experi- freedom Wert’s modern piece includes her background in their dance. She game. danceandtheatre.unt.edu. wonderedofif NCAA I could transfer capture a averaging compose ainsong looped cello I Because games. sion in the Sun Belt while the that next game.” game,” UNT head coach Shanice rules, she had to sit out her first Hudson played on Amateur UNT w i l l need senior This season, Hudson is one of Ragin’ Cajuns are second-to-last Athletic Union teams and at Stephens said. “She definitely full year on campus and could forward George Odufuwa in the the Mean Green’s most consisin the West. Stephen F. Austin High School excels in an up-tempo type of only participate in practice. Head coach Johnny Jones said rebounding department. “I wanted to play,” she said. tent threats with 8.6 points a before being accepted at Rice offensive scheme.” The Mean Green is fourth in he is aware of the upcoming After the season’s completion, “It’s just hard to sit and watch game. University to play under head After her first year of uncerschedule, but is more worried the conference in rebounding she informed Williams she was people play for a whole year.” coach Greg Williams. margin and is 12-0 when it grabs tainty at UNT, Hudsonone hasof about UNT’s next game against transferring to another school. Her knee surgery set her back In her lone season as an Owl, BY M ARLENE GONZALEZ Art STUDIO, wife, Leslie Kregel, thought little more visibility and have the Creative Intern more boards than its opponent. found stability. ULL. “I had mixed feelings, you even further, although she was Hudson averaged 3.5 points, it would be great to increase public more aware of art culture the businesses that has been a really andit “We at this seasonoff as the a Odufuwa has hauled in at least 10 her father Henry Hudson ready to play at theisn’t start always of the three rebounds and 15 minutes know,” a “She’s part of First smart Fridaykid since in Denton that awareness of the communiOn look Friday, the shops rebounds 11 times this season. a positive influence,” Stephens journey,” Jones said. “We take said. “I kind of wanted her to stay 2009-2010 season. per game in 31 contests. started. ty’s artistic talent and culture, recognized,” Kregel said. Denton Square will stay open “One of the focuses that we “She really takes future full advantage of each trip or each Rice],said. but she was adamant on Or so she thought. “I chose to go to Rice basi- [at said her her main goal Merchants join with artists said.Huttash Kregel later than usual. have going into games is trying to with basketball seriously and opportunity on that journey to leaving, so I just went with her “I came back the following cally because of the academics,” Drawe contacted sources to help promote art and busi- is providing music for the event Denton will have its monthly goes a long way.” make that the best decision.” the first five that Hudson said. each month. nesses.and Forplayed example, an artist and created the website first- season First sure Friday onwe theare Square and make sure we win the rebounding war,” Jones said. “If we win the that we can be. We won’t overOn Friday, Alex Riegelman, fridaydenton.com to establish looking for a place to display Industrial Street area. lookLive anybody.” his or her work could contact a local guitarist and blues the event. music, sculptures, stained war on the boards, a lot of times The night may and haveart histor“First Friday has no boss, no a coffee shop owner willing to singer, will play in A Creative glass, appetizers will be we’ve had success.” Putting up points in conferical significance. Senior guard Art STUDIO. president. I’m just in charge of host the artist, Kregel said. available until 9 p.m. instead of Josh White is6 p.m. one assist away ence play has not been a problem Keri Zimlich, a journalism Heath Robinson, a pharmacy the website and building it into the regular from becoming the first player for the Mean Green. UNT averUNT said pressured Johnson, the clock. the game at 69. Continued page 1/INTERN something PHOTOfrom BY TARYN WALKER she thinks theULL’s event thinks the event will junior, because I started it,” junior, For First Friday, art galleries ages 80.3 points per game and inand school history to record 1,500 leading scorer, all game, as have the “We were supposed to be presUNT couldn’t muster a field bring attention to the creativity is a great opportunity to businesses stay open longer Robin Huttash, owner of A Creative Arts STUDIO, will participate in First Friday Drawe said. a shooting percentage of .514 career points and 300 career game-winner was Johnson’s only suring the ball,” Stephens said. goal, but fought to force overULL cut the deficit to five with Friday. fun. Kregel’s business, Cimarrona, the community has to offer. to give shoppers an opportunity Denton. The studio will stay open until 9 p.m. on against Sun Belt competition, assists. the second half. “We not want to way get it to timehats, for the second consecu14 minutes to play before taking sells “It’sinnot just one shop, but “I did think it’s athem good to make scarves and warm to admire and buy art. leading the SBC. White knows defense will be The Mean Green returns to their bigs and we knew they were tive contest. The Cajuns held the a 65-64 lead with five minutes together Several communities and month, which is where the idea pher and UNT alumnus, said he clothing recycled from old increase the exposure of the arts all the shops getting Tip-off is scheduled for 7 pivotal in tonight’s road contest. action at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at coming to them they set a screen ball for the final shot and called remaining. The teams traded to rekindle that love of art,” in Denton,” Robinson said. countries have their own First came from. helped start Denton’s First Friday clothes. p.m. UNT held its past two opponents Denver. and were able to get it.” a timeout with 4.6 seconds on baskets until a ULL basket tied Robin Huttash ow ns A Zimlich said. “What we hope is [to gain] a Friday or First Thursday each Shannon Drawe, a photogra- in in February 2010. He and his Intern

