NH Now - Spring 2021

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News Outdoor pools make a splash Coronavirus Community Support Fund success stories


Get out! Benefits of outdoor sports What’s all the buzz about bees?


New exhibition celebrates the Tiger who came to Tea

Your Community Magazine

Foraging, Comedy, Musicals and more

NH Now Spring 2021



Keep up to date with @NorthHerts Are you keeping up to date with news in North Herts? Sign up to NHDC’s email bulletin service @NorthHerts, which delivers news from the Council straight to your inbox. There are a range of topics so you only need to sign up for what interests you, and you can change your preferences at any time.

As coronavirus restrictions start to ease we thought we would take the opportunity to showcase some of the activities which you can get involved in, particularly now the weather is warming up. We are very lucky to have two outdoor pools in Letchworth and Hitchin (pg. 7) and we know regulars will have missed using these fantastic facilities last year. With Covidsecure measures in place to keep everyone safe, why not give them a go this summer? If swimming isn’t your thing, how about giving bowls, crickets or BMX riding a go? We are fortunate to have some excellent clubs and facilities in North Herts, read more on page 18. Finally, our high streets have also had an extremely tough year, which is why we are getting behind them with our Shop Safe, Shop Local campaign (pg. 3). Shopping local is a great way to support local businesses. Even if you don’t want to visit the high street, many have adapted by offering click and collect services. Find out what’s on offer in your local town today.

It is quick and easy to sign up, simply visit the @NorthHerts sign up page www.north-herts.gov.uk/subscribe to find out more.

Sarah Kingsley


Topics include latest news, events, recycling and environment, North Hertfordshire Museum, parks and countryside and Active North Herts. You can also use it to find out about any disruption to services or to find out what job opportunities there are at the Council.

Communications Manager

Most NHDC services can be accessed online. Find out how to report an issue, apply for a licence, pay a bill or apply for benefits, all through our website: www.north-herts.gov.uk

Other ways to contact us

NH Now Spring 2021



01462 474000


NH Now feature

Shop local and support your High Street

Towns across the district have been working tirelessly to ensure their high streets are as safe as possible. Signage, hand sanitisers and new planters have been added to the street scene to aid physical distancing and keep everyone safe.

NH Now Spring 2021

NH Now feature


NH Now Spring 2021


We all love our high streets, but we all need to do our bit to support local businesses Steve Crowley, NHDC’s Commercial Service Director

Steve explains: “It’s simple, we have to use our local high streets otherwise we lose them! We all enjoy shopping, meeting friends for coffee, lunch in the pub, but the pandemic has made it hard for us to venture into town. Town centres are now open, the necessary safety requirements are in place and the British spirit is alive and well in businesses up and down our high streets. I would urge residents to support their local high street during the pandemic by shopping local, whether that be in person, click and collect or online.”

NH Now Spring 2021

NH Now feature


Baldock Baldock is North Hertfordshire’s oldest and most historic town and boasts one of the widest high streets in England. The Baldock Charter Market, which dates back some 800 years, operates every Wednesday, and offers an eclectic mix of fresh produce and stalls. www.baldockeventsforum.org.uk

Royston Royston provides a mix of rich heritage, entertainment, open green spaces and a town centre with independent shops, diverse cafes and restaurants. The town’s traditional market is open twice a week. www.roystontown.org


Photo: CMS

Letchworth offers a variety of independent shops, cafes, restaurants and bars, as well as its own independent Art Deco cinema. The historic shopping arcade has something for everyone from pet grooming to zero waste food, as well as photography, haberdashery, an art gallery and more. www.loveletchworth.com

Hitchin Historic Hitchin is bursting with well-known chains and independent shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants. The town has a thriving market held four times a week, selling everything from fresh produce to antiques. Culture is on offer with three theatres, two museums and an array of art galleries. www.hitchinbasket.com

