1986 september nobcche news

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By William Guillory One morning, I arrived at my office in the c l1emi stry bu ilding and sat down at my desl1 to wo ril on a research proposal and tl1 ree man uscripts for the Journal of Cl1em ical Physics. After stari ng at these papers for severa l minu tes, I rea lized that my m ind l1ad been som e place else . From so 111 ewl1 ere wi t l1in my subconsc ious, a q 11esl ion popped up with ap parently no effort

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William A. Guillory ...



Dr, William A. Guillory is President and founder of Innovations Consulting, Inc,, and formerly Professor and Chairman of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Utah, tie has served on tile f.xecutive Board of NOBCCilE, and is one of tile organization 's founders.




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Decisi on ti me ! The difficult part of dec iding to do something different was t11e truthfu l acilnowledgement that what I was doing was no longer fun , But a job ! Being a physical cl1em ist most of my professional li fe had been excit ing, rewarding, and fun . As I bega n to discover more about my personal mo t ivations beyond my resume, I was natura lly propel led into a different ma nner of


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Forming Your Own Business

on my part, " Wh at am I doing here?" f ive, or even two yea rs befo re that: day, I cou lcl l1ave easily answered tl1at: question. I was in lh e process of "111al1in g it": altl101.1 gl1, I liad no "real" defini tion of " mal1ing it." Tl1 e truth is, I wo uld c rea te another mi lestone for myself, after aclri eving a m ilestone I l1ad crea l ecl earli er. Wh en I tool1 a sollerin g looil in retrospec t I disco vered tliat I had been on an endless spiral. with more of t11 e sa me al1 ead for ~ s long ~ s I chose to "dance to l11e mu sic."

pa rt icipating and contributing to people that t ranscend ed disc i pl i nes. I became more in terested in the total development of the indiv idual. It was l iile one pa rt of me was livin g a new profession, wh i le the other part held onto the old, What I'm saying is tha t the dec ision was equivalent to consciously acknowledging the truth to myself, that I wanted to move on, in spite of the fact that I had twenty years "invested" in Chem istry, continued on page sixteen


~ Be where it's happening. If you'd like to be where the research and development excitement is, consider Kodak. Every day, we're making breakthroughs in chemical applications and developing innovative products for biotechnology, recording media, photographic, and health markets. Among our accomplishments:

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It's an exciting time to work at Kodak! An equal opportunity employer

Research In Egypt For the pas t two yea rs I have been involved along with Dr. Mahmond A. Saleh, Professo r of Chem istry, Ca iro University and Co -pri nciple Investigator of the project entitled "Ecologica l Investigation of In organic Po ll utants in El-Faiyum Wadi ElRaiyan Aquatic Environment" in Egypt. Thi s project, which resulted from a vis it to Egypt in 1982 by the Texas Consort ium , a group co nsisting of nine faculty members from selected Historically Black Colleges and

kilometer uncovered canal fr om th e southwestern edge of the El -Fa iyum lake fol lowed by an eight Kilometer tunnel (three meters in diameter) to the Wad i El -Raiyan at " Hatti et El-Bagaret" area. The water creates a surface area of about 200 square kilom eters. The creation of such a large body of water in the Wadi El-Raiyan depression, one of the most arid areas in the world, i s expected to have a tremendous eco log ical impact on the area. The evolution of new

Hobby L. Wilson, PN.D. ...


• Univers iti es in Texas, is one of three Egypt projects founded at Texas Southern University. The projects were funded through the Supreme Counc il of Universities, Foreign Relati ons Coordination Unit/ US AID University Linkage Program. Th is was my seco nd trip to Egypt in connection with the project whi ch is in its second yea r of funding. Th e invest igation involves a detailed chem ical and biologi cal analysis of selected sites in and around two Wadi El -Raiyan lakes in the El-Faiyum Province of Egypt. The lakes were created in ea rly 1973 as the resul t of th e acc umulation of agricu ltural irrigational drainage water in a depression which was located in the western desert of Egypt. Once the volume of the drainage water exceeded th e capac i ty of the Qua run lake, th e water was cha nneled to a depressed area in the western desert. The process actually sta rted in 1968 wi th the construction ofa ten

Bobby L. Wilson, PH.D. is professor of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences at Texas Southern University. He is an active member of NOBCCht: and is the current Southwest Regional Chairperson .

ecolog ica l communities around such an area is most in teresting. the extremely high rate of evaporation coupled with a very low precipitation, both characteristic of suc h areas, should lead to a rapid increase in t11e sa lin ity and trace metal content. In the Wadi El -Raiya n lakes whi ch were formed and are suppli ed by ag ricu ltura l drainage water, the concentration effect wi ll also include various pollutants in the form of pestici des, fertilizers, and oth er ernu ents from industrial activites. These pollutants will certainly pass into the bioti c elements of the ecosystem at various degrees. Due to th eir chem ical persistence, nonbiod egrada bility, and their tendency to accumu late in th e biological system. the inorganic pollutants wi ll surely have a most detrim enta l long term effect on the ecosystem. The aim of our study is to determine the concentration of inorganic pollutants, continued on page thirteen


