Class of 2010 Senior Issue

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Chapter 1: The Past..................Page 2 Chapter 2: Reminiscing........ Page 3 Chapter 3: the Future........Page 11

June PAGE 2010 3

JUNE 2010 Page 2


olo c e h t e r we Lockers s of skittle

d e n n- fi

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Every aft ernoon w as cloudy with a ch ance of s lushies

Men tees nee d m didn’t ento ring


Scho o was f l graduati o our y ears n a



...But things change, and so do we. Like Alice in Wonderland, we have been faced with experiences that caused us to grow up and mold ourselves into the people we have hoped to become. Our journey through Norwalk High has led us down the same path as Alice, into a whimsical wonderland of good times and bad, new friends and new lessons that will follow us wherever the rabbit hole may lead to.


JUNE 2010

cam piasecki

King of Hearts


ome days it feels like the last four years have taken forever, and other days I look back and ask myself “when did I become a senior?” I can remember saying a million times, “I can’t wait to graduate”, but now that it is fourth quarter I am not really sure how I feel. The last four years have been spent counting down until I could walk across the stage, shake Mr. Mecca’s hand, and take my diploma to freedom. The weird thing is, now that it is getting so close to being done, I am panicking a little bit. Sure I have heard a million times that college will be the time of my life and nothing has me more excited than starting at University of Massachusetts Amherst in the fall, but there is so much to think about. The reality is, so much is about to change in the lives of graduates. The next four years, regardless of what you do, it is bound to decide where our lives take us. On the flip side, this summer is going to be amazing.Two days after my graduation I am boarding a plane headed for Barcelona and kicking off my senior summer in a great way. On top of that, I have a great job at the beach for when I return and the excitement of going to college will constantly be on my mind. I still cannot help looking back and asking myself “where did the past four years go?” It feels like a month ago I was walking into NHS, wandering the halls with my schedule in hand looking for the right room for English. Four years flew by in a second, and while I would not do any of it over, at times, I wish there was a senior year extension. Norwalk has been a great place to live and grow up, but it is time to move on. There is going to be so much I will miss about the last four years and even though I do not think I am entirely ready for everything that is about to come, I cannot lie, it is going to be awesome.

Carolyn knowles

The Eaglet There is nothing easy about being in high school; classes are difficult, teachers are demanding, and everyone expects so much of you all at once. There is a lot of growing up and maturing condensed into the 302,400 minutes that make up the high school experience. For me, the most important parts of high school were the four minutes between classes, the weekends, the after school sporting events and the parties. The social aspect of high school is what shapes the students, not the education. You learn about those who leave you hanging, those who break your heart, and the people who prove themselves to actually be your friends. High school is all about learning the ups and downs of relationships and how to be the best you can be. The friends I have made who actually stuck with me through high school are the ones I need to thank. First and foremost I thank my “empanada”, my absolute best friend, the one who has kept me sane all these years. You have been there since the first day of kindergarten until graduation and you have had my back every step of the way. You are the voice of reason in my chaotic life. Some people go through life nasty and bitter and I would be that person if not for you. My “sunshine girl”, you do not give yourself enough credit. You are an amazing, smart, determined person who shines all the time. Without even meaning to,