UNT to visit reeling Cajuns

Monthly event promotes art purchases in Denton Women fall to Cajuns in 71-69 loss




Thursday, January Thursday, December 2nd 27th

Sunday, December 12th The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Farce & Feaste-2:00pm @ The Campus Theater

8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo Friday, December 3rd DISCIPLINE-10:00pm @ Rubber Gloves

Monday, December 13th The Gay Blades-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Trivia Night with Norm Amorose -7:30pm @ Public House

Roger Creager/Zach Walther-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo Till They’re Blue or Destroy-7:00pm @ The Hydrant Café No Justice/ Micky & the MotorcarsDenton Holiday Lighting Festival-5:45pm @ The Square

North American Skull Splitter Tour 2010: Skeletonwitch/Withered/Landmine Marathon/ Friday, January@ 28th The Spectacle-8:00pm Rubber Gloves Crooked Finger-9:00pm @ Public House (special group) Denton Bach Society-7:00pm The Hydrant Danny Malonet/The @Blue Hit/ Café MillionYoung/Teen Daze/Old Snack/Goldilocks Telegraph Canyon/Thrift Store & The Rock-9:00pm @ Hailey’s The Quebe Sisters/Will Johnson-8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Cowboys-7:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Fatty Lumpkin-7:00pm @ The Boiler Room Peter Wolf Crier/ Retribution Gospel Reindeer Romp-7:30pm @ South Lakes Park

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Choir/Les Americains-9:00pm @ Hailey’s Will Kapinos/Brent Saturday, December 4th Best-12:00am La Meme Gallery opening: Sally Glass/Oh Lewis!/ @ The Hydrant Café Murdocks/Jon Vogt-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Hex AngelDispensers/Mind Tree Fundraiser-8:00pm @Spiders/ Rockin’ Rodeo The Blind Shake/Shakedown AlleyThe Contingency Clause-9:00pm @ The Hydrant Café A Spune Christmas 2010: Telegraph 9:00pm @ Rubber GlovesCanyon/Monahans/Birds & Batteries/Seryn/Dour Burr/Glen Farris-7:30pm @ Hailey’s Jason Moore @ The Denton Garage Disc Golf Winter Open: Amateur Team Tournament10:00am @ North Lakes Disc Golf Course

Saturday, January 29th

Sunday, December 5th Sundress/Final Club/Land Mammals/ Backside Pick/The@Bastard The River Mouth-9:00pm Hailey’s

Sons10:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Monday,of December 6th House Harkonnen/The Spectacle/ Trivia Monday with Norm Amorose -7:30pm @ Public House The Phuss-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Tuesday, @ December 7th T.A.D. The Denton Garage Pearl Harbor Memorial Day

