Dissertation Repos Dominical

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Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The implications of these cases go beyond the context of the fight against the financing of terrorist activities. The paper subsequently examines the role played by the European Court of Human Rights in guaranteeing the victim's rights to a legal remedy through access to a court in its controversial and the restrictive interpretation of the limits ratione temporis of its own jurisdiction with regard to human rights violations of a continuing nature. In the first analysis of the indictment, the unwarranted congestion of facts, in one case over a long period of time (two years), the events took place in different geographic locations. The Egyptian government should accept the proposals for international investigation of allegations of fundamental human rights violations in Egypt. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. Not just that, but the dates of birth of the accused in the case show how young not a few among them. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. The murder of 16 people and the killing of 15 others, most likely police officers and members of the armed forces, first and foremost brigadier general Adel Rajai commander of the Ninth Division, as well as the attempt to kill Assistant Attorney General Zakaria Abdel Aziz and Advisor Ahmed Abul Fotouh. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. The authors focus on the legal controversy relating to the international regulation of enforced disappearance as a continuing crime, the state's obligations to investigate, criminally prosecute and punish such crimes or extradite the possible culprits and its peculiar application by the Spanish Supreme Court and the Audiencia Nacional. The report was based on an analysis of the violations of the rights of the accused in the case, which were confirmed in the Public Prosecution's investigations, with 130 out of the 243detainees who were interrogated by the State Security Prosecution before being referred to the Military Prosecution, The testimony of a number of relatives of the defendants in the case as well as testimonies of some of the attorneys. The case also included the lack of investigations and the reliance on anonymous information, in addition to the exposure of a number of children to violations in violation of international conventions and the Egyptian law of the child. The Military Prosecution received the case file from the Supreme State Security Prosecution in March 2017 after investigations revealed that HM seeks to target a number of military facilities, police and foreign embassies. Download Free PDF View PDF The euro-american human rights dialogue and the crimes of the Francoist regime Victor Luis Gutierrez Castillo This paper analyzes the issue of enforced disappearances occurred in Spain during the civil war in the light of the international standards of reparation for serious human rights violations. Finally, the authors give some suggestions for implementing a truth commission in relation to past human rights abuses in Spain. In the opinion of the authors, that domestic interpretation implies for the victims the denial of adequate reparation under the applicable international legal regimes and a breach of Spain's international obligations. A large number of accused in the case faced several violations of their rights guaranteed by the amended Constitution 2014, where many of them were subjected to enforced disappearance for long periods in the headquarters of the National Security Service, where they suffered various kinds of physical and moral coercion. In addition, the Public Prosecutor's Office did not allow a large number of accused to use the services of a private lawyer, nor did they transfer a large number of defendants immediately to the Department of forensic medicine after being alleged to have been subjected to torture in order to ascertain the accuracy of their statements. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. According to the indictment, the prosecution charged 34 charges, most of which are distributed between murder, attempted murder, complicity and incitement, between 2014-2015, in six different governorates: Behera, Fayoum, Gharbia, Cairo, Damietta.

The implications of these cases go beyond the context of the fight against the financing of terrorist activities. Finally, the authors give some suggestions for implementing a truth commission in relation to past human rights abuses in Spain. The report was based on an analysis of the violations of the rights of the accused in the case, which were confirmed in the Public Prosecution's investigations, with 130 out of the 243detainees who were interrogated by the State Security Prosecution before being referred to the Military Prosecution, The testimony of a number of relatives of the defendants in the case as well as testimonies of some of the attorneys. In addition, the Public Prosecutor's Office

