NRA Sports - Spring 2015

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A Publication of the National Rifle Association of America SPRING 2015

Goin' Huntin' With

Winners of the 2014

George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest

Young Champions Sportswomen of Colorado

NRA Public Range Fund Spotlight: North Carolina

GAOS 2015

m a g a z i n e President's Column:


Words Matter

GAOS 2015 The World's Largest Outdoor Convention Returns!

2014 Winners! George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest

NRA Outdoors

6 10

A Long Range School Graduate

NRA Public Range Fund Spotlight: North Carolina

National Training Center - Young Champions Sportswomen of Colorado

Ashe County Wildlife Club

16 18 19

Receives Grant from NRA

International Air Shooting Sports Action Shooting Sports for the whole Family!

Published quarterly by the National Rifle Association of America Recreation Programs & Ranges Division




Son Nguyen, Manager Clubs & Associations

(800) NRA-Club (672-2582)

Design & Layout: © Copyright 2015 National Rifle Association

Stephen Czarnik, Program Coordinator Clubs & Associations

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 • (800) NRA-Club •

Words Matter By James W. Porter II, NRA President


hen it comes to the never-ending fight to preserve the Second Amendment, words matter. Ours is a fight between the plain truth, and their lies. Take the word “prevention,” a fundamental deception of the gun-ban movement. In truth, a law cannot prevent any human behavior. A law can’t prevent littering. Slobs still do it. You can’t prevent addicts from taking drugs. Drunk driving is a crime. Vehicular manslaughter is a crime. But there is no law that can prevent a drunk with a valid driver’s license from getting into a registered vehicle and going out and killing a nice family out for a Sunday drive. As for “violence prevention,” there is no law on the books anywhere that can accomplish that. Were that the case, there would be no violence anywhere. Thousands of times each day in our nation, murderers, rapists and robbers choose to commit violent criminal acts. None of those acts can be prevented by any law. Yet “prevention” is the soothing mantra of those who would steal our liberty. Violence prevention can’t even be accomplished in prisons where every aspect of living is controlled. In one of the most high-security facilities in America, Pelican Bay in California — which houses that state’s most vicious, incorrigible offenders — inmates commit violence on other inmates and on prison staff. And they do it with weapons they fashion themselves. A toothbrush sharpened against concrete becomes a weapon. With all the 24-hour-a-day surveillance, with constant searches, inmates make weapons, they possess weapons and they do violence with them. Keeping weapons out of their hands in the most controlled environment in America is impossible. If such a result cannot be accomplished in prisons, how on earth is that possible in a free and open society? It isn’t. In truth, the only function of any law against criminal behavior is to provide for punishment after arrest, trial and conviction. Words matter. Truth matters. The word “prohibit” is another favorite of gun-banners and amounts to a half-lie, a convenient omission to hide the truth about existing federal law. The gun banners never, ever say that simple possession of any firearm by prohibited persons such as convicted violent felons is a crime because they know that if the public understood the truth, there would be no reason for additional laws. Fact is—and we can’t say this enough—it is a federal felony, punishable by 10 years in prison, for a convicted

felon, drug dealer, or fugitive from justice to touch a gun. Words matter. Truth matters. Take the “gunshow loophole” or “private sales loophole.” For felons, drug dealers and fugitives, any acquisition of a firearm is a federal felony. And that covers any gun: handgun, rifle, big-bore, small-bore, shotgun, semi-auto, bolt-action, big gun, little gun, guns that hold lots of bullets, or single shots. And that crime covers acquiring a firearm anywhere, by any means, under any situation—at a gun show, from a private individual or from a licensed dealer. And theft of a gun is a federal crime as well. So for criminals, there is no loophole. Not at gun shows, not in any private commerce anywhere. Not under any circumstance. So if it is a crime for prohibited persons to obtain a gun, all the gun-ban crowd is doing with their “universal” background checks is criminalizing the now-lawful commerce peaceable gun owners engage in every day. The truth is — and billionaire gun-ban mogul Michael Bloomberg knows it — every convicted felon arrested anywhere for a crime of violence involving a firearm could be taken off the street by vigorous federal prosecution of existing federal law. But it doesn’t happen. Surely not in his New York City. Words count. The truth counts. As peaceable gun owners — as citizens most threatened by all of this — we know what the twisted words mean. But the general public does not. And that’s what Bloomberg is banking on. And therein lies the profound danger we face from his strategic shift. The reason he is using ballot initiatives to affect what he can’t get through reasoned debate in the legislative process is that he believes the general public is gullible. The only way we can counter his lies is with the truth. Each of us can counter his fool-the-people scheme by explaining the truth to non-gun-owning friends, neighbors and co-workers. If you ask a thinking person how any of Bloomberg’s schemes “prevent violence,” or how they “keep guns out of the hands of criminals” and you are prepared with the facts, they will understand that those ends are impossible. Explain the truth, define the deceptions, and we win one vote at a time.

Spring 2015 • NRA Sports magazine • 1

GAOS 2015 The World's Largest Outdoor Show By Lars Dalseide, Manager, General Operations Marketing/Media Relations Division


he drive to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is a cold one in early February. Gray skies envelop darkened highways, scattered with elements of ice and snow. Despite the bleak outlook, tens of thousands of outdoor enthusiast embark on such a trek every year to take part in the Great American Outdoor Show. The largest consumer outdoor show in the world, Great American brings together all elements one would expect; hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, boating and more. Nearly 200,000 people arrived in Harrisburg this year; each for their own reasons. “This is where I get my gear,” said Jake from Pennsylvania. “There are always great deals at this show and you never know what you’re going to find next.” “My husband came last year and was so impressed that we decided to come as a family,” said Christina from Trenton, NJ. “It’s very relaxing and a big change. After being here I think we need to move out of New Jersey.” While the event was not designed to encourage people to move to Pennsylvania, it’s easy to understand why such 2 • nra sports magazine • Spring 2015

a thought may take hold. After spending nine days surrounded by everything you could ever need to enjoy the great outdoors, who wouldn’t want to live here? Just picture it … Ushered from the entrance and straight into the Shooting Sports Hall, you’re surrounded by latest in guns and gear. Every company you’ve ever wanted to see – from Smith & Wesson to Winchester to Magpul to Trijicon – ready and waiting for your inspection. After a couple hours of firearm perusing, it’s time to make your way down the main corridor of the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex. Next you’ll come upon the Archery Hall. Everything is laid out for customer satisfaction. “There’s a lot more people, but it feels like there’s a lot more room too,” said Jake. I don’t know how they did it but they did it.” If shopping isn’t your bailiwick then there are plenty of alternatives for those not wishing to spend their greenbacks. A food court featuring the ever-popular Amish Pretzel booth was only rivaled by the lines wrapping round the