rob Romano

March Hare


t is finally here, the moment many students have been waiting for. Fourth quarter of their senior year marks the end to a four year run of “hard work” and “dedication.” After all of the pains of high school, it is relieving for some seniors to know it is almost over. Four years of strenuous work and a seemingly endless amount of time spent in this institution of learning can be a little too much for some. Andrew Krasnavage (’10) said, “After all of the work I have done, it is nice to know that it is almost over. I know college is going to be hard, but I am not worried about that yet. I’m just happy to know one part of my life is coming to a close.” Other students such as Anthony Mace (’10) have a slightly different perspective on the topic. Mace exclaimed, “Just get me the (expletive) out of here!” Many seniors jump out of their pants at the idea of leaving school; they are probably getting antsy as they read. Some will truly miss the time they have spent here. I know for myself, I am one of those people. I have experienced so many things in the past four years of my life. There have been so many memories I’ve made with my friends and so many things I want to do before I leave. All I hope is that I have left a lasting mark on my friends and Norwalk High School. Michael Lepoutre (’10) has done and seen so many things, and it will be hard for him to leave. “There have just been so many experiences and good times that I just don’t want them to be memories,” said Lepoutre. “There are some things that I can’t but wish I could relive.” Sara Costa (’10) has made connections with friends that she feels she can never make again. She said sadly, “It is not just the friends I made in high school; I have known some of the people since middle school and even elementary. These are friendships that take time to develop to the point that you are more than just a buddy; it feels like I am a sister to some girls and even guys. It is going to be hard not seeing them anymore.” Now that school is coming to a close, who knows how seniors will spend their last few days. Whether it be basking in the fresh summer air thinking about the next step in their lives or reminiscing on the good ol’ days, one thing for sure is that a chapter in our lives is coming to an end. All that is left to do is start a new one. you brighten any room you walk into, shifting the mood entirely. We have been friend for five years already and have so many memories between us. Keep your head up and keep fighting missy; someday soon it will all pay off. My “Summer camp buddy”, you are the funniest person I know; we never seem to stop laughing. You and I are mismatched and that is probably part of the reason we are such good friends. I keep you sane and you keep me laughing. “G”, you and I are crazy together. Somehow we manage to freak out and scream about totally different topics and still understand each other. The amazing thing about us is the fact that even thought we run with different people we actually manage to keep our friendship going. We are really very similar; we went to the same elementary and middle schools, we are both a little crazy, and we both talk about anything and everything with each other. My “Blazin’ Asian”, we have had the most bipolar friendship ever; going from fighting to loving each other. You keep me laughing no matter what and I will always remember the way you supported me when I needed it most. You are the best girly, do not ever forget it. We will all go away to college, years will pass, life will happen, and we may pull apart, but what you have done for me will last me my lifetime. I can only hope that I can give you all a fraction of what you have given me and that we can stay in touch.

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June 2010

Ryan Tolmich

White Knight


Stay low true to y th o you e path urself. succ to your that wil Foll ess will goal so get t fi ha ll -M rs. L your li t fe. asko

It’s up to you to make a good life happen. It’s up to you. -Mrs. Cuttuli

Life is only just beginning - Mr. English

“Enjoy the days of your youth because you’re going to be older a lot longer than you’re going to be young.” -Mr. Fuller

to u love o y g n methi ssion. Do so nd your pa t fi it do or - Mrs. Tru

remember walking in as a wide eyed freshman like it was yesterday. I remember being ten minutes late to my first Spanish class because I didn’t know where the stairs were. I remember thinking the only way to get from B-house to D-house was through the main lobby. I remember carrying a 40 pound backpack that would make a pack mule cry because my locker was stuck in the dungeon that was first floor E-house. I remember wearing baggy Air Jordan shirts like they were going out of style, and playing baseball freshman year. But now that I think of it, not much has really changed. Freshman year, I had a core group of friends, most of which I am still friends with today. My first math class was taught by Mr. Moffett, who will also be teaching my last math class. Fresh-

Anna theodoridis

Cheshire Cat

O n June 28, I will walk proudly with the graduating class of 2010, wait anx-

iously to receive my high school diploma, and make promises for my near future disregarding the hardships I faced as a student at Norwalk High School. The end of high school usually marks the conclusion of four-hard-worked years full of happiness and stress for many students. But in my eyes, it signifies the start of a new journey to adulthood. I have waited for this day for many years as I have seen the classes ahead of me graduate one by one. Now that it is my turn, graduation is no longer as simple as waiting for the ringing sound

Jenice roman

Ip lfathere is anything that gues

today’s youth it is the dilemma of identity crisis. An identity crisis is a time of intense analysis and exploration of different ways of looking at oneself. Often the person might experiment with different styles, religions, and appearances. This is present, mostly because the person forgets where they come from. They get to a point in their life where they feel they are too good for certain people. They become so successful and so proud that they often walk about as if every person they encounter must show their respect to their “awesomeness”. There is a sense of dignity and ego that no circumstance or person can break. They pay no mind to the poor, the common, and the meek because they are selfish ingrates. This is a large portion of students at Norwalk High School. For some reason the concept of ‘being modest’ is not comprehendible to a majority of students. Many students at NHS treat teachers, staff, and other students with disrespect and expect to receive it in return. Often when students are reprimanded by staff members, the students respond with sucking of the teeth followed by a few mum-


