October 2010 Issue

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w w w. t h e n h s p a w p r i n t . o r g

The Norwalk High School

Paw Print “How the Bears make their mark”

OCtOBEr 2010


Norwalk High School Spirit Week

Photo Credit: ricky Squires

NHS Welcomes Super Bowl Champion Mr. Idris Price



Study Halls Here and there Matt Cranston ’11

Nick Milliman ’11

Executive Editor

Staff Writer

When most students would expect something new and exciting when entering the Norwalk High School 20102011 school year, they were mistaken when they were introduced to new rules for their study halls. Due to the embarrassing number of student cuts last year, NHS was forced to step up policies. “Last year was where it just all went down hill for students and teachers alike,” said Principal Mecca, “On top of many students cutting study halls, a handful of teachers would just tell students ‘go ahead’ if they had to ‘go somewhere’.” Over the summer, Mr. Mecca met with Mrs. Driver, Mr. O’Shaughnessy, Mrs. Ireland, Mr. Welsh, and Mrs. Lawler to discuss plans on deciding the new study hall rules for the upcoming school year. “Last year was just chaos,” said Welsh of students cutting classes, “As confusing as it all is, our main focus is to give students consequences for cutting.” Welsh also stressed along with other advisors that their actions were done to get students more focused on school rather than which fast food they were going to get on Westport Ave. Their final product was a set of rules, regulations, and scenarios for teachers so that any questions or concerns they had could be answered. Mr. O’Shaughnessy also produced a laminated green set of rules to be put up in study hall classrooms for students.

With the new and complicated study hall rules being enforced this year, many students are finding it unfair and also a waste of time. The complicated new rules have become a nuisance to the student population, and many are wishing that we could repudiate to the old ones. Gil Araujo, (’12) expressed disapproval of the new study hall policy, “In study hall only like five people actually do work and yet we still have to stay quiet and we can’t leave without that given pass from another teacher. I just think there was no reason for this new rule and we should go back to the way it was.” Other students like Andrew Giron, (’11), are finding that the rules are cutting into their work time. “It makes things more complicated”, he said. “It makes it harder for me to use the period to do my work.” While most of the student population is upset with the rules, the faculty is finding the rules to be quite effective. Mr. Segers, an English teach in 2nd floor D house, finds the rules to be much more useful despite the extra paper work. “It is much more effective because we now know where students are and we can hold them accountable for where they go that period. The purpose of study hall is to get work done not to do whatever they want. Obviously it would be nice to not do the paperwork but it got to the point that it was a joke. You would ask kids if they are cutting and they would say no I’m in study hall. That’s a cut regardless of what class you’re in.”


Continued on Page 2


TABLE OF CONTENTS News............................1 Arts and Entertainment......7 Feature.............................8 Editorial.........................10 Opinion.........................11 Sports.............................14



OCtOBEr 2010


Neha Patel ’11 News Editor

An annual publication at Norwalk High School, the literary magazine known as The Voice plans to return this year with even more student participation and involvement. In the past, the magazine was published by the art department under a different name, until Ms. Kopple (English teacher) took leadership and named it The Voice. She describes the school magazine as “inspiring and rewarding” once students take advantage of submitting their work to it. “We want to see students enjoy writing. The students that write for The Voice already symbolize the diversity of NHS, and with more participation we can broaden the scope of students represented in the magazine,” Ms. Kopple said. Although most students published in the magazine are in a Creative Writing class, anyone is able to submit original short stories, poems, plays, narratives, and virtually any type of writing to Ms. Elkas in 205D, who is currently in charge of the magazine. The Creative Writing Club, also led by Ms. Elkas, convenes every other Friday to share ideas with others, spend time on writing, and edit pieces. “Being a part of The Voice is something students are very proud of. The publication has just started to pick up in recent years as students become more and more involved

in it,” Ms. Elkas explained. The deadline to submit writing is on May 1st, 2011 so there is enough time to print and distribute the magazine to students at the end of the year. Usually, the prices range from 50 cents to $1 for the magazine, but it is free for anyone who writes for it. If writing is not your passion, then you can also participate by designing a cover or back page for the magazine. If you are interested in creating an art piece, ask Ms. Elkas for more details. Ayelet Brandman (’11) is eager to take part in The Voice again this year. “Students should submit work The literary magazine of Norwalk High School, named The Voice Submitting work provides many benefits for students. to The Voice because it’s the only place we have to show off our passion. Musicians do that In the past, English teachers have even given extra credit in band, singers in choir, athletes on teams, and visual art- to students who submit work for The Voice. Ms. Elkas ists in artwork. Other than the creative writing course, cre- also added, “Having work published in a literary magazine ative writers have no real place to showcase their talent, looks great on college applications.” Besides these advantages, the magazine is a way to have fun while writing. but this magazine is exactly what we need,” she said. “It’s a perfect way to express yourself, be who you On the other hand, some students do not know anything about the magazine other than its existence. Katie want, and say what you want,” Brandman said. Pachkovsky (’11) said, “I’ve always wanted to read The Voice, but haven’t heard much about it.”

Continued from page 1


On behalf of the Student Government, I would like to commend the NHS student body for its remarkable participation and high-octane, green and white intensity during Spirit Week 2010, one of the most successful in recent memory. We have pride in our school and it shows in the dedication to school spirit. The Student Government hopes that everyone enjoyed experiencing the Pep Rally as much as we enjoyed putting it on. I would like to personally thank all members of the NHS faculty and staff for their leniency in scheduling, cooperation, and constant support for our needs. Thank your teachers, we couldn’t have done it without them! Now that Spirit Week has concluded, the Student Government is ready to advance our agenda to focus on your primary needs as students. On top of the agenda is attempting to amend the study hall rules and getting proper weight for honors classes. I recently attended a Principal’s Advisory Meeting with Mr. Mecca on behalf of the students to address these issues. Keep contacting us with ideas. We are on Facebook! “Like” us on Norwalk High School Student Government for updates on our progress. Make sure to come to our next Open Session on Tuesday, November the 3rd. Good luck to all Fall Sports Teams!

As Senior Class President, I hope to accomplish one goal: get as many students involved as possible. It is my hope that by the end of the year I will be able to say that as a class, we (the Class of 2011) set the example as the most involved, most energetic, and most fun class we could possibly have been. It will certainly not be easy, but hopefully as president I will be able to instill the same level of pride I have in being a Norwalk High School Bear into as many students as possible.

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Senior Class President: Mike Corasaniti

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Junior Class President: Melissa Rojo As your junior class president, I have many goals to make this a fun and successful year for everyone. Fundraising this year will be the key factor to ensure that our class recieves all that we want and need. Powderpuff and Mistletoe are some of the important upcoming events that we should all be looking forward to. I will put all of my effort into making junior year one of the best years of high school. It is going to take the efforts of each of us to make this year a success.

One might ask, what does Ny-Aja Boyd bring to the table? As president, I can be trusted to do my best. It seems like nobody ever stops and listens to what the students want. But I will. I want to represent my views and what I believe will benefit the student body, but more importantly, my goal is to represent the students views, what they want to do and what they think needs improvement. The most important thing is that we work together as a class to make positive changes.

Freshman Class President: Chris Lato I am so excited to be the freshman class president because I want the Class of 2014 to start off on a good note. I’ll do my best to make our four years here better than ever by asking for advice on how to improve the school. We can have fun with events like Color Wars, sports games, and future dances if we have school spirit. Let’s make this the best year possible!

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Sophomore Class President: Ny-Aja Boyd

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Cass High School located in Cartersville, Georgia has a similar view on their study hall policy, but may even have a stricter set of rules then us. Beginning this year, students who are tardy in any class throughout the school day will receive a 45-minute Study Hall assignment after school. If a student fails to serve the Study Hall assignment within that time frame, they will be assigned an additional Study Hall assignment. If both Study Halls are not served within a 48 hour period then that student will be assigned 1 day of Out of School Suspension for refusing/not completing assigned discipline. We as a student body are complaining about our new rules, but if we had the same ones as Cass, then the tardy problem would be out of control. City rivals study hall rules this year including Brien McMahon and Staples High School choose to operate their study halls a little differently. The lenient policy they have towards students leaving and attending free periods bring anger to many of the students at Norwalk High. Rob Gao, a senior at Staples High School, explained, “At Staples we have free periods. During free periods you can leave school, go to the library, cafeteria, or basically anywhere you want.” Danny Diaz, a senior at Brien McMahon had this to say about the McMahon study hall rules. “Juniors and seniors have study hall in the cafeteria and you can go to the library with a pass. If you have open end or open beginning you don’t have to go to study hall.” Obviously, neighboring towns choose to operate their free periods much differently than NHS. Since Staples and Brien McMahon are using this policy, the question of “Why can’t we?” always lingers in the air. All in all, the new study hall rules are very controversial to both students and teachers. If Norwalk were to use simpler rules, then it would be easier and less time consuming then if the rules remained. Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

“It came down to the fact that nobody was going to study hall,” said a concerned O’Shaughnessy. “This was a major problem when the situation came up. We needed to contact the student or there was an emergency and we had no idea where he or she was.” As many students have been complaining about this new set of rules, there are still some rebels who cut study halls. Kyle Buswell (’12) and Steven Curran (’12) both are enjoying the junior privilege of having open end, but still think that the new rules are ridiculous. “We can’t do anything, it’s almost like they don’t trust us,” said Buswell. Curran’s solution was stated as, “I think that going back to the old way would make it better for both students and Norwalk High established new teachers.” A topic that seems to be shunned by many is the written rule that a student receives detention if he or she cuts a study hall, but not if he or she cuts a class. “It isn’t an automatic cut if you cut a study hall, it is all up to your housemaster if you will receive one or not,” said O’Shaughnessy, “The threat of this occurring is what we believe will motivate students to not cut class.” As far as the rules go, one of the biggest and most controversial according to students is one which states that: a student must sign out of study hall at the beginning of the period, and then return three minutes before the bell rings to sign back in. “This is just an easier way for study hall teachers to ‘close the loop’ on watching a student,” said Mecca. This new set of rules has put modest restrictions on what students can and cannot do during a study hall. Mecca and his team of advisors see the new rules as a work in progress, but plan on making a few changes to accommodate the confusion and problems among teachers and students. “It’s not a perfect solution, but overall it’s accomplishing what we set out to do,” concluded O’Shaughnessy.

