Club Connection, Volume 13, Issue 3

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A Publication of the National Rifle Association of America volume 13, Number 3

Youth: Your Club’s Future Leaders Inside / / 4 12 15 21

National YHEC Increase Female Attendance ILA Update Club News

Contents Established 1995 and published quarterly by the Field Operations Division of the National Rifle Association of America.

Freedom’s Future Is In Your Hands By John C. Sigler, NRA President


Yourth Hunter Education Challenge


John C. Sigler

Increase Female Attendance By Elizabeth Hellmann, Women on Target®


Ronald L. Schmeits

Youth Education Summit 2008


Youth Program’s Volunteer State Coordinator



1st Vice President David A. Keene

2nd Vice President Wayne R. LaPierre

Executive Vice President Edward J. Land, Jr.


Five Secrets To Being An Effective Clinic Director By Nina Neuron, Ojai Valley Gun Club


Junior Shooting Sports Wrap-Ups By Lyn Larsen, National Rodeo Shooting Sports


ILA News


NRA And The Search For A Close Range By Justin McDaniel,


NRA-affiliated clubs and associations are authorized to reproduce all or parts of this newsletter.

Club News


National NRA Awards


NRA Affiliated State Associations


All editorial matter should be addressed to Elizabeth Bush, National Manager National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030,

NRA Field Representatives


Wilson H. Phillips, Jr.


Kayne Robinson

Executive Director, General Operations Chris W. Cox

Executive Director, Institute for Legislative Action

or to Kirsten Bradley, Marketing Manager 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 or fax (703)267-3939 Design and layout by Son Nguyen, NRA Clubs & Associations Dept.

© Copyright 2008 National Rifle Association

l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3


President’s Column

Freedom’s Future Is In Your Hands


ummer’s over, the Supreme Court has spoken and, by a 5-4 decision, the world now knows that the Second Amendment does, indeed, protect an individual right. Now that we’ve celebrated, it’s time to focus on the future— and that means the 2008 general elections, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. As you know, presidential candidate Barack Obama has supported and proposed some of the most radically oppressive gun bans and anti-gun laws in American history. (For a full report with documented sources go to www.nraila. org/obama.) What you may not know is that Obama and his antigun allies are building an enormous political machine the size and strength of which are unprecedented in American political history. I need your help, right now, to fight fire with fire and to deliver freedom from the jaws of this clear and present danger. Unless you do your part to match, meet and reverse the momentum of Obama’s political juggernaut, we could face the most anti-gun president—ever. You’ve probably heard that Barack Obama began as a so-called “community organizer” in Chicago in 1992, where “community organizer” was code for “aggressive political operative.” Obama headed the local branch of “Project Vote,” which recruited and trained more than 700 deputy voter registrars who went into urban Chicago neighborhoods and registered more than 150,000 new voters in just six months. In 1993, Chicago magazine reported that the 1992 elections “turned on these totals”—elections that made Bill Clinton president. ...

...the candidate you elect on Tuesday, Nov. 4, will have more of an effect on your Right to Keep and bear Arms than ever before.


Now, “Obama & Co.” have taken their program nationwide. In May, Obama’s campaign launched a massive voter registration and mobilization effort in all 50 states, registering hundreds of thousands of new voters: 150,000 in Indiana; 165,000 in North Carolina and 200,000 in

Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, Project Vote joined forces with another group called “ACORN,” stopping people on city sidewalks and registering them to vote. (To read what’s being said about John C. Sigler, NRA President “ACORN,” go to According to Project Vote, they’ve recruited more than 1 million new voters in each of the past two national elections, and expect to add another 1.2 million voters in 2008. I ask you, now, to help me fight fire with fire by matching every one of those new Obama votes with new pro-freedom voters of our own. I need your help to find every hunter; every recreational shooter; every rifle, shotgun or handgun owner; and every law-abiding, freedom-loving patriot in America, and transform them into informed, engaged, energized, registered and ready-to-roll “Freedom First Voters” on Election Day. If you’re not registered to vote, register now. Then, go out and find every gun owner and hunter you know and get them registered to vote. Remind them that every vote counts—especially this year! Freedom isn’t free. And we must never allow others to do our work for us—now is the time to put an end to complacency, or whatever it is that allows gun owners to shirk their responsibility as American citizens by failing to vote. For information on how to register to vote in your state, or any state, go to today! If you still need proof that your vote is important, simply consider D.C. v. Heller—the most important U.S. Supreme Court decision on the Second Amendment in U.S. history. Where would we be today if Al Gore, John Kerry—or worse yet, Barack Obama—had appointed the last two Supreme Court justices? What if, instead of Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito, we now had—thanks to a President Obama—a Chief Justice Clinton, and a Justice Schumer, Edwards or Biden on the Supreme Court? How would they have defined your most precious constitutional freedoms? continued on page 17 Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l

Featured Story

Oregon, North Carolina Youngsters Repeat as Champions at NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge


t neither looked nor felt like hunting season in Pennsylvania’s sunny northern mountains, but that didn’t matter to the 330 young hunters from 16 states who readied themselves for the fall season at NRA’s 23rd annual International Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC). Held July 28 – August 1 at Mill Cove Environmental Area and Mansfield University in Mansfield, Pa., the event marked the culmination of the only youth hunting skills competition of its kind in the country, having reached more than 1.2 million youngsters since 1985. “YHEC just keeps getting bigger and better every year,” said Bill Poole, Director of NRA’s Education and Training Division. “Just look at the smiles on these kids’ faces. If that doesn’t tell you that they are going to keep on hunting, I don’t know what will. That’s the true goal of the YHEC program— to get kids involved in hunting for a lifetime.” Aaron Carr of Greers Ferry, Ark., who finished second overall in the senior individual standings at last year’s YHEC, is one of those lifetime hunters. The 19 year old may have been too old to compete in this year’s YHEC, but that didn’t stop him from traveling nearly 1,200 miles to help coach his former team, the Cleburne County Sharpshooters. l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3

“I had a lot of coaches help me throughout my time competing in YHEC, so I wanted to come back to help the kids,” said Carr. “YHEC gets a bunch of kids into hunting and it teaches them to respect wildlife and be safe. They’re a pretty good group of kids. Since I’m more their age, they can compete with me, and they can see that what I’m telling them actually works.” Through the YHEC program, young hunters have the opportunity to test what they’ve learned from their parents and coaches in eight events that simulate actual hunting con-


ditions as closely as possible. There are four shooting events—archery, muzzleloader, rifle and shotgun—as well as four responsibility challenges—orienteering, wildlife identification, a written hunter safety exam, and Hunter Safety Trail. All events build on what youngsters learn in conventional hunter education courses. “It’s just a blast,” said 17-year-old Nathan Leavitt of YHEC’s appeal. “I heard about YHEC from a friend, and I thought it was really cool. It’s just so much fun.” While making friends and having fun is the real value of the YHEC program, scores are kept and champions crowned, with both individual and team winners honored. Participants are broken into two age classifications—senior (15-18) and junior (14 and under). Leavitt’s Oregon Senior Team claimed its second consecutive overall title at this year’s YHEC, recording a score of 8,317 out of a possible 12,000 points to best the Pennsylvania Senior Blue Team. And for the fourth year in a row, the North Carolina Forbush Elementary Claybusters won top honors in the junior team category with a score of 7,193. On the individual side, Hunter Fulton, 17, of Grand Cane, La., won his first senior individual title, racking up 1,795 points out of a possible 2,400. With yet another repeat, Nick Kiter, 14, of Yadkinville, N.C., won first place in the junior individual category with a score of 1,688. Kiter also was a member of the junior team champion North Carolina Forbush Elementary Claybusters. Next year the International YHEC is scheduled to return to the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, N.M., July 27-31. The Whittington Center last hosted the event in 2007. Currently, YHEC programs exist in 33 states and Canadian provinces. Each year, 50,000 young people take part in state and local YHEC events across the nation. For more information about starting or finding a YHEC program in your area, call 703-267-1503 or visit A great deal of YHEC’s success is due to the generous, longstanding support from the program’s sponsors. Most recently, Cabela’s became a new sponsor by joining NRA’s Add-A-Buck program, which gives Cabela’s customers the opportunity to add a dollar, or multiples of whole dollars, to their purchases, with those funds earmarked to benefit YHEC. Visit http://www.nrahq. org/hunting/youthed.asp to see the full list of program sponsors.