did not allow a large number of accused to use the services of a private lawyer, nor did they transfer a large number of defendants immediately to the Department of forensic medicine after being alleged to have been subjected to torture in order to ascertain the accuracy of their statements. A large number of accused in the case faced several violations of their rights guaranteed by the amended Constitution 2014, where many of them were subjected to enforced disappearance for long periods in the headquarters of the National Security Service, where they suffered various kinds of physical and moral coercion. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. Not just that, but the dates of birth of the accused in the case show how young not a few among them. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. The case also included the lack of investigations and the reliance on anonymous information, in addition to the exposure of a number of children to violations in violation of international conventions and the Egyptian law of the child. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The paper subsequently examines the role played by the European Court of Human Rights in guaranteeing the victim's rights to a legal remedy through access to a court in its controversial and the restrictive interpretation of the limits ratione temporis of its own jurisdiction with regard to human rights violations of a continuing nature. The murder of 16 people and the killing of 15 others, most likely police officers and members of the armed forces, first and foremost brigadier general Adel Rajai commander of the Ninth Division, as well as the attempt to kill Assistant Attorney General Zakaria Abdel Aziz and Advisor Ahmed Abul Fotouh. The Military Prosecution received the case file from the Supreme State Security Prosecution in March 2017 after investigations revealed that HM seeks to target a number of military facilities, police and foreign embassies. In the first analysis of the indictment, the unwarranted congestion of facts, in one case over a long period of time (two years), the events took place in different geographic locations. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. The Egyptian government should accept the proposals for international investigation of allegations of fundamental human rights violations in Egypt. Download Free PDF View PDF The euro-american human rights dialogue and the crimes of the Francoist regime Victor Luis Gutierrez Castillo This paper analyzes the issue of enforced disappearances occurred in Spain during the civil war in the light of the international standards of reparation for serious human rights violations. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. According to the indictment, the prosecution charged 34 charges, most of which are distributed between murder, attempted murder, complicity and incitement, between 2014-2015, in six different governorates: Behera, Fayoum, Gharbia, Cairo, Damietta. In the opinion of the authors, that domestic interpretation implies for the victims the denial of adequate reparation under the applicable international legal regimes and a breach of Spain's international obligations. The authors focus on the legal controversy relating to the international regulation of enforced disappearance as a continuing crime, the state's obligations to investigate, criminally prosecute and punish such crimes or extradite the possible culprits and its peculiar application by the Spanish Supreme Court and the Audiencia Nacional.

Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. The paper subsequently examines the role played by the European Court of Human Rights in guaranteeing the victim's rights to a legal remedy through access to a court in its controversial and the restrictive interpretation of the limits ratione temporis of its own jurisdiction with regard to human rights violations of a continuing nature. Not just that, but the dates of birth of the accused in the case show how young not a few among them. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The authors focus on the legal controversy relating to the international regulation of enforced disappearance as a continuing crime, the state's obligations to investigate, criminally prosecute and punish such crimes or extradite the possible culprits and its peculiar application by the Spanish Supreme Court and the Audiencia Nacional. The Military Prosecution received the case file from the Supreme State Security Prosecution in March 2017 after investigations revealed that HM seeks to target a number of military facilities, police and foreign embassies. In the opinion of the authors, that domestic interpretation implies for the victims the denial of adequate reparation under the applicable international legal regimes and a breach of Spain's international obligations. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. Download Free PDF View PDF The euro-american human rights dialogue and the crimes of the Francoist regime Victor Luis Gutierrez Castillo This paper analyzes the issue of enforced disappearances occurred in Spain during the civil war in the light of the international standards of reparation for serious human rights violations. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. According to the indictment, the prosecution charged 34 charges, most of which are distributed between murder, attempted murder, complicity and incitement, between 2014-2015, in six different governorates: Behera, Fayoum, Gharbia, Cairo, Damietta. The implications of these cases go beyond the context of the fight against the financing of terrorist activities. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. The Egyptian government should accept the proposals for international investigation of allegations of fundamental human rights violations in Egypt. In the first analysis of the indictment, the unwarranted congestion of facts, in one case over a long period of time (two years), the events took place in different geographic locations. The case also included the lack of investigations and the reliance on anonymous information, in addition to the exposure of a number of children to violations in violation of international conventions and the Egyptian law of the child. Finally, the authors give some suggestions for implementing a truth commission in relation to past human rights abuses in Spain. A large number of accused in the case faced several violations of their rights guaranteed by the amended Constitution 2014, where many of them were subjected to enforced disappearance for long periods in the headquarters of the National Security Service, where they suffered various kinds of physical and moral coercion. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. In addition, the Public Prosecutor's Office did not allow a large number of accused to use the services of a private lawyer, nor did they transfer a large number of defendants immediately to the Department of forensic medicine after being alleged to have been subjected to torture in order to ascertain the accuracy of their statements. The murder of 16 people and the killing of 15 others, most likely police officers and members of the armed forces, first and foremost brigadier general Adel Rajai commander of the Ninth Division, as well as the attempt to kill Assistant Attorney General Zakaria Abdel Aziz and Advisor Ahmed Abul Fotouh. The report was based on an analysis of the violations of the rights of the accused in the case, which were confirmed in the Public Prosecution's investigations, with 130 out of the 243detainees who were interrogated by the State Security Prosecution before being referred to the Military Prosecution, The testimony of a number of relatives of the defendants in the case as well as testimonies of some of the attorneys.

