Horizon Initiative Water Committee Agendas 2009-15

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Horizon Initiative Water Committee March 10, 2009 to May 13, 2015 Meeting Agendas

We can do this! Established in February 2009 by Billy Marchal, HI Executive Committee. The formation of the Horizon Initiative Water Committee (HIWC) was inspired by the vision and leadership of David Waggonner and his work with the Dutch Dialogues. Founding co-chairs (2009-11) Grasshopper Mendoza, NAI/Latter & Blum Inc., & Alim Hannoura, Emeritus Professor of Engineering, University of New Orleans. (2011-15) Grasshopper Mendoza and Steve Picou of NOLAVibe.

Horizon Water Management Meeting 1 Latter & Blum Inc. Corporate Office March 10, 2009 Noon-1:00 “…some of the world’s leading experts on disaster planning, sustainable building, alternative energy and coastal protection are expected to come to the area. The city could become a worldwide center of expertise in those and other fields.” George Wentz, Co- founder Horizon Initiative Times-Picayune, August 2007

12-12:10 Welcome and Introductions 12:10-12:30 Update from David Waggonner on recent trip to the Netherlands for the AquaTerra conference and his position on priorities for New Orleans. 12:30-12:45 Creating synergies among public and private organizations to promote cost & resource savings, shared agenda, transparency, communication. Permeable surfaces example. 12:45-1:00 Master Plan input, plan of action for next steps.

When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. —John Muir

Horizon Water Management Committee Meeting 2 Latter & Blum Corporate Office April 7, 2009 Noon-1:30

“Nature when possible, technology when required,� Martin Van Der Meer, Technical Dir. Fugro Water Srvs. From ENR article 3/11/09

Agenda -

1. Introductions 12:00-12:10 2. Brief Presentation by Brent Magee, 12:10-12:20 President of Mandala Concrete LLC. A local permeable concrete distributor of locally manufactured product. 3. Dutch Dialogues 12:20-12:30 Dutch Dialogues as plan or part of plan 4. Creation of a New Orleans Water Management Task Force Agenda 12:30-12:40 5. Funding/Press 12:40-1:00 Specific needs for funding Sources of funding Inclusion in the Master Plan for future study 6. Billy Marchal Polder Plan Presentation 1:00-1:15

Horizon Infrastructure and Water Management Committee Agenda City Park Garden Room May 12, 2009 “…some of the world’s leading experts on disaster planning, sustainable building, alternative energy and coastal protection are expected to come to the area. The city could become a worldwide center of expertise in those and other fields.” George Wentz, Co- founder Horizon Initiative Times-Picayune, August 2007

11:30-11:45 Introductions 11:45-12:00 Infrastructure Committee Update Billy Marchal 12:00-12:15 Water Management Structural Overview Grasshopper Mendoza/Billy Marchal 12:15-12:30 Storm Water Mgmt. Presentation “Orleans Parish MS4 Stormwater Plan Update” by Diane Baum CEO of Discount Permit. 12:30-1:15 Identify and prioritize water issues in New Orleans for next meeting.

HI thanks Latter & Blum Inc. for hosting today’s Infrastructure and Water Mgmt. Committee meeting.

June 9, 2009 11:15 a.m.

early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introduction of Guests and Speakers:

• Billy Marchal-Dir.Flood Protection Alliance/HI Infras. Chair • Jean Fahr-Dir. Parkway Partners 11:40 a.m.

Infrastructure Update and Flood Protection Presentation City Council Ordinance, HI and Infrastructure updates, Billy Marchal presentation on current status of flood protection.


Presentation from Jean Fahr-Dir. Parkway Partners Trees and their impact on water mgmt. and economic development.

12:15 p.m.

Roundtable discussions Water updates, proposals and review of working groups and mission. Water Plan, local water models (S&WB, rain gardens, permeable sites) Media, funding, priorities.

12:45 p.m.

Wrap-up and closing

Directions: Latter & Blum Corporate Office-430 Notre Dame St. between Julia & Girod, Magazine and Tchoupitoulas St. in the CBD. On-street parking on Julia, & Notre Dame St. In preparation for meeting:reference working groups, be prepared to share updates and read attached NYTimes article re. Mary Landrieu’s recent trip to the Netherlands who traveled with our own David Waggonner and Earthea Nance.

Bring your own Brown Bag Lunch or delivery available from Back to the Garden. They serve delicious healthy sandwiches Ph-504-299-8792. Please try and order early to prevent multiple trips, but they are fast in case you forget to order before hand. Menu Attached.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s Infrastructure and Water Mgmt. Committee meeting.

July 7, 2009 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions and sharing of Water News

11:50 a.m.

Conference reviews and news Earthea Nance-National Floodplain Management Conference Diane Baum-EPA Region 6 MS4 Operators Conference


Roundtable discussions Consensus about the vision and deliverables of group, Master Plan, Working Groups.

12:35 p.m.

Closing 5 min break

12:45 p.m.

Infrastructure Meeting Begins

Directions: Meeting at the Garden Study Center located in the Botanical Gardens. Walk through the rose garden and building on right. In preparation for meeting: During introductions please share a water related news item, event or statistic with the group. Review NYCPlan 2030. http://www.nyc.gov/html/planyc2030/html/plan/water.shtml What issues do you want to see addressed under this format for our region? Review action items under Water Quality & Water Network tabs.

Bring your own brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café across from the Botanical Garden entrance.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

"I have seen throughout my life how we as a people can rise to a challenge, embrace change and renew our destiny." --Ted Kennedy 2008 Sept.1, 2009

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting

11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions

11:50 a.m.

Presentation by Joseph Becker General Superintendent of the S&WB with Q&A


Roundtable of current water related events


Update from Alexandra Evans regarding the Water Mgmt. Strategy


For next meeting Working Group tasks, 6 mo. plan.

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

Directions: Meeting at the Garden Study Center located in the Botanical Gardens. Walk through the rose garden the building is on the right. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please share a water related news item, event or statistic with the group. Please subscribe to our blog for regular updates. http://www.waternola.posterous.com http://www.watershednola.org

Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café across from the Botanical Garden entrance.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

“In an age when man has forgotten his origins and is blind even to his most essential needs for survival, water along with other resources has become the victim of his indifference” Rachel Carson Oct. 7, 2009

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting

11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions

11:50 a.m.

Committee Open Discussion

12:20 p.m.

Roundtable of current water related events

12:45 p.m.

Water Mgmt. Strategy-Now What? Re-Visit Working Groups and Updates Working Group Questions/Priorities, 3 mo. plan.

