NJPAC Report to the Community 2017

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now report to the community


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a message from

John Schreiber

President and Chief Executive Officer Greetings, friends! 2017 was an especially transformative year in the life and work of the Arts Center. We began celebrating our 20th anniversary season, embracing our role as a robust, creative and effective anchor cultural institution, in service to the City of Newark and the State of New Jersey. NJPAC played the part of anchor well before shovels broke ground or opening night unfolded in 1997. Meaningful collaboration with the community was an imperative baked into our DNA, and arts education opportunities were offered to public school children as early as 1993. Our staff and programming have always been as diverse as our audiences, and these days that rich canvas stretches even wider. More than 500 events are presented each season in Newark, Asbury Park and on the road nationwide, with owned touring attractions like The Hip Hop Nutcracker. In addition, our Community Engagement department hosts almost 200 free programs throughout the region; events highlighting dance, literacy, jazz and film bring the NJPAC experience to libraries, community centers, parks and churches in inventive and unexpected ways. I call this our “boundaryless campus.” It allows citizens to enjoy culture, entertainment and learning without leaving their neighborhoods. If a percentage of those fans find their way to a performance in Newark, all the better. But the primary purpose of these happenings is to serve the underserved. Our association with Rutgers-Newark grows ever stronger. Chancellor Dr. Nancy Cantor is an NJPAC Board Member and I am honored to serve on the university’s Advisory Board. NJPAC’s teenage jazzers often perform at Clement’s Place at Rutgers, and we have produced dozens of free events at Express Newark, the Rutgers arts accelerator in the Hahne & Co. building. We now present jazz concerts at the Newark Public Library and its branches throughout the city. Our teaching artists guide students on tours of the new GRAMMY Museum Experience at the Prudential Center. And our Orff early childhood music initiative makes joyful noise in all of Mayor Baraka’s Centers of Hope. In the pages that follow, you’ll discover how we integrate the arts, entertainment and education into the lives of so many, and in so many ways. We are blessed that hundreds of amazing professionals make the Arts Center a place of welcome and wonderfulness. A final word of thanks to our donors: Their generosity enables us to do the impossible. Because of our champions, 15% of our annual budget can be spent on arts learning and community outreach, and we’re able to present a remarkable array of performing arts and artists–and still show a surplus. That’s thoughtful philanthropy of the highest order. We’re 20 years into the Arts Center’s marvelous journey and more excited than ever to find the next adventure, together with you. Very best,

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a message from

John R. Strangfeld

Chair, Board of Directors To NJPAC Friends and Supporters: Some of you might remember reading NJPAC’s very first Report to the Community, issued 20 years ago. It was only 10 typewritten pages, but the stats told a story that was almost incredulous. Against the odds, despite the naysayers, “exceeded expectations” was the phrase applied most to the Arts Center’s debut season. More than a half-million people saw a performance or attended a special event, and 26% of those visitors were diverse, far surpassing the national average. Press reports were already attributing redevelopment activity in Newark to NJPAC’s presence in the downtown. Fast-forward two decades: When my wife, Mary Kay, and I chaired the 2017 Spotlight Gala, we were gratified to reconnect with the loyal, hard-working people who, to this day, remain committed to NJPAC and its mission. A number of artists who had performed on opening night in 1997 returned to celebrate as well, such as Savion Glover, Christian McBride, the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, and Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Faith—namely, the conviction that cultural education can change the course of a child’s life—and generosity are two virtues that have carried NJPAC to this milestone anniversary. The Arts Center was and continues to be supported by believers, who, by their giving, in turn built credibility. Whether a blue-chip company steps up to sponsor a performance series or a family saves to honor a loved one with an inscribed brick on the plaza, all are stakeholders in the institution they proudly consider their artistic home. “Newark’s new center is much more than a work of architecture,” The New York Times wrote in 1997. “It is an uproar. A commotion. A melee of civic hope. Prudential Hall … is breathtakingly glamorous. If you don’t say ‘ooh’ when you walk through the door, you will at least say ‘aah.’” Congratulations NJPAC@20. We’ll never stop saying “ooh.”


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for the first time since 1960 a luxury high-rise apartment building has been erected in Newark

One Theater Square sends a signal to all of the developers that Newark is ready.

—Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka

in an interview with ROI-NJ.com

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A contingent of NJPAC leaders and local dignitaries, including Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka, got a lift to the uppermost reaches of One Theater Square on September 20 to attend a topping-off ceremony for the 22-story edifice. The occasion was capped by an invitation to autograph a steel beam, embedded as a kind of time capsule to mark the first time a luxury high-rise apartment building has been erected in Newark since 1960. Many of the laborers on the $116 million project, men and women, are Newark residents.

NJPAC is working on a master plan to develop its remaining 6.5 acres into a multi-use neighborhood destination

From atop the skeletal structure, guests were afforded a vista of the Manhattan skyline, the treetops of Military Park, the Arts Center itself, and the city’s eclectic, centuries-old architecture. “One Theater Square does, in fact, begin a new chapter in the development of downtown Newark as a residential community,” wrote The Star-Ledger. Coming soon is a street-level office for leasing the 245 apartments; tenants are expected to begin moving in by Summer 2018, according to Dranoff Properties, the site’s developer. Not far behind are the selection of retailers and a long-awaited ribbon-cutting. Elsewhere on campus, NJPAC is strategizing on a master plan to develop its remaining 6.5 acres into a multi-use neighborhood destination anchored by a hotel and conference center. Blueprints for phase one include a parking deck, low-rise residential buildings, retail curated by the Arts Center, roads and infrastructure. n

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past is


As NJPAC celebrates its th 20 anniversary year, John Schreiber and Larry Goldman reflect on the Arts Center’s genesis

One is an urbanist and arts impresario known for his dapper attire, for restoring the grandeur of Carnegie Hall, and for mapping out NJPAC for 22 years, from inception to 2011. His successor is a guy who has jazz in his bones, a former film executive with a deep sense of social consciousness and a vision for how the arts can dwell and thrive in improbable settings. Lawrence P. Goldman and John Schreiber, NJPAC’s founding and current CEOs, are pragmatists whose business is promoting the often fantastical. Between them, they “choreographed” 20 seasons of entertainment at the Arts Center; Goldman was on board to lead before a construction site was even selected, and Schreiber inherited the challenge to ensure the sustainability of the institution, now and for the future. Goldman, who first encountered Newark as a Princeton grad student studying urban affairs in the late Sixties, has since become Distinguished Practitioner in Residence at the School of Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers-Newark. Before taking the opportunity at NJPAC, he oversaw Carnegie Hall’s $60 million expansion and the development of a 50-story office tower, completed in 1986. On the occasional visit back to NJPAC offices, Goldman insists on fetching his own tea from the lunch nook because it “feels like old times.” He and Schreiber occasionally check in with each other to bounce ideas, proffer advice or swap anecdotes. During one of those recent conversations, Schreiber asked Goldman to reflect on the genesis of NJPAC. Here are excerpts.

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Larry Goldman & John Schreiber compare notes on njpac’s past, present and future John Schreiber: Tell me about the first call you got about coming to Newark, your reaction, and then your first impressions. Larry Goldman: One call came from Alvin Felzenberg, who was then Assistant Secretary of State. Carnegie Hall was getting lots of publicity for its grand reopening, and he came to say that (N.J. Gov.) Tom Kean had a big idea. It was not a cold-call for me to come to Newark. I always had liked Newark and the people, and felt at home here. Governor Kean wanted something in the arts that was at the scale and the gravitas of what Governor (Brendan) Byrne had done for sports in the Meadowlands. I think Tom Kean, who loved the arts and understood, when he was a grad student of history at Columbia and lived in the West 70s, what Lincoln Center did for the West Side of New York. And he wanted not just an arts center, but he wanted it in Newark. That was pretty much it. There was no land, there was no plan, there was no money. JS: So you showed up, you had a couple of meetings with Ray (Chambers, NJPAC’s founding Chair). Ray said, “Do you want to do this full-time?” How long did it take you to make a decision? LG: I’d just been getting all this publicity in New York. Carnegie Hall was a big success. I can remember my father’s words: “Larry, you’re building this career in New York—why go to Newark?” On my side, it seemed really exciting. I loved the confluence of the arts, urban redevelopment, and the social mission, which had driven me for years. I was a product of the Civil Rights Movement; this was the most important thing in my life growing up. JS: How was the social mission of the Arts Center defined in the early days? How did you and your colleagues come to articulate that?

Architect Barton Myers believed that arts centers should not be marble palaces, but should be part of the fabric of a community

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an early model of NJPAC

from the early days of NJPAC’s social mission, Goldman recalls:

“We had one phrase: It can’t just be in Newark, it had to be of Newark.”

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LG: One phrase: “It can’t just be in Newark, it had to be of Newark.” A lot flowed from that: employment, a design that was community-friendly and not a fortress, hiring of staff. I must say, John, that one of the things I admire most about what you’ve done over the last six years is how you have taken that value and lifted it even higher. JS: Thank you. LG: How important was the complex, layered mission of NJPAC to your decision-making? JS: It was very important. My initial motivation was a desire to take the different things that I’d learned to do over the years and combine them in a way that would be useful and effective. As I got into the weeds of the process, I understood more and more what you’d built in terms of a performing arts center that was authentically community-based, and that was very exciting to me. Every Kool Jazz Festival that I produced for years around the country, for George Wein, was an amalgam of really big names who played in concert halls and smaller names who were beloved in the community, who played in smaller venues, community centers, clubs, at free events. And so I learned, as a festival producer, the value of integrating community into high art, and how you dignify community by giving citizens an opportunity to participate. And then the work I was doing at Participant Media involved social issues and advancing literacy around all sorts of life-and-death issues for citizens. I thought to myself, “This is another piece that can get integrated into the work of the Arts Center, if we’re thoughtful about it.”

artist rendering of Victoria Theater

hard at work on Prudential Hall

JS: When did you first think you wanted to leave NJPAC? LG: I think probably around 2008. The recession really beat the hell out of us. It was hard to raise money. It was hard to sell tickets. When people are cutting back on their family budgets, which so many had to do, what do you cut out? It was a really tough time, and I was exhausted. JS: What were the hardest mountains to climb in the early years? LG: The biggest was the credibility mountain: “A great arts center like Lincoln Center in Newark? What, are you nuts?” The tools that got us up that mountain were having a governor, Tom Kean, who was highly respected and really believed in this. It was also a huge factor to have Ray Chambers, a brilliant and generous leader, as founding Chairman of the Board. The quality of board that he put together with leading citizens, corporate members, was unheard of in the State. And I have to say The Star-Ledger and (editor-in-chief) Mort Pye gave us great coverage over time. Every milliondollar gift we got made the front page, and that began to create credibility. JS: How did you engage with the community? LG: I had a leg up because enough people in Newark knew that I was with the Gibson campaign in 1969 and 1970. I had met Ken Gibson, the first black mayor of any major U.S. city, who got elected in 1970, while doing research for my master’s degree. I had raised money and done policy memos for Gibson, and people knew that. I knew (the late Newark community activist) Gus Heningburg from my Gibson days. … Gus’ major priority in life was racially integrating construction projects. He was almost full-time in making

“[NJPAC is] something to be instantly compared with the likes of Lincoln Center [and] the Kennedy Center…” —Clive Barnes The New York Post, 1997

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at work on NJPAC’s Rotunda

Jane Alexander, then Chairwoman of the NEA, at the 1993 groundbreaking:

“NJPAC will be a place where the true spirit of the Newark community can take wing.”

Prudential Hall lobby under construction

sure that the subcontractors building NJPAC met their numbers on racial integration. And we got 46% minorities and women. Certainly I know that it was the best ever in New Jersey, possibly in the country. That success goes to Gus Heningburg. There are a lot of people who know how to put steel up, but there aren’t a lot of people who know how to successfully weave their way through the Newark community. He was brilliant. JS: How did you choose the architect? LG: We made a list of 12 top architects who had done theaters. We wanted deep theater experience, and a major architect, and we wanted to establish the principle really early that we were not limiting ourselves to New Jersey. Architects, acousticians, engineers, construction, anything—this was a national project. We narrowed the list from 12 to four finalists: Ben Thompson, who had been the dean at Harvard; Michael Graves, from Princeton; César Pelli, who was the former dean at Yale; and the dark-horse candidate really was Barton Myers. He was the least known of the four. But I walked into a hall he designed in Portland, Oregon and it was so beautiful. I said, “This guy is going to be our guy.” He never thought he had a chance. All the others showed up with seven or eight people at the interviews—he came alone. He had the right sensibility for Newark. He felt that arts centers should not be marble palaces, but should be part of the fabric of the community, should be contextual. But let me turn to you. What was the hardest thing for you as you took the reins and it became your arts center? JS: The hardest part was trying to figure out an economic model that enabled all the mission work to continue, and inch us back toward

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opening night: October 18, 1997

Prudential Hall, unveiled

sustainability, because we were still reeling from 2008 and what went with it. And I knew that if we were going to have a chance to increase our revenues, we needed to activate the theaters in ways that we were not. I had kind of lived my life in this hybrid of commercial and non-profit presenting, so I had a sense of what worked and what didn’t. Anyway, that was the hardest thing, making that transition. I had a long friendship with (NJPAC Executive Producer) David Rodriguez and he expressed interest in working here. If I could get him to become our producer and our booker, I’d have someone who understood fine arts, commercial presenting and the bottom line, in ways that I didn’t understand it. LG: NJPAC distinguished itself by doing more classical music, dance, Broadway—and what made us different was the way all these arts were embraced by diverse communities. Nobody else does that. I was relieved, John, when you were selected (as CEO) because although you clearly have the programming skills, you do have this other dimension. Your values are good values. You believed in the social and urban development aspects of the mission. This was really what it was about for me, the bottom line: what this Arts Center could do to transform a community. And you were somebody who understood that, and who has advanced and magnified it.

“We needed to activate the theaters in ways that we were not. I’d lived my life in this hybrid of commercial and non-profit presenting, so I had a sense of what worked and what didn’t.” —John Schreiber

JS: Thanks. The reality is that without the foundation you and your colleagues established and consistently delivered on, over all the seasons, it wouldn’t have been possible. In other words, we started from a really good place. n

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just after NJPAC’s opening in 1997, The New York Times wrote: “… no other arts center in America combines so many cultures so beautifully.”

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NJPAC continues to produce original works like Hip Hop Nutcracker, which toured to 29 U.S. cities in 2017

innovate educate collaborate advocate

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during 2017, NJPAC provided a state-of-the-art home for over 400 performances and events

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swing is the thing

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NJPAC hosted its sixth annual

“I’m having a ball here, so I’m about to turn this into a juke joint, if you don’t mind.” Quiana Lynell, winner of the 2017 Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition

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The sixth annual TD James Moody Jazz Festival transformed Newark into Jazz City

“I’m having a ball here, so I’m about to turn this into a juke joint, if you don’t mind,” said New Orleans singer Quiana Lynell, when she took the stage at the sixth annual Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition, held on the final day of the TD James Moody Jazz Festival sponsored by TD Bank. And with a swish of her full red gown’s long skirt, she lit into a bluesy rendition of Irma Thomas’ “Hip Shakin’ Mama,” as the crowd in the packed Victoria Theater cheered, clapped and hollered. It was the clear audience favorite performance at the competition—and it was hardly a surprise when Lynell was named the winner shortly thereafter. One of the highlights of NJPAC’s annual TD James Moody Jazz Festival, the contest is the country’s principal vocal jazz competition, and for the first time it was open to male singers. Its website logs some 2 million views during the selection process, which culminates in a performance by five finalists and the judging by a panel of jazz dignitaries. The winner is granted a giant step toward a professional career, with a $5,000 prize and a record deal with Concord Music Group. Saluting jazz greats like Sarah Vaughan was something of a theme throughout the mid-November festival, which featured guitar legend John McLaughlin on his farewell tour of the U.S., paired with Widespread Panic’s Jimmy Herring, and NJPAC Jazz Advisor Christian McBride hosting his signature One on One conversations-with-music with Dianne Reeves, whom he introduced as the country’s “greatest living jazz singer.” A choice of concerts was offered on November 5. Jazz keyboardist and composer Hiromi collaborated with Colombian harpist Edmar Castañeda, and tabla virtuoso Zakir Hussain teamed with bassist and composer Dave Holland and friends in Crosscurrents, a meeting at the intersection of world music and jazz. Trumpet superstar Chris Botti, the GRAMMY®-winning jazz/pop instrumentalist, made a return appearance to NJPAC, as did Grupo Niche, this time featuring Cuban singer Willy Chirino. In one of his final public engagements, Kevin Mahogany, Kansas City’s famed jazz baritone, performed on November 12 at Dorthaan’s Place in NICO Kitchen + Bar. Mahogany passed at the age of 59 five weeks later, robbing the jazz world of one of its most accomplished scat singers and educators.

moody artists: Festival performers included (clockwise from top left) Regina Carter, Hiromi, Jimmy Herring and Jazzmeia Horn

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The festival closed out with the biggest of tribute shows, also on November 12: Ella & Dizzy, an all-star celebration marking the centennials of Ella Fitzgerald and Dizzy Gillespie. McBride, backed by his big band, returned to host the event, which packed Prudential Hall to the rafters with listeners who turned out to groove to singers Lizz Wright, Valerie Simpson and Gregory Porter; jazz violinist Regina Carter, and trumpeters Sean Jones and Randy Brecker. Carter stayed on to perform her show, Simply Ella, for SchoolTime audiences on November 14 and 15, and also led master classes with pianist Xavier Davis at Newark’s University High School and Arts High School. At Simply Ella—a tribute to Ella Fitzgerald—the GRAMMY-nominated violinist held a post-curtain meet-and-greet with more Newark students, from East Side High School and Discovery Charter School. n

Jazz is America’s classical music and it’s always a priority for us.