Returns to Harrisburg, PA! Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association milkshake stand. Competitions such as 3-D Archery and the Wild Game Calling Contests (including duck, elk, Canada goose, barred owl, turkey and predator) kept plenty of patrons happily amused. “The activities were pure genius,” Christina said with a smile. “Especially for the ones created for the kids. It gives them a break from walking the halls and the parents a break from chasing them down.” What activities for kids? Two to be specific … the Family Fun Zone and NRA Airsoft 3-Gun Experience. Family Fun Zone is a collection of trials, tests, and treats for the little ones to enjoy. “It’s an all day celebration with the little ones scattered all about having a ball,” sparked Fun Zone Manager, Samantha Olsen. “We have magnetic fishing, archery, Laser Shot, face painting and more.” The newly camo-faced youngsters were also offered lessons in fence crossing, a turn in the fun zone photo booth, and a wildlife ID trail of almost 30 animal skins Spring 2015 • NRA Sports MAGAZINE • 3

and skulls to identify. “The really young kids loved the skins and skulls, but the older ones kept coming back for the Laser Shot.”, said Samantha. The NRA 3-Gun Experience, on the other hand, brought out kids of all ages. Equipped with AirSoft pistols, rifles, and shotguns, competitors move through a pre-arranged course in a race against friends and family. While some were more successful than others, most ended their run with a smile. "I found out I'm not very good at aiming," laughed Melissa from Mount Laurel, NJ. "I'm a horrible shot but it was still a lot of fun." Finally you’ll find your way into the Outfitters Hall. Stuffed to the brim with ducks, deer, lions, and bears, the mounts tease a tale of what one lucky customer could place on their wall. With guides offering adventures as close as Pennsylvania and as far as Africa, several wouldbe suitors are salivating at the mere thought of taking aim at unfamiliar quarry. Harrisburg has been hosting an outdoor show for decades now. But it wasn’t until two years ago that the NRA stepped into a position of leadership. It’s a position they don’t take lightly. “It’s a long tradition of great culture for outdoorsman and we’re just proud to have been selected to continue to produce this show and hope to make it even better,” explained R. Kyle Weaver, Executive Director of NRA’s General Operations. “One of our goals was to make this a national show. People trust the NRA brand so there’s a little more interest and people want to check it out." “It isn’t just hunting or camping, it’s everything connecting to the great outdoors.”

4 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Spring 2015

Some fairly unorthodox taxidermy creations nearly bring impossibilities to life...




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2014 George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest 1


By Kyle Jillson, Media Specialist, General Operations Marketing/Media Relations Division


he 27th Annual George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest was held this past November at NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and featured nearly 500 incredible entries submitted by young artists from all over the United States. Begun in 1987, the Youth Wildlife Art Contest challenges students to create exceptional works of art depicting North American wildlife and offers a considerable sum of $7,000 in cash prizes. Despite a considerable growth in popularity since its formative years, the contest still adheres to its original goal of assisting young outdoors enthusiasts with animal identification. The expectation is that through studying a species’ traits to accurately create a work of art, the young artists will gain a more intimate knowledge of their chosen animal. The Youth Wildlife Art Contest is open to any student in grades 1 through 12, including home-schooled children, and does not require NRA membership to participate. Contest rules limit eligible wildlife to any North American game bird or animal 6 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Spring 2015

that may be legally hunted or trapped. Endangered species and non-game animals, such as eagles and snakes, are not eligible subjects. In an effort to level the field of competition and recognize skilled artists of all ages besides the most talented high school seniors, the contest is broken up into four categories based on school grade. Although many artist begin at different ages and advance at varying rates, grade-based categories are the most efficient method of grouping similarly skilled artists. Each category is judged by a panel of handpicked professional artists, who evaluate entries on effort, creativity, anatomical accuracy and composition. Judges award first, second, and third place entries in each category, which receive respective prizes of $750, $500 and $250. A Best In Show award, selected from among all entries across all categories, receives a $1,000 prize.

Category I

The 2014 Category I First Place winner is third grader Jei Jeong of Centreville, Virginia. Her painting of a swimming beaver, titled Curious Beaver (1), floored our judges. Having received an Honorable Mention in the 2013 contest, Jei showed a considerable improvement in her talents this year. Category I's Second Place winner is third grader Min Ju Kwon, also of Centreville, Virginia. Min Ju's entry was a watercolor painting of an alert wolf titled Wonderful Wolf (2). This year's Third Place winner from Category I is Anna Fair. A first grader from Coudersport, Pennsylvania, Anna drew a hungry wolf with pastels titled On the Hunt (3). This is Anna's first time entering the contest, but the George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest is no stranger to the Fair family. Anna has a handful of older sisters who have been entering the contest for quite some time, one of which received an Honorable Mention this year in Category II.