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

Directions: Meeting at the Garden Study Center located in the Botanical Gardens. Walk through the rose garden the building is on the right. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please share a water related news item, event or statistic with the group. Please subscribe to our blog for regular updates. http://www.waternola.posterous.com http://www.watershednola.org

Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café across from the Botanical Garden entrance.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

“"Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy of

two Nobel prizes - one for peace and one for science.” - John F. Kennedy Nov.4, 2009 HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks

12:00 a.m. 12:45 p.m.

Introductions Roundtable of current water related events Presentation by Tim Duggan, Make it Right NOLA w/Q&A Working Group Break-out’s (new)

1:15 p.m.

Divide into working groups. Questions & Priorities Mayoral Election/ 3 mo. plan. Meeting adjourned

Directions: We will be meeting above the Parkview Café in the Timken Center (Old Casino building). Walk through café towards restrooms and enter door to the second floor meeting area. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please share a water related news item, event or statistic with the group. Please subscribe to our blog for regular updates. http://www.waternola.posterous.com http://www.watershednola.org

Visit the Parkview Café located on the first floor. HI Meeting on the second floor.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

"We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one." Jacques Cousteau Dec. 2, 2009

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 a.m.

Presentation “Stormwater Issues” by Jeff Dauzat of Dept. of Environmental Quality. w/Q&A

12:30 p.m.

Group Exercise “What do we want?” Everyone to name their top three items (be specific) Assign list to working groups. Mayoral Election

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please share a water related news item, event or statistic with the group. Identify three action items/projects that you would like to see in our region Please subscribe to our blog for regular updates. http://www.waternola.posterous.com http://www.watershednola.org Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café in the Casino Building. Light holiday refreshments will be served.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

In the area of water management, Stephen Moret of LED wants to make Louisiana "the Netherlands of the U.S.",…He forecasts the potential for 10,000 to 20,000 new state jobs in the sector. Times Picayune 01/07/2009

Jan, 13 2010

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 a.m.

Discussion led by David Waggonner “Living with Water”.

12:30 p.m.

Working Group Updates Rainwater re-use SWM update Mayoral Platform/Policy

1:00 p.m.

Julie Ponck-City of New Orleans Information Officer Update on City’s GreeNola website

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please share a water related news item, event or statistic with the group. Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café in the Casino Building.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

-“Billions for recovery, pennies for resilience…” Mark Davis, Building Resilience Workshop. Feb. 26, 2010 AGENDA March 3, 2010 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:10 a.m.

Presentation-Mark Davis, Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law and Policy

12:40 p.m.

Working Group Updates Rainwater re-use SWM update Policy update R&D/Outreach update

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please share a water related news item, event or statistic with the group. Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café in the Casino Building.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” - Confucius AGENDA April 7, 2010 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

Presentation on the DPW Drainage Master Plan by Louis Jackson, CDM Project Mgr.

12:30 p.m.

Elizabeth English-Building Resilience Workshop II

12:40 p.m.

Horizon Executive Committee Support Working Group Updates Mayor-elect Transition Task Force

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: Please review the Scope of Services for the DPW Drainage Master Plan. Find the scope at www.watershednola.org During the roundtable please share a water related news item, event or statistic with the group. Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café in the Casino Building.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tricentennial.” Visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

-“Billions for recovery, pennies for resilience…” Mark Davis, Building Resilience Workshop. Feb. 26, 2010 AGENDA May 12, 2010 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:10 a.m.

Presentation-Center for Hazard Assessment, Response and Technology. UNO-CHART “Imagining Resiliency for the Next Generation” Dir. Emerita Shirley Laska PhD

12:40 p.m.

Working Group Updates Rainwater re-use SWM update Policy update R&D/Outreach update

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please share a water related news item, event or statistic with the group. Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café in the Casino Building.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

Anything else you're interested in is not going to happen if you can't breathe the air and drink the water. Don't sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet - Carl Sagan AGENDA June 16, 2010 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:10 p.m.

Integrated Storm Water Mgmt. Video Andy Lipkis

12:25 p.m.

Tom van der Voon Introduction and Integrated Water Mgmt. exercise co-facilitated by Rachel Heiligman New Orleans City Planning Dept.

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: 1) During the roundtable please share a waterrelated news item, event or statistic with the group. 2) Bring one guiding principle of your or another’s organization as it applies to water. 3) Review WMS principles. Is it comprehensive enough? Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café in the Casino Building.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. We have an economy that tells us it is cheaper to destroy earth in real time rather than renew, restore, and sustain it. You can print money to bail out a bank but you can’t print life to bail out a planet - Paul Hawken, entrepreneur, environmental activist and author (May 2009) AGENDA July 14, 2010 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events Water Management Strategy Update-Thomas Rush GNO Inc.

12:15 p.m.

Rainwater Harvesting Group Discussion led by Diane Baum of Discount Permit. Invited: Gordon Austin S&WB, Karen Orion DHH, City of New Orleans, Global Green, Make it Right, more.

12:50 p.m.

Tom van der Voorn water mgmt. survey review. Assisted by Rachel Heiligman, New Orleans City Planning Dept.

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: 1) During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. 2) Visit our blog to review rainwater article forwarded by Gordon Austin of the S&WB 3) Complete Tom’s survey http://surveyconsole.com/t/ABQUOZC1Pp Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café in the Casino Building.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “The best way to predict the future is to help create it.” -Anonymous AGENDA August 11, 2010 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:10 p.m.

Stormwater Management and the new Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Rachel Heiligman, New Orleans City Planning

12:25 p.m.

Neighborhood Drainage Workshop-Sept. 11, 2010 Update from Steve Picou Building Resilience Conference 2 Update from Elizabeth English WEFTEC Update-Don Blancher Water Plans in our region. Grasshopper Mendoza

12:35 p.m. 12:45 p.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

Rainwater Harvesting/July meeting follow-up Diane Baum

1:15 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: 1) During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café in the Casino Building

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

“When we as a society don’t protect our most vulnerable then we leave our full nation open to vulnerability.” -Robert Bullard, Tapped 2009 HI thanks GNO inc. for hosting today’s meeting at Canal Place. 365 Canal St. Suite 2300

11:15 a.m.

AGENDA September 15, 2010 Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:10 p.m.

GNO inc. water news and updates

12:25 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:40 p.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

Water Plans in our region-Grasshopper Mendoza Tom’s Water Report Release-Rachel Heiligman Neighborhood Drainage Workshop-Sept. 11, 2010 Review/Feedback/Next Steps-Steve Picou Infrastructure Discussion-Dr. Shirley Laska Rainwater Harvesting Update-Diane Baum

1:05 p.m.