—John Schreiber

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of jazz

NJPAC hosted Wayne Shorter Weekend as a salute to Newark’s visionary sax master

He was known as “The Newark Flash,” a musician so dexterous that his fingers blurred when he played the sax during the heyday of nightlife his home city. Wayne Shorter, age 84 and decades removed from when he scrounged for $1.25 gigs at the Y, returned to Newark to be paid in tributes. Herbie Hancock, Esperanza Spalding, Wallace Roney and Christian McBride were a few of the names attached to Wayne Shorter Weekend (April 20-23), an homage to the saxophonist The New York Times matter-of-factly called “the most important living composer in jazz.” Produced and co-sponsored with TD Bank, the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University-Newark and WBGO Jazz 88.3FM, the five-concert celebration at NJPAC extended the TD Bank Jazz Series, which is crowned by the TD James Moody Jazz Festival held each Fall—and named after another of the city’s most revered saxophonists. “Wayne Shorter Weekend is part of our efforts to provide year-round jazz programming beyond the festival and it’s a privilege to honor one of New Jersey’s own,” said David Rodriguez, NJPAC’s Executive Vice President and Executive Producer. “Wayne Shorter is among the truly seminal saxophonists and composers in jazz today.” “Having a homecoming here is one of those full-circle moments,” said the jazz master, a 10-time GRAMMY winner who has played with no less than Miles Davis, Maynard Ferguson and John Coltrane.

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Having a homecoming here is one of those full-circle moments.

—jazz legend Wayne Shorter (on stage with Herbie Hancock)

giants of jazz: (opposite page, l-r) Herbie Hancock, Christian McBride, Wayne Shorter, Joe Lovano, Manolo Banrena, Steve Wilson

The weekend salute began with the New Jersey premiere of Shorter’s composition Universe (1968-69), an ambitious, large-ensemble piece performed by Roney and his orchestra in Prudential Hall. On April 21, Cécile McLorin Salvant drew on a repertoire of rarely heard jazz and blues numbers, accompanied by pianist Sullivan Fortner. In a one-of-a-kind concert titled Weather Report and Beyond Reimagined on April 22, Shorter’s compositions for his jazz fusion group Weather Report were rendered by an all-star band: bassist Christian McBride, NJPAC’s Jazz Advisor and the evening’s musical director; pianist Rachel Z and her musical collaborator-spouse Omar Hakim, former drummer for Weather Report; percussionist Manolo Badrena, another Weather Report alum; and a pair of compelling saxophonists: veteran sideman Joe Lovano and multiinstrumentalist Steve Wilson. McBride returned the following day to sit down for an afternoon One on One with fellow bassist Esperanza Spalding. Shorter himself was on deck for the weekend’s grand finale. Joined by Oscarwinning music legend Herbie Hancock—a pal and bandmate dating back to the Sixties—the Wayne Shorter Quartet performed with guest vocalist Gretchen Parlato. n

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class acts The world’s greatest classical artists continue to find a home in Prudential Hall

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A warm and crystalline acoustic makes Prudential Hall an enticing stop for visiting orchestras—and an especially exciting slate of them was released for the Bank of America Classical Series. Dynamic young pianist George Li was guest soloist with the Orchestre National de Lyon, led by esteemed conductor and composer Leonard Slatkin, in a February program of works by Ravel, Liszt and Berlioz. The mighty Munich Philharmonic, led by Valery Gergiev, brought a pianist AND Ravel to the fore as well: Pierre-Laurent Aimard in the Piano Concerto for the Left Hand—an April evening that was capped by Beethoven’s Third (“Eroica”). The Orpheus Chamber Orchestra crossed the Hudson River to perform on October 22 with guest pianist André Watts. This marked the NJPAC debut of the collective chamber orchestra that plays all of its concerts without a conductor.

Prudential Hall is fantastic … in terms of the size of the hall, the proximity of the audience, and the acoustics. –Laura Frautschi

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra

“It’s such a fantastic hall,” said violinist Laura Frautschi, one of the orchestra’s three elected leaders. “It’s great, both in terms of the size of the hall, the proximity of the audience, and the acoustics … I took my family there to see my sister (violinist Jennifer Frautschi) play the Samuel Barber concerto.” The schedule continued to ring with beautiful noise, with one postponement. A November 18 concert featuring two world-famous Israeli violinists—Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman—was rescheduled to February 2018 when Perlman became ill. A collaborative tradition with the NJSO, Handel’s Messiah was back in all its holiday glory on December 17. The orchestra’s new Music Director, Xian Zhang, conducted this masterwork for the first time here.

classical fireworks Valery Gergiev returned to NJPAC, this time to lead the mighty Munich Philharmonic

Early in the year, a pair of family-friendly programs continued to build on the success of combining themes of interest to young audiences with live orchestral performance. January 28 marked the return of Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY, multimedia enchantment for both music lovers and gamers. In March, the NJSO performed every note from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone™ to accompany an unreeling of the magical hit on Prudential Hall’s 40-foot screen. n

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The combination of Xian Zhang and the NJSO seems such a rewarding, natural fit; it’s hard to believe they’ve only been together one full season. —Asbury Park Press

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report from

New Jersey Symphony Orchestra raves for Xian Zhang Internationally renowned conductor Xian Zhang inspired press and audience raves as she began her second season as the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra’s Music Director. The Asbury Park Press wrote: “The combination of Zhang and the orchestra seems such a rewarding, natural fit; it’s hard to believe they’ve only been together one full season.” Looking at the 2017-18 season, which began in the Fall, nj.com/The Star-Ledger explored how Zhang is “transforming” the orchestra: “Conductor Zhang, who is embarking on her second season with the orchestra, won critical acclaim during her first season with the orchestra. Writing for NJ Advance Media, James C. Taylor noted that after the final 2017 concert, Zhang had ‘left her audiences wanting more.’ Zhang said she watched audiences grow throughout the 2016-17 season.” Of the NJSO’s opening night performance in Prudential Hall, The Star-Ledger wrote: “They galloped the music home in a rollicking fashion, and earned a big round of applause from the NJPAC crowd.” n

NJSO Accents

NJSO hosted a series of pre- and postperformance events that enhanced the concert experience for ticketholders

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NJPAC’s Prudential Hall lobby played host to several NJSO Accents— the orchestra’s series of pre- and post-concert events that enhance the concert experience—including Prelude Performances, audience sing-alongs, post-concert audience talkbacks and more. Patrons filled the lobby and its higher-level tiers to watch as NJSO concertgoers dusted off their instruments to play alongside NJSO musicians at the fourth annual #OrchestraYou. #ChoraleYou brought audience members and performers together for a joyful post-concert “sing-in” led by Heather J. Buchanan, director of three of Montclair State University’s exceptional choirs and longtime artistic partner of the NJSO. Twenty-two amateur cellists of all ages enjoyed #CelloYou, a daylong experience that included rehearsals, workshops, a master class and a performance with NJSO cellists. The program ended with a Prelude Performance in the Prudential Hall lobby. n

winter music with Pinchas Zukerman The NJSO Winter Festival “(brought) out the best in the Garden State players,” The Star-Ledger wrote in one of its reviews of the 2017 edition, which featured famed violinist and conductor Pinchas Zukerman in three weeks of concerts across the state. The newspaper praised Zukerman’s performances with both bow and baton, writing: “Zukerman brought (Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings in C Major) to its climax with a frenzy that was as natural and graceful as it was crowd pleasing. Not surprisingly, the NJPAC audience roared with approval when he and the band took their bows … “As the rousing finale (of Mendelssohn’s “Italian” Symphony) approached, you could see a distinct smile emerge on the face of Zukerman ... He was clearly pleased. So were we.” n

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NJSO welcomes José Luis Domínguez In September, José Luis Domínguez was named Interim Artistic Director of the NJSO Youth Orchestras. Domínguez works closely with the NJSO Youth Orchestras’ artistic faculty and conducts two of its four ensembles: the Academy Orchestra and Training Ensemble. On December 1, he led the Academy Orchestra in a special performance to open an NJSO concert in Prudential Hall. The Chilean-born conductor joined the NJSO Youth Orchestras after 13 years as Resident Conductor of the Santiago Philharmonic Orchestra. He annually directs programs with the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of Chile, which he served as Principal Conductor before assuming his current roles as Principal Guest Conductor and Artistic Senior Advisor. He has led the youth orchestra on tour internationally and conducted its operatic debut, a performance of Donizetti’s Don Pasquale that was regarded as a major breakthrough for the Chilean and Latin American system of youth orchestras. “I am honored and delighted by this opportunity to work with an extraordinary organization such as the NJSO and NJSO Youth Orchestras,” Domínguez said. “I look forward to joining this wonderful musical family and getting to know Newark and the community. I believe we will be a great team, and look forward to making music together.” “I have no doubt that José Luis’ artistic leadership will be nothing short of transformational for the NJSO Youth Orchestras,” NJSO Vice President of Education & Community Engagement Marshell Jones Kumahor said. “His undeniable talent as an artist, his expertise as an educator and his generosity of spirit promise to be the perfect fit for our musical community.” n

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#orchestrayou The NJSO’s fourth annual #OrchestraYou, held after the February 24 concert at NJPAC, featured about 90 players: a record number of musicians of all ages (and about a dozen more over previous seasons). Jeffrey Grogan led audience members and NJSO players in Verdi’s Nabucco Overture, and Music Director Xian Zhang made a surprise appearance to conduct the final performance. n

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NJPAC’s resident dance company Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater made its annual spring visit, May 12-14

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bodies in motion: The Ailey Company in Rennie Harris’s Exodus, photographed by Paul Kolnik njpac.org 39


power BET’s Black Girls Rock! Awards was back for a fourth broadcast recording in Prudential Hall

host Taraji P. Henson at NJPAC 40 njpac.org

The star-studded Black Girls Rock! returned to NJPAC last August. Created to honor African-American women who are trailblazers in their fields, the awards ceremony included knockout performances intertwined with throatcatching tributes. The event not only celebrates leaders, but is a fundraiser for mentoring programs for young women in communities of color. Hosted by Taraji P. Henson, the telecast honored Suzanne Shank, Issa Rae, Roberta Flack and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), among others. NJPAC favorites Ledisi and Anthony Hamilton were featured in the performance lineup, and award presenters included Anika Noni Rose and Maxwell. n

starry, starry night clockwise from top left: Tiffany Haddish, india.arie, Beverly Bond and honoree Maxine Waters

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“There’s something magical about how music brings the community together.” —Jonathan R. Pearson Executive Director, Horizon Foundation 42 njpac.org

fun in the sun at Sounds of the City, NJPAC’s free outdoor concert series njpac.org 43

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sounds investment

The 20th season of NJPAC’s Sounds of the City earned support from two leading partner institutions

You know it, and you love it: It’s Sounds of the City, the hottest summer music scene in New Jersey’s largest city, and supported by two leading partner institutions for NJPAC’s 20th season. The Arts Center announced the addition of M&T Bank as the presenting sponsor which, along with ongoing support from Horizon Foundation for New Jersey and other sponsors, helps underwrite the costs of the free-admission concert series. Held outdoors on Chambers Plaza each Thursday evening in July and August, Horizon Foundation Sounds of the City, Presented by M&T Bank continues to attract thousands of music and dance lovers who enjoy great entertainment under the stars. The traditional opener, Felix Hernandez’s Rhythm Revue Dance Party, started things rolling shortly after July 4. The diverse music for 2017 encompassed soul, hip-hop, Latin and jazz, performed by such artists as Jon B., Tower of Power, Kurtis Blow and Universal Hip-Hop Museum, Louis Prima Jr. & The Witnesses, and Talib Kweli. “There is something magical about how music brings the community together,” said Jonathan R. Pearson, Executive Director of The Horizon Foundation, which was celebrating its 85th anniversary. “More than 3,000 of our employees come to Newark every day to work. They have become invested in the city and are donating thousands of volunteer hours for community projects in Newark.” “We have a long track record of supporting events that contribute to the quality of life in the communities we serve,” said M&T Bank Regional President Tom Comiskey. “Sounds of the City has become a familiar sign of summer in Newark and we look forward to working with NJPAC to present this free concert series and other programs that benefit the entire community.” M&T Bank also collaborates with Arts Education to enhance music learning opportunities for K-12 public school students throughout the State.

summer sizzles: Chambers Plaza hosts NJ’s hottest summer music scene

Horizon Foundation Sounds of the City, Presented by M&T Bank was made possible through a special collaboration between NJPAC, Horizon Foundation for New Jersey and M&T Bank. Generous sponsors also included BD, RWJ Barnabas, the Gia Maione Prima Foundation, Inc., Newark Downtown District, the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers‑Newark. n

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a refresh of NJPAC’s visual identity made its debut in the Spring

same mission,

new look

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the Arts Center’s new design language was created by Pentagram, a design consultancy whose clients include The Public Theater, BAM: Brooklyn Academy of Music, and New York City Ballet njpac.org 47

during 2017, Arts Education at NJPAC provided services to over 77,000 children, parents and educators 48 njpac.org

innovate educate collaborate advocate njpac.org 49

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NJPAC jazz advisor Christian McBride conducted a November master class with students from Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens njpac.org 51



rolls on

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Savion Glover created his second jazz-inspired production for NJPAC’s musical theater students during a six-week residency

young and gifted: The cast of AÂ John Coltrane Story

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NJPAC Dance Advisor Savion Glover mentored 40 musical theater students, ages 9 to 18 for 6 weeks

Broadway tapper Savion Glover, NJPAC’s Dance Advisor, returned to the swinging scene of Manhattan’s storied nightclubs for A John Coltrane Story ‘or Something Along Those Lines, his second jazz-inspired production for the Arts Center’s musical theater students. On September 16, 40 youngsters ranging in age from 9 to 18 stepped into the spotlight, giving their all in two performances that wrapped six weeks of intense rehearsal with the Tony Award-winning artist and choreographer. Glover himself welcomed family and friends to “my living room”—the stage of NJPAC’s Victoria Theater—and dedicated the performances to the memory of NJPAC arts champions Jordan Phillips, Caitlin Evans-Jones and Shamuddin “Sham” Abdul-Hamid. Written by Vangela Crowe and conceptualized and directed by Glover, Coltrane Story played to the individual talents of the large, auditioned cast, which was led by Clifford “CJ” Holmes as the tormented jazz saxophonist of the title, known as “’Trane.” (Solo sax player Jalin Silver of NJPAC’s Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens, a George Wein Scholar, supplied Coltrane’s cascading “sheets of sound” from the upstage jazz combo led by Music Director Victor Burks on piano.)

all that jazz: cast members of A John Coltrane Story, led by Clifford Holmes (pictured with saxophone) Coltrane’s musical genius, destructive drug addiction and battles against racism were folded into a story of faith and redemption. The production featured a Greek chorus of four sassy-girl singers and tap-dancing twins Jaden and Ellis Foreman, who conjured up the spirit of the fleet-footed Nicholas Brothers. The audience was treated to program filled with standards performed by the band, such as “Softly as a Morning Sunrise” and “’Round Midnight,” and soulful solos by Nia Harris and Joshua Johnson. Following the matinee, Holmes, a veteran of NJPAC’s musical theater programs, said one of the greatest takeaways from Glover’s guidance was being introduced to Coltrane’s compositions. “Now I listen to A Love Supreme,” he added, referring to the album many consider to be Coltrane’s masterpiece—and recorded in 1964 by engineer Rudy Van Gelder in his Englewood Cliffs, N.J. studio. In 2016, Glover showcased his student artists in BRiNG TiME BaCK @ NJPAC, which, as this year, included band members of Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens. n

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Without question, it’s art— expression—that makes the world go ’round. —Savion Glover

rehearsal time Savion Glover works with young dancers

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drop NJPAC’s Hip Hop Intensive gives students the tools to tell their stories


His blue baseball cap was perched at the perfect angle, shading the side of his face. The Epic Records logo on its brim summoned the spirits of the label’s hip-hop heroes: OutKast, Busta Rhymes, DJ Khaled. The 45 record hung around his neck nodded to Flavor Flav’s clock necklaces. But if his outfit recalled hip-hop history, as he stepped to the front of the stage, DJ Show Off—aka Chad Soma-Foster of Newark—had only one story he wanted to tell: His own. “Like Medusa, I’mma turn ya to stone! And all the other MCs better say a pray-ah,” he rapped. “’Cause I’m the new hip-hop may-ah!” As the crowd before him cheered, he grinned. Not a bad debut for a 12-year-old MC. “It’s like we were bringing food to a hip-hop potluck. We each brought our own special things,” he said the next day, talking the performance over with his fellow performers, a crew known as the PSA.

hip-hop legend Kurtis Blow with students from NJPAC’s summer program

PSA—the name, a play on “public service announcement,” stands for Prodigies, Scholars and Achievers—were students of NJPAC’s 2017 Hip Hop Intensive, a four-week class on the history and practice of hip-hop. Four years after NJPAC first began offering classes in the genre, its workshops on its major elements—DJing, MCing, beatboxing, hip-hop dance, graffiti and knowledge of self—are offered during the school year as well as on the NJPAC campus and in public schools. But the summer class got a special treat: The chance to open a Horizon Foundation Sounds of the City concert for hip-hop legend Kurtis Blow, the first rapper signed to a major label.