From the President Dear Fellow NOBCChE Member: In ord er for ou r Organi zat ion to fun ction effect ively, it is necessary to orga ni ze a number of Na ti ona l Co mmittees, whi cl1 will wo rk in spec ific areas. We a re in the process of formin g tl1e Committees, at th e prese nt time. For the sa ke of effic iency, we have alrea dy na med the Co re-Groups, groups of members who will ma ke up th e nuc leii of the indi vidua l co mm itte es. Th e Core-Groups have

Yo ur ideas and suggestions a re welco me. I invite yo u to co ntac t me, any time you wish. Thi s is your Orga ni zat ion, and I wa nt you to be an ac tive pa rt of its success. Tha nk you for yo ur hel p. Best regards,

Scientists Serving Mankind

<PJ!4mtA~ Philip Merchant, Jr.

Dr. Philip Merchant, Jr... is a Senior Staff Ch emist and Technical (Group) lea der of th e Demulsijier Marketing and Technical Service Gro up, at Exxon Ch emical Company. He received his BS and MS degrees, with honors, from Texas Sou th ern University, wh ere he majored in Chemistry and minored in Mathematics. His Doctorate in Chemistry was earn ed, also with hon ors, at th e University of Houston.


A t C IBA-GEI G Y, we'r e al w a ys searchin g for ne w ways to improve lives. Like the lives of the pe ople we serve in ove r 100 countries on s ix contine nts . Our agricultural products a r e helping farm e rs to improv e crop yi e lds and feed the world's hungr y. Our Ph a rma ce uticals divis ion is a lso m a king m ajor strides. We're de veloping the r a peutic drugs in s uch dive rse a reas as a thernscl e ros is a nd estrogen t herapy. We've also deve lope d n ew dyes tha t ca n be found in clothing eve rywhere , a nd w e've fost er e d the cr eation of materia ls th at h a ve r esh a ped the trans portati on industr y.

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Servin g mankind a lso m eans nurt uring ,~/: 路-, to morrow's scie n t ist s . We r ece nt ly co-spo n / _,-r ''',' -( , I . f sor ed "T he B ra in ;' a n e igh t pa r t, awardwinning PBS series. A nd , in 1980, to I ' . ! \ . (, e ncourage minori ty stude nts t o purs ue . ( '~ scie ntifi c ca reer s , we establi s he d t he E xce ptiona l B lac k Scientist s Poste r Program. E ducation is a cont inuing process a t C IBA-G EI GY. Wherever you ch oose t o , I J w ork with us, you can be s ure tha t every effort will be m a de to encourage your developme nt to its fulles t potent ia l; both as a n individual, a nd a s a professiona l. - I If you're a chemist or ch e mical e ngineer w ith a BS, MS or PhD, a nd possess three to fiv e year s' expe rience in Ana ly tical, In organic, Organic or Polyme r chemist ry, we inv ite you t o contact u s . Opportunities exist a t our s uburban Westcheste r, N Y facilities in Ardsle y and Hawtho rne, a nd at loca tions in Summ it, N J ; St. Gabriel, LA; Mcintos h, AL, and Gre ens boro, NC. Please send your r esume, in strict confid e nce to Lorraine Webb , Corporate Human Resources, Dept. N CC, CIBAGEIGY, Ardsley, Ne w York , 10502. An Equa l Opportunity Employe r MIFIHN.



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been selec ted by me, working closely with Joseph Ca nn on and Cla rence Tuc ker. A list of th e individ ual Co mmi ttees, along with their fu nct ions, is attac hed. I am inviting you to parti cipate, with yo ur NOBCChE col leagues, to help ma ke th e work of the Na tiona l Co mm ittees s uc cessful, by ei ther: 0 Selecting a Com mittee, upo n whi ch you would be willing to se rve , or by ... @ Subm itting any ideas you may wi sh to have co nsidered, by one or more of th e Comm ittees, to that Committee. Please volunteer for a committee assignment, or submi t your id eas, by co ntacting th e Regi ona l Chai rpe rson in yo ur a rea. The wo rk of the Co mm ittees is very important to the continued growth of NOBCCh E, and to the success of our Progra m thi s yea r. We can only succeed with your help and with your participation.