WEFTEC/Water Carnival HI Committee Activity

1:15 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned

Venue: GNO inc. Conference Room –Canal Place-365 Canal St. Suite 2300 In preparation for meeting: 1) During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group 2) Water Plans/Initiatives-Groundwater Commission, Lafitte Greenway etc…bring list of regional water related plans to add to a list for future discussion. Bring your brown bag lunch or join the rainwater sub-committee directly after the water meeting at Felipe’s across the street. 301 N. Peters St.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. James F. Byrnes US jurist & politician (1879 - 1972) AGENDA October 20, 2010 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:05 p.m.

Bayou Land/DEQ BMP Guide for Stormwater. “Implementation And Next Steps” Jennifer Roberts Bayou Land & Jennifer Ruley DPW

12:25 p.m.

12:40 p.m. 12:50 p.m.

WEFTEC Review-Don Blancher Green Legal Matters Follow-up Deltas 2010 Follow-up Water Mgmt. Strategy Update-Thomas Rush GNO Inc. Rainwater Sub-committee Update

1:00 p.m.

Vision Stmt./ Water Plans/Misc.

1:15 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: 1) During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group 2) Review the BMP Guide for Stormwater. www.watershednola.org Bring your brown bag lunch or visit the Parkview Café in the Casino Building

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks Latter & Blum Inc. for hosting today’s meeting at 430 Notre Dame St. in the Warehouse District.

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” Greek Proverb AGENDA November 17, 2010 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:05 p.m.

Water Focus~Entrepreneur Week 2011 Idea Village:Kate Schneiderman

12:10 p.m.

Vision Stmt./Priorities/Approach: Group Discussion led by Rachel Heiligman, Steve Picou and Grasshopper Mendoza Based on Strategic Planning Survey Report.

1:00 p.m.

Misc. updates: WMS, holiday gathering.

1:15 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting in the Latter & Blum Inc. training room on the first floor. In preparation for meeting: 1) During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group 2) Review the Strategic Planning Survey Results. Sorry, No food allowed in training room. There is a kitchen & patio area to eat your brown bag lunch. (BYOL)

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI WMC 2011 Action Plan 1) Develop demonstration projects ! Advocate for specific demonstration projects to be funded through GNO Inc’s Water Management Strategy grant ! Identify upcoming City capital projects and advocate for water management best practices to be implemented ! Identify upcoming school projects and advocate for water management best practices to be implemented - Request meetings with Capital Planning staff at RSD - Deliver presentation / report on the state of water management in current school projects: " Ex. Andrew Wilson Charter, Langston Hughes Elementary 2) Conduct research and seek best practices ! Identify topics of areas where additional research would assist in advancing a culture of water management in the region. For example, rainwater cisterns ! Conduct research, prepare reports and fact sheets and share with the community and government agencies when appropriate 3) Reach out to existing water management government agencies to advocate water management strategy ! Identify agenda for advocacy of governance reform. Example areas include: - Government acceptance of new technologies - Advocate for water retention and infilitration strategies to be incorporated into street repairs - Appointment of progressive water management professionals to SWB - Introduction of groundwater management strategies into SELA’s work ! Seek public officials support for advocacy agenda ! Advocate for WMS related policy changes in government agencies, codes, policies and regulations

! Advise GNO Inc. Water Management Strategy development on their governance reform efforts 4) Build broad community support for vision through an education and outreach campaign ! Neighborhood Drainage Workshops - Pursue grant funding opportunities to further develop and expand program - Develop neighborhood guides to drainage improvement for distribution to neighborhood associations - Conduct outreach to neighborhood associations - Hold twelve (12) workshops in 2011 ! Coordinate with and advise GNO Inc. Water Management Strategy on outreach efforts 5) Pursue grant opportunities for water management planning ! Seek funding to expand and implement the neighborhood drainage workshops ! Assist government agencies to develop grant proposals that forward WMS ! Seek funding for a full time HI WMC staff member to coordinate committee activities 6) Create a market for water management products and services ! Partner with organizations such as the Idea Village ! Educate homeowners, businesses, developers and contractors on available water management technologies

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens, and Billy Marchal for hosting today’s lunch. Happy Holidays! Water Mgmt Committee AGENDA December 15, 2010 11:15 a.m.

Early networking/Healthy Lite Lunch Served

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:20 p.m.

Office of Public Health Boil Water Advisory Perspective John Williams, DHH-Primary Regional Responder

12:45 p.m.


Neighborhood Drainage Workshops Update–Steve Picou, LSU AgCenter Water Update-GNO Inc. Idea Village Entrepreneurs Week- Grasshopper Mendoza

1:05 p.m.

HI Vision Stmt./Looking Forward 2011

1:15 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

Greater New Orleans, Inc.


Request for Proposals to develop a

Comprehensive, Sustainable Integrated Water Management Strategy for St. Bernard Parish and the east banks of Orleans and Jefferson Parishes

Issued by Greater New Orleans, Inc. Regional Economic Alliance Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. CST, January 26, 2011

Comprehensive, Sustainable Integrated Water Management Strategy for St. Bernard Parish and the east banks of Orleans and Jefferson Parishes Page 1 of 11

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. Water Mgmt Committee AGENDA January 13, 2011 11:15 a.m.

Early networking/Healthy Lite Lunch Served

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:15 p.m.

GNO Inc. WMS RFP Group Discussion Priorities, Implementation, Advisory RoleRachel Heiligman/Steve Picou

12:40 p.m.

GNOF/Idea Village Water Challenge HI role, plan review, discussion-Grasshopper Mendoza

1:05 p.m.

Building Resilience Workshop II-Elizabeth English

1:15 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Please read the Greater New Orleans Foundation Coastal5+1 initiative and the GNO Inc. Integrated Water Management RFP. Find both at http://watershednola.org

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial�.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. "You are not Atlas carrying the world on your shoulder. It is good to remember that the planet is carrying you" Vandana Shiva HI Water Mgmt Committee AGENDA April 21, 2011 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:15 p.m.

GNO Inc. Integrated Water Mgmt. Strategy Update Rachel Heiligman

12:35 p.m.

S&WB Task Force-Jeffrey Thomas

12:50 p.m.

GNOF/IV Water Challenge, Master Plan for Drainage Update, S&WB outreach meeting, NYC SWIM Alliance, “Surround Sound” Messaging to the community.