man year, I couldn’t drive, and to this day, I still have never even attempted to get a license or permit. My locker was constantly overflowing with junk, and now, it just overflows with slightly less junk. The cafeteria food still isn’t quite up to par, but I’ve been stuck eating it every day since I got here. I still have the same routine of hitting the snooze button for that extra half hour of sleep from six to six-thirty. I was chasing women like they were an endangered species, and this year still hasn’t quite produced much success with the ladies. Life goes on, but it doesn’t go on very far. But then again, things have changed. I have little to no problems finding my way around, except for the occasional mental lapse. I hadn’t even gone to the lobby until roughly December this year. I don’t even own a backpack anymore, and my locker is now in B-house. I wear mostly MMA themed shirts, and am more accustomed to armbars then base hits these days. The moral of the story is, no matter how much things change, they all stay the same. You may think that everything around you is different, but how much of it really is? Look at yourself as a freshman. You were probably a bit shorter, and might have had a more high pitched voice, but are things really that different? I would say that I miss freshman Ryan, and the days where the biggest worries were how I was going to walk up three flights of stairs with what felt like a hippo on my back. Now a days, life is full of worries about college, relationships, and prom, but everything is just as simple as before. All it takes is a little look back. Like they say: you need to know where you came from to know where you’re going.

calling, “Anna Theodoridis,” and then nervously walking to Mr. Mecca, shaking his hand, and receiving my diploma. As I flip to the blank chapter of what lies ahead, I will be sure to continue to improve my education and knowledge of the world. It is in my self interest to stay connected and informed with my surroundings and contribute to societal events. Community means to contribute to my surroundings and help those in need who surround me. Throughout high school, I have been an active member and I plan to continue in my adulthood. The most important vow I make is to continue to be true to myself and those around me. True relationships are formed and held with honesty and dedication. Being true to myself will aid me to being an honest friend and guide me to a life full of success.

bled curse words. Others aren’t so subtle; some students talk back with rudeness and walk out of classrooms, often slamming doors and causing scenes because they feel that they are not obligated to show regard or consideration to anyone that are not in their social circle. Some may disagree with a peer or teacher’s decisions, but they should still respect their position as leader and as a human being. To truly find who you are you must know where you were and where you are now. To find oneself a person must simplify their life. Perhaps then teenagers would know who they are and not change ideals and morals like a pair of shoes. There are other people that go through worse things than what an NHS teen goes through. Outside of friend drama, Lady GaGa, and personal ego is a whole other world; a world that may never be seen unless you wake up. Though at times it feels as though nothing can touch the proud little world that most teenagers have created, what happens around the world affects everyone. If the youth of today-maybe even NHS-can come together, they will realize that they have the power to make a difference. They might actually be able to break the stereo type that is applied to teenagers; that they are lazy, self centered malicious, nuisances. The students of NHS need to wake up and assemble to eat some major humble pie.


JUNE 2010

Cameron fuller


happen to be a senior. Somehow I The Hatter have made it through this maze of bad decisions, ignorant people, and flying slushies and I can honestly say I have come out the other side a little better off. Despite my criticisms of the school I love this place. After four years it has grown on me. I can say without a smirk that I will miss it, maybe not all of my fellow students, and not all of the things that go on inside of it, but really how comfortable I am here. What really seems to be driving me away from this school and Norwalk in general is the epidemic of deep rooted pessimism towards our schools and town. I constantly hear students say, “Norwalk sucks”, “it is so boring”. Every time one of our sports teams loses I hear, “well what do you expect, it’s Norwalk.” These comments sicken me. These people who seem to enjoy hating the place you came from need to realize that



here just are not enough hours in a day. For everything I have encountered at Norwalk High School, time management might be the most valuable skill. Projects, essays, articles, books, for all the assignments that are dished out to students finding the proper time to do them is probably the most strenuous part of being in high school. As a freshman I had no idea what I was getting into. My newfound freedom was not managed very well. I spent the least amount of time possible doing school work, but I spent most of my time in school…that obviously did not work out to well for me. Now at seventeen years old, I am just getting that hang of managing my time. It has not been easy, and I know my struggle with time management is not over, it is actually just beginning. At least now I have a direction to go in. Priorities and time management go hand in hand. The reason I had such an issue with managing my time was because my priorities were all out of order. Why should I do my homework when I can just talk on the phone for an hour,