Sunday, January Thursday, December 9th30th INSIDE JOB [PG13] 2:05pm 7:10pm THE MECHANIC [R] 12:10pm 2:30pm 5:05pm 7:30pm 10:00pm THE WARRIOR’S WAY [R] 11:40am 2:05pm 4:55pm 7:30pm 10:05pm THE RITE [PG13] 11:25am 2:10pm 4:55pm 7:40pm 10:30pm BURLESQUE [PG13] 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:00pm 9:50pm BLACK SWAN - CinéArts [R] 11:45am 2:35pm 5:25pm 8:00pm 10:35pm DUE DATE [R] 11:45am 2:20pm 4:50pm 7:15pm 9:40pm COUNTRY STRONG [PG13] 12:05pm 5:45pm FASTERFOCKERS [R] 11:15am 1:45pm 4:30pm 7:05pm 9:35pm LITTLE [PG13] 11:35am 4:45pm 9:50pm NOHARRY STRINGS 11:50am 5:00pm 10:25pm POTTER ATTACHED AND THE DEATHLY[R] HALLOWS PART2:25pm 1 [PG13] 1:40pm7:35pm 5:10pm 6:30pm 8:30pm 9:45pm TANGLED [PG] 2:45pm 5:15pm 7:45pm 10:10pm HARRY POTTER AND12:15pm THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 - DIGITAL [PG13] 11:55am 3:40pm 7:25pm 10:45pm THE DILEMMA [PG13] 12:00pm 2:40pm 5:20pm 8:05pm 10:45pm LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS [R] 11:20am 2:10pm 5:00pm 7:55pm 10:40pm THE FIGHTER [R] 11:30am 2:20pm 5:10pm 7:55pm 10:40pm MEGAMIND [PG] 1:10pm 4:00pm THE GREEN HORNET [PG13] 2:50pm 8:45pm MEGAMIND - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:50am 2:35pm 5:15pm 7:50pm 10:15pm THE GREEN HORNET - REAL D 3D [PG13] 1:20pm 4:20pm 7:15pm 10:20pm MORNING GLORY [PG13] - 11:30am 2:25pm 5:05pm 10:30pm THE KING’S SPEECH CinéArts [R] 7:45pm 1:10pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 9:55pm TANGLED [PG] 12:45pm 3:20pm 6:05pm 8:45pm TRON: LEGACY - REAL D 3D [PG] 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:05pm 10:05pm TRUE GRIT [PG13] 11:40am 2:15pm 4:50pm 7:25pm TANGLED - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:25am 2:00pm 4:40pm 7:20pm 9:55pm10:15pm YOGI BEAR - REAL D 3D 12:50pm [PG]3:55pm 11:55am THE NEXT THREE DAYS [PG13] 7:10pm2:00pm 10:20pm 4:25pm 6:50pm 9:15pm UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:35am 2:15pm 4:45pm 7:35pm 10:10pm

Raiders of the lost park weekend 1/27 THE POLARof EXPRESS

Josh Abbott Band/Rob Baird/ William Clark @ Rockin’ Rodeo Warren AGreen-8:00pm Song Swap featuring

Jackson Hearne/Chris Welch/Matthew Gray/ Friday, December 10th Kaleo/Kody Jackson/George Neal/Will Burial/Wild Tribe/xunit 21’s first show/Wiccans/ Rotundus/Youth Agression-8:00pm Gloves Kapinos-8:00pm @ Dan’s@ Rubber Silverleaf Dirty City Band -9:00pm @ Public House Monotonix/Bad SportsNew Riders of the Purple Sage/ Violent Squid Day 8:00pm @ Rubber@Gloves vs. Night Achtone-8:00pm Dan’s Silverleaf

The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater Tuesday, February 1st Saturday, December 11th Dead Week Print Show: Pan Ector/Gutterth Productions/ La Meme/ Pants-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Andrew Tinker-8:00pm Jessie Frye, with Sam Robertson-8:30pm @ The Hydrant Café @ Dan’s Silverleaf Arts & Crafts Show-8:00am @ Danton Civic Center The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater

weekend of 12/2


NO STRINGS ATTACHED [R] 11:00AM | THE MECHANIC (2011) [R] 11:20AM | SHOWTIMES VALID FOR 12-03-2010 1:35 | 4:10| 6:45 | 9:40 2:00 | 4:40 | 7:30 | 10:20 HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS:

