North American Clean Energy July/August 2023 Issue

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The Future is Bright for Solar Plus Storage Pg. 16 Cleaner, Made-in-America PV Steel Pg. 20 Greenlighting the Job An overview on permitting requirements for energy storage projects Pg. 70 Plus Show-in-Print Feature: • RE+ Mid-Atlantic Pg. 49 Pg. 74 Pg. 58 VOLUME 17 | ISSUE 4 2023 2023 Pg. 83 BUYERS GUIDE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OT Data's Growing Relevance for Wind Pg. 60 Lidar is Changing the Game for Wind Measurements Pg. 52


On our cover…

Solarvolt Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Glass Systems by Vitro Architectural Glass combine aesthetics, CO2-free power generation, and protection from the elements for commercial buildings like the Public Safety Building in Salt Lake City, Utah, which used Solarvolt BIPV glass in its canopy structure to create unique light and shadow effects while also generating sustainable power. Vitro Architectural Glass ///


Overcoming Title Roadblocks for Successful Solar Project Closings - Part I 14


Ian Stuart


Quinn Stuart


Jill Walters

Meg Lugaric


Chris Van Boeyen


Quinn Stuart

Don McIntosh

Keaton Spence

63 Wind product: ONYX Insight

Ben Mitchell


Kassidi Kirk


Alison Bell

255 NEWPORT DRIVE, SUITE 336 PORT MOODY, B.C. V3H 5H1 Phone: (604) 461-6223

2023 Energy Efficiency Buyers Guide 96

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The Future is Bright for Solar Plus Storage Cleaner, Made-in-America PV Steel Pg. 20 Greenlighting the Job An overview on permitting requirements for energy storage projects Pg. Plus Show-in-Print Feature: RE+ Mid-Atlantic Pg. 49 Pg. 74 Pg. 58 2023 Pg. 83 BUYERS GUIDE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OT Data's Growing Relevance for Wind Pg. 60 Lidar is Changing the Game for Wind Measurements Pg. 52 8 Choosing the Right Partner Mitigates Project Risk 10 Charting a New Energy Course Retooling the Oil & Gas workforce for the solar energy revolution 12 Foundations of Submitting an Interconnection Application A comprehensive guide for utility-scale generation and energy storage facilities 14 Overcoming Title Roadblocks for Successful Solar Project Closings - Part I 16 The Future is Bright for Solar Plus Storage 18 Thin-Film Solar PV Unlocks Solar’s True Potential 20 Cleaner, Made-in-America PV Steel 22 Upping the ROI for Commercial Solar 24 Testing for Durability and Longevity 26 A Compliance Strategy for Local Solar Regulations 33 Solar & energy storage product spotlight: Inverters 40 Solar product spotlight: Rapid Shutdown Systems 41 Solar product spotlight: Performance Monitoring 44 Solar product spotlight: Software 49 Show-in-print: RE+ Mid-Atlantic 52 Lidar is Changing the Game for Wind Measurements 54 Challenges and Opportunities for the US Offshore Wind Market to Reach 2030 Goals 56 Optimizing Offshore Transportation How emission reduction technologies are having a positive impact on PSV utilization 58 Logistics of On-site Repairs 60 OT Data's Growing Relevance for Wind 64 Wind product spotlight: Lubricants & Greases 65 Wind service spotlight: Maintenance 68 Land Surveys for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 70 Greenlighting the Job An overview on permitting requirements for energy storage projects 72 How to Properly Protect a BESS Power Circuit from Overcurrents 74 Microgrids and Advanced Batteries A new power paradigm 76 Sustainable Supply Chain 78 Better Battery Manufacturing, Not Just Better Batteries 83 2023 Energy Efficiency Buyers Guide 78 Better Battery Manufacturing, Not Just Better Batteries
8 Top story 10 Solar energy 33 Solar & energy storage product spotlight: Inverters 40 Solar product spotlight: Rapid Shutdown Systems 41 Solar product spotlight: Performance Monitoring 44 Solar product spotlight: Software 49 Show-in-print: RE+ Mid-Atlantic 52 Wind power 64 Wind product spotlight: Lubricants & Greases 65 Wind service spotlight: Maintenance 68 Energy storage 83 2023 Energy Efficiency Buyers Guide 98 Events calendar & advertisers list
26 Solar product spotlight: Permormance Monitoring
Show-in-print: RE+ Mid-Atlantic
4 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///
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What do the Hindenburg, Godzilla, and bikinis have in common? Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table, and makes up three quarters of mass in the universe. As a source of energy, however, it seems to induce a certain level of fear in the average consumer. We have history to thank for that.

On May 6, 1937, while landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey, the hydrogen-filled Hindenburg airship caught fire when a spark ignited leaking gas. At the time, it was one of the worst disasters witnessed by the general public. Considering the stark footage of the fiery zeppelin burning an image of its skeleton frame against a night sky (and the imaginations of millions of people), it could be considered one of the first viral visual media events.

Just 9 years later, the United States moved more than nine thousand military personnel and two thousand civilians to the Marshall Islands, a grouping of over 1200 picturesque islands and coral atolls in the Pacific Ocean. Between 1946 and 1958, 20 of the 23 weapons tested by the United States on Bikini Atoll were hydrogen bombs. (After the first detonation in 1946, “Louis Réard, a French automotive engineer who was running his mother's lingerie business, named his new two-piece, atom-sized swimsuit for the test site.”1 Voilá, we had the bikini.)

Of all the “H-bombs” exploded by the United States, however, Castle Bravo was the largest. On March 1, 1954, the Castle Bravo test successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb on the Bikini Atoll. “At 15 megatons, the blast vaporized three islands, and was 1,000 times


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the magnitude of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear weapons dropped on Japan in World War II.”2

Later that same year, a man named Tomoyuki Tanaka was traveling from Indonesia to Japan, when he flew over the Bikini Atoll. Tomoyuki was a movie producer enamored with American films like The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, which featured a gargantuan monster (brought to life by the stop motion artistry of Ray Harryhausen). “Seeing the site of the Castle Bravo test inspired him to create a monster that was born from nuclear testing.”3 Godzilla had arrived.

With such a volatile history, hydrogen may face some hurdles in convincing the general public to see it as a viable option to today’s fossil fuels. Although it rivals nuclear energy in clean production (we are able to produce hydrogen in a way that the only by-product is oxygen), “96 per cent of hydrogen today is made directly from fossil fuels – mostly natural gas, followed by coal and then oil. This overwhelmingly uses a process known as steam reformation that releases carbon dioxide.”4

To keep the various iterations straight, the industry has color-coded each mode of hydrogen production, based on its levels of ancillary pollution. Hydrogen extracted from fossil fuels is considered gray. Not surprisingly, it also happens to be the cheapest. Blue hydrogen is a better bet; though it’s still derived from fossil fuels, the process also captures up to 90 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. Green hydrogen is the holy grail of all three methods, the result of water electrolysis from renewable energy sources. This carries the highest cost of all three colors. At least, at the moment.

Hydrogen’s relative safety is a factor of how we store it and transport it. Hydrogen molecules are tiny, and apt to leak out of containers that would secure many other fuels. “High-pressure leaking hydrogen is highly susceptible to spontaneous combustion.”5 Before you conjure up scenes from The Wages of Fear, however, remember how far we’ve come — and how quickly — with solar, wind, and storage. The good news is that we have the technology to safely take advantage of the immense power of one of the building blocks of our universe. The not-so-good news? Just like anything else that’s worth waiting for, we’ll have to be patient.

“…you remember that first big H-bomb test - the one that blew Elugelab Island right out of the ocean?”

– the 1957 film, Attack of the Crab Monsters



2 3 4 5

Tree-inspired wind turbine foundation

First Hydrogen Corp. has revealed new images outlining the vision for its Generation II concept vehicle, which will be available with either fuel cell electric or battery electric drive trains. The images show the vehicle's overall form in detail and indicate some of the van's technical assets. As well as the vertical taillights and branded daytime running lights, the new illustrations exhibit an aerodynamic fuselage. They also show muscular and dynamic fenders and a large front grill, which is both functional and stylish. Incorporating First Hydrogen branding, the grill provides the necessary ventilation for the vehicle's front located fuel cell. The Generation II concepts are being developed while First Hydrogen’s Generation I fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) are currently undergoing mileage accumulation and evaluation testing before entering trials with major fleet operators in the UK. The road trials for Generation I are managed in conjunction with the UK Aggregated Hydrogen Freight Consortium (AHFC). Members cover a variety of sectors including grocery, roadside assistance, utilities, construction, and express delivery and trial participants will use First Hydrogen's demonstrator vehicles alongside their existing fleets to evaluate the benefits of different vehicle technologies. Data and feedback gained during these trials will influence the design and engineering of the company's future vehicles to ensure designs meet customer needs.

First Hydrogen Corp. ///

Swedish design and technology startup STILFOLD has designed a new concept for the foundation of wind turbines, which could reduce the CO2 emissions generated during the construction of onshore turbines by as much as 80%. STILFOLD’s wind turbine design involves cutting several long triangular pieces of steel from a large flat sheet, and folding each piece down the center to create a series of tall, tent-shaped three-dimensional beams. Each beam is designed and constructed according to site-specific conditions following a ground scan, using STILFOLD’s patented computer-guided software and industrial origami manufacturing technology which involves the use of robotic arms to fold steel over curves to form light, strong, and sustainable new structures with minimal component parts. The triangular beams are placed side-by-side and twisted together, before being bonded to form a tall, strong, and durable foundation that curves outwards at the bottom like a root structure. The bottom of each of the beams is anchored to the ground individually for improved stability, mimicking the roots of a tree. The estimated Climate Performance Potential of the STILFOLD design over the next 5 years is 8.8 megatonnes; which is equivalent to 25% of Sweden’s annual CO2 emissions.

6 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///


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Choosing the Right Partner Mitigates Project Risk

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), developers plan to add 54.5 gigawatts (GW) of new utility-scale electric generating capacity to the U.S. power grid in 2023. More than half of this capacity will be solar. Wind power and battery storage are expected to account for roughly 11 percent and 17 percent, respectively1.

A large percentage of new installations are being developed in areas that are prone to extreme weather events and natural disasters (e.g., Texas and California), including high wind, tornadoes, hail, flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, etc. With the frequency and severity of many of these events increasing, project developers, asset owners, and tax equity partners are under growing pressure to better understand and mitigate risk.

In terms of loss prevention, a Catastrophe (CAT) Modeling Study is the first step to understanding the exposure and potential financial loss from natural hazards or extreme weather events. CAT studies form the foundation for wider risk management strategies, and have significant implications for insurance costs and coverage.

Despite their importance, developers often view these studies as little more than a formality required for project financing. As a result, they are often conducted late in the development cycle, typically after a site has been selected. However, a strong case can be made for engaging early with an independent third party to perform a more rigorous sitespecific technical assessment. Doing so can provide several advantages over traditional assessments conducted by insurance brokerage affiliates, who may not possess the specialty expertise or technical understanding needed to properly apply models or interpret the results they generate. One notable advantage of early-stage catastrophe studies is to help ensure that the range of insurance costs, which can vary from year to year with market forces, are adequately incorporated into the project financial projections.

The evolving threat of natural disasters

Over the past decade, the financial impact of natural hazard events globally has been almost three trillion dollars. In the U.S. alone, the 10-year average annual cost of natural disaster events exceeding $1 billion increased more than fourfold between the 1980s ($18.4 billion) and the 2010s ($84.5 billion)2

Investors, insurers, and financiers of renewable projects have taken notice of this trend, and are subsequently adapting their behavior and standards accordingly. In the solar market, for example, insurance premiums increased roughly four-fold from 2019 to 2021. The impetus for this increase can largely be traced back to a severe storm in Texas in 2019, which resulted in an $80 million loss on 13,000 solar panels that were damaged by hail3

The event awakened the industry to the hazards severe storms present, particularly when it comes to large-scale solar arrays. Since then, the impact of convective weather on existing and planned installations has been more thoroughly evaluated during the underwriting process. However, far less attention has been given to the potential for other natural disasters; events like floods and earthquakes have not yet resulted in large losses and/or claims on renewable projects (including wind farms). The extraordinary and widespread effect of the recent Canadian wildfires may alter this behavior moving forward.

A thorough assessment, starting with a CAT study, is key to quantifying the probability of their occurrence — and estimating potential losses — so that appropriate measures can be taken to mitigate risk.


models are not created equal

Industrywide, certain misconceptions persist around the use of CAT models to estimate losses from an extreme weather event or natural disaster.

Often, the perception is that risk assessors only need a handful of model inputs to arrive at an accurate figure, with the geographic location being the most important variable. While it’s true that many practitioners running models will pre-specify certain project characteristics regardless of the asset’s design (for example, the use of steel moment frames without trackers for all solar arrays in a given region or state), failure to account for even minor details can lead to loss estimates that are off by multiple orders of magnitude.

The evaluation process has recently become even more complex with the addition of battery energy storage. Relative to standalone solar and wind farms, very little real-world experience and data on the impact of extreme weather events has been accrued on these large-scale storage installations. Such projects require an even greater level of granularity to help ensure that all risks are identified and addressed.

Even when the most advanced modeling software tools are used (which allow for thousands of lines of inputs), there is still a great deal that is subject to interpretation. If the practitioner does not possess the expertise or technical ability needed to understand the model, the margin for error can increase substantially. Ultimately, this can lead to overpaying for insurance. Worse, you may end up with a policy with insufficient coverage. In both cases, the profitability of the asset is impacted.

2023 JULY • AUGUST /// 8
Figure 1: The history of billion-dollar disasters in the United States each year from 1980 to 2022 (source: NOAA)

Supplementing CAT studies

In certain instances, it may be necessary to supplement CAT models with an even more detailed analysis of the individual property, equipment, policies, and procedures. In this way, an unbundled risk assessment can be developed that is tailored to the project. Supplemental information (site-specific wind speed studies and hydrological studies, structural assessment, flood maps, etc.) can be considered to adjust vulnerability models. This provides an added layer of assurance that goes beyond the predefined asset descriptions in the software used by traditional studies or assessments. By leveraging expert elicitations, onsite investigations, and rigorous engineeringbased methods, it is possible to discretely evaluate asset-specific components as part of the typical financial loss estimate study: this includes Normal Expected Loss (NEL), also known as Scenario Expected Loss (SEL); Probable Maximum Loss (PML), also known as Scenario Upper Loss (SUL); and Probabilistic Loss (PL). Understanding the specific vulnerabilities and consequences can afford project stakeholders unique insights into quantifying and prioritizing risks, as well as identifying proper mitigation recommendations.

Every project is unique

The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters and extreme weather events globally is placing an added burden on the renewable industry, especially when it comes to project risk assessment and mitigation. Insurers have signaled that insurance may no longer be the main basis for transferring risk; traditional risk management, as well as site and technology selection, must be considered by developers, purchasers, and financiers.

As one of the first steps in understanding exposure and the potential capital loss from a given event, CAT studies are becoming an increasingly important piece of the risk management puzzle. Developers should treat them as such by engaging early in the project lifecycle with an independent third-party practitioner with the specialty knowledge, tools, and expertise to properly interpret models and quantify risk. Hazards and potential losses can vary significantly depending on the project design and the specific location. Every asset should be evaluated rigorously and thoroughly to minimize the margin for error, and maximize profitability over its life.




Chris LeBoeuf is Global Head of the Extreme Loads and Structural Risk division of ABS Group, based in San Antonio, Texas. He leads a team of more than 60 engineers and scientists in the US, UK, and Singapore, specializing in management of risks to structures and equipment related to extreme loading events, including wind, flood, seismic and blast. Chris has more than 20 years of professional experience as an engineering consultant, and is a recognized expert in the study of blast effects and blast analysis, as well as design of buildings. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at San Antonio, and is a registered Professional Engineer in 12 states.

ABS Group ///

North American Clean Energy 9

Charting a New Energy Course

Retooling the Oil & Gas workforce for the solar energy revolution

The dawn of the 2020s brought a seismic shift in the oil and gas industry, precipitated by an unprecedented global pandemic. As lockdown restrictions took hold, a dramatic reduction in global travel led to a decline in gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel demand. Consequently, U.S. oil companies faced financial instability, slashing nearly 107,000 jobs between March and August of 2020.

This job market contraction continued, with 2022 reporting 700,000 fewer jobs in the oil and gas industry than in the preceding six-year period. Meanwhile, the introduction of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) stimulated a surge in climate-focused jobs, creating 100,000 positions within a mere six months. The rapidly burgeoning solar sector (driven by the Biden Administration’s ambitious target of deriving 100 percent of U.S. electricity from carbon and pollutionfree sources by 2035) is gearing up to expand its workforce to one million people. This expected job growth is an impressive leap from the 255,037 solar workers reported in 2021. A vital ingredient for this workforce expansion is the incorporation of oil and gas professionals, who possess indispensable industry knowledge and skills.

Harnessing the power of the energy workforce

As fossil fuels begin their descent into the twilight, the renewable energy market is poised to tap into the skills of seasoned energy workers. This shifting dynamic is not lost on the energy workforce; in a recent survey, over half (56 percent) of oil and gas professionals expressed interest in exploring opportunities in the renewables sector — a significant increase from the prior year's 38.8 percent. During my six years of teaching solar and energy storage classes at Solar Energy International, almost every class had at least a few students who worked in oil and gas, and were interested in transitioning into the renewable energy industry.

The inherent skillset of the fossil fuel energy workforce could prove to be a valuable asset in this transition. The project management, engineering, construction, finance, and operational expertise that define oil and gas professionals are equally crucial for success in the solar industry. Prior experience in power production facilities instills a strong safety ethos, which is an asset in high-voltage environments. In light of this, renewable companies are launching workforce training initiatives, supplying specialized tools, and offering safety education to facilitate a smooth transition for oil and gas workers.

Overcoming barriers and facilitating transition

Despite the promising prospects, certain hurdles could impede oil and gas professionals from transitioning into renewables. Addressing these challenges, and providing the necessary resources will be crucial in retooling the workforce.

Investment in comprehensive training programs is paramount in shaping the future renewable energy workforce. Organizations like the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP), play a critical role in this endeavor by requiring solar technicians to undergo extensive training and education before they can obtain NABCEP certification. Assurance in the proficiency of NABCEP-certified professionals lends renewable energy companies the confidence to innovate and push boundaries. Equally important is the provision of specialized tools designed for clean energy production sites. The toolkit of a solar technician is markedly different from that of an oil and gas worker. These innovative tools are engineered to optimize the performance of renewable energy sites, manage energy intermittency, and accomplish other specialized tasks crucial to successfully implementing clean energy projects.

Harnessing the power of transition

The renewable energy revolution presents a unique opportunity for the oil and gas workforce —the key is for the industry to recognize their value as partners, while encouraging their drive to conquer any learning curves. By harnessing their transferable skills, overcoming barriers, and providing the necessary training and tools, we can retool our energy workforce for the next era. The alignment of this skilled labor force with the surging solar industry could prove instrumental in realizing our shared vision of a sustainable energy future.

Will White is a Solar Subject Matter Expert | Solar Application Specialist at Fluke, which manufactures, distributes, and services electronic test tools and software.

Fluke Solar ///

10 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///
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North American Clean Energy 11

Foundations of Submitting an Interconnection Application

A comprehensive guide for utility-scale generation and energy storage facilities

As the renewable energy industry continues to grow, the deployment of utility-scale generation and energy storage facilities is becoming increasingly common. While these developments are essential to the energy transition, the process of submitting an interconnection application can be a complex, and sometimes daunting, task.

Types of applications

There are several types of interconnection applications that may be required, depending on the purpose of the application, and the utility, independent system operator (ISO), or regional transmission organization (RTO).

Distributed Generation (DG) and Distributed Energy Storage Resource (DESR) process

This process is designed for resources requesting interconnection to the transmission/distribution service provider’s (TDSP) distribution system, commonly between the 12 to 33 kV voltage level. These projects can range from 1 to 9.9 MW in some regions, and can reach 20 MW in other regions.

Fast-track process

In some parts of the country, there is a fast-track process for projects connecting to the distribution (or transmission) system that require little or no upgrades to interconnect. This process allows for expedited interconnection review as long as the project meets the required criteria.

Large generator study process

This process is applicable to larger projects that do not qualify for the DG/DESR or fast-track processes. Generation and energy storage facilities that are 20 MW and above submit application to connect to the TDSP’s transmission system at a voltage level of 69 to 500 kV. The large generator study process typically consists of a series of studies, which include a feasibility study, a system impact study (steady-state, short circuit, and dynamic stability), and a facilities study. The objective of these analyses is to assess the impact of the proposed project on the transmission system, and to identify any needed network upgrades and interconnection facilities.

Cluster study process

For projects located in areas with a high level of new interconnection requests, the cluster study process is used to evaluate multiple projects at once. This allows the TDSP to perform a more comprehensive analysis of the cumulative impacts on the grid. In this process, proposed facilities are evaluated as a cluster; network upgrades would ultimately be assigned to the whole cluster, with cost responsibility determined based on the size of the resource and contribution to the overloaded elements.

Understanding the interconnection process

The interconnection process typically follows several key steps, including:

• Pre-Application - Before submitting an interconnection application, it is crucial to research and understand the interconnection requirements of the local utility, RTO, or ISO, and engage in early discussions to avoid potential issues. Furthermore, it is recommended that renewable developers perform high level or detailed injection studies (aka full transmission analyses) to determine the import/export capability at the desired point of interconnection (POI).

• Application Submission - The interconnection application requires documents and fees to be completed and submitted within the interconnection request (IR) window. For an application to be deemed complete, it should contain the follow: a substation one-line diagram (OLD), collector system OLD, steady-state and dynamic models (PSSE/PSLF/PSCAD), proof of site control (or payment in lieu of), geographic map of the proposed site, a site layout, and details of the proposed facility, such as size, location, and POI.

• Application Review - The utility, ISO, or RTO will review the application to ensure it is complete and meets all requirements. They will then notify the developer if additional information is needed, or if there is a deficiency that needs to be cured by the interconnecting entity (IE).

• Interconnection Studies, Network Upgrades, and Interconnection Facilities - Depending on the type of interconnection application and region, the utility, ISO, or RTO will conduct the necessary studies to assess the impact of the project on the grid. If network upgrades are required (in some areas they are not), the developer will be responsible for the costs.

• Interconnection Agreement - Once the studies are completed, and any necessary upgrades identified, the utility, ISO, or RTO will provide the interconnection entity with a draft interconnection agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for connecting the solar facility to the grid, including any required interconnection facilities and network upgrades, as well as the timeline for construction. This may be a 3-party or 2-party agreement, depending on the jurisdiction. Only after the interconnection agreement is fully executed by all parties can financial security be provided (typically via a Letter of Credit), and notice to proceed (NTP) be given.

Checklist of required documents and information

When submitting an interconnection application, it is essential to include all required documents and information. These may vary by utility or ISO, but typically consist of:

1. Interconnection application form.

2. Substation and Collector System One-Line Diagrams (OLDs) showing electrical interconnection details.

3. Technical specifications for solar panels/wind turbines/batteries, inverters, and other major equipment.

4. Estimated project schedule and milestone dates. The most important dates are the In-Service Date (ISD), Synchronization (Sync) Date, and Commercial Operation Date (COD).

5. An equivalent and detailed steady-state model.

6. An equivalent dynamic model.

7. Power Systems Computer Aided Design (PSCAD) model, if needed.

8. Aspen One-Liner short circuit model, if needed.

9. Flat run plot and bump test for positive sequence software.

10. Proof of site control, such as a lease or purchase agreement. — the IE could also provide a deposit, in lieu of site control.

11. Application fees, as required by the utility, ISO, or RTO.

12. Site plan, including location and layout of the wind, solar, or energy storage facility.

Working with a qualified interconnection engineer

It is important to work with a qualified, electrical power systems engineer who specializes in generation interconnection (also known as an interconnection engineer). This will ensure that the interconnection application is submitted correctly and on time. These professionals have extensive experience navigating the interconnection process, and can provide valuable guidance on application preparation and submission. Consulting firms have many interconnection engineers that can assist with interconnection application preparation, as well as support through the interconnection process. They can also assist with responding to any technical concerns or data requests by the utility, ISO, or RTO during the review process. Interconnection engineers can also give valuable input on the optimal interconnection point for the solar, wind, or BESS facility, providing opportunities for cost savings.

Successfully submitting an interconnection application requires a thorough understanding of the different types of applications and processes specific to the utility, ISO, or RTO of the region where the proposed project is located. Qualified interconnection engineers help developers navigate this complex process more efficiently, ensuring that their projects are connected to the grid in a timely and cost-effective manner. As the renewable energy industry continues to expand, understanding the foundations of submitting interconnection applications will be essential for the success of future renewable energy projects.

Ramsey Ayass, P.E. is Senior Manager, Energy Resources - West/ Central at Electric Power Engineers, a consulting firm focused on the energy transition, providing power systems engineering services to a diverse client base. Electric

Power Engineers
12 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///


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Overcoming Title Roadblocks for Successful Solar Project Closings - Part I

Envision a beautiful landscape, full of reflective glossy solar panels soaking up the sun as it shines down over rolling hills. Next to that, tall and powerful wind turbines rotate over fields of wheat as far as the eye can see. The beauty and power of renewable, clean energy is all supported by the land we build it on. Land is such a vital component of a renewable energy project that, without it, our projects would not exist. But how do developers ensure that they have land rights which not only support project construction, but also enable their projects to be sold, invested in, or encumbered by financing? They need a clear title.

Title refers to the status of the ownership history of a piece of land. All problems, issues, or risk-creating situations within the history of a property are referred to as clouds in the title; just like clouds over solar panels, they may require extra energy. Clear title means that all clouds on title have been resolved. With clear title, a developer can obtain title insurance for their own leasehold or ownership interests, and for their lenders or investors’ interests. Failure to obtain title insurance for development counterparties will cause delay or termination of the transaction closing.

Why do developers need title searches?

Due to renewable energy projects spanning hundreds, or even thousands of acres, numerous landowners may be involved. Each requires their own title search. Given the rural siting of many projects, title may have informally changed hands through the same families for many years, and may never have been previously searched. Ownership may be more complicated than originally assumed, or than originally shown in the local tax records when the land agent first knocked on someone’s door to discuss development. A title search should be an integral part of the developer’s initial due diligence to ensure that all problems are uncovered as early as possible.

To begin the process, the developer typically makes a request for a full title search to a title insurance company. By requesting this, they are asking the title insurance company to search the title back at least 100 years — in some cases, back to the land grants from the United States. Less complex commercial or residential real estate transactions do not always require such a lengthy search. In some states, the title search will be done by a title searching company. In other states, the title insurance company does this work themselves. Some states require the search to be done by an attorney. Each individual tax-parcel of property the developer plans on utilizing will receive its own title search. The searches are typically priced per parcel, and may be more or less expensive depending on the complexity of the information discovered during the search. The search begins by pulling all ownership history, as well as any liens, easements, or other encumbrances which attach to, or directly effect that parcel. When the searcher has completed their work, they compile all the information, as well as copies of all documents, into a title report. That report is then reviewed by the title insurance company’s underwriter.

What is title insurance?

Title insurance is an insurance product that protects the insured party from the risk of clouds on title, or title defects, for as long as that party owns, leases, or encumbers the property. One premium is paid at the issuance of the policy. Different types of policies may be stacked together for the various interest holders to get a discount on the cost. Typically, the first step is for a commitment to be written based upon the title

report submitted by the title searcher. At that time, the underwriter reviews the history shown within the title report, and makes a list of all items which may pose a possible known risk to the title of the property. The items on this list are deemed exceptions to the coverage of the insurance. The list of exceptions will be shown in Schedule BII of a title commitment, pro forma or policy, and show the items for which the title insurance company is not taking the risk of themselves — leaving the risk of those items on the shoulder of a developer, lender, or investor as the insured party. From a developer’s standpoint, this is the list of items that must be cleared, cured, or otherwise removed.

The commitment also contains a list of requirements, which will be listed in Schedule BI. These requirements are the conditions which must be met for the title insurance company to issue a policy. Typically, the requirements are documentation such as death certificates, proof of marital status, or corporate documents pertaining to landowner companies. The requirements will also make note of outstanding mortgages on the property, unpaid taxes, and other judgments or liens on the property which must be paid or satisfied, released, or subordinated for the policy to be issued. For a developer, this is a list from the title company of items that must be delivered to reach closing and receive a policy.

After reviewing a commitment — and trying to cure as many exceptions, and fulfill as many requirements as possible — the developer will need to request a combined commitment and proforma


to head into closing. A combined commitment takes each individually produced commitment for each parcel or landowner, and groups them into one large commitment reflecting the entirety of the land in the project. They can be very long and cumbersome. The pro forma is a form version of exactly what the policy will look like (assuming all conditions have been met). Therefore, there are no requirements listed on a proforma, and many of the exceptions the developer has gotten removed or insured over will be marked as intentionally deleted, which notes that something was there, but will not appear on the final policy.

Pro Forma policies also bring with them the possibility of pro forma endorsements. An endorsement is an add-on to the title insurance coverage granted by the policy. The list of possible endorsements typically begins with a list curated by the American Land Title Association (ALTA), and covers additional coverage for the usual transactions encountered by title insurance carriers. There are several ALTA Endorsements that specifically pertain to renewable energy projects and closings. Title insurance companies also could draft their own endorsements for extra coverage, if needed.


The landmark Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has stimulated unprecedented investment in renewable energy projects. This growth has created a tremendous strain on the various parties needed to facilitate these projects, including title searchers, title insurance companies, and surveyors. The strain has led to an elongation of timelines promised for this work, and more chances for mistakes to be overlooked. It is of utmost importance that developers take these concerns seriously, and recognize the impact they will have on the transaction closing process.

Preparation and attention to detail are critical in managing projects. The strategies presented here are the result of many years of real-world problemsolving experience, laced with more than a few unexpected consequences. By carefully reviewing all pieces of the puzzle throughout the development process, you will minimize the risk of being blindsided during closing. Preparation lays the groundwork for seamless transactions.

Jillian Ballard is Director of Projects, Sr. Counsel at TerraPro Solutions. As an experienced title and real estate attorney specializing in renewable energy development, Jillian has built and directed land and title teams on the developer side. She has been a key part of numerous end-to-end utility scale renewable projects, and possesses a keen understanding of the needs of all parties involved, including title insurance companies, surveyors, lenders, and investors. She is a skilled negotiator and a creative problem solver. Jillian graduated with a JD from the University of Louisville, and a Bachelor of Arts from Vanderbilt University in German Language and Literature.

TerraPro Solutions ///

North American Clean Energy 15

The Future is Bright for Solar Plus Storage

The best days for renewable energy are ahead of us. Modern government initiatives, such as the Inflation Reduction Act, only begin to scratch the surface of the opportunities renewable energy can provide. The passing of federal, state, and local legislation signifies a movement of innovation that is inspiring and prioritizing green technology growth.

As energy conservation and going green becomes more popular, people are considering the energy efficiency of their homes more than ever. Although solar panels likely come to mind first when thinking about renewable energy options, pairing them with energy storage systems (ESS) provides an even more impactful offering for homeowners. Battery storage has a big opportunity for growth in the energy market because it provides a failsafe and strong alternative to the vulnerable, outdated, and expensive utility grid. Here's why battery storage systems are the solution to address the current energy landscape, and a long-term sustainable solution for today’s homeowners.

ESS is a solution to rising energy costs

On average, electricity prices surged 14.3 percent last year, and some people may have experienced a 17 percent increase in energy bills, depending on location. An ESS allows the homeowner to minimize the impact of these price surges by saving the energy generated from solar for when they need it most. This means a home can run on solar energy even when the sun isn’t shining. During periods of high sunshine, as in the summer months, excess solar power production is not wasted. It’s stored in the battery so homeowners can use their stored energy on their own terms, such as during peak-rate evening hours. This provides energy freedom for the homeowner while decreasing reliance on grid energy, which is increasingly becoming more expensive.

In addition, over 40 states permit homeowners to perform some sort of net energy metering (NEM), which allows households that generate excess electricity from their solar panels to sell their generated energy back to the grid. However, several states are in the process of implementing restrictions on how much homeowners are paid for selling that excess energy, with California’s recent net metering ruling slashing prices by nearly 60 percent, and promoting time-of-use pricing structures. To get the best return on solar in these conditions, it is critical to store excess solar energy when it is abundant. As similar measures take hold across the country, it’ll be even more important for homeowners to be able to shape their energy usage to reduce utility costs and maximize solar ROI.

The American energy grid is outdated

In addition to being pricey, about 70 percent of the US energy grid is more than 25 years old. This outdated infrastructure causes vulnerabilities that lead to spikes in blackouts. As severe weather events become increasingly common, these blackouts are becoming more frequent, and harder to fix. The American energy grid is not designed to keep up with evolving weather events; homeowners are entitled to take powering their home into their own hands.

Pairing solar with ESS is a great way to give homeowners energy independence. They can essentially store excess energy created by their solar panels, if they have battery storage. When blackouts occur, backup energy stored in the battery effectively acts as a generator, allowing them to power their home without the grid’s support. Moreover, what many homeowners don’t know is that, during power outages, rooftop solar systems alone are designed to shut down due to safety reasons. In other words, just because your home has solar panels does not mean it will have power in an outage. Avoiding this pitfall is simple with an energy management system with storage that allows for separating solar and the battery from the main panel and the grid. That separation provides the safety and control necessary to continue to provide local power to the home, even during a grid outage. Solar paired with battery storage remains operational, day or night, regardless

of what’s happening with the grid. This lets homeowners avoid the impacts of blackouts and weather events as they maintain control over their own energy.

Government incentives

With the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in place, new sustainable-focused incentives were announced to influence Americans to switch to renewable energy solutions. Battery and energy storage technologies are included as an eligible expenditure in the IRA, with the tax credit increased from 26 percent to 30 percent of the battery cost. Further, an ESS-only project, when retrofitting previously installed solar panels, can qualify for the incentive, which was not the case before. Through this increase of the tax credit ratio, the federal government is encouraging the use of residential energy storage.

California is one state leading the charge to incentivize homeowners toward ESS through its Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP). SGIP offers approximately $250/kWh for a home battery purchase, which covers approximately 25 percent of the cost of an average energy storage system. Unfortunately, California’s NEM 3.0 recently took effect, which announced a new net metering program that decreases the savings that rooftop solar users can get by 60 percent, compared to the NEM 2.0 program. Although NEM 3.0 decreased the payback savings for solar, the IRA battery incentive and SGIP will still save homeowners money when they pair solar with ESS, ultimately leading to a nice ROI. I can’t beat around the bush. Adding solar panels and ESS is an upfront investment — over time, that investment will pay for itself. As renewable energy technology advances, the cost savings and benefits are expected to become even more significant.