1:15 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Visit http://swimmablenyc.info/ to learn more Storm Water Infrastructure Matters, a like-minded group based in NY. They do good work and are open to an exchange between our committee and theirs.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. While the USA Swimming Study identifies a “fear of drowning” as a national swimming problem, in New Orleans, a fear of water is also affecting our collective approach to issues and decisions locally. -Taylor Galyean, Urban Conservancy Post. Oct. 2010 HI Water Mgmt Committee AGENDA May 18, 2011 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:15 p.m.

GNO Inc. Integrated Water Mgmt. Strategy Update Grasshopper Mendoza/Rachel Heiligman

12:25 p.m.

Levee and River levels Group Discussion Moderated by Steve Picou LSU AgCenter

12:45 p.m.

Living with Water and Water Fear in Our Community: Kristen Melberg, Louis Jackson, Hilairie Schackai, Taylor Galyean Misc. Water Updates: S&WB, Master Plan for Drainage, Jefferson Canal Beautification Update.

1:05 p.m. 1:15 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. USA Swim Study: http://www.usaswimming.org/ViewNewsArticle.aspx?TabId=0&itemid=2854&mid=8712

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “Droge Voeten” is Dutch “for Dry Feet” Welcome Back Miriam! Our Fulbright Scholar returns. HI Water Management Committee AGENDA June 22, 2011 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

GNO Inc. Integrated Water Mgmt. Strategy Update: Rachel Heiligman

12:05 p.m.

"Droge Voeten: Flood Mitigation in the Netherlands and New Orleans." Miriam Belblidia- Hazard Mitigation Specialist City of New Orleans/Fulbright

12:25 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 1:15 p.m.

Water Committee Priorities and Approach Group Discussion-Grasshopper Mendoza Neighborhood Drainage Workshop UpdateSteve Picou, LSU AgCenter Meeting Adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Think about ways to make our monthly meetings the best use of our time. Additionally who are we missing? Noted Hydrologic Engineers? If you know any, invite them.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. When you sail on a boat you take with you the minimum of resources. You don't waste anything. You don't leave the light on; you don't leave a computer screen on... on land we take what we want - Ellen MacArthur (round-the-world yachtswoman) HI Water Management Committee AGENDA July 20, 2011 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

GNO Inc. Integrated Water Mgmt. Strategy Update: Rachel Heiligman

12:05 p.m.

New Orleans Drainage Master Plan Challenges to Incorporating Best Management Practices Jessica L. Watts, P.E., CFM, D.WRE at CDM

12:25 p.m.

12:35 p.m.

Break-out groups meet for 10 min. to review June tasks. Neighborhood Drainage Workshop, WMS Letter of Support, HI Mission Stmt., BMP outreach to engineering community. Group presentations to committee

1:15 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch. There will be no meeting in August. : (

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial�.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. HI Water Management Committee AGENDA September 7, 2011 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

GNO Inc. Integrated Water Mgmt. Strategy Update: Rachel Heiligman

12:05 p.m.

CZO Draft-Public Meetings-Stormwater Mgmt. Rachel Heiligman, Group Discussion

12:15 p.m.

GNOF/The Idea Village 2012 Water Challenge +Building Resilience Workshop 3 + (insert here) =Water Entrepreneurs Week??? Break-out Group July follow-up. 10 min. Update to large group 10 min. Break-out Group for Oct. 10 min.

12:30 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

1:15 p.m.

Closing Remarks Green Collaborative/HI Water Pecha Kucha Sept. 15th 3:00pm at The Regional Planning Commission Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Please review Article 23 of the CZO for group discussion. Article 23 - Landscape, Stormwater Management and Screening. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial�.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. Be the “we” in the social web, instead of the “me” in social media. – Brian Solis HI Water Management Committee AGENDA October 5th, 2011 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m. 12:10 p.m.

GNO Inc. Integrated Water Mgmt. Strategy Celebration: Rachel Heiligman "FutureProof: Working Water" J.O. Evans III

12:25 p.m.

“Tools for Change” Conversationalist Megan Hargroder

12:45 p.m.

Break-out Group Sept. follow-up. 10 min. Update to large group 10 min. Break-out Group for Oct. 10 min.

1:10 p.m.

Closing Remarks GNOF/Idea Village 2012 Water Challenge Update Meeting adjourned

1:15 p.m.

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Wear a name badge from a favorite conference. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks S&WBNO for hosting today’s meeting at the Carrollton Water Plant HI Water Management Committee AGENDA November 16th, 2011 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

GNO Inc. Comprehensive Sustainable Integrated Water Mgmt. Strategy Update (WMS): Rachel Heiligman

12:10 p.m.

GNOF/Idea Village 2012 Water Challenge Finalist Update: Thomas Rush

12:15 p.m. 12:35 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

Break-out Group 10 min. Update to large group 10 min “Making The Water Works Work” Overview Janet Howard, Bureau of Governmental Research Followed by group discussion S&WBNO Strategic Plan Summary Robert Miller Deputy Director S&WBNO

1:10 p.m.

Closing Remarks

1:15 p.m.

Meeting adjourned

Venue: Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to sign-in. We will be meeting at 8800 S Claiborne Ave. This is the Carrollton Water Plant. Park in the front visitor parking lot. Enter in the front of the Engineering Building. The guard at the front desk will sign you in and give directions to the second floor auditorium. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Please review the recent BGR report, “Making The Water Works Work”. Wear a name tag/bring a name badge from a favorite conference. RSVP lunch: Naked Pizza and Salad $5 To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial”.visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Timken Center. “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” John Lennon

HI Water Management Committee AGENDA December 14th, 2011 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

GNO Inc. Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Mgmt. Strategy Update: Rami Diaz, Waggonner & Ball Architects

12:10 p.m.

Welcome 2012 Water Challenge Finalist (AMPS) Aquaponic Modular Production Systems~Pitch & HI feedback

12:25 p.m.

HI Water Committee Tools for Change presentation: “Sustainability Team Development” Steve Picou-LSU AgCenter Break-out Groups 10 min. Update to large group 10 min.

12:40 p.m. 1:10 p.m. 1:15 p.m.

Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Parkview Terrace in the Timken Center at City Park. Link to venue: http://neworleanscitypark.com/parkview.html In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Wear a name badge from a favorite conference. Holiday luncheon provided by the Horizon Initiative.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. Less than 3% of properties will be affected by the proposed NOLA CZO stormwater ordinance. Waggonner & Ball WMS HI Water Management Committee AGENDA January 18, 2012

11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

Water Management Strategy Workshop Update: Rachel Heiligman

12:10 p.m.

Engineering Firm Spotlight: Waldemar S. Nelson and Company “San Antonio Riverwalk” Charles W. Nelson President

12:25 p.m. 12:40 p.m.

Welcome 2012 Water Challenge Finalist (Bayou Native) Pitch and HI Feedback Break-out Group 10 min.

