Regroup18 conference book online

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I I I . U N B E L I E V E R S A R E T Y P I C A L LY AT O N E O F F I V E FA I T H T H R E S H O L D S . A. Trusting a Christian B. Becoming Curious C. Opening to Change D. Seeking After God E. Becoming a Christian

I V. W E H AV E I D E N T I F I E D S O M E H E L P F U L P R I N C I P L E S T H AT C R E AT E A S U I TA B L E O U T R E A C H E N V I R O N M E N T TO E N GAG E P E O P L E I N T H E W O R K P L AC E . A. Forming relationships must be prioritized over presenting theology. B. Biblical principles need to be presented in a safe, practical, and engaging way. C. A clear next step should be made available. D. Avoid creating a Bible study or Christian club. E. Manage expectations for Christians around saving their “lost� co-workers.

V. O U R WO R K P L AC E O U T R E AC H M I N I S T RY I S C A L L E D L I F E L E S S O N S OV E R L U N C H . A. Life Lessons Over Lunch is a group environment at work. B. Participants watch a message from a carefully curated library characterized by content that is safe, attractive, and relevant. C. Leaders host these groups in their offices and provide a free lunch to their participating co-workers as an incentive. D. These groups prioritize the experience of unchurched attendees by eliminating prayer and discussion time. 42

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