THE GREEN HORNET (2011) PART 1 [PG13] 12:003D | 3:20 | 6:30[PG13] | 9:40 12:00 | 3:10 | 6:20 | 9:20

MEGAMIND 3D [PG] 11:00AM | 1:25 | 3:50 | 6:15 | 9:00

TANGLED 3D [PG] 11:15AM | 1:50 | 4:25 |

| 9:55 THE7:00 RITE [PG13] 12:30 | 3:50 | 7:00 | 10:00 | 12:10AM

UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:45AM | 2:20 | 4:55 | 7:30 | 10:15

Thursday, January 27, 2011 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor


Page 5 sgorman@ntdaily.com

Athlete of the Week: Domo brings mojo off bench BY BEN BABY

for the Kangaroos, averaging 7.3 points per game and 1.3 rebounds per game. Johnson decided to transfer after head coach Rich Zvosec was fired from UMKC. Needing to mature and leave behind his past, Johnson transferred to Arkansas-Fort Smith. He continued to progress with the Lions, putting up 9.4 points and 5.1 assists per game on his way to the All-Bi-State Conference team. His stint w ith the Lions wa s shor t, a s UN T head coach Johnny Jones brought Johnson to Denton. Johnson was familiar with the university, having played there in the Great American Shootout in high school.

Senior Staff Writer Growing up on 19th and Norton Streets in Kansas City, Mo., senior guard Dominique Johnson tried to emulate his older brother, DeAndre. W hen h is fa m i ly wou ld watch DeAndre play at Lincoln Prep Academy, Dominique sat a few rows back of the team’s bench, watching his brother play on the varsity team as a freshman. “Once he learned how to dribble, he wanted to be just like his brother,” said Diane Johnson, the mother of three. “Whenever his brother went to the gym or played, he wanted to do the same thing.” Dominique would follow in his brother’s footsteps, only to step out of DeAndre’s shadow and carve his own path. After a few stops and a long journey, Dominique Johnson ended up in Denton as a pivotal piece to the Mean Green basketball squad. Last Sat u rday aga inst Arkansas State, Johnson tied a career-high, scoring 21 points in an 83-64 victory against the Red Wolves. Three of those points came on a spectacular 35-foot buzzer-beater at the end of the first half. Dominique and DeAndre W h e n D e A n d r e f ou n d footage of the half-court hurl on YouTube, it reminded the older brother of when Dominique was younger. While most kids in kinderga r ten were f idd ling w it h finger paints and macaroni, Dominique Johnson played ba s ket ba l l a g a i n st ot her elementary school kids. In a game during his kindergarten year, Johnson saw the clock winding down and threw up a shot from half-court. It went in. He was five. “I was one of the best kids around because I always had my older brother to rely on,” Dominique Johnson said. “After

Learning from injury Following a successful first year with the Mean Green,

The injury not only caused Johnson to grow closer to God, it fueled the senior guard to a strong comeback season. Coming off the bench, he is averaging 10.9 points per game, barely off his careerhigh of 11.0 points per game. “I think he’s even better and continues to get better each game,” Jones said. “We’re excited that he’s back with us this year. This year, he’s continued to grow and mature as a player.” Dominique, Damiyah and the future When Johnson, a sociology major, graduates from UNT, he plans on working with families and helping out younger children –– something that runs in the family. His grandfather started Kansas City Keys, an organization that develops

“I was one of the best kids around because I always had my older brother to rely on.”