According to the indictment, the prosecution charged 34 charges, most of which are distributed between murder, attempted murder, complicity and incitement, between 2014-2015, in six different governorates: Behera, Fayoum, Gharbia, Cairo, Damietta. The murder of 16 people and the killing of 15 others, most likely police officers and members of the armed forces, first and foremost brigadier general Adel Rajai commander of the Ninth Division, as well as the attempt to kill Assistant Attorney General Zakaria Abdel Aziz and Advisor Ahmed Abul Fotouh. In addition, the Public Prosecutor's Office did not allow a large number of accused to use the services of a private lawyer, nor did they transfer a large number of defendants immediately to the Department of forensic medicine after being alleged to have been subjected to torture in order to ascertain the accuracy of their statements. The Military Prosecution received the case file from the Supreme State Security Prosecution in March 2017 after investigations revealed that HM seeks to target a number of military facilities, police and foreign embassies. The implications of these cases go beyond the context of the fight against the financing of terrorist activities. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. The authors focus on the legal controversy relating to the international regulation of enforced disappearance as a continuing crime, the state's obligations to investigate, criminally prosecute and punish such crimes or extradite the possible culprits and its peculiar application by the Spanish Supreme Court and the Audiencia Nacional. Download Free PDF View PDF The euro-american human rights dialogue and the crimes of the Francoist regime Victor Luis Gutierrez Castillo This paper analyzes the issue of enforced disappearances occurred in Spain during the civil war in the light of the international standards of reparation for serious human rights violations. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. In the opinion of the authors, that domestic interpretation implies for the victims the denial of adequate reparation under the applicable international legal regimes and a breach of Spain's international obligations. A large number of accused in the case faced several violations of their rights guaranteed by the amended Constitution 2014, where many of them were subjected to enforced disappearance for long periods in the headquarters of the National Security Service, where they suffered various kinds of physical and moral coercion. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. Finally, the authors give some suggestions for implementing a truth commission in relation to past human rights abuses in Spain. The report was based on an analysis of the violations of the rights of the accused in the case, which were confirmed in the Public Prosecution's investigations, with 130 out of the 243detainees who were interrogated by the State Security Prosecution before being referred to the Military Prosecution, The testimony of a number of relatives of the defendants in the case as well as testimonies of some of the attorneys. In the first analysis of the indictment, the unwarranted congestion of facts, in one case over a long period of time (two years), the events took place in different geographic locations. The paper subsequently examines the role played by the European Court of Human Rights in guaranteeing the victim's rights to a legal remedy through access to a court in its controversial and the restrictive interpretation of the limits ratione temporis of its own jurisdiction with regard to human rights violations of a continuing nature. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. Not just that, but the dates of birth of the accused in the case show how young not a few among them. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. The Egyptian government should accept the proposals for international investigation of allegations of fundamental human rights violations in Egypt. The case also included the lack of investigations and the reliance on anonymous information, in addition to the exposure of a number of children to violations in violation of international conventions and the Egyptian law of the child.