National Committees of the Organization Budget Prepa ration Committee + Issue a req uest to app ro priate Executive Boa rd Memb ers, Admini strative Officers, Co mmittee Cha irs, Reg ional Chairs and News Magazin e Editor fo r a bud get of expec ted expenditures for incoming fisc al yea r. Antici pa ted inco me shou ld be a part of th e budget request. + Esta bli sh a li st of anti c ipated rece ipts and/ or income for th e National Orga niza ti on based on previous hi story and goals. + After review of expected expen ses a nd anti c ipa ted receipts/ inco me, establi s h a proposed budget, present at th e first Execu t ive Boa rd Meeti ng of th e inco ming fi sca l year for consid era tion. It must be approved by th e current Executive Board. + Thi s co mm it tee should monitor the continued on page six

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CIBA- GEIGY Progress Through Innovation

From the President



continued from page four + Th e responsib le Board Member is the

budget during the yea r. and present i ts findings. Thi s ta sk is normally assum ed by the Treasurer who is a mem ber of the Committee. Al so. the comm ittee should recomm end a co urse of act i on when the current bud get expe nd i tures are beyo nd approved scope. Th e co mm ittee shou ld assum e any fisca l ass ignm ents as directed by th e Executive Board or th e responsible board memb er, chairperson of the Executive Board. Thi s committee is ap pointed by the cl1airperso n of th e Executive Board. It should include the treasurer of the Na tiona l Organ iza ti on.

New Chapter Approva l Committee This committee is responsib le for the following act ivi ti es : + Request review for new chapters. + Coordinate new chapter approva l activities with regiona l chairperson . + Presen t info rmat ion on new chapters that meet orga ni zat i onal qua li fic ations to executive boa rd for co nsideration /a pprova l. NOTE: New chapters should be acted on within 60 days after receiving application. Th e comm ittee chairperson is res pon sible for performing th is task. Annua l Meetings Committee Thi s committee is res ponsible for working close ly with the current Annua l Meeting Chairperson to insure that the overall pla ns are promptly execu ted : 0 Sending out meeting announcements on schedu led act ivities, @ Co ordinati ng industrial participat i on. @) Issuing ca ll for papers. 0 Establish ing a program of activities which includ es symposia, 0 Working with Na tional Committees, i.e. Awards Comm ittee, to schedu le and fina li ze programs. @ Al l of this sho uld be accomplished through th e Annua l Meeting Chairperson and her/ hi s sub com mi ttees. + In conju nction wi th the Nati onal Meeti ng Planner and Annua l Meet ing Cha irperson, negotiate contract with hotel and a travel package for members to attend annua l meeting.



Vice-Cha irperson of th e Execut ive Board. Take on assignm ents as directed by th e Executive Board.

News Magaz ine Committee Th is com m ittee is res pon sib le for th e fol lowing activi ties: + Manage activiti es of NOBCChE News Magaz ine. + Publish NOBCChE News Magazine quarte rly. Archives Committee Th is com mi ttee is respo nsible for th e foll owing act ivities: + Solicit/ collect hi sto ri ca l items perta ining to NOBCChE and in su re proper st orage. display and/or accessibi lity. + Keep accurate reco rd s and be accou ntable for archives items. Office of Record s Comm it tee Thi s c omm i ttee is responsible for th e fol lowing activities: + Keep reco rds of organi zat iona l meetings etc. and provide executive board members with meeting minutes. Secretary should be responsible for th is task. Election Comm ittee Thi s co mmittee has overa ll responsib il ity for the elect ion of national offices. The duti es of the com mittee are as foll ows : + Soli cit / coordi nate effort to ident ify cand ida tes for national offi ces. + Screen/ eva luate qua lifications of candidates and repo rt findings to executive board. + Insure that ba ll ots are mai led to general membersh ip two mon th s before the annual meet ing. NOTE: Ba llots sho uld only be ma iled to members who are in good financ ial stand ing wi th th e organization. + Tabu lation /certification of ba llots for nat ional offices. NOTE: Executive board members can ass ist in ballot ta bula tion/ cert ificat ion process i f requested by an election comm ittee member. Internat iona l Adviso ry Co mmittee continued on page eight

Finding The Right Chemistry Is Something We Do Very Well At ICI. Here at ICI, the right chemistry goes far beyond developing products that enhance the quality of life . It begins with creating a working environment which fosters innovation and excitement. An atmosphere which encourages talented people to combine their knowledge with imagination, bringing the ideas to life that have enabled us to build solid partnerships with our customers, and to maintain our position as a company that recognizes its responsibilities to all the communities that surround our facilities across the U.S. and around the world. At ICI, the right chemistry also means choosing our markets very carefully. We're making strides in some of the exciting areas of industry including: quality pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, specialty chemicals, electronics , aerospace and advanced materials . And our unparalleled commitment to research assures an even brighter tomorrow for our customers and for the people of ICI.