—Dominique Johnson senior guard

PHOTO BY RYAN BIBB/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER things changed forever when

Senior guard Dominique Johnson celebrating after hitting a buzzer shot against UNT faced Rice on Dec. 15, Arkansas State. Johnson boasts an 11 points per game average. 2009. As Johnson went to pass, a while, I wasn’t really worried about what people had to say because I knew how hard I was working, that I felt like I was good enough to play against everybody.” Picking up the sport at the age of three, Johnson not only honed his basketball skills at a young age, but built a solid foundation in math on the court. Johnson’s mother said that Dominique learned to count by playing basketball. “He knew that if he made a free throw, it was a point and if he made a basket, it was two,”

Diana Johnson said. “So when he and his brother played, he always made sure his brother wasn’t cheating him, because he could add.” L i ke h is older brot her, Johnson played on Lincoln Prep’s va rsit y squad as a freshman. Domo finished his high school career as an allstate and all-metro selection. Kangaroos, Lions and Eagles A f ter a successf u l h ig h school r un, Johnson went on to play his freshman year at M i ssou r i-K a n sa s Cit y. Johnson started in 11 games

he felt his ankle snap. What was originally thought to be a sprain ended up being a fracture, which forced Johnson to miss the remainder of the season. Forced off the court, Johnson strengthened his relationship with God. Before, Johnson said he was a huge fan of hip-hop artist Lil Wayne. Now, Johnson listens to gospel rappers like LeCrae and Sho Baraka. “I listen to some of the other stuff, but I really like gospel music now because it fits with how I live and how I’m trying to live,” Johnson said. “It’s encouragement to live right.”

children on the court while keeping them off the street. Joh nson’s fat her, Ha r rel, currently runs the program. The program was home to the Johnson children, including L ou i s v i l l e s e n i or g u a r d LaToya Johnson, Dominique’s younger sister. When Johnson steps onto t he court, he has a young one i n Missou r i g leef u l ly keeping track of his ever y step. Johnson has a 4-year old daughter, Damiyah, who is taken care of by Johnson’s mother. “God opened my eyes up and showed me what a man is supposed to be,” Johnson said of his role as a father. “How I look at girls now is how

The dirt on Domo Favorite movie is Rush Hour Rumored to have a spot-on imitation of head coach Johnny Jones Plays against professional and Division I athletes at Penn Valley Community Center in Missouri Played football and baseball growing up I want somebody to treat my daughter. I don’t want a dude to treat my daughter wrong. I want to try and be an example for her.” Even though state-lines and 517 miles separate father and daughter, Johnson still talks to Da miya h on t he phone every day. “Somet i mes I ju st c r y, because it’s tough,” Johnson said. “She’s so beautiful, and I just want to be with her. I talk to her on the phone and she’s growing up. I see her growing up, but I’m not with her every day.” W henever t he t wo meet up, Johnson enjoys spending lots of time with his daughter, doi ng ever y t h i ng f rom blowing bubbles to making many trips to McDonald’s. Johnson said he wouldn’t mind if his daughter became a basketball player, but he isn’t going to force anything. Right now, the 4-year-old has her sights set on being a cheerleader. Da m iya h ha s plent y to cheer for, sporting a la rge amount of Mean Green gear as her father helps UNT on another championship run. “She has a uniform, her cheerleader pom-pom, and she tells everybody that’s her daddy,” Diane Johnson said.

Lewis’ Last Call: Shifting in the stands should start Opinion BY BOBBY LEWIS

Senior Staff Writer Last Saturday, the Mean Green women’s basketba l l tea m suf fered yet a not her heartbreaking loss –– this one of the overtime variety –– to Arkansas State, 62-59. T hose w ho fol low t he women’s games know the story by now: UNT will have a big lead and blow it or the team will hang around just long enough to make you believe it’ll pull out the victory, but almost always leaves with the “L.” That being said, I don’t want to go over the team’s loss. I want to get into the attendance. As this was the team’s first overtime game of the season, I was in the press area a little longer than I normally would be. That being the case, I saw more and more Mean Green faithful filing in for the men’s game, which started right after the women’s finished up. The of f icia l attenda nce

number for the women’s ga me was 1,821. For t he men’s game? Try 4,856. Over 3,000 BOBBY m o r e f a n s LEWIS s how e d up to cheer on the men’s basketball team than they did for the women’s. Now that’s not necessarily the norm for the men. While the men’s basketball team is

