4 minute read

aSparaGuS, rHubarb, & HOrSeradISH rOOTS

Long-term investment Asparagus, rhubarb and horseradish are all plantings that will continue to yield abundantly for 15 to 20 years if given the proper care. Get ahead of the game with our one-year-old asparagus roots, which meet the nursery standard for two-year-old crowns. Growers have been impressed at how these bigger crowns are jumping out of the ground sooner than others. The new hybrids resist fusarium crown rot and other diseases that weaken asparagus plants.

Asparagus Production guide

from A to z. A comprehensive 66-page bulletin that covers the planting, harvesting and marketing of

Asparagus Production---From A to Z

Carl J. Cantaluppi, Jr. Emeritus Extension Horticulturist North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service

asparagus. Includes several

color photos of insects, diseases and planting techniques to aid the grower. Written by Carl J. Cantaluppi, Jr., an asparagus expert with over 30 years of applied research experience,

A comprehensive 68-page regional bulletin that covers the planting, growing, harvesting, and marketing of asparagus, including a budget with costs and expected income per acre, for the serious commercial asparagus grower. The bulletin includes 25 color photos of insects, diseases, and planting techniques to aid the grower. Written by an asparagus expert with over 30 years of applied research experience in the northeast, southeast and Midwest, enabling asparagus growers to become successful.

enabling growers to become successful. Additional sources of information are also given. $27.50


Released from the asparagus breeding program of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Millennium is establishing itself to be a high performing variety. Originally thought to be best adapted to heavier soils, various trials and results from our grower surveys indicate it is adapted to a wide range of soil types. In a North Carolina trial, accumulating six years of data, it was the second highest producer on a sandy soil site. In our trial, Millennium has been productive, with high quality spears, is tender and has good asparagus flavor. We highly recommend this variety. zones 3-8.

25 for $31.00 • 50 for $55.00 • 100 for $89.50

Asparagus knife

Strong and sharp! used extensively by commercial growers yet a great tool for home gardeners. This knife has 9” shaft with a 5” wooden handle. Overall length is 19.5”, and blade is 1.5” × 5.5”. This knife will make a nice, clean cut and is the ideal tool to harvest asparagus spears. $16.99

Asparagus knife Replacement blade

This replacement blade for our Asparagus knife is 1.5" wide × 5.5"


long. Includes 2 pop-rivets. $4.99


back by popular demand! Heirloom variety with excellent flavor. Vigorous, rust resistant variety that produces large, rich green stalks. perfect for home gardeners and local market growers. zones 3-8.

25 for $21.50 50 for $38.00 100 for $62.00


This is a unique asparagus variety. Its attractive purple color, milder flavor and tenderness distinguish this variety from others. In addition, our trials indicate purple passion has productive yields. for best performance, plant spacing for purple passion is 6 to 8 inches apart in the row instead of the usual 12-inch spacing. When cooked, the bright purple color is reduced, but when served fresh in salads it provides a colorful and flavorful accent. zones 3-8. “ 25 for $26.00 • 50 for $45.50 • 100 for $74.50 After planting Mary Washington, a few small stalks poked through the soil. After 2 months, I realize my folly of ordering so many. Most have numerous stalks springing up! I planted 60 to feed my fiancé and me.

We might be feeding much of my street. The first stalks were barely 1/8” in diameter. After establishing themselves, these later stems are the width of my finger or more! This seems like a heavy producer and I am excited to see what I will be harvesting in the years to come. 28 www.noursefarms.com Casey C ”


Rhubarb is very easy to grow. Plant 3 feet apart in well-prepared soil, with the top of the division level with the soil surface. Do not plant too deeply! When the plants are established, fertilize liberally with manure and garden fertilizer. For continued success, follow this procedure each fall and spring. A well-balanced fertility program is necessary for optimum results. Soil pH should be 6.0-6.8.


This strain provides excellent production for commercial growers and home gardeners. This very vigorous, upright-growing strain produces large, tender stalks and has acceptable red color. Shows resistance to root-rot problems. zones 4-8.

3 for $20.50 • 12 for $72.00

cAwOOd dElIgHT

This variety is not as vigorous as MacDonald, but has deeper red color and slightly thicker stalks. Cawood Delight has a stout growth habit that will excel in northern areas. It may struggle in areas with long periods of high heat. We have had a lot of positive feedback on this variety from commercial growers and home gardeners. best in zones 4-7.

3 for $22.50 • 12 for $80.00

Horseradish Roots


We have selected the strain big Top for its size, vigor, wide adaptability and resistance to foliage diseases, rust and bacterial spot (all common problems in horseradish). These plants are top performers. A few roots will last a lifetime! Soil pH should be 6.0-6.8. zones 3-8.

5 for $11.00 • 10 for $20.00