How to shop safely

• Make a pledge to support loc

al businesses throughout 2021. • Test yourself regularly using late ral flow tests which can be ordered online at GOV.UK • Give yourself a treat and dine out in a local pub, café or restaur ant. • When shopping for essential goo ds and services abide by the phy sical distancing signage – remember to keep two metres apart. • In-store wear a face covering at all times. • Wash your hands and use han d sanitisers. • Handle as few things as possibl e, only pick-up what you want to buy. • When you’re making a purchase, use a card and don’t forget to brin g your own bag. • Avoid crowds and if there’s a queue, call back later. • Remember if you have any Cov id-19 symptoms you must self-iso late. To find out more about the latest Covid-19 news in your area, visi t www.north-herts.gov.uk/corona virus NH Now Spring 2021


NH Now feature




With the Government slowly easing restrictions, Hitchin and Letchworth outdoor pools are getting ready for an exciting summer! The team at Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL) have been hard at work since the beginning of the year, preparing the outdoor pools to welcome back customers for this year’s season from 29 May.

NH Now Spring 2021


Although there may be some restrictions in place, Hitchin and Letchworth outdoor pools can’t wait to welcome customers back

The preparation starts with draining down and jet washing the pool. Next the team carefully check and carry out any repairs necessary to the pool, pool covers and surrounding areas, before fully repainting the pool tank. After the initial stage, the pool is then filled with fresh water, which takes over a week. A few weeks before reopening, the pool is heated and chemicals added to the water. The team also all undertake site specific training, including first aid and emergency procedures. Finally, checks are carried out to ensure the area is clean and prepared, ready to welcome back the first customers for their early morning swim. SLL are following the government roadmap out of lockdown as with their other leisure facilities. This may mean some restrictions will be in place for the outdoor pools. However, as part of the preparations, Covid secure measures have been introduced, including online booking, one-way systems, queuing systems for busy times and ongoing monitoring of numbers. These measures will be continually monitored and reviewed throughout the 2021 season. Lee Medlock, Regional Contract Manager for SLL said: “Although there may be some restrictions in place, Hitchin and Letchworth outdoor pools can’t wait to welcome customers back. Swimming sessions will be bookable online via www.sll.co.uk but for those that are keen swimmers, season tickets will be available at Letchworth and there are a variety of membership options available for Hitchin.” Further information is available on the pools’ Facebook pages. LetchworthOutdoorPool

NH Now Spring 2021



Here are some quotes we've received from regular visitors to the outdoor pools telling us how excited they are to return:

I can't wait to see all the lovely staff and members of Letchworth Outdoor pool. Really missed being part of such a great place last year.

Great news that the outdoor pool will reopen this year. I have missed the friendly staff and atmosphere of swimming first thing in the morning.

Victoria Gee

Carl Gee

I am so excited to be back at the beautiful open-air pool, last year was the first ever season I have missed I can’t wait to get back. Vicki Witherick

Really missed the pool last year and can’t wait to get back in there. It gives a great feeling of well-being having an early morning swim fab pool and staff! Sally Jenkins

We are so excited and are counting down the days until we can swim in our gorgeous Letchworth outdoor pool. It’s a huge part of our lives as we go everyday. Not only do we get physical exercise, but it feeds the soul and mind. We would love it to be open all year round as I would be happy to swim in cold water! Tina & Steve Bond

Can’t wait to be swimming again in the sun and fresh air at Letchworth open air pool. It is like being on holiday for the whole summer. Oh and looking forward to seeing my favourite staff! Nancy Roberts NH Now Spring 2021


NH Now feature

The buzz around

honey bees

This month we’ve received a contribution from Robin Dartington, President of BuzzWorks Association - a volunteer association based in Hitchin that help people discover and enjoy the world of bees, as well as train people in the craft of beekeeping.