“Those numbers are too staggering for things to remain the same.” much more talented than the women’s in relation to each team’s competition, Saturday’s attendance was the second-

highest home crowd of the season. Nonetheless, something is seriously wrong with those numbers. I’m not naïve. I know that men’s sports will always be king on this campus and it doesn’t help the women’s case that the team is not exactly at the peak of its game right now. Still, should the gap really be that large? Maybe it all boils down to success. The men are coming off of an NCA A tournament bid and are sitting at 16-4 on the season. The women, on the other hand, are coming off a 9-win season and are in the midst of a disappointing 5-17 campaign. Somehow, I doubt that if the roles were rever sed, t he at tenda nce numbers would be too. Something definitely needs to change. I don’t k now what t hat s omet h i ng i s, but t hos e numbers are too staggering for t h i ngs to rema i n t he same.

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Page 6 Abigail Allen, Views Editor

Thursday, January 27, 2011 ntdailyviews@gmail.com

Cleaning helps break up the blues

People should take control of their diet Editorial Greasy. Salty. Unhealthy. Cheap. Quick. Food. With fast food restaurants dotting campus and the city, students often duck into these joints to grab a bite while running to class or work. In light of the new class-action suit against Taco Bell that claims the restaurant is using false advertising about its beef, the Editorial Board asks students to consider their food habits. The suit, brought against the Mexican food-inspired eatery by an Alabama law firm, alleges the beef products have less than the FDA-required — and remarkably unsettling — 40 percent of ground beef to call it that in them. Whatever the outcome of the suit, the Board believes people should take responsibility for the food they consume. Taking charge In a report from June 2010, Texas had the 13th-highest obesity ranking in the U.S., and several news stories throughout the past decade have connected obesity with fast food and junk food. Although people can blame the unhealthy state of Texas and the U.S. on places that have dollar menus and drivethrus, they need to make active choices about the food they put into their bodies. At McDonald’s, a Double Quarter Pounder has 740 calories and 42 grams of fat, 19 from saturated fat, as found on www.mcdonalds.com. At Wendy’s, a 1/2 lb. Double with Cheese has 750 calories and 42 grams of fat, 18 from saturated fat, according to www.wendys.com. At Chick-fil-A, with a location in the University Union Campus Chat, a chicken sandwich has 430 calories and 17 grams of fat, according to www.chick-fil-a.com. At Taco Bell, which also has a stand in the Campus Chat, a 1/2 lb. Combo Burrito has 460 calories and 18 grams of fat, 7 from saturated fat, according to www.tacobell.com. In addition to the calories and fat in the products at fast food restaurants, the ingredients can contain preservatives and other additives. If, instead of going to a fast food place, students prepared a smoked ham sandwich at home that had two slices of American cheese, green leaf lettuce, tomato slices and one tablespoon of mayonnaise on two slices of wheat bread, they would consume 330 calories and 11 grams of fat, 3 from saturated fats, according to www.thecaloriecounter.com. Planning ahead The Board believes students can improve their health and energy by thinking about their dietary needs before the week starts. Food seems to get more expensive the healthier it is in restaurants. That means students should budget to get the healthiest items they can. We don’t think boycotting fast food is necessary, but we do think students need to remember the importance of staying healthy. To find out more about healthy food choices, visit www. mypyramid.gov/mypyramid/index.aspx. Take care of yourself.

If the lengthy winter break triggered cabin fever, sorting t h roug h ju n k t hat’s been collecting in your dorm or apartment is a great first step to take toward recovery. A lthough cleaning small spaces can be annoying, the reward of having a clean place to come home to trumps the temporary headache of housework. Though cleaning can feel more li ke a chore t ha n a necessity, the following tips and shortcuts will help make tidying up easier. Plus, using all-natural cleaning products and eco-friendly methods is like doing the earth a favor. You can make them yourself or find a good green product at your local store. Save time, don’t multitask I n s t e a d of f r a nt ic a l l y running to and from each room with cleaning supplies, stick to one area first. Devoting attention to one room at a time will also show the progress you’ve made.