A large number of accused in the case faced several violations of their rights guaranteed by the amended Constitution 2014, where many of them were subjected to enforced disappearance for long periods in the headquarters of the National Security Service, where they suffered various kinds of physical and moral coercion. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. According to the indictment, the prosecution charged 34 charges, most of which are distributed between murder, attempted murder, complicity and incitement, between 2014-2015, in six different governorates: Behera, Fayoum, Gharbia, Cairo, Damietta. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. The report was based on an analysis of the violations of the rights of the accused in the case, which were confirmed in the Public Prosecution's investigations, with 130 out of the 243detainees who were interrogated by the State Security Prosecution before being referred to the Military Prosecution, The testimony of a number of relatives of the defendants in the case as well as testimonies of some of the attorneys. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. The implications of these cases go beyond the context of the fight against the financing of terrorist activities. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The Military Prosecution received the case file from the Supreme State Security Prosecution in March 2017 after investigations revealed that HM seeks to target a number of military facilities, police and foreign embassies. In addition, the Public Prosecutor's Office did not allow a large number of accused to use the services of a private lawyer, nor did they transfer a large number of defendants immediately to the Department of forensic medicine after being alleged to have been subjected to torture in order to ascertain the accuracy of their statements. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. In the opinion of the authors, that domestic interpretation implies for the victims the denial of adequate reparation under the applicable international legal regimes and a breach of Spain's international obligations. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. In the first analysis of the indictment, the unwarranted congestion of facts, in one case over a long period of time (two years), the events took place in different geographic locations. Finally, the authors give some suggestions for implementing a truth commission in relation to past human rights abuses in Spain. The paper subsequently examines the role played by the European Court of Human Rights in guaranteeing the victim's rights to a legal remedy through access to a court in its controversial and the restrictive interpretation of the limits ratione temporis of its own jurisdiction with regard to human rights violations of a continuing nature. The murder of 16 people and the killing of 15 others, most likely police officers and members of the armed forces, first and foremost brigadier general Adel Rajai commander of the Ninth Division, as well as the attempt to kill Assistant Attorney General Zakaria Abdel Aziz and Advisor Ahmed Abul Fotouh. The Egyptian government should accept the proposals for international investigation of allegations of fundamental human rights violations in Egypt. The authors focus on the legal controversy relating to the international regulation of enforced disappearance as a continuing crime, the state's obligations to investigate, criminally prosecute and punish such crimes or extradite the possible culprits and its peculiar application by the Spanish Supreme Court and the Audiencia Nacional. Not just that, but the dates of birth of the accused in the case show how young not a few among them. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Download Free PDF View PDF The euro-american human rights dialogue and the crimes of the Francoist regime Victor Luis Gutierrez Castillo This paper analyzes the issue of enforced disappearances occurred in Spain during the civil war in the light of the international standards of reparation for serious human rights violations. The case also included the lack of investigations and the reliance on anonymous information, in addition to the exposure of a number of children to violations in violation of international conventions and the Egyptian law of the child.

Not just that, but the dates of birth of the accused in the case show how young not a few among them. Finally, the authors give some suggestions for implementing a truth commission in relation to past human rights abuses in Spain. The case also included the lack of investigations and the reliance on anonymous information, in addition to the exposure of a number of children to violations in violation of international conventions and the Egyptian law of the child. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. The paper subsequently examines the role played by the European Court of Human Rights in guaranteeing the victim's rights to a legal remedy through access to a court in its controversial and the restrictive interpretation of the limits ratione temporis of its own jurisdiction with regard to human rights violations of a continuing nature. A large number of accused in the case faced several violations of their rights guaranteed by the amended Constitution 2014, where many of them were subjected to enforced disappearance for long periods in the headquarters of the National Security Service, where they suffered various kinds of physical and moral coercion. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. In the first analysis of the indictment, the unwarranted congestion of facts, in one case over a long period of time (two years), the events took place in different geographic locations. The Military Prosecution received the case file from the Supreme State Security Prosecution in March 2017 after investigations revealed that HM seeks to target a number of military facilities, police and foreign embassies. The implications of these cases go beyond the context of the fight against the financing of terrorist activities. The Egyptian government should accept the proposals for international investigation of allegations of fundamental human rights violations in Egypt. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Download Free PDF View PDF The euro-american human rights dialogue and the crimes of the Francoist regime Victor Luis Gutierrez Castillo This paper analyzes the issue of enforced disappearances occurred in Spain during the civil war in the light of the international standards of reparation for serious human rights violations. In the opinion of the authors, that domestic interpretation implies for the victims the denial of adequate reparation under the applicable international legal regimes and a breach of Spain's international obligations. In addition, the Public Prosecutor's Office did not allow a large number of accused to use the services of a private lawyer, nor did they transfer a large number of defendants immediately to the Department of forensic medicine after being alleged to have been subjected to torture in order to ascertain the accuracy of their statements. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. The report was based on an analysis of the violations of the rights of the accused in the case, which were confirmed in the Public Prosecution's investigations, with 130 out of the 243detainees who were interrogated by the State Security Prosecution before being referred to the Military Prosecution, The testimony of a number of relatives of the defendants in the case as well as testimonies of some of the attorneys. The authors focus on the legal controversy relating to the international regulation of enforced disappearance as a continuing crime, the state's obligations to investigate, criminally prosecute and punish such crimes or extradite the possible culprits and its peculiar application by the Spanish Supreme Court and the Audiencia Nacional. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. The murder of 16 people and the killing of 15 others, most likely police officers and members of the armed forces, first and foremost brigadier general Adel Rajai commander of the Ninth Division, as well as the attempt to kill Assistant Attorney General Zakaria Abdel Aziz and Advisor Ahmed Abul Fotouh. According to the indictment, the prosecution charged 34 charges, most of which are distributed between murder, attempted murder, complicity and incitement, between 2014-2015, in six different governorates: Behera, Fayoum, Gharbia, Cairo, Damietta. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you.