Ke Bi is Chief Operating Officer at FranklinWH, a whole-home energy management system integrating solar, battery, grid, and generator power sources to optimize the safety, reliability, and efficiency of home energy.

/// 16 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

Thin-Film Solar PV Unlocks Solar’s True Potential

When people think about solar technology, they most likely picture the rigid, heavy, rectangular panels that are installed onto the roof of their neighbor’s house, or on a commercial building somewhere around town. With that, many people hold a general understanding that the panels use energy from sunlight to help combat climate change. All correct conceptualizations and assumptions, but there’s room for so much more.

Those solar panels are certainly a terrific piece of technology to help in the ongoing fight against worsening climate change, and it’s wonderful to see them being utilized at a higher frequency in recent years, but curbing climate change will require every industry and green technology solution to find new ways to fulfill a higher potential for maximum impact. The solar industry is no different, as traditional solar panels’ size, shape and weight can limit their ability to be applied in many contexts that cannot accommodate their bulky form factor; our typical conceptualization of this technology doesn’t quite meet that higher potential the world needs on its own.

Fulfilling a technology’s full potential isn’t easy. It requires hard, science-based solutions, but those solutions can actually emerge from a place of creativity. In order to break free of stasis, industry thinkers and innovators must go beyond the established norms and designs to come up with green technology solutions that will play a further elevated role in the fight against climate change.

For the solar industry, that creative solution comes in the form of thin-film solar PV.

What is thin-film solar?

Thin-Film solar technology is lightweight and flexible, allowing it to be applied to structures and devices of all shapes and sizes, without needing to worry about the device undergoing weight-related stress, or possibly damaging it if the solar panels must be removed and replaced.

Traditional solar panels are wonderful, but they come with limitations; thin-film technology doesn’t pose a threat to existing panels, but instead acts as a natural, creative extension of them, fitting into the places that big, heavy, rectangular panels never could. Thin-film PV’s lightweight and flexible design allows for the utilization of solar power in a nearly endless array of applications. Our lives are powered by machines and devices of varying sizes, with curves, ridges, zig-zags, weight limitations, and all kinds of irregularities. These are uninhabitable for traditional panels, but fine for thin-film.

Unlocking the creativity of thin-film

Thin-film technology empowers businesses and designers with the opportunity to creatively incorporate the use of solar power into their products and devices, without sacrificing sleek designs or adding unnecessary weight. It might surprise you to learn that there are seemingly endless examples of devices that can run on solar power. In the hands of a creative developer, thin-film solar is the key to unlocking that solar power potential for nearly anything that currently runs on traditional batteries or electricity.

The popularization of thin-film solar will bring about a massive expansion of solar technology use across the globe. Suddenly, all kinds of gadgets and devices that are seldom associated with solar power, from watches and kitchen appliances, to military and defense devices, will be open and available for thin-film solar PV incorporation. The more devices solar technology gets applied to, the closer solar power comes to fulfilling its maximum potential in the fight against the climate crisis.

Bringing two forms together for maximum impact

We’re so used to similar products and technologies being in competition with one another. That’s not at all what is happening here.

Snake -Loc String Cable

Snake-Loc Cable

Quickly top load the PV cables directly into this light weight double pocket hanger with a squeeze lock feature that quickly attaches onto the messenger wire to secure the string cables. Significantly reduces time and labor by requiring no tools. Hanger stays in place on the messenger wire.


Thin-film is not meant to close the door for traditional solar solutions. It is meant to be an extension of it: a technology in the same family that can slip into the cracks where typical solar panels just won’t fit. The most effective solar power landscape is one that makes maximized use out of each solution, neatly fitting their respective attributes into applications that are best suited for them, rather than fighting for dominance over each other.

We make use of varying styles of similar products based on the given situation and circumstances in nearly every facet of life. When it’s very cold out, we put on a large coat, but when it’s merely a bit brisk, we throw on a sweatshirt. The way we think about and utilize solar power should be no different. In some instances, a traditional, rectangular solar panel is the best fit for the job. Other times, we need the flexibility of thin-film PV to properly affix the technology to a more irregularly shaped structure or device. Both create legitimate value. Without the creative use of thin-film PV, however, the solar industry simply will not be able to live up to its full potential in the fight against climate change. Thin-film is the opportunity the industry has been waiting for to elevate the industry to the next level.

Paul Warley is CEO of Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc., a provider of innovative, high-performance, flexible thin-film solar panels for use in scenarios where traditional, rigid solar panels don’t work. Ascent’s photovoltaic (PV) modules have been deployed on space missions, multiple airborne vehicles, in agrivoltaic installations, industrial and commercial construction, and consumer goods.

Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc.


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Cleaner, Made-in-America PV Steel

Right now, China controls 84 percent of solar panel production, with one out of every seven panels produced worldwide coming from a single Chinese factory. In diplomatic understatement, the International Energy Agency calls this supply chain concentration “a vulnerability.”

If the world follows IEA’s net-zero-by-2050 roadmap, we will need to quadruple current PV capacity. In other words, current production of solar generation components must double by 2030.

Thanks to the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, there’s plenty of money to build green manufacturing and infrastructure. We also have an ideal opportunity to clean up the one part of the solar module that, until recently, hasn’t seen significant innovation and cost savings, despite significant PV cost reductions overall.

That component is the frame. Made with very few design changes — from aluminum for at least four decades — it’s time for a change. It is actually possible for the world to get PV panels more affordably, with significantly lower embodied carbon (greenhouse gas), and less dependency on China. Time to swap aluminum module frames for recycled steel ones, and bring manufacturing back to the U.S.

The way we were

Aluminum became the material of choice for solar module frames because it’s lightweight, easy to work with, and has good corrosion resistance. Today, however, it’s not the only metal with those characteristics.

The advancement of anti-corrosion coatings has already made steel a commonly used material across the solar value chain, for components such as trackers, racking, mounts, and tubes. New techniques in roll forming steel can now deliver lower cost module frames that meet or exceed the quality manufacturers produce with aluminum.

In addition, mechanical load testing has shown that a 35-millimeter tall steel frame delivers superior performance characteristics, compared to a standard

Dirty business

Along with being less expensive, the carbon footprint of steel is significantly lower than that of aluminum, making it a cleaner and greener material to use for solar module frames.

Figure 1: Pricing trends for aluminum vs. steel

Research conducted last year investigated the greenhouse gas emissions of one U.S.-based manufacturer’s steel module frames produced in a U.S. or German plant, versus frames produced and shipped to the U.S. from China. This comprehensive analysis included “raw material extraction, refining, extrusion, deburring, anodizing, and transportation.”

Overall, U.S.-produced steel frames could reduce GHGs associated with production by 87 percent, compared to Chinese aluminum frames when recycled steel was used (73 percent if virgin steel is used). Steel frames produced in Germany delivered as much as a 93 percent reduction in GHGs, as shown in Figure 2.

The analysis reflects an assumption of extruded virgin aluminum module frames produced in China. It also includes fossil fuel consumed by the transportation of materials.

According to the IEA, electricity accounts for 80 percent of the energy used in PV manufacturing. Manufacturing in the U.S. occurred in a state that is 80 percent reliant on coal and natural gas, while the plant in Germany gets 45 percent of its power from renewables. Most Chinese production takes place in the provinces of Xinjiang and Jiangsu, where coal accounts for more than 75 percent of the power supply.

Simply bringing production back to the States or to Europe could green up PV panel manufacturing. Steel frames could clean things up even more, and contribute significantly to the important work of the Ultra Low-Carbon Solar Alliance.

The report estimated that “up to 30 megatonnes of GHG emissions could be saved if steel module frames were to replace 10 percent of global aluminum solar frames by 2030. These GHG savings are equivalent to emissions from eight average-sized coal-fired power plants over an entire year.” Bring that percentage of steel frames up to 50 percent, and it could deliver a GHG reduction of up to 148 megatonnes, or 40 average-sized coal-fired power plants.

There’s so much to be gained by switching frames from aluminum to steel, and re-shoring PV production across the solar supply chain. Those changes would result in fewer GHG emissions, lower costs, and greater domestic energy security in solar module manufacturing. If we want cleaner, more affordable solar, with less dependence on Chinese imports, the time to make those changes is now.

New era of clamp meters

The CM85-2 Clamp Meter is an industrial power clamp meter with advanced power analysis and variable frequency drive (VFD) filtering functions required by electrical troubleshooters for full-scale equipment. Technicians can accurately analyze voltage in complex machinery by including harmonics, inrush, current, and phase-rotation testing. The CM57-2 Clamp Meter is designed to simplify difficult current measurements. Its narrow, 18-inch (45.72cm) flexible coil clamp lets users easily take measurements in awkward and tight spots and it is ideal for multiple conductor measurements and double-wrap requirements. The CM85-2 and the CM57-2 are compatible with the FLIR METERLiNK app.

Teledyne FLIR ///

Sunny Boy Smart Energy

The new two-in-one hybrid inverter by SMA.

Modern, modular design. Lighter and smaller.

Central locking hub simplifies install.

Quoting begins in July.

Eric Hafter is the Founder of Origami Solar, a manufacturer of recycled steel solar panel frames.

Origami Solar ///


Upping the ROI for Commercial Solar

As commercial PV systems continue to mature, they’re being viewed as long-term investments that need to be closely managed to improve their ROI and bottom line. The two main ways to improve the ROI of a commercial PV system is to increase energy production (and therefore annual revenue), and decrease lifetime costs. Let’s take a deeper look at how this can be done in commercial PV installations.

A common method for assessing efficiency is performance ratio (PR). The PR measures the difference between the actual and estimated potential energy output of a commercial PV system. The measurement is the percentage of energy produced by the system out of the potential energy as calculated by measurement of irradiance and temperature. Operation and maintenance (O&M) helps bring the actual output closer to the theoretical potential output of the system.

Increasing energy production starts during the design and planning process. When analyzing the different PV options available, plant designers and asset owners should select a system based on its ability to place more solar modules on the array (roof-top or ground mounted). Many standard systems will reduce the number of modules that can be placed on the array due to design limitations. By selecting a system designed to overcome these obstacles by allowing more modules in the system, a commercial PV system becomes more profitable from day one.

Another key way to improve the PR of a commercial system is to minimize power losses due to module mismatch. Future proofing commercial systems involves implementing technology that mitigates mismatch and aging losses. It must also protect against unpredictable environmental changes (new obstructions like antennas, growing trees, etc.), and factors such as soiling, uneven surfaces, irregular irradiance, and self-shading under bifacial modules. By optimizing the DC power production per module, module-level power electronics (MLPE) helps to minimize energy losses to only the affected modules, versus impacting the entire string. However, no matter how much future losses can be diminished, the likelihood is that there will be defective modules that will need to be replaced, even with high quality modules. If a system uses technology that can allow replacement using any module available in the market, costs

At the O&M level, providing a fast response to any sources that cause decreased production is another important factor in improving system uptime. O&M can be a very costly endeavor with slow response times. The advent of module-level, cloudbased monitoring systems that allow automatic alerts, real-time detection, and remote troubleshooting, has made the process as simple as a few clicks in an air-conditioned office. Instead of O&M being a labor-intensive process of searching for “a needle in a haystack”, asset management teams can choose systems that provide targeted information so that the field crew knows exactly where the issue is before they go to the field. This not only increases system uptime, it also improves the efficiency of O&M —

Another factor is to differentiate between two different types of O&M activities: preventative versus corrective. Preventative maintenance is intended to maintain the PV system at its highest working condition, while limiting system downtime. This usually requires an annual site visit to thoroughly evaluate the components of the PV system and check the system health. Standard systems that require each module to be inspected to confirm they are properly working is a particularly burdensome, costly, and inefficient

PV systems are now being viewed as long-term investments that need to be closely managed in order to improve their ROI and bottom line Simple. Solid. Sustainable. • Specified for use with IronRidge and other leading racking systems. • First Building Code Certified screw foundation system in the U.S. • Year-round installation • No concrete & no excavation • Environmentally friendly • Immediately loadable • Cost effective
By selecting a system that is designed to overcome obstacles such as shading or module mismatch, a PV system will be more profitable from day one

procedure. Even if the site is using drones for inspection, the process can expose maintenance personnel to unsafe conditions such as high voltages, heights, and even wild animals.

During preventative maintenance activity, maintenance personnel often uncover latent problems that have caused decreased energy production for an extended amount of time. This would call for corrective maintenance to be performed. Corrective maintenance is conducted after an issue has been discovered, and includes the actual repair process.

However, there is an optional maintenance style – selective maintenance. With the use of advanced monitoring systems, particularly module-level monitoring, the asset manager is able to receive alerts to system issues, which reduces trips to the site and the time spent there. This type of monitoring enables O&M service providers to perform site analysis for the AC and DC systems of the plant, only dispatching field personnel when it makes sense. For example, if a module has a failed diode, an automatic alert will notify the O&M provider. The module can be easily identified, and a screenshot provided to the module manufacturer for a warranty claim. This means that, during the next site visit, the O&M provider can take a module to replace the failed one, saving a field trip, and positively impacting the O&M budget. This type of monitoring requires MLPE that is typically not offered by third-party services. Additionally, any type of thirdparty monitoring service will add costs, negatively impacting the system ROI. The optimization of revenue and costs directly relates back to the original inverter selection. In recent years, the inverter selection became renowned for its influence on BoS costs. More recently, it has been directly associated with system production and O&M expenses; this is because the inverter manages 100 percent of system production, and can control O&M expenses. A DC-optimized inverter

solution that includes cloud-based, module-level monitoring, for example, would eliminate a CAPEX cost. It would also reduce ongoing maintenance costs that, in turn, increases system uptime. By taking advantage of selective maintenance, the plant O&M requires less time onsite and fewer trips.

All of these factors indicate that inverter selection is increasingly important for the ongoing health and production of a PV system. As the competition heats up for which inverter can best improve the PR of a system, remember that every step saved will add value. Remember, when planning a large investment like a PV system, it is crucial to understand how inverters can increase system revenue and decrease costs throughout the system lifetime.

It’s all in the physics! Solar Snake Max XL™ maintains NEC 310.15 cable separation allowing the cables to operate more efficiently to yield up to 30-watt hours per meter more energy than bundled cables. The cable separation requires no derating of the cables and the above ground construction offers a safer and more environmentally friendly operation.

• Maintains NEC 310.15 compliant cable separation which can yield up to 30-watt hours per meter more energy than bundled cables

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• Easy snap together components require no field fabrication

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Please contact us to schedule a meeting


Kleber Facchini is Director of Product Management, Commercial & Industrial for SolarEdge Technologies.
With responsibility for managing 100% of PV system costs, the right inverter is crucial to ensure uptime and optimal energy production
North American Clean Energy 23
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The two main ways to improve the ROI of a commercial PV system is to increase energy production and decrease lifetime costs
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clean-energy-jul-aug-2023-magazine-ad indd 1 clean-energy-jul-aug-2023-magazine-ad.indd 1 6/14/2023 1:38:22 PM PM
# 452

Testing for Durability and Longevity

It is an exciting and transformative period for the U.S. solar energy industry, driven by the Inflation Reduction Act and various state and local incentives. These factors have spurred manufacturers to consider expanding their production capacity within the U.S., promising a host of new job opportunities, and bolstering supply chains across North America.

While this resurgence in domestic production marks the latest milestone in the solar energy sector, it is important to acknowledge that the global industry has experienced substantial growth and maturation over the past decade. As a result, we now have easy access to high-efficiency solar panels equipped with extended warranties of 25 years or more. Considering that we rarely expect any other electronic device installed on our roofs to function flawlessly for several decades, it raises the question: How can we be confident that solar panels will truly endure for such an extended lifespan?

By adhering to international standards and performing extended durability testing, installers and homeowners can feel confident that the panels they choose will last well beyond the warranty period — and provide the best levelized cost of energy possible.

International standards

There are several international standards that have been developed to ensure modules will perform safely and effectively. A few of the most commonly referenced standards have been developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which is a global organization that sets international standards for various electrical and electronic technologies. These include:

• IEC 61730 - focuses on the safety requirements for solar panels. It specifies the design qualifications, construction requirements, and testing procedures to ensure the safe operation of solar panels in various applications.

• IEC 61215 - specifies the requirements for design qualification of solar panels. It outlines the criteria that solar panels need to meet in order to be considered safe, reliable, and suitable for their intended use. It covers a range of tests and requirements related to mechanical strength, electrical performance, and environmental durability.

• IEC 61701 - focuses on the salt mist corrosion testing of solar panels. It provides a test method to evaluate the ability of solar panels to withstand exposure to a corrosive salt mist environment. The purpose of this testing is to assess the module's resistance to corrosion, which can occur in coastal or marine environments where saltwater exposure is prevalent.

These standards do a great job of ensuring commercially available solar panels meet a minimum threshold for safety, performance, and reliability. It is important to realize, however, that these standards are not designed to validate the performance over the full warranty period.

Extended Durability Testing

To provide confidence for long-term reliability and durability, solar panels undergo a series of rigorous environmental stress tests. These tests subject the panels to harsh environmental conditions intentionally designed to accelerate the chemical and physical mechanisms that can result in performance degradation. Since no single test can provide all the necessary information, a comprehensive suite of tests is required.

Over the years, considerable debate has taken place regarding the necessary exposure times, stress levels, and sequences required for these testing protocols. More recently, a growing consensus has emerged, leading to the establishment of a standard set of

tests that serve as reliable indicators of long-term performance. These tests are typically consolidated within "Product Qualification Programs", and conducted by independent third-party testing laboratories. By undergoing these rigorous tests, solar panel manufacturers provide customers with the assurance of panel quality and reliability.

The environmental stress tests included in these Product Qualification Programs include the following:

Damp Heat: Solar panels are subjected 2000 hours at a temperature of 85°C and a relative humidity of 85 percent. These high temperatures and humidity levels evaluate a panel’s resistance to moisture ingress, and ability to withstand deployment in hot and humid climates.

Thermal Cycling: For this test, solar panels are exposed to temperatures cycles between -40°C and +85°C. During the increasing side of the cycle, electrical current is passed through the module. This causes the actual panel temperature to exceed 100°C. Panels are exposed to 600 cycles under these conditions. This test is used to stress the electrical interconnects, and ensure the module can withstand thermal stress that might be experienced in a hot and dry climate like the U.S. southwest.

Mechanical Stress: To ensure panels will survive the mechanical loads experienced during their operational lifetime, a sequence of mechanical and thermal stresses is applied to the panel. It typically starts by mounting the module as it would be found in the

24 2023 JULY AUGUST ///

A Compliance Strategy for Local Solar Regulations

This is especially true for solar energy projects, which are increasingly subject to local governmental regulations. We have seen a growing number of local jurisdictions require conditional use permits (CUP) or special use permits (SUP). Most often, this occurs at the county level, given that many solar projects are sited in unincorporated rural areas with limited existing regulations.

Types of regulations and enforcement actions vary widely. At the extreme end are counties with total bans on utility-scale solar energy development. Other counties place moratoriums on project development to allow time to establish regulations and associated permitting procedures. Still others have instituted no mandates requiring the development of a CUP or SUP. We also encounter jurisdictions where state regulations govern utilityscale solar energy project development, and limit local or county-level regulations.

More communities want to have a say in where and how utility-scale solar projects are developed, as well as how they should fit with the local vision for growth and prosperity. Generally, these regulations reflect a desire by public officials to see project developers demonstrate due diligence in protecting the natural resources and local character of the

26 2023 JULY • AUGUST /// WE
When it comes to permitting compliance, the golden rules are “start early and communicate often.”

project site and surrounding vicinity.

Local regulations commonly include zoning requirements, setbacks for projectrelated infrastructure, and vegetation management plans that require visual screening of the solar panels and/or the planting of native vegetation. We are also seeing prime farmland restrictions, wildlife movement corridor requirements, caps on buildable acreage within a jurisdiction, height restrictions for infrastructure, and more.

Some jurisdictions, in response to prior commercial development experience, require additional measures to be implemented in a project’s stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). Still others are establishing an environmental review process that appears to mirror the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). These requirements are in addition to any existing roadway, building, and floodplain requirements typically associated with development.

So, what is the key to navigating permits that may come up later in the planning process or be revised during development?

Start early and communicate often.

Everybody says it, and everybody knows it, but not everyone implements it. Reach out early to the right jurisdictional representatives if you want to control costs, keep the project on track, and avoid the last-minute fire drills.

Doing so allows you to introduce the project and understand what regulations, if any, are in place to give yourself ample time for compliance. You may also gain insight into some of the potential motivations behind the regulations.

Ideally, starting early means as soon as the project area has been conceptualized. For developers who firmly practice minimization and avoidance, consultants can conduct preliminary reviews as soon as a potential site is identified, to understand the likely impacts of regulations on the proposed development.

Reach out to landowners, neighbors, and other stakeholders as soon as is practical, listening to their concerns and questions. This will help you plan a path forward for proactive minimization and avoidance. It’s better that they hear accurate information about the project and process of utility-scale solar energy development directly from the project developer or representative, instead of from a project opponent spreading unchallenged misinformation.

You can feel it in the local community before a project even begins construction. As a field biologist, I often interact with landowners and surrounding stakeholders at the beginning of project design while completing environmental reviews during due diligence. Sites where project developers have taken measures to engage local stakeholders and provide supporting information are usually those where we are welcomed. Sites where stakeholders have

felt “in the dark” on the project have resulted in interactions fueled by skepticism, or even opposition.

I think this is true at any level of jurisdiction; taking the time to engage with decision makers and working alongside the public officials usually results in a better development and permitting process.

Regulations will continue to change. Starting early, being adaptable, and tailoring your compliance strategy will help ensure your project is a success. After all, no two projects are ever the same, but how and when a developer chooses to start the compliance process should be consistent every time, every project.

Morgan Starr is an associate scientist with Olsson’s Environmental team. She conducts field work and permit compliance for a variety of renewable energy and power delivery projects. Reach Morgan at 405.242.6682 or

Olsson ///

North American Clean Energy 27 STAY AHEAD AND STORE. SOLAR ENERGY AT ANY TIME. Power your home during an outage with stored energy. Keep your appliances safe and running. Sustainable clean energy storage with solar power. Find out more:

Made in the USA junction boxes

SolaDeck’s new low-profile, slotted cover locks into place with one pre-installed set screw. The updated cover also allows side and bottom penetration through three sidewalls and includes an installed din rail that can be rotated to fit any installation needs. There are two ¾'' pre-punched holes at the base of the SolaDeck. Two NEMA 4X plugs come installed in these holes and can be removed to easily insert the fittings or conduit without the need to drill. Manufactured out of 18GA galvanized steel and powder coated for an attractive and durable finish, SolaDeck junction boxes are backed by a lifetime warranty and are made in the USA.

SolaDeck ///

Solar-attached EV management solution

SolarEdge Technologies has launched a solar-attached Electric Vehicle (EV) management solution for the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) segment. The new software-based solution manages and optimizes the EV charging process for sites that require dynamic load management and have large quantities of EVs, such as apartment buildings, workplaces, and public charging locations. Built on AIbased predictive algorithms, the solution incorporates real-time data analytics and considers solar production, dynamic electricity prices, and tiered charging schedules. By integrating seamlessly with SolarEdge’s energy management system, this new offering orchestrates and optimizes interactions between facility solar generation, stationary battery storage, and large-scale EV charging, taking into account grid and infrastructure limitations. The EV charging management solution is powered by technology developed by Wevo Energy (“Wevo”), a startup specializing in EV charging optimization and management software, in which SolarEdge is an investor.

SolarEdge ///

Efficiency and power

Trina Solar’s new n-type TOPCon Advanced technology enables the delivery of potential production efficiency of 26%, with a modular power output of up to 700W. The company’s Vertex N 605W modules, designed for power stations in complex terrain and C&I solar stations, and their Vertex S+ modules are capable of delivering 450W of power and provide 5.88% more installation capacity. With the application of front-side full passivation contact cell technology, the mass production efficiency of Trina Solar’s n-type cells with TOPCon Ultra technology is forecast to exceed 27%. Implementing TOPCon tandem technology is expected to cause cell efficiency to surpass 30%.

Trina Solar ///

28 2023 JULY • AUGUST /// | 1.336.584.6700 GROUND SCREWS? HELICAL ANCHORS? REFUSAL HOLES? Rock Drilling Attachments Get the Job Done. Visit Us Booth #4165 Sept. 11 - 14 Las Vegas, NV

Magnetic outdoor circuit breaker housing

ABB has designed a next generation extreme weather resistant housing cabinet for its R-MAG magnetically actuated dead tank breaker for medium-voltage primary substations. Available for 15, 27, and 38kV units, the housing has been designed to the stringent NEMA 4 rating standards, offering protection against severe water and dust ingress. Featuring seamless roof-to-wall joints and external self-sealing bolts that prevent any gaps, the housing is completely secure and watertight. A new roof overhang also helps limit water exposure, plus the bushings-to-roof interface is secured by an aerospace-grade UV-resistant and robust gasket. Additionally, ABB is also releasing a new Arc Resistant housing variant for the R-MAG breaker. This new enclosure ensures any fire and gases are expulsed in a controlled manner in the event of an internal arc fault; there is increased protection for substation personnel on all sides of the equipment, much lower risk of failure and downtime, plus faster overall restoration of the system. Even better for OEMs, a three-point latch and selfaligning hinges help ensure a smooth and uniform door fit, while the enhanced position indicator window design also repels excess water levels. The footprints of the R-MAG 15 and 27kV units have even been reduced from 60" width down to 52" width, offering space and resource savings.

ABB ///

Fuseholder with increased power ratings

SCHURTER’s new FXP provides performance and versatility as a fuseholder for 6.3 x 32 fuses to comply with the upcoming extension of the IEC standard 601276. SCHURTER initiated the extension to IEC 60127-6, which increases the rated current from a maximum 16A to 25A. Accordingly, the FXP high-performance shocksafe fuseholder carries the 25A rating at 500Vac. It also doubles the power acceptance rating from 4 to 8W at Ta 77°F (23°C). VDE approved at 25A at 500Vac and cURus approved for maximum 45A at 600Vac/Vdc, the FXP is compact, which allows for easier integration into spaceconstrained applications. In addition to high thermal performance, the FXP also meets stringent vibration and shock tests, making it suitable for heavy duty applications. It is IP40 rated, and salt mist tested. Designed for streamlined assembly, the FXP provides a unique snap-in system for quick installation. The FXP features solder terminals, ensuring secure and reliable electrical connections. Shock-safe and accessible by tool only, the FXP fusedrawer prioritizes safety against accidental tampering. The fusedrawer is retained to the fuseholder to prevent accidental loss. The FXP is RoHS compliant and bears the CE, UKCA, and REACH markings.


Less land usage, higher yields

Schletter’s new SolFarm Agri-PV system is designed to maximize both agricultural yield and energy output. The system is made up of vertical rows of modules that are mounted in landscape to look like a wall or fence. This offers two key advantages. The first is that it keeps land coverage to an absolute minimum; less than 20% of the arable land is used, meaning more than 80% of the land can continue to be used for agriculture. The second is that the power yield is increased: a vertical system with bifacial modules in an east-west orientation generates PV power earlier in the morning and later in the evening. SolFarm allows for two modules above one another and up to three modules side by side between the support posts. The system can be installed on both flat and hilly terrain. Its modular design and adjustable clamping positions enable it to compensate for height variation in the terrain. The spacing of the rows is adjusted to the type of agriculture and is project dependent. With this new system, Schletter is expanding its product range and expertise in Agri-PV systems. Schletter’s 2P Tracking System has already been in use for several years on arable land around the world. The

North American Clean Energy 29 ADVERTORIAL Increase your PV installation productivity with the Fluke SMFT-1000 solar PV testing kit for I-V curve tracing and PV system performance analysis. ©2023 Fluke Corporation. 230354-en

Self-flashing conduit

Featuring Roof Tech’s AlphaSeal, their RT-CONDUIT MOUNT is designed for a variety of usage options. Made for ½'' to 1'' conduit, it can be used with a single hole strap or conduit hanger (purchased separately) and can be used for rafter or deck (plywood or OSB) installation. The screw, mount and flashing are all included.

Roof Tech ///

Efficient power for e-mobility and other highpower applications

Phoenix Contact has introduced a new category of power supplies for high-power systems, such as e-mobility infrastructure. The modules can be directly mounted in a standard 19-inch cabinet commonly used in EV charging stations. In addition to e-mobility applications, the CHARX AC/DC and DC/DC power modules are suitable for off-highway charging, AC microgrids, high-voltage DC grids, energy storage, and hydrogen electrolysis. The three-phase input module has a range of 350 to 530Vac, allowing installation in most locations globally. The DC/DC module has an input range of 300 to 825Vdc for use in numerous DC voltage settings. Both power modules have an output range from 150 to 1000Vdc. The DC/DC module has continuous maximum power point tracking (MPPT), which maximizes the output when connected to a solar array. This assists in the most efficient output for the device, with ranging levels of solar radiation, temperature, and PV panel types. The modules’ CAN bus interface makes them easy to integrate into e-mobility applications. They also feature Phoenix Contact’s Push-Lock and T-LOX connection technologies for fast installation and maintenance.

Phoenix Contact


Tough and durable HMI screen protection

Stahlin Enclosures’ SolarShield HMI Covers provide HMI screen protection in harsh environments. The new, patented SolarShield HMI Covers offer durable, non-metallic HMI Covers for use with enclosures of all material types. They are suitable for protecting HMI screens from UV and harsh environmental conditions and these non-metallic HMI covers with side shields provide easy, hands-free viewing regardless of the angle of the sun. Extremely tough and durable, the HMI covers can be used in both outdoor and indoor applications. They provide protection of the Human Machine Interface (HMI) screens from the sun, dust, water (rain, sleet, snow), sand, oils, grease, dirt, foreign objects, and other environmental conditions that cause corrosion and damage. Stahlin SolarShield HMI Covers fit standard 10'' x 8'' and smaller HMI screens and maintain a NEMA type 4 or 4X rating when paired with a NEMA 4 or 4X HMI device. The cover’s impact resistant, light-weight opaque polycarbonate cover and base construction with UV inhibitors provides long dependable life in harsh conditions, while the robotically applied foam-in-place seamless polyurethane gasket ensures a reliable seal. Installation of the SolarShield is simple and easy with the use of common tools and the included stainless steel hardware kit.

Stahlin Enclosures ///

Large flux portfolio for various applications in the solar industry

Emil Otto has a segment for the solar industry in its portfolio. The flux specialist has developed a total of 17 fluxes for soldering solar modules, tabber and stringer materials, and connecting cells. Hybrid fluxes include EO-S-011, -012, -015 and -017. These fluxes have a low alcohol content of only 15% in some cases, with drying properties comparable to pure alcohol-based fluxes. 13 of the 17 fluxes are formulated on an alcohol basis and can be offered as concentrates. These are packaged in reduced volume and shipped worldwide. Since they also do not have to be declared as hazardous goods, transport is cost-reduced. The customer can produce the flux fresh on site. The concentrates usually have a storage life of 24 months. The ready-mixed fluxes can be used for at least 12 months and in some cases even 24 months. This ready-to-use approach also minimizes the risk of nonfunctioning supply chains, as the concentrate is always available on site due to the optimal storage time. For the reliable removal of flux residues in production equipment, Emil Otto also offers the efficient and gentle cleaning agents Etimol SEM 12 RAA and EO-RA-V.

30 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

Toubleshoot electrical system components and identify hazards

The DM286 is designed to enable electricians to pinpoint hot spots and other problem areas fast, safe, and efficiently. It features 160 × 120 thermal resolution from the embedded Lepton thermal micro-camera along with an embedded visible-light camera and bright LED work light to operate MSX in low light. MSX is additive in that the visible light edge details are displayed on top of the thermal image without sacrificing any thermal detail or resolution. The multimeter can also store up to 30,000 radiometric thermal images and log files and includes a long battery life for inspectors to capture images and log files all day long. For those using other FLIR test and measurement tools alongside the DM286, the new FLIR METERLiNK app, which replaced the FLIR Tools app, can work independently or in concert with compatible FLIR devices. It is also effective for complying with the updated National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70B 2023 rules released in April, which changed the use of thermography for electrical equipment maintenance from “recommended” to “required.” Teledyne

Comprehensive weather station to maximize solar power plant performance

Vaisala’s Automatic Weather Station AWS810 Solar Edition delivers endto-end weather and solar irradiation measurements and insights to optimize any stage of the solar power plant life cycle. The IEC-compliant weather station enables a combination of solar irradiance and key weather parameter measurements with optional advanced analytics and digital insights to optimize solar power plant performance and operational efficiency. The reliable and accurate weather station is flexible, smart, and can be easily configured to adapt to future needs. Rugged by design, the AWS810 Solar Edition is purpose-built to be trusted for a solar plant’s entire operational life span. AWS810 Solar Edition continuously measures global, diffuse, and reflected solar irradiation and all key weather parameters, including wind speed, wind direction, ambient and PV module temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. The rugged IEC 61724-1:2021-compliant design, remote diagnostics, and easy-todeploy-and-use weather station requires minimal resources to set up, operate, and maintain throughout the solar power plant’s lifetime. Efficient self-diagnostic and network sensor monitoring enables users to manage and control networks remotely, while the solution’s extensive built-in data validation further improves the data quality and maintenance efficiency with end-to-end network management security. With its futureready and modular design, the flexible weather station can easily expand to meet specific solar power plant needs, including seamless data connectivity with SCADA systems and cloud-based asset management platforms. Primed to go beyond the standard with the optional analytics and insights related to historical satellite-derived solar data, real-time lightning data, and solar energy forecasts.

Vaisala ///

FLIR ///

Parking full of energy

The Schletter SunRide needs only one support which allows for parking in a herringbone pattern, which means more vehicles can be parked in the same space as a perpendicular parking pattern. SunRide has two carport configurations which cater to either single-row or double-row parking lots. The modular design allows for expansion at will.

The Schletter Group ///

Additional HMI cover sizes

Due to product demand, Fibox Enclosures has added three new sizes to the Instrument Protection Window series. These UL listed NEMA 4X rated HMI covers are now available in three new sizes to right-size any design needs, and provide secure access and a full view of controls or components. Available sizes are 10" x 8" x 3.31", 12" x 10" x 3.31",14" x 12" x 3.31", 16" x 14" x 3.31", and 18" x 16" x 3.31". The IPW works with any underlying surface, providing a dry dust free environment once closed and secured. With an opaque or transparent cover, the IPW sports four locking options. With the following closures Screw Cover, DIN- Key, Non-Locking Wing Nut, and a Traditional Key Lock, the IPW also offers a bolt-on design, and installs in minutes. UL NEMA 4X keeps components dry, impact resistant polycarbonate (IK 09), nonpenetrating, low profile continuous hinge, and matching gray or clear cover options.