Pennsylvania State YHEC Competition By Becky Barnes, 2008 Pennsylvania YHEC Participant

With the help of the NRA, volunteers, coaches, family and friends, the participants of the Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) are able to have a state competition. Some are even lucky enough to advance further to the national competition because of all their help, support, and achievements. In order to have a state competition, you need volunteers to help run it. At the Pennsylvania State Competition we have six events: 22 rifle, muzzleloader, shotgun, archery, wildlife identification, and a hunter responsibility exam. Most of these events take at least a handful of volunteers to run. The volunteers give up their time to make it happen. They help organize, set up, run, and tear down everything. They are there solely for the kids. As for the clubs and their participants, this isn’t just a one-day process. Most Pennsylvania teams begin preparing for YHEC two or three months before the state competition. They are organizing teams, ordering team shirts, raising money, and practicing. Some practice as much as twice a week and some, due to traveling distances, only practice one a month. Either way there is a tremendous amount of effort put into this event. The Pennsylvania State YHEC Competition is usually held around the third week of June and is held at Scotia Range in State College, Pennsylvania. We start the day off early in the morning with the hunter responsibility exam and afterwards, go on to complete the remaining events. After all the teams have completed the scored events, there is a tug-of-war contest while the final scores are being calculated. After this, the awards ceremony begins. Waiting to hear the results is almost as nerve racking as getting ready to shoot the events. There are awards given to the top three teams and individuals in every event in both the junior and seniors categories. The three teams and individuals with the highest overall total scores also receive awards and other prizes. There is also one top female award given away. There are many awards given to recognize the youth’s accomplishments, making all the effort put into the day much more worth it. YHEC is just an overall amazing program. Kids from all over the state get together for a competition and walk away not only knowing something new, but also having a few new friends. YHEC teaches kids how to shoot and at the same time how to survive. It betters their everyday skills in everything they do. They learn responsibility along with respect for humans and nature. YHEC teaches kids the determination and effort needed to do the best that they can, and allows them to leave with many unforgettable memories.

Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l

NRA Programs

Increase Female Attendance at Your NRA Basic Courses by Elizabeth D. Hellmann Women On Target® National Program Coordinator


omen On Target® Instructional Shooting Clinics can increase attendance at your NRA Basic Courses – and here’s how! The key is to plan ahead, so that you can offer on-the-spot registration to clinic participants who are eager to learn more about shooting. By appealing to women who have proven that they want firearms instruction, you can help ensure that your classes are well attended. When you hold a Women On Target® Instructional Shooting Clinic, plan to offer a follow-up program so that attendees will have definite plans for returning to learn more about firearms. Ladies often wonder, “Okay, I’ve done this. What’s next?” Be ready to provide the answer and show the attendees the next step in their firearms training. My club, the Arlington-Fairfax Izaak Walton League, offers discounts on our NRA Basic Courses to ladies who attend our Women On Target® clinics. On the day of our clinic, we register ladies who want to learn more and who are eager to take an in-depth training class and build their skills. My club also offers Refuse To Be A Victim® classes to ladies who attend our Women On Target® Instructional Shooting Clinics – and other clubs and instructors are fol-

lowing our lead. This program is a non-shooting, personal safety course designed to give people the information they need to avoid becoming crime victims, and it has tremendous appeal to women of all ages and all walks of life. It covers everything from safe rooms to safety in cyberspace and in your vehicle. It is an ideal program to offer in conjunction with other NRA Courses. Consider offering Refuse To Be A Victim® classes as a part of your regular training program, and see for yourself how female attendance at your firearms training classes grows. Other clubs have different strategies. They offer discounts for ladies who bring a friend with them, or who bring family members. They may also offer special classes for mothers and their daughters, or mothers and their sons – or nieces and nephews. (These classes may attract several generations of the same family!) You might consider a class for couples, spouses, singles, or scout leaders. Remember that many women are scout leaders who want to earn their NRA Instructor credentials so they can help their troops learn to shoot. At the very least, be sure to give each attendee a calendar showing your class schedule for the near future, and provide instructions for class registration. Encourage attendees to contact you about upcoming classes. Enthusiasm is high at Women On Target® clinics, and once the participants have a foot in the door they’ll never want to leave. You’ll love their attitude, and you’ll enjoy giving them the knowledge and skills they need to enjoy the shooting sports for the rest of their lives. Let Women On Target® be a gateway for your NRA Courses – and watch your attendance grow! Call 800-861-1166 for more information

Multi-Lakes Gun Club, Commerce Township, MI (Cal Kittinger, Clinic Director) l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3



ince it’s inception in 1996, the National Youth Education Summit, better known as YES, has welcomed students to the D.C. Metropolitan Area from all across the country. YES is a seven day, all expense paid educational experience for current high school sophomores and juniors. Each year, NRA selects the best and brightest students to visit our Nation’s Capital and learn about government, politics and leadership. This year’s Youth Education Summit program was a success. A total of 45 high school students from across the country attended the summit with interests in learning about American government, history, leadership, and the NRA. The students were delighted to hear the week’s itinerary on the first day—which was loaded with such activities as touring the White House, participating in a wreathlaying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, traversing an obstacle course using night vision goggles at Quantico Marine Corps Base, taking a tour of the Pentagon, shooting off firearms at the state-of-the-art NRA Indoor Range, sitting in on a session at the House of Representatives Gallery at the Capitol, visiting the Supreme Court building, viewing exhibits at the National Firearms Museum at NRA Headquarters, listening to speakers from various NRA departments, taking part in teamed debates about Constitutional topics, and much, much more. While visiting NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, VA, the students received a handson lesson about government and politics. They learned how to get involved with their local Friends of NRA committee and make a difference in their neighbors’ lives by introducing NRA Community Service and Education & Training programs. Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program, Refuse To Be A Victim® and Women On Target® are just a few of the programs that were discussed with NRA Staff. The students left the summit with a knowledgeable understanding about NRA, as well as instructions on how to implement the above-mentioned programs into their communities. Students receive expert instruction on the safe handling and use of firearms at the NRA Range. Certified NRA instructors from throughout the building at NRA Headquarters took time out of their busy schedules to help out at this event. They showed the students safe handling techniques while coaching the more experienced shooters on how to shoot accurately with .22 LR rifles. Students also had the opportunity to visit the National Firearms Museum and have an in depth tour by the museum curator who answered questions and gave explanation about the history and evolution of firearms. The students viewed one-of-a-kind collections, featuring a .50 caliber single shot rifle that was brought over on the Mayflower, as well as firearms that were owned and used by such historical notables as Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley. In the middle of the week, students were led through a tour of the White House, where they viewed the different colored rooms and saw first-hand where the President resides. Another highlight of the week was the visit from Congressman Michael McCaul, who met the students on the east side steps of the Capitol in downtown Washington, D.C. Students eagerly asked questions and were excited to meet the Republican politician, who currently serves in the U.S. House of Representatives and is the Congressman for Texas’ 10th congressional district. continued on page 10 Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l

l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3


NRA Programs

One of the benefits of being an NRA Affiliated Club is the ability to become an NRA Recruiter and sell memberships directly. It’s entirely free, very simple to join, and we pay you a commission for every membership that comes in through your club! Plus, you receive these special benefits: Ability to offer memberships for discounted prices. Save money for your members and receive a commission! Flexible renewal options, renew all your members for NRA in conjunction with your club dues renewal, or individually, at your discretion, access to a dedicated 800-phone line and staff person for immediate service, and easily confirm the membership status of your club members. Free materials, start-up kit and postage paid envelopes. Don’t leave money on the table! Join the NRA Recruiter program today! To enroll call the Recruiting Hotline at (800) 672-0004 or download an application at

Meet the Youth Program’s Volunteer State Coordinatoor: David Lombardo NRA Training Counselor and State Coordinator from Illinois


avid A. Lombardo is an NRA Training Counselor and State Coordinator from Illinois and has been a NRA Instructor for almost 20 years. David has been associated with the annual Clyde Howell NRA Youth Shooting Sports Camp (ages 10-16) for ten years and has served as Director for the past five years. During that time the two and a half day camp has grown to 100 students, 15 interns and approximately

80 adult volunteers offering two programs: Shooting Sports Rotation and Advanced Hunting Skills. He is particularly experienced in logistics, grant writing and fund raising, having raised thousands of dollars in cash and in-kind donations every year. David is also President of the Howell Shooting Club and has been on the Board of Directors for many years. He is also a lifelong upland, waterfowl and big game hunter, a past State of Illinois Master Hunter Education Instructor, and is a Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor for Rifle, Shotgun, Aviation and Crime Prevention. He also trains scout leaders to become Rifle and Shotgun Merit Badge Counselors. In 2006, he started SAFER USA, a privately held company dedicated to providing firearm education and shooting opportunities to young people, women, minorities and continued on page 10 Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l

NRA Programs Youth Education Summit continued from pg 7 Toward the latter part of the week, YES students partook in various activities at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, VA. These activities included the night-vision obstacle course, in which the students were broken up into teams of four and had to help each other get down ropes and slides using night vision goggles to see through the dark. There was also a simulated firearm training session, where students shot off 9mm standard issue pistols and rifles while aiming at computerized targets. The students then went to the Marine Corps Museum; a new facility located right off the military base full of meticulously detailed exhibits. Students got a taste of real Marine Corps life by dining on MRE’s (Meal Ready-to-Eat) at the Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington, VA. To close out the day, the students attended the Marine Corps 8th and I Parade located at the “Oldest Post of the Corps”. In attendance were Colonel W. Blake Crowe, the Commanding Officer of Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C., and his special guest, Virginia’s U.S. Senator, John Warner. On the last day of their visit to the Washington, D.C., area, students got to witness the Changing of the Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Four students were chosen, based on their participation during the activities throughout the week, to assist the guard during the wreath-laying ceremony. The chosen students were enthused by the opportunity to partake in such an honorable event.