1:10 p.m. 1:15 p.m.

Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Wear a name badge from a favorite conference. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks Longue Vue House & Garden for hosting today’s meeting in the Playhouse. Water Love & Happy Birthday Steve Picou! HI Water Management Committee AGENDA February 14th, 2012 11:15 a.m.

Early networking

11:30 a.m.

Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m. 12:05 pm 12:10 p.m. 12:15p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:10 p.m. 1:15 p.m.

Building Resilience Workshop III Update: Elizabeth English, Founder Water Management Strategy Update: Rachel Heiligman, Dir Transport for NOLA S&WBNO Public Meetings Update: Robert Miller, Deputy Director S&WBNO New Orleans S&WBNO Citizen Task Force Update Jeffrey Thomas, Thomas Strategies Welcome 2012 Water Challenge Finalist (Tierra Resources) Pitch and HI Feedback Break-out Group 10 min. (NDW) Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at Long Vue House & Gardens. 7 Bamboo Road, NOLA 70124. Come early and stay late. Longue Vue is a beautiful place to be. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Wear a name badge from a favorite conference. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial� visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. In the United States, we have entered an era of regular billion dollar disasters that destroy the natural and built environments and upend countless lives. 2012 International Hazard Mitigation Practitioners Workshop, http://nhma.info HI Water Management Committee AGENDA April 18, 2012 11:15 am

Early networking


Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update & 5 words exercise Rachel Heiligman, Transport for NOLA


S&WBNO Stormwater Task Force Update, Water Challenge Update, Building Resilience Workshop (DeltaSync Video)



Natural Hazard Mitigation Association Alessandra Jerolleman, Executive Director Facilitated Group Discussion Water Hackathon/Code for America Living with Water Hackathon? Alexandra Stoicof Break-out Groups (10 minutes)

1:10 1:15

Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned


Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Describe the WMS in 5 words or less (i.e. Living with Water) RSVP for Mediterranean lunch compliments of the 2012 GNOF/Idea Village Water Challenge!

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial� visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. In the United States, we have entered an era of regular billion dollar disasters that destroy the natural and built environments and upend countless lives. 2012 International Hazard Mitigation Practitioners Workshop, http://nhma.info HI Water Management Committee AGENDA April 18, 2012 11:15 am

Early networking


Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update & 5 words exercise Rachel Heiligman, Transport for NOLA


S&WBNO Stormwater Task Force Update, Water Challenge Update, Building Resilience Workshop (DeltaSync Video)



Natural Hazard Mitigation Association Alessandra Jerolleman, Executive Director Facilitated Group Discussion Water Hackathon/Code for America Living with Water Hackathon? Alexandra Stoicof Break-out Groups (10 minutes)

1:10 1:15

Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned


Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable please briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Describe the WMS in 5 words or less (i.e. Living with Water) RSVP for Mediterranean lunch compliments of the 2012 GNOF/Idea Village Water Challenge!

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial� visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

“A raindrop serves many masters in New Orleans.” N.O. Citizen S&WBNO Drainage Mgmt.Task Force

HI Water Management Committee AGENDA May 23, 2012 11:15 am

Early networking


Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update Rachel Heiligman, Transport for NOLA


Tulane City Center: Water Mgmt Demonstration Projects Daniel Etheridge Tulane City Center


Assessing the SWBNO Drainage System/Recommendations Facilitated Group Discussion w/ Advisory Group members

12:50 1:10 1:15

Break-out Groups (10 minutes) Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a waterrelated news item, event or statistic with the group. Also, please review the New Orleans Citizen Sewer, Water & Drainage Management Task Force Report found on our internal blog. We will be discussing the report. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. Word of the Day: “NANIA” means all together in Cherokee HI Water Management Committee AGENDA June 13th, 2012 11:15 am

Early networking


Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update Rachel Heiligman, Transport for NOLA


S&WBNO Task Force Update


Public Sector Innovation as Tool for Community Resilience GNOF/Idea Village Water Challenge goes to Tulsa, OK HI group discussion


“Storrmwater BMPs Ecological Services Metrics” Dana Brown, Dana Brown & Associates


Break-out Groups (10 minutes)

1:10 1:15

Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “Living with Water vs Fighting with Water” CPEX Best Practices Manual for Coastal Development HI Water Management Committee AGENDA July 25th, 2012 11:15 am

Early networking


Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water-related events

12:05 p.m.

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update (WMS) Rachel Heiligman, Transport for NOLA

12:10 12:15

Tulsa Partners, Costco & Lafitte Corridor Update Center for Planning Excellence (CPEX) Best Practices Manual for Coastal Development Camille Manning-Broome, Director of Planning


S&WBNO Citizen Task Force Update & Power Generation Report Bruce Thompson-Power Generation Advisory Group Chair

12:55 1:15

Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Please review CPEX’s exciting Best Practices Manual for Coastal Development and review the power generation S&WBNO Citizen Task Force report. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “This is our future, man. We know it’s gonna happen again and again-and just get worse.” J. Payne as told to Bob Marshall TP 9/6/2012 HI Water Management Committee AGENDA September 17, 2012 11:15 am

Early networking


Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Roundtable of current water related events

12:00 p.m.

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update Rachel Heiligman, Transport for NOLA


Isaac’s Reality Check:Group Discussion Co-Facilitated by Patty Whitney of BISCO and Alessandra Jerolleman NHMA


GNOF & Idea Village 2013 Water Challenge Program updates, impact and opportunities. We can do this! waterchallenge2013.org Break-out Discussion: Community Water Pledge Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

12:40 1:10 1:15

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a waterrelated news item, event or statistic with the group. Wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference. Thanks to the 2013 Water Challenge for sponsoring today’s healthy lunch. Please consider donating your lunch money to BISCO.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

SIPDE: Scan, Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute HI Water Management Committee AGENDA October 17th, 2012 11:15 am

Early networking


Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events

12:05 p.m.



12:55 1:10 1:15

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update Grasshopper Mendoza Water Committee Internal Scan: opportunities for leadership, partnerships, growth and funding Group Discussion Seizing the Agenda: Decision points to influence over the next 6-months Jeffrey Thomas, Thomas Strategies, LLC GNOF/Idea Village 2013 Water Challenge Update & Pledge Group Pic Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Also please review Jeffrey Thomas’ overview of available funds (attached to 10/15 email and posted on internal blog). RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks SCFFI for hosting today’s meeting at Zeitgeist Arts Center.