Fibox Enclosures


Solar DC system controller and off-grid inverter line

Morningstar Corporation’s GenStar DC Solar DC System Controller and SureSine pure sine-wave inverters are in full production, and available through Morningstar’s world-wide distribution network. A fully-integrated Solar DC System Controller, GenStar MPPT represents the flagship of Morningstar’s new Integrated Series, while the new SureSine inverter series enables solar professionals to design systems that are “all Morningstar,” with no weak links in the component chain. The new GenStar MPPT line consists of three models, ranging from 60-100A at 200V input. Morningstar’s new SureSine off-grid inverter line is designed and built for installations in industrial applications. The line consists of six primary models from 150-2500W with 120 or 230V output and 12, 24, or 48Vdc input options.

Morningstar Corporation //
32 2023 JULY • AUGUST /// Solar Mounts LLC Design & Manufacturing 100% Made In USA | | (844) SLR-RACK 300 Woolley Drive, Marshall, Michigan 49068 • Solar Carports in T, Y, L & A Frames • Custom Long-Span options Available • Minimal components for easy installation • Over designed to resist high wind & snow loads • Multiple foundation solutions • Universal module mounting brackets One-Stop Shop Commercial & Utility Scale Solar Racking Learn more or Request a quote today Mechanical Installation Services Registered Apprenticeship Program



An integral part of any energy system, inverters convert the power generated from the sun into functional energy for grid and off-grid use. With technology offering ever-more efficient and reliable power generation, herein we highlight the latest in utility-scale, commercial, industrial, and residential inverters…


Key Features:

• Easy installation, just plug and play;

• 4 input channels to connect to 4 PV modules;

• With Reactive Power Control, compliant with CA Rule 21;

• Compliant with NEC-2017 and 2020 rapid shutdown;

• High reliability: NEMA6 (IP67) enclosure, 6000V surge protection.

Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc.

Product: HMS-1500NT

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial, residential

Continuous Output Power: 1438kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 96.5%

Peak Efficiency: 96.7%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 22V to 60V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 149°F (-40°C to 65°C)

Dimensions: 1.3" x 11" x 6.9" (33mm x 280mm x 176mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL 1741, IEEE 1547, UL 1741 SA (240 Vac), CA Rule 21 (240 Vac), CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-16, FCC Part 15B, FCC Part 15C

Warranty: 25-year standard warranty (USA), 12-year standard warranty (Canada)

Zhejiang Benyi New Energy Co., Ltd.

Product: BENY BYM600

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial, residential

Continuous Output Power: 0.6kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 99.8%

Peak Efficiency: 96.5%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 16V to 60V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)

Dimensions: 8.3" x 9.1" x 1.3" (210mm x 230mm x 34mm)

Sungrow USA Corporation

Product: SG125HV

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial

Continuous Output Power: 125,000W

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 98.5%

Peak Efficiency: 98.9%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 860V to 1500V (MMPP range 860V to 1450V)

Operating Temperature Range: -22°F to 140°F; > 122°F derating (-30°C to 60°C > 50°C derating

Dimensions: 26.4" x 35.5" x 11.7" (671mm x 902mm x 298mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL1741, UL1741SA, IEEE1547, IEEE1547.1, CSA C22.2 107.1-01-2001, FCC Part15 Sub-part B Class A Limits, California Rule 21, IEC 62109-1/-2, IEC 61000-6-2/-4, 61727, IEC62116, BDEW, EN50549,VDE-AR-N 4110:2018, VDE-AR-N 4120:2018, UNE 206007-1:2013, P.O.12.3, UTE C15-712-1:2013, CEI 0-16:2017, IEC 61683, PEA, NTCO

Warranty: 10-year standard warranty

COTEK Electronic Industrial Co. Ltd.

Product: SC2000

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial, residential, industrial

Continuous Output Power: 2kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 89%

Peak Efficiency: 90%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 10.5V-16.5V; 21V-33V

Operating Temperature Range: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 9.88" x 4.57" x 17.83" (251mm x 116mm x 453mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL458, UL1741

Warranty: 2-year warranty

Key Features:

• Connected to single panel;

• Rated output power 600W, peak output power 620VA;

• Peak efficiency 96.5%;

• Maximum short circuit current 20A, maximum continuous current 18A;

• Up to 25-year warranty.

Certifications/Approvals: VIEC/ EN 61000-6, CISPR11+A1+A2, IEC/EN 62109-1/2, EN 50549-1:2019 VDE-AR-N 4105:2018/DIN VDE 0124:2020, AS 4777.2 :2020, INMETRO, UTE C15- 712-1/DIN VDE 0126/VFR 2019, G98, CEI 0-21:2020, NC RFG, NTS DAKKS

Warranty: 10-year warranty, 25-year optional warranty


Product: SolarEdge Synergy SE120K Inverter

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial

Continuous Output Power: 120,000kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 98.5%

Peak Efficiency: 98.7%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 850V to 1000V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 11" x 13" x 22" (273mm x 328mm x 558mm)

Certifications/Approvals: Certified by Bureau Veritas Certificate Number: U210111

Warranty: 12- to 20-year warranty

Northern Electric and Power, Inc.

Product: Microinverter

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial, residential

Continuous Output Power: 580W

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 96.5%

Peak Efficiency: 97.3%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 22V to 60V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 149°F (-40°C to 65°C)

Dimensions: 10.91" x 5.20" x 1.97" (277mm x 132mm x 50mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL1741

Warranty: 10- or 25-year warranty

North American Clean Energy 33


Zhejiang Benyi New Energy Co., Ltd.



Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial, residential

Continuous Output Power: 0.6kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 99.8%

Peak Efficiency: 96.5%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 230V / 176V to 265V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)

Dimensions: 8.3" x 9.1" x 1.3" (210mm x 230mm x 34mm)


Solis Inverters

Product: 100K Three Phase Inverter

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial

Continuous Output Power: 100kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 98.3%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 600V to 1000V

Operating Temperature Range: -22°F to 140°F (-30°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 41.9" x 22.3" x 13.6" (1065mm x 567mm x 344.5mm)

Key Features:

• 10 independent MPPTs with wide fullpower operating ranges;

Key Features:

• Suitable for 60, 66, 72, 75 cell or 120, 132, 144, 150 half-cell type PV panels;

• Static MPPT efficiency 99.80%;

• Peak efficiency 96.5%;

• EURO efficiency 96%;

• High reliability, IP67 (NEMA 6) enclosure, 6000V surge protection.


Certifications/Approvals: VDEAR-N 4105, EN50549-1, NC RFG, C10/11,INMETRO ABNT ABR 16149/16150/62116,CEI-0-21, AS/NZS 4777, VFR2019, G98,IEC/EN61000, IEC/ EN62109

Warranty: 10-year warranty, 25-year optional warranty

SMA America

Product: SMA Sunny Tripower X

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial

Continuous Output Power: 20kW, 25kW, 30kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 97.5%, 98%, 98%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 150V to 1000V

Operating Temperature Range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 28.7" x 30" x 10.5" (729mm x 762mm x 267mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL 1741 SB, IEEE 1547-2018, UL 1699B Ed. 1, UL 1998, CAN/CSA-22.2, CA Rule 21, HECO Rule 14H, ISO-NE, PVRSSE

Warranty: 10-year warranty, extendible to 20-years


Product: DS3 Series Dual Microinverters

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial, residential, industrial

Continuous Output Power: DS3-S: 640W (320/ch), DS3-L: 768W (384/ch), DS3: 880W (440/ch)

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 96.5%

Peak Efficiency: 97%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 26V to 60V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 149°F (-40°C to 65°C)

Dimensions: 10.3" x 8.6" x 1.6" (262mm x 218mm x 41.2mm)

• String current up to 16A accommodates new high-power and bi-facial PV modules;

• Easy-to-use online O&M tools;

• Optimized DC and AC interconnection reduces the cost of system cables;

• Enclosures rated to IP66 protection grade.

Morningstar Corporation

Product: SureSine Classic Inverter

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Residential, industrial

Continuous Output Power: 300W @ 77°F (25°C)

Peak Efficiency: 600W @ 77°F (25°C)

DC Voltage Operating Range: 10V to 15.5V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 113°F (-40°C to 45°C)

Dimensions: 8.4" x 6" x 4.1" (213mm x 152mm x 105mm)

Key Features:

• High flexibility in system design with 3 MPP trackers;

• Easy installation with a light weight and wall-or-rack mount;

• Flexible and scalable system sizing: 30kW, 25kW, and 20kW;

• Integrated System Manager allows monitoring and control of up to 5 inverters (with up to 150kVA) and 1 energy meter;

• SMA ShadeFix offers performance optimization.

Certifications/Approvals: UL1741; CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-16; CA Rule 21 (UL 1741 SA); FCC Part15; ANSI C63.4; ICES-003; IEEE1547; NEC2014 & NEC2017 Section 690.11 DC ArcFault circuit; Protection NEC2014 & NEC2017

Section 690.12 Rapid Shutdown of PV systems on Buildings; NEC 2020 Warranty: 10-year standard warranty, extendable to 15-years

Certifications/Approvals: CE and REACH Compliant • ETL Listed (UL 458)115V version ONLY • FCC Title 47 (CFR), Part 15 Subpart B for Class B Device Compliant • EN 60950-1+A11:2001, rev. 4/4/04 • Manufactured in a Certified ISO 9001 Facility

Warranty: 2-year warranty

34 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

Key Features:

Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc.

Product: HMS-2000-4T

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial, residential

Continuous Output Power: 1918W

Peak Efficiency: 96.7%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 22V to 60V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 149°F (-40°C to 65°C)

Dimensions: 8.6" x 1.6" x 13" (218mm x 40.6mm x 331mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL 1741, IEEE 1547, UL 1741 SB, CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-16 FCC 15B, FCC 15C

Warranty: 25-year standard warranty

• High-powered microinverter for 4-in-1 series;

• Safe for rooftop solar stations with PV rapid shutdown compliance;

• With Reactive Power Control, compliant with UL 1741, IEEE 1547, UL 1741 SB;

• Independent MPPT and monitoring ensure high energy harvest and easy maintenance;

• 4-in-1 design enables cost-effective solar solution.

Aptos Solar Technology

Product: MAC-800

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Residential

Continuous Output Power: 766kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 96.5%

Peak Efficiency: 96.7%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 240/211V to 264V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 149°F (-40°C to 65°C)

Dimensions: 9.8" x 6.7" x 1.1" (250mm x 170mm x 28mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL 1741, IEEE 1547, UL 1741 SA (240Vac), CA Rule 21 (240Vac), CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-16, FCC Part 15B, FCC Part 15C

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Growatt USA, Inc.

Key Features:

• Integrated AFCI protection, proactively reduces fire risk;

• Utility interactive controls: active power derating, reactive power control, and over frequency derating;

• Wide MPPT range for flexible string sizing;

• High current inputs to support high power and bifacial modules;

• NEMA 4X (IP66) and C5 protection level.

Canadian Solar

Product: CSI-125K-T600GL03-U

3-Phase String Inverter

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Commercial, utilityscale, industrial

Continuous Output Power: 125kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 98.3%

Peak Efficiency: 99.0%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 500V to 1500V

Operating Temperature Range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 46.1" x 30.3" x 15.1" (1170mm x 770mm x 384mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL 1741SB, UL1741SA, UL1998, IEEE 1547, FCC Part 15 (Class A & B)

Warranty: 10-year standard warranty, available extension up to 20-years

Product: MIN 3000-11400TL-XH-US

Primary Market: Solar

Application: Residential

Continuous Output Power: 3kW to 11.4kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 97.5%

Peak Efficiency: 98.5%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 50V to 550V

Operating Temperature Range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 15.74" x 7.36" x 25.12" (400mm x 187mm x 638mm)

Certifications/Approvals: IEEE1547, CA Rule 21, Rule 14, FCC Part15 Class B, UL1741, UL1741SA, CSA C22.2, UL1699B, UL1741 CRD, UL9540

Warranty: 10-year warranty



SMA America

Product: SMA Sunny Boy Smart Energy

Primary Market: Solar Application: Residential

Continuous Output Power: 3.8, 4.8, 5.8, 7.7kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 96.5% preliminary

Peak Efficiency: 98% preliminary

DC Voltage Operating Range: 60V to 600V

Operating Temperature Range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 20" x 23" x 8" (508mm x 584mm x 203mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL 1741 SB, IEEE 1547-2018, UL 1699B Ed. 1, UL 9540, UL 1998, CAN/CSA-22.2, CA Rule 21, HECO Rule 14H, PVRSSE

Warranty: 10-year warranty, extendible to 25-years



Product: Sol-Ark 30K-3P-208V

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Commercial

Continuous Output Power: 30kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 96.5%

Peak Efficiency: 97.5%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 150V to 500V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 35.2" x 20.8" x 11.6" (894mm x 528mm x 295mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL1741-2021

3rd Edition (incl. UL1741SB), CSA C22.2, IEEE 1547-2018 & 1547a-2020 & 1547.12020, UL1699 Arc-Fault Circuit-protection Type 1

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Key Features:

• 2-in-1 solution with a range in powerclass options from 3.8 to 11.4;

• Modern, modular design that is functional because it is small and light;

• Integrated System Manager allows management of up to 3 inverters and batteries;

• Available modular back-up will offer homeowners energy security choices, with or without a battery;

• Save installation time and money with intuitive, quick commissioning from the SMA 360° app.


Sinexcel, Inc.

Product: 1500Vdc Bi-directional Storage

Inverter Module and Cabinet

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Commercial, utility-scale, industrial

Continuous Output Power: 1MW to 2MW

Peak Efficiency: 98%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 600V to 1500V

Operating Temperature Range: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C), derating over 122°F (50°C)

Dimensions: 70.9" x 39.4" x 99" (1800mm x 1000mm x 2515mm)

Certifications/Approvals: CE LVD IEC 62477,CE EMC IEC 61000, ETL listed conforming to UL1741/UL 1741SA/UL 9540, CPUC RULE 21,CSA 22.2, IEEE1547

Warranty: 3-year warranty with options to extend

Yaskawa Solectria Solar

Product: SOLECTRIA XGI 1500-250


Primary Market: Solar

Application: Utility-scale

Continuous Output Power: 250kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 98.5%

Peak Efficiency: 99%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 860Vdc to 1250Vdc

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)

Key Features:

• 30kW max output;

• 4 MPPTs;

• 200A 5ms transfer switch;

• AC and DC coupling;

• Generator input.


Product: STORAGE 3Power HV

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Utility-scale

Continuous Output Power: 3928

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 98.5%

Peak Efficiency: 98.9%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 941V to 1500V

Operating Temperature Range: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C)

Key Features:

• Modular design on power module and easy to maintain;

• Compatible with wide voltage range of battery strings, working in both stand-alone or in parallel on both DC and AC side;

• Flexible AC output voltage ranges from 400Vac to 690Vac to cover both C&I and utility applications;

• Stable performance with 15+ yrs and 1.5GW experience of power electronics in grid support and grid-forming.

Dimensions: 44.3" x 29.5" x 15.4" (1125mm x 750mm x 390mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL 1741, IEEE 1547, UL 1998, Rule 21, UL 1741SB , ETL

Warranty: 5-year standard warranty with 10-year option

Dimensions: 137.8" x 41.4" x 87.2" (3500mm x 1052mm x 2215mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL1741, FCC Part 15, IEEE C37.90.1, IEEE C37.90.2, CSA22.2 No107

Warranty: 5-year warranty

36 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

Key Features:

Sinexcel, Inc.

Product: 15-30kW Hybrid bi-directional power conversion system for BESS

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Commercial, residential

Continuous Output Power: 15kW to 30kW

Peak Efficiency: 97.3%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 150V to 750V

Operating Temperature Range: -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C), derating over 113°F (45°C)

Dimensions: 17.3" x 23.5" x 6.8" (440mm x 596mm x 173mm)

Certifications/Approvals: EU/UK/US/ AU certificates, such as UL9540, UL1741, IEEE1547, IEC62477, IEC61000, AS4777, G99, VDE4105, VDE4110, EN50549

Warranty: 3-year warranty with options to extend

• Full compatible with 208V/480Vac 3P system and 150-750Vdc battery string voltage. Optional smart transfer switch for auto-backup applications;

• Parallel in both AC side and DC side for larger power and energy;

• Standard 19in width and vertical bracket for easy-to-install;

• DC-coupled PV system with built-in MPPTs for stable performance;

• Drop control/communication control functions and wireless remote control for easyto-control.

Samlex America

Product: EVO-4248SP Split Phase Inverter/Charger

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Commercial, residential

Continuous Output Power: 4200kW

Peak Efficiency: 93%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 36Vdc to 68Vdc

Operating Temperature Range: -4°F to 140°F (20°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 12.8" x 16.3" x 8.35" (325mm x 414mm x 212mm)

Certifications/Approvals: CSA listed

CAN/CSA STD. C22.2 No. 107.1, UL Std No. 1741 2nd Ed, FCC Part 15(B) Class A

Warranty: 3-year warranty

Phocos Americas, Inc.

Product: Any-Grid Hybrid Inverter Charger (PSW-H-6.5kW-120/48V)

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Commercial, residential, industrial

Continuous Output Power: 6.5kW

Peak Efficiency: 96%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 6637.5Vdc battery / 90-230Vdc x 2 MPPTs, 250Vdc x 2 MPPTs PV

Operating Temperature Range: 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 23" x 17" x 5.8" (584mm x 433mm x 148mm); with extension box 25.6" x 17" x 5.8" (651mm x 433mm x 148mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL1741, CSA

C22.2 No. 107.1-16, FCC Class A, RoHS compliant

Warranty: 3-year warranty

Mango Power

Product: The M Series

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Commercial, utility-scale, residential

Continuous Output Power: 11.4kW with EV Charger at 12kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 96.5%

Peak Efficiency: 12.5kW 5mins/14.3kW

1min/17kW 1s

DC Voltage Operating Range: 100V to 600V

Operating Temperature Range: Charging: 32°F to 140°F (0°C to 60°C) Discharging: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 69" x 31" x 13" (1753mm x 800mm x 340mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL9540, UL1973, UL1741-2020, UL1741-SA, UL1008, UL489, UN38.3, IEEE1547.1-2020, IEEE1547-2018, Rule 21, HECO, UL1699B, UL1998-2018, CSA C22.2 NO 107.1, FCC SDoC, CEC, IEEE2030.5

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Key Features:

• Can be used as a PV energy system, as storage with 10-20kWh battery for daily and emergency use and provide full house power backup;

• Includes 12kW fast charging for EVs;

• Built-in inverter, backup gateway, EV charger, and modularized battery can be customized and installed within 30 mins;

• It uses CATL LFP battery cells, providing a 10-year warranty;

• Supports single and triple phase connections with 8-14kW output capability.

North American Clean Energy 37


Canadian Solar

Product: EP Cube Energy Storage

Solution Integrated Inverter

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Residential

Continuous Output Power: 7.6W

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 98.93%

Peak Efficiency: 96.88%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 90V to 500V

Operating Temperature Range: -14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)

Dimensions: 23.62" x 22.62" x 9.25" (600mm x 575mm x 235mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL 1699B, UL 1741-SB, IEEE 1547, IEEE 1547-1, IEEE 2030.5, UL 1998, UL 1642, UL 1973, UL 9540, UL 9540A, UN 38.3, UL 60730-1

ANNEX H, FCC Part 15 (Class B), IEEE 6932005 (high),CEC listing, HECO listing

Warranty: 10-year standard warranty


Fortress Power

Product: Envy True 12

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Residential

Continuous Output Power: 12kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 96.9%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 100V to 600V PV; 40V to 60V battery

Operating Temperature Range: -13ºF to 140ºF (-24°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 34" x 20" x 11" (870mm x 520mm x 285mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL1741, UL1741SB, IEEE1547A, Rule 21, ISO-NE, FCC15 class B, HECO, CEC, Luma

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Key Features:

• 200A AC passthrough current for whole home backup;

• 3MPPT output For max 21kW PV array;

Key Features:

• Part of a complete home battery storage solution;

• Inverter includes AC and DC inputs;

• EP Cube home battery solution includes storage from 9.9kWh to 119.9kWh;

• EP Cube home batteries offer lithium iron phosphate technology;

• Fast install, fast commissioning of the full system.



Product: Sol-Ark 15K-2P-N

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Residential, light commercial

Continuous Output Power: 15kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 96.5%

Peak Efficiency: 97.5%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 125V to 500V

Operating Temperature Range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 31.8" x 19.4" x 12" (807mm x 494mm x 306mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL1741-

2010/2018, UL1741SB, IEEE1547a

2003/2014, FCC 15 Class B, California Rule

21, HECO Rule 14H

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Key Features:

• 15kW max output;

• 3 MPPTs;

• 200A 5ms transfer switch;

• AC and DC coupling;

• Generator input.

Yotta Energy

• AC/DC coupling;

• IP65 rated for indoor and outdoor installation;

• Built-in generator port.

LS Energy Solutions

Product: Yotta Dual Power Inverter (DPI-208, DPI-480)

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: C&I

Continuous Output Power: 1728VA to 1800VA

Peak Efficiency: 96.5%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 26V to 60V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 149°F (-40°C to 64°C)

Dimensions: 14" x 9.5" x 1.8" (359mm x 242mm x 46mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL-1741, CA

Rule 21 (UL 1741 SA and UL 1741 SB), CSA

C22.2 No. 107.1-16, HECO RULE 14H AND RULE 22, FCC Part 15, ANSI C63.4, ICES003, IEEE1547, NEC2014 and NEC2017

Section 690.11 DC Arc-Fault circuit, Protection NEC2014, NEC2017, NEC2020 Section 690.12

Rapid Shutdown of PV systems on Building

Warranty: 10-year warranty, extendable to 25-years

Product: AiON-SIS

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Commercial, utility-scale, industrial

Continuous Output Power: 140.4

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 98%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 620V to 1500V

Operating Temperature Range: -4°F to 131°F (-20°C to 55°C)

Dimensions: 19" x 10.4" x 33.2" (483mm x 263mm x 843mm)

Certifications/Approvals: IEEE 1547, UL1741- SA including CA Rule 21 and HECO Rule 14H, CSA (CEIEC 62109-1 (LVD of IEC), CSA - 22.2, Australia - AS4777.2 (pending), UL1741SB (pending)

38 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

RCT Power Energy Technology Corporation

Product: RCT Power Storage System DC 8.0

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Residential Continuous Output Power: 8.0kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 97.5%

Peak Efficiency: 97.94%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 120V to 520V

Operating Temperature Range: -13ºF to 104ºF (-25°C to 40°C)

Dimensions: 2.79' x 1.90' x 0.67' (850mm x 579mm x 204mm)

Certifications/Approvals: UL1699B

(TYPE 1), UL1741 SA , California Rule 21, IEEE1547, UL9540, FCC part 15 Class B

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Key Features:

• Power storage;

• Back-up power;

• Modular design;

• High efficiency;

• German brand.

Phasegreen Technology, Inc.

Product: PhG-P5~8K0LNA-M

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Residential

Continuous Output Power: 8kW

Weighted CEC Efficiency: 97.5%

Peak Efficiency: 98.2%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 120v to 500V

Operating Temperature Range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 16.93" x 8.66" x 27.95" (430mm x 220mm x 710mm)

Certifications/Approvals: CEC approved, UL1741, UL1741SA, UL1699B, UL1998, CSA C22.2, IEEE 1547, Rules 14H, Rules 21, FCC Part15 Class B

Warranty: 10-year limited warranty

GreenPwr, Inc.

Product: SunHopper-D

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Residential Continuous Output Power: 1.5kW

Peak Efficiency: 97%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 75V to 350V

Victron Energy

Product: PMP482305102 MultiPlus-II 48/3000/3550 120V (UL)

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Residential, mobile

Continuous Output Power: 2400kW

Peak Efficiency: 95%

DC Voltage Operating Range: 38V to 66V

Operating Temperature Range: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 22.5" x 10.9" x 5.8" (572mm x 277mm x 147mm)

Warranty: 5-year warranty, extendable to 10-years

Solis Inverters

Product: S6 Hybrid Residential Energy Storage Inverter

Primary Market: Energy storage

Application: Residential Operating Temperature Range: -13°F to 140°F (-25°C to 60°C)

Dimensions: 19.23" x 32.97" x 8.62" (488.5mm x 837.5mm x 219mm)

Certifications/Approvals: IEEE 15472018, UL 1741 SA and SB, SunSpec Modbus

Key Features:

• Whole-home solution to provide power to a home even during an outage;

• Tested and verified compatibility with a range of trusted battery brands;

• View PV production, battery state of charge from a smartphone or computer;

• Provides economical, zero-carbon power for an all-weather, highefficiency PV string inverter.

Temperature Range: -4°F to 120°F (-20°C to 49°C)

Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 5" (380mm x 380mm x 125mm)

Certifications/Approvals: Coming soon: UL1741, SRCC Warranty: 5-year warranty

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Rapid Shutdown Systems

Rapid shutdown systems are necessary to provide an easy way to de-energize a solar array’s DC conductors during emergency situations including fires. These systems help reduce fires and improve the safety of first responders on the roof during a fire. First included in the National Electric Code (NEC) in 2014, Rapid Shutdown Systems must be installed on buildings to reduce the shock hazard for emergency responders in accordance with 690.12(A) through (D). Here are some of the systems available on the market...

Zhejiang Benyi New Energy Co., Ltd.

Product: BFS-22 Rapid Shutdown Device

Weight: 1.6lb (715g)

Output connector: MC4 standard (Jinko connectors optional)

Output wire length: 71" (1800mm)

Input connector: PLC (DC Power Line)

SunSpec certificate Microsecond response


Operating temperature: -40°F to 176°F (-40°C to 80°C)

Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc.

Product: HRSD 2C

Output connector: MC4 (standard)

Output wire length: 8.2ft (2.4m) fits PV module in landscape and portrait installation

Input connector: MC4 (standard)

Operating temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Storage temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)

Relative humidity: 0 to 100%


Output power range: 240V

Max output current: 18A

Key Features:

• Operates 2 standard PV module or 4 modules;

• Shutdown panels to 0V at 30μs;

• Plug and Play easy installation and PLC control signaling;

• PVRSS with multiple inverters;

• Over temperature protection automatic shutdown.

Storage temperature: -40°F to 131°F (-40°C to 55°C)

Protection rating: UL1741 PVRSS and PVRSE listed, NEC 2014/2017/2020 69-12

Warranty: 25-year warranty


DC input power: 4320W

Operation voltage range: 2160W per input (total 2 inputs)

Input voltage range: 120V

Max short circuit current: 18A

Max system voltage: 2160W per input (total 2 inputs)

Key Features:

• Strict compliance: NEC 2017 and NEC 2020 690.12, SunSpec Certified;

• Realize rapid shutdown with transmitter;

• Clicked into place, no configuration required;

• Low power consumption and wide operating voltage range;

• Much lower than arc noise, no risk of triggering AFCI.

Dimensions: 5.2" x 2.3" x 0.6" (133mm x 58mm x 16mm)

Protection rating: IP68, NEMA6P

Warranty: 25-year standard warranty


Input voltage range: 8V - 80V

Max short circuit current: 25A

Max system voltage: 1500V

Max efficiency: 99.8%


Max output current: 20A

Control signal method: PLC

IMO Automation

Product: FireRaptor RSD

Weight: 0.88lb (400g)

Output connector: Multicontact MC4

Output wire length: 5.8ft (1.78m) nominal

Input connector: Multicontact MC4

Operating temperature: -22°F to 203°F (-30°C to 95°C)

Storage temperature: -40°F to 203°F (-40°C to 95°C)

Relative humidity: 95%

Max operating altitude: 6562ft (2000m)

Dimensions: 5.82" x 3.93" x 1.22" (148mm x 100mm x 31mm) including mounting bracket, excluding cables

Protection rating: >IP68 / Nema 4X

Warranty: 20-year warranty


DC input power: 700W

Input voltage range: 150Vdc

Max short circuit current: 12A

Max system voltage: 150VDC


Output power range: 700W

Max output current: 12A

40 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

Performance Monitoring



Solar performance monitoring systems are necessary to verify the components within a solar system are performing and producing the energy they should. Here, we highlight some of the performance monitoring systems available on the market today.


Voltage: ± 2000Vdc or Vacrms

Current: 0 to 10,000A

Power: W to MW

Frequency: 15MHz sample rate (continuous)

Logging values: Analog, computed, reduced

Spectral range: 5Mhz bandwidth

Measurement range: Voltage, current, vibration, frequency, other mechanical sensors

Output: Analog, digital, MODBUS, serial, OPC UA

Sensitivity: 16-bit resolution

Warranty: 7-year warranty

Certifications: IEC-61000-4-30

Class A, IEC 61400

SMA America

Product: SMA EnnexOS Sunny Portal

Voltage: DC (per MPPT) and AC from all inverters, 5 min average values

Current: DC (per MPPT) and AC from all inverters, 5 min average values

Power: DC (per MPPT) and AC from all inverters, 5 min average values

Frequency: AC, 5 min average values

Logging values: 5 min averages for life of devices/plant

Measurement range: 0-1500Vdc, 0-660Vac, 0-4000A

Output: Website, SMA Energy App, API access

Sensitivity: +/- 5% accuracy

Warranty: Data available to view for life of inverter

Key Features:

• Versatile and easy to use;

• Portable for field or lab use;

• Advanced power quality analysis;

EKO Instruments USA, Inc.

Product: MS-80SH Pyranometer with Integrated Dome Heating

Voltage: 8 to 30Vdc

Current: 0.13A (when dome heater function is used with 12Vdc supply), 0.06A (when dome heater function is used with 24Vdc supply)

Power: <1.4W

Logging values: Solar irradiance, internal temperature/humidity, tilt/role angle through PC software 'Hibi'

Spectral range: 285 to 3000nm

Measurement range: -200 to 2000W/ m² (4000W/m² = maximum operating solar radiation intensity)

Output: Modbus 485 RTU / SDI-12

Sensitivity: Approx. 10 (µV/W/m²)

Warranty: 5-year warranty and recommended


Certifications: ISO 9060:2018 Fast response and Spectrally Flat Class A, ISO/IEC 17025 certified calibration

• Performs direct and diffuse solar radiation, converter, and overall efficiency measurements;

• Follows IEC-61000-4-30 Class A.

Key Features:

• Visualize yield data, monitor real-time system status and energy flow, track inverter performance and access weather information for locationbased insights;

• Stay informed with reliable email updates on system yields and performance;

• Streamline management and monitoring for time and cost savings and access key data for residential and commercial PV systems;

• Make parameter changes remotely, as long as the system is online.

North American Clean Energy 41


Dynamic Ratings

Product: Switchgear Monitor

Voltage: 88Vac to 276Vac or 88Vdc to 288Vdc

Current: Varies

Power: 44W max

Frequency: 50/60Hz

Logging values: Trip coils, close coils, phase currents, phase voltages, partial discharges, motor currents, heater currents, aux contacts, SF6 density, supply voltages, cabinet/ambient temp

Measurement range: Sensors supplied to meet input requirements


Fortress Power

Product: eSpire Mini 30KW / 60KW / 90KW

Voltage: Ph 208Vac

Current: 83A / 167A / 250A

Power: 30kW / 60kW / 90kW

Frequency: 60Hz

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Certifications: UL1973, UL9540(A), UL1741-SB, IEEE-1547, IEEE-519, (UL9540, CEC, SGIP pending)

Key Features:

• Improves system reliability;

• Easy to interpret data;

• Condition-based maintenance;

• Partial discharge monitoring.


Output: Breaker waveform capture, PD analysis

Sensitivity: Varies

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Certifications: CE Marked, IEC60068-2, IEC61000, IEC61850, RoHS Compliant

Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc.

Product: DTU-PRO-S

Voltage: 5V

Current: 2A

Power: 1.5W to 3W

Frequency: 50Hz or 60Hz

Measurement range: 400m

Output: 5V

Warranty: 3-year warranty for DTUs shipped after January 1, 2022; 2-year warranty for DTUs shipped before January 1, 2022

Certifications: CE, FCC, IC, RCM, Anatel

Key Features:

• Sub-1G wireless solution for stable internet connection across longer distance;

• Module-level monitoring and data storage;

• Smart zero export control and power export limiting;

• Support remote O&M;

• Available in Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and 4G.

LI-COR Biosciences

Product: LI-200R Pyranometer

Warranty: 1-year parts and labor warranty

Logging values: W/m2

Certifications: Calibrated against an Eppley

Precision Spectral Pyranometer (PSP) under natural daylight conditions.

Shoals Technologies Group

Product: Snapshot String-Level Monitoring

Voltage: Systems up to 1500V

Current: 12A Isc

Power: Parasitic

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Certifications: UL

Key Features:

• Large residential, light commercial (3Ph 208/480Vac @ 60Hz);

• Microgrid, backup, off-grid, peak shaving, time of use, self-supply, demand response, and VPP;

Accuenergy, Inc.

Product: Acuvim II Series Power Meter

Voltage: 10V to 1000kV

Current: 5mA to 50000A

Power: -9999MW to 9999MW

Frequency: 50 or 60Hz

Logging values: F, V1/2/3/lnavg, V12/23/13/lavg, I1/2/3/n/avg, P1/2/3/sum, Q1/2/3/sum, S1/2/3/sum, PF1/2/3, PF, U_unbl, I_unbl, Load Type, Ep_imp, Ep_exp, Ep_total, Ep_net, Eq_imp, Eq_exp, Eq_total, Eq_net, Es, Epa_imp, Epa_exp, Epb_ imp,Epb_exp, Epc_imp, Epc_exp, Eqa_imp, Eqa_exp, Eqb_imp, Eqb_ exp, Eqc_imp, Eqc_exp, Esa, Esb, Esc, THD_V1/2/3/avg, THD_I1/2/3/avg, Harmonics 2nd to 63rd, Crest Factor, THFF, K Factor, Sequence and Phase Angles, DI Counter, AI, AO, Dmd P/Q/S, Dmd I1/2/3

Output: 5A, 1A, 333mV, Rogowski Coil

Warranty: 5-year warranty

Certifications: UL Listed, BTL Listed

Verify Energy, Inc.

Product: PowerFly

Voltage: 80Vac to 305Vac voltage input

Current: 2A

Power: 15W

Frequency: 60Hz

Logging values: Any MODBUS inverter or meter values

Warranty: 5-year warranty

• AC and DC coupling options;

• Scalable energy storage capacity (81 - 266kWh per unit);

• Indoor and outdoor installation.