Following the Arlington National Cemetery visit, the students went to the World War II Memorial and the National Monument. At the World War II Memorial students were able to speak with World War II Veterans and hear about their heroic acts during their time of service. The week ended with the awards banquet, where several students were awarded with college scholarships that ranged from $500 to $2,500. At the end, several students spoke of their experience during their week and how it changed their lives for the better. Clearly YES is having an impact on our nation's future leaders, who will someday become champions of the Second Amendment. Many YES alumni go on to be scholars at prestigious colleges and universities while other alumni attend our nation's elite military academies or enlist directly into the military. To qualify, all prospective students must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. They must also be current sophomores or juniors enrolled in a credited high school or equivalent. Students should also have a clear interest in American Government, History, and Politics, as well as the Second Amendment and shooting sports. NRA is now issuing a call for all young leaders interested in making a difference for the National Youth Education Summit Class of 2009. The summit will run from July 6 - July 12, 2009. Visit yes/application.asp to download an application, or call (800) 672-3888 ext. 1353 to request a mailed copy.

David Lombardo continued from pg 9 persons with disabilities. Since the company’s inception in the fall of 2006, David and his 20+ volunteer NRA instructors and staff have enrolled over 300 students in various NRA Basic, Instructor and Range Safety Officer courses. David holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in technical education and post graduate work in educational psychology from the University of Illinois—Urbana. He taught high school, was a professor for eight years and was successively a department chair and academic dean. He also served as an international technical training consultant in the aerospace industry. He also has 15 years experience as an Auxiliary Deputy Sergeant in two states. To reach David A. Lombardo about the opportunites NRA Youth Programs can offer, please call (815) 744- 5487 or contact him via email at Interested in becoming a Volunteer State Coordinator? For more information, please contact the Shooting Sports Camp Coordinator at (703) 267-1591 or

10 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3


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Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 11

Five secrets to being an effective Clinic Director By Nina Neuron, Ojai Valley Gun Club Oxnard, California

1. Accept the fact that things will go wrong. Staff members are late, participants get lost, equipment fails, and/or suppliers can’t supply. Bits of the backdrop always fall down, but if you keep smiling out front the audience won’t notice. The Ojai Valley Gun Club (OVGC) recently managed a successful Women On Target Ladies Handgun Seminar (per the Participant Evaluations), despite the following:  A total of 100 targets were ordered, but only 40 were available when picked up.  Two instructors injured themselves and another instructor had a family crisis 48 hours prior to the seminar.  The chief cook and half of the cooking team were unavailable. The cooking team arrived at 9 a.m. instead of 7:30 a.m., and the prep work for the morning, such as brewing coffee, was not done. 12 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3

 A bicycle club ride on Highway 33 (a two-lane mountain road through Los Padres, CA, and the only access to OVGC) was scheduled for the same day as the seminar. The CRSO was 45 minutes late, which delayed the Instructor/Range Safety Officer briefing. Registration began at 8 a.m. and lasted until 9:45 a.m. due to late arrivals. However, instruction did begin on time and lunch as only 30 minutes late.  Two participants were unable to attend.

2. Delegate, delegate, delegate. Your only job is directing. You’re responsible for ensuring that everything is done. You are not responsible for doing everything yourself. Delegation is not synonymous with abdication! When you delegate a task, you must ensure that:  Your delegate has the time and ability to complete the task.


 They know what to do, how to get it done, and your deadline.  They know you will provide all needed resources/information.  They know you’ll listen to their ideas with an open mind.

3. Be realistic in your assessments. You would love to train 50-60 women to use handguns. But you have a 20-bench firing line and a membership of 800, which few are hand gunners. This goal isn’t realistic.  Assess the facilities with a stranger’s eye. o How many people can you accommodate, including coaches, support staff, and participants? o What are the amenities? o If you pump and store water, fill the tank beforehand. If members must tote water, ensure that you have plenty on hand for guests and staff. o If members normally bring sack lunches, break out the ice chests. Serve build-your-own sandwiches. If you can barbecue - go for it!  Assess the weather patterns of your outdoor range. Choose the season most likely to offer comfortable weather.  How many Instructors can you field who are capable of “rolling with the punches” and teaching to a student’s individual needs?  Know your staff and participants as people. o I prefer to register participants by phone only. This allows me to talk to each participant for several minutes.  What is her ultimate reason for attending? Does she want a Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW)? Does she want to shoot competitively? Does she want to hunt?  She deserves an Instructor whose interests match her own and who will orient her learning toward her goal.  What are her other interests? Shared interests aid in the bonding process. Notes on a Participant Questionnaire help the Instructor know his student as a person. o The arrangement of your Instructors is important. Separate husbands from wives unless the couple routinely teaches together. The same applies to coaches with participating wives. If Instructors are friends and have similar teaching styles, place them at adjoining benches o How many participants can you really accommodate safely and comfortably?

4. You are part of a team. Treat your staff like hothouse orchids, not like ragweed. They’re volunteers and also professionals. Hold team meetings until everyone is familiar with the drill. Evaluate their input honestly. Our first Ladies Handgun Seminar, held in 2003, was for Second Amendment Sisters. I emailed every idea and form to all the volunteers. We met with team members anywhere we rubbed shoulders. I knew from prior events that we could field a solid team and I had the backing of OVGC’s Board of Directors. Getting participants required extensive advertising. For two years, the Ladies Handgun Seminar sailed under OVGC’s flag. In 2007, thanks to the new guidelines, we finally qualified as a Women On Target (WOT) clinic. During one of these clinics, we recruited an intelligent, personable and well-organized new member who prefers shotguns. This new member ran a WOT Shotgun Clinic in 2008 and did a superb job.

5. Take care of your troops. My Operations Manager does. He provides dummy ammo, produced a handbook and flavored the water on the firing line to keep everyone hydrated. Lunch is included because our volunteers deserve to be fed, and most of the volunteers live 50-80 miles away. Feed them well and they’ll be back. Final suggestion: Pass out Participant Evaluation forms halfway through lunch - especially if the food’s exceptional. It’s amazing what a happy tummy does for an evaluation!

Contact Information: Nina Neuron 223 Occidental Dr. Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 421-8084

Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 13

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Letter to the Editor

National High School and Junior High School Shooting Sports Wrap-Ups By Lyn Larsen, National Rodeo Shooting Sports Coordinator

I am extremely happy to announce that we had a great turnout for the 2008 Shooting Sports competitions for both the Wrangler Division (WJHFR) and High School Finals (NHSFR) in New Mexico! We had 3 days of shooting related events in Gallup, New Mexico and 4 days in Farmington. At the WJHFR event in Gallup, New Mexico, we kicked off the week’s activities with a practice day at the local Gallup, McKinley County Range and shooting club. Approximately 50 individuals stopped by the range to hone their skills on the afternoon of Monday, June 30th. It gave everyone a chance to make sure everything was just right; the competitors, the coordinators and the volunteers from the community. On Tuesday, July 1st, we welcomed a total of 98 shooters to the competition. Most of the competitors had competed in a state qualifier for this event. The event ran very smoothly and we came away with some “record” scores for some competitors. Winning the “whole shootin’ match” was the Kentucky team comprised of Lane Shelley and Wesley Carter. A total of $3000 in scholarships, Gist belt buckles to the top 2 teams and over $1100 in prizes were awarded for this event. On Wednesday, July 2nd, we hosted our first Family Fun Shoot at the range in Gallup. The local Gallup Shooters Inc. Club provided food and soda for the attendees. This “fun” competition was opened up to all competitors whether continued on page 17 Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 15