Finally, the authors give some suggestions for implementing a truth commission in relation to past human rights abuses in Spain. Not just that, but the dates of birth of the accused in the case show how young not a few among them. The case also included the lack of investigations and the reliance on anonymous information, in addition to the exposure of a number of children to violations in violation of international conventions and the Egyptian law of the child. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. According to the indictment, the prosecution charged 34 charges, most of which are distributed between murder, attempted murder, complicity and incitement, between 2014-2015, in six different governorates: Behera, Fayoum, Gharbia, Cairo, Damietta. Please enter search terms below to find similar copies. Shopping on AbeBooks is easy, safe and 100% secure - search for your book, purchase a copy via our secure checkout and the bookseller ships it straight to you. The murder of 16 people and the killing of 15 others, most likely police officers and members of the armed forces, first and foremost brigadier general Adel Rajai commander of the Ninth Division, as well as the attempt to kill Assistant Attorney General Zakaria Abdel Aziz and Advisor Ahmed Abul Fotouh. The Military Prosecution received the case file from the Supreme State Security Prosecution in March 2017 after investigations revealed that HM seeks to target a number of military facilities, police and foreign embassies. Download Free PDF View PDF The euro-american human rights dialogue and the crimes of the Francoist regime Victor Luis Gutierrez Castillo This paper analyzes the issue of enforced disappearances occurred in Spain during the civil war in the light of the international standards of reparation for serious human rights violations. In the first analysis of the indictment, the unwarranted congestion of facts, in one case over a long period of time (two years), the events took place in different geographic locations. The paper subsequently examines the role played by the European Court of Human Rights in guaranteeing the victim's rights to a legal remedy through access to a court in its controversial and the restrictive interpretation of the limits ratione temporis of its own jurisdiction with regard to human rights violations of a continuing nature. The authors focus on the legal controversy relating to the international regulation of enforced disappearance as a continuing crime, the state's obligations to investigate, criminally prosecute and punish such crimes or extradite the possible culprits and its peculiar application by the Spanish Supreme Court and the Audiencia Nacional. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. Franzosisch! GOOD condition, very few traces of use. The report was based on an analysis of the violations of the rights of the accused in the case, which were confirmed in the Public Prosecution's investigations, with 130 out of the 243detainees who were interrogated by the State Security Prosecution before being referred to the Military Prosecution, The testimony of a number of relatives of the defendants in the case as well as testimonies of some of the attorneys. We have many dissertations of famous people, please ask for a list. In the opinion of the authors, that domestic interpretation implies for the victims the denial of adequate reparation under the applicable international legal regimes and a breach of Spain's international obligations. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The Egyptian government should accept the proposals for international investigation of allegations of fundamental human rights violations in Egypt. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. In addition, the Public Prosecutor's Office did not allow a large number of accused to use the services of a private lawyer, nor did they transfer a large number of defendants immediately to the Department of forensic medicine after being alleged to have been subjected to torture in order to ascertain the accuracy of their statements. A large number of accused in the case faced several violations of their rights guaranteed by the amended Constitution 2014, where many of them were subjected to enforced disappearance for long periods in the headquarters of the National Security Service, where they suffered various kinds of physical and moral coercion. The implications of these cases go beyond the context of the fight against the financing of terrorist activities.

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