Category III


Category II

The First Place winner of Category II is Amanda Chen, a fifth grade student from Naperville, IL. Her wonderful watercolor of a wolf crying out is titled Howling Singer (4). Category II's Second Place winner is fifth grader James Corley Sanders of Trout, LA. Entries of upland birds, like James' Sandhill Crane at Night (5), tend not to be as popular as traditional subjects like deer, wolves, and bear, but attention to the tenets of the contest judging will get recognition by our judges no matter the subject. In Category II Third Place is Brookhaven, PA, sixth grader Tori Howard's combination paint and pencil piece, Wolf (6). The animal's ears actually extend beyond the background, creating a 3D effect, although it can be difficult to see when photographed.

Category III First Place winner Pearl Kim is an eighth grade student from Germantown, MD. Her beautiful untitled deer painting (7) really impressed the judges with its amazing attention to detail and ability to make you feel as though you too were standing in the snowy forest. The Category III Second Place winner is eighth grader Hannah Chen of Sewell, NJ. Her painting, titled Contemplating Autumn (8), reveals exceptional detail on the bear in addition to the vibrant colors of the fall. In Category III’s Third Place, ninth grader Hunter Blaze Pearson from Agoura Hills, CA, demonstrated his mastery with a pencil in this beautifully drawn and shaded work titled Ibex (9).




Category IV



Eleventh grader Amy Lin of Phoenix, AZ, was awarded Category IV’s First Place prize for her incredible painting of a buffalo titled Bison in the Morning (10). Category IV’s Second Place winner was Emily Love, an eleventh grader from Louisiana, MO. Emily created a wonderfully texturized piece with paint and pen titled Armadillo Textures (11). Third Place Category IV went to twelfth grader Gabrielle Garcia of Cortlandt Manor, NY. The high school senior painted an absolutely stunning black-tailed jackrabbit in a piece titled Desert Storm (12). Spring 2015 • nra SPOrts MAGAZINE • 7

8 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Spring 2015

Best In Show

The 2014 George Montgomery/ NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest’s Best In Show award goes to eleventh grader Cole Williams from Dallas, TX. Cole’s depiction of a roaring grizzly bear on scratch board floored our judges with its attention to detail and creative use of negative space. Etching your artwork out of the scratch board’s thin layer of black India ink to expose the white China clay underneath leaves almost no room for error. A mistake can be nearly impossible to correct and require the artist to completely start over. The obvious time and dedication Cole put into his work paid off handsomely.

nra SPORTS SPOrts MAGAZINE • 9 Spring 2015 • NRA

Goin' Huntin' With

By Jim Blackmon Long Range School Graduate


he huge 6x6 stood head down, quartering away, feeding in the tall grass 150 yards distant. I stood, rifle shouldered with my eye to the scope, trying to make the reticle stop its gyrations. The three cows stood not more than 50 paces up the gently sloping hillside, alternately feeding and then giving me and my guide, Chris, the evil eye any time we twitched. We had been busted 10 minutes prior, and the standoff couldn't last any longer. Chris and I had been seeing several elk in this little honey-hole the past 3 days, always in the same spot, though I had yet to get a shot off. My daughter, Emily, had tagged out here the day before. Now, I was trying to do the same. We had started our hike in a bit earlier this day after dousing ourselves in Dead Down Wind, expecting to be set up and waiting when they drifted down out of the timber. I still can't believe I was naive enough to believe it would go according to plan. We were 200 yards from the spot when Chris froze and hissed “Elk!” Then he motioned subtly off to our left and my eyes soon settled on an enormous bull just inside the treeline. Even with half his rack hidden behind the aspen trunks, I had used up all the fingers on one hand counting points, and he was eyeballing us. “I think it's a spike,” Chris whispered, possibly hallucinating. “Chris, he's a shooter!” — I was getting pumped; this was the biggest bull I'd ever seen. “Nah, I don't think so.” What was wrong with him? I swiveled my eyes to look at my suddenly untrustworthy guide and realized he was looking in an entirely different direction. “There are some more!” 10 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Spring 2015

— The excitement in his voice escalated. It took us 2 minutes to understand we had stumbled into a group of about 3 dozen with at least 3 shooter bulls. It took us another 10 minutes of standing, barely moving, to understand how hopeless the situation was. We were caught out in the open, resplendent in blaze orange, no shooting sticks, no convenient tree trunk, cows feeding within spitting distance, while the bulls fed right at the treeline, effectively light years away. I managed to shoulder my rifle, but could never get the reticle to settle for a shot that I could ethically take. Due to the terrain, long grass and brush, I had to stand up very straight, almost on tiptoes, to get a clear view of the vitals on my quarry. The wind was swirling. I was starting to sweat. The bull was feeding away, and the cows couldn't seem to wind us but were getting nervous. Finally, the closest cow put me out of my misery by snorting loudly once — and trotting back into the timber. The rest followed.

That was the day I resolved to learn to be a better shooter.

Eighteen months later, I attended the NRA Outdoors Long Range School at the Queen Mountain Lodge, south of Evanston, Wyoming. The quality of the instructors, the facilities and terrain made for an outstanding experience. Learning from shooters such as Justin Richins, (the most interesting gun geek to meet), Iain Harrison, (Top Shot on History Channel's first season winner and editor of Recoil magazine), and others was invaluable! The 1,000 yard range with top of the line steel targets, shoot house, optics, and even rifles and ammo for those

so inclined, ensured that equipment would not be an impediment to any shooter's experience. The academic portion of the school was well illustrated and well executed holding the attention of first timers as well as experienced shooters alike. The instructors encouraged questions and were willing to give you as much or as little information as you desired. With the level of experience present, that could be quite a bit! We learned the ins and outs of optics: reticle types; first focal plane vs. second; mils vs. MOA; dial-up vs. hold-over; and the importance of correcting parallax. We covered the effects of atmospherics on ballistics: what happens with changes in temperature, elevation, and humidity. We delved into the voodoo of high angle shots, how to dope the

wind, and what that wind will do to our bullet between here and there. All this was accomplished without once being boring. When the lecture was done, we had the opportunity to take it outside and see how it worked in real life, in rugged terrain, changing elevations, high angles, varying temperatures and differing winds. The final afternoon culminated with an “Annie Oakley” style competition, shooting over a windswept flat at targets from 600 to nearly 1000 yards. One year later, I was back to take the class again. With the exception of Justin Richins, we had an entirely new instructor corps, but the same quality of instruction and experience. I had spent a fair amount of time in the interim 12 months working the techniques from the