NH Now Spring 2021


Buzzworks Association host visits to the BuzzWorks Discovery Centre, near the Old Hale Way Allotments in Hitchin, where you can enjoy the bee-friendly garden, bees and beekeeping exhibition and safely watch live bees at work. The group support local beekeepers and provide training courses for new and improver beekeepers at their larger Honeyworks Beekeeping Centre lying within Burford Way Allotments, backing on to Oughtonhead Nature Reserve. Robin said: “Spring has sprung and there is glorious colour as plants and trees put out flowers to attract pollinators and make seed, birds build nests and sheep drop lambs. Spring is all about reproduction, without which a species rapidly goes extinct. “Most insects lay hundreds of eggs in hope that at least one young survives to lay in future. One species however, honeybees, have evolved a different survival strategy very similar to that of mammals. They live in huge families known as colonies. Up to 50,000 bees can live in one nest consisting of a single reproductive female known as a queen, a few hundred males known as drones and thousands of sterile worker bees. The only way the family can reproduce is to split and half to go and find a new home, as humans do. The difference is that it is the parent, the queen, that leaves with the swarm, leaving the established nest to be inherited by a young daughter queen. “After leaving, a swarm of about 20,000 bees hangs in the open like a huge pear while scout bees search for and agree the best available cavity in which to build a new nest. The bees have no home to defend, so are not in the least aggressive and no risk to passers- by. “We need honeybees as the large colonies can carry out much more pollination than solitary species. So, if you see a swarm hanging in your garden or on a wall, do contact John O’Conner, NHDC’s Ground Maintenance Contractor, who will summon a local beekeeper to collect it and rehouse it in their apiary. Honeybees are at risk as is all life on Planet Earth, they have evolved as vegetarian wasps over 100 million years, let’s preserve them”.

Spring is all about reproduction, without which a species rapidly goes extinct.

You can find Buzzworks Association at Hitchin Market on the last Saturday of every month. Why not go along for a chat and buy some pure local honey?

Click here for more information NH Now Spring 2021


NH Now feature

NATURE AND BIODIVERSITY May and June are wonderful months to get outdoors in gardens and public spaces. The People and Nature Survey for England showed that almost half the population were spending more time outside than before the pandemic. Nature has been an important part of many people’s experience over the last year, but did you know that the UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world and many of our species are in decline?

NH Now Spring 2021


Here are a few easy tips on how you can get involved in helping your local wildlife: 1. Go wild:

Consider leaving a patch or the edge of your lawn unmown to allow more species to enjoy your garden. You could even plant wildflowers and create a mini meadow, which will look beautiful and feed hungry bees and butterflies, which are important for pollinating our flowers and our food!

2. Your garden might have space for a house, mansion or hotel: Consider creating shelters for wildlife in your garden. This can include bat boxes, bird houses, hedgehog homes, bee hotels or bug mansions. Tips and tricks for making your own can be found here.

3. Friendly pest control: It can be tempting to reach for the chemical pesticides in our gardens, but often these chemicals can hurt other wildlife unintentionally. Consider more friendly alternatives like using gravel or copper bands to deter slugs, or using netting and hanging CDs - their shiny surfaces can help to stop birds eating home-grown food.

4. Preferable plants: Try to plant native species or plants that occur locally. You can research this yourself or simply take a walk and see what plants are naturally growing near you. Certain plants are especially great for bees and butterflies, such as lavender which is an easy plant if you are a beginner!

5. Don’t have a garden?

Consider leaving a patch or the edge of your lawn unmown to allow more species to enjoy your garden.

There are still ways you can get involved, such as creating a hanging basket or window box with pollinator friendly plants. You could hang a bird feeder outside your window and if you have a balcony, you could create a vertical garden where the plants are supported to grow along vertical surfaces. You could also consider getting involved with a local conservation group.

For more ideas visit: www.wildlifetrusts.org/actions

NH Now Spring 2021

NH Now life


North Hertfordshire Museum and Hitchin Town Hall SPRING BACK INTO ACTION

The recent lockdown has been a busy and productive time for the team at North Hertfordshire Museum and Hitchin Town Hall. Lockdown was used to plan some exciting events for the new season and they are now welcoming visitors like you, through their doors again. So, what’s going on? Let’s find out!