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“We allowed the students to perform a half-hour set of work that they had created … and following the performance, they were able to go backstage and meet Kurtis Blow,” explained David Rodriguez, NJPAC Executive Vice President and Executive Producer. “Past students have had the opportunity to meet with Slick Rick, Afrika Bambaataa, and Bill Stephney (former president of Def Jam and manager of Public Enemy). The hope is to give them not just a broader understanding of hip-hop culture and practice related to performance, but also issues related to the business of music, realizing that their career path could go in either direction.” The PSA set featured inspiring moments: Z Dot Honcho—aka Xavier Wilson, age 13—ended his verse with “I love you, Mom!” Dreamy P—aka Paola deJesus—rapped and sang about immigrating to this country as a 7-yearold. But the performance was just the exclamation point at the end of a month of study—and regular career advice from professionals in the field. “Our approach to hip-hop is really from its historical context,” said Alison Scott-Williams, Vice President of Arts Education at NJPAC. “When we decided to begin a hip-hop curriculum at NJPAC, we wanted a program that would amplify students’ voices, but be rooted in the founding of hip-hop.”

Our hope is to give not just a broader understanding of hip-hop culture and practice, but also of issues related to the business of music. –David Rodriguez

Even now, the program “is still in an incubator phase” said MC Purple Haze, who came on board at NJPAC four years ago to create the curriculum. In 2017, the Intensive grew from two weeks to four, and added recording and sound engineering; the crew recorded two songs. A music producer, a sound engineer and an entertainment lawyer all met with students. “The culture demands that you tell your story—that’s what the knowledge of self is about,” said Purple Haze, who supplied her students with thesauruses and rhyming dictionaries “We’ve been emphasizing: Write the story first, then insert the rhyme,” she added. “Pull out the jewels, look for synonyms, make the most powerful statement you can—then you make it rhyme.” That approach teased out narratives that included painful tales, like Dreamy P’s struggles to assimilate, or Khailyn Hughes-Seller’s account of missing an older brother from whom she’d been separated. Hughes-Seller filled a notebook with verses over the course of five weeks. “Look, this is not Sesame Street, and we don’t know what the kids might bring with them when they come to class,” said Purple Haze. “But if you have had difficulties, I think it can be validating for someone to say: And that too is art, that too can be inspiration, that can be used.” n

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When we decided to begin a hip-hop curriculum, we wanted a program that would amplify students’ voices … –Alison Scott-Williams

Vice President, Arts Education

jazz generations

George Wein and James Moody inspire a pair of programs that nurture the next generation

George Wein and James Moody, both legendary pioneers of jazz, inspired a pair of performance-driven programs announced by NJPAC to nurture the next generation of jazz talents. Beginning with the 2016-17 academic year, 10 gifted high school musicians from throughout New Jersey were chosen for the George Wein Scholars Ensemble, named for the longtime music impresario and founder of the Newport Jazz Festival and supported by the Joyce and George Wein Foundation. In addition, 18 students were accepted as members of the new James Moody Jazz Orchestra (formerly the Brick City Jazz Orchestra), established in recognition of Newark’s great saxophonist (1925-2010). “Having George Wein as a mentor during almost 20 years at Festival Productions was not only a once-in-a-lifetime privilege, but taught me an early lesson in the importance of passing our musical legacy to up-andcomers,” said NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber. “I can think of no better way to thank these champions than to advance innovative arts education programs like these. “By their names, the George Wein Scholars Ensemble and James Moody Jazz Orchestra personify the spirit of these big-hearted pioneers of music and set the bar for our students to live up to a high standard of excellence.” The young instrumentalists and vocalists of the George Wein Scholars Ensemble and James Moody Jazz Orchestra were selected from the Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens program. The George Wein Scholars is considered the premier ensemble for the entire jazz curriculum at NJPAC and its members are personally mentored by alto saxophonist Mark Gross, Director of Jazz Instruction, with support from the Jazz for Teens faculty. Gross also conducts the Moody orchestra.

gentlemen of jazz: George Wein (top) and James Moody

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One of the joys of living long enough and having achieved a degree of success in one’s career is being able to give back. —George Wein

“What a beautiful honor for there to be a James Moody Jazz Orchestra in the city that he loved so much,” said Linda Moody, who was married to James Moody for 22 years. “Moody was never one to toot his own horn, but I know that he would be bursting with pride.”

Musicians of the George Wein Scholars Ensemble remain with the ensemble through their senior year of high school. Those who plan careers in jazz or music education will receive support in their college application process, including audition preparation and recording, and introductions to jazz educators in the metro New York area. The Scholars fulfill performance requirements by giving public concerts in the Greater Newark area at such venues as festivals, community centers, the Newark Public Library, and Clement’s Place, a jazz club in Rutgers University’s student residence at 15 Washington St. “One of the joys of living long enough and having achieved a degree of success in one’s career is being able to give back,” Wein said. “It is a happy occasion for me to support the George Wein Scholars.” Some of the other compelling ways in which students learn about their jazz heroes are through master classes with high-profile professionals, backstage meet-and-greets, and field trips. Through a partnership with the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers-Newark, the Scholars were invited to tour its new facility and exhibits, and were assisted in their research projects. “The George Wein Scholars Ensemble is just the latest step in NJPAC’s increasingly important role in jazz education. We are thrilled to help deepen and enhance their growth in jazz through the use of our archives,” said Wayne Winborne, the institute’s Executive Director. n

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lessons singing

New friends & collaborative learning are big benefits of the Disney Musicals program

Making new friends and learning through collaboration are big benefits for participants in the Disney Musicals in Schools program. But we’re not talking only about the kids here. Adults involved in these dynamic productions— everyone from classroom teachers and NJPAC faculty to Disney theater specialists and trained performing artists—have widened their networking circles as the program expands geographically (18 U.S. cities and counting), all the way to London. When NJPAC joined the project in 2015, it was one of only four chosen sites; now the size and scope of participation warranted a national summit held in Nashville in October. Jamie Mayer, Director of Curriculum and Professional Development in NJPAC’s Department of Arts Education, was part of the Arts Center’s team at the conference. Within the contemporary setting of the Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC), they hobnobbed with their fellow wizards about the challenges and successes of producing a 30-minute version of a Disney musical like The Lion King or Cinderella, as well as how to sustain the program, and best practices for training teaching artists and engaging stakeholders in the program.

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The Disney Musicals in Schools program is designed to help launch theater programs at no cost to the selected schools

The Disney Musicals in Schools Summit scheduled classes and breakout sessions where educators and arts administrators could swap ideas, and proudly display photos of their work. Guiding the event were representatives of the educational department of the Disney Theatrical Group. Funding from Disney is intended to help launch theater programs in Title 1 schools, and covers such necessities as instructor training, soundtracks and design guidelines during a 17-week residency—there’s no cost to schools chosen from among the many applicants. Disney Musicals in Schools at NJPAC serves third- to fifth-graders in five schools. Because 2017 marks the third year for NJPAC, a total of 15 schools are active in the program, which culminates each February with a Student Share Celebration performance in Prudential Hall. The newest participating schools include Abington Avenue School and Discovery Charter School, both in Newark; Paterson Public School No. 2; Fred W. Martin Center for the Arts in Jersey City, and Burch Charter School of Excellence in Irvington. n

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Often a young student’s love of music starts here, but doesn’t stop here.

—Alison Scott-Williams

Vice President, Arts Education

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recorders NJPAC’s R.A.M.P. hosts a “wall of sound” supported by 2,000 Newark third- and fourth-grade musicians

previous page Elementary school students on their recorders in Prudential Hall

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As the house lights went down in NJPAC’s Prudential Hall, an emphatic “HUSH!” swelled from the orchestra section to the reaches of the fourth tier as about 2,000 Newark schoolchildren disciplined themselves to get ready for their concert debuts on the recorder. Just as it concluded its fourth year, Recorder Arts for Musical Pathways (R.A.M.P.), an arts learning partnership between NJPAC and Newark Public Schools, and sponsored by M&T Bank, experienced a growth spurt. Thirdgraders who conquered the first-year curriculum (mastery of tunes like “Hot-Cross Buns”) were joined in the audience by fourth-graders up for the challenge of returning with more serious stuff, like “Oye Como Va.” All told, 20 schools were represented. After months of practice—and the accompanying hazards of finger fatigue, shortness of breath, and foiled attempts to translate circles on paper into sound—a culminating, concert-hall performance was their reward on June 15. Their music teachers, who took part in professional instruction provided by the Arts Center, helped students gain know-how in note-reading, memorization, posture, articulation and embouchure (a necessary skill for those future brass and wind players). “Often a young student’s love of music starts here, but doesn’t stop here,” said Alison Scott-Williams, Vice President of Arts Education at NJPAC. “We tell children to inform their elders if they want to play an instrument or learn to sing, and we’ll help them through programs such as Music Advancement for Newark Area Youth, or M.A.N.Y., in collaboration with the NJSO.” About 90 all-star R.A.M.P. students played from the stage, where they shared the spotlight at various times with a string quartet from the New Jersey

Symphony Orchestra, a jazz ensemble led by drummer Jerome Jennings, and the duo of Moran Katz on recorder and Robert Stephens on piano. Classmates in the rest of the house served as a back-up recorder orchestra, lending their accompaniment to favorite childhood folk songs and their voices to some of the choruses. Ebullient conductor Patricia Billings and host Mark Gross, NJPAC’s Director of Jazz Instruction, didn’t miss a beat as they steered deftly through the musical selections, pausing to explain a musical term or to introduce a jazz icon like Dizzy Gillespie. The young instrumentalists not only tootled their way through repertoire ranging from “Merrily We Roll Along” (aka “Mary Had a Little Lamb”) to Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy,” but were able to relax and listen to Katz, an accomplished clarinetist, perform Vivaldi’s Recorder Concerto in C minor. Gross unpacked his saxophone to join pianist Oscar Perez in “Brenda Mae,” one of Gross’ jazz compositions.

90 all-star students were invited to play on stage with members of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra

“I absolutely got chills, looking out over the orchestra and all the way up to the fourth tier in Prudential Hall, seeing and hearing these third- and fourthgraders performing in unison,” said Margaret El, Special Assistant for the Arts for NPS. “We are so excited about the work NPS music students and teachers have accomplished in partnership with NJPAC, and look forward to many students pursuing an instrument of choice.” Giving credence to their mantra that “recorders rock,” the audience of budding artists danced in their seats during the finale, which stepped off with a New Orleans jazz processional set to “When the Saints Go Marching In.” n

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acc-cent-tchu-ate the

The fifth annual NJPAC-Mercer Musical Theater Program teaches young artists about collaboration, self-confidence and creative expression

positive Women’s rights, fake friends, bullying and sexual identity are improbable topics to weave together into a musical, but that was the challenge created and met by about a hundred middle-schoolers in the fifth annual NJPACMercer Musical Theater Program. In March, students from five schools began writing, composing and rehearsing their original musical, Flip the Script, under the expert guidance of their faculty and the creative team of Teaching Artists from NJPAC. The residencies, conducted in partnership with The Johnny Mercer Foundation, culminated on June 2 at a packed performance that showcased the youngsters’ new-found skills in lyric writing, dancing, singing, and even delivering a punchline. Along the way, they discovered other lifetime takeaways, like collaboration, self-confidence and creative expression. “This has been an amazing experience for our students, and brought out aspects of their talent we’ve never seen before,” said Cheryl Rogers, an English and drama teacher at Discovery Charter School in Newark. Other participants were Belmont Runyon School, also in Newark, John Marshall School No. 20 in Elizabeth, Lincoln Avenue School in Orange, and Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy in Passaic. “You inspire me,” said playwright and composer Jonathan Brielle, Vice President of the Mercer Foundation’s Board of Directors, congratulating the

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This has been an amazing experience for our students, and brought out aspects of their talent we’ve never seen before. —Newark teacher Cheryl Rogers

students and acknowledging the clearly supportive families and teachers in the audience.

The plotline of Flip the Script centered on the relationship between athletic ninth-grader Jenna, who yearns to try out for the football team, and her friend, Skye, who feels pressured to fit in with a spiteful cheerleading squad. Honesty and the loyalty of real pals save the day. “It was both surprising and remarkable that middle-school students chose social justice issues, like women’s rights, for their themes,” said Alison Scott-Williams, NJPAC’s Vice President of Arts Education. “We were fascinated to watch them develop their ideas about inclusion and inequity through artistic expression. They are the ones who ‘flipped the script’ on us by holding a mirror to social consciousness.” Led by NJPAC musical theater Teaching Artist Janeece Freeman-Clark, the NJPAC collaborators in direction, choreography and stage management included Madeline Calandrillo, Ryan McGovern, Daryl Stewart and Doriane Swain. Students wrote five original songs under the wing of Musical Director and Teaching Artist Alex Ratner, who at the time also was assisting the orchestra of the Broadway show War Paint. The Johnny Mercer Foundation is named for the Hollywood songwriting great who reminded people to “Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive,” and championed the art of song and its value in educating the young through creativity and self-expression. n

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steps to


Every child is a winner to David & Marian Rocker, the founding sponsors of NJPAC’s Dancing Classrooms

Sometimes, great change can grow out of small moments. One good example: One night in 2005, a couple from Short Hills decided to go to the movies. “The documentary Mad Hot Ballroom was playing in Montclair, and I persuaded David to go,” remembers Marian Rocker. Her husband David recalls thinking, “Why would I want to watch a movie about ballroom dancing by young kids? But she convinced me, as she usually does.” It turned out to be a momentous decision—one that would have a huge impact on the children of Newark. The film chronicled a season in the New York City program Dancing Classrooms™—in which fifth-graders from struggling schools learn the tango and the merengue, swing dancing and the waltz, and then compete against other dance students from around the city. Between dances, the students share their fears and dreams with one another. As the film illustrated, the students learned far more than dance steps in the process.

10 weeks of ballroom dancing instruction teaches youngsters about discipline, sportsmanship & social grace

“Dance was the hook,” explains David. “But teachers were using the vehicle of dance as a means to build character in a broad sense—how to be a gracious winner when you prevail; how to not be discouraged when you lose; to get off the canvas and get back in the fight. These are the kind of attributes that really help in life.” “It’s the only time I ever attended a movie where, when the movie finished, people stood up in their seats and applauded and yelled and hooted. We were crying because we were so caught up in the lives of these young people,” says Marian. “We walked out thinking: We have to do something. This can’t stop here.”

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With 37 schools and 950 children, Dancing Classrooms is NJPAC’s most popular in‑school residency program

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And because the Rockers are not just any couple, it didn’t. Passionate philanthropists involved in multiple causes, including AileyCamp Miami, the Rockers immediately set about contacting the founder of Dancing Classrooms, Pierre Dulaine, to see if the program could be expanded. Marian was born in Newark, and had spent her early career in the 1960s teaching first grade at Newark’s McKinley School; her students’ passion for learning and the devastating poverty they struggled with never left her memory. She wanted to see if the program could come to her hometown. David, a Harvard Business School graduate and former Navy lieutenant, was the founder and managing partner of his own hedge fund, Rocker Partners. The success of his company, from which he has since retired, allowed him to fund causes he believed in. The Jewish expression tikkun olam—meaning “healing the world”—guides his giving, he says, and this particular program aligned with his ideals. “We support programs that empower people,” David says. “We’ve been devoted to philanthropic causes that level the playing field for those less fortunate, and we especially focus on programs for children, because we feel like that’s where we can do the most good.”

When Dulaine agreed to expand the program to Newark, David and Marian decided that NJPAC—which they had supported since 1997—would be the perfect partner for the program. They pitched the program to Lawrence Goldman, then the president of NJPAC, over dinner. Goldman was at first wary of holding a competition, but they convinced him that it was an essential part of the program. With funding from the Rockers, NJPAC’s teaching artists learned Dulaine’s method of teaching young people ballroom dance—with lessons in discipline, good sportsmanship and social graces mixed into the curriculum as well. The very first competition, David recalls, was rough. “It was kind of a hardscrabble group that first year,” he recalls. “But you wouldn’t believe how it’s developed under the guidance of NJPAC.” Fast forward a decade: Today, the Dancing Classrooms program thrives in Newark and surrounding cities; 37 public, private and religious schools participate in the NJPAC program. In June, a total of 950 fifth-graders finished the 10-week course in dance. It is, by a wide margin, the single most popular in-school residency program NJPAC offers. And the final competition, dubbed the Colors of the Rainbow Team Match— for the colored sashes the dancers wear to identify their school affiliation

We support programs that empower people ... and we focus on programs for children, because we feel like —David Rocker that’s where we can do the most good.

as they perform—is a massive celebration, with the top 70 students dressed festively as they contend for the prize, and hundreds of teachers and family members massed in NJPAC’s Victoria Theater to encourage the kids. The Rockers, who continue to fund the program, attend every year, even though they now split their time between New Jersey and Florida. “Not only does (Dancing Classrooms) engage the kids, it brings the parents into the process—which I think is vital. If you go see the Colors of the Rainbow Team Match at NJPAC, the audience is just filled with parents who are screaming and cheering their kids on,” says David. “We sit in the audience, and no one knows who we are. But we hear the parents and the aunts and the uncles rooting their children on. We get emotional every time, because all those children are winners—not just the kids who walk away with the gold prize, but every single child on that stage has learned something, gained something,” says Marian. “It’s an extraordinary experience, and I really feel blessed that we can do this,” she says. n

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letters from


Young Artist Summer Intensive created a talent showcase built around themes developed by students

If you could ask America one question, what would it be? The students of the Young Artist Summer Intensive (YASI) responded with Dear America, a showcase of music, dance and acting performed for an audience in the Victoria Theater. The production differed from previous years in one respect: It was built around a theme developed by the students themselves. Using prompts (think survey questions), students and teaching artists created a narrative through-line for the different segments of the performance. This conversation, distilled from students’ written fill-ins to statements like “My school feels like (blank),” “My anthem is (blank),” and the question posed at the beginning of this article, strengthened their sense of community as they collaborated. The prompts reflected what students are thinking about these days and provided many of the quotes incorporated in the script. “What’s exciting about the process is that it was student-driven and allowed them to share their experiences in this unique and sensitive time in our history,” said YASI Artistic Director Betsy True, who is Senior Director of Artistic Faculty and Curriculum Development at NJPAC. “It allowed high school kids to channel their feelings and voice in a safe and nurturing environment.”

