Annual Report 2014 - 2015

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2014-15 Annual Report

45 Wadsworth Avenue, New York, NY 10033


NMIC supports over 12,000 community members each year on their paths to self sufficiency Our staff integrates numerous crisis intervention services under one roof. With their crises resolved, clients move seamlessly to capacity building services through our holistic programs designed to transition individuals and families from crisis to self-sufficiency.

Who We welcomed our first new Executive Director since our founding, Maria Lizardo, LMSW, who was born in our community and today is recognized city-wide as one of its fiercest advocates. We have also grown from a staff of two to over 100 dedicated professionals partnering with our community.

When NMIC was founded in 1979 and we celebrated our 36th anniversary in 2015.

Over 90% of our direct service staff members speak Spanish. The remainder speak up to 6 languages. Over 60% of our staff members live in the neighborhoods we serve Our dedicated staff members have been at NMIC for an average of almost 8 years

Where In December 2014 we moved to our new community hub in Washington Heights at 45 Wadsworth Avenue. This nine story space was custom built to allow us to better partner with our community with space for activities ranging from confidential client services to large community meetings. We also continue to offer services from our Lead Safe House at 2183 Amsterdam Avenue and our Housing Court Office at 111 Centre Street.


Why We have developed a deep understanding of our community’s strengths and the barriers to capitalizing on those strengths. We work with community members to jointly address these barriers. The New York City communities we focus on include:

5 of 5 with the highest poverty rates With up to 45% of residents living below the poverty level, including up to 60% of children

3 of 5

with the lowest

education performance

With as few as 9% of students performing at grade level

4 of 5

with the lowest housing quality

With up to 42% of households paying half their income in rent and an average of 123 serious code violations per 1,000 units.

5 of 5 with the highest Unemployment With up to 20% of residents unemployed

What NMIC’s integrated services allow our clients to join us and work their way through multiple pathways that address their own unique needs as they transition from crisis to self sufficiency. LEGAL SERVICES provide comprehensive civil legal services through the provision of proactive legal representation and assistance to tenants and tenant associations. Through this comprehensive approach, the program protects community residents from the increasing threats of homelessness, displacement, and substandard living conditions. Clients also receive legal assistance regarding domestic violence, immigration, consumer debt, public benefits, disabilities, and environmental justice. In FY 2015, over 5,500 individuals were served, and the program provided over $6.5 million in direct monetary benefits to clients while saving taxpayers over $17 million in shelter costs by preventing evictions.


SOCIAL SERVICES promote asset building through benefits screening and enrollment, financial counseling, and free tax preparation services; strengthen families by combating domestic violence; prevent homelessness with intensive case management in partnership with our Legal Services program; builds coalitions by working with other community based organizations and institutions; and target health problems associated with poverty through case management and education about asthma and diabetes. The Social Services program also participates in advocacy campaigns and efforts that promote social justice and the well being of our families and community. Over 3,000 residents were served in FY 2015, generating over $15 million in benefits for our community.

WEATHERIZATION offers energy conservation

services to buildings with high concentrations of low-income residents, and is at the cutting edge of green energy technology. The program provides funds for retrofitting buildings to replace energy-inefficient systems with the newest energy-saving materials and techniques. Weatherization Assistance projects in our community, as well as other parts of Manhattan, have encouraged environmentallyconscious collaborations between tenants, landlords and building owners, and helped significantly reduce energy costs for low-income households while producing jobs and environmental benefits. In FY 2015, 10 buildings were served, impacting more than 375 households


COMMUNITY ORGANIZING focuses on three principal areas: tenant organizing, housing development, and community organizing. The staff educates and organizes residents into tenant associations to address unsafe building conditions and abusive rent practices, and frequently partners with NMIC’s legal program to provide group representation to tenant associations. It also supports tenants through the process of converting rental buildings to tenant-controlled cooperatives, which provide high quality homeownership options that allow low income residents to build equity in our community. On a broader level, the staff organizes community members in the Union Comunal, a membership organization of over 2,600 Washington Heights and Inwood residents who work together to address common housing issues and other collaboratively identified priorities. We also organize and support Ecomundo, a worker-owned green cleaning cooperative founded primarily by clients of our domestic violence programming. In FY 2015, organizers worked with 11 buildings and assisted 2 additional buildings in the development process. EDUCATION & CAREER SERVICES offers a comprehensive set of services that prepares community members for higher education, advanced training, and careers. Our adult education programming includes English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), High School Equivalency (HSE), and computer skills classes. After community members have developed these core skills and earned critical credentials, we offer college counseling, employment-focused case management, job readiness training, industry-specific job training, internship opportunities, job search assistance, job placement and retention services, and career advancement opportunities. Over the past year, educators taught over 800 students and supported over 700 community members as they took the next step in their career path


FINANCIALS Revenue by Source $11,188,818

95% government grants & contracts $10,615,318


5% program revenue $542,648

<1% other 5%



Expenses by Source $11,038,286

83% programs $9,156,087


17% administration 17%


Change in Net Assets $150,532

Beginning of fiscal year $1,825,856

End of fiscal year $1,976,388


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