Solar Data Systems, Inc. |

Solar-Log North America

Product: Solar-Log 2050 data logger and RGM meter

Voltage: 5-347V L-N

Current: 200mA for mA meter, 20A for 5A meter

Power: 12 to 35Vdc

Frequency: 40 to 70Hz

Logging values: Non-volatile memory

Spectral range: 120 to 600Vac

Measurement range: Wide dynamic range input

Output: RS-485 2-wire Modbus RTU

Sensitivity: 0.2%

Warranty: 1-year warranty (meter), 2-year warranty (Solar-Log Base)

Certifications: UL 508 listed, ANSI C12.20 Class 0.2

Apogee Instruments

Product: SP-110: Self-Powered Silicon-Cell


Voltage: 0 to 400mV

Current: 15.4 mA current draw

Power: Self-powered

Logging values: 0 to 400 mV

Spectral range: 360 to 1120 nm

Measurement range: 0 to 2000 W/m2

Output: 0 to 400 mV

Sensitivity: 0.2 mV per W/m2

Warranty: 4-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship

Certifications: ISO-9001:2015

42 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///



Product: PV Analyzer I-V Curve Tracer

Voltage: 1500V

Current: 30A

Power: 45kW

Warranty: 1-year warranty

Certifications: TUV

Key Features:

• Measure I-V curves up to 1500V at 30A;

• Wireless interface to irradiance sensor with 300ft range;

• Measure high efficiency strings, including HJT;

• Highest measurement throughput;

• Large, easy-to-use user interface.


Continental Control Systems

Product: WattNode Wide-Range


Voltage: 600Vac

Current: 5A to 6000A

Power: Line Powered 100-600Vac

Frequency: 50/60Hz

Logging values: Non-volatile memory for kW (energy)

Spectral range: 100-600Vac, 5A to 6000A

CAS Dataloggers

Product: Electrocorder PV-3

Voltage: 1 to 300Vdc

Current: 10A to +10A or -100A to +100A,

selectable range

Power: PV system output Vdc to 300V, Idc to 100A

Frequency: 800Hz (every 1.25ms)

Logging values:

Measurement range:

Output: USA

Sensitivity: Voltage:

model to Current: <5% of selected range

Warranty: Lifetime warranty



GroundWork Renewables

Product: MET System

Voltage: 100Vac to 240Vac @ 50/60Hz

nominal current

Current: 2.1A @ 110Vac

Power: Autonomous, 5 days battery only

Sensitivity: Irradiance: Spectrally Flat Class A

Warranty: 5-year warranty



Key Features:

• Bidirectional RGM for PV production/

Output: Modbus RTU

Sensitivity: 0.5% accuracy


Transform weather uncertainty into operational confidence

The PVMet™ line of weather stations offers the widest range of customizable options for solar power system monitoring. Multiple configurations and customization of irradiance, temperature, wind, rain and humidity sensors ensures you can meet your project’s needs and budget.

Why Choose a PVMet Weather Station?

 Personalized experience based on your project requirements  Customizable solutions with a wide range of sensor options  Pre-Configured stations for quick & easy installation  System integration via MODBUS RTU and TCP  SunSpec certified or compliant  Meets IEC 61724-1 Standard for PV System Performance Monitoring PVMet 75 PVMet 100 PVMet 150 PVMet 200 PVMet 330 PVMet 500 Transform weather uncertainty into operational confidence with the accuracy and reliability of PVMet. Request a Quote Today! Eric Rollins



Solar-specific software systems have the ability to help users improve accuracy, organize customer management, prepare sales proposals, design systems, reduce costs, and streamline their operations. Here, we highlight some of the solar software options available on the market today.


Key Features:

• Online monitoring toolkit for solar performance;

• Visualized solar data in real-time;

• Web portal and mobile app available;

• Minimal maintenance work and timesaving;

• Free lifetime access.

Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc.

Product: S-Miles Cloud

Application: Commercial, residential Software category: CRM, operations, energy management

Description: The S-Miles Cloud is a smart energy storage operation monitoring and management system developed by Hoymiles specifically for distributors, installers, and end users of distributed PV power plants. The system has Installer and End-user versions, with the corresponding webpage and mobile apps available. This platform provides an easy-to-use procedure for accounts under monitoring. It enables installers to configure the monitored accounts quickly and provides them with power generation data of both plant and device, as well as detailed alarm information about the power plant regarding commissioning and diagnostics. This manual is intended to guide users in operating and managing S-Miles Cloud.


Product: geothinQ

Application: Commercial

Software category: GIS (Geographic Information System)

Description: geothinQ is a Geographic Information System (GIS) platform that powers smart, data-driven decisions for land and renewable energy development professionals. Backed by robust land mapping technology, geothinQ provides access to geospatial data across the country including property, environmental and topographic information. The platform creates a fast and visual land evaluation process resulting in sustainable projects that produce a positive ROI for utility-scale and community renewable energy developers.


Product: SolarVu Monitoring and SmartGrid Control Solutions

Application: Commercial, utility, C&I, energy storage, microgrid

Software Category: Monitoring, portfolio consolidation, SCADA, finance operations, energy management

Description: Cachelan is a solar and energy monitoring company that provides utility SCADA and DAS systems to help with O&M and asset management of solar, storage, and smartgrid portfolios via their SolarVu platform. Consolidate and manage portfolios of different OEM equipment types and 3rd party systems in one place. Receive high fidelity alerts and insights when performance deviates, and connect weather sensors, meters, site cameras, batteries, and information from building systems to users’ needs. Cachelan also provides microgrid controllers and for smart control solutions with interconnected batteries and building systems. Cachelan helps to meet site data utility interconnection and reports requirements.


Product: DEWESoft data acquisition solutions

Application: Commercial Software category: Testing equipment

Key Features:

• Versitile and easy to use;

• Portable for field or lab use;

• Advanced power quality analysis;

• Performs direct and diffuse solar ratiation, converter, and overall efficiency measurements;

• Follows IEC-61000-4-30 Class A.


Product: DemandX

Application: Commercial

Software category: Energy management

Description: DemandEx uses SaaS cloud software to monitor solar, HVAC, EV charging, and other flexible loads. It then reduces high demand peaks by automatically shifting time of use, saving solar and non-solar building owners money and time. DemandEx can also manage batteries and conserve more capacity for resiliency applications. DemandEx savings are guaranteed, and installs in less than a day.


Product: OpusFlow

Application: Commercial, residential Software category: CRM, system design, proposal, finance, operations, energy management

Description: OpusFlow is an all-in-one ERP system focused on installation companies. From solar panels and heat pumps to charging stations, OpusFlow software ensures streamlined business operations.

Description: DEWESoft has developed data-acquisition solutions to perform measurements both accurately and efficiently to optimize the resource of solar energy. DEWESoft has an array of products as well as specifically developed software that cater to all power measurement requirements such as the power quality, direct, and diffuse solar radiation data as well as converter and overall efficiency to name a few. All their equipment and testing criteria follow international standards such as the IEC-61000-430 Class A.

Conductor Solar

Product: Conductor Solar

Application: Commercial

Software category: Finance

Description: Conductor Solar is a financing marketplace for commercial and community solar projects. Each project receives up to five bids from targeted high quality investors, and developers and EPCs realize higher project values. It’s a full competitive process for a fraction of the effort, and it’s free for developers and EPCs.

MR Control Systems International, Inc.

Product: Sinolta

Application: Commercial

Software category: Energy management, operation, optimization

Description: Sinolta’s Unified System architecture allows users to design and manage their data transformation solutions in one place and typically with visual drag and drop ease.

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Product: Paces

Application: Commercial, utility-scale

Software category: System design, operations, project development, site selection

Description: Paces is software which identifies and evaluates sites for renewable development in minutes. Paces can identify new markets and sites and quickly generate high value landowner contact lists. After site control, Paces is a one stop shop to monitor all relevant data points throughout the development life cycle. Paces also includes ChatNTP which saves developers time in permitting research. Paces leverages proprietary interconnection, permitting datasets, as well as advanced modeling and AI to help more projects reach NTP and beyond.

PXiSE Energy Solutions

Application: Commercial

Software category: Energy management

Description: PXiSE’s Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS), Microgrid Controller (MGC), and Renewable Power Plant Controller (PPC) help utilities, developers, and building owners manage the complex requirements of integrating solar into the grid. PXiSE’s software solutions maximize the efficiency and production of energy generation from solar, as well as other distributed energy assets like wind and energy storage. to deliver advanced control functionality and economic optimization in realtime, maximizing customer ROI.


Product: Solar Design & CRM

Application: Residential

Software category: CRM, proposal, system design, finance, marketing

Description: Pylon a solar design software providing premium features with no monthly fees. Hi-Res Imagery is included, along with an Advanced 3D Solar Shading feature, interval analysis, and a design studio that works on iPad just as well as desktop. Pylon allows customers to have unlimited users on their team and charges a low per-project-fee. Pylon users can sign up and make their first project in 2 minutes.


Product: Solar.SOS

Application: Residential, commercial

Software category: Troubleshooting

Description: Solar.SOS is an online technical troubleshooting tool that gives Fronius installers and repair technicians the ability to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues, create cases, manage one or multiple accounts, and access installation and operation instructions, all from one app. By logging in with a Fronius USA account and entering the inverter’s serial number or state code, users can clearly view all service callouts and receive notifications and status updates about a case, as well as other relevant information and tools. For assistance with open cases, their online app also allows technical Support to be to contacted with the integrated messaging function, eliminating lengthy wait times on the phone. Solar.SOS makes troubleshooting and opening cases convenient, easy and fast, saving installers and technicians time and money.

Anderson Optimization

Product: AO Capacity

Application: Commercial

Software category: Energy management

Description: AO Capacity delivers geolocated capacity and interconnection analysis allowing users to identify interconnections that have ample injection capacity required for their project without waiting for Injection Studies. AO Capacity is updated in line with queue windows and case releases so users always stay up to date. capacity

ENACT Systems, Inc.

Product: ENACT Software Platform

Application: Commercial, residential

Software category: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), proposal, system design, finance, operations

Description: ENACT’s Software platform helps users design, deploy, and manage solar and energy storage projects. ENACT’s platform enables sales teams to design, price, and sell remotely, finalize contracts, and track project execution. End-customers can also leverage ENACT’s platform to manage their solar and energy storage transition and track financial outcomes.


Product: Lyra Solar

Application: Residential

Software category: System design, permit package generation

Description: Lyra helps users quickly and easily create permit-ready residential solar designs and instantly export ready-to-submit permit packages in just a few minutes.


Product: Geli EMS

Application: Commercial, residential, utilityscale

Software category: System design, energy management, cloud control, analytics

Description: The Qcells Geli EMS consists of multiple software products covering the entire project lifecycle for storage developers and asset owners. Geli’s hardware agnostic design-to-runtime platform leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to optimize system performance across multiple markets and asset types.


Product: Solar Marketplace

Application: Commercial, residential, utility

Software category: Proposal, system design, drafting, engineering

Description: GreenLancer is an online marketplace for solar installers to get standardized, quality permit drafting, design, and engineering solutions with speed, scale, and reliability. The platform allows for batch project management, in-app communication, and a team of support specialists to help solar businesses save time and money. Since 2013, GreenLancer has served more than 5000 solar installers on over 150,000 projects, and deployed $1.8 billion in commercial and residential solar nationwide.

North American Clean Energy 45 PCVUESOLUTIONS.COM

PCVue, Inc.

Product: PcVue

Application: Commercial

Software category: Energy management

Description: PcVue is used for direct and remote control of renewable energy generation. High application creation, duplication, and deployment enable control, display events and alarms, and view trends and historical analysis. Available on any computer or mobile device.

Key Features:

• Monitor and control any kind of power systems;

• Connect heterogeneous and distributed assets;

• Centralize data remote control, dispatching, and reporting;

• Save time and cost with a flexible and scalable open platform that adapts to system changes;

• Take advantage of the latest mobile technologies.


Solis Inverters

Product: SolisCloud

Application: Residential, C&I, utility

Software category: Energy management

Description: SolisCloud is an intelligent PV monitoring system available on a phone and computer, giving users full control of their system whenever and wherever they are. Users benefit from accurate fault alarm messaging that is adjustable to send notifications within specified hours. For simple O&M, the new platform features a full-size display of all the installations with real-time data.

Key Features:

• In depth analysis tools allow users to understand the overall health of the system;

• IV curve scanning can be done easily and quickly on the whole system;

• A live power flow display gives visibility of both standard solar systems and storage systems;

• Users will have an alarm system that gives recommendations to quickly repair field faults.

Demand IQ

Product: Stella and Hero

Application: Residential

Software category: Marketing

Description: Stella and Hero, are designed to improve lead quality, increase workflow efficiency, and provide homeowners with a transparent, educational solar shopping experience. Demand IQ delivers a customercentric solar shopping experience that helps future-proof solar businesses and makes going solar more accessible for homeowners.

Virtual Peaker

Product: Shift DERMS Suite

Application: Residential

Software category: Energy management

Description: Virtual Peaker's Shift DERMS Suite is designed to help utilities manage their distributed energy resource needs, from managing EVs to demand response and beyond. The Shift DERMS suite manages residential electric demand using machine learning and real-time control to help utilities digitize, decentralize, and decarbonize through their demand flexibility strategies.

Blu Banyan

Product: SolarSuccess

Application: Residential, C&I, utility Software category: Operations

Description: Blu Banyan’s SolarSuccess

ERP software is a cloud-based business management suite specifically optimized to meet the needs of residential, commercial, and utility solar installers that have outgrown their existing mix of incompatible applications. SolarSuccess is a solar-specific integrated solution that includes accounting, sales and CRM, project management, inventory, asset management, service management, team collaboration, and can be customized with optional integrations.


Product: Sunvoy

Application: Residential, commercial Software category: CRM, operations, energy management, marketing

Description: Sunvoy by Ipsun Tech is an app for solar installers. It provides solar installers with their own branded customer portal and review and referral management system. It also gives a solar company the tools to manage their own solar fleet and performance monitoring system to get more referrals by keeping their customers happy and informed.

Electriq Power

Product: PowerPod 2

Application: Residential

Software category: Energy management

Description: Electriq Power’s intelligent energy management software powers its home battery system, and works with any home solar installation. The Electriq software cycles through several operating modes, guided by analytics on energy production, consumption, and storage data through an intuitively designed interface. Apps for web and mobile give residents the ability to track and adapt energy consumption during peak rates from the palm of their hand. Electriq’s software also provides insights on real-time power flow, day-to-day consumption patterns, periodic usage reports, and more.


Product: Bodhi

Application: Residential

Software category: Customer experience

Description: Bodhi is a software that helps residential installers deliver positive customer experiences, lowering cancellation rates while encouraging reviews and referrals.

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Key Features:

• Geospacial map view;

• Concerns index;

• Real time performance analysis;

• Data historian;

• Comprehensive asset management.

Dynamic Ratings

Product: DynamicMetrix

Application: C&I, utility

Software category: Monitoring

Description: DynamicMetrix is a dashboard visualization tool to manage data from transformers, circuit breakers, switchgear, and more. This software helps utilities collect and use condition monitoring information from their high voltage electrical equipment to improve business performance. DynamicMetrix is able to aggregate data not only from Dynamic Ratings monitors, but also from third party devices, seamlessly integrating readings and data into one easily viewable solution. Using web-based technology, this product is designed to provide easily understandable information about asset status and health at a glance, whether it be current, historical, and/or lab data.


Product: Ovation Green

Application: Industrial and renewables automation

Software category: Operations, energy management

Description: Emerson’s Ovation Green technology for PV power generation provides an integrated, scalable control solution to maximize kWh output and profitability while contributing to utilitygrid and/or microgrid stability. Specifically designed for the renewable power generation industry, the Ovation Green automation portfolio is configured to address the numerous challenges facing PV asset managers and operators. Leveraging Emerson’s broad portfolio of solutions, including its compact controller technology, an Ovation system can be economically engineered for any size PV plant or fleet.

Raptor Maps, Inc.

Product: Raptor Solar

Application: Utility, C&I

Software category: Operations, energy management

Description: Raptor Maps’ operating system enables the solar industry to scale and meet global climate goals. With intelligence for the entire solar industry, Raptor Solar, provides the tools and the system of record that asset owners, managers, O&M, developers, and EPCs need to build, maintain, and expand their solar plants. Raptor Solar improves asset health and power production, reduces risk and costs, and ultimately increases the rate of return of solar assets.



Product: PowerDev


Product: Enerflo Platform

Application: Residential, light commercial

Software category: CRM, proposal, system design, finance, operations, sales, fulfillment

Description: Enerflo is a lead to PTO solar platform which helps cut soft costs and project duration through tech consolidation, data centralization, and process efficiencies. Purpose-built for residential solar installers, EPCs, and sales dealers, Enerflo helps these organizations deploy more solar and related services through sales and business process automation. Installers rely on multiple tools from lead through install and Enerflo connects them with native platform features into one, cohesive sales and install platform. Enerflo can be relied on to deliver one connected flow from lead to PTO.


Product: Solar design and proposal software

Application: Residential, small to mid-sized commercial

Software category: Proposal, system design, operations, training, marketing

Description: OpenSolar is a design and proposal software offered at no cost to solar businesses or their customers. Solar professionals can make their businesses recession-proof by saving $10Ks per year on solar software with OpenSolar’s design accuracy, interactive digital proposals, and a portfolio of fully integrated finance options, products, and services. Solar professionals can customize their proposals to their business’s brand standards, organize their workflow via account roles and permissions, and enjoy a simple, centralized hub for all of their preferred solar electrification providers, products, and services.

Valentin Software

Product: PV*SOL premium

Application: C&I, residential

Software category: System design

Description: PV*SOL premium is a dynamic simulation program with 3D visualization and detailed shading analysis for the design of photovoltaic systems. Whether full or excess feed-in, net metering or off-grid, whether in combination with electrical appliances, battery systems, and electric vehicles, or together with a heat pump or heating element, PV*SOL premium can be used to professionally design and simulate the renewable energy supply through photovoltaics.

Product: RenuLogix cloud-based solar installer accelerator platform

Application: Residential

Software category: Project referral platform

Description: RenuLogix feeds installationready-projects to EPC solar installers by RenuLogix omni-channel cloud-based referral platform backed by AI. EPC solar Installers only pay (for projects ready for installation) after completing the installation.


Product: Scanifly

Application: Residential, commercial

Software category: System design

Description: Scanifly's drone-based solar survey and design platform transforms solar operations. With auto-generated photorealistic 3D models, a robust suite of solar design features, approved shading analysis, on-demand design services, and a mobile survey app, users can streamline and digitize the entire survey-to-plan set process on one centralized platform. Whether working on rooftops, ground mounts, canopies, or carports, Scanifly enables users to triple their survey capacity and eliminate revisions, ensuring timely delivery of PV systems to their customers on every project.

Application: Renewables and battery project siting, modeling, optimization

Software category: Finance, energy management, optimization

Description: PowerDev allows renewable energy contenders to make decisive and sustainable battery storage and green hydrogen investments. The predictive SaaS platform harnesses historical and real-time big data in ever-changing power market conditions to run multi-dimensional models for swift and continuous decision-making.

Ageto Energy

Product: Ageto ARC Microgrid Controller

Application: C&I microgrids, behindthe-meter, off-grid, storage and generator


Software category: Energy management

Description: The Ageto ARC Microgrid Controller is a robust, reliable, and flexible control solution designed to amplify the value of energy resources in three-phase behindthe-meter and off-grid microgrid installations. The ARC controller acts as the single interface for the entire system, providing autonomous system control and optimization, data collection and visualization, alarm handling, and other features designed to ease the operation and maintenance of these complex and high investment systems.

North American Clean Energy 47

Key Features:

SMA America

Product: SMA 360°

Application: Residential, commercial, industrial, large-scale

Software category: Energy management

Description: The SMA 360° app empowers solar professionals with comprehensive support to plan, sell, commission, and maintain PV systems effortlessly. All from a QR code and a few simple steps, a system can be commissioned and receive technical data updates. Easily commission and maintain with real-time monitoring to help avoid device failures, analyze errors, and access repair instructions.

• Commissioning PV and storage systems easily;

• Save profiles for easy repeatable system set-up;

• Pre-populated options allow a quick confirmation of settings;

• Monitoring service that provides targeted customer service;

• Lock the system in one swipe while waiting for inspection and remotely activate when registered.

Trimark Associates, Inc.

Product: Vantage

Application: Utility-scale PV+BESS

Software category: Energy management

Description: Trimark’s Vantage is a SCADA solution designed to unify management of utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) and BESS resources. It helps resource owners maximize revenue, optimize asset life, and ensure peak performance. Trimark’s end-to-end control solution ensures success from design thru commissioning, meeting strict requirements for large-plant control and NERC-CIP. After startup, Trimark’s team is here 24/7 to provide user support.


Product: SIFT

Application: Utility, C&I

Software category: System design

Description: SIFT, (Solar Instant Feasibility Tool), is Terrasmart's project optimization software used in early-stage development to identify the best system design and the right products for a solar project. It crunches variables like weather and terrain, factors affecting module performance, as well as finance and revenue structures. SIFT puts a stop to the guessing games in the feasibility stage, eliminates assumptions, and helps decision-makers discover more value in each project.

Ellume Solar, Inc.

Product: Ellume 360

Key Features:

• Hazardous weather event monitoring;

• Customized alerting for each site;

• Real-time dashboards;

• Damaging hail alerting;

• Plan of day/plan of week.

Indji Systems

Product: Indji Watch

Application: Solar farms

Software category: Environmental hazard monitoring

Description: Indji Watch for solar operations provides advanced notice of significant events, including high winds, damaging hail, and wildfires, so users can prepare and mitigate the overall impact to solar operations.

Hail and wind outlooks from the Storm Prediction Center give up to a 24-hour notice of threat areas and Indji Watch High Impact weather alerts provide the critical information needed to make a stow decision before impact.

Alerts are sent when wildfires breach a predefined distance threshold for the site, providing more time to get employees to safety and take mitigative actions at the site to reduce the impact, and daily updates continue for active fires.

SPOT Tracker

Product: SPOT Tracker

Application: Utility-scale, C&I solar power plants

Software category: Remote monitoring, asset management, DAS

Description: Ellume 360 is an integrated solution designed for centralized management of solar power plants with strong emphasis on data visualization, analysis, and performance reporting. This cloud based, secure, and scalable infrastructure allows users to manage multiple solar power plants globally from a central location. The ticketing and asset management module makes it a complete solution for any device monitoring, reports, analytics for EPC, O&M service providers, IPP, and C&I end users. Detailed status messages help with accurate error detection and analysis. The platform is device agnostic thus ready to configure instantaneously with most devices.

New Sun Road

Product: Stellar Microgrid OS

Application: Utilities, C&I

Software category: Energy management

Description: New Sun Road's Stellar Microgrid OS remotely monitors and optimizes fleets of renewables-based distributed power systems in realtime. Users can remotely monitor all their systems in a single dashboard and drill down to see the smart devices in each system. Find and resolve issues fast with automated notifications, ticketing, and a graphical interface to compare systems. Remotely reboot systems. Maximizes system renewable energy usage and minimizes fuel costs in hybrid systems. Effortlessly generate periodic reports showing performance and greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

Application: Utility

Software category: Operations

Description: SPOT is a flexible software platform that uses existing processes to promote adoption, accuracy, and efficiency, and a range of custom support services. SPOT offers unique and specific methods of ensuring renewables project data is correctly entered at the earliest point of contact. The system processes submissions on the backend to detect errors and anomalies to produce a squeaky clean dataset.


Product: pvDesign

Application: Utility-scale

Software category: Plant design

Description: RatedPower’s software, pvDesign, is a cloud-based software for designing and engineering utility-scale photovoltaic plants. Helping development, EPC, and solar engineering firms to reduce LCOE by maximizing energy production and reducing construction costs. pvDesign can reduce 85% of the time solar professionals spent designing PV plants from 4-6 weeks to under 2 minutes.

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July 26 th -27 th , 2023

Pennsylvania Convention Center

Philadelphia, PA


Residential energy management system

Franklin Home Power is a whole home energy management solution with storage that can meet most household needs. It integrates solar, grid, battery storage, and generators. The aGate is an intelligent power control panel with each aPower ACcoupled battery with LFP chemistry providing 13.6kWh storage with 5kW continuous power and 10kW peak power for 10 seconds. Each aGate can manage up to 15 batteries for a total of 204kWh of storage. Compatible with all solar inverter types. Realtime monitoring and energy source management, along with time-ofuse load shifting to enhance the ROI of solar systems. Indoor and outdoor installation. Fifteen-minute commissioning. 12-year warranty. Fully in stock so there is no wait time. FranklinWH

Integrated, turnkey storage solution

The eSpire Mini Energy storage system is a fully integrated, preconfigured turnkey solution for large residential and light commercial projects (3Ph 208/480Vac @60Hz).

The eSpire Mini has numerous applications such as microgrid, backup, off-grid peak shaving, time of use, self supply, demand response, and Virtual Power Plant (VPP). With AC and DC Coupling options, indoor and outdoor installation, and scalable capacity from 81-266kWh per unit, the eSpire Mini is suitable for many projects.

Fortress Power

The Mid-Atlantic area is host to growing clean energy markets. Join conversations with industry buyers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, and more to explore solutions, exchange ideas, and discover new technologies.

Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Asymmetrical, flexible racking system

The TITAN Duo comes standard with ground screws and was designed for markets with topography and rocky soils. The system features telescoping posts to adjust for topography and has liberal slope tolerances. Rock screws mitigate foundation risk and are designed to combat frost heave. Pre-drilling, if necessary, is done with standard equipment and can streamline the installation. It is a continuous row design that follows topography and is customizable in increments of two panels. The Duo has integrated wire management and many features for in the field adjustments. The TITAN series hardware is also available as a driven pile or with helicals for soft soils.


Solar Racking

Solar cable management

The Cable Management with Integrated Grounding System by CAB Solar is manufactured in the USA by persons with disabilities at the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped. The custom-designed hangers offer the simplicity of the Integrated Grounding System as messenger wire acts as the EGC and GEC. Installation of this reliable system is quick, simple, and straightforward. The multi-carrier styles safely support and separate large bundles of cables in tracker, ballasted, and fixed tilt projects. CAB Solar Products are durable, manufactured from galvanized, high-tensile strength spring steel, and 100% coated with thick, flame retardant, high dielectric grade, UV stabilized Plastisol.

Making solar simple

Solar racking for all applications

Solar Mounts LLC is a one-stopshop for all solar racking needs, including carports, ground mounts, and ballasted roof mounts. Carport racking consists of L, T, Y, and A-frames, as well as custom long span carports. Solar Mounts LLC has a patented adjustable bolt down ground mount, as well as a standard post-driven ground mount. Offering in-house design, manufacturing, and installation services, Solar Mounts LLC offers competitive prices with quick lead times. Over 100MW of solar racking manufactured and installed in 2022, and almost 800MW in total shipments. Solar Mounts offers services nationwide.

Solar Mounts LLC

Designed with the installer in mind, EZ Solar junction boxes make installation fast and easy with high-quality, innovative products at a low price. The JB-1.XL includes a din rail, a 5-port ground bar, and 200 cubic inches of space to give installers plenty of room for larger installs. Made from high quality materials, EZ Solar junction boxes are built to last for life, are NEMA 3R rated, tested to UL1741 standards, and come with a 25-year warranty.

EZ Solar

North American Clean Energy 49
CAB Solar

Efficient, reliable and durable solar panel

The AXIblackbipremium 400 Wp solar panel has advanced technology, offers high efficiency, durability, and reliability, and is a suitable choice for both residential and commercial use. Its sleek design and black aesthetics blend well with any architecture, making it an attractive addition to any building. The AXIblackbipremium 400 Wp solar panel’s eco-friendly features help reduce the carbon footprint.


Non-metallic wire management system

RayTray is based in Brooklyn, New York and was founded in 2016. RayTray offers a wire management system for jumper, home-run, data, and equipment grounding cables. RayTray is a non-metallic wireway that is manufactured from 100% RPVC polymer. It is the product of a collaborative effort between solar installers and electrical, structural, and polymer engineers. The result is a wire management system that is simple, durable, cost effective, and ETL listed for use in photovoltaic arrays. RayTray is featured across more than one hundred megawatts of solar projects throughout the US.

RayTray Solar

Simple, aerodynamic racking system

Maximizing the potential of flat roof solar projects, RM10 EVO is designed to increase module density by up to 20%. Improved functionality, strength, and reliability of the module clamps make simplicity with power possible. Additionally, RM10 EVO is a suitable racking system to use when paired with bi-facial modules. Unirac

High performing solar technology

Now available in the USA, Meyer Burger cells and modules are made in Germany and designed in Switzerland. They consist of 120-M6 half-cut heterojunction cells, measure 70" x 41" (1767mm x 1041mm), and weigh approximately 45lb. With a power output up to 400Wp, these modules are available in black or white. Including patented SmartWire Connection Technology (SWCT), and a low-temperature coefficient, the company also offers a 25year product, performance, and labor warranty. Meyer Burger is an established 70-year old company which has been involved in the solar industry for 40 years.

Meyer Burger

Residential energy storage solution

The Panasonic EVERVOLT Home Battery System is a residential energy storage solution which combines a lithium-ion battery, hybrid inverter, and the EVERVOLT SmartBox. It offers control of up to six loads for efficient use of backup power when it is needed most. Protected by a 12-year warranty when installed by a Panasonic Authorized Storage installer, the EVERVOLT Home Battery System is part of the EVERVOLT Total Home Solar Energy System, plugging in seamlessly with Panasonic’s high efficiency solar panels to generate and store renewable energy.

Panasonic Eco Systems North America

800VAC, UL 891 main breaker switchboard

EPEC Solutions recently announced a new product, an 800VAC UL 891 switchboard with a main breaker. Since overcurrent protection is required for the conductors on the secondary side of the transformer per NEC 240.4(F), a switchboard with a main breaker is an important addition to UL 891 switchboards utilized for AC collection. This new product now allows for solar developers and EPC’s to take full advantage of new inverter technology and be fully compliant with the NEC code requirements

EPEC Solutions

Versatile drilling machine

The WORD Skid Steer Attachment is suitable for the installation of helical anchors and ground screws or pre-drilling a solar site. The WORD Skid Steer Attachment is a versatile machine that will get the job done. Equipped with a unique motor mounting system, this one drill provides the capability to be successful in a variety of soil conditions and racking systems. Additionally, operated with a two man crew, the easy-to-use controls and maneuverability of the skid steer make this a solution for high productivity in commercial solar installations.

WORD International, Inc.

RE+ Mid-Atlantic
50 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///
North American Clean Energy 51 Custom designed & built Power Transformers ranging from 500 kVA – 500 MVA, up to 500 kV class Email: sales@vatransformer com www vatransformer com
XAs the No. 1 US-owned power transformer supplier for renewable energy projects in North the industry (28 – 32 weeks) for pad-mounted transformers from 500 kVA to 4,000 kVA. SUSTAINABILITY BIODEGRADABLE OIL (VT300-Natural Ester Oil) SUITABLE TO HANDLE HARMONICS MINIMAL DOWNTIME 20 YEAR LIFE INDOOR/OUTDOOR APPLICATION Pad-mounted transformer Pad-mounted transformer

Wind power is exploding thanks to the rising need for renewable energy, favorable government policies, and increased investments in research and development. Despite this surge in popularity, however, the wind industry also faces several challenges.

Traditional wind measurement methods, such as meteorological masts (met masts), need help keeping up with growing wind turbine sizes, as well as the development of more offshore wind farms. Inherent risks of using met masts include needing maintenance or inspection personnel to climb them (putting people at risk of falls), and the susceptibility of the structures to lightning strikes or collapse.

As the wind energy industry booms, and turbines continue growing taller than met masts can measure, the need for accurate and safe wind measurement solutions is greater than ever. Fortunately, lidar technology is rapidly replacing met masts — with some of the biggest names in the industry utilizing the technology across the wind energy project life cycle.

Standalone Lidar Campaign Improves Operational Efficiency and Worker Safety

By turning to standalone lidar as a safer and more accurate alternative, one company chose to implement lidar at the Corlacky Hill project in Northern Ireland. This decision helped improve employee safety and reduce operational costs by 40 percent, increasing overall efficiency.

Utilizing vertical profiling, standalone lidar, wind measurements were gathered for 12 months. The data was used to evaluate the wind farm's independent energy production. This data was also shared with wind turbine original equipment manufacturers to determine the suitability of turbines. Advanced lidar technology allows for optimal wind farm layout, maximizing energy yield while ensuring compliance with industry standards.

With numerous lidar systems deployed worldwide in

Never Misaligned.

Lidar is Changing the Game for Wind Measurements

both onshore and offshore settings, this modern solution continues revolutionizing how WRAs are conducted in the wind energy sector.

Dual scanning lidar in wind farm design

Acknowledging the need for accurate wind measurements in offshore wind farm development, another company engaged two standalone lidar devices, which were placed on offshore platforms. This enabled accurate mapping of wind resources for one campaign with a typical range of up to 10 kilometers, from several positions simultaneously.

Lidar’s enhanced monitoring capacity leads to more informed decision-making during wind farm development. The innovative dual-scanning lidar configuration collects data more consistently and reliably than met masts, which reduces the likelihood of errors or inaccuracies over a larger area in less time. Utilizing dual scanning lidar during offshore wind farm development yields superior design maps and reduced measurement uncertainties, compared to using a single met mast in a campaign.

When comparing one met mast to a dual scanning lidar setup, a 6 percent error was discovered in the single met mast case. Using dual scanning lidar means that companies can ultimately “install” more virtual met masts, which helps to reduce measurement uncertainty during offshore WRA, and to create a competitive bid in a wind farm development auction.

Nacelle-mounted lidar for PPT

In light of the recent release of the IEC 61400-50-3 standard, embracing the use of lidar for wind turbine performance testing means working with companies, customers, and third-party engineers to test the accuracy, reliability, and robustness of nacelle lidar.

As evidenced by the recent IEC standard, the industry's confidence in nacelle-mounted lidars has grown significantly, mainly due to its

accuracy in measuring hub-height wind speeds. Throughout the field research, the nacelle-mounted lidar delivers accurate wind speed and direction measurements to research teams, enabling decisionmakers to optimize the power performance of the turbine, and increase energy output. With growing trust in this advanced technology, lidar campaigns are quickly becoming more popular than met masts for power performance testing and wind farm development.

Increasing lidar acceptance and usage

Thanks to incredible advancements in lidar technology, the future of wind energy is brighter than ever, with the potential for even more improvements and innovations. Researchers are continually exploring ways to enhance the technology's capabilities, such as increasing its range, improving its accuracy, and integrating it with other systems for seamless data analysis. Lidar will continue to advance and revolutionize wind measurement campaigns, bolstering the industry's capacity to meet the soaring demand for clean energy worldwide.