Spring 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 11

previous class. So, even though I didn't pick up a lot of new material the second time around, my confidence level skyrocketed – I even won a round in the shoot off. I was really looking forward to hunting the area in the fall with Justin and NRA Outdoors. Emily would be hunting with me again, so Justin and I conspired to expand her horizons and comfort zone by coaching her into a willingness to shoot beyond 150 yards. In the next few months, I had her at the range with what had once been my M&P-10. She loves that rifle and shoots it well – easily “sub-minute-of-elk” at 100 yards. I did my best to boost her confidence in her shooting, prepping her for the possibility of a longer shot this year. By the time we parked the pickup at the lodge in late October, she felt ready to stretch out a bit, if necessary. The next morning, her guide Dave Baronio, quietly walked us in to 30 yards from a beautiful 5x5 feeding behind a large evergreen. Emily propped herself up against an aspen trunk and settled into the gun as the bull became aware that something was going on. He stepped from behind the spruce into the narrow shooting lane to check it out, Emily squeezed the trigger and punched her tag 45 minutes into our first day. The best laid plans... My experience on the afternoon hunt had a strange déjà vu quality to it. As we prepared to leave the lodge, I asked my guide Spencer Bratt what type of terrain we would be hunting. Open meadows or thicker timber? He considered for a moment and then replied that we would most likely be in timber with a few open meadows. I made a last minute change of plans and decided to hunt with my LR-308, thinking it would be easier to maneuver in the trees and would possibly give me a faster shot and follow-up. I usually hunted with a magnum bolt gun, but had been impressed with the accuracy and quickness of the AR style 308 as I prepped it as a backup gun for Emily. Spencer drove us out to a quiet spot to park the UTV, where we shouldered our packs and began slow walking into the trees as the remarkably warm afternoon faded. About an hour later, we stood just inside the timber watching dozens of elk pour into the long open meadow before us. A small group of cows worked their way down to the pond about 75 yards away while the larger group began to feed where they had first exited the woods. We watched the herd bull cross the grassy flat and ease into the darkened conifers opposite our position, never slowing enough to allow a shot. Then, the distinctive clacking sounds of a sparring match between bulls was followed by Spencer's whisper. “There are two 5x5's going at it just out in the open. One has a bigger rack, the other has a much bigger body.” With all the elk eyeballs in the area, we were not going to be able to move from our cover in the trees. And with swirling winds, we would not have much time before we 12 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Spring 2015

were busted. Again, the brush, long grass and terrain, dictated a standing shot. This time, though, I was ready. Spencer had been carrying the tripod I now used and he quickly extended the legs and set it up. The rifle settled smoothly into the cradle and I had the scope on the dueling pair almost immediately. Spencer continued to call a play-by-play of the action, until it occurred to me to tell him that I had them and would shoot the biggerbodied bull. “Spencer, what's the range?” He already had the laser optic to hiseye.“Three twenty-five.” The two stood, antlers locked up and pushing hard for dominance. I leaned into the tripod, pulling the buttstock tight into the pocket. The reticle settled into a small area behind the bull's shoulder as I held just a few inches high for the range. The 2 pound trigger broke like an eggshell and the report was followed quickly by the satisfying thwack of the bullet doing its job downrange. I never lost sight of the bull in the scope and fired again as soon as the reticle re-found its mark: another thwack. I fired again as the two bulls separated and heard the bullet connect once more. My target began to stumble as the other turned and ran, followed by the rest of the herd. The light was fading and I had no desire to track a wounded elk through dark timber after nightfall. I fired again – another hit. His back legs collapsed. “I'm pretty sure he's done,” Spencer whispered. “Let's watch him for a bit and see.” Within seconds, the bull's head drooped to the ground and he went still. When we examined him, we found 3 of the 4 shots had hit vitals; not bad for 4 shots in about a 10 second period. As I savored the experience, it struck me how different this had been from my hunt 3 years earlier. The most significant factor, in my mind, was the confidence that allowed me to quickly put my new long range skills into action and bring it all together in a short amount of time. Thanks, in large part, to NRA Outdoors Long Range School. Now, I'm really looking forward to the Level 2 course this year! For more information on NRA Outdoors Long Range Schools, visit or call (844)672-6883.

NRA America’s Rifle Challenge presented by Daniel Defense® (ARC) is a recreational shooting program designed to provide modern sporting rifle owners a fun and exhilarating experience at the range. Hosting an ARC event at your local range will introduce AR owners to the ever-growing popular action shooting sports, and encourage shooters to become more active and involved in range events. A guidebook has been developed to provide you with all the information and details you need to host an event.

To get more information about ARC, visit and download your free copy of the ARC Guidebook today.

Spring 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 15

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Tom’s house was burglarized and his collection of firearms and accessories – valued at $15,000 – was stolen. His homeowner’s insurance policy limited coverage for firearms to $2,500. Fortunately, he had purchased an ArmsCare Plus policy with additional coverage of $20,000, which covered his firearms and made sure he was able to recover the full value of his collection.

Purchase these NRA-endorsed insurance coverages online: • ArmsCare Plus • Instructors Plus Liability • Hunt Club Liability • Self-defense Coverage • Retired Law Enforcement Self-defense Coverage

NRA Endorsed Property & Casualty Insurance Program is administered by Lockton Affinity, LLC. All coverage descriptions are a summary and not complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions in the master policy on file at NRA Headquarters. NRA Member dues or contributions are not used for this promotion, program or any other related expenses.