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· ~71.::=12 t./-..,,•/ ~ .•...,..ffe ~---,,r';.;.....,..r ~ V L .. Careful planning has helped us to enjoy one of the fastest growth rates in terms of sales and profitability in the chemical industry. Today, we're 12,000 people strong, with over 40 locations across the U.S. and sales in excess of$l.5 billion. If you possess a BS , MS, or PhD in chemistry, chemical engineering or a related scientific discipline and believe that the right chemistry could make all the difference in your future, we invite you to forward your resume in confidence to : Em ployment Manager, Dept NBN-86, Employee Re lations Department, ICI Americas , Wilmington DE 19897. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

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From the President

continued from page six + Se rve as a resou rc e on an as needed

Tl1i s committee is respons ible fo r tl1e fol lowing activ ities: + Coord inate in ternationa l act ivi ties wl1 ich involve t11e organization. + Advi se the organi zati on on internationa l affairs.

Awards Comm ittee Tl1is commit tee is respo nsible for the fol lowi ng ac tivites: + Issue an nouncements for the Percy L. Julian Award. Ou tsta nding Teacher, Eastman Kodak Compa ny and Procter and Gamb le Graduate Fell owship Awards. - Announcements should be issued by Octobe r first. + Graduate Fell owships - Di stri bute appli cations to students on reque st from a centra l sou rce. - Set-up a co ntac t fo r questi ons/ concerns. - Insure information i s sent to minority engi neering and sc ientifi c organiza t ions as well as to major universiti es and colleges with accred ited Ph .D. programs in Chemistry and Chemical Eng ineering. - Set a central source to receive completed appli ca ti ons which will be sent to comm ittee members for revi ew at least one week afte r the closing date. + Committee members sha ll se t-up system to select most qua lifi ed ca nd id ates for all award s. + The chai rperson or anoth er responsible person shou ld notify ca nd ida tes successfu lly se lec ted (via te lephone and in writing). have appropriate plaques printed , wo rk closely witl1 Nationa l Meeti ng Chairperson in esta bli shing prog ram for Awards Banquet. i ssue check to students or unive rsity for Graduate Fellowship awa rds. This Committee shou ld assume assignm ents as needed on request from the President and / or Cha irperson of Executive Boa rd. NOTE: Specia l Awards, i.e., se rvice t o th e Organization , have been handled by thi s comm ittee. Domestic Advisory Com mittee Thi s committee is responsib le for th e fol lowing act ivi ties:



bas is for NOBCChE membe rs wl10 desire to seek appo intment to advisory boards (federal, state. local government or private bu siness). Deve lop stra tegy to max im ize benefi ts to NOBCCl1E from affi liation with organ izat ions such as American Assoc iated for the Advancement of Science. American Chemical Society, etc.

Proceed ings Comm ittee This com mittee is responsible fo r the following act ivi t ies : + Co llect/edit and publ isl1 proceedings of the organizati on's annua l meeting.



Un ivers ity Liai son/Undergraduate Developm ent Committee This co mm ittee is responsibl e for the fo ll owing activiti es: Interact with undergrad uates to insu re that they are aware and stay abreast of NOBCChE's act iviti es, obj ec ti ves and goa ls. Id enti fy areas where NOBCChE should be more visua l in unde rgraduate activi ti es.

Secondary School Development Committee + Stay abreast of chapter's Adop t A Sc hool Progra m act ivi ties and communicate with other chap ters to get busy in coordi nating this progra m in their sc hoo l di stricts. + Help design NOBCCh E based (sc ientific) brochure for d istrib ution to seco nda ry sc hool children. + Advise chapters on science fair act ivities/ participation. Membership Recru i tment Committee Thi s com mittee is respon sibl e for the following activi ties : + Com mun icate wi th reg iona l chairpersons to insure that memb ership recru itment is a l1i gh priority item for each chap ter. + Stay abreast of and if needed provi de input into chapter act ivit ies aim ed at membership recruitment. + Provide regi ona l chairpersons and/o r chap ter presidents with the various optio ns for members to pay th eir dues (a nnually, three year intervals etc.). co ntin ued on page nin e

Western Region News By: Office of Public Information; Berkeley Campus University of California Wilfred 0. (Fred) E:aster has been named director of th e sta tewid e MESA Program at the University of Ca li forn ia in Berkeley . MESA is a program that seeks to increase the number of underrepresented minorites who co mplete a four-yea r college degree in math -based fields such as engineering and computer science. MESA stands fo r Mathematics. Engineering and Sci ence Ach ievem ent. E:aster comes to the program from Control Data Corporation, where he was most recently a progra m manager directing the firm' s computer-based ed ucat ion center for displaced wo rkers in the sou th easte rn United States. At MESA, based at the Lawrence Hall of Science on the Berkeley ca mpus, E:aster will direct program s se rving ju ni or high, hi gh schoo l and college students through centers on 21 Ca lifornia un iversity and coll ege campuses. Easter did l1is undergraduate studi es in hi story at Harva rd Coll ege, and his graduate work in ed ucation at the University of Mi nnesota. He was a Fo rd Foundation Fellow from 1976 to 1979. Before joining Control Da ta in 1979, he held several positions at Carleton Co llege in North fi eld , Minnesota, including d irector of minority affairs and assoc iate dean of st ud ents. Western Regional Conference Ill: The Thi rd Annua l Western Regional Conference will be held Octoer 10- 11 , 1986, Marriott Hote l, Irvine, Ca liforni a. The theme is "Minori ty Educat ion : the Commitment Mu st Be Now." The regi stration fee is $50 (incl udes lunch & banquet ) and sho uld be mai led to Ms. Beverly French, 5660 Spokane St .. Los Angeles, Ca liforn ia 90016. Techni cal