Adopting lidar technology has not only improved the safety and accuracy of wind measurements, but also played a crucial role in the overall growth of the wind energy industry. Many developers recognize that lidar technology addresses the challenges faced by the wind energy industry, and it offers innovative solutions to address the issues arising in

With lidar becoming the modern standard for wind measurement campaigns worldwide, developers and investors can now access precise on-site wind data, reducing project uncertainty, and increasing value at every stage of a


WindCube Photo: Courtesy of RES
52 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///
WindCube Scan 1: Vaisala dual scanning lidars, courtesy of Green Power Investment.
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North American Clean Energy 53
Copyright © 2023 MISTRAS Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Blade Data View Site Data View Fleet Data View

Challenges and Opportunities for the US Offshore Wind Market to Reach 2030 Goals

Foundation installation of what is set to be the first utility-scale offshore wind farm in the US recently began at Vineyard Wind 1 off the East Coast. The project is expected to go into service as early as the end of this year, generating enough energy to meet the demand of over 400,000 homes and businesses across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

With the momentum around US offshore wind only continuing to grow, bolstered by the support of the Inflation Reduction Act, it is certainly an exciting time to be reaching such a milestone.

To guide the trajectory of those advancements and match the industry’s ambition, the US Department of Energy (DoE) has recently released its Offshore Wind Energy strategy, a comprehensive summary of its efforts to deploy 30 GW of offshore energy by 2030. However, staying on track has proved challenging. Obstacles in key areas have the potential to hold back the pace, efficiency, and longevity of development.

Streamlining both the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) leasing and project permitting processes requires attention for the US to truly accelerate its plans. Currently, the journey from initial identification of lease prospects to installation completion can span up to 8-10 years, presenting significant time and resource drainage that makes project financing more challenging.

By optimizing the roadmap from identification to installation, it is possible to enhance the viability and attractiveness of offshore wind projects. One major step forward would be to streamline the permitting process by consolidating requirements — these currently take approximately 5 years, and involve around 40 permits across federal, state, and local agencies.

Although the US is making considerable strides towards its offshore wind objectives, it remains a relatively new and evolving market, hindered by differing and fragmented local content requirements in each state. Initially established to support the growth of the US workforce and supply chain, these requirements inadvertently lead to project delays that impede the overall goals and DoE’s NOW and FORWARD pillars.

The NOW and FORWARD pillars are intended to lower the cost of electricity generated by offshore wind; inconsistent local content requirements, in addition to other challenges, make it harder to bring down the overall costs of offshore wind.

In order for the industry to be sustainable over the long term, it’s crucial to establish a domestic supply chain, as well as much needed workforce development to ensure there are enough skilled workers to meet 2030 goals. Massive investment in apprenticeships and training will need to happen soon, but there is widespread uncertainty regarding whether this will materialize in time, highlighting the potential need for flexibility in approaches to local content.

An additional challenge is the Jones Act, first passed in 1920 to safeguard the American shipping industry against foreign competition. The Act stipulates that only US vessels are permitted to transport materials between port and project site. This often forces developers to rely on local barges for turbine and blade installation. Given that the offshore wind industry will require a minimum of five to seven high-quality wind turbine installation vessels (WTIVs), this remains a major obstacle as construction lags far behind offshore deployment plans.

These vessels are costly to construct. Currently, there is only one JonesAct compliant WTIV currently under construction. Limited access to such vessels can result in substantial

installation delays and cost increases, as developers seek alternative and less efficient methods. Therefore, exploring modifications of the Jones Act compliance rules, or considering alternative strategies, is essential.

The Offshore Wind Energy Strategy released by the DoE is a remarkable and commendable initiative that focuses the nation’s sights on achieving its ambitious offshore wind targets. The start of construction on Vineyard Wind 1 is a turning point for the industry, marking a long-awaited achievement. Challenges lie ahead, and the path to success will not be easy. Nonetheless, industry collaboration between developers, government, and independent experts will be crucial for developing innovative solutions to overcome these hurdles, helping to unlock the vast potential of the American coast.

Lars Andersen is President - Americas at K2 Management, which delivers owner's engineer, project management, due diligence, and engineering roles on offshore wind projects.

K2 Management ///

54 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

CASTROL® TRIBOL® GR SW 460-1 & GR SW 680-1


Castrol® Tribol® GR SW 460-1 & GR SW 680-1 are lithium complex based greases containing a synthetic base fluid working in combination with Castrol’s unique MicroFlux Trans – Plastic Deformation (MFT-PD) additive technology for use in tough industrial applications especially as encountered in Wind Turbine Main Bearings, Pitch and Yaw Bearings. They give outstanding bearing protection under high loads at low to moderate speeds and applications where fretting resistance is critical. Converting to Tribol ® GR SW 460-1 or GR SW 680-1 is easy, as both have been successfully tested for compatibility with all major greases.


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North American Clean Energy 55
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Optimizing Offshore Transportation

How emission reduction technologies are having a positive impact on PSV utilization

Offshore vessel owners are actively striving to reduce the environmental impact of their fleets. As such, to achieve their own emission reduction goals and those set by operators, owners now have various methods and tools at their disposal. A range of strategies can be employed, including positive vessel behavior such as avoiding overspeeding, embracing sustainable fuels as they become accessible, and incorporating retrofitting or electrification technologies on board. By combining these measures, significant reductions in emissions can be achieved.

This is becoming increasingly important as the offshore industry shifts towards greener practices. Vessels which can demonstrably show reduced emissions are becoming significantly more attractive to charter, than those without such technologies on board. More and more vessel owners will likely be actively seeking to undertake retrofitting projects in their existing fleet, while newbuilds will be constructed with emission reduction in mind.

Here, we examine today's most commonly employed emission reduction technologies, and how such technologies positively impact utilization.

Mature emission reduction technologies

Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and Shore Power are the most mature options among the existing technologies employed in the global offshore fleet today.

ESS refers to the installation of battery systems on board vessels that enhance fuel efficiency during operations involving power load fluctuations, including dynamic positioning (DP), and transit through rough conditions. This is achieved by peak shaving, load levelling, and serving as spinning reserve or battery backup power. While the exact fuel savings may vary, industry estimates suggest that having an ESS installed can result in an average fuel savings of approximately 15-20 percent.

Most commonly seen in the car and passenger ferry segment, this technology is increasing in usage within the offshore fleet, thanks to falling costs in installation and an uptick in the desire to reduce emissions.

Shore power capabilities allow vessels to shut down their diesel engines while in port and connected to the onshore power grid. Analysis has shown that the use of shore power connections can reduce fuel consumption by around 10 percent.

However, it is essential to note that shore power technology is also dependent on ports having the required infrastructure — not yet commonplace.

Fleet analysis demonstrates the link between environmental upgrades and high utilization

The use of hybrid batteries and ESS has proven to be an especially effective solution within the Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) sector. Presently, there are 73 PSVs in the global fleet equipped with ESS, including the 61 PSV conversions recorded since 2016. Analysis has shown a strong correlation between PSVs that have environmental upgrades, and engage in emission-reducing behaviors and high utilization.

This high utilization is particularly evident in the North Sea region. ESS-equipped PSVs in the area have demonstrated an average utilization rate of 85 percent since 2020, compared to an average of 63 percent for non-ESSequipped PSVs. With ESS contributing to a utilization increase of up to 20 percent, this results in an additional 72 working days per year and, subsequently, increased revenue.

It is anticipated that this trend will be reflected in the utilization of individual vessel owners. In March, a Houston-based offshore vessel provider announced its acquisition of a Norwegian competitor’s complete fleet of 37 PSVs, including its entire ESS-equipped fleet. This strategic move positioned the US vessel provider as a leading global player in ESSequipped PSVs. With a total of 13 such newly acquired vessels, it is highly likely that utilization numbers will rise in line with the observed trend; the Norwegian company frequently achieved 100 percent PSV utilization following the ESS upgrades of its fleet in 2021.

Upcoming advancements in emission reduction technologies

ESS represents the most advanced emission reduction technology to date, primarily due to its relatively straightforward implementation process that does not require the extensive downtime of a yard stay. However,

Operate safer, smarter, on time, and in budget.
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there are several emerging technologies that are expected to have a significant impact in the near future. Notably, the development of new low-emission fuels is predicted to positively influence a vessel's environmental score.

There are three main up-and-coming fuels: hydrogen, methanol, and ammonia. When produced using renewable sources, these fuels can reduce Well-to-Wake (WtW) emissions by up to 90 percent, compared to conventional Marine Gasoil (MGO). Going forward, the industry will heavily rely on these new fuels to achieve net-zero targets and drastically reduce emissions.

Some offshore vessels are already undergoing testing and development using these fuels. The world’s first PSV with ammonia notation recently completed its conversion in Singapore, and will soon be ready for operations.

It is important to note, however, that global fuel supply chains are not yet mature enough to provide significant quantities of these fuels, and their costs remain prohibitively high. Currently, the greenhouse gas emissions associated with alternative fuels are highly dependent on the fuel production processes. Therefore, in the short term, emission reduction through fuels will require the use of multiple fuel types.

It’s clear to see that offshore vessel owners are increasingly prioritizing environmental sustainability by adopting technologies and behaviors that reduce emissions, and minimize their fleets' environmental impact. Retrofitting and

installing electrification technologies is a market signifier that a vessel owner is adapting to global emission reduction targets, making the fleet more competitive.

This has already been evidenced within the North Sea — a sector with strong implementation of emission reduction initiatives — and the high utilization of vessels fitted with ESS in the region. Moving forward, these technologies, in combination with implementing better vessel behavior and adopting sustainable fuels, will be key drivers in ensuring a fleet remains as competitive as possible.

Sarah McLean is Content Writer/Market Research Analyst at Spinergie, which measures, benchmarks, and optimizes vessels’ performance and maritime operations to significantly improve their environmental impact.

Spinergie ///

North American Clean Energy 57 Don’t be let down by a lift. Installation and preventative maintenance by IUEC elevator mechanics will keep your elevators moving SAFELY and more EFFICIENTLY. We have more than 675 elevator companies ready to serve your elevator lift needs. Contact us today. Carisa Barrett 410 -701-2206 Vance Ayres 540-490-0476

Logistics of On-site Repairs

Wind turbine blade roots are traditionally repaired at the manufacturer, requiring costly logistics and long downtime, often leaving operators with no choice but to purchase a new blade or scrap the entire turbine. A new, portable machining tool can efficiently replace damaged inserts in blade roots, offering economical, precision repairs carried out at the wind farm, eliminating transport costs and approval (financial and environmental), as well as waiting times for a repair slot.

Embedded into the blade root during the manufacturing process, the threaded inserts that are critical for joining the blade to the nacelle hub can loosen over time. In these older blades, any resulting microcracks allow contaminants such as grease and hydraulic oil to weaken the bonding. This ultimately endangers the structural safety of the blade root, especially when fatigue loading is high. At worst, the blade breaks away.

Root causes

There are several root causes for loose inserts. Generally, it’s a combination of factors that leads to failure. While in the past, manufacturers designed with high reserve factors, these have been reduced for newer, more economical turbines. Consequently, the risk is increasing. The most obvious manifestation of this is that the PCD (Pitch Circle Diameter) of rotor blades is now relatively small compared to the longer blade length and increasing mass moment.

Composite Windblade Repair Training

A second root cause is the use of polyester as resin, which is more sensitive to shrinkage than, for example, epoxy. Higher volumes of resin, such as in closed chamber locations (i.e., between the unidirectional bar and bushing) shrink more than thin layers. The inconsistent shrinkage in those thinner layers, such as between the root laminate and bushing, then leads to the formation of microcracks, resulting in a reduction of the bonding surface of the bushings.

A third point is a reduction in the quality of the materials used in manufacturing, often due to cost optimization.

Optimizing the prognosis after the on-site repair, a special bushing that mechanically locks into the blade has been designed. Furthermore, polyester resin, despite improvement over the last ten years, has been replaced by an innovative infusion of an epoxy-type resin. These design and technology changes lead to a rejuvenation of the connection, allowing the blade to reach its original design lifetime.

On site

A new repair solution involves dismounting the rotor blade before placing it in a repair environment at the wind farm. A portable, automatic machining tool is aligned to the blade, and drills away the faulty inserts from the composite material. An additional, highly accurate drilling process ensures that the new part can be inserted, precisely aligned with the previous insert, and then fastened using bonding material.

The standard method of repairing wind turbine threaded inserts requires the transport of the complete blade to the manufacturer. As this is often not financially feasible, the operator may decide to keep the turbine running at reduced capacity, or even decommission it. Oversized transport is costly, requires lengthy planning and approval (a particular issue in Germany, where it can take months), and the cost of downtime is significant. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the blade structure during handling and transport. All of these hurdles are avoided when repair occurs on site.

Onsite repair is energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, has a much smaller carbon footprint, and can be offered at a fraction of the costs of a traditional repair. The wind turbine can run again at its design capacity and reach its design lifetime.

Setup options

The repair solution can be set up semi- or fully automatically. For a blade with fewer loose inserts, the semi-automatic solution can be quickly configured, but requires additional time per insert. If the majority of inserts are loose, the automatic setup takes longer, but can process each insert quickly. Nevertheless, factors such as site conditions, site layout, the total number of blades to be repaired, etc. can influence the choice of solution. A close dialog

with the customer is needed to find the optimal solution. Depending on the number of faulty inserts, the new blade root repair is estimated to take two to three days (as opposed to spending many months at the manufacturer).

Older blade designs = shorter lifetime

Blade manufacturers are currently running at full capacity, while older blade models are often phased out after some five to 10 years. Blades are the most expensive turbine components, accounting for some 25 to 30 percent of the build cost. Efficient repair is, therefore, increasingly important; problems with threaded inserts (usually detected during maintenance) mostly occur in turbines older than seven years, when a replacement for a phased-out blade would require the mold to be recreated. A planned collaboration with a specialist sensor company should allow millimeter gaps in the inserts to be detected. Such inspections could be part of a full-service solution, detecting any forming damage earlier, and enabling early intervention.

Søren Kellenberger is Sales Director at CNC Onsite, a Danish machining specialist in the wind energy sector. With a mechnical engineering background, Søren has worked for 15 years in the wind turbine industry, working on turbine development, transport and installations equipment for turbines, and special equipment for O&M. Soren previously worked as Business Unit Director at R&D Engineering, responsible for the market launch of a patented solution “Boltcheck”, a tool that measures correct bolt tension in wind turbines.

Onsite /// 58 2023 JULY • AUGUST /// CONTACT US TODAY! +1.775.827.6568 • R-15: Advanced Composite Windblade Repair R-5: Composite Windblade Repair
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WindCube® lidars

Proven. Accurate. Reliable.

Lidar is changing the wind energy industry, and WindCube is leading the way. Companies around the world use WindCube lidars in all phases and types of wind farm projects, onshore and offshore.

They are leading with lidar.

• Improve bankability and project success

• Increase efficiency and operational continuity

• Streamline WRA, PPT and other crucial tasks

• Use with all turbine types and heights

OT Data’s Growing Relevance for Wind

In the past decade, the renewable energy sector has witnessed remarkable advancements in the quest toward a more sustainable future. Alongside this transformation, the demand for data is gaining significant importance across the entire value chain. Driving efficiency and optimizing operations begin with acquiring reliable, real-time raw data from renewable plants.

That’s why everybody is talking about Operational Technology (OT) data. Operational Technology (OT) is all the equipment you find inside the wind power plant, both software and hardware. This could be the network infrastructure, the fiber optic cables, and the devices you use to acquire onsite data or send control signals, like SCADA systems or PLCs.

The primary purpose of OT is to monitor and control physical processes in real time. It plays a crucial role in industries like the renewable energy sector, where accurate control and automation are essential for producing energy safely, and in accordance with the set points and grid requirements.

On the other hand, information technology (IT) focuses on data processing and information management, like ensuring reliable connection and communication to the internet or remote software. Here you find devices like firewalls, email servers, and other administrative technology.

Both technology types are vital in ensuring efficient and safe operations of wind assets. Yet, it is actually in the convergence of the two that the real value is created. This integration allows for improved monitoring, analytics, and remote management of the wind plants' performance, leading to better decision-making and optimization of operations.

OT data challenges

In recent years, we have come across what you might call a "technological gap" at many wind power plants; power providers are dealing with old plant hardware that hasn't been updated according to the steep development in renewable expansions and interconnectivity.

For example, if the OT you are dealing with is part of the original 22-year-old power plant, the OT data you are able to retrieve will, consequently, not match the requirements and standards in place today. Too many wind plant owners use operating systems that have been unsupported by the provider for ten years, or more. It has become clear that a lot of site development and construction was rushed in the boom-and-bust cycles of PTC (Production Tax Credit, a government incentive in the US), and many of the network layouts were poorly planned.

The result is a major gap in terms of the quality between the OT and IT data that plant owners are using to make important decisions. But, with every challenge comes a new opportunity. The know-how and experience we have today were not there even ten years ago – what we can do now is utilize this expertise and learning to improve and prepare for the future.

Cybersecurity will become a major challenge

With the current convergence of OT and IT, there is no doubt that cybersecurity will be the predominant challenge. As OT systems become more interconnected

60 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

and exposed to the internet, they become vulnerable to cyber threats, which may have significant consequences for operations and safety.

When the wind plants' digital infrastructure is no longer supported, the plants become more vulnerable to security breaches, and are at higher risk of failure. The first step is to reestablish the security of all plants with outdated OT and IT — a massive project in itself. Not only does it involve inspecting the existing network and replacing old legacy hardware, but also installing and commissioning new systems like industrial PCs, SCADA solutions, PLC updates, etc.

What we can learn from the past is that it’s critical to ensure the security and resilience of OT systems by using future-proofed solutions that are flexible enough to fit into both new and old frameworks. The ever-expanding renewables industry demands that plants become more mixed and diversified. Managing so many developing technologies will continue to increase the need for cutting edge cybersecurity.

Tom Marek is Director of Business Development at SCADA International, which provides intelligent software solutions that make reliable data from various sources available in real-time to customers worldwide. The company works to reduce complexity, and provide customers with solutions that optimize performances and competitiveness.

SCADA International


U.S. made, versatile selfrescue system

The SRS system is an emergency regress system providing self-rescue and assisted rescue for workers at heights. The high temperature escape line is 100% Kevlar that is rated for over 900°F. This material does not rot, mold, or mildew. Kevlar does not conduct electricity which makes this a suitable product for workers that may have fire and/or electrical emergencies while working at heights. The entire system is packaged and assembled ready for use. The deployment flap is detachable and can be used for edge protection. The lightweight aluminum descender with its auto lock feature allows for easy horizontal travel and is not a weigh dependent device. The SRS system is compatible with class three harnesses that have a front attachment point.

SpanSet, Inc.


North American Clean Energy 61

Battery-powered grease gun

SKF offers a new, convenient line of battery-operated grease guns, the Alemite 20V Lithiumion Series 598/599, designed to support all manual lubrication tasks in industrial settings. The grease gun provides performance and reliability in a convenient design. The Alemite Series 598/599 tool features a balanced, ergonomic design with a low weight for less physical strain on the user. The 598 tool comes with a 2.5mAh battery, while the 599 tool comes with a 4.0mAh battery, Its two-speed, dual-output capability lets the user adjust for low- or highvolume lubrication points, all with one grease gun. It delivers 6 oz/min on high and 4 oz/ min on low. A clear-tube option provides confidence the right grease is in use. The tool has a convenient, built-in LCD screen providing real-time information for users, including a prewarning light for early action. The LCD display illuminates during stall conditions with a red backlight. The display shows exactly how much grease is left in the tube and flashes when a low grease condition occurs.

SKF ///

Improved head protection for those working outdoors

The STUDSON SHK-1 Full-Brim safety helmet is designed to prevent traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), featuring technologies to absorb impacts from fallrelated injuries on any jobsite. It complies with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z89.1 Type I and II safety standards, meaning it is designed to reduce force as a result of impacts to the front, back, sides, and the top of the head. The new SHK-1 Full-Brim safety helmet is designed in conjunction with existing safety technology from the SHK-1 helmet model, including Koroyd welded tube polymer for absorbing impact. The Koroyd material also improves heat dissipation and venting via its cellular-structure design in comparison to traditional EPS foam which helps combat heat stress. The embedded twICEme technology digitally integrates a wearer’s vital health data within the helmet. In the event of an emergency, that data is accessible via a smartphone NFC chip reader viewable through an SMS text message or the twICEme app for iOS or Android devices.


Optimize the design, development, and operation of assets

Clir Renewables has launched Clir Insight for Asset Development, a new product that leverages 200GW of data to improve technology selection and operation, and ensure mitigation of risk. Clir’s new offering supports developers throughout asset development to evidence major technology selection and contracting decisions, improve accuracy of energy yield loss assumptions, and guide future operations and maintenance strategies. Clir Insight for Asset Development navigates equipment selection and contracting by identifying technical manufacturer issues, timelines for operational maturity, relative attritional loss risk by technology type, controllable availability by manufacturer, and expected loss factors given site conditions.

Clir Renewables ///

62 2023 JULY • AUGUST /// Night when you don’t Radar-Activated Obstruction Lighting Light when you need it Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems Find out more:

Rapid plug-in upgrade for legacy CMS systems

ONYX Insight has launched a new condition monitoring system, ecoCMS Flex, which will allow operators, to upgrade their legacy CMS systems affordably with rapid plug-in technology. ecoCMS Flex is designed specifically as an upgrade for legacy CMS systems. Operators can now upgrade existing legacy systems and reuse existing sensors and cables in an efficient and cost-effective way. As ecoCMS Flex is compatible with any IEPE sensor, installation can be quick, with the replacement system taking around 1-2 hours to install depending on CMS types. As a result, ecoCMS Flex comes at a much lower cost to fleet managers as they no longer need to carry out a full overhaul of their aging systems, just the original CMS unit. Configured with optimized sampling parameters, ecoCMS Flex improves fault detection with more advanced software than legacy systems, as well as having the capability to bring all CMS data into one platform with ongoing product support and data analysis provided by ONYX. With ecoCMS Flex offering a rapid plugand-play installation, it unlocks broader end-to-end predictive maintenance solutions for fleet managers while being a cost-effective solution to upgrading legacy systems across turbine fleets.

ONYX Insight ///

Point-and-shoot thermography inspection

Teledyne FLIR, part of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, announced the FLIR E8 Pro, providing a large 3.5" touchscreen with FLIR Ignite Cloud connectivity within the same pistol-grip form factor as legacy E8 series thermal cameras. The FLIR E8 Pro offers crisp thermal and visual detail at an affordable price by pairing a 5MP digital camera with a powerful thermal camera via the FLIR patented Multi-Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) capability. MSX overlays the edge detail of the visible camera upon the thermal image, providing detail and contextual awareness without sacrificing any thermal data. The tool also includes a built-in LED lamp to capture critical details via MSX in low-light scenarios for improved decision support. When connected to Wi-Fi, the FLIR E8 Pro can automatically sync with the FLIR Ignite application, accessible from anywhere on mobile devices, a web browser, or a desktop, eliminating the need to carry extra USB flash drives, card storage, or cables. Images and videos shared via FLIR Ignite can then be accessed through FLIR Thermal Studio software so inspectors, colleagues, and clients can instantly review, edit, analyze, and report findings. Built to handle harsh industrial and outdoor environments, the FLIR E8 Pro is drop-tested up to 6.5ft (2m). The ruggedized design also features a 25G-shock and 2G vibration test rating along with built-in lens protection. The FLIR E8 Pro also offers up to 4 hours of continuous operation on one battery, which can be quickly swapped out and recharged for all-day use.




Keep workers safe, cool, and productive

The StaCool Vest Core Body Cooling System, now available in luminescent safety colors, is helping workers beat the summer heat, allowing Work Zone employees to stay safe, cool, and productive despite elevated ambient temperatures. Fully adjustable models are available in safety yellow, orange, and green to wear over normal clothing, providing allday comfort and mobility. Under-vests are also available, to be worn under other clothing, so there is a StaCool Vest to suit any style, preference, and application. Easy to care for micro-thin, highly breathable materials provide wearers cooling comfort and mobility. ThermoPaks around the vest provide hours of cooling, a spare set of ThermoPaks are included with each StaCool Vest to extend cooling time and comfort when the initial set thaws. A thermal barrier is built in to ensure wearer does not get too cold.

StaCool Industries, Inc.




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North American Clean Energy 63
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MBA Energy & Industrial is an industrial construction firm that specializes in providing various new facilities for energy-related projects. MBA has built over 70 buildings for the renewable industry in the last five years and can provide complete coverage of your project. MBA’s current resume stretches across 22 states and includes O&M buildings, warehouses, large enclosures, battery storage, terminals, substation buildings, large offices, and many other facilities. Most MBA buildings are design/build in nature, but the company is also capable of buildto-print projects. The in-house team of architects and engineers helps clients through the design process and offers various options for their respective projects. MBA also provides free conceptual designs, budgetary pricing, and consultation on building planning. Please don’t go through the design process alone; lean on our expertise. Contact MBA today.

Lubricants and Greases


An important part of the planned maintenance of a wind turbine, proper lubrication will help keep the machinery working well for years. Keeping a wind turbine’s gearbox properly lubricated is essential to extending the life of the turbine. Herein we highlight some of the solutions available on the market today…

Castrol Industrial

Product: Tribol GR SW 460-1 and 680-1

Application: Tribol GR SW is recommended for tough industrial applications especially as encountered in wind turbine main bearings, pitch, and yaw bearings. It gives bearing protection under high loads at low to moderate speeds and in applications where water resistance is critical.

Viscosity Index: 460, 680

Oil Type: Synthetic

Thickener Type: Lithium complex

NLGI Grade: NLGI Grade 1

Key Features:

• Proprietary Microflux Trans additive system has yielded bearing life extension;

• High performance in standardized testing;

• Excellent compatibility allows simplified conversion;

• OEM-approved;

• Extensive use in over 7500 turbine main bearings.

Shell Lubricant Solutions

Product: Omala S5 Wind

Application: Shell Omala S5 Wind is specifically designed to provide optimum performance and long service life. It is formulated to lubricate and protect wind turbine main gearboxes, even under harsh conditions, and is also suitable for yaw and pitch drives that require an ISO 320 viscosity specification.

cSt @ 40°C: 320 cSt

cSt @ 100°C: 39 cSt

Viscosity Index: 170

Pour Point: -54.4°F (-48°C)

Flash Point: 464°F (240°C)

AMSOIL Industrial

Product: Synthetic Power Transmission EP Gear Lubricants

Application: AMSOIL Industrial PT Series Synthetic Power Transmission EP Gear Lubricants are designed to provide protection for wind turbine and other industrial gearboxes requiring EP protection. AMSOIL Industrial PT Series Gear Lubricants are formulated to meet the listed standards and requirements.

cSt @ 40°C: 326.7 cSt

cSt @ 100°C: 34.8 cSt

Viscosity Index: 151

Pour Point: -36°F (-38°C)

Flash Point: 473°F (245°C)


Product: SYN-Nth Gear Oil

Renewable Lubricants

Product: Bio-High Temp 180 Grease

cSt @ 40°C: 179

cSt @ 100°C: 26

Viscosity Index: 180

Pour Point: -33° (-36°C)

Flash Point: 536°F (280°C)

Application: SYN-Nth Gear Oil maximizes gearbox reliability. Its protection against gear scuffing and micropitting has been documented with FZG testing and field-proven in wind turbines. Its high oxidation stability extends drain intervals. Guaranteed ISO 4406 cleanliness: 16/14/11.

cSt @ 40°C: 390 cSt

cSt @ 100°C: 43.6 cSt

Viscosity Index: 167




Wind turbines should be regularly inspected and maintained in order to continue running smoothly and prevent property damage or injuries. Wind turbine maintenance includes inspection, cleaning, lubrication, and repair. Here, we highlight some of the wind turbine maintenance options available on the market today.


Product: Wind Blade Integrity Management

Maintenance category: General maintenance, inspection, repairs, monitoring

Description: MISTRAS Group’s maintenance services are supported by inspection, access, and monitoring solutions including the Sensoria 24/7/365 wind blade monitor.

MISTRAS works to ensure blade integrity by offering expert maintenance, light mechanical, and repair services that enable blades and wind turbines to operate effectively and reliably. To enable a proactive maintenance strategy, Sensoria utilizes acoustic emission (AE) technology to consistently monitor the blades, alerting operators in real time to damage that needs to be remedied.

Key Features:

• Real-time, mobile damage notifications;

• Pinpoint damaged blades;

• Intuitive blade condition reports;

• Blade, site, and fleet data views;

• Damage trend tracking.

Fibre Glast Developments Corporation, LLC

Product: Wind Turbine Blade Repair

Maintenance category: Repairs

Description: Fibre Glast provides the products needed for wind turbine blade repair that will help minimize the downtime of assets and can help save both time and money. To combat leading edge erosion and other wear and tear damage, high quality, fast repairs are critical to the turbines' performance. When in-field repair specialists use Fibre Glast's composite epoxies and fabrics, turbines are back in operating condition as fast as possible. wind-turbine-blade-repair

Tech Wind Services

Product: Wind Tower Inspection and Repair

Maintenance category: General maintenance, inspection, repowering, testing

Description: Tech Wind Services provide services including nondestructive testing on erected towers; mapping, measurement, and repair of indentations; repair and replacement of tower internals; welding repairs at height; coating repairs and periodic maintenance, as well as inspection and repair of composite materials. They also offer bolt removal services throughout the tower with their EDM process.


Product: Twin Cap System

Maintenance category: Preventative maintenance

Description: Weidmuller’s new Twin Cap system for M30 Bolt nuts (modifiable for all sizes) is designed to detect and signal problems with blade bearing fasteners in wind turbines. The early warning system uses sensors positioned over the nuts located on the outer ring of the blade bearing and connects them in a “daisy chain” serial pattern. If Twin Cap detects a cracked or broken nut, it creates an alert to initiate a controlled shutdown. Twin Cap can be retrofitted on any type of turbine to reduce maintenance and inspection costs, avoid downtime for repairs, and avert the potential for catastrophic blade failure. Installation is fast, easy, and backward compatible with legacy CMBB systems.


North American Clean Energy 65

eologix-Ping Services

Product: Blade Condition Monitoring

Maintenance category: Inspection

Description: eologix sensor technology gmbh and Ping Services have joined forces to provide continuous wind turbine blade health monitoring solutions. By combining eologix's on-blade sensor and Ping's acoustic monitor, the merger optimizes maintenance, reduces repair costs, and increases power generation. This realtime monitoring solution empowers wind farm operators to identify issues promptly, enhancing blade health assessment. The sensor detects ice, temperature, pitch angles, acoustic signals, detects lightning events, and listens for structural damage. Data on one dashboard allows for holistic assessment and informed decision-making, reducing maintenance costs and improving operation.


Product: Tribol GR SW 460-1 and 680-1

Maintenance category: Lubrication

Description: Tribol GR SW 460-1 and 680-1 main bearing greases use MicrofluxTrans Plastic Deformation technology. It’s non-sacrificial to withstand high loads, resist shearing, and needs replacing less frequently. With good mobility for easy start-up and protection against fretting, even below 0°C, Tribol GR SW makes automatic lube systems more reliable and turbines generate more power in cold conditions resulting in less maintenance, low cost, and better protection.

Key Features:

• Compatibility-tested for ease of conversion;

• Excellent adhesion, structural stability, sealing effects, and water resistance;

• Reduces wear from static vibration (false brinelling) and axial thrust;

• Outstanding high and low temperature performance

UpTower, Inc.

Maintenance category: General maintenance, inspection, repairs

Description: Completing O&M support, scheduled services, oil changes, install or replacement, and sales of ultra capacitors for electrical pitch systems

Bergolin US LP

Product: Bergolin Blade Repair


Maintenance category: Repairs

Description: Bergolin is a German company which manufactures materials for blade repairs. Bergolin founded an US company to provide topcoats, fillers, and LEP to the US market.

Clobotics Wind Services

Product: Visual Inspection of Wind Turbine Blades by Autonomous Drone

Maintenance category: Inspection

Description: Clobotics' autonomous drone inspection technology can inspect a wind turbine's blades in less than half an hour. Data is uploaded, analyzed, and reports delivered via a cloud-based portal within 3-5 business days. They also provide blade internal inspections as well as robotic repair of leading edges.


Product: Power Cable Reliability Services

Maintenance category:

Consulting and diagnostics


Product: IGBT, Rotor Side 1.5 107W7461P001

Maintenance category: General maintenance, repairs

Description: DEX repairs and builds IGBT’s, delta modules, phase modules, electronic assemblies, and other electronic parts across various wind turbine brands. They also quickly source hard-to-find parts that will help enable optimization of renewable turbines.

KK Wind Solutions

Product: Monitoring Solutions

Maintenance category: General maintenance, repairs, repowering, CMS

Description: KK Wind Solutions’ capabilities span development of wind technologies, lean manufacturing, flexible aftermarket services, and advanced monitoring solutions.

Windcom Services

Product: Wind Turbine Blade & Composite Repair

Maintenance category: Inspection, repairs, repowering, RCA

Description: Windcom is a 17-year running independent service provider. Windcom provides inspection, repair, and advanced composite repair services across the United States. Windcom products and services are backed by heavy engineering knowledge and factory level support including remanufacturing and modernization for aging assets.


Product: NearthWIND Pro

Maintenance category: Inspection

Description: IMCORP provides diagnostic and technical services for underground power cable systems, utilizing their AI-based Factory Grade technology to take the complexity out of site commissioning as well as testing and maintenance services to extend cable system useful life, increasing their clients’ asset longevity, safety metrics, and improving their bottom lines.

Description: Neathlab's autonomous drone solutions work in tandem to streamline the blade inspection workflow. NearthWIND sets the entire process in motion by bringing highly autonomous drones to life to collect hundreds of highresolution images across all three blades within 15 minutes before Nearthlab's proprietary cloud-based analytics platform steps in to extract actionable O&M insights from the raw datasets within a day's notice.

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Land Surveys for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) allocates $5 billion for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program, and commits massive federal funding to clean transportation and energy programs nationwide.

Lawmakers have concerns around “Electric Vehicle (EV) Deserts”, or areas with minimal charging stations, which tend to be divided along economic and racial lines. To remedy this, states are requiring that 40 percent of NEVI benefits go to disadvantaged, low income, rural, and tribal communities. Geospatial analysts and surveyors are now planning charging systems to ensure they are no more than 50 miles apart along freeways and highways, and no more than 1 mile from a freeway exit or highway.