Protection for Your Club or Firearms Business with NRA Endorsed Insurance For over a decade, the NRA Endorsed Insurance Program for NRA Business Alliance members and Club Affiliates has been helping clubs and businesses in the firearms industry secure reliable, comprehensive insurance coverage. Program administrator Lockton Affinity, LLC is partnered with the NRA to offer a broad range of insurance options to meet the needs of member businesses. This insurance program can provide everything from basic firearms coverage for a club to a million dollars in liability coverage for a large retailer—and more. BROAD COVERAGE One of the biggest advantages of this insurance program is its flexibility. You can get coverage: • For club activities on club premises or away from the club, including activities conducted in other states. • That also insures club members against allegations of negligence related to club activities. • To protect the club against the actions or complaints of guests or trespassers. INSURANCE FOR CLUB AFFILIATES We currently insure more than 10,000 gun and hunt clubs under this program for property coverage, general liability coverage and more. They include: • Private clubs • Clubs open to the public • Trap, skeet and sporting clays clubs • Archery • Shooting clubs • Competition shooting clubs • Youth shooting clubs • State associations

INSURANCE FOR BUSINESS ALLIANCE MEMBERS We insure more than 3,500 businesses with specialized coverage to protect them against the risks of doing business in the firearms industry. These businesses include: • Gun stores • Commercial ranges • Gunsmiths • Guides and outfitters • Game preserves • And more The NRA Endorsed Insurance Program also offers individual property and casualty insurance policies including ArmsCare Plus Firearms Insurance, Gun Collector coverage, Excess Personal Liability, Firearms Instructor Liability, Gun Show Liability, Self-Defense Coverage and more. Many of these can be conveniently purchased online. To get more information or to purchase insurance, visit or call (877) NRA-3006.


2000 Year Lockton Affinity became NRA-endorsed Insurance Program administrator


Number of gun and hunt clubs insured in the program


Different types of club affiliates who participate in the program

3,550 NRA Business Alliance member businesses insured

Learn more at

NRA Public Range Fund Spotlight:

North Carolina

By Brian Hyder, National Liaison, General Operations Programs


o one is quite sure where the term “Tar Heel” came from but one version comes from the Civil War era. The North Carolina soldiers never retreated and fought like they had “tar on their heels.” It was reported that General Robert E. Lee proclaimed, “God Bless the Tar Heel Boys!” The confederates were good shots, honing their skills hunting the woods and fields of the southern states. There are still good marksmen in N.C. and the opportunities for Tar Heel shooters is improving thanks to the efforts of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission with the help and dedication of the National Rifle Association. The NRA’s Public Range Program had a good year in 2014 with 14 new range projects were funded from Florida to Idaho. To date, 50 public range projects have been supported by the NRA with over $1.2 million expended from the Public Range Fund. In 2014, over $316,000 was awarded to 14 projects resulting in over $10 million in new range construction in the country by utilizing Pittman Robertson (P-R) and other funds. Two of these projects were in North Carolina. North Carolina has lost a lot of ranges due to the rapid development and urbanization of the state. 16 • nra sports magazine • Spring 2015

Finding a place to shoot is a problem nationally, but N.C. is now rapidly filling that need. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC ) is currently managing 4 ranges with 2 more in the construction phase, 2 in the design phase and several more in the assessment phase. Much of this success is due to the efforts and direction of NCWRC staff. Erik Christofferson, Division Chief of Engineering and Lands Mgmt., has been a driving force for ranges in North Carolina. Erik stated recently, “Our goal is to establish one of the best public shooting range programs in the nation and the NRA’s Public Range Fund has been instrumental in getting several projects off the ground in North Carolina.” Engineer, Mark Hamlett, Design Services Chief, brings his skill and expertise to the drawing board as ranges are designed for safety, efficiency and handicap accessibility. These efforts also would not be possible without the support and encouragement of Exec. Director, Gordon Myers and the Wildlife Resources Commissoners. Director Myers recently stated, “North Carolina’s outdoor heritage is important to our quality of life and economic vitality. Partners like the NRA are helping to ensure that

A disabled shooter enjoys a day at the range at the Caswell Shooting Range managed by the NCWRC

people across the state have a safe and readily available public access infrastructure that supports our hunting and shooting sports heritage.” Shooting ranges offer safe places for the public to train and practice firearms handling, places for hunters to sight-in their firearms and places for disabled individuals to participate in the shooting sports. Funded by the excise taxes (P-R) collected on the sale of guns and ammo and other equipment, hunting license receipts in the state and the NRA’s Public Range Fund, the development of shooting ranges provides a perfect example of a “user pays-user benefits” approach to providing outdoor recreational opportunities. Hats off to the Tar Heel boys for their commitment to hunting and the shooting sports and their dedication to providing the citizens of North Carolina with safe places to shoot.The NRA is proud to be a partner in their endeavors. For more information on public ranges in North Carolina go to the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission website at: http://www.ncwildlife. org./hunting/beforethehunt/ shootingranges.aspx and for information on the NRA Public Range Fund visit

National Training Center - Young Champions

By Jim Shaver, National Training Center Shooting Club


wo young ladies in the National Training Center (NTC) Shooting Club Junior Program were selected for awards by the Sportswomen of Colorado for their performances in 2014. Abby Votava (17) of Colorado Springs was selected as the Colorado Sportswoman of the Year in Shooting and Carson Saaybe (12) was selected as Colorado's Most Promising Athlete. Both received their awards on March 8 in Denver, CO. In January 2014, Abby won the State Junior Olympic Championship in Women's Air Rifle over 12 of the top female international rifle competitors in the state. Then in April of 2014, Abby competed against 109 of the very best junior females in the United States and won the title of National Junior Olympic Shooting Champion in the Women's Air Rifle event; earning a place on the USA Shooting National Junior Team. Competing in the National Junior Olympic Shooting Championships in April of 2014, Carson won the Gold in Women's Air Pistol in her age category.