Dinah the Cat


ne of the best years of your life is being sweet seventeen and a senior in high school. Going to sporting events, staying out, drinking iced almost every morning has defined my days. Seventeen is the age when you are a senior in high school. At seventeen the majority of us have jobs, do extracurricular actives, drive, have homework, maybe even play an instrument but what did some of the teachers at NHS do when they were seventeen? “I grew up in Philadelphia . I would say I was half artsy and the other half jock because I played in a rock band and I was the captain of the hockey team..” explains Mr. Von Arter as he reminisced about being a seventeen-year-old. “I grew up in Fairfield. The sports I played were football and baseball. However I also did the plays in high school. I was also in the marching band and Jazz

change starts at the bottom and works its way up. You cannot just sit around hating on something and expect it to change. You have to get up and start change. Why do you think our sports teams seem to struggle so often? Or why do you think we have a lack of funding for most things? It is because the people, you students refuse to get up and support these things. So next time you want something changed do not simply yell from your seat, scream from the hills! Start the change, be your own catalyst, inspire your peers instead of degrading them, and remember President Eisenhower’s words, “Pessimism never won any battles”.

or sleep? It took me three years to figure out that school should have been my main priority. Better late than never right? Not really, because when it came time to apply for college my transcript was not exactly going to get me too far. Although my grades were average there were students who were above average, who somehow figured out the mystery of managing their time throughout their entire high school career. More power to them! As I reminisce on my younger days, I had a blast with my friends and family. NOTE TO SELF: School comes first! Especially since I will be paying for my future college education. I may not have this whole time management thing down perfectly but Norwalk High School has paved a good path for me to follow. After all I said it was the most valuable skill, I never said I mastered the art of time management.

band. I tried to avoid trouble because my mom was a teacher at my school. My job when I was seventeen was working at a local liquor store.” Said Mr. Seaburg. “I grew up in Columbia, Tennessee. I played the flute and piccolo in band and really involved in my church choir. I was in the senior play and also was in key club. I was a good student and got good grades.” Explained Mrs. Pettibone. “I grew up in Norwalk and went to NHS. I got very good grades in high school. I was very shy and quiet which was funny because I was the captain of the cheerleading team my senior year.” Explained Ms. Abrahamsen. So it seems that many of the seniors today have more in common with the teachers than they expected. Of course times have changed, but seventeen will always be an age to remember. Now at seventeen I would describe myself as carefree, sarcastic, actress, outgoing and of course being awarded the honor of driving the worst car of the class of 2010, although it is not my proudest achievement but you have to take what you can get. Senior year was definitely my least stressful year but I got most of my best memories of high school from it. As the seniors go off to college and later on become teachers, lawyers, doctors or maybe even famous always remember to bring out the seventeen-year-old in you now and then.

Camp out on the turf. -Jessica Bretherton

Make a flag for 2010 -Katherine Cifuentes

I would take everything from Ms. Sherill’s office. -Jake Passero

I would have alot of money and make it rain. -Mike Newton

Switch Seniors from McMahon and vice versa. -Matt Lee

Throw a party in the field with an infaltable pool. -Michael Lacosta

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June 2010

Gina Larochelle

Vernece Richardson

Tweedle Dum

Tweedle Dee


1. Classroom doors glued shut 2. Cameras in the halls 3. “The Wall” 4. H’s 5. Slushies flying down the stairwells 6. A fish in the urinal 7. S-House 8. Flat screen TVs 9. Jenga in the library 10. Air conditioning

s I had been struggling for days on what to write for my senior issue of The Paw Print, it occurred to me the only reason I was having such a hard time was because I had made so many memories at Norwalk High School. It is hard to believe that four short years have passed and it is finally my turn to graduate. Year by year, the tears you shed, the hard work you do, the laughs you have, and the friends you lose and make, are things you take with you when you are ready to take the next step in your life. Leaving high school is one adventure, but surviving it is another. Four years ago, I never would have pictured myself the way I am today. High school has molded me into an entirely different person than I was my freshman year. I still remember my first day of high school, walking in with this huge backpack, although I have no idea what it was filled with since I had not received any books yet, and the number of students standing in front of the main office because no one knew where their homeroom was. Now, as a senior, I walk in to school with no books or any backpack because “there is no work to do”, and spend more time trying to leave school than actually entering a classroom. I have lost a lot of friends the past four years, but I have also made a lot of new ones. I have had a lot of bad, horrible experiences, but a ton of really great ones during my years surviving high school, as well. Things are going to happen to you that you never would have imagined. Such as someone accidentally throwing up on you in the hallway as you are passing by (yes this really happened to me). Things such as finally beating Greenwich in field hockey after losing sixteen years in a row. And finally, becoming friends with as many people as you can and trying to be liked by a great deal of people even though you are never going to be able to please everyone. The only important thing is, when it is finally time to leave, no one else really matters as long as you have pleased yourself.

