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NOMAD Magazine | Open Letter

Open Letter

Why this issue is “The Struggle Issue”


Where NOMAD is going, and what is happening now.


There goes the first half of 2019, and so much has happened. As many of you know, I am in the transition phase for work, and it has been a bit of a mess releasing this past issue of NOMAD.

We think we came up with a solution which will not only get you more issues, but will also help NOMAD build a subscriber base and increase sales on our digital platform. The pros to this is the sharability and price point. The negatives are the lack of print issues. One of the aspects to publishing is the huge upfront cost to print an issue of NOMAD. We aren’t breaking even with the current number of issues we are selling per issue and this leads to an unsustainable business model.

We need 1213 subscribers before we can start printing to the level which we were printing at for the first issue. Currently, we have zero, and this is my fault. We don’t have an adequate system to accept subscriptions well. I think focusing on NOMAD digital sales will help us get the necessary ‘founding’ subscribers to jumpstart NOMAD completely.

In this issue, we split it up into three parts (this being the first), so that we can release content every month. This means for ‘this’ issue (which we were doing quarterly) we will have the next three months already done. Helping us focus on core aspects of the business like advertising.

Now onto the issue: One of our writers for this issue Jack spent a good deal of time diving into incredible detail for how he came to his business idea and we wanted to make it digestible but not laborious. So we split the article into three sections and you’ll see plenty of his work over the next three months.

Many of the next three issue’s stories revolve around struggle and adversity. You have this idea, this goal that you are willing to put all of your energy into but you run into the drudgery of actually bringing the idea into fruition. The honeymoon stage passed long ago and you’re dealing with competing thoughts: “What to do next?” and “Where did all my time go?” The battle of taking the idea from paper to product are showcased at various stages along the creative process.

I can definitely relate with the current stage of NOMAD!

Growing beyond this issue, we are looking to create a dynamic community for NOMADs who are seeking tangible information from mentors, business models, and fellow (possible) commiserators, looking for experience and wisdom for a business pivot. This information usually comes at a price, but we want to build a repertoire of stories and conditions that help writers and readers alike connect. Each member’s investment in the community will simultaneously pay the price of admission and reap the reward.

We look forward to NOMAD’s development over the future issues, and we want you to know we are trailblazing with you!


Justin McAfee | Founder of NOMAD Magazine