“We’re all from New Orleans now…” Mike Tidwell, The Nation 10.29.12

HI Water Management Committee AGENDA November 28th, 2012 11:45 am 12:00 pm

Early networking Welcome and opening remarks Social Change Film Festival: Founder & Dir. Cynthia Phillips Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events

12:35 p.m.

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update Steve Picou


EPA Urban Waters/Green Slice Project Groundwork New Orleans GNOF/Idea Village 2013 Water Challenge Entrepreneur Update Thomas Rush Background: Lake Pontchartrain Barrier Plan Billy Marchal Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

12:55 1:00 1:10 1:30

Venue: We will be meeting at the Zeitgeist Arts Center located at 1618 Oretha Castle Haley from noon-1:30pm. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks Longue Vue for hosting today’s meeting “Yet the best trick is to make the landscape more absorbent.” “Go with the Flow,” The Economist, Dec. 15th 2012 Stocking Stuffer: LA Capitol Watch App by Gregory Tingle for Apple smart phones---Free! HI Water Management Committee AGENDA December 19th, 2012 11:15 am 11:30 am

Early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events!

12:00 p.m.

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update Rachel Heiligman


“A Modest Proposal: An idea for the HI Water Committee” Mark Davis, Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law & Policy


Year in Review and Looking Forward: Group Discussion Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

1:00 1:15

Venue: We will be meeting at Longue Vue House & Gardens, signs will be posted directing us to either the Coach or Playhouse room. Carpooling is encouraged. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” John Muir HI Water Management Committee AGENDA January 17th, 2013 11:15 am

Early networking


Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events

12:05 p.m.


Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy Update Rachel Heiligman S&WBNO Task Force Update/Priorities 2013 Jeffrey Thomas, Thomas Strategies LLC


GNOF/Idea Village 2013 Water Challenge Finalists Pitch & Committee Feedback ABS Technologies: water monitoring EMS Green: coastal restoration & protection

12:50 1:00 1:15

Building Resilience Workshop IV: Adapting to Uncertainty. Miriam Belblidia HI Water Update: Grasshopper Mendoza & Steve Picou Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “We forget that the life cycle and the water cycle are one.” -Jacques Cousteau HI Water Management Committee AGENDA February 21, 2013 11:15 am

Early networking


Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events

12:05 pm


Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy “WMS Talking Points” Waggonner & Ball Architects “NOLA Water Wise” Global Green


GNOF/Idea Village 2013 Water Challenge Finalists Pitch & Committee Feedback EMS Green: erosion control & waterway restoration La. Water Works: reducing flood damage & stormwater pollution Pierce Industries: shoreline protection and sediment retention Red Fish, Green Fish: sustainable fisheries


HI Water Update: Grasshopper Mendoza & Steve Picou Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned


Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. "When considered in a broad contact, "water" is the largest, single industry in the world. It encompasses virtually every activity of every life form." Int’l Center for Water Technology, Fresno, CA, 2010 Regional Strategic Plan HI Water Management Committee AGENDA April 18, 2013 11:15 am 11:30

Early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events

12:05 pm

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy “WMS Talking Points” recap of March 27th meeting & update S&WBNO Discussion of Potential Green Infrastructure Projects Madeline Goddard & Marcia St. Martin MS4 Permit: discussion of talking points in advance of May 7th public hearing. Gulf Restoration Network, Jonathan Henderson HI Water Update: Grasshopper Mendoza & Steve Picou Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

12:10 12:35 12:45 1:15

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “Who does well, manages stormwater well.” Mark Davis, GNOF Urban Water Series 5.13.13 HI Water Management Committee AGENDA May 22, 2013 11:00am 11:15 11:30

Set-up room (volunteers welcome) Early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events

12:05 pm

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy update


Upcoming symposium: Role of Native Plants in Water Management and Urban Ecosystem Restoration Colleen Morgan of Bayou Rebirth The Water Institute of the Gulf Update: Dr. Charles “Chip” Groat

12:25 12:50 1:15

HI Water Update: Grasshopper Mendoza & Steve Picou Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “Let me tell you about the real big opportunity coming up—the real big opportunity is that if we’re all committed—this is where we have to build consensus—we’re in the middle of a revision of our Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, right now.” -Deputy Mayor Cedric Grant, GNOF Urban Water Series 7.10.13 HI Water Management Committee AGENDA July 17, 2013 11:00 am 11:30

Setup room & early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events

12:05 pm

Comprehensive, Sustainable, Integrated Urban Water Management Strategy update Tulane Riverfront Campus for Applied Coastal Sciences and Engineering. Matthew Chatfield, Tulane University AWF: Deltas 2013 Vietnam, GNOF Urban Water Series Overview & Group Discussion HI Water Update: Grasshopper Mendoza & Steve Picou Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

12:15 12:30 12:50 1:15

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens at City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag/lanyard from a favorite conference.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “Recovery without resilience isn’t recovery. Recovery without sustainability isn’t resilience…We are going to spend money. This is how we do it safer, stronger, better.” Pat Forbes, OCD-DRU at Sept. 6th, 2013 GNO Urban Water Plan Release

HI Water Management Committee AGENDA September 25, 2013 11:00 am 11:30

12:15 pm 12:45

12:55 1:05 1:15

Setup room & early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events Celebration of GNO Urban Water Plan release Greater New Orleans Urban Water Plan Robin Barnes, EVP & COO, GNO Inc. Greater New Orleans LID/Green Infrastructure Design Competition: Dana Brown, ASLA, AICP, LEED AP GNOF/Idea Village 2014 Water Challenge: Miriam Belblidia & Jennifer Roberts HI Water update and closing remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens of City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Review GNO Urban Water Plan found at: http://livingwithwater.com RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag (or old conference lanyard).

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “Every individual plays a role in water management in New Orleans” Stephen D. Villavaso, CZO public meeting, Oct. 17th

HI Water Management Committee AGENDA October 23, 2013 11:00 am 11:30

12:10 pm 12:20 12:35 12:40 12:55 1:05 1:15

Setup room & early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events GNO Urban Water Plan News & Synergies (CZO!) Landscaping & Stormwater Mgmt., CZO ARTICLE 23 Dale Thayer, New Orleans City Planning Commission CZO Group Discussion GNOF/Idea Village 2014 Water Challenge Entrepreneur Update Miriam Belblidia & Jennifer Roberts, Water Works WEFTEC Water Cluster Roundtable Update Steve Picou & Grasshopper Mendoza Restoring our Environment, Restoring our Economy report Avalyn Taylor, The Nature Conservancy Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

Venue: We will be meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens of City Park. In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Review Article 23 of the New Orleans Draft CZO and Restoring Our Environment, Restoring our Economy report by The Nature Conservancy. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag (or old conference lanyard).