ILA News

Register To Vote or Register Your Guns! Summer is here…and the 2008 elections are right around the corner! Very soon the ground will be covered in yard signs, phones will be ringing with campaign calls, and NRA members will be buzzing about who their pro-gun gun candidates are. But before the whirlwind of the fall election season hits, it’s important to capitalize on the busy summer “hunting” season! Summer is the perfect time to “hunt where the ducks are” and utilize the many gun shows, organized shoots, summer festivals, and other events to fully engage our supporters in Election 2008! Voter registration is undoubtedly NRA’s main goal heading into these critical elections and registering any and all pro-gun citizens to vote is the first step in getting them to the polls on Election Day. With approximately 80 million gun owners in our nation, NRA can help make a significant difference in this year’s local, state, and national elections. When NRA and its dedicated members mobilize for a cause, we are unstoppable, and deserve the distinction of being the “most powerful lobby in the nation!” (Fortune Magazine, 2002) But don’t take our word for it, listen to some of our most vociferous opponents on the important effect of NRA members: “The NRA had a great night. They beat both Speaker Tom Foley and Jack Brooks, two of the ablest members of Congress, who had warned me this would happen. Foley was the first Speaker to be defeated in more than a century. Jack Brooks had supported the NRA for years and had led the fight against the assault weapons ban in the House, but as chairman of the Judiciary Committee he had voted for the overall crime bill even after the ban was put into it. The NRA was an unforgiving 16 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3

master: one strike and you’re out. The gun lobby claimed to have defeated nineteen of the twenty-four members on its hit list. They did at least that much damage ...” (Bill Clinton, My Life, pp. 629-30) “...The NRA does the best job of any group in lobbying members... it’s just good, straight Democracy...” Barney Frank (D- MA) “Let me make one small vote for the NRA. They’re good citizens. They call their Congressmen. They write. They vote. They contribute. And they get what they want over time.” George Stephanopoulos “[I] don’t think there’s any doubt that, in at least five states I can think of, the NRA had a decisive influence…. But you’ve got to give it to them, they’ve done a good job. They’ve probably had more to do than anyone else in the fact we didn’t win the House this time. And they hurt Al Gore.” President Bill Clinton So once again, it’s up to you and your fellow NRA members to mobilize EVERY Second Amendment supporter to register to vote and turn these voters out to the polls on Election Day! Please visit NRA-ILA’s voter registration website at for more information, or call (800) 392-VOTE (8683). Start working today to get started on making a difference for the Second Amendment and gun owners come November 4th !


Freedom’s Future continued from page 3 A President Obama wouldn’t simply get to handpick Supreme Court justices; he’d also choose all of the hundreds of federal judges a president typically gets to appoint. Worse, if anti-gun forces also control Congress, the Senate will be a mere rubber stamp for Obama’s appointees. With the national debate over gun bans now moving into the federal judiciary as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision in the Heller case (the D.C. gun-ban case), it’s more important than ever that we have a pro-freedom president to nominate pro-freedom federal judges, and a pro-freedom Senate to confirm them.

Indeed, from the White House to your statehouse, from Capitol Hill to your hometown, the candidates you elect on Tuesday, November 4, will have more of an effect on your Right to Keep and Bear Arms than ever before. We must match “The Obama Machine” new voter for new voter if we don’t want Heller reversed. Please, step to the plate and do your part today! Register to vote! Then convince every other gun owner and hunter you can find to do the same. Then, get ready for the fight of your life to save your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The future of freedom in America is in your hands.

Shooting Sports Wrap-Up continued from page 15

they were qualified WJHFR rodeo/ shooting contestants or not. We had a total of 28 teams comprised of sons, daughters, moms, dads and even some of the national staff. A few weeks later, we were off to the NHSFR in Farmington, New Mexico. We were hosted in Farmington by the San Juan Wildlife Federation range and shooting club. We started out on Monday, July 21st with a light rifle practice in the morning and trap shotgun practice in the afternoon. 35 competitors came to practice on the rifle range and 45 took aim on the shotgun range. On Wednesday afternoon, July rd 23 , we hosted the Trap Shooting competition with 38 teams participating in the event. We were also witness to a historical event as Nebraska’s Jake Kraupie shot a perfect 25 (his first). Awards for the trap competition were divided exactly as they were for the light rifle competition. Since we had so much fun in Gallup with the Family Fun Shoot, we repeated the process in Farmington with the Light Rifle matches in the

morning and the Trap Shooting in the afternoon on Thursday, July 24th. 56 shooters competed in the light rifle match with awards going to the top 3 teams. In the afternoon, we moved our tables and tired volunteers to the trap range. 78 competitors vied for the cowboy buckles! It was incredible and proved to me that this was worth all the effort so many had put forth to make this happen. With the success of the 2008 events, 2009 promises to be an even bigger challenge. I am working very closely with the NRA to move towards sanctioning these events. If we are unable to sanction events in 2009, we are planning to progress towards that end. In the coming months, if you have questions, please contact me. If you would like to volunteer to help with any of these events, please contact me in the office at 800-4664772 x217 or email me at llarsen@ I have already received some inquiries about the upcoming season and want to assure you that we will be “on target” for 2009 event planning soon. Keep watching the NHSRA Times for more information! Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 17

range report

NRA and the Search for a Close Range By Justin McDaniel, Assistant Editor, Mike flat-out missed the deer. He had been walking along the edge of a hayfield behind his grandmother’s farmhouse when he jumped the buck from a briar patch, at which point the deer revealed his hiding place and bolted for safety. As they often do, the buck looked back before slipping over the ridge, giving Mike a window for a safe shot. He took it, but, unless the deer suddenly died from fright, Mike had no hope of filling his tag. Only later – after another miss – did we learn that Mike’s .30-06 was barely hitting paper at 100 yards. The gun must have been inadvertently bumped, or perhaps dropped, to knock it off line that badly. If Mike had practiced his shooting prior to the start of hunting season, he would have known that his rifle was incapable of hitting the broad side of a barn. But Mike does not belong to a shooting club, and there’s no convenient public range where he can practice. In other words, Mike is in the same boat as a lot of hunters. The National Rifle Association has long-maintained that there is a need for more informal public shooting ranges. Hunters need places to sight-in, test new equipment, teach new shooters, and simply practice their marksmanship without having to join a club or pay a fee.

18 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3

Working with the States To turn this problem around, NRA is creating and strengthening partnerships with state game departments to get more public shooting ranges built on state-owned land. Those efforts paid dividends in April, as staff from NRA’s Field Operations Division met with officials from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to examine possible locations for two unmanned, public shooting ranges on state land. “Our role is to select the best way to lay out the range, the best way to use the land, and examine future development of the range site,” said John Joines, NRA Range Services Manager. In addition to assisting in the layout and development of new ranges, NRA offers site evaluation services for pre-existing shooting facilities. For example, Joines visited two public shooting ranges already operated by the South Carolina DNR to evaluate those facilities and make suggestions for improvements. “One of those ranges has 16,000 users annually,” Joines said. “And it’s growing.” At the end of May, the NRA was scheduled to meet with staff from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to examine two possible locations for publicland ranges in that state, too. And in Vermont, NRA is holding a one-day seminar to talk with shooting clubs and range operators about such issues as lead, sound and safety. In particular, clubs that the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department uses for hunter education will be invited to attend the seminar. NRA hopes to use that platform as a springboard for getting more public ranges built in Vermont. “We have been working on making presentations and providing assistance for state range programs since the year 2000,” said Joines. “We held a three-day conference in 2002 to bring the states in and talk to them about how to go about building ranges on state land and give them the guidance if they wanted to do it.” Those efforts are just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to offering the states technical assistance, NRA is exploring how to gather funds to provide financial support for these types of projects in the future. It’s also interested in getting more states into the mix. Missouri, Florida, Georgia and Alabama are among the states NRA has already been


in touch with about building more public ranges, but it doesn’t end there. “We’re looking all over the United States for any state that is interested in meeting with us about public range projects,” said Joines. “NRA is willing to go in and talk with game departments about the range developments that we think will be helpful to hunters and shooters in their states.” At the Federal Level Ranges on federal land may be unsupervised, supervised, or managed under a special use permit. To help keep them open, NRA spearheaded the development of the Federal Lands Hunting and Shooting Sports Roundtable, composed of NRA, 39 other national sportsmen’s organizations, and three federal agencies. “The Roundtable was created to protect and enhance access to federal lands for hunting and recreational shooting,” said Susan Recce, NRA’s Director of Conservation, Wildlife, and Natural Resources. “There are a myriad of concerns that have sprung up around recreational shooting because of increased development on the boundaries of federal lands, continued increases in the number of people recreating on federal lands, and the lack of proactive strategies for providing for and managing recreational shooting. “This situation has created issues like safety, environmental and property damage, illegal dumping, user

conflicts, and risk and environmental liability,” Recce continued. “The Roundtable is designed to work with land managers to resolve these concerns.” Range Protection Laws In addition to creating more ranges and enhancing access to them, NRA campaigns to keep existing ranges from being shut down. Darren La Sorte, NRA’s Manager of Hunting Policy, commented, “NRA-ILA, through its lobbying efforts in state capitols, has consistently partnered with state game agencies in order to preserve public shooting facilities, whether the issue is a proposed diversion of funding that must be stopped, or the passage of range protection laws that shield ranges from frivolous lawsuits. And officials should understand that it’s a two-way street. They can always offer to partner with us to help address perceived problems at shooting ranges. NRA’s range experts will be more than willing to do everything in our power to help rectify them.” With any luck, more ranges will mean better access for hunters and fewer missed shots – and fewer bucks disappearing over the ridge. To find out how to get your state involved in publicland range projects, please contact John Joines, NRA Range Services Manager, at (703) 267-1278 or