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This process allowed students to share their experiences at this unique time in our history ...

–Betsy True, YASI Artistic Director

Covering an age range of 10 to 18, YASI is structured into an advanced division (this year 50 students were selected by audition) and two apprentice divisions (another 50 students total). Advanced students take a five-week session and perform in the Vic; apprentices study for two weeks and perform in the Chase Room.

Dear America invited high school kids to channel their feelings in a safe and nurturing environment

The YASI Advanced Company’s Dear America included the segment “As Seen on TV,” written and performed by four members of the devised theater division. The piece was composed of sketches, snippets of fantastical newscasts and satirical commercials. Students in the dance division, under the guidance of choreographer Carolyn Dorfman, paid tribute to the relatives and people who most influenced their lives by creating solos for the modern dance piece My ____’s Solo. Teens in the musical theater division drew on popular standards like “Oklahoma!” and “Gary, Indiana” for “#Broadwaybreakdown.” Keeping with the all-American theme, they wrote a storyline about a tour bus of show kids who pass the time singing about their cross-country itinerary while waiting for a tow. n

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devised theater 71 students worked together to write and perform a theater work based on their own lives

Arts Education at NJPAC has seven pathways of study: filmmaking, hip-hop, jazz, dance, musical theater, poetry, and devised theater. Devised theater? It’s a form of drama—sometimes called narrative theater—that is a close cousin of the Maker Movement. Rather than being passive observers, students become dramatists and storytellers by working together to write and perform a piece based on their own experiences. Under the guidance of an NJPAC Teaching Artist, collaborators create a script through an improvisational process that illuminates story structure and character development along the way. The result is an original stagework, often based on interviews, informed by common themes, and told in the authentic voices of its players/creators. Acclaimed performance artist Ping Chong and his collaborators, known collectively as Ping Chong + Company, partnered with NJPAC for Secret Histories, a 10-week course beginning in January. Seventy-one students participated in the residency by developing their poetic, personal narratives and those of family and community, with the support of their peers, teachers and teaching artists. They represented four Newark high schools: Technology High, American History High, East Side High and Barringer Academy.

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performance artist Ping Chong & company partnered with NJPAC to create Secret Histories A team from Ping Chong + Company held workshops to train teachers and also performed one of its works for a student audience in Newark. In the presentation, actor-writers of diverse cultures described moments from their lives, interspersing the joyful and wondrous with the disheartening and tragic. Besides amplifying their own voices, taking part in the program “helped our connection with our teachers,” reported one student in an exit survey. “They can understand why we act a certain way in class. It made us closer to teachers.” Devised theater is woven into other NJPAC arts learning initiatives. The Young Artist Summer Intensive (YASI) for the first time used student interviews as a starting point for Dear America, the students’ culminating summer performance. (See accompanying story, page 74.) The NJPAC Musical Theater Residency Program is a maker-based program offered in partnership with The Johnny Mercer Foundation; students brainstorm an idea for an original musical and see it through to full production at NJPAC, from calling cues to curtain calls. (See related story, page 68.) “My peers and I highly appreciate the time you took to help us reach our goal in creating a beautiful and successful piece,” wrote one student to the teaching artists of Secret Histories. “In the beginning, I didn’t think it was going to turn out this well but y’all proved me wrong.” n

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setting a course to guide the cultural citizens of

tomorrow arts education metrics

A new set of evaluation metrics will help measure success in arts education

The Department of Arts Education is taking a closer look at gauging the impact of its programs on students and their communities with a new evaluation process. Cathleen Plazas was hired as Senior Director of Program Evaluation and Curriculum to establish evaluation metrics as part of the arts education strategic plan. The process also studies development, to keep funders better informed of the department’s outreach, and ways to improve individual programs. It is designed to measure satisfaction levels and educational, social and emotional outcomes across programs. With support from Evaluation and Research Consultant Deborah Ward, PhD and the Arts Education team, preliminary findings were released for FY17. Methods included pre- and post-surveys with students and instructors, teacher interviews, classroom observations and focus groups; among the half-dozen programs assessed were Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens and the SchoolTime performance series. Students who participated in NJPAC programs experienced an increase in cultural sensitivity, global awareness and interest in the arts. Nearly 96% of students who attended a performance of Ballet Hispanico wrote that they wanted to return to the Arts Center. As another example, nearly every student in Savion Glover’s musical theater project reported that the experience helped them think in new ways. The universal benefits of arts learning aren’t reaped solely by future performers. “For me, the level of commitment that is required, the dedication to practicing and mastering a piece, the need to be focused on details will help me be a better scientist, which is what I want to pursue after college,” reported one student. n

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professional training for educators In August, 160 Newark Public Schools arts teachers convened for a day of professional development training

During the last week of August, when just a breath of summer is left, Newark Public Schools (NPS) arts teachers congregate at NJPAC for a full day of professional development training. This time, there were 160 of them. The partnership between NJPAC and NPS allows teachers to recharge, network and align their curriculums for the months ahead. The Arts Center hosts four such workshops during the academic year and a spike in enrollment indicates the word is out in the city’s school community. The focus was on community partnerships; those in attendance looked back at accomplishments and forward to possibilities. In addition to discussing ways in which teachers can collaborate with artists, participants got a first-hand look at art in action by touring the Express Newark print shop in the Hahne & Co. building, among many resources available in the city. For the subsequent professional development workshop on October 25, about 160 arts teachers and 60 community engagement specialists shared quality time, talking about how to better integrate the arts into their fields of study and how to tap communities outside classroom walls to support students’ art. One example of this dynamic would be finding ways to encourage families or a group to become involved with the creation of a mural. Welcoming remarks were delivered by NPS Superintendent Christopher Cerf and Margarita Muñiz, NPS Executive Director of Family and Community Engagement. Other events that day included a presentation by NJPAC’s Community Engagement Department, and workshops in vocals, dance movement, string instruments and visual art, conducted by representatives of such institutions as the Metropolitan Opera and Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. NPS’ Special Assistant for the Arts, Margaret El, lent her enthusiasm and welcome participation to both the Summer and Fall programs. n

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the fun of


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Tony nominee André De Shields, a member of the original Broadway cast of Ain’t Misbehavin’, signed on as directorchoreographer

When Crossroads Theatre Company needed a home for Ain’t Misbehavin’, the musical in its 2017-18 season, NJPAC put out the welcome mat. Crossroads, the recipient of an outstanding regional theater Tony Award,® is on the move, staging its Afrocentric productions at different venues until the completion of a new performing arts complex in New Brunswick. For this co-presentation, scheduled in early February 2018, NJPAC Executive Vice President and Executive Producer David Rodriguez and Crossroads Producing Artistic Director Marshall Jones III agreed the 500-seat Victoria Theater would provide a great setting for “the Fats Waller musical.” Broadway veteran André De Shields, a member of the original cast of Ain’t Misbehavin’, signed on as director-choreographer, a title he held during an earlier incarnation of the show at Crossroads in 2011. Jones thought the time was right to reunite the two-time Tony nominee and Emmy-winning actor with Ain’t Misbehavin’ for Newark audiences.

“No one on this planet understands and appreciates this show better than André,” said Jones. “He’s been involved since its inception and the last time we produced the show, it was clear that his vision successfully captured the music and the culture of Fats Waller, and the historic time of his music.”

No one on this planet understands this show better than André De Shields. He’s been involved since its inception. —Marshall Jones III

Crossroads Artistic Director

That time would be the Harlem Renaissance. Set in a smoky jazz club of the ‘20s and ‘30s, Ain’t Misbehavin’ features a cast of five singer-dancers who unroll back-to-back blues, soul and honky-tonk numbers by stride pianist Thomas Wright “Fats” Waller and other composers of the era. In addition to the title tune, the score includes “Black and Blue,” “Honeysuckle Rose,” “The Joint Is Jumpin’,” “Ladies Who Sing with the Band” and “The Viper’s Drag” (The Reefer Song), the last being De Shields’ mesmerizing reptilian solo.

Ain’t Misbehavin’ opened on Broadway in 1978 and swept up a few Tonys, including best musical. Both De Shields and his friend, the late Nell Carter, earned Emmy Awards for their portrayals in a nationwide NBC special in 1982. “André De Shields has been a hero of mine in theater since he was the original Wizard in The Wiz on Broadway,” Rodriguez said, “and continues to be one of the most creative forces related to the development and reimagining of new work.”

takin’ a bow: Ain’t Misbehavin’ cast members Johmaalya Adelekan, Rheaume Crenshaw, David Samuel, Borris York & Zurin Villanueva

Murray Horwitz, the co-author, lyricist and original associate director of Ain’t Misbehavin’, said the production is “characteristic of NJPAC” in terms of quality. “Because NJPAC is a leader in arts presenting and production, it always puts the art first and does it with integrity,” he said. “Not all producers of Ain’t Misbehavin’ understand that it’s not a series of songs, it’s a play written in songs. NJPAC went the extra mile to make sure when they did the show, with the Tony-winning Crossroads Theatre, it would be stunning.” n

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exchange place NJPAC Stage Exchange connects promising NJ-based playwrights with professional theaters

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Three cutting-edge playwrights had less “drama” to deal with in their creative process thanks to the resources provided by the NJPAC Stage Exchange. A partnership of NJPAC and the New Jersey Theatre Alliance, “StageX” has supported fledgling works, from script to spotlight, for the past three seasons. Jersey-based dramatists with Jersey-centric stories to tell are placed under the wing of professional theaters that guide the play from writing and readings to a full production during their mainstage seasons. The latest alumni saw their work come to life during the 2016-17 season (Nikkole Salter’s Indian Head at Luna Stage in West Orange, for one), and the new trio anticipates 2017-18 stagings. On March 16, an audience in NJPAC’s Chase Room was the first to witness free dramatic readings of the plays’ opening scenes. Actors, representatives of partnering theaters, authors and producers mingled over desserts and coffee following a talkback. With a nod to funders that include the National Endowment for the Arts, the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Theatre Alliance Executive Director John McEwen told attendees that while his organization provides services and consultation to 32 professional stages from Sussex County to Cape May, “we stay away from the art; that’s what (the theaters) do best.”

curtain up, light the lights Full productions given to NJPAC Stage Exchange playwrights in 2017 include (l-r) Indian Head by Nikkole Salter (Luna Stage) and Surely Goodness and Mercy by Chisa Hutchinson (Writers Theatre of New Jersey)

Moderator Rodney Gilbert of Yendor Productions had joined playwrights Nicole Pandolfo, Joel Stone and Pia Wilson on the dais, where each discussed their plays’ development and the importance of arts funding to sustaining their careers. (Sadly, Gilbert, a highly recognized arts advocate in Newark and friend of NJPAC, would succumb to illness eight months later; mourners paid tribute at a homecoming service in Victoria Theater.) Excerpts were performed from Nicole Pandolfo’s Brick City, co-commissioned by Premiere Stages in Union; Joel Stone’s The Calling, co-commissioned by New Jersey Repertory Company in Long Branch; and Pia Wilson’s Back to the Real, co-commissioned by Crossroads Theatre Company in New Brunswick. The dramatists’ themes ranged from mercy killings to racial identity to the unlikeliest of friendships. Each of the works received a full reading at NJPAC, followed by a moderated conversation with the playwright and artists. By late Fall, the StageX “Class of 2018-19” was announced: Turning by Darrah Cloud with Centenary Stage Company in Hackettstown; A Better Place To Be by Stephen Fredericks with Growing Stage: The Children’s Theatre of New Jersey in Netcong; and a new work by Tanya Saracho with Two River Theater in Red Bank. n

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Montclair Film hosted a provocative evening in Prudential Hall with Stephen Colbert & Samantha Bee on December 2

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you’ll find us at


With the reopening of the historic Hahne & Co. building, Newark gains another downtown gem and NJPAC enhances its community outreach and off-campus programming

After an absence of 30 years, the historic Hahne & Co. building on Broad Street made a great comeback following a $174 million renovation driven by developers L&M and Prudential Financial. And NJPAC is very much in the house. The former department store contains apartments and retail, but also serves as a “third space” where institutions like the Arts Center can meet with the community; for example, it accommodates Rutgers-Newark’s Express Newark facility and other “maker” spaces, creating endless potential for collaborations and partnerships. A January ribbon-cutting was followed by the opening of Newark’s first Whole Foods and later a campus Barnes & Noble, Kite and Key tech store, City MD urgent care center, and Petco. By year’s end, celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson debuted Marcus B&P, featuring a Southern-flavored selection of dishes and cocktails with zingy Newark names. In spite of its massiveness, the multi-use structure has also become an intimate meeting place for events co-sponsored by Rutgers and NJPAC’s Departments of Community Engagement and Arts Education. The completion of the building brings the Arts Center and its university neighbor closer together by way of a quick stroll through scenic Military Park. Community Engagement connects with the Rutgers population and the broader community through activities in the Express Newark space, such as the Pearls of Wisdom intergenerational conversations, a screening of A Ballerina’s Tale about Misty Copeland, and the PSE&G True Diversity Film Series with talkbacks. The department also has presented free panels and exhibits in partnership with Rutgers’ Institute of Jazz Studies. As for Arts Education, Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens is particularly active on the Rutgers’ scene by dispatching musicians to play in Jazz Jam Sessions at Clement’s Place, a short walk from Hahne & Co. at 15 Washington St. The department’s All-Female Jazz Residency in the summertime considers Rutgers-Newark its home base outside of NJPAC, since the students reside and sometimes perform at “15 Wash” and get acquainted with the Institute of Jazz Studies. n

a major comeback Broad Street’s reborn Hahne & Co.

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Asbury Park is the birthplace of many rock & roll ‘firsts,’ and NJPAC is proud to help forward that tradition. —David Rodriguez

NJPAC Executive Vice President and Executive Producer

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boardwalk and park place NJPAC and Madison Marquette enhance A&E in Asbury Park through a powerhouse partnership

Entertainment in Asbury Park, New Jersey’s “city by the sea,” became even more vibrant in the Fall, when NJPAC announced an agreement to produce live performances, arts education programs and community engagement events there with a new partner, national real estate developer Madison Marquette. A popular oceanfront destination for tourists, Asbury Park is home to landmarks immortalized by Bruce Springsteen—the Boardwalk and the Stone Pony, to name just a couple—and a storied history of entertainment resides in its 1920s show palaces, like the Paramount Theatre. The new partnership successfully launched its first booking in the chilly off-season: Back-to-back appearances by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson on December 13 at NJPAC and December 15 at Asbury Park’s Convention Hall. The alliance of NJPAC with Madison Marquette, a Washington, D.C.-based company driving the transformative redevelopment of the Boardwalk, will increase entertainment choices at Convention Hall (3,600 capacity) and the Paramount Theatre (1,600 seats). The Arts Center also will serve as a consultant for growing their operational capacities and expanding community impact. NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber says the partnership will boost the number of nights that these venues will be active, while broadening the diversity of audiences. NJPAC will also present select entertainment events branded with Asbury Park in Newark.

greetings from Asbury Paramount Theatre and Convention Hall on the Boardwalk

“Making the arts an integral part of the cultural landscape and neighborhoods of Asbury Park is an opportunity we find irresistible,” Schreiber says. “Finding common ground among the city’s many populations through artistry, and providing captivating experiences for those audiences, is built into NJPAC’s DNA. Our vision with Madison Marquette is to make clear the diverse opportunities for entertainment 12 months a year.”

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“Making the arts an integral part of the cultural landscape and neighborhoods of Asbury Park is an opportunity we find irresistible.” —John Schreiber

“Ever since the revitalization led by Madison Marquette, visitors to the Boardwalk area have increased to more than 1.5 million each year,” said David Rodriguez, NJPAC’s Executive Vice President and Executive Producer. “Asbury Park is the birthplace of many rock ‘n’roll ‘firsts,’ and the Arts Center is proud to help forward that tradition by bringing a wide diversity of top-name artists to its legendary venues and arts-related programs into its schools and community.” The Boardwalk, where artists such as Springsteen and Southside Johnny defined the instantly recognizable sound of Asbury Park during the fabled club scene of the 1960s and ‘70s, also is home to the Wonder Bar and the Stone Pony, both Madison Marquette properties. The company’s 1.5-mile beachfront project is lined with a mix of retail and entertainment establishments, and foodies frequently dish about the award-winning bars and restaurants. “David Rodriguez and I have had a long-standing friendship and we both came to the same conclusion: A partnership between NJPAC and the Asbury Park Boardwalk would make perfect sense,” says George H. Ladyman, Jr., Madison Marquette Project Director/Asbury Park Boardwalk. “The launch of NJPAC’s bold new programming and branding aligns so well with our guests and community of music, and early-adopters. Madison Marquette is thrilled that NJPAC will begin to bring its outstanding performance, arts education and multi-dimensional programming to the Paramount Theatre and Convention Hall. And we are honored to bring our Asbury Park Boardwalk programming into Newark at NJPAC.” The arts learning and neighborhood engagement components of the partnership will focus on meaningful connections between Asbury Park residents representing a host of communities, ethnicities and age groups. The Arts Education Department has previously presented SchoolTime assembly programs in Asbury Park. NJPAC Arts Education is in the planning stages with education partners such as Lakehouse Music Academy to deepen the relationship with the Asbury Park School District. Discussions also are under way with city leaders and residents to introduce NJPAC’s already proven outreach initiatives, including Books on the Move, which brings dramatic readings for youngsters to libraries, churches and community centers. NJPAC Community Engagement is studying transportation options for senior citizens who wish to attend performances in Newark, as well as the feasibility of holding its free Jazz Jam Sessions, dance classes, open-mic talent shows, and panel discussions in Asbury Park and vicinity.