An article by Better Homes and Gardens suggests using a homemade, a l l-pu r pose clea ner — like made f rom one-pa r t bleach a nd fourparts water — to tidy up. This will eliminate having to tote around an armful of random bottles. Simple baking soda with a little water works on all types of surfaces, too. Plan the attack Tr y assigning one day of the week for cleaning up a particular room or even for just one quick task. For example, on Sundays, always clean the bedroom. Or on Tuesdays, always sweep the kitchen. T h i n k of t h i s a s t i me management for housework, just like scheduling classes. Maybe even take one day in the week to turn off the heater and open the windows. It may seem like a huge sacrifice with frost on the ground, but doing so will let fresh air into your place. That stuffy feeling in the room can’t be

good for winter blues. Little things go a long way Here is a simple idea: Toss out all that useless clutter. Throw away the trash on the floor, pick up the napkins scattered on ever y surface and recycle old plastic bottles or newspapers. Dirty clothes belong in a proper basket and not piled up along the walls. Because making the bed takes seconds, there should be no reason not to do it. All these little things add up and make a huge difference when they are actually done. Be extra nice There are a lot of people in the community who could use all the extra stuff we have. Why not finally gather all the things you can part with and donate them instead? Gather all the clothes you know haven’t been worn in recent memor y. Same goes for those cans of food you are never going to open. And

instead of sticking that old mattress into the community dumpster, the city of Denton actua lly has a way to ta ke care of things you don’t need anymore. To schedu le a cu rbside collection for large items, call the Solid Waste and Recycling d e p a r t m e n t ’s c u s t o m e r service line at 940-349-8700. The official website for the cit y of Denton has a l l t he details.

Kaylah Baca is an English senior and a Daily intern. She can be reached at KaylahBaca@ my.unt.edu

Getting ready for the real world is scary I’m still not sure what I want to be when I grow up. After being at UNT since fall 2007, I picked up my graduation applications for journalism and political science last week. It felt surreal to think I’m almost done. As a child, I considered being a singer, a dancer, an actress or a veterinarian. As a teenager, I considered becoming a psychologist, a lawyer or a journalist. As an adult, I’m still considering the last two. I’m not the only one who has experienced this uncertain feeling. Many students change their major while they

are in college. Others may not go into the field they studied upon graduation. Some people even change their mind once they get into their profession and decide to go back to school so they can do something different. The beautiful thing about life is something can always change. If you don’t like your job, you can apply for something new. If you hate your neighborhood, you can find a new place to live. Making a change to your life is not free, however. On www. talkdollarswithsense.com, a post said changing majors could cost as much as $15,000 and add

years to achieving a degree. A new place may require higher rent or more responsibility. But sometimes the benefits of making a change you’re happy about outweigh the costs of having to modify things. Some people are fortunate enough to know exactly what they want to do and who they want to be. Although the stability might be nice, having a wide range of possibilities and the option to decide what you want to make of your life is exciting. I’m still not sure what I want to be when I grow up. And that’s OK.

Abigail Allen is a journalism and political science senior and the Views editor. She can be reached at aet0064@unt. edu.

Campus Chat

Do you consider the health factor when eating fast food?

{ { {

“Sometimes I do, but because I love fast food, it doesn’t stop me.”

Naga Akula

Engineering graduate student

“Yes, absolutely. I don’t eat it at all.”

Sebastian Simek

Music performance sophomore

“No, I still eat it. It doesn’t matter to me.”

Qiu Luo

Accounting junior

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Page 8 Christina Mlynski, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Thursday, January 27, 2011 cmlynski@ntdaily.com

More sanitizer is Student goes above and beyond with hobby not always better BY DAISY SILOS Staff Writer


Although there’s the option of sanitizer stations in bathrooms and classrooms, students should reconsider reaching for another pump. Doctors recommend soap when it’s available because extensive use of hand sanitizer can cause dryness of the skin and infections. “Typically, frequent use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer can lead to excessive drying of the hands due to the alcohol. Anytime skin becomes inflamed, there is a possibility that a bacterial skin infection can occur,” said Herschel Voorhees, the director of clinical services at the Student Health and Wellness Center. Using hand sanitizer is not bad, but it is not considered the best way to take care of your hands, Voorhees said. “What it’s generally used for is disinfectant, not cleaning your hands,” said Zach Smith, an English freshman. Students like Alex Plinck, a radio, television and film freshman, are conscious about hygiene during winter. “I do believe that people should know about all aspects of using a product because you should know exactly what you’re putting on your skin, ” he said.