NH Now Spring 2021


North Hertfordshire Museum has now reopened and has a series of fascinating free exhibitions planned between now and the autumn:

Open until 27 June, Frozen in Time is a display of 48 photographs of Victorian and Edwardian North Hertfordshire. The photographs are from the museum’s extensive archives and offer a snapshot into the daily lives of people who lived and worked in the district during those times. Featured photographs include Barley Supply Stores from about 1910, a one-stop shop where you could buy anything from shoes to chocolate, medicines to rugs; and a photo of Katherine Francis, the postal delivery woman in Hexton during the Second World War.

Frozen in Time is a display of 48 photographs of Victorian and Edwardian North Hertfordshire.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea will run from 7 July to 4 September. This interactive exhibition is based on the classic children’s story book by Judith Kerr and brings the story to life. Featuring a play version of Sophie’s kitchen, a reading corner and of course, a friendly 5-foot tiger! Tiger themed craft activities and story sessions will keep little ones entertained over the summer holidays and The Tiger Who Came to Tea themed afternoon teas complete with stripy cakes (yes, stripy cakes!) and Tiger Bread sandwiches will ward off any grumbly tummies. Illustrations from the book will also be on display and have kindly been loaned by Seven Stories, the National Centre for Children’s Books. Afternoon teas must be booked in advance here.

NH Now Spring 2021


Nature in Focus; Brian Sawford’s photographs of the landscape and wildlife of North Hertfordshire opens on 18 September. Brian Sawford (1940 - 2020) was a well-known local naturalist and a gifted photographer, who spent much of his long career as Senior Keeper of Natural History at the former Letchworth Museum. Brian contributed much to the natural history of Hertfordshire through his talks, guided walks and publications. These included The Butterflies of Hertfordshire, Wildflower Habitats of Hertfordshire and Wildlife of the Letchworth Area, all illustrated with his own photographs. The exhibition shows many of the rare and beautiful wildflowers and endangered birds we have on our doorstep and reminds us of the rich biodiversity of the district.

Brian contributed much to the natural history of Hertfordshire through his talks, guided walks and publications.

NH Now Spring 2021

Don’t forget, the museum also has permanent displays that bring the history of North Hertfordshire to life. With something for everyone - art, archaeology, nature, football, toys, even a Victorian chemist’s shop counter. The museum has an on-site café with delicious freshly made produce, and a shop selling exclusive local cards and gifts. Museum opening times are 10.30am to 4.30pm, Tuesday to Saturday, and 11am to 3pm on Sunday. Admission is free. North Hertfordshire Museum is located on Brand Street, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1JE. For more information visit the museum website.


Hitchin Town Hall takes pride of place in the centre of Hitchin. A stunning Grade II listed building nestled right next to the North Hertfordshire Museum, it’s at the beating heart of the local community. Hosting everything from wedding parties to fitness classes, fencing and ballroom dancing.

Now restrictions are easing, the Town Hall has a number of events planned (all dates are subject to change in line with Government coronavirus guidance): July 22 and 23 sees ‘Mostly Comedy’ hit the stage. An evening full of much needed belly laughs and chuckling, this comedy night is hosted by Hitchin’s Mostly Comedy Club. Mostly Comedy was established in 2008 and have become so popular that they have since outgrown five different venues in town before ending up in residency at Hitchin Town Hall. Doors open at 7.15pm. Click here to book. If we said to you ‘I took her to a supermarket, I don’t know why, But I had to start it somewhere, So it started, there,’ would those lyrics ring a bell with you? If the answer is yes, then you will love Hitchin Town Hall’s 90’s Common People Indie Night on 11 September. With the best indie music out there, you’ll be transported to a time of freedom by DJ Ed the Saint who will be playing wall to wall 90’s indie tunes all night. The set kicks off at 8pm, £11 entry. Click here to book.