Judge Approves Range Design Smaller range will add new safety features

By Chuck Rupnow Reprint permission granted by Leader-Telegram

A St. Croix County judge has approved redesign plans for the Central St. Croix Rod & Gun Club that could have the shooting range open again by this fall. The range, about 1½ miles south of Baldwin on U.S. 63, was temporarily closed last year after neighbors and other interested parties filed a civil suit, claiming bullets, slugs and shot from the 11-acre range ended up on their properties. One person claimed a bullet was found in his bedroom, according to court records. Judge Eric Lundell declined to permanently close the range, saying the best course of action was to have the parties work together to redesign the range so it could be reopened. Lundell did not approve the first plan submitted by range officials but did approve the most recent plans, accord-

ing to his written ruling Thursday. “Taking into the consideration of the totality of the circumstances present in this case, the proposed plan adequately and sufficiently protects the safety of the residents in the vicinity of the Rod and Gun Club,” Lundell wrote. Lundell continued, saying: “There is no such thing as total elimination of stray projectiles ... Accidental stray projectiles may occur from the best designed rod and gun clubs. The newly designed plan has incorporated all safety measures suggested by the plaintiffs’ own experts.” Lundell said he would personally inspect the range once the improvements have been made, and said he will retain jurisdiction over the range for five years to make sure it is abiding by standard operating procedures. That period of continued on page 23 Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 19

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ClUB News

Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 21

club news

Club Officer Burnout... By G. Martin Capito, Sr. Ohio Rifle and Pistol Association Secretary NRA Clubs & Associations Committee Member

How many times have you seen some of the movers and shakers in your Club suddenly slow down or abruptly quit doing all the things you have come to expect from them?


ou know the type, they are the group of people that run the matches, set up the dinners, clean up the range, cut the grass, collect the dues, and make sure a fresh pot of coffee is waiting when you show up to shoot two or three times a week. They’ve done it for years and they know everybody, and everybody knows they will be there forever to keep your club running. Eventually, someone will comment the grass hasn’t been cut in a while, or perhaps the match results took a bit longer to get to you than you’ve come to expect, or maybe you didn’t get your new membership card in a timely manner. Or perhaps you’re still waiting for that card to reach you. It’s human nature that some people love to serve and be of value to organizations where they can help a group succeed. These people give everything they can to make their club 22 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3


the best they can make it. They give blood, sweat, tears, and financial aid as often as they can when they see a need. It’s also human nature that some people just need some time away from the daily grind of work and life’s everyday problems and just want to come out, spend some time on the firing line, and chew the fat with other people with the same interests. This is a situation that cannot go on permanently without someone eventually thinking someone else is taking advantage of their kind heart and hard work. When the mental strain gets to be too much for them, a definite tapering off will begin. It may not just be due to the club situation; there may be other extenuating situations at home, in the office, or with life in general. Most clubs have only 10 to 20 percent of the membership coming to the range more than twice a month. The numbers are even smaller for the percentage of the membership that contributes to the upkeep and well being of the organization. These people must be cherished and helped out as much as possible by others. Recognize that Club Officers and Directors need a break like any other person. Don’t allow them to handle the bulk of the grunt work in your club. Conversely, good Officers and Directors will have a competent core group of helpers to handle any task necessary in the event they need time off for work or family or just need a vacation. Recognize the fact that no one is irreplaceable in an organization and have people in place ready to take over before you actually need them. By keeping a good crew on hand and teaching them how to do your job, you

can guarantee the future success of your club. With a good plan in place, you can avoid the pitfalls. For example, many clubs have a mandatory work requirement where the members help with maintenance or organizing of an event. Keeping the members involved helps them realize they are a vital part of the organization and must be actively working to keep the club at the top of its game. It is not necessary to have Officers do all the work. As club leaders, they are responsible to see the club run properly and the needs of the members met. However, their primary goal should be to delegate as much of the workload to other, possibly better-qualified individuals. They should not try to shoulder it all themselves. Survey the members to see who has special talents and are willing to donate use of these talents for the club’s benefit. Electricians, carpenters, masons, welders, landscapers, and even attorneys and accountants have talents any club can use. A Club Officer’s job is to see the work/event/goal is accomplished, not to do it by themselves. When the membership sees someone willing to do it all themselves, it merely reinforces a belief that the club exists for their personal pleasure and recreation. They feel no obligation to help and soon feel entitled to be served. Don’t let this happen at your club, it will foster an atmosphere that will allow burnout to happen to your best people. Let your membership understand and appreciate the benefits of lending a helping hand.

Range Design continued from pg 19 jurisdiction would be extended if violations were found. Eau Claire attorney Steve Gibbs, who represents the range in the suit, said range officials have “contacted experts with national standard experience who have designed a range to contain our projectiles.” Improvements include: increasing the size of the berms, putting bullet-catchers on top of berms to catch any ricochets, installing baffles for stray shots, and designing a noblue-sky rifle range that eliminates the ability to shoot over the berm. The rifle range also will be reduced from 200 yards to a 100-yard range, which will face almost due east compared to its current northeast direction. The estimated cost of the improvements is $60,000 to $80,000, Gibbs saying, adding that the club will use

a $35,000 grant from the National Rifle Association Foundation. Some dismantling work has already begun at the site, Gibbs said. The project is expected to be completed by fall. Barry and Heather Serier, Randy Everson and members of the Citizens for Safe & Peaceful Eau Galle & Rush River Townships filed a civil suit against the club and its members. The facility has been used by several Baldwin area and St. Croix County law enforcement agencies for training. It has about 140 members, according to court records. Lundell, in his order, said the plaintiffs may observe but not obstruct the construction phases of the range, adding that he expects both sides “to be civil with each other.” Rupnow can be reached at 830-5831, 800-236-7077 or Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 23

club news

Methow Valley Shooting Foundation Announces Progress on New NRA-sanctioned Range The Methow Valley Shooting Foundation (MVSF) was started in 2005. The goal was to start and operate an NRA sanctioned shooting range Marty Aaenson, MVSF near Twisp, WA, located next to the North Cascade Mountains in the beautiful Methow Valley of North Central Washington state. This region is widely known to outdoor and sporting enthusiasts but has lacked a qualified shooting range. The nearest one is over 50 miles away and requires driving over a 4,000-foot mountain pass. Since its inception, MVSF has become an NRA affiliated club, obtained IRS tax-exempt status, and has recently signed a lease for use of 130 acres in order to build shooting facilities for current and future generations of sportsmen and women. Plans for this facility will include indoor and outdoor archery, and firearm shooting ranges up to 600 yards, including trap and skeet shooting. There are also plans for classrooms staffed by Certified NRA Instructors. An adjacent RV park with complete handicap access is also being planned. To assist with payment for this project,

MVSF has also joined the NRA Recruiter program. The NRA has been very helpful in assisting MVSF with a $5,000 grant, which has been instrumental in funding a significant portion of its expenses in securing the lease for the land for the proposed shooting range. The NRA assisted in the development of this range, which has been subject to obtaining the necessary government land/use permit made an additional $10,000 commitment. Last year Charles Ray, an NRA Range Technical Advisor, visited the proposed site, performed a NRA range evaluation, and advised MVSF on various technical issues. Marty Aaenson, President of MVSF, has been working on this project for a number of years and is very excited that this project will soon be a reality. He has family connections to the Methow Valley area from many years ago. While working in the Puget Sound region of Washington State, he has taken every opportunity to return to the area for outdoor enjoyment, shooting practice, and hunting activities. He now resides in Twisp, WA, and works almost full time on making this dream of a shooting range to come true. The Methow Valley Shooting Foundation invites all NRA members and shooting enthusiasts from across the nation to come and enjoy the beautiful Methow Valley and its future shooting range. Please contact the MVSF at the following address for more information: Methow Valley Shooting Foundation P.O. Box 1121 Twisp, WA 98856 Phone: 509-997-0209

