10 Delicious Recipes You Should Try With Nova Chocolate Milk

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10 Delicious Recipes You Should Try With Nova Chocolate Milk You don't know what you're missing out on if you just have chocolate milk as a refreshingly nutritious drink. Here are some ways to replace plain milk with something a little sweeter. •TresLeches Cake The ingredients for this delicious and buttery Spanish cake are sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, and full milk or heavy whipping cream. Instead, replace full milk with Nova chocolate milk for delicious enhancement. •Double Chocolate Cookies Replace the usual milk in your recipe with our Nova chocolate milk to amp up the chocolate taste. You can start preparing delectable chocolate cookies now. •Bundt Cake Make a luscious Bundt cake even richer by baking it with chocolate milk instead of water. You will not be disappointed with how moist and tasty your Bundt cake comes out! •Smoothies For a chocolate-covered taste, add Nova chocolate milk to a fruit smoothie or shake. Any dessert-inspired drink with extra sweet components like bananas and peanut butter can also be made using chocolate milk instead of plain milk. •Cupcakes & Frosting You may add a slight cocoa taste to a box mix by substituting chocolate milk for ordinary milk. Use a dash of Nova flavoured chocolate milk and some cocoa powder to make the ideal buttercream frosting. It'll be even sweeter and more delectable than your normal treat.

6. Waffles On a Saturday morning, your breakfast deserves to be sumptuous. Make our drool- worthy Pecan Chocolate Waffles by substituting chocolate for the 2 percent or whole milk in any recipe. (The chocolate butter on top will transport you to a happier place. • Ice Pops Using Nova chocolate milk to sweeten a frozen chocolate pop that can make it much sweeter. Your family won't be able to get enough of them, whether you use a dairy substitute or the genuine thing. • Hot Chocolate A warm cup of hot chocolate is always a nice way to conclude the day, regardless of the weather. Make your next batch with Nova chocolate milk instead of ordinary milk for a satisfying hot drink. • Coffee Coffee & chocolate go together and replacing flavoured cream with chocolate milk can boost the taste irrespective of whether drink it hot or cold, it's always a delicious way to start your day. 6. Overnight Oats The oats meals for nutritious breakfast can be made extraordinary with Nova chocolate milk!

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