It’s a Sin 80s Night launches at Hitchin Town Hall on 9 October. Inspired by the free spirit of the recent 80’s namesake television show.

It’s a Sin 80s Night launches at Hitchin Town Hall on 9 October. Inspired by the free spirit of the recent 80’s namesake television show, It’s a Sin sets out to revel in the fun and freshness of 1980’s music. Step back in time to a world of pure wonder and (break) dance your socks, and leg warmers, off. Keep an eye on Hitchin Town Hall’s social media for more information nearer the time.

The hall’s spectacular Mountford Hall with its barrel-vaulted ceiling and original sprung floor is also available for private hire, along with the more intimate Lucas Room. For more information visit the museum website.

NH Now Spring 2021


NH Now feature

Outdoor sports are go in North Herts! If you like exercising in the open air and are passionate about sport, why not combine the two? We spoke to three different sports clubs in North Herts to find out why their outdoor sports are so popular.

NH Now Spring 2021


Phil Townsend, Chairman of the Royston BMX Club, wrote in to tell us about the BMX club’s work: “The Royston BMX Club, also known as the Royston Rockets, was formed almost 40 years ago to promote the sport of BMX Racing. Over the years, the club has attracted members from across the region and is widely recognised as one of the friendliest clubs in the country. Members take part in race meetings at Club, Regional, National and even International level. The club has its own racetrack situated in Burns Road, Royston, on land owned by NHDC. The track is open for public use at all times when the club is not using it. We run regular club level races through the year and at least one regional race which can attract over 200 riders. We also run regular coaching sessions with qualified coaches, as well as open practice sessions on a Tuesday evening throughout the year. Some equipment is required, including a basic BMX bike which is fine to start with, and the club does have a few bikes for hire to new members. Members also need a full-face helmet, full fingered gloves, long sleeved shirt and full length trousers with soft soled shoes. If riders progress to regional level they need more equipment with extra padding and protection. We have had competitive riders with disabilities such as deafness or amputees, as well as riders with mental health issues take part. The club membership is like a big family and new members very quickly become part of the group. Currently we have around 150 members – some are just social, or come just for the practice or exercise, but about 70 are competitive riders. All new members go through an induction process and for racing we normally run by age group starting with seven and under, up to 40+ or beyond!” To find out more click here or email roystonbmx@aol.com

NH Now Spring 2021

NH Now feature


Chairman of Kimpton Bowls Club, Pat Flury, shared her thoughts on their club: “Bowls is a game for all ages that delivers for everyone. Many people want a very skilful game that will bring their competitive nature to the fore, whilst others want a relaxed social environment. With its mix of club nights, club competitions, friendly and league matches, bowls caters for everyone. The bowling green has an interesting history and was said to be created by Italian prisoners of war, with the inaugural meeting happening in October 1946. We have approximately 40 members from not only our village but several surrounding areas, including Wheathampstead, Codicote, Whitwell, Hitchin and Hemel Hempstead. We have a qualified coach and many friendly members with years of experience, who are more than happy to give advice. The Bowls Club is situated on the High Street, Kimpton at the rear of the Recreation Ground. It really is a beautiful venue and playing outside on an evening or afternoon is magical. There is no great outlay for those who wish to take part. The only requirement to begin with are flat shoes or trainers. We have plenty of bowls that can be used. The pandemic last year has made it impossible for the club to play or meet up, but we have kept in touch by newsletters and phone calls. We have taken this time out to make repairs to the clubhouse and green in preparation for the coming year. This year because of COVID-19 we have not joined the Welwyn and Hatfield League, but we hope to re-join in 2022. We are always looking for new members of any age and beginners are welcome. If you are new to bowls, come along for a no obligation taster session on a Tuesday or Thursday evening from 6pm. If after trying you would like to join, we have lowered our subscriptions this year to just £20.” For more information please contact Pat on 01438 831110.