Airfield Shooting Club Sponsors “Swamp Shooters” By Stan Winner, Airfield Shooting Club It started at an Airfield Shooting Club (ASC) Board of Directors meeting in November 2007. ASC wanted to have a youth shooting program. After discussion, the Board decided that a youth shooting program under the auspices of 4-H might be the most successful path to take. With a green light from the Board of Directors, ASC’s Chief Instructor Dale Mullin demonstrated his organizational skills. His first step was to discuss the possibilities with Virginia’s 4-H Shooting Director. Met with enthusiasm 24 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3

from the 4-H Director, a meeting was arranged with the 4-H Extension Agents from the Southhampton County 4-H and Sussex County 4-H. Both agents fully supported the concept of a 4-H Shooting Education program which would draw from the entire Southeastern District of the state. Dale lobbied to extend the 4H membership pool to include the Southeastern District so that any ASC member who wanted his child to participate could do so. An organizational meeting was held on December 9,


2007, to see how much interest there might be. A total of 17 young shooters attended that first meeting. With the enthusiasm of a few seasoned NRA members, affiliated with the Airfield Shooting Club, the “Swamp Shooters” organization of young shooters has grown to a healthy 32 members in a little over 4 months. Airfield Shooting Club members provide a significant number of 4-H and NRA Certified Instructors for the young shooters in three different disciplines: rifle, shotgun, and archery. In addition to the adult leadership and expertise, the Airfield Shooting Club also provides the use of three 20 gauge shotguns, as does the Virginia Beach Rifle and Pistol Club with several .22 caliber rifles available for range use. The Swamp Shooters club members meet twice a month to hone their marksmanship skills at the 4-H Airfield Center located in Wakefield, Va. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. The Swamp Shooters are also tasked to develop their leadership skills by holding club officer positions. They learn a great deal of self-discipline by relentlessly following the firearm and range safety rules. Youthful members participate in fundraisers to sustain their club and at the same time provide a service to the community. For example, the Swamp Shooters provided a much appreciated lunchtime meal to members attending a Virginia Hunters Safety training session. The students in the hunter’s safety class got their meal for a modest donation; the Swamp Shooters earned a few dollars for their coffers and simultaneously fulfilled one of their club’s goals of providing community service. It’s a win-win situation all around. Likewise, the Airfield Shooting Club members have an excellent opportunity to fulfill their obligation to community service. The Airfield Shooting Club’s bylaws require members to complete a minimum of eight hours of public/community related services per membership year to remain in good standing. The Swamp Shooters club, consisting of youth in age from 9 - 19 years of age, provides such an opportunity. Again, the win-win situation for all! Engrained in all this, the activities of the Swamp Shooters are coached in having fun in a safe manner. Many of the youth in the Swamp Shooters had never fired a rifle, a shotgun, or had ever drawn a bow. During the first months of range outings all members where given the opportunity to rotate through the three disciplines being offered. After having the opportunity to be exposed to all three, members were given the opportunity to choose their discipline of choice. The club plans to compete in sanctioned competition. The first scheduled competition, the 4-H District Shoot, was held on August 23, 2008 at the Airfield 4-H Center’s range facility in Wakefield, Va.

Child Gun Safety Is Good Business By Bob Irwin, The Gun Store, Inc. In the late 1990’s, the minister of a church in California contacted Bob Irwin of The Gun Store Inc. The church asked if Mr. Irwin’s store could provide the church with a few dozen gunlocks. The minister planned to give the gunlocks away at a community function, and asked Mr. Irwin for a discounted price to help out with the costs of purchasing the gun locks. Wow, what a great idea! Mr. Irwin responded by donating a couple of cases of the locks at no charge to this church. It turns out that the event was actually sponsored by a couple of churches, and was such a success, that the lock give-away was even picked up by CNN on their national news broadcast. Seizing on this minister’s idea, The Gun Store began to give out free gunlocks to anyone who requested one - customer or not. This policy quickly began to pay large

dividends for the store in the form of good publicity and valuable press mentions. No doubt a number of the locks found their way onto kid’s bikes and storage sheds, but the overall effect was good for the community. There is also little doubt that some accidents and injuries were prevented. Several forward thinking firearms manufacturers began packing locks with their new guns. Now the idea has grown to a national campaign with police departments, churches and all sorts of community groups giving away gunlocks. The Gun Store, Inc. received a plaque in 2006 from the local police department for supporting their gunlock give-a-way program. A few years later, Congress stepped in and required that locks be provided with all guns sold by licensed dealers. All gun clubs, shops and ranges should consider joining this low cost, high profile, and good for the community program. Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 25

club news

North Coast Shooters Association, Ltd. .50 Caliber BMG 1,000-Yard Rifle Match Camp Perry, Port Clinton, OH

By Nick Mullet C.E.O. North Coast Shooters Association, Ltd.


pril 29 through May 1, 2008, marked the 2nd .50 Caliber Rifle Match held at Camp Perry. Competitors from OH, PA, NY, IL and NC made the journey to Camp Perry for the opportunity to compete at the finest shooting institution in the United States. Tuesday was designated as the registration and sight in day. For new shooters, as well as the old seasoned shooters, Camp Perry presents challenges that most shooters have not yet faced. No berm behind the targets to see the bullet impact! The spotting scopes were setup to watch for the vapor trails from the bullets. Through some good coaching from the seasoned shooters and perseverance from the new shooters as well as the old hands were able to get everyone on paper. On Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. Match Director Nick Mullet and Assistant Match Director Steve Carey held the Shooters Meeting and Safety Briefing. The excitement was seen in the faces of all the shooters - especially the new shooters since this was their first match and it was taking place at the Mecca of shooting facilities! After the Shooters Meeting, the competitors broke into two groups: first and second relays prepped to go to the line; third and fourth relays headed to the pits, which were then sealed. At 8 a.m. Range Control gave the go ahead going “hot”. The patrol boats were in place to ward off any wayward boaters who strayed into the impact area. Boat traffic 26 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3

was being restricted for danger zones one and two for the .50 Cal events. The first day of competition was completed successfully and honorable mention was awarded to Ed Crane from New York who shot a 6.625” 5 shot group at 1,000 yards. The smiles on everyone’s face was proof the first day was a success! Thursday morning at 7 a.m. we had our Shooters Meeting and Safety Briefing. The competitors broke into their groups, headed to the Pitts, and then to the firing line. With an eye to the sky and no rain in sight the grins on everyone’s face were big! The day of shooting went like clockwork! The new shooters as well as the old shooters had the Pitts running smoothly. We started at 8 a.m. and all firing was completed by 1 p.m. The awards ceremony went smoothly. A special thanks goes to Lars Sundfor and Mario Madunic, both from Armalite, who participated in the competition. A big thank you goes to Ralph Green, the Deputy Base Commander from Camp Perry, and the personnel and staff from Range Control, and to the man behind the scenes with the NRA, Ralph Reichman, who was there when you needed him. For match results, please visit our website: Thanks to all who attended Camp Perry and we will see you at the next event in Thunder Valley.


Is Your Club Eligible For A National NRA Award? Each year the National Rifle Association recognizes outstanding clubs, state associations, youth clubs, and an individual for public service at the NRA September Board of Directors Meetings in Arlington, VA. Those recognized have demonstrated noteworthy achievements at a national level. Applications are due on December 1 of each calendar year to be reviewed at the January Board Meetings by the Clubs & Associations Committee. Below are the requirements for each award: OUTSTANDING CLUB AWARD The OUTSTANDING CLUB AWARD is presented to the club that has demonstrated noteworthy achievement in all aspects of club operation. The club must meet the following criteria:

 Maintain membership with the NRA Official Association of their respective State or Territory.  Publish a Club newsletter, at least four (4) times a year.  Sponsor or maintain an active Youth (Junior) program.  Participate in local or state legislative activity in con junction with the State Association.  Involve thirty percent club-member participation in at least one club activity, project or program.  Conduct a significant public service and/or public awareness program that positively impacts a specific geographic area.  Demonstrate significant achievement during the appli cation year in an area of special interest to the club. Examples: a successful membership growth program, a range building project, or other significant programs.

OUTSTANDING YOUTH CLUB AWARD The OUTSTANDING YOUTH CLUB AWARD is presented to the club that has demonstrated noteworthy achievement in all aspect of club operation. the following criteria must be met:

 Have one or more youth members write about an NRA program they have participated in and what it meant to them. Examples: the NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge, NRA Shooting Competition, t he NRA Y.E.S. Program.  Club Leader or Youth member(s) must show current membership in, or involvement with the NRA Official State Association for the state or territory in which the club is located.