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Study Halls: there Here Continued from page 1

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

the Voice Speaks to NHS



One Comes, One Goes

Clifton Prophete ’11 Staff Writer

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Mr. Walston entered Norwalk High School four years ago along with the class of 2011 as a “freshman” administrator. He was the B-House housemaster and counselor to many. He also ran the African-American/Latino Club in which he was a great leader to the students in that group and took them on field trips to give back to the community. As the first week in September approached, Mr. Walston was given an opportunity that was hard to pass up. A company known as Global Partnership Schools (GPS) was partnered with the Bridgeport Public Schools system to try and help their struggling schools get back to state standards. One of the Bridgeport schools, Harding, needed the GPS Company to change the school around due to their failure to pass the yearly check up. In that first week of September, Mr. Walston received a phone call from the Bridgeport superintenMr. Walston, former B-housemaster

Photo Credit: Dylan Byrne

R.I.P. Clayton W. Burrows

Clayton W. Burrows was a legend among Norwalk High School athletics. He was the general manager for the NHS Co-op Ice Hockey team for over 20 years. Clayton contributed by providing the team with water, managing the bench, and giving motivational speeches. He grew up in Norwalk and worked at Stew Leonard’s and Stop & Shop before he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Even though doctors gave him only 6 months to live, he fought as hard as he could and survived another 2 years. Now, Clayton is remembered for his undying spirit and love of hockey. His passion for the game will always be admired by players, fans, and coaches. The ice hockey team has dedicated this upcoming season in his honor.

dent, Dr. Ramos, and headed out for his first interview to become principal of Harding High School. Ms. Yarnold, the B-House secretary, describes Mr.Walston as “one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met.” She has worked here at NHS for twenty-two years and came to realize that “the school has lost a very good administrator.” With tears bound to fall out of her eyes, she just hopes that he is safe and happy. But Mr.Walston, who you could always catch with a smile and his head up states, “I want to be in a community of underdogs.” Although he has had a big impact on our school he also has a goal in mind “to change Harding.” With Mr. Walston gone, Mr. Mierzejewski who is replacing Mr.Walston, has some big shoes to fill. With that said, Mr. Mierzejewski realizes that his position is “a challenging” one, but with his thirty-five years in the school system he is very confident to fill those shoes. Mr. Mierzejewski worked at the old NHS, which is now City Hall. He was a social studies teacher, counselor, and housemaster. He also worked at McMahon for two years, spent two semesters at Joel Barlow, and one semester at Roton Middle School. He has a tremendous amount of experience. Looking back at the high school he calls his “old home” he sees changes and many new faces but has the right state of mind to keep everything in line. All in all, NHS is glad to have Mr. Mierzejewski and hopes that all is well with Mr. Walston.

Mr. Mierzejewski, new B-housemaster

Welcome Aboard New Staff

Paula Araujo ’11

Staff Writer Last year, Norwalk High said farewell to several staff members, leading us into this new school year welcoming a handful of new members. In the English department, Mr. Smith was fortunate enough to be chosen from several other applicants for the job of teaching senior and sophomore English classes. “Having a career in education has always run in my family, so ending up where I am now is no surprise,” he said. Prior to his teaching career, Mr. Smith held a job for fifteen years as a journalist, working for several famous magazines such as People, US Weekly, and the New York Post. After a while, the always-changing, fast-paced atmosphere no longer interested him as it had before, so he and his family settled in Connecticut. He went on to continue his education at the University of Bridgeport, where he studied to become a teacher and landed an internship here at NHS, where he was a substitute teacher filling in for Ms. Milne. Finally, he was hired as an official teacher when Ms. Cutuli-Block, retired. So far, he has felt very welcomed as an English teacher. “I am so lucky to be a part of a great department and to have been given great students,” he said. NHS also welcomes Mr. Ireland, a new Health teacher and former student of NHS. He said, “It has been a long journey to finally get this position that I knew I always wanted since deciding on becoming a teacher.” After receiving his degree from Eastern Connecticut State University, he spent much of his time

serving as a substitute teacher at surrounding schools. Luckily for him, having been born and raised in Norwalk, he knew the staff very well. Some of the staff members here are actually a part of his family. He also knows most of the students from coaching the football team. His goal was to always have a job at NHS. “I am excited to be a part of this school. I am finally where I belong,” he said. New to the Science Department is Ms. Morrison who comes from Louisiana. She has

Mr. Ireland teaches health class

worked in several areas across the country; as a reporter, in museums, and in the oil and gas industry. “I was very lucky to land this job and I am very appreciative of the opportunity to work here and the other science teachers have gone out of their way to help me learn the ropes,” she said. Regardless of the detours on their journey, they all feel that they have made the right decision by joining the NHS staff. They are really enjoying the ride so far and agree that students are the best part of the job.

Mrs. Oliver’s Inspiring Battle Against Cancer Photo Credit: Ashley Cortes

Ashley Coto ’11

Staff Writer Mrs. Oliver, an algebra and geometry teacher at Norwalk High School, has been fighting an eight year battle against cancer. Still, she remains to be a teacher with a permanent smile on her face. Her case of cancer is one so rare that only four in every one million people are diagnosed with it. Known as Leiomyosarcoma or LMS, this cancer is very hard to treat and even harder to diagnose. Mrs. Oliver’s case began with a sudden pain in her leg. Teaching at Harding High School in Bridgeport, Connecticut at the time, she thought the pain was just caused by the immense amount of stairs she had to climb multiple times a day. After seeing three doctors, in May of 2002, Mrs. Oliver finally got an answer. After intense cat scanning, Mrs. Oliver returned to the doctor a week later with her mother, where the news was broken to her. That day Mrs. Oliver learned about LMS, and the mea-

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Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

July l1, 1960-October 6, 2010

October 2010

Mrs. Oliver, math teacher, battles LMS cancer

sures she would have to face. Starting with leg surgery to remove the tumor, and followed by an implant in her spinal collar to block some of the pain, this was only the beginning. Unfortunately that same year, she broke her back and still, the worst was yet to come. Her husband was the victim of reckless driving and passed away. The doctor told Mrs. Oliver that being unaffected after five years was a good sign. It was on the fourth year of her diagnosis that ‘Stage 4’ cancer was spread to both of her livers. As a result, she grew weaker and the once active karate member was forced to slow down. Simple daily tasks made her tired as a result of her treatment. She was out of school quarters at a time, which added up to an entire school year. After four quarters of recovery, she still teaches here at NHS, and her treatment lives on. Today, she has one lung, spinal support, and a cane, but she remains being just as lively and passionate a teacher that she has always been. “You just keep on winning,” she concluded with a smile. For the full version of this article please visit www. thenhspawprint.org.

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Murderous Fury Drives Norwalk to Worry Neha Patel ’11 News Editor

The Ambiance of Naviance Dylan Byrne ’11 Staff Writer

Norwalk is a dangerous area. Paul Resnick, Norwalk Police Officer of the Community Services Department, said, “Citizens should absolutely feel safe. We have a tremendous police force here. There is crime in every city and town; it is expected. Westport, which is a town known for its safety, has had more armed robberies than Norwalk has in the past month so our town is not the only one.” He went on to describe that the average annual Norwalk murders amounted to eight in the 1980s, and in past years has significantly dropped to an average of four. So far this year, there have only been three (two of which were domestic). While Resnick said the murder count has dropped, Chief of Police Harry Rilling admitted to a

Stamford Advocate reporter that violence has increased. The article ‘Stray Bullet Narrowly Misses Woman’ quotes him saying on September 23rd, 2010, “It [the violence] is certainly disturbing. We have seen an increase in young people carrying weapons and we have made a significant number of arrests of people suspected of gang involvement and violent activities.” In the past, citizens have acted up. One example was the ‘Stop the Violence’ march from West Avenue to the Norwalk Police Station in South Norwalk on January 9th, 2010. However, there have not been any recent protests, reflecting the fact that the safety level of Norwalk is still tolerable.

Teens Bitten By the Twilight Bug Eric Scatamacchia ’11 Executive Editor It is safe to say that teens have been bitten by the Twilight bug, literally. As a result of the blockbuster “Twilight” books, movies, and countless other vampire related media teens have started a new fad of biting each other to show affection. Some teens even go as far as drawing blood from one another to proclaim love for their significant other. It is no wonder teens have started this vampire-like behavior considering all of the different vampire publicity with current TV shows such as True Blood and The Vampire Diaries as well as numerous vampire novels that have just been published recently. Ms. Morris, a psychology teacher at NHS, said, “This is a rather interesting trend, but it will die out. It seems animalistic to me like they want to mark their territory similar to branding cattle.” Michael Kaplor, age 16, told Good Morning America he has been biting his girlfriend on and off for about a year. “For me, biting is the way to show affection toward

Spirit Sways Score Karolyn collins ’12 Staff Writer

School spirit is one of the most important aspects that brings students together at Norwalk High School. Some people may question whether or not the Bear Pack affects the outcome of the games in any way. Most athletes at NHS seem to think so. However, some students avoid attending games because they do not want to go watch a game where their team is going to lose. “No matter what the situation is, you’ll always be more excited when your team is winning”, said Alexa Cordero (‘12). Many students look at coming to the games as a chance to see their team win, when the real reason students should attend games is to support their teams at NHS. Athletes from all sports have noticed that their fans affect their personal performance. “I think the Bear Pack gives us more encouragement and pumps us up”, said Lindsay Macri (‘11) of the Lady Bear’s Soccer team. Not only have the athletes noticed, but the leader of bear pack Mike Corasaniti has also. “I feel that although we don’t get points for our teams for being wild and cra-

the other person and to just get a crazy adrenaline rush and not so much to mark territory or to show I belong to something, but just to show the other person I care and there’s a deeper sense of affection.” Ian McGrath (’13) said, in regards to the new trend, “I think that the whole stupid Twilight trend started it. If someone tried to bite me I’d be pretty disgusted and would shut them down.” Teen couples across the United States have taken part in this odd exchange despite the many health risks that come with this troubling trend. According to ABC News, up to fifteen percent of bites from humans can become infected and, if the biting should draw blood, diseases such as hepatitis, syphilis and HIV can be spread. In fact, in some cases human bites can be more dangerous than animal bites because of the types of bacteria and viruses contained in the human mouth, according to the Mayo Clinic. In the more extreme cases an infected human bite may require hospitalization and even surgery. Although most people do not understand this unusual display of biting it has clearly caught on amongst teens. It appears that as long as vampires and Twilight stay popular more and more teens will partake in this strange trend. zy, the fact that we are at almost every game offers teams a lot of extra motivation”, says Mike Corasaniti (’11). So if everyone realizes that the Bear Pack has a positive effect on games, then why would people not show up to support their school teams? In theory, if the bear pack showed up to these games then the outcome could possibly be better than if they were to not show up. So NHS student come out and support your teams, it’s guaranteed to make a difference. Photo Credit:Ricky Squires

