Coastal Compass August 2016

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Inside This Edition View from the Bridge...........................................2

DMA Covers Home of Military Diving................ 3

HR: And The Award Goes To.............................6

Dive DAVD Emerges as Game Changer.......... 7

GAF Lab Receives Accreditation....................... 8

Supply: New Warehouse Consolidation..........10

Meeting the Navy’s Needs................................ 11

WFC ESH Hold 1st Face to Face in 5 years..12

Command Protects Sailors...............................13

Pokeman Go App —Stops at Front Gate.......14

CO Recognizes Top Military Performers.........15

Guidance for 2016 Political Activity..................17

Former CHINFO Writes on Killing English......18

FEW Scholarship Fundraiser...........................20

DMA Films Aboard NSWC PCD......................20

CYBER tists and engineers to become more aware of cybersecurity and the need to keep our Navy systems more protected from cyber-attacks. Currently, the team is developing requirements for hardware, software and space for a cyber lab on base at NSWC PCD. “The cyber lab will offer a safe place to test how computer exploits work and to learn how to attack and protect a computer in an effort to keep programs more protected from adversaries, “ said Maglio. “It is an isolated environment that cannot access any other computer system. The tools necessary to learn how to perform penetration testing are not allowed on standard networks due to the potential danger they pose to other systems.” According to Maglio, the lab will be beneficial to every project at NSWC PCD. “The lab will allow for an in-house capability to do vulnerability testing, problem solving and training for all projects. This will also benefit every project at NSWC PCD and the customers of the projects,” said Maglio. “Every project is required to go through cybersecurity testing as part of Naval Sea Systems Command’s Initial Operational Test and Evaluation. The cyber lab will give the projects the ability to prepare for this testing and know their security posture prior to this test.” In the future, the NSWC PCD team hopes to host an event similar to NUWC Newport’s CTF event. The objective of these future events is to train the NSWC PCD workforce about cybersecurity awareness. Not only was the cyber lab trial beneficial to Navy scientists and engineers, but also to the two NREIP interns who created, organized and co-hosted the event. “My network experience from gaining a Security+ certification and taking a Cisco course for my degree helped me prepare for this internship,” said Jermyn. “I was able to apply configurations to hardware and perform ‘best practices’ that I learned in courses during the internship to better accomplish some of the networking aspects.” Phillips learned things that will help him succeed as he completes his undergraduate degree. “My main focus during the internship was networking and cybersecurity. These were mostly newer concepts to me before beginning my internship.” said Phillips. “I learned a lot this summer and I think these skills will be extremely useful as I complete my last two years at the University of Con-

Coastal Compass - August 2016

from page 4 necticut (UConn).” Jermyn and Phillips’ internships have taught them that it is essential to practice cybersecurity safety practices. “Practicing keeps cybersecurity practices relevant,” said Jermyn. “Anyone can be told to follow a practice, but actually seeing the importance will make the practices stick. Seeing is believing.” Phillips said cybersecurity becomes more important with today’s technological advances. “The increase in embedded technology and the ‘Internet of things’ is undeniable, making security best practices even more critical. For the U.S. Navy, this is especially true.” Both Jermyn’s and Phillips’ efforts in planning and executing the CTF event has taught them valuable concepts to use in their future endeavors. “Hosting this event taught me the importance of preparation and gave me great confidence in my project management skills which will better help me manage my workload obtaining my master’s degree,” said Jermyn. “My biggest takeaway from my internship was the significance of teamwork. I could not have accomplished everything without the help of my mentor, Kate (Maglio), partner Trevor (Phillips), the cybersecurity team at the NUWC Newport base, among many others.” A point to which Phillips agrees. “Hosting the event has given me experience for planning and implementing events, including leading groups and teaching new skills,” said Phillips. “My time at NSWC PCD has been amazing. The base is doing research on cutting edge of science and technology that looks like it is straight out of an Avengers movie! The best part has been meeting so many incredible people who share in a collaborative work culture.” The completion of the CTF event fulfills Jermyn’s capstone project and graduation requirement from his technology management bachelor’s degree program at Gulf Coast State College (GCSC). After graduation from GCSC, Jermyn will begin his master’s degree in software engineering at the University of West Florida. Phillips plans to take his newfound knowledge and use it in furthering his studies at UConn in his computer science and engineering fields of study. ♦

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