From the President

papers and poster presentat ions wi ll be feat ured. Co ntact Ms. French for guidelin es. The spec ial hotel co nference rate for single and double roo ms is $6S and shou ld be mailed di rectly to the Irvi ne Marriott Hotel. 1800 Von Karman Ave .. Irvine, Ca liforn ia 927 15. Req uests for hotel reservtions after Septe mber 30 will be accepted on a space-ava ilable basis on ly. Southern California Chapter: Th e Southern Ca lifornia Chapter, in keeping wi th its dedication toward exposi ng minority students to sc ience and engineering. selected two excellent candidates to attend the U.S. Naval Academy's annua l su mmer seminar in An napoli s. Maryland. TRW. Inc., Redon do Beach, Ca lifo rni a, financia lly sponsored the trip for Melvin Pettiford of Crenshaw Hi gh School. Los Angeles. and Michele Outlaw of Lincoln High School, San Diego. Both students met the prerequisites of th e GPA. SAT scores, commu ni ty invo lvement. and sc hool act ivities. Ms. Outlaw is also an excellent all-aroun d ath lete, having been the lea ding scorer on Li ncoln Hig h's basketball tea m and a participant in the Californi a State high school track fi nals. Mr. Andy Shaw, Manager of Commun ity Relations at TRW, Inc .. expressed an in terest in es tabli sh ing a forma l program with the NOBCChE in the Southern Cal ifornia area because of NOBCChE's commitment to encouraging minority students toward careers in science ad engin eering. Mr. Sl1aw feels th ere is a strong poss ibili ty of cu ltiva ting similar relationships with other chap ters where TRW fac iliti es are located. The Southern California Chapter is now developing a formal presentat ion to respo nd to TR W's proposa l.

continued from page eight

Site Select ion Comm ittee Th e foll owing are act ivi t ies of this committee: + Review proposa ls from Local Chapte rs and Regiona l Chairpersons on potential sites for annua l meetings. - Proposa ls should be in writi ng with a brief description of scheduled activities. - Proposed site should have a core of local people/ fami liar with the

Nationa l Organization and program of past annual meetings. + Pre.sent recommendation s to Executive Board for approval. + Th e goa l of thi s commi ttee sh ould be to have pla n for future site at least two years in advance. This committee must wo rk closely with the Annual Meeting Comm ittee and National Meeting Planner to esta blish solid pla ns.


Westward Ho to NOBCChE '87

Research In Egypt

NOBCChE '87, the 14th Annua l National Con ference of t11e National Organi zation for th e Professional Adva ncement of Black Chemists and Chemi cal Engineers, will be l1 eld Apri l 1318, 1987 (Monday-Saturday ) at th e Hotel Meridi en, San Francisco. The theme of th e meeti ng in "Sc ience Education: Tomorrow's Challenge, Today's Need." Th e San Franc isco Bay Area Chapter and the South ern California Chapter are bu sily planning to make this event the " best eve(' in the hi story of the organization. This year th e progra m has been expanded to includ e a two-track curricu lum. One track will be ded icated to professiona l developmen t, featuring sessions on effec tive presentations and entrepreneurshi p in high technology. The second track will focus on technical, political, and soc ial changes of th e fu ture that will im pact the minori ty com munity and the signifi cant role education must play to prepare blacks for these changes. Speakers and panelists from educa tion and indust ry will parti cipate in thi s informative forum series. Th e addition of thi s two-t rack curriculum to tl1 e program will offer attendees a wid e va ri ety of interests from wh ich to choose.

particu larly those related to agricu l tura l uses and the i mpact of th ese inorgan ic co mplexes (phosphates, nitrates, nit ri tes, sulfates, sul fid es, cya nides, etc., as well as heavy meta ls) on t he fo od cl1a in and th e ecosys tem of th e lakes and surrou ndin g area. Phys ica l ana lyses of wa ter involved temperature, sal i nity, hardness, electri cal conductivity, and pH determinations. Th e biological st ud ies involved fi shes and fisheries, pla nkton, benth ic fau na, and w ildli fe. Based on our results, the area seems most su itable for fish produc tion and rec reati onal ac tiviti es. Un like tl1 e Sa dat City area whic h is a major effort to reclaim desert land for agricultu ra l purposes. th e so il in t his area contain s a high co ncentrati on of sa lt and would not be suitabl e fo r farming. However, heavy metal co ncentrati ons in the lakes are very low, much lower than t he recomm end ed levels for general uses and lower than t he permi ss ibl e valu es for publi c wa ter suppli es. A study of the effects of inorga ni c pollu ta nts on biologica l constituents of fi sh

In ad di t ion to technical papers, industrial exhibi ts, and the general business sessions, t he following highligh ts are being ~13 nn ed: •

A spec ial program for elem entary and high sc hool stud ents.