emely montenegro

Bill the Lizard

During my four years at Norwalk High

School, Spirit week has been the big event of everything, from memories to dressing up and acting silly with friends. Spirit week is an event that you can look back at and say “hey remember those crazy spirit days.” Freshmen year I remember making my own shirt that had a bear on it to represent the Norwalk High School mascot and on the back of the shirt; it had my name and class year. My sister and I always competed to see how much we can both show our school spirit. After my sister graduated I was responsible for taking on the task. Every year I always created my own shirts that did come out pretty good on my behalf. I remember that people would

approach me and ask me to make them a shirt as well. I found it to be easy money. But I never charged anyone only because it was for something good, and I like to see my work out. Sophomore year is when everyone went all out. I saw people dressed up as superheroes and villains, it was so fun just seeing everyone. Nobody was embarrassed everyone was comfortable. Just seeing the smiles on peoples faces made it even more fun because it showed that people like dressing up and showing school spirit.

It seems like it was just yesterday all us seniors were walking

through the doors of Norwalk High scared out of our minds, but so excited that were finally going to be in high school, the place that actually mattered. Walking through the halls freshman year everything looked big, the people, the building and the work. Many of us had a hard time adjusting, while some of us just jumped right into the swing of things, like we had been here all of our lives. Life was different here, friends who we had once seen everyday during middle school; we were now seeing once every couple of weeks, because our schedules did not match. Between sport practices, band practices, and getting extra help, it seemed like we were all in a big pool bobbing up and down because we could not swim like the big fishes. Freshman year ended and we were all happy that we lived through the year, and excited that we were no longer going to be freshman, but upperclassmen. Sophomore year came, and it seemed that everyone had changed, with new haircuts, new clothes, and new friends; everyone seemed to fit in to where they belonged. With freshman year lurking in the back of our minds we knew what not to do, and what to do when certain things went on. Excited that we could now teach the in coming freshman the tricks of the trade, sophomore year moved quickly, and we were now going to be juniors. Junior year we all came in a little bit taller, because we knew we were real upper classmen now. We knew everything, or we thought we did. With beginning to think about where we wanted to end up after high school, and worrying about the SATs there was no time for mistakes, or fun we had to buckle down if we wanted to end up on the top later on in life. In the back of our minds we knew our time at Norwalk High was coming to an end, but we did not care, because as of then we wanted to enjoy everything it had to offer. Junior year was coming to a close and it was time for the class of 2009 to leave and the class of 2010 to step up and begin the 9 month marathon to graduation. Summer came and went, and senior year was here. It was our time to shine and show everyone what we were made of. With graduation in the future there were many little things we had to take care of. First was getting all college applications out, second was getting into college, and the third was deciding on where we wanted to go. Though we thought we were done, we weren’t, we still had to finish up the year. As we close this chapter in our lives, we will always remember the friends we made, and the lessons that we learned.


JUNE 2010

Olivia Bonilla

Mock Turtle


1. Minifridge

2. Shower shoes

lock C rm

Better to be sanitary than sorry!

la A . 3

4. Rolls of Quarters How else do you think you’ll wash your clothes?

5. Emergency Toilet Seat Covers 6. NHS Apparel You may know where you’re going, but don’t forget where you came from.

7. Wastebasket 8. Sewing kit

For all those little snags college life throws at you.