Madison Marquette also manages famed rock clubs Wonder Bar and The Stone Pony

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“It’s not our intention to present only single events during the current season,” Rodriguez notes. “We want to help support the city as an entertainment destination for decades to come, not just in terms of programming for its unique venues, but by bringing the arts into the schools and homes of families throughout Central New Jersey.” n

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on October 10 New Jersey gubernatorial candidates Phil Murphy & Kim Guadagno debated key issues in a broadcast from NJPAC

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We thought it was important for people to hear directly from the candidates, no filters, to try to raise the level of engagement ... —Ralph Izzo

President & CEO, PSEG, debate sponsor

candidates on camera In October, NJPAC was honored to host the first of two televised gubernatorial debates

In a live broadcast from Prudential Hall on October 10, NJPAC became the first of two venues to host a debate by New Jersey’s frontrunners in the race leading to the November 7 gubernatorial election and Phil Murphy’s subsequent victory. Lieutenant Gov. Kim Guadagno (R) and Murphy, the former Democratic U.S. ambassador to Germany, faced off before an invited audience of nearly 700, among whom were past Governors Tom Kean, Jim Florio and Jim McGreevey. The widely viewed event was televised from Newark via ABC and its affiliates, including WPVI in Philadelphia, along with Univision, and livestreamed by nj.com and Twitter. Radio coverage was provided by WBGO in Newark, WHYY in Philadelphia and WADO in New York, in addition to recaps and opinion pieces by leading print media. While the escalation of property taxes emerged as the overriding issue, the candidates batted at questions concerning transit and infrastructure; the plight of New Jersey’s estimated 22,000 “dreamers” (undocumented immigrants who arrived here as children), and gun control. During their scrappy exchange, the opponents circled matters associated with Chris Christie’s administration, such as the decriminalization of marijuana and the rehabilitation of the pension system. “This is NJPAC’s 20th anniversary year, and we’re so proud to serve as not just a venue for world-class performances, but also—as Governor Tom Kean envisioned so many years ago—as a town hall for all of New Jersey, a place for us to gather, discuss, and, like tonight, debate,” said NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber. “We’re so appreciative to PSEG for supporting the debate and for its longstanding, ongoing partnership with the Arts Center.” The New York Times described the debate as “an hourlong rumpus that was both acerbic and wonkish.” The moderators were ABC anchors Toni Yates and Jim Gardner; journalists from NJ Advance Media, NJ Spotlight and WBGO also were welcomed to the stage to pose questions. Murphy made a previous appearance at NJPAC with candidates Jim Johnson, Raymond Lesniak and John Wisniewski on May 1. A Conversation About Social Justice with New Jersey’s Gubernatorial Candidates was a free panel discussion for the public, hosted by the Arts Center, the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice and the New Jersey State Conference NAACP. n

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what does it mean to be an

anchor cultural institution? During the Summer, the Arts Center took part in a project that gave it a new vocabulary to discuss its off-stage impacts—and a blueprint for how to increase its value to the community. Karen Brooks Hopkins, the former President of the Brooklyn Academy of Music—who turned that arts center into a cultural hotspot that revitalized its Brooklyn neighborhood—joined The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in 2016 as a Senior Fellow, and there set about studying how arts and cultural institutions could have the greatest impact on the cities and towns they served. The research started with the idea of an anchor institution—traditionally a university or a hospital—and how it could be broadened to include cultural organizations. What Hopkins and her research team set out to do was to define an anchor cultural institution and its ability to change a community far beyond the services for which it was built.

NJPAC has a new vocabulary to discuss its off-stage impacts— and a blueprint for increasing its value to the community

The leading research question was, “How can anchor cultural institutions in low-income areas and communities in transition make maximum social, economic and artistic impact?” In response, the team profiled three such institutions to find out what they were doing right—and how they could do better. The organizations they studied were the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) in North Adams, Mass., the arts and housing development AS220 in Providence, R.I., and NJPAC.

The research team was composed of Hopkins, providing expertise in institution building and arts administration; Bruno Carvalho, Princeton University Professor and Co-Director of the Princeton-Mellon Initiative on Architecture, Urbanism and the Humanities, who set these three institutions in larger urban, social, economic and cultural contexts, and AMS Planning & Research, a leading firm in arts research, which provided data and mapping analysis. Over the course of several months in 2016 and 2017, Hopkins and her team surveyed NJPAC employees, volunteers and Board Members about NJPAC’s off-stage strengths and weaknesses, and spoke to stakeholders throughout Newark about NJPAC’s impact and future. Results of the research were shared on several occasions, starting with a two-day conference at the Mellon Foundation in New York City on June 29 and 30, when the work was presented to national leaders in creative placemaking, anchor institutions, arts funders and artists.

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On July 13, the work was presented at an “On Site Convening” at NJPAC to an enthusiastic group of Newark leaders in arts, education and real estate; city representatives; artists, and NJPAC staff and Board. The research not only looked at how NJPAC is an anchor institution, but also explored its place in Newark’s history, which included the lingering effects of racial tension and economic disenfranchisement. The research also examined how NJPAC was perceived by stakeholders inside and outside the building. “Diversity,” “education” and “community” were found to be NJPAC’s perceived core strengths, alongside, of course, “entertainment.” The research suggested that the Arts Center could expand its reach by partnering with other local groups, from corporations to other arts organizations. NJPAC already seeks out partnerships, in programs ranging from its arts training for Newark Public Schools teachers to the NJPAC Stage Exchange, which improves the ability of New Jersey theaters to commission and mount the works of local playwrights. The presentation was followed by a panel on Newark’s future and the role of culture, and included NJPAC’s John Schreiber, David Maurrasse, Director of the Anchor Institutions Task Force, Nancy Cantor, Chancellor of Rutgers UniversityNewark, Lata Reddy of Prudential, and Newark Mayor Ras Baraka. By chance, the convening occurred on the 50th anniversary of the Newark rebellion of 1967, lending a surge of emotion and reflection to Carvalho’s detailed depiction of the city’s rise as a manufacturing powerhouse in the early 20th century, and its decline from the 1950s onward. And Hopkins’ conclusions as to how anchor cultural institutions can maximize their impact? Her short answer: by making sure that the institution—its staff, from the top down—is focused on what it can do for the community. “Adopting an anchor mission” is how Hopkins describes it—and that is already a cornerstone of NJPAC’s approach.

Karen Brooks Hopkins Senior Fellow, Mellon Foundation

As a result of NJPAC’s participation in this wide-ranging research, Schreiber was invited to give the keynote speech at the Anchor Institutions Task Force in October—cementing the role of the arts as anchors, alongside “eds and meds,” and offering inspiration to other cultural institutions looking to bring greater benefits to the communities and families they serve. n

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Oftentimes, elders feel that they have insights to pass on, but that they don’t have the outlet. This gives them a platform to bridge the past, present and future. —Deborah Smith-Gregory

President, NAACP Newark Branch

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words of wisdom

NJPAC hosts Pearls of Wisdom, a free series of conversations with community elders

High school and college students looking for straight talk and advice from people who have been there and done that—namely, their elders—were invited to participate in Pearls of Wisdom, the first in a free series of timely conversations hosted by the Community Engagement Department. The three-part, intergenerational program, held Thursday evenings at Rutgers University’s Express Newark space in the Hahne & Co. building, was launched on September 28 and will continue on January 25 and May 24, 2018. A panel of veteran community leaders engages students in discussions of current issues in the realms of activism, education, arts and culture.

Gladys Grauer

The concept for Pearls of Wisdom: An Intergenerational Conversation Series grew from a proposal by NJPAC’s Council of Elders, a subcommittee of Community Engagement’s Advisory Council, to find meaningful ways to interact with young adults. Generous support is provided by ADP, the official Community Engagement Partner of NJPAC. The debut discussion on September 28, titled “Old School Tools for New School Cool (What Your Mama Didn’t Teach You!),” offered advice for students returning to the classroom. Deborah Smith-Gregory, President of the NAACP Newark Branch and Chairwoman of the Council of Elders, moderated a panel that included artist and educator Gladys Barker Grauer, former Star-Ledger columnist Joan Whitlow, and community activist Earl “Street Doctor” Best.

Deborah Smith-Gregory

“Oftentimes, elders feel that they have insights to pass on, but that they’re not valued or don’t have the outlet,” said Smith-Gregory. “This gives them a platform to describe their experiences and bridge the past, present and future.” n

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live like


embodying the dream Newark students show commitment to social justice at NJPAC’s MLK celebration

When a school incorporates the words “social justice” in its name, a day commemorating the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a day to shine. Newark’s Luis Muñoz Marín School for Social Justice, a pre-K-8 school also named for the first elected governor (and a poet) of Puerto Rico, dispatched 25 kindergarteners to NJPAC’s Embodying the Dream MLK celebration on January 14. The 5-year-olds, dressed in crisp uniforms and eager to tell anyone who wanted to know at least one fact about the civil rights leader, floored a capacity audience in the Center for Arts Education when they recited “The ABCs of Social Justice” in unison. The spoken-word poem, in which “c” is for change and “i” for integrity, always gets an “a” for awww when it’s performed—with choreographed foot-stomps and hand movements—by earnest children. Behind the catchy rhyme, however, lies the school’s newly christened mission to emphasize social justice as part of the curriculum, says the school’s principal, Maria Ortiz.

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Ortiz was among the educators and performance artists leading programs at Embodying the Dream, an afternoon of free family activities held annually by NJPAC in tribute to King’s legacy. Her video presentation outlined how arts and humanities can be employed to teach social consciousness— “homework” for her students has included once-in-a-lifetime experiences like meeting privately with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in Washington, D.C.

“I want to raise children who are advocates of civil rights … children who are vocal.”

–Maria Ortiz

Principal of Newark’s Luis Muñoz Marín School for Social Justice

Originally from the Dominican Republic, Oritz was educated in Newark schools and holds a master’s degree in divinity from Drew University, which she attributes in large part to her admiration for King’s work. Her school has created projects ranging from raising funds for drought relief in the Sudan to advocating for children whose parents are incarcerated. “I want to raise children who are advocates of civil rights and who are critical to a society that has to consider advantaged and disadvantaged populations,” says Ortiz, who refers to all her students as her children. “My call is to raise children who are vocal.” About 200 visitors enjoyed activities including step dancing, collage-making, liturgical dancing and drumming. A septet from the Newark Boys Chorus’ apprentice program led audiences in singing “We Shall Overcome” and other spirituals. n

2017 living the dream awards 20th anniversary MLK awards salute two Newark leaders

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s admonishment that “we must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools” was held high by speakers at NJPAC’s 20th anniversary Living the Dream awards, celebrated on January 14 in the Chase Room. Presented with the Newark Unit of the NAACP, the ceremony honored former Newark Museum Board of Trustees Vice President Gloria Hopkins Buck, LCSW (Steward of the Dream Award) and New Jersey Institute for Social Justice President and CEO Ryan P. Haygood, Esq. (Visionary of the Future Award). NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber described the assembly of Newark dignitaries and friends of the honorees as a room of changemakers and “an antidote to the bitterness in the air” of a nation torn by politics. Uplifting gospel songs performed by the Rev. Stefanie Minatee’s Jubilation choir and a soaring “I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free” by 10-year-old singer Alana Smith strengthened the evening’s message of hope. Corporate sponsors PSEG and United Airlines were represented by Rick Thigpen and Felicia Daniels, respectively. The Living the Dream awards reception was followed by a performance of Dance Theatre of Harlem in Prudential Hall. n

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NJPAC’s screening of Hidden Figures demonstrates how the arts complement science, technology, engineering and math learning

There aren’t too many Monday mornings with the capacity to restore your faith in the human spirit, but September 25 was an exception at NJPAC. In Prudential Hall, more than 1,300 students, on furlough from their classrooms for a few hours, shared a unique educational experience: a wide-screen showing of Hidden Figures, followed by a panel discussion. Oscar-nominated for best picture in 2016, Hidden Figures was unreeled as part of the PSE&G True Diversity Film Series, supported by PSEG Foundation and the Leon and Toby Cooperman Family Foundation. The assembly of elementary students and high-schoolers from 21 districts was mostly representative of Greater Newark, yet buses arrived from as far north as Ringwood. Communal cheering and applause accompanied the film’s dramatic moments, and there were many. Director-writer Ted Melfi’s blockbuster, based on a true story, is set during the space race of the Cold War, when getting the Mercury Seven aloft became the unrelenting mission at NASA. Within the doors at Langley Air Force Base, and practically invisible to those working in the building, were three African-American women—“human computers”—whose skills helped rocket John Glenn into orbit. Study guides provided by the Department of Arts Education enabled students to familiarize themselves with the era, so they were well-prepared to submit questions in advance to the panel, moderated by Marcia Wilson Brown, Vice Chancellor for External and Governmental Relations at Rutgers-Newark. The trio of speakers included NASA Aerospace Engineer Dr. Aprille Ericsson, First Officer of Jet Express Airlines Carol Hobson, and 13-year-old Nia Williams of Newark, a student at Team Academy Charter School and an aspiring engineer, who participated in the Aviation Career Education academy program of the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP). The morning’s welcoming remarks were delivered by NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber and donors Leon and Toby Cooperman, who first proposed the idea for the Hidden Figures program. Rick Thigpen, Vice President—State Governmental Affairs of PSEG Services Corp., told students that his company is committed to supporting tomorrow’s leaders in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). “Your country needs you to be the best and brightest you can be,” he said. “We need your talents and skills just the way NASA needed those young ladies.” n

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next in israel what’s the middle east? @70 Ambassador Daniel C. Kurtzer leads a series of timely talks about brokering peace by Vicki Hyman

NJPAC’s Israel @70: What’s Next in the Middle East? series of panel discussions, moderated by Princeton Professor Daniel C. Kurtzer, the former ambassador to Israel, is intended to be celebratory, although the journey toward stability in the Middle East has brought little cheer of late. Today, 25 years after the Oslo accords that Kurtzer helped broker, a lasting peace seems even more elusive. Kurtzer admits that the Israel @70 series, which looks both backward and forward with insights from an impressive lineup of American and Middle East diplomats and power brokers, won’t make anyone walk away with pie-eyed optimism. But he does expect them to leave with the possibility, at least, that the path to peace can once again be cleared. Israeli lawmakers are backing a robust expansion of settlements in Palestinianclaimed territory in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, reversing seven decades of American foreign policy, has led to protests and Palestinian leaders rejecting America as a peace partner. “You don’t have the leadership in Israel or the Palestinians who are ready to engage seriously,” Kurtzer says. “Can we get back? That’s going to be extremely hard. Every settlement that goes up makes it a little more difficult … “ December’s panel with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, introduced by former ADP CEO Josh Weston, took place hours after Trump’s declaration. “Olmert noted concern for the Palestinian neighborhoods that are not part of the Israeli Jerusalem, and that this declaration, if the definition of the city was not clarified, could have major ramifications in the region,” says NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber, who helped develop the series with Kurtzer. “For a former Israeli statesman to express these views on behalf of not only his country, but his country’s tumultuous neighbor, was a meaningful moment.”

Daniel C. Kurtzer

Suzanne Maloney

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The four-part series began in November with “The United States and Iran: Conflict or Accommodation?,” a discussion of the Iran nuclear accord with Suzanne Maloney, Deputy Director, Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution, and Michael Singh, Lane-Swig Senior Fellow and Managing Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. The upcoming panel in March 2018 will bring together Dov Weissglas, former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s chief of staff, and Khaled Elgindy, a key member of the PLO who helped develop Palestinian policy in the peace talks with Israel. The final conversation in May 2018 will feature William Burns, former ambassador to Russia and Jordan and the most senior diplomat of his generation, who will focus on American foreign policy in the Middle East. Admission is free to the conversations, which are held in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ, and take place in the Chase Room.

Kurtzer had moderated a rich discussion at NJPAC on March 7, 2016 with Itamar Rabanovich, the author of a biography of the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and Rabin’s daughter, Dalia Rabin-Pelossof. The talk was sponsored by NJPAC supporters Stewart and Judy Colton, longtime advocates of education and the arts in Israel. “We found Dan to be such a smart and compelling interviewer that we started discussing doing a larger series,” Schreiber says. Always looking to broaden and diversify its programming, NJPAC realized that Israel’s 70th birthday would be a prime opportunity to promote useful civic dialogues about important world events that appeal not only to Jews but to anyone concerned with the state of the world. “Recent developments in the Middle East do make the series more immediately relevant,” Schreiber says, “but there is never not a good time to talk about the current state of the region. It’s an issue that concerns any literate American.”

Ehud Olmert

Kurzter, born and raised in Elizabeth, earned his undergraduate degree from Yeshiva University and a master’s and Ph.D in political science, with a concentration on the Middle East, from Columbia University. But it was his time spent at Hebrew University in 1970 — the Six-Day War was three years’ past but hostilities along the Suez Canal continued — that focused his interest in the conflict and sparked his intent to use diplomacy to resolve it. He joined the Foreign Service in 1976 and served in Cairo and Tel Aviv, rising through ranks of the State Department before President Bill Clinton appointed him Ambassador to Egypt in 1997. As an Orthodox Jew, the postings in Egypt were — he takes a long pause — “challenging,” from the basics of keeping kosher (he would travel with an empty suitcase so he could bring back kosher chicken) to a barrage of anti-Semitic press that greeted his 1997 appointment, including an incendiary article that smacked of the age-old blood libel slander. In 2001, President George W. Bush made him Ambassador to Israel, where he served until retiring from the diplomatic corps in 2005. He is now the S. Daniel Abraham professor of Middle East policy studies at Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, where his duties include directing graduate policy workshops, one of which is called “Alternatives to the Two-State Solution.” “Our objective is not to prove that only the two-state solution works,” Kurtzer says. “They want to examine what are the alternatives. It’s almost like a doctor ruling out possible diagnoses as a means of finding out what is wrong.” But by the end, he says, his students invariably arrive at the option of side-by-side states. “I really do believe it may not be perfect, but it’s better than any other alternative,” Kurtzer maintains. “The challenge now is how do you keep it alive?” n Vicki Hyman is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in The Star-Ledger, The Times-Picayune, The News & Observer, Inside Jersey and TV Insider.