A spec ial session for representa t ives from ind ustry to talk about th eir current research and tech ni cal objectives.

A ta lk on blacks wo rking t heir way through tl1e co rporate hierarchy.

A lim ited-regist ration workshop on " Qua li ties of Leadership." Innova tions Consulting, Inc., William A. Guillory, President, will present this semianr to a maximum of 25 participants at a cost of $25 per person. Registration form s for this seminar will be ava ilable in the registration packet that will be mailed to the membership in October. For more information contact Dr. Guillory, 1225 East Fo rt Un ion Bouleva rd, Suite 200, Midvale, Utah 8404 7, (80 I ) 56 1-9002. Plan now to attend. Get your meeting and hotel registration in ea rly. Registraion packets will be mailed in October. Don't miss this opportunity to go West.


continued from page three


President Exec. Boa rd Chairperso n

Treas urer

So utheast

Or. Phi lip Merchant

Mr. Clarence Tucker Southwest

Ms. RoS<1n ne C Ande rson

Eastma n Kodak Company 171 6) 477-778S

- orNOBCChE NEWS P.O. Box IS499 Rochester, NY 14615 Sec re: tal)'

Mr . Isom Harrison


Dr. Sa m ue l

Arch ive

von Wi nbush

c / o Mrs. Minnie Clayton. Archivist Robert \V. Woodruft Lib rary Atlanta Uni versity Center

Atlanta. GA 3031 0 Regional Chairpersons Nort heast

Dr. Den ise Barn es

AT&T Bell Labs. Allen town. PA 18103



Dr. Theophi lus So rrell MSD; Bldg. 65 3rd Fi r.

Rocl1estc r. NY I 46SO

very grateful to NOBCChE and

given to me upon m y retirem ent from teaching. I am d eep ly honored by this recognition from my peers and w ill cherish yo ur thoughtsfulness fo rever. Th ank You. Sin ce rely,

4~1 )1. ~/(?'t4-N\. Ll oyd N. Ferguson Professor of c hemistry


Dr. Cha rl es A. Washington

P.O. Box Y, Oak Ridge . TN 37830

Martin Marie tta Energy Systems, In c.

NOBCChE News Ed i tor

I am

its m em bership for t he beautiful p laq ue

Marti n Mari etta Energy Sys tems. Inc.


P.O. Box Y, Bld g. 9201- S MS-9 Oak Ridge. TN 37830

Thank You


The IYOHCChf /Yews The NOBCChE News is t he offi cia l pu blica t ion of the Nat iona l Organ ization for t he Pro fessional Advancement of Black Chem ists and Ch emica l Engineers.

is in progress. This portion of th e study in volves t he analyses of pro te in , fat s, and carbohydrates in fi sh. Thi s will provid e valuable information for co ntinu ed use of the lakes for fi sh produc t ion.

App li ca tions are soli cited for an Assistant or Assoc iate Professo r beginni ng on or before September l, 198 7. We a re primarily in te rested in a perso n who will estab li sh a research program i n experimental polymer chemistry. Orga nic and in organic che mi sts wi th int er es t and experi ence in macromolecu lar sys tems are also invi t ed to ap ply. The University of Tenn essee has a large interdi sc iplinary research effort in polymer sci ence with excell ent in strum en tation and support faciliti es.

Mr. Chri stopher Kinard 673 Hillgrove Ct. Cincinnati. OH 4-5246 Dr. Bobby Wi lson Chemistry Departm ent Texas Sou th ern Un ive rsity t·1ouston, TX 77004-

Mr. James Evans Uni vers ity of Californ ia Livermo re, CA 94550

Th e NOBCChE was establi shed in 1972 with th e objectives

of develo pin g programs to ass ist Blacks in rea li zing t heir full potenti al in th e field s of chemist ry and chem ical engineering. The organ i zation 's progra ms include establishing informat io n and consultation services fo r t he Black com m unity. recruit ment of more Blacks in the Science and En gineeri ng pro fessio ns, prom ot ing acti ve parti cipa ti on in scie ntifi c resea rch , and increas ing the rep rese n ta ti on of Blacks 011 Advisory Boa rds.