Naviance is a program used nation-wide and school-connected that allows students to easily communicate with their counselors and match themselves with schools that interest them as they prepare for college. To get started, all students have to do is got to Naviance.com, register through Norwalk High School and use their e-mail and student ID number as their password. Without even doing anything or filling out any questionnaires, Naviance is already working for you. Naviance allows students to begin their college research by using a unique search tool called “college match.” Naviance is directly connected to Norwalk High school and has all of the students test scores built into the program. It uses the student’s test scores to create a comprehensive list of schools that suit that particular student’s academic achievements. Oliver Viera (‘11) said, “It is the best college related site I know of. It has everything I could ask for.” Naviance also uses the same process to match students with a list of possible scholarships that they are eligible to apply for. This is extremely helpful for those students in need of financial aid and those looking to get the most out of their college experience. Mr. Sutton, an intern at Fairfield University and in B-House, is the school’s expert on Naviance. Norwalk High has been using Naviance for several years now and although the program is geared toward seniors the school is working to get freshman and sophomores familiar with the program too. “We want the freshmen to gain interest in the program now so that in fours years they know how to use Naviance to the fullest and it will make the college application process easier.” Naviance includes many features beyond college life as well. The program allows students to search and research possible careers. There are also personality tests in the program that will help students learn about themselves. Naviance is essentially a communications tool that allows the students to show their counselors what colleges they are looking at and stay organized as they prepare for the long journey known as college.

“It’s just scary to know that this is going on in our neighborhood, and it only takes a small mistake for someone who is not involved to get hurt.” -Olivia Taylor ’11

Norwalk Police Department Badge

Recent violence around the city of Norwalk, notably street shootings and murders, has caught the attention of high school students and teachers. Many people have read or heard about the homicide of Amos Brown, Jr. who was followed and shot at while driving near the El Coqui Grocery Store in Norwalk just last month. In 2008, Amos was freed from court after admitting that he stabbed Tykwan Hunt in the heart out of self-defense the day of the McDonald’s brawl. This brawl started off as a high school party and turned into a violent melee where teenagers pulled out guns and knives. At the time, his father Amos Brown Sr. said, “I’m going to get him away from these streets...They’re going to kill us.” Unfortunately, he was right. Police believe Brown’s death this past month was revenge by the Money Green Gang of Norwalk that was associated with Hunt. Another more recent shooting on September 14th, 2010 was targeted towards Saddle Road where the shooter fired five shots into a home late at night. On The Norwalk Hour website, anonymous comments on the articles reflected outrage in light of recent events. One such comment said, “Yet another senseless act of violence! Why haven’t you assured us that we are not turning into another Bridgeport?” Students at Norwalk High School, such as Olivia Taylor (’11) say, “It’s just scary to know that this is going on in our neighborhood, and it only takes a small mistake for someone who is not involved to get hurt.” Taylor does feel safe in some parts of Norwalk such as NHS, but does

think there may be danger in other parts. A Norwalk High School parent, Sandra Osorio, also had some personal beliefs on the matter. “I do not think Norwalk’s safe because of the high crime rate. I believe the police should patrol the entire city more than they do now.” Although public opinions vary, police have made it clear that they do not think



October 2010

The Voice That Will Now and Forever Be Heard Mike corasaniti ’11 Staff Writer

to come. “There is an assault on truth today,” said Milano, “People are too often lying and wasting people’s time and it is your job to hold yourself to a higher standard and write the truth. It’s a big responsibility.” All in all, the conference succeeded in teaching aspiring journalists the craft and giving everyone the opportunity to meet with other schools to view and compare each oth- Journalism students view 12 different school news papers er’s work. It’s really motivating and cool to see what other schools are doing and to think that we could do it too,” said Heather Rankine, freshman writer for the Darien High School newspaper, “It gives us the chance to improve our own paper.” Rankine was only one among almost two hundred aspiring journalists who left better educated and motivated to make the best of their work.

Photo credit: Ashley cortes

On Friday, October 8th, Journalism programs from a dozen schools in Fairfield County met at Norwalk Community College for a conference to talk, share information, and learn more about the craft they are pursuing. “I’m really excited about all of this,” said Sara McCloskey, senior editor-in-chief for the New Canaan High School newspaper, “I definitely want to be a journalist when I grow up so something like this where I get to learn about so many different aspects of journalism is amazing.” Upon arrival, an opening address was given by Student Press Law Center lawyer Frank Lamonte. Said Lamonte, “No matter what you do in a public school, your First Amendment rights can not be taken away from you.” Lamonte gave several examples of students going against their schools, principals, and peers to publish a story and how their rights were challenged. The message was clear: never be afraid to publish what should be published. “I’m very excited for today. I usually wind up learning just as much as the students,” added Lamonte. After, students broke off to several workshops to learn specific aspects of the craft. John Milano, a teacher of one of the workshops offered and editor for the Stamford Advocate, explained to the students their role as journalists in the generation

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NCC: A Growing Trend

Bias Found in Local Media

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Luke porco ’11

Stephanie Mandujano ’12

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

By reading newspapers over the years ing teams do not get as much attention. He including recent editions, it has been does not blame the articles about McManoticed that the amount of articles done hon on bias, he blames it on the time facon Norwalk High are far less than those tor. done on Brien McMahon. It is not just one An example of this would be the footarea that is not being covered; there are ball game, where Norwalk played Greenmany events that are not mentioned. wich. Norwalk High was in a small article In sports, when the girls soccer team for beating Greenwich for the first time faced their cross town rivals and re- in 30 years, while McMahon got the front cieved a satisfactory 1-0 page for losing to Danwin over the Senators, bury in football. Mones the “Norwalk Citizen” explained this by saystarted their article off ing that the game had by saying, “Anyone been delayed and that watching Wednesday it is hard for newsnight’s intra-city match papers that put out a up between the Nornewspaper everyday walk and Brien McMato cover events that hon girls’ soccer teams happen later on in the could easily see which evening. team played the better “They get everygame. Unfortunately for thing,” said Jenn Roginthe Senators, that team ski (’11) a student from didn’t win.” The NorNorwalk High School, walk newspaper “The when asked what she Citizen” also provides thought about the topa website, where they ic. She argued that they give the number of arhad the better-looking Some newspapers include controversial bias ticles done on a topic. school. Norwalk High has 268 BMHS students feel while McMahon has 325. the opposite way. “Norwalk High is given Sports director, Wayne Mones, dis- more opportunity, and the fact that they agreed and felt that sometimes it was just got a new turf and track is unfair,” said the timing of the games and events at the Bryana Coleman (’11) a student of Brien school. “I was a guidance counselor for McMahon High School. 17 years at McMahon; they said NHS got “It’s not even like McMahon has a betmore coverage. At times it may seem that ter sports program. Both sports programs way, but they try to be fair.” seem pretty even, and the fact that McMaMr. Mones also mentioned the news- hon gets more coverage is surprising,” said papers base their articles on success; los- Erica Cruz (’12). Photo credit:Nataly Monsalve

Norwalk Community College’s enrollment has increased greatly over the last couple of years. According to NCC president Dr. David Levinson, they have 6740 students currently attending NCC.He also said that NCC is “one half the cost of the University of Connecticut and one third the cost of a Connecticut State University”. It was chosen by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as one of fifteen community colleges to receive funding, which may have been a cause of the enrollment increase. Although NCC is located in Norwalk, it is open to Fairfield County students. The majority of students are from Stamford, according to Dr. Levinson. NCC offers many programs to students, such as an allied health program, nursing program, culinary program, and a health and science center, which will open in January 2012. The requirements to get into NCC are to be a high school graduate. When

a student applies, NCC assesses reading, writing, and math skills, but according to Levinson, the most important part is that you “definitely need a high school diploma”. NCC also gives the option to transfer to a different university. Dr. Levinson said that the most popular schools that students transfer to are UConn, Southern Connecticut State University, and Western Connecticut State University.” NCC offers assistance to students who want to transfer to another school.Another key factor of NCC is that they are a diverse school. Dr. Levinson said, “We have students from eighty different nations. Everyone learns from one another.” NCC has a lot of options for students, which may influence them into choosing NCC as their school of choice due to their programs and opportunities.

Go to Our Website to Read These Articles

Yomi Abiola

A former model, present activist, and accomplished journalist, Yomi Abiola shared her inspiring life story with the journalism students on Friday October 22, 2010. She explained her unusual path of becoming interested in journalism through the death of her father, who was the president of Nigeria. Her constant questioning has helped her find answers to all of the questions she was wondering. Abiola’s belief is that you can always create change through journalism.

-Remedial Course Increase at NCC -School Lunches -Sexual Harrassment -Freshman Stereotypes -Excersise Can Increase Grades -Living in a Mine -Reffing in the FCIAC

-Teen Texting -Teenage Pregnancy by: Angelica -NBA Season -Bias in Class Elections -Furry Subcultures -My Day of ISS

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Arts And Entertainment


October 2010

The Matt Brown Show

New Year, New Yearbook

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Ashley Coto ’11

“So Mr. Karl had this great creation And he made the Paw Print organization The Paw Print has such a great crew Then they can inform me and you For all the great people there is lots to say And it’s true; all of them make my day.”

Dylan Byrne ’11

Referring to last year’s yearbook as “creative but disappointing,” Mr. Segers, Coadvisor for the yearbook with Mr. Pagano, plans to help the committee rebound from last year and is determined to make sure this year’s yearbook is a success. Last year the yearbook was widely criticized for having many errors and a lack of quality despite being completely in color. “There were several typos throughout the book, and many class pictures of students appeared more than once,” Ian Golden (’11) points out. Mr. Segers offered this explanation as to why the yearbook appeared below par. “ W e struggled with the application of some of our themes in particular sections and we felt some students could have put more time into that project. We are proud of what we put out there and extremely thankful to those students who saw it through to the end.” This year, the yearbook committee plans to start over and rebuild their yearbook more like a structured program. Attendance is being taken at every meeting to ensure that students remain true to their commitment to this year’s book. Ka-

tie Pachkovsky (’11), Senior Editor, looks forward to working with her new staff and putting out the best yearbook possible. “This year we’ve resolved to start fresh, with better organization and a renewed focus,” says Katie. Things look positive for this year’s yearbook. Going off of last year’s response, the 2010-11 edition will have a theme and the group is working hard to make sure that as much of the book remains in color as possible. Pachkovsky and the rest of the yearbook staff have their work cut out for them, but they all seem determined to make this year’s yearbook the best for years to come. “We have already decided on a board game theme,” says Pachkovsky. “In addition Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Photo Credit: Ashley Cortes

Matt Brown (’13) is beginning to get very popular around the halls of Norwalk High School. This popularity comes from his very own show known as: The Sam and Matt Show, as well as his newly released CD consisting of ten lyrical songs written by him. “I think Matt Brown can put a smile on a face just by saying hello. A true pleasure to be around,” says Jay Garrish (’11). This show is a “variety show” where Matt and his friend Sam Genovese (’13), produce entertaining “works of art.” These works of art include re-enactments of popular movies, stand up comedy, and even a little bit of his talent in the art of rapping. “My biggest dream come true would be being a talk show host, like Jimmy Fallon. He’s my biggest inspiration. I just want to entertain people, in ANY way, and just try to make the world a happy place,” says Brown.