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “Show me a healthy community with a healthy economy and I will show you a community that has its green infrastructure in order and understands the relationship between the built and the unbuilt environment.” ~Will Rogers, Trust for Public Land

HI Water Management Committee AGENDA Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11:00 am 11:30

12:10 12:20 pm 12:30 12:40 12:45 1:05 1:10 1:15

Set up room & early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events GNO Urban Water Plan Appendix C Policy & Action Landscaping & Stormwater Mgmt., ARTICLE 23 Amy Stelly CZO Group Discussion (Dale Thayer of CPC will be joining us!) GNOF/Idea Village 2014 Water Challenge Update Grasshopper Mendoza & Steve Picou NORA Project Updates and Parting Thoughts Kristen Melberg, Senior Planner, NORA Organic Apple Juice Toast to Kirsten! Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Review Article 23 of the New Orleans Draft CZO and the GNO Urban Water Plan, Implementation Guide: Appendix C, Policy & Action Table (p.182-189) RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag (or old conference lanyard).

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

“We are in pursuit of a ‘symphonic’ approach to integrated water resource and watershed management.” Craig Lindell, WET 6.13 HI Water Management Committee AGENDA Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:00 am 11:30

12:20 12:25 12:35 12:40 1:55 1:05 1:15

Set up room & early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions + Looking Forward 2014 Water Roundtable of Current Events Building Resilience Workshop V March 13-14, 2014 Kali Rapp-Local Coordinator GNO Urban Water Plan Update/Looking to 2014 Robin Barnes, EVP & COO GNO Inc. GNOF/Idea Village 2014 Water Challenge Water Works L3C GNO Leverage, Collaboration, Clustering, Branding Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Map: Group Discussion HI Water Committee: Looking Forward 2014 Group Discussion Krewe de L'eaux , Water Works L3C Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group along with a statement about what you and/or your organization hope to accomplish this year. Review the GNO Urban Water Plan, Implementation Guide: Appendix C, Policy & Action Table (p.182-189) RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag (or old conference lanyard)

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “We can’t build our way out of this…My question is, if we implement other things where this water doesn’t get into the system, how much does that save? How much do we not have to build?” Cedric Grant, Next City Feb. 2014

HI Water Management Committee AGENDA Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:00 am 11:30

12:00 12:05 12:10 12:30

1:05 1:15

Set up room & early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events GNO Urban Water Plan Update WEFTEC 2014 Sept. 27-Oct. 1, New Orleans Barry Liner, Director of the Water and Science Center WEF (video) Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update & Presentation Dale Thayer, New Orleans City Planning Commission GNOF/The Idea Village 2014 Water Challenge Entrepreneur Pitches & Committee Feedback EcoUrban, iSeeChange, ORA Estuaries, RiverView Construction 3 min pitch, 3-5 minutes for committee feedback HI Water Committee: Looking Forward 2014 Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Review the GNO Urban Water Plan, Implementation Guide: Appendix C, Policy & Action Table (p.182-189) RSVP for FREE Mediterranean lunch courtesy of GNOF/The Idea Village Water Challenge. Wear a nametag or old conference lanyard.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “…some of the world’s leading experts on disaster planning, sustainable building, alternative energy and coastal protection are expected to come to the area. The city could become a worldwide center of expertise in those and other fields.” George Wentz, Co-founder Horizon Initiative Times Picayune, August 2007 (from 1st HIWC agenda, March 2009)

HI Water Management Committee Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Agenda 11:00 am

Set up room & early networking


Welcome and opening remarks

12:00 12:05 12:10


1:05 1:15

Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events GNO Urban Water Plan Update WEFTEC 2014 Sept. 27-Oct. 1, New Orleans Barry Liner, Director of the Water and Science Center WEF (video) Louisiana Water Month? What did we learn? March 2014 in review. Tulane, BRW V, State of the Coast, Water Challenge, Water Festival, Groundwater Week, S&WBNO… State of Things: Water Committee 5 year Anniversary HI Water Committee Yearbook 2009-2014 Looking to the New Orleans’ Tricentennial What do the next four years bring? Policy? New leadership? Partnerships? Group Discussion Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Review the GNO Urban Water Plan, Implementation Guide: Appendix C, Policy & Action Table (p.182-189) Healthy Mediterranean lunch served. $5 suggested donation Wear a nametag or old conference lanyard.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. …”The watershed agenda is collaborative, inquisitive, naturally and community-based, diversely adaptive, and focused on a broad matrix of variables that characterize the vast array of interrelationships among human communities and the natural systems on which they depend.” Craig Lindell WE&T pg. 68 June 2013 HI Water Management Committee May 14th, 2014 Agenda 11:00 am

Set up room & early networking


Welcome and opening remarks

12:10 12:15 12:20 12:30

12:40 12:55 1:05 1:15

Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events GNO Urban Water Plan Update WEFTEC 2014 Sept. 27-Oct. 1, New Orleans Founding HIWC Committee Co-Chair 2009-11 Alim Hannoura Update Book Signing & News Using Plants for Stormwater Mgmt, A Green Infrastructure Guide for the Gulf South by Dana Nunez Brown, LSU Press Bayou St. John Progress Mark Schexnayder, Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries New Orleans Water Collaborative Jonathan Henderson, Gulf Restoration Network, et al. Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Review the GNO Urban Water Plan, Implementation Guide: Appendix C, Policy & Action Table (p.182-189) along with Delft University Urban Water Plan Implementation thesis by Annabel Visscheddijk. RSVP for $5 Healthy Mediterranean lunch Wear a nametag or old conference lanyard.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “The CZO Article 23 is only a few words away from being a true leader among landscape codes in the United States. It is indeed on the cutting edge. I am asking why not go over the edge?” Prof. Buck Abbey, ASLA draft CZO public comments HI Water Management Committee June 19, 2014 Agenda

11:00 am 11:30

12:10 12:15 12:20 12:40 12:50 1:05 1:15

Set up room & early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events WEFTEC 2014 Sept. 27-Oct. 1, New Orleans Defining a Systems Approach part 1: KC King GNO Urban Water Plan Update: Robin Barnes, EVP, COO GNO Inc. Recent appointee to the Sewage & Water Board of New Orleans! New Orleans Water Collaborative Update Steering Committee Representatives Draft CZO Article 23 Update Dale Thayer, City Planning Commission Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Healthy Mediterranean lunch Please wear a nametag or favorite conference lanyard.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens.