NH Now Spring 2021


Weston Cricket Club Chairman Kevin Beard has been in touch to tell us about the village’s long running outdoor sports club: The club was founded in 1897 by a group of villagers in Weston who got the initial side together and played a couple of friendlies against nearby villages. From there it went from strength to strength. We are a village cricket club offering cricket to a diverse range of people, from local people, to those further afield too. We have two youth teams as well as an adult’s team. We also offer women’s rounders, pool and darts to our members. Cricket nets take place once a week and anyone can come along and have a crack at this wonderful game. We typically have over 50 youngsters play here each year, of which many come from the village. We have around 25 adult team members and around 50 social members who, in more normal times, pop by on match days to cheer us on. The essence of cricket and the sound of ‘leather on wood’ is ingrained in cricket clubs across the land with matches being competitive but played with a respectful culture underpinning it. Our pavilion has team photos going back to the early 1900s so you feel part of a long village tradition. We won the award for the friendliest team last year and take pride in playing the game in the right spirit and in a friendly but competitive way. We try to make the game of cricket as accessible as possible and have a range of memberships available that cater for the occasional player and those keen to play every week. Our qualified coach at the club offers free one to one coaching and there is a practice net and bowling machine that is used to help develop skills and technique. Players need to wear protective equipment like helmets, leg pads, gloves etc. to keep them safe from injury, but the club has a good range of these to offer those who don’t have their own equipment. Our site provides access to cricket for all abilities as best we can and thanks to an NHDC grant award, we have been able to rebuild the pavilion to include wheelchair access and toilet facilities. If anyone isn’t sure if cricket is for them we say, “Give it a go!” There are so many benefits that everyone should feel they can come along and see if it is for them. To find out more click here.

NH Now Spring 2021

NH Now feature


Helping those who have helped others

during the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has had a huge impact on our local communities. Many found themselves struggling to provide food and essentials for their families, while lockdowns have caused people to suffer from loneliness and mental health issues and reports of domestic abuse have been increasing rapidly.

NH Now Spring 2021


Our Coronavirus Community Support Fund has been reaching out to help organisations in North Herts to support those affected by the pandemic. So far, over £90,000 has been granted to organisations that have helped local people during the pandemic. Growing Resilience in Teens (GRIT) received £2,930 to help them run non-contact boxing and mentoring sessions for teenagers, contributing to their physical and mental wellbeing. This innovative doctor-led programme is designed to help reduce anxiety and self-destructive behaviours, and increase resilience in teens. Sessions will be delivered either face to face at a gym, when restrictions allow, or online via video calls. The GRIT programme is open to all teenagers in North Hertfordshire. Find out more here. Royston Day Centre received £2,000 to provide essential personal protective equipment (PPE), helping to provide a safe environment and to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Disposable masks, hand sanitiser pots, signage, thermometers and visors were all purchased. The Centre provides important social interaction for the elderly in Royston and the surrounding villages and is a vital lifeline to those who may otherwise be lonely. Attendees have a chat over tea and coffee while taking part in activities organised by the Centre. Find out more here. Herts Viewpoint is a charity that helps people who are living with mental health issues or drug and alcohol problems. They received £2,000 to host two ‘Making Art and Creative Connections’ support sessions. Each session helped to provide a space for people to discuss issues while taking part in meaningful creative activities. Herts Viewpoint was formed in 2003 and works across Hertfordshire to deliver activities including confidence building courses, creative writing and poetry, music groups for men and art courses. Find out more here. Find out more about the Coronavirus Community Support Fund here.