Why is the involvement of the Geospatial Community critical for this buildout? Before any construction of an EV charging station can begin, location and demographics analyses, along with a land survey, should be conducted to ensure feasibility and safety.

This process is coupled with analysis of the existing utility infrastructure, such as on-site transformers, to ensure compatibility with the public utilities required to supply the chargers with energy.

There are several reasons why a sound geospatial approach is essential when constructing EV charging stations.

Site analysis and selection

Before site selection can begin, proposed locations must be carefully analyzed. Utilizing demographics and other statistical factors, a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst can determine if the site is suitable for the construction of an EV charging station. This analysis identifies any potential obstacles or challenges that may need to be addressed during design and site construction, as well as ensuring that regulatory and zoning requirements are met. Developing EV Deserts is a priority, and GIS is an excellent tool for finding a suitable oasis in that desert.

Permitting and zoning

The construction of EV charging stations requires various permits and approvals from local authorities. A land survey is necessary to determine the boundaries of the property, as well as identify any easements, rights-of-way, or other encumbrances that may impact the construction process. This information is critical for obtaining the necessary permits to comply with local land use regulations.

Design Support

The land surveyor can provide detailed measurements of the site’s topography (contours), existing improvements, and other site features to aid in the design of the charging station. This includes careful representation of all parking stripes, driving lanes, accessible parking, crosswalks, and other traffic control elements so that changes to the site comply with regulatory and jurisdictional mandates.

Construction Support

Once the site has been selected, and permits have been obtained, the construction process can begin. A land surveyor can provide detailed field locations, called staking, to ensure that the charging station is properly constructed, or “laid out” per the plans. The surveyor can also document any deviations from plans by notating or surveying the portions that need to be “field fit” due to unforeseen site conditions.

Safety and Liability

One of the most critical aspects of constructing EV charging stations is ensuring that it is safe for both the public and the environment. A land surveyor can identify any potential hazards (i.e., unstable soil, drainage issues, environmentally sensitive areas, or other potential dangers) that could impact the safety, reliability, and environmental compliance of the charging station. This information can minimize the risk of accidents or other liability issues.

There are several types of land surveys that may be necessary for the construction of an EV charging station; they can typically be combined into a single product for a comprehensive review. The primary types of surveys that bring value to the project are as follows:

• Boundary survey - used to determine the precise boundaries or limits of the property.

• Topographic survey - provides detailed information about the land's topography (contours), drainage, vegetation, paved surfaces, and other on-site improvements.

• Utility survey - essential for determining the on-site resources, improvements, and conflicts associated with public and private utility infrastructure, helps determine capacity of the required electric system, and that no damage occurs to the existing utilities.

• Geotechnical survey - used to evaluate the soil conditions and stability of the site. The need to understand how people travel from location to location on a daily basis has never been greater. Not only can advanced geospatial analytics help solve the problem of EV Deserts, but it also can help the planet by understanding where electric vehicles can have the biggest impact on air quality.

Land surveying is a critical component of the planning, design, and construction process for EV charging stations. Remember the saying of any good carpenter when it comes to his work: “Measure twice and cut once.” The value of great geospatial products and services for your important project is the assurance that you will only need to “cut once”.

Looking to head out to one of the many great parks this summer in your new, eco-friendly, electric vehicle? Although you may not be heading to a desert in the August sun, make sure you’re not heading into an EV Desert — or you may end up pushing your car back home.
GIS Surveyors, Inc. ///
Dennis Rose, PLS is Chief Operating Officer at GIS Surveyors, Inc. (GSi), which is a veteran-owned geospatial firm with land survey, lidar, GIS & utility locating.
68 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

Greenlighting the Job An overview on permitting requirements for energy storage projects

Early understanding of permitting requirements for an energy storage project prior to the start of construction is critical, not only for the success of the commercial enterprise, but also the assurance of technical requirements, and the safety of the local community. It’s so important, in fact, that the permitting process has been known to make or break commercial operation dates.

Officials in local counties, cities, and states (authorities having jurisdiction or AHJ) have very limited knowledge of the permitting requirements imposed on developers when it comes to energy storage. As the local AHJ grants these project permits, it is in the interests of both the developers and the community that the AHJ gain some in-depth knowledge of the operation to help guide the project before construction begins.

A lithium–ion battery stored in a 20-to-40-foot container contains a massive amount of potential energy. The benefit of battery storage/stored potential energy in a small footprint is that it can enhance grid reliability and excess-renewables-charge that, otherwise, would be clipped (not reach its maximum high or low point). When considering permitting for an energy storage project, AHJ should understand capacity verification, energy storage project checks/setbacks, and key considerations for the local community.

Capacity verification

A use case with conditions similar to those of the proposed alternative energy project site can help describe how project developers will perform tasks to verify the new site’s energy capacity. The use case can adapt over time prior to the signing of the offtake or purchase agreement. These use cases directly drive the cycle count (how often the battery completes a full charge and discharge). The cycle count determines the acreage needed to build the project, as well as the space reserved for future augmentation over the terms of the offtake agreement. These initial overbuild proposals, augmentation plans, and conceptual layouts go a long way — at a fairly minimal cost — to derive a probability of 50 percent (P50) or P80 view of verifying the capacity.

Developers benefits from this exercise, even prior to submitting an interconnection application that will often lock into a mega-watt alternating current (MWac) size requirement. For example, if an interconnection study is for 100MWac, and it is in a four-hour market, the economics

would indicate that an 80 MWac project at four hours is not lucrative because the interconnection utility is upgrading the site for 100 MWac. The optimization of MWac and duration, based on the ISO available revenues, must be balanced.

The second part of this exercise is budgeting the correct amount of environmental surveying that is beyond the desktop evaluation. Typically, desktop, wetland, or flood data is used, but, from a buildablearea standpoint, this information can be outdated or extensive. The buildable-area of a stand-alone storage project can be drastically impacted if it is located adjacent to a substation, and the environmental diligence shows more extensive exclusions than the initial desktop analysis.

Project progress checks or setbacks

Currently, lithium-ion is the most common chemistry for utility-scale, commercial, and industrial energy storage projects. Tier 1 suppliers of these products have undergone UL9540A* testing prior to site delivery

to evaluate the effects of thermal runaway**. This UL standard does not have a strict pass/fail criteria, but is more focused on a report’s conclusions on how a given cell behaved. A single-cell test for UL9540A certification does not guarantee that the battery containers on a given project will never experience thermal runaway. A separate discussion should address operational stewardship, to ensure how the battery is being charged/discharged within the bounds of the manufacturer’s requirements. Incorporating proper progress checks or setbacks during the permitting phase is critical for operational needs, personnel safety, and local community protection. As part of the capacity verification, conservative setbacks based on NFPA 855*** guidelines and container separation standards need to be put in place; this enhances overall system safety and mitigates system risks. If these setbacks are not put in place during the hearing process for permitting, a 100 MWac by four-hour project could be shrunk to an 80MWac by four-hour project, with zero room for augmentation reserve.

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Fire department and local AHJ engagement

It’s vital that you engage the local AHJ and/or fire department early in the project’s life-cycle. During the planning process, representatives of each of these groups are often present (with supporting or dissenting voices) when a developer applies for a permit.

Many U.S. regions that use battery storage have created specific requirements pertaining to setbacks, zoning, and application checklists that must be completed prior to issuing a developer’s permitting request. For instance, because it services such a dense metro area, the New York City Fire Department most likely has the most stringent safety requirements regarding an approved battery supplier list and qualification process.

Surprisingly, there are massive deployments of battery storage in many areas where management teams have never seen, reviewed, or even understood the technology. In these circumstances, the typical response is fear of the unknown.

Often, during a thermal runaway event, a less-informed local fire department official’s response might be to “let it burn”. The official’s reasoning most likely is that an intervention (1) will not put out the fire, and (2) the loss of life will never be worth the risk of losing a battery storage asset.

Public news around battery fires from utility-scale projects or electric vehicles can dampen the positive response to an energy storage project during permitting discussions. Providing the proper technical battery storage facts to the local fire department and AHJ can help them understand all that is involved. It also sends the message that developers are designing the project with public safety in mind.

Though details of safety testing have not yet been officially defined by the industry, it is in the best interests of the energy storage installation and its developers, investors, and/or management to develop a site-specific safety and emergency response plan in collaboration with the local fire department, and to have the installation O&M teams review it regularly.

With new and larger installations being built year over year, storage project permitting requirements are “where the rubber meets the road”. They verify operational capabilities, assure adequate planning has been developed, and support community safety. There is no downside for AHJ and the local community to become educated on energy storage system safety features, and how they eliminate or reduce risk. This knowledge can only add to the local success of the operation.

* UL 9540A is the Standard for Test Method for Evaluating Thermal Runaway Fire Propagation in Battery Energy Storage Systems, to help manufacturers have a means of proving compliance with the new regulations.

** Thermal runaway, as defined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in NFPA 855, is when a battery cell increases in temperature at a faster rate than it can dissipate heat and begins to self-heat, causing an uncontrollable increase in temperature which can, but doesn’t always, lead to off-gassing, fire, and/or explosion.

*** NFPA 855 is the National Fire Protection Association Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems.

Matthew Towery, PE, PMP, is a Senior Manager of Energy Storage at Enertis Applus+, a global consulting and engineering firm for renewable energy projects and storage solutions.

Enertis Applus+ ///

North American Clean Energy 71

How to Properly Protect a BESS Power Circuit from Overcurrents

A battery energy storage system (BESS) is a combination of smaller units of energy (cells, modules, racks) to attain the energy requirement for a particular system. Protection is necessary when energy and voltages combine from the modules, as well as from the battery racks.

Fuses are an efficient and effective way to protect a BESS from overcurrents. Overcurrents not only frequently damage systems, but are also the culprit of downtime, which hurts a company’s bottom line.

The advantages fuses bring to a BESS are immense. Without a need for complex wiring or additional components, fuses are a great way to protect a system simply and cost-effectively. Fuses can also be easily replaced without the accumulation of additional downtime.

The low watt loss of BESS fuses prevents energy loss, which efficiently minimizes wasted power from components. Their compact size makes designing high-energy density systems possible. The dc-breaking capacity (up to 250 kA at 1500 V dc) enables the design of a long-duration BESS, while the low minimum breaking capacity of the fuses offers protection for lower fault-current levels. All in all, fuses are a win for a BESS.

Circuit protection must be adequately sized to prevent catastrophic failure. The optimal circuit protection component to use depends on the following:

• System voltage

• System nominal current

• Time constant

• Withstand rating of the interconnecting components

• Ambient conditions

• Location of the component within the system

Where circuit protection is important

According to UL 1741 32.4 (third edition), units that are intended for connection to a battery circuit should be provided with overcurrent protection. Circuit protection is important at the level of the module, the battery rack, the dc panel (also known as the dc-array combiner cabinet), and the inputs to the power conversion system (also known as an inverter).

There are two circuits within a battery system: the power circuit (also known as the main circuit), and the control circuit (also known as the secondary circuit). The control circuit monitors and collects data, provides information about the system’s operation, and sends trip signals when necessary. The power circuit carries the electricity that operates the load.

A BESS requires many different types of circuit-protection, including:

• Fuses

• Arc-flash relays

• Ground-fault relays

• Surge protective devices

UL 1973 7.9.10 says: “Fuses provided for battery overcurrent protection including short circuit protection shall be evaluated for both short circuit and overload conditions. Fuses that are evaluated for short circuit conditions only (type aR fuses), shall be provided with supplementary protection (e.g., the BMS) to ensure protection under overcurrent conditions in ranges below those covered by these types of fuses.”

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Additionally, UL 1973 7.9.11 says: “Protective components of battery modules intended for series connection in battery systems shall be rated for the maximum voltage of the intended battery system.”

Our focus here is on fuse protection for the power circuit in a BESS.

Fuse protection for the power circuit

The cell is the smallest component within an energy storage system. A module is made up of cells that are combined in parallel and series configurations. The modules are stacked in series to form a rack, which generally has the same voltage as the system.

A rack is comprised of modules that are stacked in series together. When each of the module’s voltages are added together, they form the battery rack’s voltage.

To calculate the system’s required voltage, add the battery-rack modules’ voltages together. The battery rack’s voltage is equal to the dc system’s voltage. For example, with a 1500-volt system, each rack will be 1500 V dc. If the module voltage is 50 V dc, then the rack will need to contain 30 modules in series.

A BESS’s total energy is made up of the battery racks’ energy combined in parallel.

The module must be protected from short circuits within the modules or the battery rack. Overloads that occur within a BESS are usually managed within the battery management system (BMS), so most circuit protection is mainly for shortcircuit protection, not overloads.

The next area to protect involves the battery rack. This circuit protection is usually at the battery protection unit (BPU), found at the top of the battery rack, and consisting of the aggregated energy from each of the modules. The circuit protection at this level is usually rated at a higher system voltage than the voltage in each module.

At the level of the battery rack, you need fuses that will protect against shortcircuit currents and have a low minimum breaking capacity to protect the contactors.

Circuit protection (fuses) isolates the battery rack in the event of a fault. To get to the required amount of energy, many racks combine in parallel into the dc panel. The dc panel uses fuses to protect every rack from short-circuit faults.

In applications where the rack voltage is 1500 V, the module fuse must be at least 1500 V dc. Never use a fuse that is not rated to the system voltage.

In general, fuses within a BESS should be designed to meet IEC 60269-7, Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of batteries and battery systems.

To protect the inputs of the powerconversion devices that are connected to the BESS, use fuses that will isolate the

BESS from the powerconversion system in the event of a fault. A BESS is a worthwhile investment. Make sure to have a thorough understanding of the system’s operation and subunits that contribute to its overall energy.


Immanuel Umenei is the senior global segment manager for renewable energy at Littelfuse. He has over a decade of low-voltage system design, applications engineering, and business development experience in specifying overcurrent circuit protection components for different low-voltage electrical systems, including renewable energy technologies such as solar/photovoltaic and battery energy storage. Immanuel has a master’s degree in engineering from the University of Illinois, Chicago.ed plant in Fremont, Ohio.

Littlefuse ///





Rolls new S-Series 12V & 24V LFP models now offer a number of new features including an integrated screen with visual state-of-charge and voltage

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Microgrids and Advanced Batteries

A new power paradigm

The facilities at the Daughters of Mary of the Immaculate Conception campus in New Britain, Connecticut produce additional solar energy each year, thanks to their innovative and advanced battery microgrid. The organization has successfully reduced their carbon footprint by leveraging Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) with on-site generation, which promote reduced greenhouse gas emissions while providing resilient power.

The Daughters of Mary are valuable members of the community. The services they provide help keep the New Britain community safe and healthy. Reliable power, and the ability to operate independently from the grid, help keep the well-being of some of the community’s most vulnerable populations intact. Understanding the importance of keeping the lights on no matter what, leaders at the Daughters of Mary sought out a new power paradigm of grid independence, resilience, and sustainability — an arrangement many organizations are adopting today.

Buildings become more resilient

Many buildings, like those of the Daughters of Mary’s New Britain campus, are consumers of energy solely from the grid. As such, they are at risk for resilience, especially during natural disasters. When the utility goes down, so do building operations. Even when the grid isn’t facing a statewide blackout, organizations must adhere to opaque pricing from utilities, potentially paying more during periods of high energy demand.

To address these constraints, the Daughters of Mary partnered with several expert organizations to enhance its energy infrastructure. The decision to deploy an advanced microgrid, with four nodes to serve four critical facilities, came after careful planning, modeling, and consultation.

How BESS unifies onsite power generation and energy storage

Organizations have increasingly turned to microgrids and other distributed energy resources (DERs) for an added layer of resilience in the face of supply-side challenges to electricity distribution. Besides offering energy independence, DERs offer sustainability and a more carbon-friendly alternative. Facility managers and other stakeholders realize that, for true net-zero and resilient outcomes, having onsite renewable generation and

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storage are imperative. Organizations that produce, manage, and consume their own energy are called prosumers.

The BESS is a main attraction of these microgrids. A self-contained BESS is part of a scalable and highly efficient architecture that optimizes energy costs and maximizes renewable energy usage. And, during times of grid outages, the onsite battery system can help extend the time of uninterrupted power. Additionally, BESSs offer the important benefits of flexibility and independence by charging the battery during off-peak hours, then discharging it during peak hours, which helps commercial buildings reduce grid electricity use. Through effective tariff management, BESSs deliver more cost-effective energy and improve the time-of-use of energy in buildings, introducing flexibility capable of independence from the grid. For example, each of the four critical facilities at the New Britain campus has dedicated solar arrays and a dedicated BESS comprising its microgrid. One of the four microgrid nodes also has a natural gas backup generator, if needed, that can provide power to all four facilities. The BESS and solar-panel systems can operate as the primary means of power during utility outages. These DERs are connected to their respective buildings via a dedicated asset with electrical distribution equipment and industrial controls, all presided over by an intelligent Power Management System (PMS).

With the BESS-centric microgrids in place, the Daughters of Mary’s buildings can operate for nearly two weeks independent of utility-generated electricity. Each of the four buildings has its own dedicated PV arrays and building energy storage systems (BESS), which are orchestrated and optimized by a control center. By bringing power generation and management on site, the Daughters of Mary can now rest assured that they can continue to extend their valuable services to those who need them, even in times of disaster.

Energy prosumers usher in a new self-sufficient power paradigm

A typical building draws energy from the grid when it needs it, and pays for that consumption later, often with little price transparency or redundancy. Now that technological advancements and renewable energy technology investments have made energy independence more feasible, many organizations are seeking out this new paradigm.

Microgrids that combine electrical assets, like battery energy storage solutions with multifaceted software platforms, can achieve a level of control over energy consumption that isn’t possible in traditional arrangements. Microgrids with on-site energy generation and storage

allow organizations to be both on- or off-grid, switching power sources for the most cost-effective and reliable option.

In this new paradigm, building infrastructure itself can become a powerhouse or battery, fueling not only the energy supply for a single organization, but also achieving the future of sustainability through networks of smart building infrastructure, and even entire smart cities.

For building owners like the Daughters of Mary in New Britain, entering into the new affordable and flexible power paradigm of self-sufficiency is the best way to achieve net-zero goals, enduring sustainability, and resilient operations in the face of factors beyond their control.

Schneider Electric ///

Bala Vinayagam is SVP, Microgrids Line of Business at Schneider Electric. Citizens Energy Corporation worked with Schneider Electric on the Daughter of Mary’s successful microgrid project.
North American Clean Energy 75

Sustainable Supply Chain

Renewable energy already plays a critical role in U.S. infrastructure. In 2022, it was responsible for 22 percent of domestic energy generation. But the U.S.’s ability to generate clean energy threatens to soon outpace our ability to store the energy these projects generate. The Energy Information Administration estimates that 55 percent of energy generation capacity added this year will come from solar projects. We need a solution that allows us to scale storage projects similarly.

The good news: Congress has given manufacturers the resources needed to enable this long-term storage. The Inflation Reduction Act added more than $60 billion of new funding into clean energy research and infrastructure, including a 30 percent investment tax credit into both standalone and solarpowered storage technology.

The Inflation Reduction Act funding gives us an opportunity to explore more battery chemistries for clean energy storage. But to make real breakthroughs, we need to start with the battery chemistry that’s been the backbone of the industry so far: lead. Lead will continue to be a critical element in our push toward clean energy storage. We should use the lessons learned from the lead battery supply chain to improve the viability of other battery chemistries, such as lithium and vanadium. Here’s how:

Lead’s success story

The secret to lead’s success is its circular economy. Thanks to a wellestablished network for lead battery recycling, lead batteries in the United States have a recycling rate of almost 100 percent. About 95 percent of a lead battery’s plastic components can also be reused. And, while most recycled products are ultimately refashioned into other materials, spent lead batteries are used to manufacture new lead batteries. In fact, new lead batteries are comprised of approximately 80 percent recycled material. Lead batteries are truly the gold standard of a “cradle to cradle” system.

Lead’s domestic supply chain is another significant benefit for battery manufacturers. The U.S. is the world’s third-largest lead mining country, with an estimated 280,000 metric tons of recoverable lead produced state-side in 2022. In the same year, approximately 950,000 metric tons of lead were recycled in the United States. While lead’s recyclability means U.S. battery manufacturers aren’t required to tap much of this new supply, this surplus of materials is quite beneficial from a sustainability perspective.

The combination of high recyclability and domestic supply chain means that lead batteries make a significantly smaller impact on our environment, all while simplifying manufacturing and reducing costs. That’s the approach we need to examine for other battery chemistries.

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Other chemistries

As demand for materials to power clean energy solutions has risen, lithium had a first-to-market advantage for higher power density energy storage. While it may be a viable solution for some applications, it has far to go to claim as sustainable a footprint as lead.

To make lithium viable, we’ll first need to consider its supply chain. Unlike its lead supply, the U.S. lacks a rich deposit of lithium. As a result, manufacturers are required to look outside of the U.S., leaving them vulnerable to shipping delays and geopolitical tensions. Battery manufacturers using lithium for energy storage solutions must also compete with manufacturers building batteries for electric vehicles, as well as other consumer products.

Another challenge is lithium recycling. Only about 5 percent of used lithium batteries are recycled, necessitating heavy mining investments, and hindering sustainability efforts. The Environmental Protection Agency is developing best practices to increase lithium’s recyclability, based on feedback from various industries connected to the battery recycling process. As lithium demand increases, recycling will become critical.

Another battery chemistry that has potential to more closely reflect the lead supply chain is vanadium. Although the technology is still young, vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB) have shown promise. One major benefit is a near-infinite cycle life (with proper maintenance). VRFB systems offer stable storage capacity for 20-30 years. With such a long lifespan, these battery systems use a more sustainable energy storage technology. The electrolyte that constitutes the bulk of a VRFB system is almost infinitely reusable, meaning we can drive the batteries through a recycling supply chain similar to that of lead. As manufacturers take advantage of Inflation Reduction Act provisions, one of the first priorities should be to make vanadium viable at a larger scale, and develop a domestic supply chain for its battery components.

A trio of solutions

Building the U.S. energy infrastructure to transition to clean energy long-term is a big challenge, and big challenges call for bold solutions. The lead battery supply chain is also a blueprint for what should be next for all chemistries.

By innovating new ways to recycle lithium, investing in new facilities to manufacture and assemble lithium batteries, and capitalizing on vanadium’s recyclable properties, we can transform these materials into viable options for storing renewable energy alongside lead — and fully leverage the power of renewable energy generation.

Jeremy Furr is Senior Vice President, Strategic Sourcing at Stryten Energy, which manufactures advanced lead, lithium, and vanadium batteries, as well as intelligent chargers. They also design cloud-based software for smart fleet design decisions.

Stryten Energy ///

North American Clean Energy 77

Better Battery Manufacturing, Not Just Better Batteries

As gas prices and temperatures continue to rise in parallel, leaders across the globe are fueling initiatives like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to combat climate change and boost renewable energy. This crucial legislation targets a reduction in carbon emissions of 40 percent by 2030 on the path to a 2050 net-zero objective. Accelerated EV adoption is vital to achieving the impending emissions reduction targets, as electric vehicles can save up to 60 percent on carbon emissions compared to similar fuel-based cars.

With affordability a known roadblock to EV adoption, the IRA includes a $7,500 point-of-sale tax credit to motivate consumer purchases. Critically, most EV car models at present do not meet the legislation's U.S. battery manufacturing requirements for critical minerals and battery components that activate the full tax credit amount. Consequently, reaching transportation electrification requires considerable investment in bringing lithium-ion battery manufacturing to North America, and necessary advancements in manufacturing.

Achieving net-zero means reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from vehicles on the road and those in production – including the GHG impacts of manufacturing those EVs and their batteries. The manufacturing impact is critical, as projections for EV purchases jumped from 43 percent to more than 50 percent of all new car sales by 2030, following the passing of the IRA. These numbers indicate the need to scale up domestic production rapidly. For this reason, we must enact sustainable manufacturing solutions now to meet our decarbonization targets.

Addressing domestic battery supply chain gaps

The IRA consumer tax credit for EVs requires battery raw materials to be sourced from North America or a U.S. free-trade agreement partner, and vehicle battery components (such as cathode and anode material) to be manufactured or assembled in North America. The government intends to bridge critical domestic battery supply chain gaps by adding these stipulations. Previously, the U.S. heavily relied on international markets for battery raw materials and components manufacturing, with China being the dominant worldwide supplier. Now, automotive manufacturers are investing in U.S. battery production, but demand will continue to outpace the supply for some time. Additionally, an immense gap exists in domestically - sourced raw material supply and component production. North American cathode production only has the ability to meet 4 percent of demand by 2030. This supply and demand gap further drives the importance of investing in innovations that not only meet today's requirements, but are also resilient and long-term solutions. With billions of dollars being deployed, we cannot be short-sighted in our developments. We

eSpire Mini Energy Storage System

can simultaneously meet the domestic supply chain requirements for battery materials and components while ensuring that the manufacturing we invest in is built for future success.

EV battery manufacturing challenges

Lithium-ion battery manufacturers must address areas in which the conventional process is counter to decarbonization goals. In particular, the cathode active material (CAM) is the most expensive and carbon-intensive component in today's lithium-ion battery, by a significant margin. Due to high emissions, waste, and cost, conventional li-ion battery cathode manufacturing methods cannot support climate goals. Upwards of 60 percent of CAM processing materials are disposed of as waste in the form of sulfuric acid, which has to be transported and disposed of properly, carrying a high cost and carbon burden. Moreover, current cathode manufacturing techniques require billions of gallons of water annually; this must be remediated to avoid depleting another critical natural resource as we advance.

Further, each manufacturing facility can produce only one type of battery chemistry, which will be problematic as battery technology changes. We have already seen numerous advancements in battery chemistry, both in terms of finding more efficient and longer-lasting chemistries and in terms of efforts to curtail the sourcing of limited critical minerals. What happens when billions of dollars have been invested in a particular chemistry once that chemistry is no

78 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///
Fully Integrated, Pre-configured Turnkey Solution for Large Residential to Light Commerical Applications (2Ph 208/480Vac @ 60Hz)
AC and DC Coupling Options One Solution For All Built-in Microgrid Controls Adaptive EMS / Fleet Management Ability to integrate with solar, genset, wind, micro-turbines, utility, or other distributed energy resources. Intelligent software to reduce electricity cost, prepare for resiliency, and maximize return on investment. Indoor and outdoor rated lithium iron phosphate solution that can be expanded up to 2 units in parallel.
Includes includes
battery trays, racks, BMS,Microgrid Controller, HVAC, fire suppression, islanding switch, and outdoor rated enclosure.

longer the best way to make a battery?

Introducing optionality (the ability to produce multiple chemistries from the same asset) to cathode manufacturing ensures that U.S. EV production stays viable and environmentally sound in a landscape of shifting technologies and scarcity of materials.

The role of recycling in battery sustainability

It is worth noting that today's battery manufacturing headlines often focus on recycling, which is frequently cited as the answer to reducing costs and creating a more sustainable EV supply chain. Supply chain constraints for critical minerals used in lithium-ion batteries are a substantial risk, and recycling both increases available minerals and helps further decarbonization. However, there are some key considerations when utilizing these recycled materials.

The cathode is already in its mixed metal state in a used battery, meaning that lithium and other metals are intermingled. Recyclers are individually reprocessing the metals into their separate states as conventional cathode manufacturers enact a multi-step process to bind them together. As battery recycling increases, there is excellent potential for a one-step manufacturing method that eliminates the need to separate the metals, thus eliminating steps within the recycling process, and furthering reductions in costs and carbon emissions.

While EV battery recycling is a vital piece of the bigger net-zero challenge, ample material supply from recyclers will likely not be available for at least a decade, as that is the average lifespan of a battery. We are only now reaching a threshold of EV use that will provide a source from which to recycle. Waiting for recycling to take hold is not an option. We can make battery manufacturing greener today – starting with the cathode.

The next generation of cathode production must be future-proof

Future-proofing cathode production means ensuring the manufacturing process is built to withstand the advancements and pressures of today, and beyond. To do that, the next generation of CAM production should incorporate cleaner, more efficient technologies. For example, using less processed material inputs. For example, using metal oxides and hydroxides instead of metal sulfates expands the yield to 99 percent, virtually removing waste (and the issue of sulfuric acid). Working with metal oxides and hydroxides also broadens the range of precursor material inputs, meaning a more expansive catalog of critical minerals can be used. This is one immediate way to ease the pressure on limited mining resources, like nickel, which is in high demand from the booming battery industry. A one-step process that eliminates water is also more eco-friendly, and drastically reduces the footprint needed. A smaller

facility could mean as much as a 40 percent reduction in plant capital, which promotes localized production, reducing transportation costs and further shrinking the carbon footprint of the manufacturing process. Innovations like these are essential to achieving a lower-cost, more sustainably manufactured EV in the near term.

While EV usage is fundamental to achieving climate goals, the importance

of ensuring less environmental impact throughout the EV value chain cannot be overstated. Employing future-proofed, next-generation cathode manufacturing processes will help the domestic EV market grow and remain competitive, while boosting local economies. The purpose of the electrification movement is decarbonization, so we must make this transition as sustainably as possible.

Virginia Klausmeier is CEO at Sylvatex, an advanced materials technology company. Sylvatex tests battery performance evaluations throughout the scaling of materials, and leverages public-private partnerships with national labs for expertise and equipment for speed and efficiency.

Sylvatex ///

North American Clean Energy 79

Wall mounting brackets

KilVault’s HLX+ Wall Mount Brackets (battery sold separately) are designed to easily install and secure one HLX+ Cold-rated lithium series battery to a wall. The mounting bracket securely mounts the HLX+ Bluetooth accessible series battery to the wall in a sleek manner that will save installers time and cost, and give the installation a clean, professional appearance.

KiloVault ///


Improving energy storage interconnection


The Toolkit and Guidance for the Interconnection of Energy Storage and Solar-Plus-Storage provides vetted, consensus-based solutions to eight regulatory and technical barriers to the interconnection of energy storage and solar-plus-storage systems to the distribution grid. These recommendations are based on over a year of research and analysis by utility and industry experts. The Toolkit also includes model language that utility regulators can use to update state interconnection rules to reduce the costs and time to safely interconnect energy storage and solar-plus-storage systems. The solutions are nationally applicable and can be applied in diverse states and markets across the U.S. Adoption of these recommended solutions can have a significant impact on how many distributed energy resources (DERs), like residential and commercial solar PV systems, can be added to the grid. The Toolkit is the result of a multi-year project called “BATRIES” (Building a Technically Reliable Interconnection Evolution for Storage), supported by a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. The project team is led by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and includes the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the California Solar & Storage Association (CALSSA), utilities New Hampshire Electric Cooperative Inc. (NHEC) and PacifiCorp, and law firm Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger, LLP (SMW). Over the coming year, IREC and partners will conduct extensive training and educational outreach to drive adoption of the solutions across the country. Parties interested in receiving training or more information on the Toolkit can contact the partner team via the Toolkit website.

The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)




80 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///
your distributor or Canadian Solar for more information at
Gateway and
Solar EP Cube Certified Installer to
the system. The credit will be issued as a credit memo toward the company’s next purchase after verification of the commissioned system. Offer valid on systems commissioned in the USA and Puerto Rico. Promotion cannot be combined with any other offers.
While supplies last. $1,000 credit applies to the first two systems commissioned by a company/dealer. A system is defined as a Smart
EP Cube inverter/battery unit with a minimum
9.9 kWh capacity. You must be a Canadian
*Now get a $1,000 credit on each of your first 2 EP Cube Home Energy Storage installations (up to $2,000).
BLUETTI EP900 & B500 Experience True Energy Independence Modular Design 10kWh-20kWh Compatible With New & Existing Solar System Sell Electricity Back To Grid (800)200-2980 3610 Placentia Ct, Chino, CA 91710

Off-grid solution solves range anxiety for EV drivers

GenCell’s EVOX is a new off-grid EV charging solution that leverages alkaline fuel cells, hydrogen, and ammonia to power technologies. The solution has been designed to resolve range anxiety and grid limitations by generating green, grid-independent, on-site power that can charge EVs anytime, anywhere. EVOX provides 100% green energy and can be distributed around the world along highways and virtually anywhere EVs travel where grid connectivity is inadequate. The GenCell EVOX solution can service up to ten 75kW DC fast chargers. Leveraging the hydrogen-based fuel cell technology used in the GenCell BOX with up to 920kWh stored as hydrogen together with a 372 – 500kWh energy storage device, each GenCell EVOX solution generates a reliable, uninterrupted flow of power in any weather conditions to ensure that the charging station has sufficient power to charge vehicles visiting the station at any time, improving customer experience and shortening lagtime. GenCell’s energy management software monitors and manages the use of different resources at different times to optimize the charging operations. Each charging solution has the power to charge dozens of EVs per day at DC power rates of between 50kW to 150kW, typically enabling each vehicle to reach a charge of 80% energy capacity within 12 to 30 minutes anywhere, anytime, independent of the grid.

GenCell Energy ///

Lithium-ion battery charging and storage cabinets

DENIOS introduces new Ion-Charge 90 storage containers designed specifically for lithium-ion battery charging and storage. With 90 minutes of fire resistance from outside to inside (type 90 / type tested in accordance with EN 14470-1) and for more than 90 minutes fire resistance for fires from inside to outside, these purpose-built containers protect against fire hazards due to thermal runaway, deep discharge, mechanical deformation, or chemical reaction. DENIOS Lithium-Ion Battery Charging and Storage Units are suitable for manufacturers, dealers, and distributors incorporating Li-ion batteries into their products, as well as facilities using them. The cabinets are equipped with a transport base to ensure fast transportation. Once the cabinet is outside of the building at a safe location, rescue personnel can identify any further measures necessary. Each unit features solidly welded construction for a long service life with a triple hinge door, safety elements assembled outside the storage compartment for increased protection against corrosion, scratch- and impact-resistance, and an easy to clean surface. Lockable doors with a permanent self-closing function keep the contents safe from unauthorized personnel. Sockets for connecting chargers are included as are perforated shelves which help to dissipate heat build-up during the charging process. A collection sump located at the bottom of the cabinet is designed to catch any leakage which may occur from burning batteries.