The o rgan iza tion depend s upon exciting talent among Blacks in these fields to aid in th e accom plish ment of i ts

Dr. J. N. Kushick, Depa rtment of Chemistry, Amherst Co llege, Amh erst, Massac husetts 01002, by November I, I 986. Amherst College is and EE/ AA employer.

objec tives. Ful l NOBCC!1E membershi p, inclu ding NOBCC11E NEWS. is $35/yea r: assoc iate membershi p is $15/year. Persons desiri ng membe rshi p and activi ties info rma t ion. as well as new members fonvard i ng dues. shou ld write to the t reasurer-address is given above.

Send resume, transc ripts, three recommendati ons, reprint s and a desc ription of proposed r esea r c h t o Profes sor Jeffrey Kovac, Search Committee, Depa rtm ent o f Ch em i s try, Univ ers ity of Tenn essee. Knoxvill e, TN 37 996 - 1600. An EEO/ Title IX Secti on 504 Employer.



1987 NOBCChE National Conference "Science Education: Tomorrow's Cha llenge, Today's Need" April 13-18, 1987 Hotel Meridien, San francisco, CA Preliminary Program April 13 (Mon.) I :00 pm - 6:00 pm 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 10 :00 am I :00 prn - 6:00 pm 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm April 14 (Tue s. ) 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8:00 am - 9:00 am 9:00 am - 10 : 15 am 10 :00 am - 5:00 pm 10: 30am - 12:00 pm 12:00 pm - 1: 30 pm I :30 pm - 5:00 pm 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm I :30 pm - 3:00 pm 5:1 5 prn - 6: 15p m 6: 15 pm April 15 (Wed. ) 8 :00 am - 4 :00 pm 8:00 am - 9:00 am 9 :00 am - 12:00 pm 10: 00 am - 6 :30 pm 12 :00 pm - 1:30 pm I :45 pm - 5:00 pm I :45 pm - 3:00 pm

Registratio n Execut ive Boa rd Meeting Tec hni ca l Tours

Ci ty Tours Industri al Exhi bit Setu p Recep tion (food . libations & En tertainm ent ) Regi stration Continenta l Brea l1fast Genera l Session I Industrial Exhibits Tec hn ica l Papers Lunc l1 Technic al Papers Forum A (' The Fu ture") Professional Development Reg ional Meetings 1-1ospitali ty Registration Con tin enta l Break fa st Tec hn ical Papers Industrial Exh ibits Luncheon (with Speaker) Technica l Papers Forum B ("The Futu re of Work & The Black Communi ty")

I :45 pm - 3 :00 pm I :115 pm - 5:00 pm

5: 15 pm - 6 :30 pm April 16 (Thurs.) 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8:00 am - 9:00 am 9:00a rn - I l: OOarn IO:OO arn - 2:00 pm 10:00 am 10:00 am 11 :00 am 12:00 pm 12:00 pm


12:00 3:00 12:00 1:30 2:00

pm pm prn pm pm

I :30 pm - 3:30 pm 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

I :30 pm - 3:00 pm 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 7: 00 pm - 10:00 pm April 17 (Fri) 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 8:00 am - 9:00 am 9:00am - 12:00 pm 12:10 pm - 1:30 pm I :45 pm - 3:30 pm April 18 (Sat. ) 9:00a m - 12:00 pm 10:00 am -

Professio nal Development Qualiti es of Leadersh ip Wo rkshop (Sepa rate Registrat ion Fee) Industria l Exh ibit Wine & Cheese Recep tion Regist rati on Cont i nenta l Brea kfast Techn ical Papers Elementa1y & 1-1i gh Sc hool Pro gram Indust rial Exh ibits Industrial Session Lec t urer Lunch lndustiral Exhib its Tea rd own Technical Papers Forum B ("The Future of Educati on & The Black Commun ity") Professiona l Development Genera l Session II Reception Banquet Registration Continental Breakfast Technic al Pape rs Luncheon (wi th Speaker) Forum D ("Possibili ties & Stra tegies fo r Tomorrow") Executive Board Meeting Tours

A Fortune 500 company has the following openings in their research and development division. They are excellent positions offering highly motivated individuals opportunities for career advancement.

PhD/MS/BS (0-5 years experience) •Optics

• Engineering


Ce ra mic

Co lloid

• Geo logy




El ectrical

Ana lytica l



Graduates of Fall 1986/Spring 1987 PhD programs are encouraged to apply.