Along with being a talented actor, with the ability to act out serious scenes like ones from the movie, A Few Good Men, his acting range also allows him to perform on a more comical spectrum with scenes from the movie Dodgeball. “Me and Sam used to… not like each other, very much.” Matt seemed hesitant to admit past rivals between the two, but claims that things have changed. This happened when the two realized that they were both rather entertaining, had a good sense of humor, and liked entertaining people. The wild suggestion was made by Sam to start a show near the end of 8th grade, and on March 15th of last year, their first episode was released to the public. As of now, there are a total of five episodes out, with a likelihood of many more to come. “I’m very impressed with Matt Brown’s rapping talent. His rhymes are genius and he’s the real deal,” said Patrick Whalen. (’12) As a preview to his great ability in song writing, Brown honors The Paw Print with a free verse in a matter of seconds:

Page 7

to this we hope to have a good portion of the book in color again, but this all depends on funding.” Senior Ian Golden’s eagerness to see the final product has clearly not dwindled. “I look forward to how my last high school yearbook will turn out!”

The Glee Club Has Gotten a Little More Gleeky Arts & Entertainment Editor

The word “glee” has drastically changed over the course of the past year. What was once a word that most teenagers did not use very often, has become an everyday word heard through the halls of most high schools. The FOX show, coming into its second season, was never expected to be this big. Viewers range from age ten to age fifty, each finding something to take from the silly plots, the catchy music choices, and the (sometimes cheesy) morals. Personally, I am a huge fan of Glee. I have watched it since it began, and I love it! However, there are many people I know who find it “dumb” and even think that the cast should not be allowed to cover certain songs. They have done Madonna, Britney Spears, and many more. Even Paul McCartney from the Beatles has sent the producers his music for the show.

While many find the cheesy plotlines bad television, that is what makes the show so good. What is better than a B list movie that was made to be a B list movie? It is the same thing! The usual, high school “after school special” episodes are the best ones, because they have the cliché things everyone loves, with its own spin. It is funny, witty, sad, joyful, it is full of romance, drama, revenge, tragedy, and of course, music! Glee has something for everyone, so if you know what is good for you, jump on the bandwagon and get a little Gleeky!

By: Lorraine Saddler ’11

And take out those FANGS!

Norwalk High School welcomes Mr. Chris Rivera and Mrs. Jennifer Burkhalter to the Music Department and the NHS faculty!

Mr. Rivera Band Director

Mrs. Burkhalter Orchestra Director

Photo Credit: www.dragoart.com

NO! This is not Twilight Yelhsa... you’re not a vampire. Now OFF!

Photo Credit: channelguidemagblog.com

Jillian Winters ’11



OCtOBEr 2010

High School Showdown

James Welch ’11 Sports Editor

Social identity is, in simple terms, the way in which different social groups interact with each other. Norwalk High School is full of many different ethnicities and groups with differing social preferences. There are some students who feel that the school has a strong social identity. Mike Parlanti (’12) said when asked if students get along well with each other, “I believe so for the most part. The only times they don’t is when there are social confrontations or disagreements.” Principal Leonard Mecca agreed, “We’re not perfect, but we do a good job. I feel that for the most part students treat one another with respect. The way they learn to give that respect is at home.” Although it is evident that the school is not in perfect harmony, students do tend to get along well with one another for the most part. “I think we are a pretty accepting place. New people tend to tread water carefully. Some kids don’t mind being alone and that’s fine. I still see students that sit alone with a book and their lunch. I don’t see it a lot, but I’m not sure whether it is a choice or not,” Mecca commented on the ability of Norwalk High’s students to mix with each other. There are many different social groups at Norwalk High. Some are more obvious to spot than others and some even may influence the members of that group to act a certain way. When asked about stereotypes, Ashley Rodriguez (’13) said, “There are so many different people at this school. Whenever you see someone that stands out, you think they’re weird.” Most, if not all, of these social groups have to deal with some type of peer pressure. Whether it is pressuring someone to go to a party or just joining a club, it is there. Peer pressure is ubiquitous in all parts of life for a teenager. However, some social groups have greater peer pressure than normal. According to howstuffworks.com, gang members tend to be young because young teenagers are more susceptible to peer pressure and doing what the leaders tell them to do. Not all teens give in to the pressure of joining a gang, but those who do join do so because they tend to follow the crowd. “When African Americans are grouped together walking in the halls, I notice how some people are scared to walk through. And they shouldn’t be. There is no reason to be scared,” said Khdijah Scott (’12) commenting on stereotypes at Norwalk High. Gina Groseclose (’12), on social groups’ influence, said, “When walking in the halls, I notice that some kids don’t show consideration to those who care or worry about getting to class and it’s probably because of the people they hang out with that make them do this.” “Sports and extracurricular activities are great ice breakers. They are wonderful ways for students to get involved at the school and make friends very quickly. We have so many different clubs and sports here,” Mecca stated. Parlanti also felt that sports play a major role in defining social groups, “I notice very often when lacrosse and baseball players go at it at the lunch table over which sport is better.” When asked if he felt that the school had changed since he has been here, Mecca said, “As I walk around the halls and cafeteria, I notice how the students appreciate that their principal takes the time to try and ‘mingle’ with everyone. I do have my favorites, but those favorites are individuals not groups and I feel that that plays a major part in what allows us to blend well.” It is generally agreed that Norwalk High School is a welcoming place where students can find a place to fit in or be happy. How they act, respect, and pressure one another is what defines the school’s social identity.

Stereotyping “I think people stereotype me as shy.” “But really I’m opinionated and loud.”

“I think people stereotype me as a little preppy, quiet, boring, good, little girl.” “But really I’m kind of loud, and I know how to have a good time.” “I think people stereotype me as the typical “ white” kid who’s the captain of the sports teams . . . and everything is perfect. That is if they stereotype me at all.” “But really I’ve had my fair share of hardships and I work my hardest to get through. I’m not better than anyone; it’s just about making an image for you at the end of the day.”

Heard in the Halls: Do yo

John Jeannis (’11) “No.”

Sabrina Church (’11) “Yeah. I’ve met nice people from all different groups.”

Alex Libre (’12) “A lot of the same types of people sit with each other.”

Jenn McCarthy (’12) “Yes, the lunch room is very separated.”


OCtOBEr 2010



“I think people stereotype me as another statistic for teens using drugs and participating in under age drinking.” “But really I’m just a girl that doesn’t care about my appearance, and I’m here in school to get my work done.” “I think people stereotype me as the stuck- up guy.” “But really I’m a cool person to get to know.” “I think people stereotype me as a shy, quiet person. Some people think I’m not athletic, and that I isolate myself.”

“I think people stereotype me as social, a jock. But really I’m mellow, easy to hang out with.”

“I think people stereotype me as hood, act loud, violent, unintelligent, party animal.” “But really I’m nice, smart, intelligent, and a homebody.”

“But really I’m outgoing, fun, very athletic, and have lots of school spirit.”

NHS students were asked what they think their stereotype is and what they think other people stereotype them as. Eight responses are displayed here.

ou think sterotypes are accurate? Why?

Steven Grimm (’13) “Kind of, it exists with sports.”

Ashley rodriguez (’13) “Yeah. When someone stands out people think they’re weird.”

Mikayla Beckwith (’14) “Occasionally, depends on stereotype, some fit and some don’t.”

Gavin Schuerch (’14) “Not really, because in the stereotypes there are various types of people.”



OCtOBEr 2010

Staff Box the Paw Print

Norwalk High School 23 Calvin Murphy Drive Norwalk, CT 06851 (203) 838-4481 ext. 1808 The Paw Print would like to thank all Journalism students for their work in the creation of this newspaper. The following writers are those whose work appears in this issue. Executive Editors Matt Cranston Eric Scatamacchia ___________Design team:___________ News Editor Neha Patel A&E Editor Jillian Winters Feature Editors Eric Scatamacchia Ashley Cortes Opinion Editor Brendon Prescott Sports Editor James Welch Photography Editor Ashley Cortes


Norwalk Education rankings Matt Cranston ’11 Executive Editor

Being “in need of improvement” for the past seven years, the seventy-fifth percentile ranked Norwalk School District has been falling below the marker for too long. According to the proclaimed school comparison website ‘schooldigger.com,’ the Norwalk School District, which includes twelve elementary schools, four middle schools, and three high schools, is ranked 125th of 166. With a .401 rank score just above Stamford’s .399, Norwalk and its 10,745 students are in need of improvement. Norwalk’s new superintendent Dr. Susan Marks came from a district that was ranked with the highest SAT and test scores in that state, and a “no barriers” policy. In Norwalk, the average SAT score is 1440 and there are no required remedial courses if you do not reach a certain cumulative score. On an average year of school, the State of Connecticut has 996 hours of instructional time, while The

Stereotyping at Norwalk High School Eric Scatamacchia ’11 Executive, Feature Editor