Maximum renewable integration

Saft, a subsidiary of TotalEnergies, has developed a new high-energy density storage system (ESS) optimized for time-shifting applications. Modular Intensium Shift (I-Shift) 3MWh containers are scalable building blocks and can be installed in line-ups with power conversion equipment with a 50% smaller system footprint, while reducing 50% of site-related activities, allowing fast deployment of utility-scale storage plants. Four groups of twin line-ups with 48 I-Shift containers can provide a reliable 32MW/128MWh four-hour energy storage system with low land requirements and civil works’ needs. Available from mid-2023, I-Shift is based on lithium iron phosphate (LFP) technology. It is suited to energy time-shifting, peaking, and capacity support applications on transmission and distribution grids. Customers can use these individual 20ft containers with 3MWh storage capacity to handle the output of multi-megawatt sites for between two and eight hours, either co-located on renewable farms, or as standalone sites. I-Shift containers are fully populated in Saft’s factories and use a modular approach embedding batteries, thermal systems, and digital control interfaces connecting to Saft’s cloud-based data platform I-Sight. They include Saft’s fire suppression systems or blast panels. Saft provides 360° support from project inception and commissioning to end-of-life, dismantling and recycling of containers. Intensium Shift systems will be delivered from its three strategic manufacturing hubs for energy storage in France, US, and China.

Saft ///

82 2023 JULY • AUGUST /// Contac t Marv air Today for Pricing & Availability | mar | mar | (404) 403-7771 AW-ESS750H 25,500 BTUh (7.47 kW ) Air Cooled Chiller for Liquid Cooled Batterie s Air Cooled Chiller for Liquid Cooled Batteries Energy Efficient Variable Speed Compressor Precise Battery Temperature Control Ease of Installation and Operation NA_CleanEnergy_May-June_2023.indd 1 4/12/23 9:40 AM

Image provided by:

Nearthlab ///


B2B Equipment Exchange

Backsheets & Encapsulants

Balance-of-Systems (BoS)

Battery Management Systems


Blade Inspection


Consulting Services

Control System Integrator

Cooling Systems

Cyber Security


Electrical Equipment

2023 2023 BUYERS GUIDE

Electrical Wire, Cable, & Connectors



Energy Management

Energy Monitoring

Energy Storage

EV Charging

Fans & Ventilators


Floating Solar Platform

Ground Covering

Handling | Manufacturing

Hoists & Cranes


Hybrid Solar PV/Thermal + Storage

Integrator | EPC


Laminator Producer

Manufacturers | Installation Equipment



Off-grid power supply

Off-grid Solar

Performance Monitoring

Rapid Shutdown Systems

Safety Equipment


Solar Distributor

Solar Mounting

Solar Thermal Manufacturing & Equipment


Testing & Certification

Testing Equipment Tools

Tracking Systems


Transportation | Logistics


Wind Installation

Wind Measurement

North American Clean Energy 83

B2B Equipment Exchange

Battery Management Systems

Blade Inspection


EnergyBin is an online business community for the world’s PV professionals to collaborate, buy and sell new and used solar equipment, and share market intelligence. Buyers can send RFQs to members to receive multiple quotes. Sellers can position inventory in front of pre-qualified buyers and resell excess PV material. The B2B exchange is a subscription-based service and does not charge transaction fees.

Backsheets & Encapsulants The Griff Network

The Griff Network's solar backsheets and encapsulants are high quality and durable. They carry a wide range of film products designed to protect solar panels from UV, moisture, and weather. Some of their film varieties include single fluoropolymers, double fluoropolymers, and non-fluoropolymers. Their products are tested by quality control technicians for conformity and peel strength.

Balance-of-Systems (BoS)


The NSB BLUE+ Battery applies carbon technology for high cycle life and Partial State of Charge (PSOC) performance. Thin plate technology delivers long life and high power output. In addition, the NSB BLUE+ Battery is a UL1989recognized product and is flame retardant to meet UL94VO. It is built in the United States, has a two-year shelf life, and offers fast, efficient recharge. The NorthStar BLUE+ Battery features special plastic components for operation in a wide temperature range. Its product range is 40-210Ah.



Not only do Neathlab's autonomous drones take 15 minutes to collect thousands of high-resolution images across all three blades, its plug-and-play technology empowers wind farms to conduct spot checkups on the fly with off-theshelf products. The resulting data goes through Nearthlab's cloud-based analytics platform, where it's remolded into a treasure trove of O&M insights within a day’s notice.


CEJN North America

EPEC Solutions, Inc.

EPEC Solutions, Inc. is a supplier of low voltage AC equipment for string inverter commercial and utility scale solar plants. Their expanding product line now includes UL 891 switchboards for AC combiners and AC recombiners through 800VAC, auxiliary power centers, LV metering, and complete power block skidded solutions. They work closely with most AC string inverter and MV transformer manufacturers at the design level to provide their customers with the latest solar specific innovations.

Aplus Energy Co., Ltd.

Plus Energy Co. offers an alternative to glass and laminated solar panels. Aplus corrugated metal BIPV solar panels infuse solar directly with the metal, so the solar module and steel roofing are all-in-one products. These corrugated metal solar panels are lightweight and provide roof strength. They can easily be installed on residential and commercial buildings. A single 81'' x 33'' corrugated metal solar panel is rated in 300W and these products are UL certified.

Bal Seal Engineering

Bal Seal Engineering is a global manufacturer of custom components that drive tomorrow's technologies. Their Bal Spring canted coil spring manages current with minimal heat rise, efficiently conducting, grounding, and shielding against the harmful effects of EMI. The Bal Contact electrical contacts, which consist of a housing and Bal Spring element, enable reliable power transmission in industrial and medical applications. Their low-friction Bal Seal spring-energized seals improve uptime and reduce maintenance.

Quick connect coupling solutions for liquid cooling for energy storage to power electronics in wind turbines and other electrification applications. Specializing in ultra high-pressure hydraulic couplings and hoses used in offshore and land-based wind turbines. Hydraulics and fluid quick connect solutions for thermal management, marine, MRO, and other energy efficient applications.

Vitro Architectural Glass

Seamlessly integrated into the building structure, the Solarvolt Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Glass System by Vitro Architectural Glass unveils new possibilities for renewable power generation and design by combining aesthetics, CO2-free power generation, and protection from the elements for commercial buildings. Solarvolt BIPV glass systems can replace traditional façade cladding materials and enhance just about any part of commercial building exterior.


The c3controls product portfolio of 15 million+ configurations provides the OEM with components for all energy management applications including EV, solar, and energy storage systems. Striving for a sustainable future, c3controls is looking forward to introducing DC isolators, DC miniature circuit breakers, UL98 disconnect switches, and a high density shorting terminal block, all to further support and protect the transition to renewable energy. For complete solutions, c3controls operates a UL 508A panel shop. Vertically integrated and based in the USA, c3controls offers supply chain efficiency with a same-day shipping guarantee. All products carry a lifetime warranty.


Battery Energy Storage System (ESS) applications have demanding fuse requirements for the protection of devices downstream. The fault conditions to the converter’s DC input side have very high short circuit current capability and very low inductance of the fault loop, yielding low L/R time constants (3ms or less). Very large currents are obtained very quickly. Devices requiring protection have peak withstand current capabilities that fuses must limit, while coordinating with battery fuses. Careful system analysis is required to provide proper fusing. SIBA’s ESS fuses have been 100% specifically designed and tested for the stringent requirements of (ESS) Energy Storage System applications and have been utilized by large OEM’s globally.

84 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

Socomec, Inc.

INOSYS LBS are high-performance, manually operated load break switches that safely disconnect electrical installations. They support on-load and off-load opening/ closing of DC circuits up to 1500Vdc and now up to 1200A. All INOSYS switches are highly efficient with low power losses and feature visible contacts for positive indication of switch position. The INOSYS LBS ESS versions are engineered to withstand high DC short circuit conditions seen in battery ESS applications.

Consulting Services ASSET Engineering

ASSET Engineering is a specialist in power system design and analysis. They provide their clients with decades of experience in MV and HV substation design and EPC, protection, and control systems, and project management services. Their clients include utility companies, independent power producers, and large industrial and institutional power users.


Olsson provides planning and design, engineering, field services, and environmental technology.

Westlake Consultants, Inc.

Control System Integrator

Cooling Systems

Affinity Energy

Affinity Energy is a control system integrator with over 1GW of utility-scale PV solar and BESS projects deployed. They provide custom SCADA, PLC, and EPMS solutions for facilities that seek open, turnkey systems for power management and energy optimization. Their engineers design, build, implement, and support controls, instrumentation, and monitoring systems, for utility-scale PV solar farms and BESS facilities, data centers, medical campus central energy plants, and manufacturing facilities.

Ulbrich Solar Technologies

LCR is a high efficiency grooved solar cell interconnect wire that replaces traditional flat ribbon. It increases the efficiency of a solar module by reflecting more light back onto the surface of the cell, steering the reflected light back to the glass/air interface allowing total internal reflection back onto the cell surface. Up to 80% of incoming light that strikes the LCR ribbon is recovered.

For 20 years, Westlake has been providing civil engineering, land survey, and land use planning services for solar, wind, and battery storage facilities. Services include site development, installation of solar arrays, high-tech manufacturing sites, and solar battery storage facilities. Westlake’s energy team works on due diligence/feasibility studies, drainage studies, transportation planning

Marvair and ICE Divisions of Airxcel

Marvair and ICE air conditioners are used to cool electronic and mechanical equipment shelters used in energy storage. Due to the high internal heat load, these shelters require cooling even when outside temperatures are 60°F (15°C) and below. Marvair and ICE air conditioners have the necessary controls and components for operation during these temperatures. Marvair and ICE air conditioners are installed on the exterior of the building, no interior space is required. Two openings in the wall allow for the conditioned (supply) air to be discharged into the building and for the indoor air to return to the air conditioner.

Zhejiang Benyi New Energy Co., Ltd.

The BFS-22 is a device that ensures solar building fire safety and compliance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) standards. It is designed and developed to provide module level rapid shutdown functionality, which means that it can quickly and safely disconnect the power output of individual solar modules in the event of an emergency.

Get a quote today. 909.434.3100
security is defined as the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price. Solar water heating possess unique advantages that directly benefit
strengthening the energy security that SunEarth and solar water heating bring to the market.

Cyber Security

Electrical Equipment


Iron Spear Information Security, Ltd.

Iron Spear is a Canadian cyber security advisory and management firm specializing in building, operating, and measuring cyber security programs across a variety of industries in both IT and OT environments. They deliver robust and cost effective cyber security services to Canadian and American organizations including measuring the effectiveness of current cyber security programs, assisting with certain components of a program, or building brand new cyber security programs.


Volvo Construction Equipment

The ECR25 Electric compact excavator offers zero exhaust emissions, low noise levels, improved efficiency, and simple maintenance without sacrificing performance. Its batteries provide power for up to eight hours in most common applications. Volvo CE recommends a 240V, Level 2 AC setup for a charge time of about six hours, or an off-board fast charger can be used with a three-phase outlet, bringing it to 80% power within one hour.

Electrical Wire, Cable, & Connectors

Nel Hydrogen

Nordic Fiberglass Inc.



With over 113 years of global experience, DEHN provides lightning and surge protection for wind turbines, photovoltaic systems, battery storage, and other plants. They provide turnkey solutions, including design, engineering, manufacturing, and implementation of systems.

Pittsburgh Electrical Insulation (PEI)

PEI manufactures and converts electrical insulation products and distributes fiberglass and polyimide tapes, mica tapes and sheets, shrink and non-polyester films, silicone rubber tapes, slot liners and wedges, heat-shrinkable products, laminates, resin kits, insulating paint, conductive tapes, foam tapes, slot fillers, specialty coatings, adhesives, epoxy, and greases.

LS Cable & System USA

LS Cable & System USA has designed a proprietary system which provides clean material handling. LS SureClean Isolator Technology ensures minimum environmental exposure through customized material handling, isolator technology, and a gravity conveyance system to help cables maintain their integrity for a longer life cycle. LS SureClean is certified ISO 5 (Class 100) and is used for all MV products.

Nel Hydrogen manufacturers Alkaline and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) water electrolysers, producing from 0.27 Nm3 to 19,400 Nm3 of H2 per hour. Units can be grouped together into electrolyser plants for even larger production rates. Electrolysers are used to store excess electricity from renewable resources in the H2 bond. The H2 can then be sold to industry (converting curtailed power to cash), or burned in a turbine or run through a fuel cell to put the stored energy onto the grid during periods of low generation or peak demand. Due to their fast response times the PEM electrolysers are also used by renewable energy plants to balance the power the plant puts onto the grid.


The ND-683054-MG-PA71-X-X is Nordic’s “Workhorse” for three phase 2, 3 and 4 pt. 35kV 600A deadbreak sectionalizing cabinets for wind farm collection systems. Nordic can supply and install up three, 3 or 4 pt. 35kV 600A junctions from various manufacturers with U-straps if requested by the customer. Rust free fiberglass construction and stainless-steel hardware. PA71 mounting plate has six movable above parking stands to park stand-offs or feed throughs. Nordic recommends the optional CSB-6830 cable support bracket system for holding cables in place and cable clamps. 18" or 36" high extensions available for cables requiring a greater cable bending radii.


Light up the way with STEGO's LED 025, a compact light with a service life of 60,000 hours and a wide voltage range. With a variety of mounting options (clip, magnet, or screw) and two types of switches (on/off switch or PIR Motion sensor), this light can fit anyone's needs.

EZ Solar

Paige Renewable Energy

Paige Renewable Energy has been a provider of wire and cable solutions for over 60 years. Paige offers 35kV, 2kV, 600V PV, hybrid aluminum/wire cables, and more. With expertise in overmolding and redundant North American factories, Paige offers overmolded harnesses, string extenders, and jumpers. All orders can be custom labeled, prefabricated, kitted, and bundled with coordinated shipping and delivery, for a truly plug and play installation.

EZ Solar’s mission is to make solar simple with innovative products that are high-quality, installer-friendly, and cost-effective. They have products for every installation; asphalt/ composite shingles, tile roofs, and a universal rail-mounted box that works with any rail. Made from high quality materials, EZ Solar junction boxes are built to last for life, are NEMA 3R rated, tested to UL1741 standards, and come with a 25-year warranty.


Trachte provides pre-assembled buildings to keep crucial equipment safe. Trachte buildings are available with extra security features like exterior wall ballistics protection, up to UL 752, Level-8). UL-rated bullet-resistant materials can be added to Trachte’s structural-steel framework while maintaining energy efficiency, thermal performance, and resistance to water intrusions. Trachte also offers hurricane and tornado hardening, fire-resistant construction, and EMP resistance.

86 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///

Energy Management Systems

Nuvation Energy

The nController Energy Management System (nController EMS) is a demand charge management and asset prioritization and control system for energy storage and distributed energy resources operating behind the meter. Whether adding energy storage to a facility for peak shaving, or creating a multi-asset microgrid, this site controller will coordinate the operation of the energy assets. It natively supports a range of power conversion systems and power meters.

Peak Power

Peak Power deploys, operates, and optimizes battery storage, grid-interactive buildings, and electric vehicles using a single software platform for customers and partners to pursue net zero goals, cut operating expenses, and unlock new revenue opportunities. Their technology transforms large commercial buildings and industrial facilities into the cornerstone resources in a decentralized electricity system, and their creative financing approach is designed so their partners make money to be that energy resource.

Energy Monitoring

Energy Storage

Carlo Gavazzi, Inc.

Carlo Gavazzi manufactures, promotes, and sells energy and power quality solutions for industrial and commercial applications. Carlo Gavazzi incorporates current technologies in hardware, software, and communications including Edge controllers with full certification for Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS.


Aggreko’s 30kVA and 60kVA batteries are all-inone solutions that can be easily plugged into an existing power system, providing immediate and cost-efficient energy storage for any number of commercial and industrial applications. The company’s extensive experience in energy storage for various applications, from events to complex applications involving utilities and renewable energy sources, helps customers reduce their carbon footprint and make operations more efficient.

Crown Battery

Schaltbau North America

An international supplier of safety-relevant electromechanical components since 1929, Schaltbau develops and manufactures contactors, plugs, and switching systems with a focus on (DC) Technology. They work across industry applications, including high-voltage battery management systems for electric vehicles, charging stations, and battery test stands. Their DC technology is embedded in their newest production facility, enabling significant contribution to energy savings.

Dynamic Ratings

Dynamic Ratings offers Smart Infrastructure Solutions (SIS) as an agile technology stack that enhances connectivity to grid edge assets for better management. The system is tailored to meet varying security, scalability, and availability requirements and has many options available in architecture and communication technology. This IoT platform can bridge operational technology hardware such as transformer monitors and line sensors with energy business systems such as PI.

Bioenno Power

Based in Santa Ana, California, Bioenno Power offers lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries for various solar and industrial applications. The company's "BLF-" series offers a 10-year service life, 1/4 the weight of SLA batteries, and built in circuitry that balances/ equalizes cells, protects against overcharging, overdischarge, overcurrent, and overvoltage.

Crown Renewable Batteries are an innovative array of responsible battery energy storage products, including their popular 2CRP1200 model which has capacity up to 55.9kWh (48VDC) for best available performance and ROI, is flexible and easy to handle, configure, deployable for new or existing systems and resilient in extreme operating temperatures, and earthfriendly being 99% recyclable. Crown can supply grid-connected with back-up power, off-grid, or custom storage applications.

Dragonfly Energy

Dragonfly Energy offers a full line of LiFePO4 batteries for 12V, 24V, 36V, and 48V systems. Designed to provide efficient and safe renewable energy storage for a wide range of industries and applications, including RV, van, marine, industrial, solar systems, off-grid residential and backup, and more. As full system integrators, DragonFly Energy is equipped with technical specialists and the components necessary to build out full lithium power systems.

Phoenix Contact USA

Facility managers and distributed energy resource installations now have real-time, remote access to energy data with Phoenix Contact EMpro. This energy meter offers simple configuration and operation, with no special skills needed to install or use. The EMpro tracks energy parameters such as voltage, current, and power at the device or system level. Data can be communicated locally or transmitted to cloudbased services, creating a streamlined IoT-based energy-monitoring solution.


SCHURTER’s FMER SOL single-stage DC filter is designed to limit noise generated on the DC side of the inverter. EMC standards EN 610006-3 and EN 55014-1 specify interference limits for non-grid connected conductors such as those going to solar panels.

Canadian Solar

Canadian Solar’s EP Cube is a flexible, intelligent home energy storage system providing 9.9119.9kWh of energy storage. It uses safe Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries and offers a hybrid inverter with AC and DC inputs. Users log into an app for easy energy control. The EP Cube includes a 10-year warranty for the Smart Gateway and hybrid inverter. The battery warranty is for >80% capacity up to 10-years or 6000 cycles.


Dyness Orion series is an all-in-one system with safe performance and flexible capacity. Equipped with an external HM inverter, it helps users to realize power sufficiency.

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e-On Batteries, Inc.

Founded in Dallas, Texas in 2015, e-On Batteries provides lithium-based battery energy storage. They design, assemble, and integrate their Smart Battery Energy Storage Systems (SmartBess) software, with a focus on long-term reliability and safety throughout the United States and beyond. Their systems combine a proprietary active balancing Battery Management System (BMS) and UL1973 listed, 9540A tested LiFePo4 modules which can be scaled and networked for applications in behind the meter microgrid, electric vehicle charging, data centers, and in-front of the meter utility-scale energy storage ranging from 9.8kWh residential Genesis units to their 16MWh MegaBlock configurations. e-On works with utilities and government organizations to ensure their products qualify for available incentive programs.

FranklinWH Energy Storage Inc.

Franklin Home Power (FHP) is a whole-home energy management system with storage consisting of two components: aGate and aPower. The aGate is an intelligent home energy management center that integrates solar, battery, grid, and generator and manages them. The aPower is a 13. kWh AC-coupled battery. It uses extremely safe LFP cells and can stack up to fifteen aPower batteries per aGate.


Stationary energy storage specialist HiTHIUM manufactures highly efficient battery storage cabinets and containers based on its LFP battery cells. The company offers its high-performance cells and liquid-cooled modules to other providers for use in their products. HiTHIUM’s 4MWh container, based on its 300Ah cells, has extensive safety features and high energy density. The product achieves a low LCOS through >12,000 cycles, thanks to advances in material and process technologies, along with a max. 2% capacity loss in the first 1000 cycles. The liquid cooling, providing high thermal stability, and multi-stage active fire protection increase the container’s safety. Founded in 2019, HiTHIUM is expanding its production capacity to 70GWh by end of 2023.

LEOCH Battery Corporation

LG Electronics Energy Storage Systems

Introducing LG Electronics Home 8 residential ESS, a reliable, complete energy generation and storage solution that reduces dependency on the electrical grid, phases out any type of fueled generators, offsets peak shifts, and is environmentally and economically friendly. This is a ready-to-deploy, all-in-one system with PCS + built-in CT Sensor and smart energy box. A 7” touch-screen HMI and Installer Setup Wizard reduces commissioning time. Users can connect 4-units for up to 57.6kWh of total storage. Home 8 ESS provides in-depth system performance and data analysis via EnerVu software and is 9540/9640A fire certified by UL directly, UL1741SA, UL1741SB(TBD), NEMA Type 3R in a 7.5kW AC-coupled design.

Lithium Power, Inc.

ESS-500-48 is a lithium-ion rechargeable NMC battery pack. Designed for telecom UPS and other mission critical applications, the back-up battery comes with built-in safety protections, gas gauge, cell and pack balancing, as well as communication. Various communication protocols are available such as CANBus, SMBus, Bluetooth, and more. Around 60 parameters of battery information can be delivered live or saved in the battery's history data log. The battery pack is designed to meet UN, UL, and IEC certification requirements.

Lithium Werks

Mango Power

The Mango Power E uses the same, durable LFP battery cells as many EVs. These cells charge fast, last long, and are reliable. Even with up to five years' continuous use, charging, discharging, and recharging constantly, the Power E's battery cells will still perform as well as they did when brand new. By Integrating Mango Power ecosystem into a home’s circuit, homeowners are guaranteed power security and grid independence with a seamless, uninterrupted flow of electricity flow of electricity powering lights, refrigerators, computers, and any other essential devices.

Fortress Power

The Guardian is the gateway to Fortress Power Batteries. The Guardian is Wi-Fi enabled and connects directly to Fortress Power batteries. The Guardian app will allow monitoring of key battery values such as state of charge, voltage, current, and battery temperature. Remotely install firmware updates, submit support tickets, chat live with support engineers, and securely share installation and monitoring data directly with support engineers, right from the app.

LEOCH 48V LFELI Series, Lithium Iron Phosphate (LIFEPO4) batteries offer exceptional cycling performance of 10,000 cycles @ 50% DOD, 3500 cycles @ 100% DOD, and can be put into parallel for 48VDC, 1600AH capacity. These batteries are equipped with a built-in Battery Management System (BMS) and optional LCD screen for hassle-free maintenance.

Lithium Werks manufactures high power, safety, and long cycle life LFP Nanophosphate cells and custom battery systems. Robust 3.3Vdc cylindrical cells can be arranged up to systems of 1000Vdc, from kWh to MWh. These power cells provide high-rate UPS (Uninterruptable Power Solution) and large frequency regulation applications to help stabilize the grid performance of solar, wind, and other energy sources.

LS Energy Solutions

LS Energy Solution’s AiON-ESS all-in-one integrated system is a flexible, modular AC energy storage solution for 1-hour and 2- to 6-hour applications. Both models incorporate LS-ES’s third-generation string inverters, together with Tier-1 batteries in a single, scaleable enclosure, enabling configurations of any size for almost any application. The fully integrated, containerized system reduces upfront capital outlay and saves on-site installation work.

MK Battery

MK Battery introduces the DEKA Duration DD5300, a 48V, 5300Wh battery module utilizing Lithium Iron Phosphate Technology. Tested and validated, and branded with the DEKA name from East Penn Manufacturing Co., this modular design allows for either wall mount or floor mount installation and is stackable up to eight modules high. Stocked in the U.S., the DD5300 is a universal module that has a programmable BMS, Dual usage, for low voltage and high voltage applications. Low voltage; 48V, 5.3kWh to 556.5kWh, high voltage; 200 to 1000V, 21.2kWh to 763kWh. Remote monitoring and firmware updates are just one click away on any smart phone, utilizing a proprietary app.

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Moment Energy

Moment Energy's second-life energy storage helps with peak shaving for on-grid, commercial customers, which helps them reduce energy costs. Moment Energy's solution enables off-grid sites to lower diesel generator use and install solar or wind power systems. It is possible to reduce diesel consumption by up to 40% with Moment Energy's solution, even without the availability of renewables. Their solutions stack with 48kWh building blocks to accommodate any sizing needs.


Qcells' Q.HOME CORE is the newest generation energy storage system from Qcells, and it integrates a solar inverter (Q.VOLT) with a modular, scalable battery system (Q.SAVE), and backup interface (Q.HOME Hub). Q.HOME CORE provides a complete energy solution and inclusive 10-year product warranty on all components and customer support from one brand. A flexible, scalable design that enables a wide range of storage capacities to suit a homeowner's electricity needs; up to 200A whole home backup; standard integrated revenue grade metering; simplified installation and commissioning; compact design and sleek appeal; and integrated PLC rapid shutdown. The Q.HOME CORE pairs well with Qcells modules.

Rolls Battery Engineering

Designed for true drop-in replacement in standard BCI sizing, Rolls new R-Series 12V and 24V LFP lithium models offer a maintenancefree, lightweight flooded, and SLA alternative with fast charge/discharge capability, built-in BMS with operating protections, 50Ah to 300Ah capacity, up to 4x series and 4x parallel connectivity for 48V system configuration, >6000 cycles @ 80% DoD, and backed by a 3-year full replacement manufacturer warranty.

Shenzhen GSL Energy Co., Ltd.

Sun Xtender Batteries

Sun Xtender batteries are sealed lead acid for maintenance free renewal energy storage, housed in shockproof cases without acid spilling or spray, no watering or electrolyte checks. Sun Xtender's deep cycle technology has no memory of cycle length and depletion state. Sun Xtender Batteries are 100% recyclable, saving them from landfills.

Univix Power Solutions

Univix Power Solutions, located in Laconia NH, manufactures solutions for every energy storage scenario from residential to commercial. Their regular production products include a full line of batteries from 250ah and up, inverters from 4-12kW in single phase, to 250kW 3 phase. Their BESS product, The Bank, is an easy to install and use, all-in-one solution for residential and small commercial customers. Made in the USA.

EV Charging

Paladin Power, Inc.

Paladin Power energy storage system (ESS) is an all-in-one residential battery and hybrid inverter solution that is designed to be on or off grid, low cost, easy to install, and can power all circuits in a home plus EVs. Paladin is an NEM 3.0 solution for solar installers. Scalable inverters to 21KW and stackable batteries from 24KW to 96KW all in the same cabinet without having to add additional equipment or components. Everything, including batteries, inverters, and connections are enclosed in one system making it easy to install. Paladin ESS is SGIP approved in California including UL 1741, ETL, CEC, IEEE 1541, and UL 9540a. Paladin can be used for residential, commercial, EVs, farms, and more. Paladin Power ESS comes with a 20-year warranty and is approved with popular lenders for B2C. It gets better; Paladin has a unique logistics and delivery system that can provide for delivery of the unit to your end user customer when the contractor is ready for installation.

RCT Power Energy Technology Corporation

The modular, all-in-one home storage units from the German brand RCT Power are efficient battery storage systems. An integrated RCT Power Switch provide energy to important consumers during a power failure. The RCT Power Battery works with particular safe and environmentally friendly LiFePO4 battery cells.


Redflow designs and manufactures long-duration zinc-bromine flow batteries for stationary commercial, industrial, and utility applications. Redflow batteries are modular, scalable, fire-safe, and capable of 100% depth of discharge. The technology offers unique advantages, including a hibernation feature, remote management, a simple recycling path, and sustained energy delivery. Redflow’s energy storage solutions have been in use for more than a decade at more than 250 sites in over 9 countries.

At the end of 2022, GSL Energy’s 14.34kwh wall mount battery became UL1973 and UL9540A certified, adding to its UL9540 certification. As a manufacturer focusing on LiFePO battery developing and production, GSL Energy uses Tier 1 cell and self-developed GSL patented BMS with high, stable performance. This 14.34kWh wall battery has a 15-year warranty, is built with a DC breaker on the side and touch screen in the front, and the BMS communicates with more than 18 different solar inverter brands.


EvoCharge, founded in 2009, provides reliable, safe, and cost-effective level 2 charging stations and the EvoReel cable management system for single family, multifamily, workplace, and other commercial spaces. EvoCharge products are fully compatible with all EV and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) sold throughout the United States and Canada.


Sinexcel, Inc.

NEMA3R Cabinet ESS with built-in HVAC/aux power is compatible with most lithium-ion battery systems based on 90-280Ah cells. With the newly released 30kW bi-directional storage inverter, optional 3MPPT DCDC PV charger, and smart transfer switch, it is compatible with flexible power up to 90kW and energy of 140-240KWh, with support up to 135kWp PV input. Smart transfer switch offers automatic and fast switching between grid-tied and off-grid, suitable for commercial and large residential applications.

Noodoe EV OS is a flexible EV charging station operating platform. The operating system delivers a user-centric charging experience for drivers and charging service providers. Noodoe EV OS autonomously runs all charging network operations: 24/7 service delivery, payment processing, and charger management. Real-time automatic monitoring, diagnostics, and recovery deliver a high up time. In addition, add-on microservices provide business-specific solutions.

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Fans & Ventilators

Ground Covering

Continental Fan Manufacturing, Inc.

Continental Fan is a supplier of fans for nacelle ventilation, GCU (generator control unit) cooling, and tower ventilation. Whether axial fans for high air volumes and low pressures, centrifugal blowers for higher-pressure applications or motorized impellers for ventilating electrical cabinets, Continental Fan has the solution.


Presto Geosystems

GEOWEB Geocells is a 3D confinement system which uses onsite fill, and less fill than geogrids.

The GEOWEB Geocell System reduces overall cross section of stone by 70% or more, controls infill by creating a stable driving surface, even over soft ground, and requires minimal maintenance. The GEOWEB System offers inexpensive load support and substantial reduction of maintenance for wind farm access.

Handling | Manufacturing


Green Source EPC, LLC

Marine Fasteners

Marine Fasteners is a supplier of stainless steel and non-ferrous fasteners, in U.S. and metric threads. They stock a full line of 304 and 316, Magni 565, DeltaProtekt, hot-dip alvanized, and their very own chrome plating line. Stocking well over $24 million worth of fasteners in nationwide locations, with another $4-6 million on order every day, they maintain customer requirements in stock. If not, their sales staff, with over 700 years of combined fastener experience, can supply competitive parts or custom manufacture to meet their customer’s delivery needs.

Floating Solar Platform

Ciel & Terre USA, Inc.

The floating solar system, Hydrelio, enables PV panels to be installed on large water bodies such as reservoirs, quarries, and irrigation ponds. It’s a simple and affordable alternative to ground mounted solar. Hydrelio is particularly suitable for energy and water intensive industries that can’t afford to lose land or water. Wineries, farms, mining, water treatment plants, or irrigation districts are examples of industries benefiting from the synergy this technology creates between sun and water.

3D-Micromac AG

microCELL MCS is a solution for laser cutting solar cells into half-, third-, and shingled cells. microCELL TLS is a high throughput laser system, for separating silicon solar cells into half cells. All microCELL systems achieve maximum throughput. Cutting with their ablation-free TLS process guarantees outstanding edge quality. microFLEX PV is a high-precision solution for laser-processing flexible thin-film solar cells on wide tracks - for P1, P2, P3, and P4/PT insulation cuts.

Hoists & Cranes

Ampirical delivers full turn-key EPC renewable-based electrical infrastructure solutions. Ampirical’s solutions include, but are not limited to, electrical energy collection systems (PV and substation), electrical energy storage systems (BESS), and T&D electrical interconnection 13.8kV through 500kV. The Ampirical team's renewable market experience spans more than 25 years and has delivered domestic as well as international electrical project solutions. Over this same period, the Ampirical team has developed proprietary renewable design solutions that deliver a high system reliable service to price point ratio. Ampirical is an electrical system solution provider with in-house capabilities which includes power systems analysis through installation, physical construction, and test.

Burns & McDonnell

Green Source EPC is a provider of solar energy for commercial developments in North America. Green Source EPC works with customers from design through installation to produce custom efficient solar projects. With its self-performing capabilities, Green Source EPC accelerates the design, engineering, procurement, and construction timelines to improve quality and eliminate multi-sourcing challenges.

Rosendin Electric

Rosendin is leveraging its long standing BESS experience and expertise to provide BESS services in conjunction with its solar and wind utility scale offerings. Their energy storage solutions are tailored to meet the requirements of the customer while maintaining the quality and safety Rosendin has provided since 1919.

Harrington Hoists, Inc.

Harrington Hoists, Inc. provides wind energy tower hoists. Harrington provides service, reliability, product features, and services. They offer NER electric chain hoists, high/low lifting speeds, vibration analysis, testing, research, and development. Their Guardian Smart Brake Technology features no failures and a clean warranty record.

Hybrid Solar PV/Thermal + Storage

Icarus RT, Inc.

Icarus' is a B2B solar technology business based on working with EPC contractors as strategic partners to sell and install Icarus Quartet Systems. Quartet is a hybrid Photovoltaic (PV)/Thermal Solar Plus Storage Cogeneration System. Icarus manufactures and sells the primary component (proprietary heat extractor) and specifies other required off the shelf components to developers and/or EPC contractors. Icarus licenses the proprietary control system to the end user.

Burns & McDonnell is an integrated EPC for solar and storage projects. They engineer, procure, integrate, and construct solar and storage jobs across North America. They have more than 15GW of solar design, development, and construction and more than 3GWh of battery storage construction.


GOLDBECK SOLAR provides EPC services for large-scale photovoltaic power plants worldwide. Their in-house services and proprietary racking solutions offer quality logistical advantages. They offer self-performed services, customizing energy systems for clients allowing installations even in challenging environments. Operating across North America, they aim to deliver value through value-engineered systems and deep experience deploying high-performing PV plants.

Scarlet Solar

SCARLET TiltPort is a single-axis tracker carport which is code compliant and panel agnostic. TiltPort increases the solar panels’ efficiency to produce more and less expensive energy. Designed for scale, modular, and warrantied, TiltPort is installed in hours in public, business, or commercial parking lots and agriculture applications. Several sizes available: from 30kW to 60kW per unit. Waterproof, bifacial, and other options available.

Integrator | EPC
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CE+T America

Stabiliti 30C3 is a 3-port bidirectional (AC/DC/DC) converter which easily interconnects to various power sources to offer high performance. Stabiliti 30C3 allows users to configure for peak shaving, energy arbitrage, and microgrid. As PV and batteries are the most expensive part of a complete system installation, Stabiliti 30C3 lowers the total system cost with its internal high frequency galvanic isolation, and almost doubles the life of batteries and PVs by protecting them from grid transients.