Carson Saaybe and Abby Votava receive their awards at the Sportswomen of Colorado event in Denver. 18 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Spring 2015

In the USA Shooting National Championships in June of 2014, Carson won the Gold in the Junior Category on Day 1 of the competition, and won the Silver on the next two days of competition; finishing 5th overall and winner of her age category (under 14). This is truly remarkable, in that she was a 12-year-old competing with National Junior Champions 18-20 years of age and members of the National Olympic Junior Team. In December of this year, Carson again performed outstandingly in USA Shooting's premier air pistol event, the Winter Air Gun tournament. Carson won the Junior competition on Day 2, the Silver on Day 1, and the Bronze on Day 3, and finished 3rd overall, again against older, more experienced ladies that are among the best Junior Air Pistol athletes in the world. At the Winter Air Gun tournament, Carson also set a new national record for her age category, and was selected to the National Junior Olympic Pistol Squad.











By E.T. Weaver, Ashe County Wildlife Club


he Ashe County Wildlife Club received a $3,000 NRA Range Grant from the National Rifle Association at its annual Christmas party. The grant, the first the club had ever received, will be used to improve the ranges. A new entrance sign has already been mounted at the club entrance at 3220 Big Peak Creek Road, Laurel Springs, about

10 miles east of Jefferson on N.C. 88. Earlier this year the NRA named Ashe County Wildlife Club an NRA Gold Medal Club member for meeting several criteria. Including having 100% NRA membership. The grant was awarded after a rigorous application was filed detailing what the club would do to improve its ranges with the money. Club champions were named. Gale Elliott was overall champion, meaning he was the best shot with shotgun, pistol and rifle competitions. Jerry Seaman won the pistol championship. Jimmy Miller was the shotgun champion. Chad Jenkins was the rifle champion. Mark & Lori Goodman won the club’s “big raffle” – a John Deere Gator. Darrel Brooks and Matt Levi won two rifles in the smaller raffles. Jerry Powers and his family were awarded perpetual lifetime memberships for his generous

donation of time and equipment in creating the Club’s 300-yard rifle range, and preparing the site for the clubhouse that was finished in 2014. The Ashe County Wildlife Club hosted the county’s first national sports tournament in 2014; the International Benchrest Shooting 100 and 200 Yard National Championship, as well as several other major IBS tournaments. The club features rife, shotgun sports, pistol and archery ranges. It also sponsors the Hunters for the Hungry program where hunters can donate their harvest deer to be processed into meals for the county’s food bank programs. Membership is $125 for first year and $100 for each year after with lifetime membership plans available. For more details see or call E.T. Weaver at 336-977-2490.

Unique Ways to Strengthen NRA By Randy Clark, Manager, Recruiting Programs


Recruiters are already making a tremendous impact in 2015. Participating clubs, instructors, ranges and retailers are tasked with following an outstanding year like 2014 and so far they are delivering! Each Recruiter can continue to have success by trying new and creative ways to add members to NRA. If you are an Instructor, try including a free membership in your class. This will differentiate you from other instructors and add value to your particular service. Dealers, have you considered giving away a free membership with a purchase of a firearm? Including a membership that offers a free $2,500 insurance policy just might be the ticket to selling that firearm. Clubs, make NRA membership a requisite. Not only SHOULD every club member be an NRA member but it will also help fulfill a requirement for recognition as a Gold Medal Club, which also gives your club priority status when being considered for grant opportunities. These unique ways of building NRA membership will not only help NRA but will help your business or associ-

ation as well. Continue to incorporate new and innovative ideas when recruiting. Together, we can make 2015 another fantastic year for NRA Membership Recruiting. It will be imperative that we fortify NRA membership as we gear up for the general election in 2016! The NRA Recruiting program provides an opportunity to strengthen NRA by signing up and renewing members during everyday activities. It’s free to join and the necessary materials are free of charge. For every member signed up, Recruiters earn up to $25 per membership to go back into their club, business or personal bank account. For more information on how to join the NRA Recruiting Program call us at (800) 672-0004 (option 2), email us at or visit us on the web at Are you already a part of the NRA Recruiting Program? We’d like to hear from you too. Please email your suggestions to and tell us how we can help you recruit more members. Spring 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 19

4.9.15 5:00 PM

Grand Ballroom Music City Center


BANQUET AND AUCTION ORDER ONLINE AT NRAAM.ORG Corporate table packages below. Sponsorships also available.




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NRA Clubs & Associations Would like to welcome you to attend our Workshop Sunday April, 12th - 10:00AM - Music City Center - Room 105 Official NRA State Associations are crucial statewide partners in our mutual success.

Come join us to talk about the role your State Association plays in NRA activities in your state and how you or your club can become more involved in ensuring the future of the shooting sports. Official NRA State Associations are crucial statewide partners in our mutual success. They foster and promote the shooting sports, and organize and conduct competitions in marksmanship at the local and state levels. They teach the safe and responsible use of firearms, promote hunter safety and defend hunting as a shooting sport. The success of your NRA State Association, like that of your NRA, depends on a strong, growing cadre of dedicated members. Your membership in your official NRA State Association is essential to all we do and to the future of all we will accomplish.

For more information about the

144th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits,

please visit If you would like more inofrmation about the NRA Clubs & Associations Workshop please email us at