Stereotyping is something we all do, most times without even realizing it. In society people stereotype others based on exterior appearances and certain beliefs. People have been programmed to gravitate toward others like themselves and alienate those who are different. Staff Writers: It is in our nature to hang out with people simPaula Araujo Kevin Lawrence ilar to us because it makes us feel more comfortDylan Byrne Brian Manby able. Nevertheless, the effects of stereotyping can Matt Brown StephanieMandujano be long-lasting and, in some cases, very harmful. Stephanie Canales Farrah Marin Stereotyping and other forms of prejudice Tevin Christopher Nick Milliman have plagued our world for hundreds of years. Karolyn Collins Nataly Monsalve They have caused many tragedies and provoked James Cooksey Evan Opdahl many unwarranted acts of violence and hatred. Mike Corasaniti Luke Porco In a school such as Norwalk High where stuAshley Coto Clifton Prophete dents experience such vast diversity, it is imporNicole Dunsmore Maria Valdovimos tant to fight the instinct to stereotype and allow Kristin Harris individuals to determine how they are perceived. NHS is a prime example of the ineffectiveAdvisor: ness of stereotyping. As students walk the halls, Mr. Karl it is clear the number of different types of people, whether they are categorized by race, appearance, or common interests. What students have also experienced is the difPlease let us know what ferences amongst individuals that come from the you think. Students are welcome to submit writing same ‘social group’. A common race or ethnicity is either in person to room not a significant factor in determining the person116B or visit our website at ality of a person. When walking past someone in the hall, it is thenhspawprint.org impossible to make a judgment on the type of perOur Next Issue Will Be out In December

son they are simply based on how they look or who they hang out with. It is both irresponsible and immature to make such hasty conclusions. Unfortunately, the environment in which we live in wrongly reinforces stereotyping. This has carried over into our school where the effect of stereotyping can be seen every day. If you do not believe me consider this: For an article, a staff writer for the Paw Print wrote about the new mosque that is going to be built in Norwalk. As part of her article, she wanted to interview Muslim students at NHS to see what their thoughts were on the matter. But, as she searched for a quote she was met with multiple refusals from Muslims students to voice their opinions because of their fear of how people would perceive them. There is no reason why students should be afraid to speak their mind on any topic no matter how important or controversial. The fact that these students refused to voice their opinions says a lot about the power of stereotyping. Their fear of being stereotyped was so strong that it took away their freedom of speech. This is wrong and should never happen, especially in school where students are supposed to feel safe and comfortable. So, next time you are walking down the hall and see someone coming toward you, instead of making a snap judgment, think about the effects your stereotyping can have on others.

Letters to the Editor: Dear Editor,

Policies: Our newspaper reserves the right to edit all submissions for space and clarity. All entries must include name, year in school, and phone number for verification.

Norwalk School District has 947. In effect, the rankings for Norwalk have been falling below the marker for the past seven years. One of the most controversial events that has had a big effect on the Norwalk District is the recent city budget cuts. According to Marks, next years budget is going to pay for an in school PSAT for every 10th grader. As Dr. Marks and the Norwalk principals meet together each month, they are working on new ways to increase the performance of this district. Future goals for Norwalk according to Superintendent Marks are to make the Newsweek top school districts list and eventually get Norwalk into the top 3% of U.S. schools. As challenging a goal as this is, it will not only take the work of Superintendent Marks, but also that of the the Norwalk students themselves. The success of this district depends on you the students. So in the words of NHS history teacher Mr. Seaburg, “Get ‘er done.”

Welcome Class of 2014! Here is some advice from a senior, on how to survive High School. The first thing is always listen to the teachers directions and follow them. Do all of your homework and complete the assignments when they are due. One thing you will notice is that teachers do not play around when it comes towards late homework assignments. A first impression is always important. If you didn’t get along with your middle school teachers, now is the time to start off fresh with some new teachers. If you need

help with your schoolwork do not be afraid to ask the teacher for extra help. They will be happy that you did and they would much rather see you succeed rather than fail. Try joining an activity or after school club. Not only does it look good for your college application, but you can also make some new friends and meet lots of people who have the same interests as you. Most importantly have fun; there are many fun activities in high school. Sincerely, Danny Barrand Class of 2011

GO TO OUR WEBSITE thenhspawprint.org




New Passes, New Problems

Kristin Harris ’11

Staff Writer


although this may be elementary in a sense, we will still be using less paper, as you would be able to print two travelers on one piece of paper. A traveler is when you have one piece of paper and log everywhere you go on it. There are about 1550 students in this school, and each student would use a traveler a quarter. This means that we would only use 3,100 pieces of paper. That means we would save over 40,000 pieces of paper a year. Also following in pursuit of NHMS, Honors student could obtain a “gold pass” which means that they could use this pass to go where they need to, and constant passes would not need to be written for them, this would save even more paper. We should try anything that will get us to use less paper. Norwalk High is hurting our earth with this unnecessary paper usage. Phooto Creeditt: Breenddon Preescott

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Americans waste 85 million tons of paper and paperboard in the United States; and yet—we are doing nothing but contributing to this paper waste with our new hall passes at Norwalk High School. The hall passes might be green in color, but they surely are not eco-friendly green, as these new study hall passes are printed on thick card-stock paper. Everyone else in the world is going green as Disney: Friends for Change, and other organizations try to convince the world to be eco-friendly. But here at NHS, we decided to regress, as opposed to progress. There are about 112 “The hall passes are not ecoteachers in this school. If they each use about 10 passes a day they will friendly.” go through 22,400 a month, and - Kristin Harris ’11 about 224,000 passes during the entire school year. There are about five passes printed on one piece of paper, so NHS would use about 44,800 pieces of paper a year on these passes alone. NHS needs to “get with it.” These passes are out-dated and unnecessary. They should consider logging where everyone is via computer. Although security guards would not be able to determine whether or not we were allowed out of class or not, homeroom teachers can check their computers at the end of the day to make sure all the students in their homeroom were accounted for throughout the day. Another alternative is following Nathan Hale Middle School and using “travelers”,

OCtOBEr 2010

The new Study Hall passes are green in color but their carbon footprint is far from it

Feeling the Heat? Social Networking Controls Lives Mike Corasaniti ’11

Nicole Dunsmore ’13

Staff Writer

This past July, LeBron James and Chris Bosh announced their decisions to join fellow All-Star Dwyane Wade in Miami, and no matter who you are a fan of (and no matter how much you cried when LeBron announced he was not coming to the Knicks), the fear that the newly stacked Heat put in the eyes of every NBA team is undeniable. What is in question is whether the Heat running the table carries the same romanticism as past champions. While you may point out that Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls decimated their opponents in the ‘90s en route to six titles, you would also have to recognize that they were a team working together to make the most of what they had, a team that understood the gravitas that came with being the best without resorting to siding with the enemy.

“Let’s go back to being competitive.” -Kevin Durant

Photo Credit: Ricky Squries

Photo Credits: Ricky Squires

“There’s no way,” said Jordan in an interview with NBC, “I would’ve ever called up Larry, called up Magic and said, ‘Hey, look, let’s get together and play on one team’…I was trying to beat those guys.” Jordan represents an honorable competitive drive, whereas the newly stacked Miami Heat represent something no less than laziness that seems to spit on the idea of loyalty to a cause. Will there ever be another Jordan? Or is this a foreshadowing of a league that will forever be dominated by super trios? Enter Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant. “Now everybody wanna play for the Heat and the Lakers,” said Durant on his Twitter page, “Let’s go back to being competitive and going at these peoples!” The league needs more attitudes like that of Kevin Durant; attitudes that realize there is no magic in beating a video game on the easiest setting, no honor in taking the short cut, and no romance in teaming up with the enemy to win the war. Only when the league gets a few more Durants and a few less LeBrons can we once again look forward to a true champ lifting the O’ Brien trophy in June.

ally have my Facebook window up as well, so I’m distracted,” said Allie Chieffalo (’13). Computers may be Staff Writer helpful for typing essays, but the effortless access to the Imagine life without the world’s largest social network- Internet is a definite downfall. ing website: Facebook. The intention may truly be to complete homework, It would be like diminishing an entire country, since but somehow the familiar page of Facebook ends up open Facebook has the fifth largest population after China, In- on the screen again. It is almost like your fingers have dia, the United States, and Indonesia. been programmed to open Facebook whenever you are Overall in the United States, Facebook is the sec- struggling to write a paper. ond highest-ranked site -- only behind Google. Think Surprisingly, not every teenager has a Facebook about all the hours spent on Facebook and how that time account. “Nah, I don’t want one at all. Sometimes I do feel could be spent on actual out of the loop though most of productive tasks, for intime my friends keep me “Facebook has the fifth largest popula- the stance; homework. updated,” said Kaitlyn Solano tion.” “Sometimes my (’13). Not having a Facebook homework can take seems like a smart option, Nicole Dunsmore ’11 hours! Especially on seeing how Kaitlyn is number Sundays because I hold one in the class. my homework off until that night at like 9:00 and I go on Facebook obviously has something going for it if it Facebook instead of doing my homework,” said Meghan is pulling people back in, time and time again. But what Beluk (’13). about it is so enthralling? What does one do for hours on This is an issue that commonly occurs with the aver- Facebook? “Talk to my friends, view photographs of my age teenager. Homework that should take only one hour friends, put up photographs of my life,” answered Jake to do is extended to multiple hours all because the student Dunsmore (’11). is on Facebook rather than doing their work. The students at the top of the class all seem to fall into Once they realize that it is late and they have wasted the same category; they do not have a Facebook account. too much time, they hastily do their work. This produces Students should see this as a major revelation. It should be careless and thoughtless work because of the time limit an eye-opener to all those who wish to rid themselves of that has been cut short. the urge to constantly roam Facebook. “I think my grades might be different if I didn’t have a Facebook ‘cause when I’m typing things up I usu-

Is Facebook taking over the lives of millions?