Michael Singh

For NJPAC, Israel’s 70th birthday provided a prime opportunity to promote useful civic dialogues

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moving pictures

A 14-artist, multi-media art exhibition put a visual perspective on Women’s History Month

Wine, nibbles, live jazz, conversation and visual art. For the second year, Women’s History Month was launched at NJPAC with a creative mixer that drew nearly a hundred arts lovers to the Victoria Theater lobby. On view during March, Women in the World: A Visual Perspective, an exhibit of multi-media works by 14 women artists, was the centerpiece of the kick-off reception. Presented by Women in Media-Newark in partnership with NJPAC’s Department of Community Engagement, the three-pronged exhibition included displays at Monmouth University and the Paul Robeson Galleries at Rutgers-Newark, as well as NJPAC. The selections were curated by longtime Newark art teacher Gladys B. Grauer and Adrienne Wheeler, both artists, and reflected the struggle of women around the globe to overcome adversity. The exhibiting artists— painters, photographers and printmakers—also mirrored the world by their ethnicities and countries of origin, from Colombia to Newark. “Women in Media-Newark is a special organization that plays a unique part in our State by highlighting women’s accomplishments,” said Donna WalkerKuhne, Senior Advisor for Community Engagement at NJPAC, noting that Grauer serves as a member of the Arts Center’s Elders Advisory Committee. “Our collaboration has proven to be such a rewarding relationship for several years now.”

opposite (clockwise from top): “Muslim Conversation” by Aileen Bassis “Spiritual Garden” by Susan Haiken “Mail Order Bride” by Pam Owen

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Following a musical interlude by NJPAC’s Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens, a panel discussed the responsibility of artists as “the gatekeepers of truth,” a description coined by Jersey-born performer, athlete and scholar Paul Robeson. The Director and Chief Curator of the Paul Robeson Galleries at Rutgers-Newark, Anonda Bell, moderated the symposium; participants included Grauer; artist Caren King Choi, Associate Director of Programs at the Robeson Galleries; artist Dominique Duroseau; writer and poet Rashidah Ismaili; and Sonnet Takahisa, Deputy Director for Engagement and Innovation at the Newark Museum. n

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fulfilled ADP’s Debbie Dyson affirms commitment to children and community

Debbie Dyson, President of National Account Services & Client Experience at ADP and a fast-rising star at the international payroll and human capital management company, happens to be a huge Michael Jackson fan. Although possibly not quite as huge a fan as some in the audience of Invincible: A Glorious Tribute to Michael Jackson when it played at NJPAC in the summer of 2015. “I’m a bit of a Michael Jackson nut, but you could tell there were some fanatics there, wearing the one glove and all that,” she remembers, laughing. But while she loved the show—even the hologram of Jackson—for Dyson, the real surprise of the evening was NJPAC. A recent transplant to New Jersey from her native California, Dyson had won the tickets to the Jackson show in a raffle and said that discovering the Arts Center, with its “luxurious” theater and restaurant, was like finding “this hidden treasure.” It would not be her last visit to the Arts Center.

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“It couldn’t have been more than a month later that John (Schreiber, NJPAC’s President and CEO) reached out about the opportunity to join the Board. And I thought, well, everything happens for a reason. It was kind of weird how it all fell into place!” Dyson now sits on the NJPAC Board of Directors and was instrumental in working with ADP when it became the sponsor of the Arts Center’s Community Engagement Department, increasing the company’s long-standing annual support for NJPAC in order to boost its efforts to bring the arts and cultural literacy beyond the Art Center’s campus and into schools, parks, houses of worship and community centers throughout Greater Newark. This new partnership expanded ADP’s dedication to NJPAC beyond its already-significant support for the institution, which dates back decades.

The passion here for children, and for education, and hope and opportunity, that’s what appealed to me—what more could I ask for?

“Our former CEO, Josh Weston, clearly has a passion for NJPAC, and there’s a little bit of honoring the commitment of what Josh has contributed. But at the same time, we’re a very large company, we sit in New Jersey, this is our corporate location. And our commitment to the arts is phenomenal because we can see the impact,” she says.

“But I think the mission—in terms of how NJPAC has evolved and continues to evolve, reaching back into the community, is incredibly appealing to ADP and matches our very diverse, very inclusive mission.” NJPAC’s Community Engagement programming, which ranges from literacy and performance programs offered at libraries throughout Essex and surrounding counties, to NJPAC’s annual weekend of Martin Luther King Day celebrations, “fits all the values we strive for,” Dyson says. “It’s like we’re standing behind this with you, and it has our name attached to it,” Dyson explains. “When John was on stage at the MLK event, and he called us out as the community partner, that meant a lot to us.”

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NJPAC’s mission— reaching back into the community—is incredibly appealing to ADP and matches our very diverse, very inclusive mission. —Debbie Dyson

President, National Account Services & Client Experience at ADP

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ADP sponsors NJPAC’s Community Engagement activities, helping to move arts and culture beyond the campus— into schools, parks, houses of worship & community centers

Particularly, she notes, when the gospel concert featuring Mary Mary turned out to be such a rousing performance. “It was packed, people were in the aisles,” she remembers. “It was an unbelievable event. I was like: ‘Are we at church?!’” The new partnership also fits Dyson’s personal mission—paving the way for more women like her to make their mark. Dyson, who started as a client account manager at ADP decades ago—“answering the phones,” she says—is now a direct report to the company’s CEO. Her stratospheric rise led to her being named one of Black Enterprise magazine’s 300 Most Powerful Executives in Corporate America, among other honors. She says that her success at the company was never a personal goal per se, but simply an outgrowth of a won’t-quit work ethic. “I try to stay present and in the moment, and let the results and the work speak for themselves,” she says. But one of the perks of having reached the C-suite at a massive company like ADP, she says, is the opportunity it gives her to give back. “My philosophy is: How do I pay it back, pay it forward? How do I help others?” She notes that her mother, who passed away about nine years ago, reinforced her passion for educational causes. “She grew up in a very different time, a very challenging time for an AfricanAmerican female. And she asked me, with the good fortune I’ve been given, to try to help children who were not able to get an education—because she was one of those children. So, I’m on a mission. I’m happy with my work, but at the same time, I want to fulfill this wish.” So to this day, she’s known at ADP for never saying no to speaking opportunities, or to younger colleagues seeking advice. “My admin, Pat, will tell you: I do not say ‘No.’ It makes it hard on the calendar sometimes, but I never, never say no. You want me to come talk to the girls in your junior achievement club? No problem. I’m there.” And working with NJPAC, particularly its Community Engagement programming and its Board, fits into that personal mission as well, she says. “The passion here for children, and for education, and hope and opportunity, that’s what appealed to me—what more could I ask for?” she says. “Who ever would have thought that this gift would be laid in my lap that gives me the opportunity to try to do something more?” n

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njpac short stories ADP becomes first Community Engagement Partner In July, ADP® of Roseland was designated the Arts Center’s first Community Engagement Partner, establishing dedicated funding for the Department of Community Engagement to introduce and expand many events offered free to the public, such as dance workshops, children’s reading circles, jazz jams, and panel discussions. The new alliance reflects both partners’ missions to promote the immense diversity of New Jersey’s population and support cultural enrichment through the arts. Community Engagement presents nearly 200 events each season, both on-site and at locations throughout Greater Newark.

ADP of Roseland helps support programs like Books on the Move

“At ADP, we believe it is our responsibility to make a positive impact on the communities in which we work and live,” said Rita Mitjans, ADP’s Chief Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility Officer. “Through the ADP Foundation, we provide monetary support to the causes and non-profit organizations that align with our company values and corporate social responsibility focus areas. We are proud to serve as NJPAC’s Community Engagement Partner and help deliver these important arts programs to our community.” “NJPAC cares deeply about its community, and the happy news is that we now have a great partner in ADP, whose team members are involved in hundreds of volunteer opportunities throughout the State,” said John Schreiber, President and CEO of NJPAC. “The partnership will enable us to reach thousands of citizens through a myriad of events each season. These free events celebrate culture and community and allow NJPAC to grow its boundary-less campus through programming in neighborhoods near and far.” Just a few of the programs that will benefit from ADP’s role as Community Engagement Partner are Books on the Move, Jazz Jam Sessions and NJPAC Stage Exchange. Funds also will be used to enhance the entertainment offerings at family celebrations during the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend and Kwanzaa. n

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conversations with Lee Cooperman Leon (“Lee”) Cooperman, founder and CEO of the investment-management company Omega Advisors, Inc., has accumulated a long list of titles from his lifework in finance and philanthropy. One of the most fascinating, to audiences at NJPAC for the past four years, is programmer/host of his own talk show. Conversations with Lee Cooperman, a series of sit-downs with titans of business, politics and media, gives guests a front-row perspective on today’s economic issues whenever Cooperman and his interview subjects swap POVs in the Chase Room. The exchanges began in 2014 when Cooperman, a member of NJPAC’s Investment Committee and a former Board Member, booked Mario Gabelli, CEO of GAMCO Investors, Inc.

Lee Cooperman hosted a series of sit-down talks at NJPAC

Since then, the program has continued to attract boldface-name speakers: Jim Cramer, host of CNBC’s Mad Money; David Einhorn, founder and President of Greenlight Capital; commentator Lawrence (“Larry”) Kudlow of CNBC’s The Kudlow Report; William Ackman, CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P.; Sam Zell, Chairman and founder of Equity Group Investments; and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies. “People like to hear stories of accomplished leaders and that’s the purpose of the sessions,” said Cooperman. “NJPAC brings a program to you, helps educate you, and therefore you’re appreciative and, hopefully, you’ll find ways of supporting the Arts Center.” As longtime benefactors of NJPAC, Cooperman and his wife, Toby, have advanced vital work here, notably in arts education. In September, both were on hand as hosts to welcome more than 1,300 high school students to a screening and discussion of Hidden Figures. (See story, page 104.) Open-minded dialogues about up-to-the-minute news are essential to the former Goldman, Sachs & Co. executive, who counts White House politics, tax reform and philanthropy among the topics he likes to explore with his guests. “(Audience members) look for different things: financial information, insights on the economy, general knowledge of philanthropy, the workings of government … everybody comes with a different expectation. I’m sure some come for the food,” he added, laughing. Although Cooperman admires several interviewers currently helming talk shows, he believes one pioneering CBS broadcaster set the gold standard. “In the newscasting category, I miss Walter Cronkite,” he said. “I get turned off by stations that are either left or right. I like a person who can just deliver the news rather than opine on a personal philosophy. “I consider myself a friendly interviewer, looking to bring out the wisdom of our various guests, and they’ve been very cooperative,” concluded Cooperman, who described his forums as “well-received.” “We’re appreciative of their willingness to give up their time and knowledge to help the Arts Center in achieving its mission.” n

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business partners roundtables Diversity in the workplace … New Jersey’s food industry … sports marketing … and insights from one of the country’s most-watched CEOs: All played a part in this year’s slate of morning Business Partners Roundtables sponsored by PNC Bank. Fast-tracking diversity initiatives and job opportunities for all were the challenges discussed during January’s “The Role of Race in the Workplace.” Panelists Carlos Rodriguez (ADP), Sharon C. Taylor (Prudential Financial) and Tim Ryan (PwC) also described their philosophies and experiences in establishing meaningful dialogue with the many communities represented by their employees.

John Sheridan and Michele Brown discussed trends in the food industry at a Business Partners Roundtable

In March, “Sports & Entertainment: Standing Out in a Crowded Market” introduced three of the most recognizable leaders of sports franchises in the Northeast: Marc de Grandpre (New York Red Bulls), Neil Glat (New York Jets) and Scott O’Neil (New Jersey Devils). How to engage fans in a world of high-tech distractions and attractions led off the discussion, which also ventured into strategies for fostering a love of athletics in youngsters. “Who Sets the Table? How Empowered Consumers Are Changing the Food Industry” brought Joseph Sheridan (Wakefern Food Corp.), Robert Unanue (Goya Food, Inc.) and moderator Michele Brown (Choose NJ) to the dais. Trends in shopper convenience, nutrition and e-commerce were all part of the conversation about New Jersey’s $105 billion food industry, as well as striking a balance of “human touch plus digital efficiency,” in Sheridan’s words. Wrapping up the 2017 series was a solo appearance by United Airlines CEO and former New Jerseyan Oscar Munoz, who was introduced by Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka. Munoz talked about the critical tasks of rebuilding trust among its 90,000 employees and customer satisfaction in the first two years he had been on the job. He reaffirmed United’s commitment to the EWR hub and investing in relationships with the city’s many communities and redevelopment efforts. The Business Partners Roundtables, which are attended by leaders of major corporations and small-business owners in support of NJPAC, include a networking breakfast and post-panel Q&A session with the audience. n

and the winner is … It was music to our ears when the Prudential Center down the block was chosen as the East Coast site of the Recording Academy GRAMMY Museum Experience. The West Coast music industry apparently has tuned into something we’ve always known: New Jersey rocks. The grand opening of the GRAMMY Museum took place under perfectly sunny skies on October 19. Cissy Houston and the New Hope Baptist Choir, DMC and Naughty by Nature lent their voices to the proceedings, and Newark Mayor Ras Baraka spoke of the city’s rich musical legacy in his welcoming address. n

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a Jeffersonian dinner When President Thomas Jefferson hosted gatherings of Colonial movers and shakers around the dinner table, everyone feasted zestfully on capon or venison, capped by hot custard or mince pie. In exchange, they offered food for thought. Jeffersonian dinners at Monticello were eclectic parties, where intellectuals from all walks of life broke bread and conversed about a pre-selected topic. This concept of an idea incubator caught the attention of former Gov. Thomas Kean (a founding father himself, of NJPAC), who hosted a 21st century version of Jefferson’s think tanks on March 29 in the Chase Room. A select group of friends of the Arts Center joined Kean, NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber, Board Chair John R. Strangfeld and Founding Chair Ray Chambers to discuss “Turning Points” in their lives and careers. NJPAC’s challenge to keep pace with the rapidly evolving Newark downtown also played into the dialogue. Moderating the dinner was Jennifer McCrea, a Senior Research Fellow at the Hauser Institute for Civil Society at Harvard University and co-author of The Generosity Network. The Jeffersonian dinner, which was attended by professionals in business, academia, public service and health care, was received warmly and is expected to return as a series. “While thought-provoking topics like education and partnerships rose as themes in the guests’ stories, a great deal of fun and camaraderie was in the mix,” said Schreiber. “It reinforced my faith that best-of-class education and meaningful collaboration will continue to drive Newark’s resurgence and change the quality of children’s lives for the better.” n

building a support system When the roof is leaking, homeowners gird themselves for a major expenditure or a financing plan. When it’s time for a new roof over Prudential Hall, NJPAC also has to take a hard look at budgeting. Twenty years is a lot to celebrate, but history takes its toll on infrastructure. With the appropriation of $1.7 million in New Jersey’s FY18 budget, the Arts Center will be able to offset a number of capital improvements on its campus. At the top of the list are those critical roof repairs; however, security, communications, audio and lighting systems, including those within the restaurant, are constantly monitored for future enhancements and replacements. Looking back at that history, NJPAC was originally established as a publicprivate partnership: a State building operated and maintained by an independent nonprofit. New Jersey recognizes the important role of NJPAC as a cultural asset then and now, so it contributed mightily to the cost of building and continues to step up to ensure that the venue stays in excellent shape. Likewise, NJPAC is grateful to the State for extending a steady helping hand. n

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Spotlight Gala 2017 raised $2.5 million to benefit NJPAC arts education programs and operating expenses 118 njpac.org

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Christian McBride and his big band accompanied Michael Feinstein at Spotlight Gala 2017

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back to the

Past and future meet at the Women’s Association of NJPAC’s Spotlight Gala 2017


The past and future meshed in harmony at the Spotlight Gala of the Women’s Association of NJPAC (WA), which celebrated the occasion of the Arts Center’s 20th anniversary season on September 23 with artists and friends who best remember the beginning of it all.

And the evening made some history of its own. The Gala’s NJPAC@20 program brought together two of NJPAC’s arts advisors, bassist Christian McBride and tap dancer-choreographer Savion Glover, in a dynamic duet. With Glover’s feet supplying the percussion, the playful improvisation added Rolling Stones backup vocalist Lisa Fischer to the mix for a torchy rendition of “Fever.” Glover was among the artists who christened the Prudential Hall stage by performing on opening night, October 18, 1997. Other well-wishers making 20-year return engagements included the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, again presenting Fanfare for the Common Man, this time under the baton of Music Director Xian Zhang. Members of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, NJPAC’s Resident Dance Company, excerpted the uplifting “Move, Members, Move” sequence from Revelations. Other NJPAC audience favorites, back on the boards for the occasion, included Hamilton’s James Monroe Iglehart; American Songbook ambassador Michael Feinstein; “Queen of Salsa” India, supported on sax by Paquito D’Rivera; and A-list jazz singer Cécile McLorin Salvant, in an homage to Newarker Sarah Vaughan.

dressed to the nines Prudential Hall goes formal for Spotlight Gala 2017

The Gala’s funding goal to benefit arts education programs was exceeded with aplomb by the WA, which raised $2.5 million for the event. So it was fitting and moving that two of NJPAC’s rising-star students—16-year-old Alexis Jessica Morrast and 18-year-old Ricky Persaud, Jr.—were on hand to sing “You Make Me Feel So Young,” accompanied by McBride’s Big Band.