9. Easy Button


An Op en Mi

1. See a fight.

e moved out of “needing a change,” or so my mom put it. My high school experience was nothing of what I ever expected it to be. I never expected to switch schools sophomore year. I never expected to come to such a diverse school with over 1000 more kids than my old school. I never expected that I would be graduating, representing the colors green and white, but this is how it tuned out and in the end, it was for the better. Moving was not easy and neither was making friends. Sure its easy to meet people but you can only put your self out there so much. and you would think at a school with over 2000 kids, there has to be at least one person. Yes I found one person, but we were so different in every way possible. I’ve learned a lot about the value of friendship, and how good friends do not come easy, it takes time. Ashley Neltton, Jessica Talbot and Kirstina Raftery will always be there for me. Its quality vs quantity. Coming to such a diverse school. I’ve learned to be more accepting and not to judge. It really makes you more aware of different backgrounds and circumstances, and realize that things happened, and there are not always a good things. Although as a sophomore I wasn’t truly ready to take that move. I can say that now, as I look back, I’ve come full circle. It took long enough to adjust, but I finally feel like I was back in Mass. I feel more secure as to who I am and I have so much to look forward to in my future. I remember the day I moved, I didn’t pack a single box and when it can time to pack my stuff I had a 5ft by 3 ft box. I took all my clothes, books, and what ever was left and called it a day. My mom was so pissed off. I could have only matured from that situation. I have turned to what I am today as a way to help me get through it all. My art, paintings and photography also helped me a lot. I know what its like to be rejected, I know how it likes to want that clique, but more importantly I know now how to truly confine myself, and not be afraid to embrace who I am. Whether I stand alone or meet some incredible people along the way, whether you like me or not, I realized that with enemies, there are also true friendships.

2. Get in a fight 3. Go to Wendys for lunch 4. Hang out with your favorite teacher 5.Take a nap in your car 6. You are doing an important assignment for the class you are missing 7. You don’t want to take a test 8. There is no cop in the driveway 9. Mr. Foldeak is making Sushi 10. It’s gym class



House of Cards


ver since freshmen year students have been complaining about NHS being stupid, ugly, “wack”, and boring. Many students felt this way all four years while others felt different about NHS. “Going to Norwalk High during my freshmen year was great, I loved it, but now it’s boring, there are too many cliques. I know one thing for sure our class is

the last good class to leave NHS,” explained Nathalie Dupervil (’10). Many of us experienced good a n d bad things here; sporting events, making new friends, pep rally, spirit week, homecoming, and even losing friends. Celeste Giron (’10) believed “It was a roller coaster, but it was worth it.” “I like Norwalk High. If I went to a different high school I don’t think I would be as great of a student I am now.” Sharmere

Williams (’10) Norwalk High has a great effect on most students, while others think differently. “It’s okay, the food is bad, and hallway patrol is bad. We should not be graduating so late.” D.J. Dellaripa (’10) stated. “Norwalk high is a great school, but needs visually and inside improvements, there are too much rules it feels like a jail.” Ray Philip (’10) At the end of four year here at Norwalk high we still represent the Bears class of 2010. For what most students are saying they really like this school.

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june 2010

Head Editors: Kristen Cordero Stefani Gospodinova Page Designers: Gina Larochelle Janeice Roman Martine Liberte Vernece Richardson Emely Montenegry Anna Theodoridis Senior Staff Writers: Olivia Bonilla Craig Jolicoeur Jamie chun Carolyn Knowles Cameron Fuller Cam Piasecki Kim Fusci Rob Romano VictoriaGianetti Chris Santiniello Leathia Johnson Jeff Suarez Ryan Tolmich Special Arts Designer: Kimberly Pratt Photo Credits:

Yes, there are fun kids that I like to go and hang out with, but I do not plan Kimberly Pratt on talking to ninety five percent of them after high school. We hang out because Knave of Hearts we have common interests, not because w e n eighth grade, anyone I had known care about through family or friends that had already each other. graduated Norwalk High tried to convince I saw for me to go to another school. So I applied to myself all Trinity and AITE, but still ended up going the lies, to Norwalk High in fear of losing the good made up group of friends I had. I had heard that at p e r s o n a l i this school the kids would practically eat me ties, the drug alive and I would be miserable for the next addicts, and four years of my life. I prepared myself for the ridiculous the worst and eventually ended up sticking amount of kids it out. in this school Well, clearly I survived, but had definitely that literally lost an arm and a leg in the process. Nor- have no morwalk High turned out to be everything I did als what so ever. not want it to be. Over the last four years You’ll see some I had lost the best friends I went into this students talking school for. about what a real Being displeased with the way Norwalk good time they had here, and High is, I never was able to make a solid I am sure some of them did. group of consistent friends that I had kept all Goodbye Norwalk High and t h a n k throughout school. I literally have yet to find you for being a complete waste of time. one genuine person in this whole city.


