Nourish - December 2012 - Issue 17

Page 59

ing exactly where you need to be on your path? Do you love what you see in the mirror? Can you perceive your part in your reactions and motives behind your current situations? You will find your answer in a thorough and honest self-appraisal. As we step into this last month of the year 2012, mark a day on your calendar and reflect on the card above. Answer the questions that are posed as they relate to your “web”. This is to be a loving reflection of self and how you arrived at where you are today. No judgments being made, just reflecting on what is. In taking a time-out to do this you will be honoring yourself and all the choices you made during the last year. Raise a glass and give a cheer for another year well lived!

Now that you have reflected on 2012 it is time to place some goals down for 2013. Nothing earth shattering or unattainable, just goals so that you have purpose going into the New Year. Winter is typically the dreaming time, time to plan what you are going to plant, grow and harvest for the next year. Take a few moments and really discern what you want to plant this year, what is missing in your life? What would you like to be better at? Go ahead make a wish, all dreams are achievable but first they must be the seed of

could be a commitment to spend more time with loved ones, and less time working. It could be a lifestyle change to be healthier. The point here is to make sure that you are setting a goal that you desire to achieve. Place it out there in the universe and make a commitment to following the path it leads you down. I am not sure what 2013 will bring but I am confident that no matter what I will achieve another year well lived. I am also positive that 2013 will be a year of living well for you too!!

thought. The choice is yours as to if you will write them down or not. It could be more like a mantra “I will be at peace no matter what is going on around me”. It

December 2012


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