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To see what’s happened at NJPAC over 20 years is nothing short of astonishing. —Christian McBride at Spotlight Gala 2017

The presence of founding visionaries reminded the 1,000-plus guests that the Arts Center’s status today was built on ideas that became realities: Even before a shovel broke ground, arts learning initiatives were in place, and what would one day become the One Theater Square high-rise appeared on the master plan. As a frontman for Newark’s revitalization through his high-tech accelerator Newark Venture Partners, Audible founder and CEO Don Katz was given the inaugural Founders Award, presented by philanthropist and NJPAC Founding Chair Ray Chambers. Chambers spoke of the life-changing effects of the arts on children’s self-esteem and Katz emphasized the importance of corporate, technological and residential vitality in the downtown. “Putting up a commercial building is not growth; it’s what goes on inside,” said Katz, whose company arrived in Newark with 100 employees in 2007 and now has 1,300. Membership in the WA has grown from a handful of women to some 2,000 strong. WA President Mary Beth O’Connor, who shared the podium with NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber, noted that the organization has generated more than $50 million for NJPAC and arts learning. They were joined in this year’s endeavor by Gala Co-Chairs John Strangfeld, Chairman and CEO of Prudential Financial, and his wife, Mary Kay Strangfeld, Vice President of the WA; Prudential was the lead sponsor of the celebration and the MCJ Amelior Foundation was the underwriter. In addition to an array of hand-crafted appetizers and a space reserved for fizzy drinks like champagne (or Pellegrino!), Gala guests dined on petit filet mignon served with lobster thermidor. NJPAC Events caterers capped the night with a dessert buffet and bar stocked with rows of toasted marshmallow ‘smore milk shakes for grown-ups. n

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gala artists & friends: (clockwise from top let) Ailvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Paquito D’Rivera, Cécile McLorin Salvant, Savion Glover

Putting up a commercial building is not growth; it’s what goes inside.

—Don Katz

Audible founder & CEO

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leader a new

for the women’s association

Marcia Wilson Brown takes the reins as the new WA Board President

A five-year Trustee of the Women’s Association of NJPAC, Marcia Wilson Brown was the unanimous choice to lead the WA as its new Board President. The announcement was made in December at the WA’s Annual Members Meeting. Brown, who will serve for two years, is the Vice Chancellor for External and Governmental Relations under Dr. Nancy Cantor, who is Chancellor of Rutgers University-Newark and an NJPAC Board Member. A Long Branch resident, Brown is a familiar face to many visitors to NJPAC for her participation in discussion panels about social issues and community advocacy. “I think you’re probably the busiest person in Newark,” said NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber in offering Brown his congratulations at the meeting. “But if you want to get something spectacular done, you ask a busy person.” With more than three decades of academic leadership and community service experience in her portfolio, Brown, an attorney, was formerly Philanthropic Manager for the Lucent Technologies Foundation, where she provided counsel and oversight of multimillion-dollar funding initiatives aimed at Newark. Her advocacy helped found the Student Ambassadors Outreach Program at Rutgers-Newark, the South Ward Junior Crimefighters,

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Marcia exemplifies the best of Newark’s authentic heart and soul. She’s a creative, devoted, effective and tireless leader. —John Schreiber

Harriet Tubman Girls Club, and the Women of Imani. A graduate of Rutgers Newark Law School, she also is a poet and founder of Dare to Fly Productions and the Newark Repertory Theater Company.

Words of appreciation were also bestowed on Mary Beth O’Connor, who departs the WA presidency after a two-year term and was key to the creation of Carefree: Dancin’ with Fred & Ginger, NJPAC’s dance-ical produced with RKO and inspired by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. In accepting an engraved glass bowl by Newark’s GlassRoots, O’Connor compared her WA tenure to a labor of love. “It’s easy to pursue a matter of the heart,” she said. Introductory remarks were followed by the panel Leading Ladies: Women Reimagining Newark, moderated by Karen Brooks Hopkins, Senior Fellow of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and former President of the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Guest speakers were Elise Boddie, Professor of Law, Henry Rutgers University Professor, Robert L. Carter Scholar at Rutgers Law School; Aisha Glover, President and CEO of Newark Community Economic Development Corp.; Spring Lacy, Vice President, Corporate & Community Engagement at Prudential, and Andaiye R. Taylor, Founder and Editor of BrickCityLive.com. n

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hats off to the women’s association

The WA’s spring fling brought out a garden of gorgeous for its annual fundraiser

For some, it was the occasion for a rummage through the closet. “Oh, I just did a little mixing and matching,” demurred Ramona Gomez, who topped a black dress with a black and white floral jacket, a long rope of pearls and a black net hat to conjure up a neutral spring ensemble. For others, it was a chance to trot out a special piece. “I bought this in Italy, on the Amalfi Coast, at a shop where they make beautiful hand-made dresses,” explained Edelweiss Brescia, twirling to show off a full-skirted pink and gray striped floral dress, which she topped with a pink fascinator. Yes, a fascinator—and nary a British royal in sight. The Women’s Association of NJPAC’s Spring Luncheon and Auction, an annual affair that raises funds for the Arts Center’s educational programs and operational expenses, does a great deal of important work; the WA is the Arts Center’s single largest financial supporter, and the luncheon is one of its two primary fundraising events. But it’s also an occasion for quite a lot of fun. And not least because it’s a chance to celebrate Spring in high (or should we say haute?) style. Hats aren’t de rigueur for the luncheon, as at Ascot. But they’re not out of place, either.

all dressed up: Spring Luncheon finery on full display in Prudential Hall

“I wore this one to the Kentucky Derby, too!” said Lisa Storms, of her pale pink feathered Brenda Waites Bolling hat, paired with a matching St. John suit, as she posed with a group of friends at a social media booth.

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“My secretary is from the South, and when her grandmother passed, she got all her hats. She brought three of them into my office, like, two hours ago and even though I’m wearing this ridiculous color, she had a matching hat!” explained Faith Scott, of the Visiting Nurses Association of Northern NJ, whose suit and chapeau were both a cheerful fuchsia. “I just got this from Amazon,” said Jumi Falusi, of her pink fascinator—the crowning glory of a carefully curated outfit, which included a mint green Ermano Scervino dress topped with a blue and pink print skirt. Dressing up wasn’t the only treat at the Luncheon; before the sit-down meal on the stage of Prudential Hall, WA members and their guests had the chance to bid on prizes at a silent auction. Offerings included a powder-blue PUBLIC bike, complete with basket and bell on the handlebar; tickets to Lady Gaga’s world tour; a hand-blown bowl from Newark’s GlassRoots; and a sleek silver Mercedes Benz pedal car that would be the envy of any playground. One lucky bidder picked up a shopping party for 10 at a Stuart Weitzman boutique—complete with shoes, natch. Those interested were able to bid on their smartphones this year, as they perused the options and nibbled snacks like lobster mango salad served on plantain chips and mushroom “straws” offered up in a martini glass. After bidding on the auction items displayed among flowers and greenery in the NJPAC lobby, the main event took all 500 guests into Prudential

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This year’s luncheon raised more than $220,000 for educational programs and operational expenses

Hall, itself dressed up in floral projections and with its signature crystal orb glowing in a pink spotlight. Tables on the stage were set for a “vegetable power plate” luncheon—the better to make room for a dessert of chocolate coconut tres leches cake.

Funds raised went toward music classes for Newark preschoolers, advanced preprofessional training for talented high school students, and more

After performances by NJPAC’s Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens ensemble—who wowed guests a powerful performance of Nina Simone’s “Feelin’ Good”—the WA honored Patricia Capawana with the Ronnie Goldberg Award, named for one of the group’s founders. And after lunch, guest speaker Grace Bonney—founder of the design*sponge website and author of the bestseller In the Company of Women—chatted with a trio of entrepreneurs about navigating successful career paths: Miko Branch, co-founder and CO-CEO of Miss Jessie’s hair products; interior designer Genevieve Gorder; and pastry chef and cookbook author Klancy Miller. The women shared their insights on the risks of financing and building a business, and the importance of honing skills in related areas like pitching, marketing and networking. Although the event was a high-spirited nod to the season, the real prize was the funds raised for NJPAC and its Arts Education programs—which range from music classes for preschoolers at Newark’s community centers, to advanced pre-professional training for high school students aiming for admission to conservatories. This year, the luncheon’s guests raised more than $220,000 for these programs—quite a feather in their caps. n

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More than 250 volunteers and interns comprise NJPAC’s small army of ambassadors.

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volunteer appreciation

Volunteers may be acclaimed for their supporting roles, but they’re leading players to anyone in need of their time and skills. That’s why everything short of a mile-long red carpet was rolled out for them during a Hollywood-themed Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on May 8. “NJPAC Volunteers Shine Bright” declared the program, which was emceed by NJPAC musical theater Teaching Artist Daryl Stewart and featured the rhythms of Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens. The annual event in Prudential Hall lobby called for a Tinsel Town setting, with flowers, speeches, tributes, and feathered boas. 2017’s Oscar-worthy “performers” were Doris Revis, recipient of the Dena F. Lowenbach Volunteer of the Year Award, and Shirlene Wonzer, who was honored by Guest Services staff with the Kandice Dickinson Award. The biggest surprise was saved for Ginny Bowers Coleman, Director of the Office of Volunteer Services, who was crowned with a tiara by her co-worker friends and formally recognized for her motivational, inspiring, spirited, caring and professional qualities. “And that’s just the short list,” quipped Marsha Bonner, Assistant Vice President of Human Resources. “There’s never a dull moment when Ginny’s in the house,” Bonner added, before presenting her with an engraved plaque. “We are more than fortunate to have her on the NJPAC team.”

best foot forward: NJPAC’s volunteer corps includes many of the Art Center’s best and brightest advocates

More than 250 volunteers and interns comprise NJPAC’s small army of ambassadors. Their keynote annual event is a Fall kickoff party, where they are briefed on the upcoming season and raise lots of cheerin’ for volunteerin’. This year’s international theme celebrated Arts Center diversity with cuisine from around the world, ancestral apparel and travel trivia. “Global movement” took on a whole new meaning as volunteers enjoyed West African dance, salsa and belly dancing. n

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wells all’s

Nonagenarian Vince Wells is a son of Newark and NJPAC’S eldest volunteer

Since 1924, the year he was born in Newark’s North Ward, Vincent “Vince” Wells, NJPAC’s long-serving volunteer, stayed close to home and never learned to drive, relying on mass transit and friends with wheels. Even when he enlisted in the Navy during World War II, Uncle Sam agreed to provide the transport. Good thing that NJPAC had a direct link to Wells. About 18 years ago, some acquaintances who were volunteering at the Arts Center realized Wells’ apartment was near the new campus and, because he could get from there to here by bus, invited him to assist with arts education workshops. “I did work for a living, but (volunteering) was my primary interest,” recalls Wells, whose past business experience was put to immediate good use by the Office of Volunteer Services. “Vince helped new volunteers become great volunteers,” says Ginny Bowers Coleman, Director of Volunteer Services. “He has contributed much more than just time, which amounts to well over 4,000 hours.” A graduate of Arts High School, Wells believes he may have been the first African-American employed full-time at Newark City Hall in 1942, where he worked in the office of Commissioner Joseph M. Byrne Jr. for $20 a month. He held wide-ranging clerical and fund-raising positions throughout his career, at such places as the U.S. Air Force in Port Newark, the Veterans Administration, two art museums (Jersey City and Montclair), and two lamp manufacturing companies. During his tenure at the North Reformed Church in Newark, he watched the filming of the Harrison Ford hit, Presumed Innocent, in 1989; from outside his workplace at the Montclair Art Museum, a dozen years later, he watched the fall of the Twin Towers. In the Sixties, as manager for the New Jersey office of the National Jewish Hospital in Denver, Wells was involved with an ongoing campaign to court well-heeled businesses like Bamberger’s and Manischewitz at two giving levels: $19 and $25.

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Vince has contributed well over 4,000 hours to NJPAC—but he’s given much more than just time … —Ginny Bowers Coleman

Director of Volunteer Services

Wells, the oldest member of the American Legion’s Newark post, volunteered for many organizations, and especially remembers his time with the YMCA. He served as chairman of the Y’s Mid-Atlantic Area Youth Committee and was a board member with the Summit Area YMCA. His deep interest in American history led him to leadership positions and a gold medal for service from the Y’s “Youth in Government” program for high-schoolers; during an interview, he produces an itinerary from 1959-60 that lists cities throughout the tri-state area where he spoke to Y boards and youth committees—without relying on a car.

“Of 365 days, I had given at least 125 to Y activities and asked for $100 in expenses to offset travel,” he says, grinning. Wells also spent considerable time as a freelance photographer and, in the 1980s, as an auxiliary officer for the Newark Police Department. When asked to sum up his lifework, he quips, “I’m permitted to help do things.” The recipient of the Volunteer Department’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013, Wells says he’s most proud of the success of the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival, which “proved so many people wrong” when it transitioned from its bucolic outdoor setting in Sussex County to a bustling, urban performing arts center. “At NJPAC you have a certain something that you can contribute,” he concludes. “You’re listened to. Whether your suggestions and ideas are used or not, someone listens to you. “If you belong to an organization, as you get older you’re pushed aside. The only place I know where the older you get, the more respect you get, is in the church. … So I get a sense of fulfillment that I’m not a throwaway; somebody’s listening to what I’m saying. I’m contributing.” n

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On October 18, 20 years to the day of NJPAC’s opening, we celebrated those employees who have given 20+ years of service to the Arts Center

Lamont Atkins Hazetta Bagby Joan Borneman Pamela Chisena Denise Cook Linda Crayton Patrick Cruz Michel L. Cuillerier 136 njpac.org

Melanie Daniels Steven J. Deparis Ann Dickey-Kemp Thomas W. Dixon John D. Esposito Ed Fleming George C. Gardner, Jr. Barbara Genet

Alice Gibson Lawrence P. Goldman Linda Grayson Toni Hendrix Eileen Herndon Deborah Q. Howard Yesenia Jimenez Jarslon Kidd

Jeffery V. Lattimore Elayne Lite Pearl Malone Georgie M. Mero Bertha Miller Barbara Monk Eunice L. Peterson Doris Ann Pezzolla

Bernard Ransom Marion K. Pinckney Shirley Richard Cynthia Robinson Margaret Shaw Manuela Silva Jacqueline P. Smith Hernan A. Soto

John Sowell Eunice Taylor Renato C. Tovera Lauren M. Vivenzio Debora Walker Sandra Way Cheryle Wilson Allison C. Wyss

Not Pictured:

Nagib Abdelmessih Christine Bradshaw Mario J. Corrales Kathleen Dickson Gary Edison Richard G. Edwards Jerry Enis

Gumersindo T. Fajardo Blanche Griggs Francis E. Hankins Yahya J. Ivery Keith Jackson Ella Jones Mark E. Leining Bill Lockwood

Dena Lowenbach Kevin L. Mochel Jeffrey S. Norman Rita Olatunji Adam J. Omeljaniuk Arigaree Pitchford Dervin Sabater Michael P. Scasserra

Carl Sims Ruth Travis Gertrude Waters

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transitions When Winter slogged from 2016 into the beginning of 2017, the realization set in that NJPAC could use a little warmth, and Pam Chisena was no longer at her desk to provide it. She was off seeking a little heat herself, taking full advantage of a well-deserved retirement to travel to some sunny destinations. During her 21 years of service to NJPAC, she wore many hats (or crowns, since she preferred the job title of “Empress”), the last being as Senior Administrative Assistant. Unofficially, she was, and still is, known as an institutional historian of NJPAC. On her first day at work in 1996, she walked into One Newark Center—remember, the Arts Center wouldn’t open for another year—and was greeted by a small team that included Rene Tovera. She was devoted to NJPAC, her great love along with her husband, Chip, her pugs, Elvis Presley, and a wicked good joke. We wish her many a bon voyage. While on the topics of Renato “Rene” Tovera and retirement, NJPAC’s masterly number cruncher and accounting whiz concluded his NJPAC career as Assistant Vice President and Controller in October. Here are numbers that add up to one remarkable employee: He was hired in 1993, has reported to four CFOs, two COOs and two Presidents, reviewed 120,000 checks, and has traveled 723,840 miles to work. And he holds a perfect audit record. It’s a good bet he’ll be investing a lot more time with the family, spending halcyon days with his wife, Marvie, and tearing up the local basketball courts. While at NJPAC, he made every year count. Fond farewells were bestowed on Mike Lipper, who retired both as a Board Member and Chair of the Investment Committee in June. Thanks to the expertise and wisdom he contributed to every meeting, the financial well-being of the Arts Center and its endowment were strongly positioned. Due to his indelible impact Mike was recently named an emeritus board member. Mike Griffinger, Member of the Executive, Investment, and Nominating and Governance Committees, consented to serve as interim Chair. John Schreiber signed a five-year contract to continue his tenure as President and CEO. He was also promoted to Rung 86 of the NJBIZ Power 100 list, a jump upward from his previous position at No. 98.