OUTSTANDING STATE ASSOCIATION AWARD The OUTSTANDING STATE ASSOCIATION AWARD is presented in honor of a State Association’s effectiveness in carrying out the purposes and objectives of the National Rifle Association in the state or territory for which the State Association is organized. The winning association will be selected based on the following:

 Effectiveness of membership services/growth activities  Quality and effectiveness of newsletter/communica tions vehicles  Programs for competitive shooters, hunters and other shooting sports enthusiasts  Educations, training and public service programs  Legislative activity/political action groups  Public Relations/outreach efforts  Youth Programs

PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD The PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD is presented to the individual who has most generously volunteered his/her time and services on behalf of the shooting sports. The recipient of this award is instrumental in promoting the objectives of the NRA on a national level or whose activities have had national impact. Applications can be downloaded on the NRA Clubs & Associations website at awards.pdf or may be obtained by contacting the Clubs & Associations department at (800) NRA-CLUB or via email at

Mail completed applications to (deadline December 1, 2008):  Be a current NRA enrolled youth club. National Manager  Club Leader conducts at least one club “Open House” NRA Clubs & Associations for the community, or has an article published about 11250 Waples Mill Road the club. Submit an “Open House” agenda/activities Fairfax, VA 22030 with a photo or submit the published article.

Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 27

NRA-affiliated state associations Alabama State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. James Moses, President 2009 Rodgers Drive, NE Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-7968 home • Mr. Ramon J. Samaniego, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer 2505 Isabelle Circle, NE Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-2644

Alaska Outdoor Council, Inc.

• Mr. Dick Bishop, President P.O. Box 73902 Fairbanks, AK 99707-3902 907-455-6151 office 907-455-6447 fax • Mr. Rod Arno, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 87-1069 Wasilla AK 99687

Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Landis Aden, President 602-524-4437 office 480-854-8823 fax • Ms. Margaret Conlin, Treasurer 1727 East Alameda Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 480-838-6064 home/fax

Arkansas Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. John Wallis, President P.O. Box 1225 Little Rock, AR 72203 501-455-9669 office • Mr. Rome Helton, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1225 Little Rock, AR 72203 501-407-2707 office

California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Thomas O. Thomas, President 271 Imperial Highway, Suite 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 office • Mr. John C. Fields Executive Director 271 Imperial Highway, Suite 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 office 714-992-2996 fax

Colorado State Shooting Association

• Mr. Tony Fabian, President 510 Wilcox Street #C Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-663-9339 office 303-713-0785 fax • Mr. Ken Gloss

28 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3

609 West Littleton Boulevard #206 Littleton, CO 80120-2368 720-283-1376 office 720-282-1333 fax Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association

• Mr. Michael Dane, President 39 John Brook Rd Canterbury, CT 06331 860-546-2124 home • Ms. Catherine Smittner, Membership Director P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 203-239-2528 203-239-2106 fax Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association

• Mr. John J. Thompson, President 113 North Road Wilmington, DE 19809 302-658-3070 office 302-658-3031 fax • Mr. Foster W. Rennie, Recording Secretary P.O. Box 1786 Wilmington, DE 19899 302-998-4820 home 302-998-4861 fax Florida Sport Shooting Association, Inc.

• Mr. Thomas Brusherd, President 5921 Blackthorn Rd Jacksonville, FL 32244 • Mr. Michael D. Langfield, Secretary 5921 Blackthorn Rd Jacksonville, FL 32244 407-701-1030 home 407-273-9356 fax

Georgia Sport Shooting Association

• Dr. Paul Broun, President #450 2300 Bethelview Road Suite 110 Cumming, GA 30040-9475 Home: 706-227-0510 • Mr. Scott Bosso, Secretary/Treasurer #450 2300 Bethelview Road Suite 110 Cumming, GA 30040-9475 Hawaii Rifle Association

• Mr. Harvey F. Gerwig, II, President 1039 Kupua Street Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-5287 • Tim Billings, Secretary

P.O. Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-2754 Info Line Idaho State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Neill Goodfellow, President 8156 North Penn Avenue Fruitland, ID 83619 208-452-4183 home • Mr. Jon Carter, Secretary 1065 River Heights Drive Meridian, ID 83642 208-888-2829 phone/fax

Illinois State Rifle Association, Inc.

• Mr. Don A. Moran, President P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax • Mr. Richard Pearson, Executive Director P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax Indiana State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Jerry Wehner, President 7527 State Route 56 Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 home • Mr. William B. Thomas, Treasurer 101 Sidney Ct. New Albany, IN 47150 812-948-8226

Iowa State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. John Klopfenstein, President 606 S. Harrison Pl Mt Pleasant, IA 52641 • Mr. Bill Besgrove, Secretary 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-430-5120 home

Kansas State Rifle Association

• Ms. Patricia Stoneking, President PO Box 117 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-667-3044 • Chandra McKenna, Secretary 2601 Hwy K-383 Jennings, KS 67463 785-871-1314

// League of Kentucky Sportsmen, Inc.

• Mr. Rick Allen, President P.O. Box 8527 Lexington, KY 40533 859-276-3518 home • Mr. Alex Lea, NRA Representative Po Box 8527 Lexington, KY 40533 502-649-8680

Louisiana Shooting Association

• Mr. Lanny Russell President 4737 Hastings St Metairie, LA 70006 504-455-3803 home • Mr. Skip Blanchard, Secretary 3324 Lake Trail Metairie, LA 70003 504-887-5842 home

(Maine) Pine Tree State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Leslie M. Ohmart, III, President 73 Sunset Strip Brewer, ME 04412 207-989-7304 • Mr. Stacey Modrusan, Secretary 11 Bangor Mall Boulevard, Suite D Bangor, ME 04401 207-433-5817 home

Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Larry Moreland, President 2814 Needlewood Lane Bowie, MD 20716 301-249-4586 home • Mr. Richard Kussman, Chairman 832 Bear Cabin Drive Forest Hill, MD 21050-2734 410-838-1734 home

(Massachusetts) Gun Owners’ Action League – G.O.A.L.

• Mr. John Durkin, Jr., President P.O. Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office • Mr. James Wallace, Executive Director P.O. Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office 508-393-5222 fax

Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Leo Cebula, President P.O. Box 530637

Livonia, MI 48153-0637 888-655-6772 office • Mr. Mike Wesner, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 530637 Livonia, MI 48153-0637 888-655-6772 office 269-781-6966 fax Minnesota Rifle & Revolver Association,Inc.

• Mr. Morgen Dietrich, President 14500 45th St NE Foley, MN 56329 320-522-1934 • Mr. George Minerich 14500 45th St NE Foley, MN 56329 320-968-6898 home

Mississippi State Firearm Owners Association

• Mr. Douglas Bowser, President PO Box 7358 McComb, MS 39649 601-249-3315 • Mr. Samuel Richardson, Secretary P.O. Box 6466 Jackson, MS 39282-6466 601-898-9832

Missouri Sport Shooting Association

• Mr. Kevin Jamison, President 6140 N. Wagontrail Rd Columbia, MO 65202 816-455-2669 816-413-0696 fax

Montana Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Matt Egloff, President P.O. Box 4394 Butte, MT 59702 406-723-5704 • Ms. Patsy E. Frimodig, Secretary P.O. Box 477 Park City, MT 59063 406-633-2486 home

Nebraska Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. Ronald L. Grapes, President P.O. Box 1585, 3407-19th Ave. Kearney, NE 68848 308-237-7902 home • Mr. Terry Copple, Secretary 10285 North Aspen Avenue Hastings, NE 68901

402-744-2049 home Nevada State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Robert E. Smith, President P.O. Box 7512 Reno, NV 89501-7512 775-762-1494 office 775-355-8088 fax • Mr. Mark Geldmacher, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 7512 Reno, NV 89501-7512 775-762-1494 office 775-355-8088 fax Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Inc.

• Mr. Mitch Kopacz, President P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 office • Ms. Evelyn Logan, Secretary P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0847 603-225-2664 office 877-841-1672 phone/fax

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc.