Spring 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 21

International Air Shooting Sports Action Shooting Sports For the whole family!!! By 16-year-old, Elijah O’Neal at Stage 2 Shotgun


y fascination with firearms started around 12 years old. I had always wanted to go shooting, so one day my grandfather took me up to northern Phoenix to get in some range time. Like a good grandfather he started me off with a .22. I was extremely nervous about the whole experience; that was only until I squeezed off the first shot. After that I just couldn’t stop. .357, .44 magnum, .45, 9mm, .30-06, my anxiety left me and all I wanted to do was shoot more! I have never been scared or intimidated by firearms after that day. When I turned 13 my father turned me to this event that was being held at the northern Phoenix shooting location my grandfather took me to. I decided to go and take a gun safety class that Shoot Right was teaching. Shoot Right is a non-profit educational organization that advances marksmanship, responsible and ethical firearm use, and ownership in the youth and adults of our community. After learning much valuable knowledge about safely handling a gun from the class, they gave me a pellet pump rifle chambered in .177 to shoot, they set me up on a bench and let me put what I had learned into practice. There were 10 bulls on one page and I was allowed 3 shots per bull. After I squeezed off my last shot, I checked my 22 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Spring 2015

target and had all but 1 of my shots in the black. That’s when I knew I wanted to pursue shooting as a sport. I signed on with Coach Potter to be a part of his 10m Air Rifle Team; I competed in American Legion Matches, NRA Matches, CMP Matches, now Airgun/Airsoft Steel Target Matches, and also competed in Arizona’s Junior Olympics for pellet rifle. Now, I'm also with Coach Potter’s team shooting airgun/ airsoft steel action target shooting and 3-gun. Over the years we started doing fundraising and attending gun shows. Our most recent one being the International Sportsmen’s Expo at University of Phoenix Stadium Feb 19-22. We did a 3-gun clinic and shoot. There I was tasked with passing on to kids what I had learned from my grandfather and Coach Potter about handling and firing a gun. I thoroughly enjoyed the setup that consisted of a handgun, shotgun, and rifle stage. Teaching children and even adults how to complete the challenge given to them at each stage.

Stage 1 Handgun Stage 1 Handgun:Teaching them proper stance while manipulating the firearm, such as the “Isosceles Stance”. The “Thumbs Forward” grip to mitigate recoil and maintain accuracy while engaging the targets, and helping to gain an understanding of the aiming system. The information given at this stage helped set the stage with all the rest.

Stage 2 Shotgun: Teaching how to load, pump, and shoulder the shotgun. Four targets on the ground and one standing up. We had a very low miss rate with this stage. Stage 3 Rifle: Showcasing the Pros with the AR-15 platform, and how customizable it is. Explaining the sighting system and how to shoulder and adjust it accordingly. People enjoyed this stage the most. I encourage everyone to sign up for a safety class and get into this new action shooting sport. It teaches you how to be safe, responsible, and accurate with almost any type of gun. Most importantly, have fun. Just remember to listen to instruction and treat all of your equipment with respect.

International Air Shooting Sports (IASS) is a Youth and Adult Development Program that teaches the safe handling of pistols, semi auto rifles and shotguns while at the same time developing positive life skills through a supportive environment taught by trained and supportive adult coaches. The IASS programs have been founded as a feeder programs to the SPP/Steel Challenge, 3GUN Nation and IDPA in order to bring the same type of positive life skills and team spirit to the handgun, semi auto rifle and tactical shotgun shooting sports. Shoot Right is the governing body for IASS. Shoot Right raises money and other resources to support youth and adult shooting programs as a whole. The shooting and hunting industry understand that today’s youth are the future of our sport and we enjoy tremendous support from the hunting and shooting industry. For this reason it is very benef icial for the junior shooters to participate in this sport along with the adults. The backbone of the International Air Shooting Sports are the parents, adults, and volunteers who organize and run the program on the local and state level. Any successful youth or adult program will always have a few dedicated passionate adults working in a leadership and guidance role. The amount of time, energy, and f inancial resources that these dedicated adults contribute to the program is staggering. However, when you meet the wonderful young athletes that the program produces, you will understand quickly why it is worth it and why they do what they do. The participants in the International Air Shooting Sports are the greatest youth and adults you would ever want to meet. Start or add IASS shooting programs today to your club visit here

Stage 3 Rifle Spring 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 23

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Spring 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 25

NRA Affiliated State Associations AL STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 2009 Rogers Dr Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-7968 • James Moses, President AK OUTDOOR COUNCIL, INC. 310 K St Ste 200 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-264-6645 • Bill Iverson, President AZ STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N P.O. Box 74424 New River, AZ 85087 623-687-4251 • Noble C. Hathaway, President AR RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 2348 Conway, AR 72033 501-327-4702 • Ann Fairless, Sec./Treas. CA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 271 E Imperial Hwy Ste 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 • Alan Edwards , Treasurer CO STATE SHOOTING ASS'N 609 W Littleton Blvd Ste 206 Littleton, CO 80120 303-663-9339 • Tony Fabian, President CT STATE RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 860-480-4600 • Bradford Palmer, Vice President DE STATE SPORTSMEN’S ASS'N P.O. Box 94 Lincoln, DE 19960 302-475-4228 • Daniel Lindberg, Vice President FL SPORT SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 5915 Viking Rd Orlando, FL 32808 407-295-5115 • Robert Stokes, President

GA SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N PO Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202 478-955-7068 • Tom Patton, Secretary/Treasurer HI RIFLE ASSOCIATION PO Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-306-7194 • Harvey F. Gerwig, President ID STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N PO Box 140293 Boise, ID 83714-4183 208-452-4183 • Neill Goodfellow, President IL STATE RIFLE ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 • Richard Pearson, Exe. Director IN STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 7527 State Route 56 W Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 • Jerry Wehner, President IA STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-626-2710 • Bill Besgrove, Sec./Treas. KS STATE RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 219 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-608-1910 • Patricia Stoneking, President L OF KY SPORTSMEN, INC. 1116 Hume Road Lexington, KY 40516 859-351-7113 • Thomas J. Mansfield, NRA Liaison LA SHOOTING ASS'N 350 Quill Ct. Slidell, LA 70461 985-781-4174 • Daniel Zelenka II, President