Herts Viewpoint was formed in 2003 and works across Hertfordshire to deliver activities including confidence building courses, creative writing and poetry, music groups for men and art courses. NH Now Spring 2021

NH Now events


All dates are subject to change depending on Government COVID-19 guidance at the time

What’s On May Frozen in Time To 27 June North Hertfordshire Museum, Hitchin


Step back in time at the Frozen in Time photographic exhibition. Images of Victorian and Edwardian life in North Herts will be on show, giving a glimpse of how life was lived in times gone by. Find out more on the Museum website.

42nd Street – The Musical 26 May Broadway Cinema, Letchworth Garden City


If a bit of glitz and glam is what you need, how about a musical celebrating all that Broadway has to offer? 42nd Street tells the tale of a young hopeful who gets her big break on the Broadway stage. You’ll be singing along and tapping your toes before you know it. Filmed live at the Theatre Royal in London. Book tickets at the Broadway Cinema website.

June The Hertfordshire Garden Show 19 – 20 June Knebworth House, Knebworth


Been spending a lot of time in the garden lately and want to stock up on new plants and gardening equipment? Then look no further than The Hertfordshire Garden Show. Providing for all your gardening needs, this is an event not to be missed. Book your tickets on the Knebworth House website. NH Now Spring 2021

Funny Girl 23 June Broadway Cinema, Letchworth Garden City

23 18

Starring Olivier Award winning actor Sheridan Smith, follow the story of Fanny Brice whose vocal talents and comedic ability see her rise from music hall singer to the toast of Broadway. To book tickets go to the Broadway Cinema website.


July The Tiger Who Came to Tea



7 July - 4 September North Hertfordshire Museum, Hitchin

24 July Letchworth Garden City Town Centre

This free interactive exhibition is based on the classic children’s story book by Judith Kerr and brings the story to life. Play in Sophie’s kitchen, meet the friendly 5-foot tiger and take part in tiger themed craft activities and story sessions. Tiger themed afternoon teas complete with stripy cakes and sandwiches will be available. Find out more on the Museum website.

The Great British Food Festival 17 – 18 July Knebworth House, Knebworth

Letchworth’s first live music and dance festival! With hip hop and street style dancing from BX Dance and music from British reggae group Aswad, The Soul Man and many local bands and artists, this is an event not to be missed. Find out more at the Love Letchworth website.


Celebrate all things deliciously mouth-watering and British, as artisan food producers and street food rocks up at Knebworth for this foodie fest. Book tickets on the Knebworth House website.

Seasonal Foraging Walk in Hitchin 26 June

Mostly Comedy 22 – 23 July Hitchin Town Hall, Brand Street, Hitchin


If you are ready to laugh until your belly hurts, then this Mostly Comedy night is just for you. Lots of chuckles guaranteed from the Town Hall’s resident comedians. Book your tickets at www.mostlycomedy.co.uk

Rock of Ages – Musical Letchworth Food and Drink Festival 1 April – 4 April, 7.45pm,



Queen Mother Theatre, Hitchin 18 25 – 27 June Letchworth Garden Citynominated Town Centre This Tony Award big Broadway musical will take you back in time to the 80’s. A delicious treat awaits you at this year’s Letchworth Music from REO Speedwagon, Pat Benatar, Food and Drink Fest. Buy food from local sellers Twisted Sister and other 80’s hit groups will have and taste cuisine from around the world. Cookery you dancing in the aisles. Staged by the Big demonstrations, live entertainment andatchildren’s Spirit Youth Theatre. Book tickets The Queen activities make this an event for all the family. Find Mother Theatre website. out more at the Love Letchworth website.

A fascinating guided walk led by an expert in wild foods and foraging. Learn about hedgerow plants and how to safely use them in cooking, teas, jams and preserves. Book tickets on the Hitchin Triangle Garden website.

Whitwell Steam and Country Fair 26 – 27 June Bury Lane, Codicote


Heritage steam engines, farm tractors and vintage cars, shire horse carriage rides and a fun dog show will help to make this family fun outdoor event one not to be missed. Find out more and book tickets at the Whitwell Steam website. NH Now Spring 2021

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.