• Mr. Scott L. Bach, President P.O. Box 651 Newfoundland, NJ 07435 • Ms. Judith Iorio, Recording Secretary P.O. Box 1397 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

• Mr. Charlie Weisleder, President PO Box 9275 Albuquerque, NM 87119 505-877-6128 • Mr. Ken Laintz, Secretary P.O. Box 753 Los Alamos, NM 87544 505-667-0034

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Thomas H. King, President P.O. Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181 518-424-1349 office 518-449-1332 fax or • Mr. Steve D. Kraynak, Secretary P.O. Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181 Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 29

NRA-affiliated state associations 518-273-6969 518-272-2654 office North Carolina Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. David McFarling, President P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 919-929-9585 home • Mr. David Prest, Secretary P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-639-4742 office

North Dakota Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. Eric Pueppke, President PO Box 228 Bismarck, ND 58502 701-967-8450 • Mr. Steve Faught, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 205 Amenia, ND 58004 701-347-5903 home

Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. David Johnson, President PO Box 571 Dayton OH 45409 513-934-1468 • Mr. G. Martin Capito, Secretary 1185 Swartz Rd Akron, OH 44306 330-773-2989

Oklahoma Rifle Association

Pennsylvania Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Jack Lee, President 100 Wycliff Way Butler, PA 16001 724-865-2597 phone/fax • Mr. James G. Johnson, Secretary 405 Hilltop Road Paoli, PA 19301 610-647-2374

Rhode Island State Rifle & Revolver Association

• Mr. Paul Boiani, President P.O. Box 41148 Providence, RI 02940 401-233-0771 office • Mr. Donn C. DiBiasio, Secretary P.O. Box 17452 Smithfield, RI 02917 401-233-0771 office

Gun Owners of South Carolina

• Mr. Gerald Stoudemire, President P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-945-7677 • Mr. Eddie Wagner, Treasurer 864-576-4652

South Dakota Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. BJ McGuire, President P.O. Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 • Mr. Greg Iversen, Secretary 21421 Richard Road Sturgis, SD 57885 605-347-5445

• Mr. G. Don Scott, President Rt. 2, Box 23 Maysville, OK 73057 405-867-5234 home • Mr. Charles Smith, Executive Director P.O. Box 850927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 405-324-2450 office/fax

Tennessee Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

Oregon State Shooting Association

• Dan Walker President 717 Mountain Ridge Dr Leander, TX 78641 512-260-7157 • Mr. James Dark, Executive Director 620 N Coppell Rd #3402 Coppell, TX 75019 972-889-8772 office

• Mr. Tim Pitzer, President 2815 South Shore Drive SE Albany, OR 97322 541-928-2460 home • Mr. Jerod Broadfoot, Vice President (503) 930-4926

30 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3

• Mr. Ray W. Harvey, Jr., President C/o BVEOS, 1531 9th Ave N. Nashville, TN 37208 615-291-6762 • Mr. Michael Desjardin, Treasurer 4041 Caney Creek Ln, Chapel Hill, TN 37034

Texas State Rifle Association

Utah State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Elwood P. Powell, President 5926 South Fashionpoint Drive #200 Ogden, UT 84403 801-394-1900 office 801-622-2200 fax • Mr. Willis K. Smith, Secretary 1349 West 2600 North Clinton, UT 84015 801-589-5825 home 801-825-6631

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc.

• Mr. Roy Marble, President 14 Stafford Avenue Morrisville, VT 05661 802-888-5100 • Mrs. Rusty Hart, Secretary 126 Sandhill Road Essex Junction, VT 05452-3347 P.O. Box 8523, Essex Jct, VT 05451-8523 802-878-6616 home

Virginia Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. David Adams, President P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 office • Ms. Andrea T. Smith, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-4570 home 540-672-5848 office/fax

Washington State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Dave Sotelo, President PO Box 993 Ellensburg, WA 98926 509-925-4084 home • Mr. Monte Milanuk, Secretary 4027 Stemilt Creek Rd Wenatchee, WA 98374

West Virginia State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Barry Hogue, President 1220 Philippi Pike Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-624-5363 • Mr. Richard C. Whiting, Secretary Rt. 1, Box 272-2 Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-1449 Wisconsin Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Jeff Nass, President N615 Silver Ln Pulaski, WI 54162 920-687-0505 • Mr. Lee Walker, Treasurer/Membership Director

// W299 56316 Hwy. 83 Mukwonago, WI 53149 262-968-9350 Wyoming State Shooting Association, Inc.

• Mr. Mark Spungin, President P.O. Box 94 Guernsey, WY 82214 307-836-2188 home • Mr. Roger Sebesta, Secretary/Treasurer 625 Sweetwater Street Lander, WY 82520 307-335-9323

How you can reach us NRA Clubs & Associations Department National Rifle Association Attn: Clubs & Associations Department 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 (800) NRA – CLUB (672-2582) (703) 267-3939 fax Kirsten Bradley, Marketing Manager (703) 267-1345 Son Nguyen, Marketing Coordinator (703) 267-1343 Jack Baker, Marketing Coordinator (703) 267-1351

NRA Range Services Department National Rifle Association Attn: Range Services Department 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 (800) 672-3888 x1278, x1276, x1279 (703) 267-1011 fax John Joines, Range Services Manager (703) 267-1278 Kara Schlifke, Range Meetings Coordinator, (703) 267-1276 Eric Whitescarver, Assistant Range Coordinator (703) 267-1279

Elizabeth Bush, National Manager Clubs, Associations, & Range Services (703) 267-1348

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION •Eastern Regional Director Brian Hyder 276-579-9828 Area 1 (ME, NH,VT) Michael Langton 607-427-8404 Area 2 (Upstate NY) Jay Rusnock 845-298-7233 Area 3 (CT, Upper NJ, Lower NY) Richard P. D’Alauro 631-462-9260 Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Kory Enck 717-689-3200 Area 5 (Western PA) Thomas Baldrige 724-861-0447 Area 6 (MD, Lower NJ) Brian Swartz 973-343-2104 Area 7 (DC, Western VA, WV) Jim Kilgore 304-255-2916 Area 8 (Eastern NC) Kirk D. Smith 919-258-5576 Area 42 (Western NC) Robert Doug Merrill 828-628-0410 Area 44 (MA, Northern NY, RI) James Carswell 518-479-0555 Area 45 (Eastern VA) Bob Hipple 540-6310633 CENTRAL REGION •Central Regional Director Philip Gray 740-773-4119 Area 12 (Southern OH) Vacant Vacant Area 13 (Northern MI) Don Bassett 231-839-1055 Area 14 (IN) John Crone 317-946-7260 Area 15 (KY) Larry Summarell, Jr. 270-586-5031 Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch 715-873-3360 Area 18 (Northern IL) Michael F. Huber 815-635-3321 Area 19 (MO) Gregg Pearre 573-761-5466 Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb 901-382-4789 Area 49 (Northern OH) Lloyd Edwards 419-646-3669 Area 51 (Southern MI) Allan Herman 989-686-3013 Area 52 (Southern IL) Wayne Steele 217-233-6784 SOUTHERN REGION •Southern Regional Director Al Hammond 386-462-5421 Area 9 (SC) Dale Carwile 864-223-9900 Area 10 (GA) Mike Cockerham 478-472-4640 Area 11 (Northern FL) Howell Lancaster 904-521-1945 Area 16 (LA, Southern MS) Dick Kingsafer 601-794-0068 Area 22 (AL) Vacant Vacant Area 25 (Northern TX) Tommy Easterling 903-330-4901 Area 26 (Southern TX) Gayle Carter-Cook 361-972-2166 Area 39 (AR, Northern MS) Mike Nevins 501-366-0293 Area 47 (Western TX) Jack Cannon 325-617-4460 Area 48 (Southern Florida) Larry Mills 941-378-9237 Mid WESTERN REGION •North Central Regional Director Tom Ulik 509-895-9407 Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong 405-692-8672 Area 21 (MN) Scott Lembke 218-844-4400 Area 23 (IA, NE) Tim Bacon 515-332-1285 Area 24 (KS) Rick Chrisman 913-294-9956 Area 27 (NM) Peter Ide 505-281-6721 Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore 406-293-2498 Area 29 (WY) David Manzer 307-746-2520 Area 30 (CO) Marc Steinke 719-207-4080 Area 41 (ND, SD) Clay Pederson 701-522-9622 WESTERN REGION •Western Regional Director J.P. Nelson 480-357-4057 Area 31 (AZ) Donna Cassity 520-316-0620 Area 32 (S. ID, Eastern NV, UT) Rex Thomas 801-829-6260 Area 33 (Northern ID, Eastern WA) Brendon Hill 509-325-0131 Area 34 (HI, OR) Mike Carey 541-385-9404 Area 35 (Northwest CA) Daniel Wilhelm 707-994-5877 Area 36 (Southern CA) Lissa Lee 818-241-0735 Area 37 (Central CA) Jason Quick 805-239-4246 Area 38 (AK) Bradley J. Kruger 907-235-9059 Area 40 (Western WA) Jim Williams 253-904-8941 Area 46 (NE CA, W. NV) Steve Wilson 209-847-4826

Volume 13, Number 3 l club connection l 31

Club Connection National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030


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