“Water is the existential issue for southeast Louisiana” Michael Hecht, President & CEO GNO Inc. The New Orleans Advocate, July 12, 2014 HI Water Management Committee July 23, 2014 Agenda

11:00 am 11:30

12:10 12:15 12:20 12:30 12:45 12:55 1:05 1:15

Set up room & early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events WEFTEC 2014 Sept. 27-Oct. 1, New Orleans New Orleans Water Collaborative Update Steering Committee Representatives 2015 Water Challenge: Seeking Water Fellows! Andrea Chen, Executive Director, Propeller Water News & Policy: fracking, lawsuits & water resources Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law & Policy GNO Urban Water Index Miriam Belblidia, Jennifer Roberts, Water Works L3C Soil Sampling and EPA Urban Waters Update Danny Wiegand, EPA Urban Waters Ambassador Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Healthy Mediterranean lunch Please wear a nametag or favorite conference lanyard.

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. "We are beginning to learn that our brains are hardwired to react positively to water and that being near it can calm and connect us, increase innovation and insight, and even heal what's broken." - Wallace J Nichols Happy 1st Birthday Greater New Orleans Urban Water Plan! HI Water Management Committee September 17, 2014 Agenda 11:00 am 11:30

12:55 1:05

Set up room & early networking Welcome and opening remarks Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events Birthday celebration for the GNO Urban Water Plan WEFTEC 2014 Sept. 27-Oct. 1, New Orleans, LA Louisiana events, presentations, UWP, Tours, Expo… New Orleans Water Collaborative Update Steering Committee Representatives Cluster, Collaboration, Competition, Cooperation Steve Picou & Grasshopper Mendoza NOLA Vibe Group discussion Closing Remarks


Meeting adjourned

12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Healthy Mediterranean lunch Please wear a nametag or favorite conference lanyard.

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them.” Paul Hawken (Greenbuild Expo Opening Plenary Oct. 22) HI Water Management Committee October 15, 2014 Agenda 11:00 am

Set up room & early networking


Welcome and opening remarks

12:10 12:15 12:20 12:30 12:45

Water Roundtable of Current Events NPR/WWNO "Water"+ WWNO Coastal Desk Ron Biava, WWNO Dev. Director New Orleans Water Collaborative Update Steering Committee Representatives Greening the MLS (Blue too!): Role of REALTORS® Jodie Manale, Chair, NOMAR Green Building Committee Greaux Green Louisiana Colleen Morgan, USGBC Louisiana Chapter Greenbuild International Expo & Conference USGBC Louisiana History, Impact, LEED John C. Williams, Williams Architects


Closing Remarks


Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Healthy Mediterranean lunch Please wear a nametag or favorite conference lanyard.

HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” Cicero HI Water Management Committee Thursday, November 13, 2014 Agenda 11:00 am

Set up room & early networking


Welcome and opening remarks

12:10 12:15 12:30 12:50

Water Roundtable of Current Events New Orleans Water Collaborative Update Steering Committee Representatives GNO Urban Water Plan Robin Barnes, EVP/COO, GNO Inc. Coastal Restoration: Urgency & Financing Eden Davis J.D., Mississippi River Delta Restoration Campaign Group Discussion 2014, 2015: Looking forward!


Closing Remarks


Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Healthy Mediterranean lunch Please wear a nametag or favorite conference lanyard.

! HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” Martin Luther King Jr. HI Water Management Committee
 Wednesday, January 21, 2015 AGENDA 11:00 am

Set up room & early networking


Welcome and opening remarks

12:10pm 12:15

Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events Native Plant of the Month GNO Water Collaborative Update Steering Committee Representatives

12:25 pm 12:40 12:55 1:05 1:15

Greater New Orleans Foundation Urban Water Series Update Ella Delio, GNOF Dir. Of Environmental and Regional Initiatives The Water Campus in Baton Rouge, LA Mike Siegel, President, Corporate Realty The Louisiana Water Economy Network (LAWEN) Steve Picou, SVP NOLAVibe Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag (or old conference lanyard).

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

! HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a process; working together is success.” Henry Ford HI Water Management Committee
 Wednesday, February 25, 2015 AGENDA 11:00 am

Set up room & early networking


Welcome and opening remarks

12:10pm 12:15

Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events Native Plant of the Month GNO Water Collaborative Update Steering Committee Representatives

12:20 pm 12:30 12:45

1:05 1:15

Coming Soon! 20th Tulane Environmental Law Summit, 5th Water Challenge, Building Resilience Workshop VI, Louisiana Water Resources Commission Update Mark Davis & David Culpepper, Commissioners Blue/Green Infrastructure & Urban Water Plan Implementation Group Discussion with GNO Water Collaborative 
 (Jianlan Dai questions) Closing Remarks Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. Please review thesis questions of Jianlan Dai of Wageningen University. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag (or old conference lanyard). To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com


HI/Louisiana Water Network thanks The Regional Planning Commission of Greater New Orleans for hosting today’s meeting! “Comply” is not a vision. Ray C. Anderson

HI Water Management Committee
 Wednesday, April 8, 2015 AGENDA 11:00 am

Set up room & early networking


Welcome and opening remarks

12:10pm 12:15

Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events “Natives with Lee,” Lee Rouse, LSU AgCenter GNO Water Collaborative Update Steering Committee Representatives

12:20 pm


Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans Cedric Grant, New Orleans Deputy Mayor & Exec. Dir. S&WBNO Research Park Corporation Dr. Byron Clayton, President & CEO, RPC Closing Remarks


Meeting adjourned


In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag (or old conference lanyard).


! LWN/HI thanks City Park for hosting today’s meeting 
 at the Garden Study Center in the Botanical Gardens. We need a water ethic--a guide to right conduct in the face of complex decisions about natural systems we do not and cannot fully understand. – Sandra Postel HI Water Management Committee
 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 AGENDA

11:00 am

Set up room & early networking


Welcome and opening remarks


Introductions Water Roundtable of Current Events Native Plant of the Month GNO Water Collaborative Update Steering Committee Representatives Propeller: Impact Accelerator, WATER Ginny Hanusik, Programs Coordinator

12:15 12:20 pm 12:40

1:00pm 1:15

Water News & Updates Robin Barnes, EVP & COO Greater New Orleans Inc. Nihal Shrinath, The Data Center The Coastal Index: Tracking development of the water management cluster in Southeast Louisiana, The Louisiana Water Network Steve Picou, SVP NOLAVibe Meeting adjourned

In preparation for meeting: During the roundtable briefly share a water-related news item, event or statistic with the group. RSVP for $5 Mediterranean lunch & wear a nametag (or old conference lanyard).

To learn more about the Horizon Initiative "Making the city of N.O. the city of Yes! by the tri-centennial” visit www.HorizonInitiative.com

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