advisor: Mr. Karl

craig Jolicoeur

The Bloodhound Chris Santaniello

The Flmaingo


enior year is the most defining year of not only the high school career, but mostly the time in life when one is in school. For some it consists of a more laid back schedule, and for others it will consist of hard work from AP classes and getting ready for college or a career. My personal experience at Norwalk High School was a love hate relationship with a touch of comedy and tragedy. Freshman year started with an incorrect schedule of classes that I changed over the summer. My first class was Algebra with Ms. Gardiner, I was twenty minutes late and I only knew a handful of the students in the class. The past couple of years I was voted senator for student government, and I left the student government after the first three meetings. I have embarrassed myself by falling down the hill in the back of the school near the buses, I have missed the bus and ran beside it, I was once known for throwing slushies down the stairs every day at lunch. But in the end I feel like my time at NHS was well spent, most seniors can not wait to get out of the school, but I would much rather use this time because I know I will not be able to get it back. I do not want to be one of those old guys still looking back and wondering. Senior year is supposed to be the epitome of what high school is about, classes, study halls, the prom, and finally the big day, graduation. When graduation comes many people celebrate, some cry, some laugh, it just shows how big of an impact high school can have on one’s life. Granted people did the same thing when graduating from Kindergarten to First grade, but the emotion seniors feel is there for other reasons. When life becomes a memory that one can look back on and laugh it shows how the time was spent, and for some senior year is the prime time of their life, and it’s only just begun.


y last quater as a student at Norwalk High School has me thinking back on my four years in this building. My days at NHS have been a mixture of growth, frustration, and everything in between. Starting my first year as a freshman and not knowing anybody was a difficult transition for me but the kids at NHS were friendly and I was able to make new friends. Besides the new friends I made, the teachers in this building have also played a big role in shaping me from a naïve kid, to a young adult ready to face the real world. Ms. Gardner saw from the start the potential I had and always reminded me to do my best. I remember the countless speeches Mr. Alley gave me about the reality and harshness of the world out side of NHS. Mr. Anastasia was there to listen to any of my problems and Mr. Fuller would get on my back the moment he sensed me slipping. I would describe my freshman year as the most fun I had because everything was new to me and there was not a great deal of pressure on me but it was also the foundation for the changes in me that were yet to come. Sophomore year is when things started to get a little rough for me. I did not have any classes

with the friends I made the year before so I had to start making friends all over again. I was not keeping up with my school work and my attendance and grades started to drop, but once again my teachers who genuinely cared for me were there to help get back on track. Ms. Engle was able to help me through my awkward transitional stage and figure out what type of person I really was. Ms. Elkas also helped me out a great deal. When I was not doing so great in her class, she sat me down and showed me how to reach my maximum potential with my writing skills and life in general. Junior year was the first time I realized that I would be leaving the building very shortly and I needed to grow up a little faster. It was that critical year where the lessons I had learned in previous years started being applied to my daily life. That was the year I became really acquainted with the great staff at B-House. Mr. Mones guided me with my options after high school and Mr. Walston helped me stay on the right track. My junior year was the biggest for me in terms of progression. I learned my most important lesson that year from Mr. Karl. He gave me a speech about following through with what you started and the importance of not “dropping the ball” so to speak. Now as a senior, on my way to college, I look back and see the difference in me from when I first entered this building to the moment where I leave it forever. It is a substantial change that has made me smarter, wiser, and better equipped for future life experiences. It would have been easier to write about the kids that I met and helped me grow as well, but my teachers through out the years have had a profound impact on me.

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page 10

june 2010

To p t e n r e a s o n s t o procrastinate 1) You work best under pressure 2) The voices told you to do it later 3) You had to “rep yo’ squad” 4) Ice cream cake does not wait 5) 6) The Jo Bro’s concert just sold out and you NEED TO FIND TICKETS. 7) Your naptime cannot be comprimised. 8) When nature calls, you have to pick up 9) The muggles saw you doing magic and the ministry was not pleased 10) Your just found your favorite batman toy from childhood and it is time for some serious reminiscing