Experience is a plus in these areas: Fibre optics

Polymer & composite processing

Plastic/ polymer in R&D

1986 Graduate Fellowship Awards By Clarence Tucker At the Thi rteent h Annual Meeting in Atlanta. three Graduate Fellowship Awards were presented . The Eastman Kodak Co mpany Fell owship was presented to Li nda J. Amos. Sl1 e is a Ph.D. Candid ate at Prin ce ton Uni ve rsi ty. Depa rtm ent of Chemi st1y , workin g in Inorga nic Electroa nalyt ica l C11e111 ist ry. Thi s award was presented to Linda by Dr. Walter Cooper. Eas tman Kodak Company, Researc l1 Division . Tl1e reci pi ents fo r th e Procter and Gamble Company Awa rds we re Bruce D. Harri s and Sharon L. Nea l. Bru ce is a Ph.D. Can dida te at Th e University of Penn sylvania . Depa rtm ent of Che mi stry. he is involved in the synth es is of biolog ically active peptid es. depsipep tides and amino acid s. Sharon is


co mplet ing her req uirements for t11e Ph.D. at Em ory Uni vers ity with a major in Ana lyti cal Cl1 emi stry. Th e obj ective of li er thesis researcl1 is to develop more genera l algorithms for the resoluti on of co mponents spec t ra from mi xture spect ra. These Awards were presented by Dr. Herb ert Smitherman. Procter and Gamb le Co mpany. Th ese rec i pi ents were cl1 osen from twenty-eight applica nts work ing towa rd th e Pl1.D. in Chem is try or Chemica l Eng in eeri ng. Tl1 e NOBCChE and awa rd spon so rs. Eas tman Kodak Co mpany and Procter and Ga mbl e Com pa ny are pleased and proud to prese nt t11ese Fellowships. Congratulati ons to Li nda , Bru ce and Sharon!

• Ch e mistry


Send resume in confidence to: Minnie Ferrer, Consultant Or Call [817] 465-5271

2503 Limestone Drive •Arlington, Texas 76014


continued from page one

After that, it was easy. Now th e easy part: resigning my tenure from th e University of Utah and announcing to the wo rld , and parti cularly my colleagues in the NOBCChE. that I was gi ving up Ch emi st ry and starting a Con sulting firm in human reso urce development predi cated upon a phi losophy that indeed appeared to be sparse - " Empowerment. " The indi vidual who chooses to be empowe red is one who is self-susta ining, self-motivated, ac tionori ented, and views th e world as neutral. She or he assum es total responsibili ty for the results in th eir lives, and spend s the leas t amount of time disc ussing reasons and exc uses for tho se events which are un successful. Th e mos t unexplainable ph enom enon about sta rt ing som ething new and dynami c is that people who are " committed" to th e sa me phil osophy "show up. " That is, when an organization or a bu siness has as its und erlying principles of operation freedom , creativity, integrity, and res ponsibility, individual s possessing those qua li ties are attracted t o become a part of i ts suc cess. for example, Linda Galindo appea re d and t ook over as Exe.cutive Director and committed to becoming a workshop facilitat or. She crea ted th e Media Divi:ii on of Innova ti ons, and initiated program s that provid e a new focus for wom en. Th en Colleen Sorensen appeared and the crea tion of the Publi shing Di vision of Innovation s took pla ce. Th e publication of th e book " Realizati ons, " and a two-cassette ta pe of "Realizations" produced by Bonneville Communi ca tions of Salt La ke City followed soon after. Now, two completed projects are wa iting in the wings. A new book, " It's Al l An Illusion," is soon to be publi shed. And a se ries of transformational books and tapes fo r children based upon th e ex perien ces of a Black urban boy named "Rodney" are close to com pletion. Innova tions presents eight standard Se minar Worksh op programs ranging from " Quality of Life" to a one-to-one advanced "Executive Leadership" program. The co rporation has a central th eme: creative and inn ova tive programs for the 1990's and beyond. It is totally uninterested in duplicating what presently exists in term s of


technique and adversary-oriented Seminar program s. Th e Innovations programs have already establi shed a very impressive repu tation for effecting fundam ental. irreversible positive change in individuals and organ iza ti ons. Ultimately, Inn ova tions is uncondi t ionally committed to th e personal growth, produc tivity. and total well-being of every individual on th e plan et and th e opportunity to Serve. The spirit of Innovations is perhap s best captured by its vision.





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"Vision implies a certain quality of 'seeing · beyond the here and now and is therefore not of time. It requires cognition beyond concepts and experience, th e 'seeing· of th e whole of something in a reordered way and a view of the entire gestalt. It is th erefore an act of crea tion. "

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t:J'llORY UNIVERSITY. The Department of Chemistry of Emory University invites applications for Junior po sition in Anal ytic al Ch emistry beginning in the Fall of 1987. The successful candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence and crea tivity in research and teaching. Preferenc e will be given to individuals whose research interest s complement those of th e present an alytical faculty, but all interested persons are encouraged to apply. Each applicant should send a curriculum vita e and a statement of research pl ans , and arrange to ha ve thre e letters of recomm endation sent to: Isiah M. Warner , Departm ent of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322. Revi ew of applications will begin Novemb er 15, 1986. Emory Universi t y i s an EO / AA employer. -

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