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OCtOBEr 2010


teenage Driving Laws

is offset by the ability to drive one non-family member.” “I think they made the curfew 11 p.m. because people think the later the night gets, the more of a risk of an accident, but really it is just a nuisance for drivers to be home that Meredith Pramer ’11 early at night,” stated Rachel Smolensky (’11). Staff Writer Teen drivers may think of it is as unreasonable, but National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that 75 % of all FATAL night time crashes involving 16 year olds The Connecticut State law states “Until their 18th birthday, [a driver] may not drive beoccur between 6pm and Midnight. tween hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.” This means that if a driver Owner of Lewis School of Driving, Marie Winters Trant, under the age of eighteen should be pulled over by the police stated, “On an average day 10 teens are killed in teen driven “They are just an excuse for drivbetween 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. and fined through the graduated livehicles (so not always just the driver). These statistics are cense offenses. ers to be home early.” always so troubling to me as it’s not as if those 10 teens every Teen drivers feel the curfew is way too early and it should be Rachel Smolensky ’11 day died because of an incurable disease - they didn’t have to pushed back to midnight. Although teen drivers feel Connectidie...The “cure” for these deaths is ongoing and Governor Rell cut is the only state doing it, there are many around the areas that was very instrumental in getting these new laws implemented.” also have curfews for teen drivers. New Jersey has the same curfew of 11 p.m., but New Although a lot of kids do not understand the importance of a curfew, it has York has an even earlier curfew of 9 p.m. seemed to help them stay safe on the road. The Connecticut DMV found that teen acciCurfew does not just apply to states in the tri-state area, Elle O’Hara was a citizen of dents for sixteen year-olds is 54% and 58% for drivers seventeen years old. This proves Hinsdale, IL, just a few short months ago. “Kids are allowed to get their license right on the curfew is doing its job. Connecticut is not alone for believing we need to limit teen there sixteenth birthday and they are permitted to drive with one non-family member in drivers until they get enough experience driving. the car immediately. They too have a curfew of 11 p.m., but it is fair because the curfew

Farrah Marin ’12

Staff Writer

As you may have heard, there is a lot of talk about mosques being built in our region. Specifically, the most talked about in the news recently is the mosque being built near Ground Zero, where nine years ago we experienced the terror attacks in New York on 9/11. What you might not know is that this issue is closer to home than one may think. That’s right, one right here in Norwalk, CT. A mosque is being proposed in our hometown on Fillow Street. Personally, I do not think it is that big of a deal. I cannot see a logical reason why anyone should care, but other people do not seem to agree. I have spoken to some of my peers and they do not think that building a mosque anywhere is okay. You may be thinking “well why not?” exactly? Why not? The majority of the public thinks that all Muslims are responsible for the attacks but they are mistaken. A group of Muslim extremists are responsible for what happened that morning on September 11th. You cannot blame every follower of Islamic religion for

photo credit: google.com

Norwalk High Un‘mosqued’

something that a few men planned. I tried speaking to some Muslims in our school about what they thought was the real cause of the controversy of mosques being built and I expected an answer without a problem. However, no one wanted to talk to me. All of the students refused to let me use their name in our interviews. They claimed that they did not want to be in the spotlight or even let others know what religion they followed. That seemed a bit odd to me until the students explained that they were embarrassed. “There is so much pressure and criticism if you are a certain religion, if you don’t feel accepted there should be changes,” says Jessica Whitman (`11). Nick Lampman (`13) agrees, “It isn’t right people shouldn’t be embarrassed about their beliefs.” This says something about students not being able to be themselves because they are afraid of being judged. Norwalk High School and our community should be more aware about how our peers feel.

too tired to Do My Article Water Wars Plague NHS Paula Araujo ’11

Kevin Lawrence ’11

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Students are sometimes too tired to stay awake in class

As you are leaving the cafeteria from enjoying your lunch, have you or someone you know, been told to stay behind and either finish whatever beverage is in their plastic bottle or throw it away? If you are like me, and have been pointed out for carrying your water bottle in hand as you exit the cafeteria, then I am positive that you view this policy as pointless. Water bottles are allowed in classrooms, why not after lunch? What is the reason for enforcing this policy only after lunch? Some of us purchase water from the lunch line, the vending machines, or even bring water from home. Some days,

we have the bottle still half full and yet they insist we either chug it or throw it away. What about those who put other drinks into our water bottles such as iced tea, or lemonade? Why should they throw it away when they clearly brought it from their homes? Clearly, we, or our parents have invested money into this product to quench our thirst during the school day. I do not appreciate being told to either chug or throw away my drink. I do not think that anyone on duty is going to give me $1.25 to purchase a new drink at the vending machine to suffice for the rest of the day. I believe that would be the only way for it to be fair. I understand that security does this for safety, but what about our health? On the day I was pointed out, I had a minor cold and sore throat. Clearly, I needed to stay hydrated for the rest of the day. I'm confident my teachers would not want me going up and getting a drink every time I was thirsty. It is clear plenty of other students are dealing with the same problem now that the weathers changing. Does the policy of not allowing water bottles outside of the cafeteria after lunch make no sense to you? Hopefully, there will be a way to reach an agreement and lift this policy so that everyone can be satisfied. Photo Credit: Ashley Cortes

enough sleep to wake up at six in the morning? While trying to balance out all the things teens have to do during the day, teens are also battling an unknown foe. This enemy is the circadian rhythm, which is found in every human being. The circadian rhythm is an internal biological clock which tells a person when to go to sleep and when to wake up. During your teenage years, this clock gets reset. This is what causes teens to go to sleep and wake up later than adults naturally do. The internal clock also relates to the large amount of stress to succeed in school. So along with early start times and loads of homework to do, the odds are certainly not in the students favor to be full of energy for the upcoming day of school. Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Getting enough sleep at night is vital to a students success in school the next day but making sure you get enough sleep in not always the easiest thing to do. Teenagers are known for leading extremely busy lives and making sure to get enough sleep does not appear to be at the top of their priority list. While juggling schoolwork with jobs and after school activities such as sports or clubs, teenagers are constantly on the move. So how much sleep does a typical teenager need to get per night in order to feel well rested? “A normal teen needs about 8-9 hours,” said Shiela Moffett. So that means a student would have to go to sleep around 10 if they wanted the right amount of sleep. Thomas Sullivan (’11) said, “I usually go to bed every night at 10:30 and wake up around 6:30 in the morning. Even if I go to bed a little earlier I’m still always exhausted in the morning.” Sullivan also said, “ I would try to go to bed earlier but I just always have homework to do.” Alex Taiyanides (’11) also feels the repercussions of not having enough sleep at night. “I usually try to get to bed around 11 or so but sometimes I can’t fall asleep until about 1,” he said. “Then in the morning I wake up at like 6:50 which barely gives me any time to get ready.” So how are teens expected to be on their toes in school when they are barely getting



October 2010

Page 13

C - H o u s e L o o k s B a c k e d U p , L e t ’ s Ta k e I - 9 5 Staff Writer One of the worst things that happens at Norwalk High School is the traffic in the hallways during passing time. Day in and day out during passing time, I am stuck behind countless people in the hall because either there is a group of students in the hallway, there are students walking on the wrong side of the hall or there is some person walking very slowly. The students standing in the middle of the hallways and walking slow, are so self absorbed that they do not think of the people around them who are trying to go places. They only care about themselves and not their fellow peers. These factors account myself into being frustrated at the person/people in front of me, and being late to class. One of common things that happens during passing time is the group of students that stands right in the middle of the hallway. They are taking up three quarters of the hallway that students need to get through to get to class. If you want to go talk to your friends during study

hall, go into one of the corridors in either A or E house or stand close to the lockers. These selfabsorbed people are only making others frustrated by creating a traffic jam. The next thing is people who walk on the wrong side of the hallway. One of the “unwritten” rules at NHS is that you always stay to the right side of the hallway. Most of the day at NHS, I am walking into students going the wrong way. It is like driving a car; you do not drive on the wrong side of the road, so why walk on the wrong side of the hallway. It only causes trouble for you, and One of the many intersections that cause traffic to back up at NHS the people around you. hallway, or walk on the wrong side of the hallway, be my The worst thing is the people who walk slower than average in the hallways. One slow walker is fine, guest. All that is asked, is for you to allow the students but when there is a group in a line of slow walkers, that is who care about their attendance get to class on time so where the line is drawn. If I cannot get around the group of there will not be any problems. . My solution to this isslow walkers, I get very angry. In my mind I am thinking sue is to make a specific place for people to talk, where about taking the person and pushing them into a locker to they will not get in the way of others or stay in a single get by. Students are trying to get to their class on time to file to avoid contact with others. If you want to be late, that’s your decision, but do not put that burden on other avoid the possibility of an “H”. If. you want to walk slow, stand in the middle of the students.

Photo Credit: Mike Corasaniti


Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Mascot Shows “Bear”ly Any Spirit Taking Action... MATT BROWN ’13 Early Action Staff Writer

ESL: Option For Opportunities MARIA VALDOVINOS ’12 Staff Writer

ESL students are challenged by the chances to learn a new language

Photo Credit: Mike Corasaniti

Each year thousands of people enter the United States with no knowledge about the country such as laws, holidays, and especially the language. English is a language that not everyone in this country speaks. Once people enter the country they have the choice to enter school or a program where ESL (English as a Second Language) classes are given out. We all know that not every person who enters the country comes for just “vacation”. Some people come to work, but in order for them to get a good job, they have to speak the language. The English language is not an easy thing to learn, but it is something that anyone can learn if they try to. There are programs given to teach the language to those who are older, two or three days a week depending on what state the person lives in. The program last from two

to three hours too. Students who do not attend school suffer later in their lives because they will find out that life is a lot harder than they thought it would be. In order to find good jobs in today’s economy you need to be prepared, in order to be well prepared you need to get a good education. Students can accomplish this by staying in school and becoming proficient in the English language. Students also need to understand that graduating from High School, they will be able to earn a lot more money than if they drop out of school. Life style changes for those that go to school by letting them get into a higher paying jobs. Those who do not attend school or can not speak the language have more difficulties finding a job. People who actually finds a job with out speaking English gets the minimum paying rate which in the state of CT is $8.25. Why get the minimum pay rate when they can be earning a much higher salary, if only they obtain a diploma from their high school.


Photo Credit: Kevin Lawrence

Unlike some high schools, Norwalk High School has its own physical mascot. The Norwalk High bear can be seen at NHS sporting events, in the Norwalk High Pep Rally, and even walking down the halls. There are a lot of great things about the Norwalk High Mascot, but sometimes I do not think the mascot does what a mascot should do. The mascot needs an actual name. The New York Mets have “Mr. Met” and the Bridgeport Sound Tiger’s mascot is “Storm”. Brien McMahon NHS mascot posing at the pep rally has a senator. Why doesn’t our During this years Pep Rally mascot have a name? Why not The mascot needs a real- however, the mascot was actually name the mascot Barry, Jerry, ity check. So make it hap- quite entertaining. Grizzly, or Nicky? What ever got into the mascot pen! The school should vote on there is what needs to stay forever. the name on the mascot. From He was dancing, he was jumping that, everyone can be satisfied around, and he was actually doing what a mascot’s job with its name. is. I applaud the only mascot that is doing his job. Another thing that the mascot needs to do is to be I assume that being a school mascot is not one of more enthusiastic. The other day I happened to walk by the easiest things to do. I know that the mascot could the mascot. All he did was give me an unenthusiastic show the school a little more entertainment. That is the high five. He did not dance; he did not move around or job of any mascot. have fun with the students. He just stood there and he The mascot needs a reality check. So make it hapbarely moved. He looked as if he did not even enjoy pen! life.