can still spot the people to whom sports is their life or the overachiever. Still, like me, there are many finding Stefani Godsopdinova themselves in the grey area. The grey area is defined by those people who don’t The Queen of Hearts have a distinct passion for which they are known. We play sports, but were not the best, we are in the musical, but the biggest role we get is the riends sometimes ensemble. We cannot be defined by the called me ‘sports things we do. girl,’ which So what defines people like ? We everyone have friends and acquaintances knows is far that enjoy our company and from what think we are funny, sweet, I am even caring, sensitive, annoying, etc; if you just but there is never just one thing knew my that described perfectly who we name. are. High school I find that thanks to my friends is a time where and the people, I have become, people begin to get well, Stef. There is nothing distinct an idea of who they that defines me because I am a product are, or at least we try. We of the people in my life. They have made make an identity for ourselves me be funny, crazy, competitive, annoying, sporty, during these four years by which everyone musical, and interesting. will remember us by. This does not mean I am defined by my friends, but I While Norwalk High School is a very diverse place am glad that because of them I find I have become a wellunlike any high school movie we have watched, you rounded person. I thank my friends, teachers, and family, can still spot out the ‘stereotypes.’ For instance, you for making me the indefinable person I am today.


Up until now, I’ve never really stopped to think about why I was constantly tardy; it Kristin Cordero was always just a natural occurrence that I accepted, along with the reprimands from my The White Rabbit mother and the “evil eyes” from my teachers. When you start to hear that your corpse ’m sure you’ve is going to be late to your own heard the saying “You’re late, you’re funeral though, there really is late, for a very important date!” It’s no other choice than to reflect one of the more recognizable quotes on your actions. I don’t want from the White Rabbit of Alice in this to be another excuse to Wonderland. While you may only throw on top of my pile of hear it once in a blue moon, it is the retired vindications, but I mantra of my life. do want to give a sincere If there’s one not so positive thing justification, once and for all, I was notorious for throughout high as to why I’m always late. school, it was my unparalleled ability to be In his novel The Picture of Dorian tardy. I was late to class, even if it fell in middle Gray, Oscar Wilde describes his title character saying of the day, I was late to my after school job, and if that, “He was always late on principle, his principle people wanted to meet with me, they began to tell being that punctuality is the thief of time.” This may me times that were fifteen minutes before the actual seem like an outlandish theory to follow, but in a way appointment just so I would show up before it was this is how I’ve been unconsciously living my life. over. If I had a dime for all of the times I’ve been late, In this day and age, life moves at a mile a minute. I would have been on the cover of Forbes magazine Senior year alone has felt like it’s gone by in the ten times over. blink of an eye. It’s hard to believe that at the end


Dear Class of 2010,


ith great pride and sadness, we offer our heartfelt congratulations to the Senior Class of 2010. We are truly grateful for having had the pleasure of working together with such an amazing group of students for the past four years. As advisors, we are convinced that the young men and women who will graduate on June 28 represent the best of what a Norwalk Public School education has to offer. You have made us extremely proud of how you

of this month it will be time to move into the even more rapid realm of the real world. It’s important to hold onto time while you still have the chance. Seize every moment and don’t waste any chance to do the things that you want to do. So maybe to some my priorities can seem a bit irresponsible, but really, it’s all relative. What’s significant to some may be insignificant to others and that’s just a fact of reality that everyone should accept. It’s not that I’m inconsiderate of other’s time; I just try to indulge myself in as much as I can with the limited time that I’m given. So I guess I’ll make this one last apology to all of the people I’ve ever irritated by not being on-time and all of the teachers whose lessons I’ve interrupted by walking in ten minutes after the bell. While I’m at it, I’ll make this a “you’re welcome” to all of my fellow students whose tardies were forgotten after my fashionably late entrance. But to all of the early birds who did get up and catch the worm, you can keep your slimy invertebrates; I’m more than happy with what I’ve obtained – great friends, an immense amount of knowledge, acceptance into the college of my dreams, and the chance to prove to everyone that adolescent tardiness is not the end of the world.

have carried yourselves as a collective group and as individuals, both inside and outside the classroom. As we move forward towards prom and graduation, we are filled with many memories of late night hall decorating, fun times at the Snowflake Dance and “dancing with the fish” at the Maritime Aquarium. We will hold a special place in our hearts for the Class of 2010 and wish you and your families continued success and prosperity in all your future endeavors. Foever Yours in Green and White Tasha Sherrill and Michelle Toeschini Class of 2010 Advisors

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PAGE 11 JUNE 2010

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