brief 03

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Robyn Makinson OUGD303 Board 01/05

Brief 03 DFGA Yearbook Collaborative brief with Naomi Farrar, Maya Srivastava and Rob Green. Working to design a gender neutral, visually engaging yearbook for graduating FD and BA students.

The Brief Working in a group to design a publication that celebrates the work of graduating FD and BA students on the Digital, FIlm & Game Animation course at the Leeds College of Art. Initially a brief I wanted work on due to it’s collaborative nature, it proved to be one of the most challenging with difficult time management and deadlines that clashed with other briefs. However I am pleased with the outcome, and the amount of my designs that where chosen for the final publication.

The publication is a combination of all our efforts and uses a RGB colour scheme with yellow, black and white highlights. It is split into three sections, each with its own discipline. Red Animation (Naomi) Green Film (Robyn) Blue Game (Maya) In between these sections are filler pages (designed by myself) and details of each pathway.

Robyn Makinson OUGD303 Board 02/05

Brief 03 DFGA Yearbook Collaborative brief with Naomi Farrar, Maya Srivastava and Rob Green. Working to design a gender neutral, visually engaging yearbook for graduating FD and BA students.

Section Layouts During our weekly meetings with Mike we would often present ideas that the group had worked on both individually and as a group. In the early stages of the brief I was tasked with brainstorming a few ideas for the double page spreads. Mike was pleased with the idea of using the left hand page for the student information and the right for the photographs. My spread layout was picked to be applied to all three sections of the publication.

1. Itaecta quod ulpa 2. Itaecta cusda ulpa 3. Cusda quod Itaecta


“Igendes illique nonsenti omnimpor maio beatum eos volupta dit doluptae voluptatur? Quidem ipsum erum qui omni simagnam lique perisqu atempor iaspis moluptat ommolum volorionest, ipsam essequo quiaeres non eati volorestibus eum earcimuscit quias sus maxime cuptatiati voles doluptum, cuscium quatiae verchil maximil�

I settled on using a shape to contain all the information attributed to each student. I also settled on using large scale imagery with full bleed. An approach that I initially liked, but realised was not a possibility with DFGA screen shots and frame rendering.

Robyn Makinson OUGD303 Board 03/05

Brief 03 DFGA Yearbook Collaborative brief with Naomi Farrar, Maya Srivastava and Rob Green. Working to design a gender neutral, visually engaging yearbook for graduating FD and BA students.

Introductory & Filler Pages

Film Page 6 - 25

Cameron Bland Michael Chapman Daniel Holroyd Ross Johnston

Steven Elmes Jonathan Fee David Harris Robbie King Ben Marles Matt Taylor

Game Page 28 - 51

Coral Baker Bill Clay Stephen Cusdin Jade Hodgson Zoe Limbert Jake Neal Freddie Pitcher

Will Farrell Ken McFarlane Ifraz Mohammed Thomas Newton Chris Rhodes

Animation Page 54 - 71

Daniel Cooper Andrew Howden Chris Luk Ben Mayfield Anju Miah Inonge Namushi Mary Oliver Lauren Sharman

Daniel Beckett

Michael Smith Programme Leader 01132028294

Annabeth.Robinson Year Tutor annabeth.robinson Mat Clark Year Tutor

Film Page 6 - 25

Cameron Bland Michael Chapman Daniel Holroyd Ross Johnston

Steven Elmes Jonathan Fee David Harris Robbie King Ben Marles Matt Taylor

Game Page 28 - 51

Coral Baker Bill Clay Stephen Cusdin Jade Hodgson Zoe Limbert Jake Neal Freddie Pitcher

Will Farrell Ken McFarlane Ifraz Mohammed Thomas Newton Chris Rhodes

Animation Page 54 - 71

Daniel Cooper Andrew Howden Chris Luk Ben Mayfield Anju Miah Inonge Namushi Mary Oliver Lauren Sharman

Daniel Beckett

Michael Smith Programme Leader 01132028294

Annabeth.Robinson Year Tutor annabeth.robinson Mat Clark Year Tutor

For the yearbook I was also assigned the responsibility of designing the layouts for the extra pages within the publication.

In regards to the actual design I used the rounded shape I suggested in the initial design meetings with Mike, only enlarged.

I knew the pages would be text heavy so it was important to set aside a large area for the copy.

I also used only black and yellow, in purposeful contast to the red, green and blue found in the chapters.

However this is in complete contrast to the ‘filler pages’ that feature large scale imagery. Finding a basic template that suited both these visual approaches was in itself very challenging.

The images to the left show how I started with single page development, which turned into double pages once I was given more information to work with.

Robyn Makinson OUGD303 Board 04/05

Brief 03 DFGA Yearbook Collaborative brief with Naomi Farrar, Maya Srivastava and Rob Green. Working to design a gender neutral, visually engaging yearbook for graduating FD and BA students.

Digital Photography Myself, Rob and Maya where in charge of organising a photoshoot for the current graduating students. We knew the images would be in black and white, and as simple as possible. During the photoshoot myself and Maya where also in charge of gathering personal information from each student such as email addresses and URL’s.




With the image itself being placed in the rounded shape on the bottom left corner of each double page spread, it was important we got images that where appropriate.

Robyn Makinson OUGD303 Board 05/05

Brief 03 DFGA Yearbook Collaborative brief with Naomi Farrar, Maya Srivastava and Rob Green. Working to design a gender neutral, visually engaging yearbook for graduating FD and BA students.

Front Cover Development

Leeds College of Art Digital Film, Games & Animation

Leeds College of Art Digital Film, Games & Animation

Leeds College of Art Digital Film, Games & Animation

Leeds College of Art Digital Film, Games & Animation

I briefly took part in generating designs for the front and reverse covers for the yearbook.

I feel my designs may have been rejected due to the ‘retro’ style that I unintentionally communicated.

The eventual front cover design was generated by Rob, nevertheless I enjoyed working on it, and feel it helped me develop the layouts for the interior double page spreads.

With the course being predominantly technology based, priding itself on having the most recent software and programmes, the designs seen on this page may appear a bit dated and send out the wrong message.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.