Paula Araujo (’11) jumping on the application process

Early birds are taking action, applying early action that is. At the start of senior year many students are already induced with stress, mostly those concerned with applying to colleges. The year, already off to a quick start, is the time where our Seniors will set out on the path of life, this path begins with college for many. As a senior myself, I know how stressful this process can be – all the college visits, Naviance profile completions, and the long complicated college application. The stress of senior year entails the balancing of work/volunteering, picking colleges, maintaining GPA’s, and somehow figuring out the plan through it all. For others, it is not only a time of submitting their applications, but also improving their status from previous years. In October, all the guidance counselors met with their select students to help relieve this process. Our guidance counselors have assured us that they are doing their best and are trying their hardest to help many students during this process. Guidance counselor Dan Sullivan advised many to maintain a strong support system, while also urging them to take action by themselves. “Students really have to be self-advocates, and know how to access information and we’re of course there to help,” Mr. Sullivan said. This stress of keeping up with the deadlines is also shared with many of the counselors, who are regularly checking with their students. For most seniors, it is not all about the application process but about maintaining a balanced schedule with their current classes. Not only does it force us to maintain a set schedule, but there are moments where we want to have fun, but must be reminded that now is the time to focus more on school. Those asked about the stress share a common factor: balancing. Some are questioning how they will maintain their busy lifestyles while juggling prior commitments. “I take 3 AP classes that I hardly have time to think about, let alone apply for my future. [However] I will find the time to finish them all by November 1. I am determined,” said Jocelin Linares (’11). Others, who are maintaining strength through this process of filling out applications, are just more concerned with the future. “ It’s about getting your priorities straight because we are now ready to go out into the real world, where sacrifices will have to be made,” said Sasha James (’11). The deadline for admission grows closer, and one thing is for sure: the seniors are facing a hectic time where they are enthralled by many tasks, but must do their best and stay on track. The guidance department would also like to remind seniors to stay encouraged, and keep their eyes on the prize.


OCtOBEr 2010



Norwalk High School Sports: then and Now Evan Opdahl ’11 Staff Writer

south with the team. When Norwalk returned, after beating Jacksonville 14-7, about half of Norwalk was at the railroad station to greet the team and its followers.” At Norwalk High today, it is hard to get one hundred people at the games in Norwalk, never mind Florida. In 2010 there are many distractions for the everyday teen. There is cable television, facebook, texting, etc. What is tempting them to go to the game on Friday night? “The high school culture has changed,” says Mr. Seaburg, a social studies teacher at Norwalk High and the girl’s field hockey coach. “In the past there was nowhere near the availability that there is now. There are so many more things to do for students.” Not only is there more to do, but students feel no need to support a team with little success. If a team does poorly, students hear about it faster than if a team does good. People feed off of failure and high school is no different. Recently the Bear Pack has slowly been increasing in numbers and making its way to a large following. Hopefully student involvement increases more and more each year to keep these groups on the rise. Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

In the years past, in towns around this area on a Friday night, the high school varsity game was the place to be. People did not only go to the games to see their friends and socialize but they were actually interested in the activity and well being of their teams. Recently, at Norwalk High, there has been a noticeable change in school spirit. In some way, the school and community have changed into a town uninterested in student athletics. It has not been a fast decline, but it seems that every five or so years it becomes more and more noticeable. School spirit and support is just not as important to students or the community. In the late 1930’s, before Norwalk High was even in its current location on County street, the school was beaming with school spirit. There were huge pep rallies and there was a following throughout the entire community. “Was there excitement in Norwalk? Not only the students but also the townspeople followed and drove to out of town games and packed the stands at away games. Of course there was no competition from television

since television did not arrive until after World War II, but I don’t feel it made a difference,” said Michael Errico, [referring to Norwalk’s football team] who attended NHS in the late 30’s. “At the end of the season, Norwalk beat Stamford in a special runoff game to earn the bid to Florida, and when they left for Florida, Norwalkers crowded the railroad station to see them off and several hundred made the trip

Students cheer for a new generation of Norwalk sports at this year’s pep rally.

College turns Athletes From ‘Cubs’ to ‘Bears’ Brian Manby ’12 Staff Writer For most high school graduates, ‘college’ is a place that requires academic focus and responsibility. But many Norwalk High School alumni are prepared to challenge themselves by incorporating athletics as well. Upon entering their freshman semesters in college this fall, many NHS grads will be taking their athletic ability to the next level. Jonathan Cohen (’10) was a standout varsity baseball player at Norwalk High. During the spring of 2010, Cohen will be a member of the Division I Bryant University Bulldogs baseball team as a pitcher. He claims that the decision to play a collegiate sport is not always an easy one to make. “I had some times along the way where I felt insecure about playing in college or not. It is seriously a job that takes commitment,” Cohen says. Despite his doubts, he

says it was his passion for baseball that ultimately made the decision for him. “I just love playing baseball competitively and couldn’t see myself stopping.” Andrew Krasnavage (’10) was also a prolific varsity athlete who excelled in three sports at Norwalk High. He made the decision to play Division III football at Franklin & Marshall University this past year. He believes that college sports and high school sports are extremely different from one another. “It’s definitely a lot more competitive. Everyone is on varsity, from freshmen to seniors so we’re all competing. At Franklin & Marshall, Krasnavage says, “My practice and meeting schedule is so structured that I have no option but to do work when I’m not doing something football-related.” Likewise, at Bryant, Cohen says his school day ends by 2 p.m. so he can be prepared for practice. “I look at my schedule as a job more than school. I need to plan when I’m going to do what, but at the same time I have free time

to socialize.” Besides Cohen and Krasnavage, many other NHS graduates will be making their mark this year at their own universities as well. Nicole Brancaccio (’10) will be continuing her passion for lacrosse as a member of the Division-1 Iona College Gaels team. Soccer star Tyler Collins (’10) will be bringing his defensive prowess to American University with the hopes of being a successful addition to the Eagles’ team. Evan Kelley (’10) will be playing Division-1 basketball with the Sacred Heart University men’s team as well. Being a part of a college sports team is truly something that requires passion and dedication. For an opportunity that does not come to everyone, most would presume that actually playing at the next level would be an impossible decision to make and manage. But for these fortunate student-athletes, the “impossible” is nothing they cannot handle.

Debate: College Football Vs. the NFL

People love watching football for the big hits, amazing touchdowns, and the overall intensity of the game. But, when talking about football the question often comes up: ‘which is better, College Football or the NFL?’ With many differences such as playoff systems, salaries, overtime rules, and much more it is no wonder that people are divided on this issue.

Eric Scatamacchia ’11

Brendon Prescott ’11

Executive Editor

Opinion Editor

College football is superior to the NFL. The constant excitement of college football week in week out is unparalleled in any other sport. There is never a dull moment in college football with championship altering upsets, Heisman Trophy watch, and debate over the rankings. One perceived weakness of college football is the playoff system. Some people feel that the rankings used by the NCAA are unfair and ridiculous. But, what these critics fail to mention is the excitement and entertainment fans experience because of the ranking. From week 1 to the end of the season, every game in college football is like a playoff game. Just one loss and the championship hopes of your team are seriously damaged. As a result, teams have to play every week like it is an elimination game and fans get to enjoy the excitement of their team putting its championship aspirations on the line every week. In the NFL, teams can lose almost half of their games and still have a chance to win the championship. This makes each regular season game less meaningful and takes away some of the heart stopping entertainment college football fans experience. In college football there are historic rivalry games that have lasted for generations such as Michigan vs. Ohio State and Florida St. vs. Miami. These games are like no other with years of hatred and competition between teams that creates an indescribable atmosphere. Another historic aspect of college football, which still has great relevance today, is the Heisman Trophy. Arguably the most prestigious award in all of sports, the Heisman Trophy is given to College Football’s most outstanding player each year. Unlike the NFL where players are drafted to teams without any say in the matter, college football players have the choice of where they play. This results in college football players being more devoted to their teams than NFL players. While NFL players are busy holding out for more money and demanding trades, college players rarely transfer schools and for the most part play all four years of their eligibility.Although college football does not have the world famous super-star players, it has a history and tradition that the NFL cannot compete with. Perhaps the answer to this debate is simply a matter of opinion, but in this writer’s opinion, the excitement, passion, controversy, and unpredictability of college football make it the better brand of football.

On February 8th, Super Bowl XLIV made television history, becoming the most watched program of all time. 106 million viewers tuned in to watch the New Orleans Saints defeat the Indianapolis Colts 31 to 17. With total revenue of over seven billion dollars for the 2009-2010 season, it is safe to assume that the NFL has a lot of fans. NCAA football may appeal to most of the college community but when it comes to popularity, the numbers do not lie. While the Super Bowl broke records with 106 million viewers, the BCS National Championship Game, the college equivalent of the Super Bowl, racked in a much lower 30.8 million viewers. Despite the NCAA’s attempt to give it the “old college try”, the NFL is a much less controversial and dare I say, more entertaining. Out of a poll of ten students at Norwalk High, five of them football fans, five of them not, and in which four popular NFL players were named and four popular NCAA players were named, only two out of ten were able to match every college player to his team and position. All five of the non-football fans were unable to match any college player to his team. On the other hand, six out of ten were able to match every NFL player to his team and position. All except for one were able to put a match to at least one NFL player. The structure of college football involves a ranking system, in which teams are placed in a specific ranking based on their performances in the games, the strength of the team’s schedule, and also a bit of bias. The best teams are split up at the end of the season and designated a Bowl game, which can be considered the NFL equivalent of a playoff game. The top two teams in the rankings at the end of the season are chose to play in the BCS Championship Game. The problem with this system is that it is unfair and unreliable. At the end of the season, there are always more than two teams worthy of playing in the championship; however, only two teams have the privilege of going. Teams have no chance of working their way up to the championship game because there is no playoff system. Year after year, there is quarreling about the unfairness of the Bowl system. Both the NFL and the NCAA have great football programs that are entertaining and enjoyable but the NFL just has the extra spark that college football is lacking. Not to give the NCAA a “stiff arm”, but the NFL has the edge.



Kevin Lawrence ’11

Staff Writer

Edwin Rosales (‘13) running in a recent meet.

pretty reasonable.” Corasaniti and fellow seniors Brendon Prescott, Evan Bonenfant, and Kenny DeLeon will lead the team. The team also has a group of promising underclassmen, which consists of Edwin Rosales, Ian Mcgrath, and Jeremy Falcone. “No one really has to step up big for us in order to achieve our goals and succeed. The difference between getting 7th and 11th place is based on the results of the guys who don’t get in the headlines all the time,” Corasaniti stated, “They can really come up big for us this year if they can contribute at key times.”