(ME) PINE TREE STATE R&P ASS'N, INC PO Box 373 Yarmouth, ME 04096 207-882-4713 • Angus Norcross, Treasurer MD STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 341 Whitfield Rd Catonsville, MD 21228 410-838-1734 • Margaret Clarke, President (MA) GUN OWNERS’ ACTION L PO Box 567, 361 W Main St Northboro, MA 01606 508-393-5333 • James Wallace, Exe. Director MI RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 71 Marshall, MI 49068-0071 269-781-1223 • Charles Hayes, Secretary MN RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N, INC. 4737 CR 101, Box 114 Minnetonka, MN 55345-2634 320-968-6898 • George Minerich, President MS STATE FIREARM OWNERS ASS'N PO Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 601-341-8797 • Douglas Bowser, President MO SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N PO Box 209 Winfield, MO 63389 314-440-3811 • Mike Kight, Secretary MT RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-868-4181 • Zona Mowrer, Secretary NE MARKSMANSHIP ASS’N PO Box 390311 Omaha, NE 68139 402-933-4881 • Bill Keil, Secretary

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Affiliated State Associations NV FIREARMS COALITION 5575 Simmons St, Ste I-176 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 702-353-5935 • Don Turner, President GUN OWNERS OF NH, INC. P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 • Mitch Kopacz, President ASS'N OF NJ R&P CLUBS, INC. 5 Sicomac Rd Ste 292 North Haledon, NJ 07508 973-697-9270 • Scott L. Bach, Exe. Director NM SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 20787 Albuquerque, NM 87154 505-286-8449 • Gayle Dye, President NY STATE R&P ASS’N, INC. 90 S. Swan Street Suite 395 Albany, NY 12210 518-272-2654 • Tom King, President NC RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-7220 • David Prest, Secretary ND SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N P.O. Box 228 Bismarck, ND 58502 701-255-4601 • Rich Butler, President OH RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 6116 Misty Creek Dr Loveland, OH 45140 513-426-7944 • Bob Sacco, President OK RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 850927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 405-324-2450 • Charles Smith, Executive Director

OR STATE SHOOTING ASS’N 34423 Brewster Rd Lebanon, OR 97333 541-409-3358 • Nelson Shaw, President PA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 1573 Chestnut Grove Hwy Grampian, PA 16838 814-236-0708 • Jack Lee, President GUN RIGHTS & SAFETY ASS'N OF PR PO Box 191919 San Juan, PR 00919-1919 • Rafael Torres, President 787-691-1919 RI 2ⁿd AMENDMENT COALITION 928 Atwood Ave Johnston, RI 02919 401-944-1600 • Frank Saccoccio, President GUN OWNERS OF SC P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-345-5761 • Gerald Stoudemire, President SD SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 605-428-5488 • Tom Raines, President TN SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. 6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 615-491-2633 • Ray Harvey, President

VT FED'N OF SPRTMN’S CLUBS, INC. 16 Millstone Blvd Barre, VT 05641 802-272-8544 • Evan Hughes, Vice President VA SHOOTING SPORTS ASS’N P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 • Lucien Charette, Exec. Director WA STATE R&P ASS'N, INC. 17541 Fremont Ave N Shore Line, WA 98113 206-427-8257 • James Crosier, President WV SRPA P.O. Box 120 Eleanor, WV 25070 304-586-3116 • Amy Tenney, Treasurer WI F.O.R.C.E. PO Box 130 Seymour, WI 54165 888-337-3534 • Ted Weber, President WY STATE SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 625 Sweetwater St Lander, WY 82520-3044 307-335-9323 • Roger Sebesta, Secy/Treas

TX STATE RIFLE ASS'N 8411 N. IH 35 Austin, TX 78753 512-615-4200 • Jan Jumper, Asst. Director UT STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 4834 Van Buren Ave Ogden, UT 84403 801-499-9763 • Elwood P. Powell, President

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION Eastern Regional Director Bryan Hoover Area 1 (ME, NH, VT) Brian Smith Area 2 (NY) Jay Rusnock Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, NJ, Lower NY) Jim Reardon Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Kory Enck Area 5 (Western PA) Thomas Baldrige Area 7 (WV, Western VA, Western MD) Jim Kilgore Area 12 (Southern OH) Andrew Root Area 45 (DC, Eatern MD, Eastern VA) David Wells Area 49 (Northern OH) Marc Peugeot

CENTRAL REGION Central Regional Director Chad Franklin Area 13 (Northern MO) Travis Scott Area 14 (IN) Craig Haggard Area 15 (KY) John LaRowe Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch Area 18 (Northern IL) Michael Huber Area 19 (MO) Gregg Pearre Area 23 (IA, NE) Tim Bacon Area 51 (MI) Allan Herman Area 52 (Southern IL) Donald Higgs

SOUTHERN REGION Southern Regional Director Al Hammond Area 8 (Eastern NC) Lloyd Edwards Area 9 (SC) Charles Johnson Area 10 (GA) Neely Raper Area 11 (Northern FL) Patrick “Bret” Eldridge Area 16 (LA) Chad Bowen Area 22 (AL, MS) Gene Newman Area 42 (Western NC) Robert Doug Merrill Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb Area 48 (Southern FL) Tom Knight

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory MID WEST REGION Mid West Regional Director Tom Ulik Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong Area 24 (KS) Rick Chrisman Area 25 (Northern TX) VACANT -------------------------------------Area 26 (Southern TX) Liz Foley Area 27 (NM) Peter Ide Area 30 (CO) Brad Dreier Area 39 (AR) Erica Willard-Dunn Area 47 (Western TX) Jack Cannon

WESTERN REGION Western Regional Director Brad Kruger Area 21 (MN) Eric Linder Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore Area 29 (WY) David Manzer Area 33 (ID) Steve Vreeland Area 34 (HI, OR) Mike Carey Area 38 (Southern AK) Greg Stephens Area 40 (WA) Michael Herrera Area 41 (ND, SD) Clay Pederson Area 53 (Northern AK) Josh Toennessen

SOUTHWESTERN REGION Southwestern Regional Director Jason Quick Area 6 (NV) Steve Wilson Area 31 (AZ) Winston Pendelton Area 32 (UT) John Kendall Area 35 (Northern CA) Daniel Wilhelm Area 36 (Southern CA) Mike Davis Area 37 (Central CA) Paul Rodarmel Area 46 (Eastern CA) Cole Beverly Area 50 (Mid California) Bob Anderson

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

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