The new STORAGE 3Power HV is an INGETEAM storage inverter for 1500V battery systems. This UL1741SB-compliant converter is capable of providing up to 3930kVA. It features NEMA 3 protection for its main cabinet (the power stack), thanks to a hybrid cooling system that combines air and liquid refrigeration. This attribute allows for a greater thermal stability, a lower failure rate, lower OPEX, enhanced generation ratio and a more efficient component usage. Moreover, this inverter features advanced grid support functionalities, such as grid-forming, frequency regulation, black start capability, low voltage ride-through, synthetic inertia, reactive power capability, etc. An innovative control unit performs a more efficient and sophisticated inverter management, thanks to a last-generation digital signal processor.

Samlex America

EVO-4248 Split Phase (SP) Inverter/Charger is an all-inone inverter, transfer switch, and battery charger. Output 120/240Vac Split Phase or Single Phase 120Vac. Battery connection at 48Vdc and 100A battery charger. 1 AC input for generator or grid. Allows users to power 120Vac appliances like tools, laptops, or a fridge, plus 240Vac appliances like water heaters and stoves. Suitable for off-grid cabin, work sites, remote locations, or emergency back-up power systems. Remote control available and sold separately.


SolarEdge's Home Hub Inverter presents a centralized solution that manages and coordinates solar production, storage and backup, EV charging, and future smart energy devices. System power and energy capacity are increased through battery and inverter stacking, so when DC coupled with batteries and the SolarEdge backup interface, the solution can back up additional loads or even power the entire home, up to 200A, during grid outages. It also enables higher energy yield since energy that would be lost in an AC-coupled solution can be redirected to a battery. Built-in metering and generator compatible.

Laminator Producer

Kurdex Corporation

Kurdex is a supplier of large area vacuum deposition and etch equipment for R&D, pilot, and high volume manufacturing (HVM). Products include sputtering, evaporation, PECVD, spatial ALD, ARC-CVD and plasma etch tools. Standard and custom systems configured for in-line, cluster, and R2R with full automation. Substrate sizes up to 2300MM rigid or flex, wafers, glass sheets, or roll of flexible materials. They also offer an applications lab for contract coating services, DOE, and technology development.


SMA America

The SMA Energy Meter allows for easy viewing of the home’s energy use, making electricity costs and savings more apparent. Available with the new Sunny Boy Smart Energy hybrid inverter, consumption data can be viewed in Sunny Portal or the SMA Energy App to allow for the homeowner to understand and optimize energy usage.


Bürkle GmbH

In the photovoltaic industry, BÜRKLE has been supplying laminators for over 15 years, including the patented YPSATOR multi-opening laminator. BÜRKLE delivers high-performance and highly efficient lamination technology. In doing so, the YPSATOR convinces with short cycle times, particularly low production area requirements and cost-efficient lamination technology.

Manufacture | Installation Equipment

LUDECAwind systems are intended for installation and continuous maintenance work in the field. EASY-LASER systems are specially configured with functionality and hardware suited for wind turbines. No matter the manufacturer, coupling, or turbine type, they make generator-to-gearbox alignment inside any nacelle easy. EASY-LASER E910/E915 is suitable for measuring flatness and parallelism on tower flanges regardless of diameter, as well as for solving flange deformation and blades problems.


SPD66 Pile Drivers are available globally with high production and efficiency. They offer ergonomic machine controls with remote control available. Able to perform piling, ground screwing, and drilling, and have easy maintenance. The GPS options and in-thefield tracking uses Groma Technology. With GRM-PDPOS, once the machine is in position, it prepares to be loaded with pile/screw, and after loading installation is complete to the assigned height, it advances autonomously to the new pile/screw point.

Consertek USA, Inc.


The Sol-Ark O900-80V offers PV module rapid shutdown device (RSD) and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) power optimization. The O900-80V can attach to every PV module and provide RSD (PV rapid shutdown) required by UL 1741 and NEC 690.12. It will compensate for shaded panel(s) to maintain peak output power. When installed with and receiving a “permission to operate” signal from the TX 12K-A or TX 15K-A Transmitters, O900-80V starts proper operation of the PV system(s).

Consertek is the North American authorized distributor of THIES CLIMA Instruments, as well as distribution of Sabre Product line in Canada. In addition to the tower products, Consertek also designs, manufactures, and supplies high-quality anemometric supports and accessories for instruments. All their supports are CNC fabricated to suit any type of towers and can accommodate all instruments. They also offer data logger enclosure assembly, designed and assembled by their technicians.

Stracker Solar

Stracker Solar's elevated dual-axis solar trackers produce 50% to 70% more power than fixed PV systems of the same size while maintaining full use of the grounds below. The 28-module array sits on top of a 20ft steel pole with a minimum 14ft clearance at all times, making the system suitable for parking lots, commercial operations, farms, and schoolyards. The robust pole can be equipped with LED lot lighting and EV charge stations. The low maintenance design comes with 30-year warranty and is microgrid ready.

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Vision Engraving & Routing Systems

Made in the USA since 1983, Vision Engraving & Routing Systems manufactures high-quality, low-maintenance machines for making code-compliant solar tags and plates. Vision’s systems are environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful fumes or require an air filtration system. Choose from small desktop-sized engravers and larger machines that come with easy-to-use Vision engraving software. Make PV tags, plates, labels, solar placards, OSHA-compliant danger and warning signs, metal tags, and more.



PowerShingle by Nucor is a solar panel technology with a water-shed design to keep everything below clean and dry. PowerShingle eliminates the need for costly sub-roofing and its bifacial design gathers sunlight from both sides, providing a steady supply of clean, affordable solar energy backed by a 25-year warranty.

RenewSys India Pvt., Ltd.

RenewSys is an integrated manufacturer of solar PV modules (1.75GW) and their key components including encapsulants (3GW), backsheets (4GW), and solar PV cells (130MW). Headquartered in Mumbai, with manufacturing facilities at Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Patalganga.

Silfab Solar

Silfab Elite MWT/Back-contact technology with an innovative conductive back sheet and proprietary cell design delivers high performance, durability, and beautiful aesthetics. Manufactured exclusively in the United States.

Hoymiles Power Electronics, Inc.

Hoymiles 4-in-1 microinverter is a cost-effective module-level solar solution, as it can support up to 4 panels at once and maximize PV production. With a maximum DC voltage of 60V, Hoymiles microinverter is a PV Rapid Shutdown Equipment and conforms with NEC-2017, 2020, and CEC-2021 Sec 64-218. It is equipped with reactive power control and meets the standards of IEEE 1547, UL 1741, and CA Rule21.

Panasonic Corporation of North America

Panasonic Eco Systems North America, a Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America, unveiled their new line of all-black compact EverVolt solar modules, developed with performance, accessibility, flexibility, and pleasing aesthetics in mind. The new HK Black Series panels, with half-cut cells and heterojunction technology with gapless connections, offer the most powerful modules in the company’s portfolio. The EverVolt HK Black Series modules have efficiency ratings of up to 22.2%, allowing homeowners to utilize high levels of power production while using less roof space. Homeowners can benefit from greater energy production throughout the day, including on the hottest days in the warmest climates, due to the modules’ temperature coefficient of 0.26%/°C. With low annual degradation rates, the Panasonic panels are expected to provide power output of at least 92% in the 25th year after installation. The EverVolt solar modules are covered under Panasonic’s EverVolt AllGuard All System Warranty when purchased with EverVolt Battery Storage System, which covers solar panels and battery storage when bundled together.

Rayzon Solar Pvt., Ltd.


NEP’s BDM800 is a two PV panel microinverter providing 800WAC and supporting two modules up to 1200WDC. Rule 21 ready and CEC listed. Residential and Commercial 208VAC applications. Shipping today via national distributors.



LONGi Hi-MO5 features optimized gallium-doped M10 standard silicon wafers (182mm) to produce a P-Type Mono PERC module with low LID, increased attenuation, and power performance well as long-term reliability. Hi-MO 5 adopts "Smart Soldering," which uses integrated segmented soldering ribbons that maximize light capture and connect cells with reduced gap distance and reduce the tensile stress of the cell.

Rayzon Solar’s production facility of 1.5GW in the state of Gujarat, India was established in 2016. Rayzon Solar is committed to sustainability and has contributed to governmentadministered solar power projects in rooftop and commercial setups. They have also expanded their reach globally with exports to five countries, including the USA and Europe.

Solvari Solar

Solvari SR is an all-in-one solar module that offers a quick install. Simply lift the module to the roof, screw it down, and plug it in. All fasteners, flashing, electronics, and wiring are integrated with the module. Installers appreciate the low labor, overhead, and inventory management costs, as well as the safety of spending less time on the roof. Solvari SR won the DOE’s American Made Solar Prize and the California Energy Commission CalSEED innovation award.

Off-grid Power Supply Sunfire Fuel Cells GmbH

REC Group

The REC Alpha Pure-R provides residential rooftop and small commercial projects with power, efficiency, and suitable size. Featuring HJT cells in a compact, patented design, Pure-R delivers power output up to 430Wp and efficiency up to 22.3%. With a low temperature coefficient of -.24%, front load-tested to 7000Pa, and hurricane-tested, PURE-R is designed to handle extreme weather. Eligible for REC’s extended ProTrust 25-year warranty. Lead-free and RoHAS compliant.

Sunfire-Remote fuel cells efficiently generate power for off-grid applications, converting Propane or NG without water or lubricants. They prevent freezing, have over 30% efficiency, and require maintenance every 10,000 hours. Used since 2014 in Europe, Malaysia, Japan, Canada, and Alaska, they excel in alpine environments above 8000 feet. They can be combined with photovoltaics for summer operation savings.

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Off-grid Solar

Morningstar Corporation

In stock and shipping: six all-new Morningstar inverters from 150-2500W, 120 or 23OV output, 12, 24, and 48Vdc input options. Industrial-grade design and build quality, with a low-frequency toroidal transformer for improved sinewave stability. Engineered for system-level integration with Morningstar charge controllers. Full communications features include Bluetooth, RS-485, USB, Ethernet, and MS-CAN. AC hardwire terminal options. Fanless convection cooling for maximum efficiency and reliability.

SunWize Power & Battery, LLC

SunWize provides pre-designed and fully customized systems which can be stand-alone or hybrid solar, and are designed to meet any load and site requirements. Their Power Ready Express Systems are ready off-the-shelf and designed for quick fulfillment, making purchasing resilient remote power quick and easy. Additionally, they design and manufacture standard and customized enclosures, solar mounts, and solar panels. These are available as stand-alone products or as part of a complete power system

CAS DataLoggers

The EC-7VAR Power Energy Data Logger is specifically designed to monitor one, two, or three current channels, as well as one, two, or three voltage channels. It allows users to monitor the loading and energy consumption of the installation. The Power Factor recorded is the phase angle between L1 and A1. Amp ranges are selectable from 400 or 3000 Aac. The Electrocorder range uses a constant sampling technique. When the loggers start to record, they sample every channel 16 times per cycle.


emazys provides the Z200 PV Analyzer designed for troubleshooting, diagnostics, and O&M applications. The Z200 does not only detect plant faults and failures, is also pinpoints the exact location of the failure within the array. The Z200 does also detect early signs of degradation and includes fault finding in the testing procedure.

ONYX Insight

ONYX Insight is a flexible, independent service provider, combining real-world engineering expertise with innovative software and advanced sensing solutions. Their approach to predictive maintenance can minimize downtime, boost profitability, optimize operations, and extend the life of an asset. They work collaboratively at every stage of the asset life-cycle, enabling operators to make informed, future-proof O&M decisions.

Ping Services

Vroom Solar

Vroom Solar kits feature solar-direct, multi-load management technology that converts sunlight to usable power with the flip of a switch, no battery or grid needed. Solar-direct technology allows for immediate usable power, produced on-site. Power can be stored in a backup battery for later, like at night, but no battery is required for power production. Their multi-load management technology is inspired by the automatic transmission and alternates through outlets as light-conditions change throughout the day or as the draw on outlets change, like a fully charged battery. Their off-grid solar generator kits include solar modules and patent-pending racking that’s adaptable to box trucks, trailers, and cargo containers, ground mount tubs, or a solar shed kit.

Performance Monitoring

Apogee Instruments

Apogee Class C silicon-cell pyranometers are low-cost, high reliable alternatives to Class-A thermopile pyranometers for performance monitoring at multi-sized plants, solar prospecting, and weather stations. Apogee pyranometers have been used on thousands of installations for 26 years. Sensor output options include 0 to 350mV, 0 to 2.5V, 0 to 5V, 4 to 20mA, SDI-12, and Modbus. Apogee also offers a low-cost thermopile pyranometer for those wanting higher accuracy under clouds.


The HY-OPTIMA 2700 Series uses a solid-state, non-consumable sensor that is configured to operate in process gas streams. The H2scan solid state technology provides a direct hydrogen measurement that is not cross sensitive to other gases. The HY-OPTIMA 2700 Series is suitable for applications where real-time, hydrogen specific measurements can enhance process plant efficiencies, diagnostics and maintenance management.

HuksefluxUSA, Inc.

The digital SR30 Secondary Standard pyranometer features an internal maintenance-free heated ventilation system. The circulation of heated air flow between the inner and outer domes suppresses the formation of dew and frost on the pyranometer optic. With < 2.1 Watts max power consumption, SR30 delivers a high level of performance and data availability. Critical sensor data, including irradiance, sensor serial number, and calibration data, are all available via RS485 RTU / Modbus connection. The sealed desiccant cartridge free design with internal ventilation translates into reduced sensor maintenance and cost of ownership.

Omnidian, Inc.

Omnidian provides a purpose-built, AI-powered monitoring technology solution, coupled with solar O&M support. Their asset performance management solution is used by solar developers, installers, and EPCs nationwide. With over 175,000 assets under management, and years of asset data informing their technology, Omnidian is positioned to ensure maximum asset uptime and return on investment.

eologix sensor technology gmbh and Ping Services have joined forces provide continuous wind turbine blade health monitoring solutions. By combining eologix's on-blade sensor and Ping's acoustic monitor, the merger optimizes maintenance, reduces repair costs, and increases power generation. This real-time monitoring solution empowers wind farm operators to identify issues promptly, enhancing blade health assessment. The eologix sensor detects ice, measures temperature, and monitors pitch angles, while Ping's monitor captures acoustic signals, detects lightning events, and listens for structural damage. Centralized data on one dashboard allows for holistic assessment and informed decision-making, reducing maintenance costs and improving operation. The system is customizable to meet individual needs.

Sensoria by MISTRAS Group

Sensoria is a 24/7/365 blade monitor that remotely detects and reports damages through an online data portal, taking the guesswork out of wind blade integrity management. Sensoria utilizes acoustic emission (AE) technology to help make wind blades more efficient by maximizing uptime and reducing the need to take blades out of service for inspection.

Sensoria enables quick, accurate decisionmaking, and promotes a proactive maintenance strategy so blade damages don’t worsen over time.

North American Clean Energy 93

Solar-Log North America (Solar Data Systems, Inc.)

Solar-Log provides hardware-agnostic and manufacturer-independent monitoring and control, feed-in management, and energy management. With more than 2300 compatible components (inverters, meters, weather sensors, storage systems), SolarLog is an energy management system for renewable energies. As a result, users can monitor and manage all of their plants from one single platform and reduce solar plant downtimes with accurate performance data. An enhanced monitoring and management tool for residential, C&I, and largescale fleets. Detailed performance insights avoid lasting negative effects on solar plant returns.


Solarfox displays visualize energy data from renewable energy sources and solar power systems in commercial or public buildings. The display can be connected to almost any PV system and easily managed via the internet, independent of the solar system location. Solarfox is hardware-agnostic, working with numerous brands of inverters and data loggers or monitoring solutions from different vendors. It allows users to visualize multiple installations, even different energy systems like wind turbines.

WAGO Corporation

WAGO’s new Edge Devices combine the duality of today’s smart connected world. They provide real time analytics at the edge of the network combined with a high level of determinism for plant floor control. These devices have low latency control with the capability of exchanging contextualized data with Cloud-based service applications. The Edge Controller can run high speed and complex applications using its quad-core processor and Linuxbased real time operating system supporting IIoT protocols such as MQTT, OPC UA, and Sparkplug. Control engineers and software developers can leverage the Edge Computer’s openness to operate their edge of network applications.

Rapid Shutdown Systems



The Solmetric PV Analyzer I-V Curve Tracer measures the performance of modules and strings up to 1500V and 30A. The new PVA-1500HE is specifically designed to measure strings of high efficiency modules (e.g. >19% efficient HJT, Perc, Mono-Si, etc) up to 30A. The wireless irradiance and temperature sensor captures environmental conditions at the time of the I-V sweep. Sophisticated software instantly determines the performance factor, fill factor, Isc, Voc, Imp, Vmp, Pmax, current ratio, and voltage ratio; and the analysis software produces tables, histograms, and population charts for an entire PV plant. Careful thermal management inside the tool ensures high measurement throughput enabling large systems to be commissioned quickly.


RSD-Plus is an NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 compliant device. Single and Dual PV module RSD in one device enables low cost, PV level thermal shutdown enables even greater safety protection. Configured DC cables and connectors to match the PV connector brand and lowers AHJ rejection risks. Optional PV data monitoring available.

Safety Equipment

Demand IQ

Demand IQ is a SaaS company that helps residential solar providers lower customer acquisition costs while selling more projects and streamlining their business. Its products, Stella and Hero, are designed to improve lead quality, increase workflow efficiency, and provide homeowners with a transparent, educational solar shopping experience. Demand IQ delivers a customer-centric solar shopping experience that helps future-proof solar businesses and makes going solar more accessible for homeowners.

Ellume Solar, Inc.

Ellume 360 is a device agnostic, integrated solution designed for centralized management of solar power plants with strong emphasis on data visualization, analysis, and performance reporting. Their cloud based secure and scalable infrastructure allows users to manage multiple solar power plants globally from a central location. Their ticketing and asset management module makes it a complete solution for any device monitoring, reporting, analytics for EPC, O&M service providers, IPP, and C&I end users.

3S Lift

The 3S Lift Climb Auto System is a single technician ladder-mounted lift that eliminates the physical and mental strain of climbing. It features safety control switches on both handles and a remote mode for the easy transport of tools. The collapsible footboards make for rapid evacuation in the event of an emergency. The Climb Auto System offers independent Fall Arresters for the operator and the system itself, providing utmost safety. The Climb Auto System can be easily retrofitted to almost any wind turbine, often in 8 hours or less. Because it is mounted to the existing ladder, the installation typically requires no changes to the wind turbine structures. It is CE, UL, ANSI, OSHA certified, and has been installed in over 80,000 towers worldwide. The Climb Auto System is a safe and cost-effective way to ascend a tower and lets technicians keep their minds on the job and not on the climb.

ENACT Systems, Inc.

ENACT offers a two-sided software platform for solar and energy storage projects. ENACT ENVISION is used by developers and installers to remotely design complete solar and storage solutions, as well as finalize contracts and track execution. ENACT ENGAGE is used by end-customers to track financial savings, energy usage, and predict their future outcomes. The platform is used in 23 countries by thousands of users, with over $1.5B of projects annually.

Indji Systems

Indji Systems delivers situational awareness solutions focusing on identifying weather hazards that disrupt solar and wind operations. Plan of Day/Week dashboards help users quickly identify rapidly changing weather, allowing them to be more proactive mitigating potential impacts to their operation and employee safety. Asset specific forecasts provide early notice for planning, safety, and asset decisions. Thresholds for lightning, high winds, icing, hail, wildfires, and other environmental hazards can be set to alert users via text or email if those thresholds will be exceeded.


Lyra allows users to quickly and easily create permitready residential solar designs and instantly export ready-to-submit permit packages in just a few minutes with 99% AHJ acceptance rate.

PXiSE Energy Solutions

PXiSE provides next-generation grid control software that unlocks the potential of distributed generation to improve grid reliability and increase renewable energy output, while ensuring system balance and power quality. Its MGC offers management and coordination of a localized group of DERs, the DERMS enables utilities to reach a high penetration of renewable energy assets alongside traditional grid components within network constraints, and the PPC maximizes the efficiency of utility-scale assets.

Raptor Maps

Raptor Maps is building the operating system for the solar industry, enabling the industry to scale and meet global climate goals. With intelligence for the entire solar industry, their solar lifecycle management platform (Raptor Solar) provides the tools and the system of record that asset owners, managers, O&M, developers, and EPCs need to build, maintain, and expand their solar plants. All solar farms are converted to a geospatially referenced digital twin which creates a centralized and normalized data model for performance data, equipment health and metadata, irradiance data, and more. An API-centric platform with integrations to leading monitoring providers, Raptor Solar can be deployed flexibly and quickly across an entire PV portfolio.

94 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///


RatedPower’s software, pvDesign, is a cloud-based software for designing and engineering utility-scale photovoltaic plants, which helps development, EPC, and solar engineering firms to reduce LCOE by maximizing energy production and reducing construction costs. Developer teams use pvDesign to quickly prospect plots of land and try out different plant configurations in order to find the best investment opportunities. Teams at EPC companies use pvDesign to cast winning quotes to their offtakers, minimizing PV projects costs. pvDesign can reduce the time solar professionals spend designing PV plants from 4-6 weeks to under 2 minutes.

Solar Distributor NEFIN Group

NEFIN’s innovative and sustainable approach offers bespoke carbon neutral technologies and financing solutions to large companies and MNC clients worldwide. As a green independent power producer (IPP), the services include ESG advisory and energy efficiency management, technology deployment with high safety standards and performance for solar energy projects, O&M services, asset management, energy storage systems, project investment, and renewable energy certificates.

Solar Mounting SAE Inc.

TerraGen Solar

TerraGen Solar’s signature product line, TGR flat roof system, focuses on lowering total cost while providing a quality product. The system is customizable to any tilt angle or row spacing to optimize the module layout for increased density or increased production at higher tilts. The fully rail-based system reduces the ballast requirements and allows for easy wire management. Pre-assembled components and pre-determined row spacing eliminate the need for on-site measurements.

Solar Thermal Manufacturing & Equipment


Solar water heating is a viable and effective way to reduce household utility costs. By harnessing the sun's energy to heat water, households can save money on energy bills and reduce their dependence on traditional heating methods. It's a sustainable, energy-efficient and eco-friendly option that contributes to a greener future.



TWAICE’s Battery Analytics Platform is a convergence of deep battery knowledge, artificial intelligence (AI), scalable cloud software, and real-life battery data. It creates a single source of truth for how batteries should be effectively developed and operate; simple, low-cost, and high-value. The software is leveraged to successfully mitigate technical risks such as underperformance and malfunctioning as well as to increase availability of storage capacity. From energy storage systems to electric vehicles and more, the Platform offers holistic battery analytics that can be adapted to match customers’ needs.


Whitestar Explorer has 550+ critical attributes for energy companies across four layers; ParcelsHD, CultureHD, WellsHD, and TrueGRID. The data integrity, accuracy, and fidelity can be relied on for major business decisions. Data is derived from authoritative sources and standardized to a nationwide schema, saving time for development, GIS, analytics, and land teams with single scripting nationwide. Streamed updates flow seamlessly into a GIS while other delivery types are also available.

SAE manufacturers ConduWire, an extruded, conductively coated grounding wire that extends the life of any grounding system by virtually eliminating wire corrosion. ConduWire offers increased lifecycle by reducing electrode corrosion, increased safety by ensuring grounding systems remain functioning for their design life, and eliminating the need to replace grounding over time.


Solarus Smart Energy Solutions designs sustainable systems that utilize nearly 100% of the total usable energy emitted by the sun with proprietary photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) technology that collects electricity and heat energy simultaneously within the same footprint as a traditional PV panel. Their hybrid solar solutions combine two prevailing technologies, photovoltaic and thermal. Their design collects electricity and heat energy from the same installation within the same footprint. By capturing heat, they harness energy typically lost in traditional PVs into maximum energy output. Whether hospitality or healthcare, manufacturing or food & beverage, Solarus provides customized affordable, efficient energy and hot water solutions.

SunBallast USA

SunBallast has developed a cost effective, durable, and intuitive racking for solar on flat roofs and ground mounts. They've united racking and ballast in a single construction grade concrete block. It gives the tilt angle as well as enough weight to withstand all kinds of wind, snow, and seismic loads according to the IBC, ASCE, and SEAOC codes. This racking is available in an EW or South facing configuration. All products are made in USA.

Stiebel Eltron, Inc.

Stiebel Eltron SOLKITS thermal solar systems have SRCC OG100 system certification. Each solar closed loop system includes SOL 29 PREMIUM flat plate collector panel(s) and mounting hardware, SB/SBB storage tank with heat exchanger(s), pump station with expansion tank, temperature/ pressure gauges, pressure relief and check valves, and controller unit with corresponding sensors. There is a 10-year warranty on Stiebel Eltron solar panels and tanks.

EPEC Solutions

To meet the unique challenges of the solar industry, EPEC developed an LV switchboard family from the ground up. A family consisting of UL 891 switchboards 400A to 4000A, 480VAC through 800VAC. EPEC’s solar specific features include thermal engineering to eliminate nuisance tripping (standard gloss white paint, oversized bus, utilization of electronic trip MCCBs), direct connection with MV transformers (typically saving over 10k in installation cost), and 800VAC UL certification with molded case circuit breakers.

Testing & Certification


The Solar Rating & Certification Corporation (ICC-SRCC), a program of ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), is a certifier and standards developer for solar heating and cooling products in North America. Their certifications and listings are designed to help manufacturers comply with regulatory requirements in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Caribbean Region. Their unbiased efficiency ratings provide independent measure of the performance of products used by incentive programs and consumers. They certify solar thermal collectors, solar domestic water heaters, solar pool heaters, and solar air heaters, and offer listings for major codes and standards applying to solar heating and cooling products in North America.

North American Clean Energy 95

Testing Equipment

Slick Tools, LLC

The Mod Spacer Peg is easy to grasp and hard to forget on the roof due to its high-vis color. It can either be used by itself, or installers can attach several Mod Spacer Pegs to any length of ¾'' EMT. The benefit of this design is that installers can stage multiple panels at once. It sets a ½'' gap and thanks to its long arm, the Spacer can perch on the side of a panel, freeing up installers’ hands and increasing efficiency


DEWESoft’s Power Analyzers can continuously acquire raw inputs including analog, digital, CAN, Ethernet, GPS, etc. at up to 15MHz sample rates. These instruments combine the functionality of a portable power analyzer, scope, FFT analyzer, data logger utilizing powerful and easy-to-use software making them a suitable instrument for electrical engineers. Applications include commissioning, troubleshooting, testing batteries, motors, inverters, chargers, power electronics, etc.

Solar Tools USA

The Solar Panel Hanger is a multi-tool designed to assist with the staging, leveling, and mounting of solar panels on a roof. This tool provides a method for one to effectively install an array solo. It also increases efficiency for a large crew by allowing installers to each focus on a specific job. Reduce installation time, ensure panels are perfectly aligned, and provide a safe and organized way to stage multiple panels on the roof. Mounts to all major brands of racking. Sold in sets of two.

Stahlwille Tools, LLC

Abaris Training Resources, Inc.

Abaris offers composite windblade repair training for individuals and groups that want to expand their repair capabilities in the wind industry. Currently, Abaris offers both basic and advanced 5-day courses and will soon be certified by GWO and able to provide certification credentials in a 10-day course.

Tech Wind Services Training Center

Tech Wind Services Training Center is certified to offer GWO BST (Basic Safety Training) Classes. This includes GWO training standards on modules of First Aid, Manual Handling, Fire Awareness, and Working at Heights. Keep technicians up to date on all their training to ensure they work safely on every job to reduce risk of injury from the most common hazards when working on a wind turbine.

Transportation | Logistics

Fluke Corporation

The Fluke SMFT-1000 multifunction tester with I-V curve tracing can test that PV systems are performing to their optimal power output. Designed for PV professionals providing installation, commissioning, and maintenance services, the SMFT-1000 provides a complete PV testing solution that conforms to IEC 62446-1 standards.

Tools Greenlee

Greenlee provides cable pulling and fishing tools, knockouts and drivers, power tool accessories, bending, wire and cable termination, testing and measurement, storage and material handling, and general purpose and safety tools.

Stahlwille Tools offers torque wrenches with no coil-spring design, no need to return to zero after use. These tools can be adjusted without disassembly during calibration. The QuickRelease safety lock secures the insert tools while, at the same time enabling them to be changed quickly and easily and inadvertent release is no longer a risk. Available with multiple choices of inserts, ratchet, crow foot, ring, and specialty options.

Tracking Systems

Anderson Trucking Services (ATS)

ATS, a worldwide transportation and project management provider, executes the many logistical elements of multifaceted and often multimodal energy projects. ATS also specializes in the physical transport of the oversized and over-dimensional loads that come with them. Having safely moved more than 215,000 wind components since 2003, ATS currently provides transportation solutions for approximately one-third of North America’s wind projects annually. With 65 years of experience in the transportation industry, ATS is a third generation familyowned company headquartered in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

Solargik, Ltd.

Solargik’s versatile, cost-efficient trackers and intelligent control software increase power generation, efficiency, and profitability while reducing overall CAPEX and OPEX. Their configurable tracker helps boost power density on non-traditional terrains that were previously impossible to install; steep slopes, oddly shaped, sites, rooftops, and over crops (Agri-PV).

Valves Asahi/America

Asahi/America’s family of thermoplastic valves and actuators are corrosion resistant, light weight and provide high flow-through which saves energy through performance. Their valves offer extended life cycle and are engineered to work with aggressive chemicals.

Wind Installation

Five Star Products, Inc.

XP 230 Epoxy Grout is a revolutionary wind tower bearing plate elimination system. With a compressive strength of 23,000psi (159MPa), it spreads the load between the tower and foundation while creating a full-contact, weathertight connection. Its low exotherm allows monolithic pours up to 18'' (46cm). Its high early strength of 10,000psi (69MPa) is achieved in 4 hrs at 90°F (32°C) and 8 hrs at 70°F (21°C) which makes it possible to install additional tower sections in as little as one day.

Wind Measurement

FT Technologies

Powered by their Acu-Res Technology, FT ultrasonic wind sensors resonate an acoustic wave inside a narrow cavity, which allows them to design compact wind sensors with a signal-to-noise ratio more than 40dB stronger than other ultrasonic technologies. Extremely small, with no moving parts to degrade or damage, the sensors are rugged, maintenance-free, and deliver over 99.9% data availability, for years on end, even in harsh environments.


Anchored by the suite of WindCube lidars, Vaisala offers a 360° set of global weather and environment solutions for wind and solar. From the WindCube lidar suite to weather sensors, lightning data, and weather forecasts and historical data, they offer solutions to support users throughout the wind and solar farm lifecycle.

96 2023 JULY • AUGUST ///



24-26 RNG & SAF Capital Markets

Hilton Houston Post Oak by the Galleria – Houston, TX;

24-26 CCS / Decarbonization Project Development, Finance & Investment

Hilton Houston Post Oak by the Galleria – Houston, TX;

26-27 RE+ Mid-Atlantic

Pennsylvania Convention Center – Philadelphia, PA;


22-24 The Energy Expo

Miami Airport Convention Center – Miami, FL;


11-14 RE+ The Venetian Convention and Expo Center – Las Vegas, NV;

26-28 The Utility Expo Kentucky Expo Center – Louisville, KY;


02-03 Clean Energy Investment Summit

JW Marriott Houston by the Galleria – Houston, TX;

03-04 Offshore WINDPOWER 2023

Hynes Convention Center – Boston, MA;

18-19 RE+ Florida

TBD – Ft Lauderdale, FL;

24-25 Electricity Transformation Canada BMO Center – Calgary, AB;


14-15 RE+ Midwest Palmer House Hilton – Chicago, IL;


22-23 RE+ Hawaii

Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach – Honolulu, HI;

29-30 IEEE Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT 2024) DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Diego - Mission Valley – San Diego, CA;


07-09 Solar Power Africa

TBD – Cape Town, South Africa;

APRIL 2024

17-19 Solar + Storage Mexico

Expo Guadalajara – Guadalajara, Mexico;

MAY 2024

06-09 CLEANPOWER 2024 Conference & Exhibition Minneapolis Convention Center – Minneapolis, MN;


11-14 RE+ 24 Anaheim Convention Center – Anaheim, CA;

Send us your clean energy show and event listings. Email information to the editor at

ADVERTISERS’ WEBSITE DIRECTORY ADVERTISERS’ WEBSITE DIRECTORY Page Company Website 58 Abaris Training 16 ACE Clamp 52 Acoem 15 Affinity Energy 30 Allesun 67 American Clean Power 22 American Ground Screw 3 APA Solar Racking 31 Atkore Allied Tube & Conduit 5 Baja Carports 74 Bioenno Power 26 Black & McDonald 81 BLUETTI Power Inc 80 Canadian Solar 55 Castrol 62 CICNDT 76 Crown Battery 20 Delta Steel 62 Detect OBC DEWESoft, LLC 41 Dynamic Ratings 69 e-On Batteries 65 Electricity Transformation Canada 57 Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund 31 EZ Solar 61 Five Star Products Inc 29 Fluke Solar 78 Fortress Power 50 FranklinWH Energy Storage Inc. 37 Ginlong Technologies Co., Ltd. 60 GME Supply IBC Green Source EPC 25 Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc 46 Indji Systems 32 Ironridge 62 Kong USA 72 Mango Power 82 Marvair & Ice 64 MBA Energy & Industrial 53 MISTRAS Group 75 MK Battery 71 Nel Hydrogen 7 Nucor 77 Paladin Power 11 Panasonic 45 PcVue Inc 28 Polar Racking IFC PV Labels 9 QuickBOLT 43 RainWise 49 Raytray Solar 27 RCT Power Energy Technology 97 RE+ 14 REC Americas 73 Rolls Battery Engineering 79 Sinexcel 63 SKYLOTEC North America LP 21 SMA America 18 & 23 Snake Tray 24 Socomec 39 Sol-Ark 32 SolaDeck 26 Solar Connections International 32 Solar Mounts 40 Solmetric 17 Soltec 19 Solvari Solar 13 Staubli 10 STEGO, Inc 85 SunEarth 54 The Wesson Group 56 Transportation Partners and Logistics LLC 59 Vaisala 51 Virginia Transformer Corp. 28 Word Rock Drills 35 Zhejiang Benyi New Energy Co., Ltd. 98 2023 JULY • AUGUST /// C M Y CM MY CY CMY K

Green Source EPC is the leading provider of engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) services for commercial renewable energy projects in North America. Our projects include commercial rooftop solutions, commercial solar carport and canopy solutions, as well as ground mount applications. We work closely with developers and owners from design to installation to produce custom, highly efficient, and state-of-the-art solar installations. With our self-performing capabilities, Green Source EPC can expedite all aspects of a project’s timeline, improving quality and eliminating the need for multiple contractors and suppliers that help reduce cost.

CONTACT US 1 (714) 455 -1281

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