October 2010

Page 15

Girls XC Team And Family

Evan Opdahl ’11

Staff Writer

dan and Yulia Quinn. These three girls have shown the dedication required to be Varsity runners and the ability to lead the team to many winning seasons to come. The team has followed in Jen’s footsteps and has gone from a team of girls who barely knew each other to a family of girls who cannot be broken. No longer is it about the record, but about the effort and love that surrounds the team. No one likes to lose their own game but these assorted few feel that what you do and loving the people you do it with is more important.

Although small in number with a team of eight, made up of four seniors, one junior and three freshmen. They are off to a promising start with a group of girls, whos pride and dedication is unmatched. This Lady Bears cross-country team is led by coach Martin and senior captain Jen Wing (’11). With fourteen hours of grueling practice weekly for one single race, failure is not an option for these girls. For success this season these girls are leaning on senior Ciara Fuller to get the majority of their points. Although starting off with a three and eleven record, the girl’s team is very optimistic for the rest of the season. As the season has gone on the girl’s team has grown so much not only as runners, but as people and a family. Captain Jen Wing is very happy with her fellow runners so far. “The experience is great but we have become a family and that is the part that keeps us here each day”, says Jen. The three freshmen that are desperately needed to step up to the Varsity level are Ciara Fuller (‘11) running hard to the finish. Marisa Noonan, Jenna Sheri-

Photo Credit: Jennifer Wing

The Norwalk High Boy’s Cross Country team is back and looking stronger than ever. Captain Michael Corasaniti (‘11) even proclaimed his high expectations for the team this year. Although the team lost some key runners from last year to graduation, including Michael Iacono, Sam Berman, and Taylor Scicchitano, the team is back in contention for a top spot in the FCIAC’s. “I think we can definitely make an improvement from last year’s team,” said Corasaniti, “We have a much better overall team. Even though we lost a bunch of good runners, we are much better top to bottom this year.” Senior Brendon Prescott also seemed to be happy with the progress of the team, “Everyone is putting together a great effort individually and our team is making great strides of improvement. While our record may not show it so far, the dedication and hard work we put into running surpasses most teams. ” Corasaniti says the team’s record right now is right above .500 and they are planning on staying above .500 for the entire season. “We are really hoping to finish in the top 7 at FCIAC’s as a group and I think we’ve got a pretty good shot. So far we have been improving as a team every week so I think the goal we set is

Photo Credit: Jennifer Wing

XC All About Teamwork


Norwalk High Girls Swimming Back With A Vengeance Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Karolyn Collins ’12

Staff Writer

Look at the fall sports calendar, one might notice something that was not there before. Another sport had been added to the captain’s picture. Girls swimming. Last year at this time the girls swim team was involved in a big debate about why they had not been featured. “We felt like we weren’t part of the school, and our team didn’t matter, when in reality we are just as important as any other team here at Norwalk High School,” says Katie Baritz (’12). This year it has turned around and the swim team is in the captain picture and also has two pictures along with all of the other fall sports. Four girls have already qualified for states: Meredith Pramer (‘11), Rachel Smolensky (‘10), Stephanie Czulewicz (‘13), and Lauren Czulewicz (’14). All have qualified individually and also together for the 200-medley relay, 200 free relay, and 400 free relay. Their hard work and early morning practices may be the reasoning for this upward spiral. “It took several years of hard training and commitment,” says Rachel Smolensky (’11). Seeing as other girls may not have the experience that Rachel and a few of the other swimmers, “I think a few more people can make it to states if they put their mind to it and want it it bad enough and also train their hardest at practice”. With many girls still working towards meeting the state times and scores, Girls Swimming has a chance to make a huge mark in the states competition. Katie Baritz (‘12) practicing her dives during a recent practice at NHS.

Girls Soccer Working Hard To Seal A Spot In States Clifton Prophete ’11

Staff Writer

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

Mirofora Kalogeridis (‘11) during a recent game against Trintiy Catholic.

To make states, every sport team has a certain amount of games needed to win in order to make a run. And for Varsity Girls Soccer (VGS) they are only three wins away from making that run. Junior sweeper Karolyn Collins (’12) seems to think they can make it saying, “we have a great chance of making it only if we keep working hard as a team.” With power houses making states every year such as Darien, Staples, Greenwich, and Westhill who made a run and won the whole st­­ ates tournament, the girls know the challenge that is ahead and are willing to let people know where they are from. With a win against cross town rival Brien McMahon, the girls began their season off 1-0 and with a hard couple of weeks ahead they began to prepare to take on Ridgefield, Trumbull. Senior Captain Lindsay Macri (’11) says, “since this is my last year of high school soccer, I want to make the best of it and only way I can do this is for my team to be behind me and want to win the same way I want to.” Lindsay who scored the one and only

“Since this is my last year of high school soccer, I want to make the best of it and the only way I can do this is for my team to be behind me and want to win the same way I want to.” - Senior Captain, Lindsay Macri goal versus McMahon has her own personal goals for the season but for her team the goal of making states is right around the corner. The Varsity Girls Soccer team is playing Trinity Catholic High School twice this year, which is a game they wish to take both wins to make their goals of states more realistic.


NHS Fall Sports

Norwalk High School Boys Soccer Is “Svet”acular Brian Manby ’12

Staff Writer

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

The 2010 Norwalk High School Boys’ Soccer team, this season has proved more promising than expected. With a 10-2-0 record to date, the Bears are continuing to prove why they deserve to be a contender for the state championship. The team has stepped in the right direction after losing eight seniors from last year including five starters. One of their biggest roles that needed to be filled was that of defender Tyler Collins (’10) who now is playing Division-1 soccer at American University. However, it is safe to say that the entire team has grown under the leadership of senior tri-captains Andres Torres (’11), Jake Zuniga (’11), and Danny Quintero (’11) as well as the coaching of Chris Laughton. Overall, the team has grown in many different ways since the beginning of the season. “I think we’ve improved because we’ve grown as a team and as a family unit. Every practice and game has been a step forward from any setbacks and mistakes, ” says Coach Laughton. The Bears have had a lot to brag about this season thus far. The team roared out to a 6-0-0 undefeated start in which they outscored their opponents 29-4. During that streak, they grabbed the attention of the Connecticut State Coaches Poll who ranked them as the number one team in the state entering the week of their biggest game of the season. “Most of us are glad it’s happening because last year was somewhat of a disappointment, so it’s kind of like we’re getting a chip off our shoulder,” says captain Jake Zuniga (’11). For the Bears, their success thus far has not come as a surprise to their players. “Well coming into preseason I thought that this year was going to be a great year. Everybody had the right attitude. We just seemed to click together on the field,” says Andrew Melitsanopoulos (‘13). Expanding on this he says, “Our expectations are of course to win games and cham-

pionships, but that’s always been the same. Now we understand we have to work in order to achieve our goals.” Without a doubt, the Norwalk Boys’ Soccer team is a group of talented athletes to keep an eye on. They definitely have a reason to expect big results this fall.

The Boys Soccer team and their game filmer posing for a picture.

The Norwalk Football Bears Get Off To Strong Start Stephanie Canales ’11

Staff Writer

Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

The Football Team at the Pep Rally on October 14th.

Off to a great start this year, the Norwalk High School football team had a big win this year against Greenwich High. When the football team beat Greenwich everyone was thinking NHS is going to have a better year and a better season. “The team got off to a great start beating Greenwich High after a 30 year drought, then the second week we kind of took a few steps back,” said Mr. Ireland, who is the offensive coordinator for the team. The team is being lead by captains Evan “The team is very young. They bring Opdahl, Dylan Cahn and Anthony Ferraro. alot of energy to practice and even The three captains seem very excited about though they have very different pertheir 2010 season. Dylan Cahn (‘11) said, “The team is lacksonalities they still work very hard, ing size, but they are still fast and strong.” All even on good and bad days.” three captains each agreed that they enjoy beOffensive Coordinator, Mr. Ireland ing captains and feel that they have a big responsibility they have to deal with. Coach Ireland commented, “The team is very young. They bring a lot of energy to every practice and even though they have very different personalities, they still work very hard, even on good and bad days.” The team goes by one rule, “Turn the page.” “If you make a mistake it is okay and if you play well thats great but always “turn the page.” Their annual game agianst cross-town rival Brien McMahon will be on Thanksgiving in which the Bears expect to take home a victory.

Girls Field Hockey Working Hard To Be Dominant Nick Milliman ’11

Staff Writer

“We never talk about losing seniors because it just provides an opportunity for girls to step up and earn their spots. ” - Head Coach, Mr. Seaburg “It’s definitely hard losing twelve seniors, seven that were starting,” explained Schmidt. “We got off to a rough start but we as a team were just trying to get a feel for everything. After those two losses, we knew we had to come together and start to play as a family. Hopefully this gives

They will be playing Greenwich, Staples, and Stamford, which are all good teams that are among the top in the FCIAC standings. The outcome of those games has yet to be determined, but we know that the Lady Bears will play as a family and fight until the end. Photo Credit: Ricky Squires

The 2010 Field Hockey season has kicked off to a promising start, despite the loss of a few key seniors. The team started slowly, losing their first two games to tough competition. With as many eight players expected to see substantial playing time as opposed to last year, junior Katie Schmidt (‘12) knew that confidence would play a key part in starting off the season.

us the confidence to play better in the future.” They won their next two games against Westhill and Trumbull, improving their record to an even 2-2 and third place in the FCIAC standings. Head coach, Mr. Seaburg, knew that those two key wins would make his team start to play better. “We set performance goals, to get better everyday,” he explained. “We never talk about losing seniors because it just provides an opportunity for girls to step up and earn their spots,” Seaburg explained. “The young girls that were on the team last year saw why we practice everyday and the outcome of working hard. As we continue to grow as a family, the outcome will take care of itself.” As the season moves on, the team hopes that the outcome of their season will be a state and FCIAC playoff berth. Senior captain Kayla Cavanagh (‘11) is confident that their team can make it to states and past the first round. “At the beginning of the season we set goals of where we want to be at the end of the season.” she explained. “As we started to play together as a family, we learned that we could play with any team. If we continue to practice everyday and work hard, then we will make our goal of states and after that, anything is possible.” Their next three games are against tough competition.

Senior captain Kayla Cavanagh (‘11) taking a shot against Trumbull.

Good Luck to All NHS Athletes

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