Using hand sanitizer is not completely bad, but it is not seen as the greatest way to take care of hands. The alcohol content removes layers of oil, allowing germs to attach and remain on the skin, he said.

Beneficial at times Although hand sanitizer is harmful if overused, it’s good to use in high-populated places like schools and hospitals, Voorhees said. “In some settings, where large groups of people are coming and going or congregating, the practicality and availability of soap and water does not exist,” he said. “Under these circumstances, multiple hand sanitizer locations offer the next best way to minimize infectious disease transmissions.” False accusations Students and faculty walk T he Fo o d a nd D r u g throughout campus all day, Adminstration is considering touching everything along the contents of hand sanitizer, like way. triclosan, an antibacterial chemGoing a few extra feet for soap ical, to be toxic. and water can be beneficial in the “Triclosan at this point, long run, Voorhees said. according to the FDA, has not “Proper use of soap and water been shown to be hazardous to to wash your hands is the ideal humans,” Voorhees said. way to clean hands,” he said.

Rocket the bee, Cola the koala and Inky the octopus are just a few of Emily Schwarting’s recent masterpieces. Ma ny st udent s have hobbies to ease them off stress. Schwarting, a communication design senior, turned her hobby into a side business called Fuzzy Muffins, where she sells her handmade stuffed animals. “I bought a sewing machine with my high school graduation money,” she said. “I just played around with things and stared doing plushies.” Schwarting’s plushes range from $10 to $40, depending on how big or detailed they are and whether they were sewn or crocheted. Each comes with a name and biography. Schwarting said she tries to balance Fuzzy Muffins with school, work and friends. Schwarting enters craft shows, like Funky Finds, where vendors take their handmade products to make extra money. Sewing always caught Schwarting’s attention, she said. It wasn’t until her freshman year that she took up the craft. The hardest part of sewing her characters is making sure all the individual pieces of fabric line up, Schwarting said. “I’m trying to move towards making more complex animals,” she said. “I’m currently working on another octopus, so it gets hard when it comes to lining up the fabric to make sure there aren’t any holes.” Schwarting said she liked the sound of “Fuzzy Muffins” because it captures the lightheartedness of the plush items.


Emily Schwarting, a communication design senior, sews handmade creations including elephants, owls, monkeys, beavers, cupcakes and teeth. Schwarting started making Fuzzy Muffins in the summer of 2008. Jessica Bennett, a communication design senior, has purchased Schwarting’s designs for family and friends. “Some of my friends just had babies, so I got them an elephant and a bear,” she said. “They’re incredibly adorable and [Schwarting] is good at designing them, making sure they’re safe for little kids.” Brad Holt, a UNT alumnus, said he thinks her work is amazing. “Every Fuzzy Muffin is unique. There are so many different kinds and they’re all her own patterns,” he said. Jessica Dougherty, founder of Funky Finds, said she’s a big fan of Fuzzy Muffins. “Our goal is to assemble the most unique group of artists and crafters to provide attendees with a wide variety of items to choose from,” she said. “Fuzzy Muffins features plush characters that are well-made and fun for all ages.


Communication design senior Emily Schwarting started sewing bags and purses then began sewing handmade critters. Schwarting makes her Fuzzy Muffins out of fleece and polyester fiberfill. When I look at their booth set-up, I immediately think ‘happy.’” Bennett said anyone can sew, but there’s a certain quality of creativity that everyone can enjoy in Fuzzy Muffins. “[Schwarting] humanizes her characters so when you purchase them, they already


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come with likes and dislikes, so they become sort of like a part of your family,” she said. Schwarting’s plushies can be purchased at www.fuzzymuffins.net.

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