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In April, Lisa A. Mantone was named Senior Vice President of Development, in a career return to her Garden State roots. An accomplished fundraiser, her past employment included positions with WNET, the Museum of Modern Art and the New York Philharmonic. Mantone is a graduate of William Paterson University. Also in April, Sarah Rosen joined the staff as Managing Director of the Women’s Association of NJPAC, succeeding longtime WA Managing Director Gail P. Stone. A graduate of Duke University, where she still volunteers in several capacities, Rosen previously served as Director of Development for NJTV, Director of Development at Kent Place School, Deputy Director of Development at WNET, and Director of Planned Giving at Union Theological Seminary.

in memoriam The Department of Arts Education grieved the loss of beloved friends in 2017: Caitlin Evans-Jones, the Senior Director of School and Community Programs; Shamsuddin “Sham” Abdul-Hamid, who began studying performing arts at NJPAC in seventh grade and eventually became a Teaching Artist on staff; and Jordan Phillips, a brilliantly talented, 15-year-old saxophonist. Gatherings held for each, while unbearably sorrowful, also were filled with music, poetry and touching remembrances from those who loved and admired them. Jazz pianist and composer Geri Allen, who passed away in June, was a talent who belonged to the world, but saved some of her greatest work for NJPAC’s jazz students. As Artistic Director of the All-Female Jazz Residency, she inspired young women to excel in their musicianship by being a remarkable example and by surrounding them with only the best artist-educators. n

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njpac staff news

Twenty-five members of Team NJPAC pounded the pavement for a great cause

Integrity House Newark Corporate Run As part of the Wellness Committee’s ongoing fitness challenges, runners signed on for the October 7 Integrity House Newark Corporate Run (5K), which raised more than $25,000 for the battle against addiction. NJPAC’s fleetest of feet belonged to Dante Esposito (23:40.32), Warren Tranquada (24:38.17) and Julia Mendes (26:16.97). The PACers placed 17th out of 37 teams in the Coed Open Team category. Integrity House, which offers treatment and recovery support for those affected by addictions, logged over 900 registrants for the event. Among them was our own Betty Robertson, who injured her knee while training. Nonetheless, she persisted—and completed all 3.1 miles with the aid of a crutch and knee brace. n

Intern program At the Arts Center, internships are a two-way street: College students gain on-the-job know-how and their staff mentors are glad for the brain refresh from Generation Now. Seventeen interns, up from a dozen in 2016, populated NJPAC’s departments during 2017. Most were from local institutions like Rutgers and Seton Hall universities, but some summer arrivals were on break from the University of Michigan or the University of Richmond. Their majors were frequently related to the arts; others were studying business, human resources or non-profit management.

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Face-to-face interviews with NJPAC’s Department of Human Resources and department leaders assist in matching students to the areas that would best complement their interests. Ten percent of the interns’ hours are dedicated to the Department of Volunteer Services to enable them to experience how all departments interact together and with the public. While some students report back that their internships helped develop universal talents such as communication and organizational skills, others picked up A-plus knowledge in their specific area of study: event production or philanthropy, for example. “As an intern, I was able to use my own creativity and come up with innovative ideas,” said Camille Copeland, a student at Seton Hall. “I got to work my first Gala! It was chaotic but fun. I felt like I was one of the Women’s Association staff members.” n

M. John Richard NJPAC Community Service Award The spirit of volunteerism is applauded each Thanksgiving week with the presentation of the M. John Richard / NJPAC Community Service Award. Big congratulations for work well done goes to Senior Director of Production Chris Moses, this year’s recipient, who devotes time and talent raising awareness of men’s health issues along with the Movember Foundation and boosts athletic programs for boys in his hometown of West Orange. In accepting the award, which was accompanied by a contribution to Movember, Moses urged his fellows to welcome “our opportunity to act like men” by seeking out education and preventative care for prostate and testicular cancers and mental health. Like other advocates for the campaign, he grows a mustache every year as a conversation starter.

Chris Moses

M. John Richard

Ceremony host Warren Tranquada, NJPAC’s Executive Vice President and COO, called Moses “a master fundraiser,” whose bowling-alley benefit for the organization became “a who’s-who of West Orange and visitors who traveled far from their homes to support Chris and his mission.” The award is named for M. John Richard, NJPAC’s former Executive Vice President and COO, who continues to support staffers in their efforts to serve community organizations and act as ambassadors for NJPAC. The President and CEO of the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami/ Dade County for the past decade, Richard returns to Newark each year for the presentation of $2,000 to the honoree’s organization of choice: A check for $1,000 from NJPAC is matched by $500 from John and Lynne Richard and from NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber. n

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the budget picture Endowment Income and Transfers 8%

operating income – $41.7 million Endowment Income and Transfers 8% Contributed Revenue 28%

Performance Related Revenue 52%

Contributed Revenue 28%

Performance Related Revenue 52%

Other Earned Income 10% Other Earned Income 10%

Arts Education Revenue 2% Arts Education Revenue 2%

operating expenses – $41.7 million General and Administrative 9% Marketing General and and Communications Administrative 6% 9%

Development 6% Development 6% Performance and Performance Related 48% Performance and Performance Related 48%

Marketing and Communications 6% Theater Operations 23% Theater Operations 23%

Arts Education 8% Arts Education 8%

new jersey performing arts center corporation consolidated balance sheets June 30, 2017 and 2016 Assets Cash and cash equivalents

2017 $




Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts



Contributions and grants receivable, net



Prepaid expenses and other assets















Investments Property and equipment, net Total assets

Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities:

Accounts payable and accrued expenses

Advance ticket sales and other deferred revenue

Loans payable



Other liabilities







Total liabilities

Commitments and contingencies Net assets: Unrestricted: Designated for special purposes, including net investment in property and equipment

Designated for operations


Total unrestricted

Temporarily restricted

Permanently restricted—endowment

Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets













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njpac leadership board of directors as of January 31, 2018


President and CEO John Schreiber

Treasurer Marc E. Berson

Assistant Treasurer Secretary Steven M. Goldman, Michael R. Esq. Griffinger, Esq.

Assistant Secretary Founding Chair Donald A. Robinson, Raymond G. Esq. Chambers

Chair Emeritus William J. Marino

Chair Emeritus Arthur F. Ryan

Lawrence E. Bathgate II, Esq.

James L. Bildner

Daniel M. Bloomfield, MD

Ann D. Borowiec

Linda Bowden

Dr. Nancy Cantor

Wayne Cooperman

J. Fletcher Creamer, Jr.

Alma DeMetropolis

Pat A. Di Filippo

Robert H. Doherty

Brendan P. Dougher Patrick C. Dunican, Jr., Esq.

Anne Evans Estabrook

Leecia R. Eve, Esq.

Michael Fucci

Thomas Gebhardt

Christine C. Gilfillan

Savion Glover

Steven E. Gross, Esq. William V. Hickey

Jeffrey Hoffman

Ralph Izzo

The Honorable Thomas H. Kean

Scott Kobler

Ellen B. Marshall

D. Nick Miceli

Thomas M. O’Flynn

John R. Strangfeld

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Jacob Buurma, Esq.

Debbie Dyson

Barry Ostrowsky

in memoriam Victor Parsonnet, M.D.

Christopher Reidy

Maria Rivas, M.D.

Philip R. Sellinger, Esq.

Susan N. Sobbott

The Honorable Clifford M. Sobel

David S. Stone, Esq.

Michael A. Tanenbaum, Esq.

Josh S. Weston

John S. Willian

Robert C. Waggoner Nina M. Wells, Esq.

The Arts Center grieved over the passing in July of Jeffrey S. Sherman, Esq., a Board Member of nearly seven years and — as an enthusiastic jazz fan — a frequent NJPAC concert-goer with his wife, Karen. The Senior Vice President and General Counsel at BD (Becton, Dickinson and Co.), Sherman was remembered by President and CEO John Schreiber as “a great lawyer, communicator and negotiator, and an indispensable member of the Arts Center’s leadership. He was a warm, brilliant and kind man who made the world a better place simply by being who he was.” Jeff was dinner co-chair at the 2011 Spotlight Gala. A generous philanthropist, he also devoted untold hours to such groups as the Atlantic Legal Foundation, the HealthCare Institute of New Jersey and the Center for Corporate Law and Governance, Rutgers University-Advisory Board. n

Chris Porrino, Esq.


The Honorable Ras J. Baraka

The Honorable Philip D. Murphy

The Honorable Mildred C. Crump

The Honorable Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr.

The Honorable Tahesha Way

Marcia Wilson Brown, Esq.

The Hon. Elizabeth Maher Muoio

Elizabeth A. Mattson

njpac.org 147

board of directors as of January 31, 2018 Chair John R. Strangfeld Chairman & CEO Prudential Financial President and CEO John Schreiber New Jersey Performing Arts Center Treasurer Marc E. Berson Chairman The Fidelco Group Assistant Treasurer Steven M. Goldman, Esq. Partner Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel Secretary Michael R. Griffinger, Esq. Director, Business & Commercial Litigation Gibbons P.C. Assistant Secretary Donald A. Robinson, Esq. Partner Robinson, Wettre & Miller LLC Founding Chair Raymond G. Chambers U.N. Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Malaria The MCJ Amelior Foundation Chair Emeritus William J. Marino Retired Chairman, President & CEO Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ Arthur F. Ryan Retired Chairman and CEO Prudential Financial Lawrence E. Bathgate II, Esq. Partner Bathgate, Wegener & Wolf, P.C. James L. Bildner New Horizons Partners Daniel M. Bloomfield, M.D. CEO Cardurion Pharmaceuticals Ann D. Borowiec Retired Managing Director J.P. Morgan Private Bank Linda M. Bowden New Jersey Regional President PNC Bank Jacob S. Buurma, Esq. The Sagner Companies

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Nancy Cantor Chancellor Rutgers University, Newark Wayne Cooperman President Cobalt Capital Management J. Fletcher Creamer, Jr. CEO J. Fletcher Creamer & Sons, Inc. Alma DeMetropolis, CFA Managing Director, The Private Bank JPMorgan Chase Pat A. DiFilippo Executive Vice President Turner Construction Corporation Robert H. Doherty Market President, Northern and Central New Jersey Market Bank of America Brendan P. Dougher Managing Partner, NY Metro Area PriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLP Patrick C. Dunican, Jr., Esq. Chairman and Managing Director Gibbons P.C. Debbie Dyson Corporate Vice President Client Experience & Continuous Improvement ADP Anne E. Estabrook Owner Elberon Development Co. Leecia R. Eve, Esq. Vice President State Government Affairs Verizon: NJ, NY, CT Michael Fucci Chairman of the Board Deloitte, LLP Thomas Gebhardt Chairman and CEO Panasonic Corporation of North America Christine C. Gilfillan President MCJ Amelior Foundation Savion Glover Actor, Tap Dancer, Choreographer Steven E. Gross, Esq. Chairman Sills Cummis & Gross P.C.

William V. Hickey Chairman Sealed Air Corporation Jeffrey Hoffman Senior Vice President, N.A. Field Operations Data Analytics & Sales Effectiveness Chubb Ralph Izzo Chairman, President, and CEO PSE&G The Hon. Thomas H. Kean President THK Consulting, LLC Scott A. Kobler Partner McCarter & English Ellen B. Marshall Northeast Regional Market Executive Santander Bank, N.A. D. Nicholas Miceli Market President TD Bank Thomas M. O’Flynn Chief Financial Officer AES Corporation Barry H. Ostrowsky, Esq. President and CEO RWJBarnabas Health Victor Parsonnet, M.D. Director of Surgical Research Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Christopher Reidy Executive VP, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Administrative Officer BD Maria Rivas, M.D. SVP Global Medical Affairs, Merck & Company, Inc. Philip R. Sellinger, Esq. Managing Shareholder—NJ Greenberg Traurig, LLP Susan N. Sobbott President, Global Corporate Payments American Express Co. The Hon. Clifford M. Sobel Former U.S. Ambassador to Brazil David S. Stone, Esq. Senior Managing Partner Smart Family Foundation Stone & Magnanini

Michael A. Tanenbaum, Esq. Chair Tanenbaum Keale, LLP Robert C. Waggoner Chairman & CEO BurrellesLuce Nina M. Wells, Esq. Former Secretary of State State of New Jersey Josh S. Weston Honorary Chairman ADP John S. Willian Global Head, Fixed-Income, Currency & Commodity Sales Goldman Sachs & Co. CORPORATE COUNSEL TO THE BOARD Chris Porrino, Esq. Lowenstein Sandler LLP EX OFFICIO The Hon. Ras J. Baraka Mayor City of Newark The Hon. Philip D. Murphy Governor State of New Jersey The Hon. Mildred Crump President, Newark Municipal Council City of Newark The Hon. Joseph DiVincenzo, Jr. Essex County Executive The County of Essex, NJ The Hon. Tahesha Way Lt. Governor/Secretary of State State of New Jersey Marcia Wilson Brown, Esq. President of the Women’s Association at NJPAC Vice Chancellor for External & Governmental Relations Rutgers University, Newark The Hon. Elizabeth Maher Muoio Treasurer State of New Jersey Elizabeth A. Mattson Chairperson NJ State Council on the Arts

women’s association of njpac as of January 31, 2018

President Co-Executive Marcia Wilson Brown, Vice President Esq. Robin Cruz McClearn

Co-Executive Vice President Suzanne M. Spero

Vice President, Fund Development Mindy A. Cohen

Vice President, Promotion Tenagne GirmaJeffries

Vice President, Advocacy Mary Kay Strangfeld

Secretary Ellen W. Lambert, Esq.

Treasurer Michellene Davis, Esq.

Immediate Past President Mary Beth O’Connor

Beverly BakerJackson, Esq.

Audrey Bartner

Deborah Q. Belfatto

Sherri-Ann P. Butterfield, Ph.D.

Patricia A. Chambers* Carol Chartouni

Sally Chubb* **

Barbara Bell Coleman**

Chanda Gibson

Christine C. Gilfillan

Veronica M. Goldberg*

Melissa A. Honohan

Sheila F. Klehm**

Ruth C. Lipper**

Dena F. Lowenbach

Terri MacLeod

Pamela T. Miller, Esq.

Gabriella E. Morris, Esq.*

Trish Morris-Yamba

Ferlanda Fox Nixon, Esq.

Lisa Osofsky

Christine Pearson

Patricia E. Ryan* **

Faith Taylor

Mikki Taylor

Diana T. Vagelos* **

Nina Mitchell Wells, Esq.

Karen C. Young

njpac.org 149

women’s association of njpac as of January 31, 2018 President Marcia Wilson Brown, Esq. Vice Chancellor for External & Governmental Relations Rutgers University, Newark Co-Executive Vice Presidents Robin Cruz McClearn Principal East Avenue Advisors, LLC Suzanne M. Spero Executive Director The MCJ Amelior Foundation Vice President, Fund Development Mindy A. Cohen Community Leader & Philanthropist Vice President, Promotion Tenagne Girma-Jeffries Founder/CEO The Cultivation Group Vice President, Advocacy Mary Kay Strangfeld Community Leader/Philanthropist Secretary Ellen W. Lambert, Esq. Community Leader & Philanthropist Treasurer Michellene Davis, Esq. EVP, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer RWJBarnabas Health Immediate Past President Mary Beth O’Connor Owner/Managing Partner Lucky VIII Films Founder/Managing Partner Ironbound Film and Television Studios Beverly Baker-Jackson, Esq. President Baker & Baker Management Services Audrey Bartner Community Leader & Philanthropist Deborah Q. Belfatto Community Leader & Philanthropist

150 njpac.org

Sherri-Ann P. Butterfield, Ph.D Executive Vice Chancellor and Associate Professor of Sociology Rutgers University, Newark Patricia A. Chambers* Community Leader & Philanthropist Chair, Lambert Bridge Winery Carol Chartouni Community Leader & Philanthropist Sally Chubb* ** Community Leader & Philanthropist Barbara Bell Coleman** President BBC Associates, LLC Chanda Gibson Executive Director Council of Urban Professionals Christine C. Gilfillan President The MCJ Amelior Foundation Veronica M. Goldberg* Community Leader & Philanthropist Melissa A. Honohan Vice President, Cristo Rey Work Study Program Cristo Rey Newark

Sheila F. Klehm** Managing Director Wealth Management UBS Financial Services Inc. Ruth C. Lipper** Community Leader & Philanthropist Dena F. Lowenbach Community Leader & Philanthropist Terri MacLeod Community Leader & Philanthropist Pamela T. Miller, Esq. President and CEO Summit Global Strategies, Ltd Gabriella E. Morris, Esq.* Senior Vice President USF’s IKAC and The Unicef Bridge Fund U.S. Fund for UNICEF Trish Morris-Yamba Community Leader & Philanthropist Ferlanda Fox Nixon, Esq. Leadership Consultant Ferlanda™ Lisa Osofsky Partner, Private Client Services Practice Leader Mazars USA, LLP

Christine Pearson Community Leader & Philanthropist Patricia E. Ryan* ** Community Leader & Philanthropist Faith Taylor Senior Vice President, Global Corporate Responsibility Officer Wyndham Worldwide Mikki Taylor Author, Speaker, President, Satin Doll Productions, Inc. Editor-at-Large, ESSENCE Magazine Diana T. Vagelos* ** Community Leader & Philanthropist Nina M. Wells, Esq. Former Secretary of State of New Jersey Karen C. Young U.S. Pharmaceutical and Life Science Leader PwC *Founding Member **Trustee Emerita

njpac senior management as of February 28, 2018 John Schreiber President and CEO Lisa Mantone Senior Vice President, Development Lennon Register Vice President and CFO

David Rodriguez Executive Vice President and Executive Producer

Chad Spies Vice President, Operations and Real Estate

Sarah Rosen Managing Director, Women’s Association of NJPAC

Katie Sword Vice President, Marketing

Alison Scott-Williams Vice President, Arts Education

Warren Tranquada Executive Vice President and COO

njpac council of trustees as of January 31, 2018 Val Azzoli Michael F. Bartow Rona Brummer John M. Castrucci, CPA Elizabeth G. Christopherson Susan Cole, Ph.D. Robert S. Constable Irene Cooper-Basch Anthony R. Coscia, Esq. Andrea Cummis Samuel A. Delgado Steven J. Diner, Ph.D.

Dawood Farahi, Ph.D. Curtland E. Fields Bruce I. Goldstein, Esq. Renee Golush Paula Gottesman Sandra Greenberg Kent C. Hiteshew Patrick E. Hobbs John A. Hoffman, Esq. Lawrence S. Horn, Esq. Reverend M. William Howard, Jr.

Reverend Reginald Jackson Howard Jacobs Byerte W. Johnson, Ph.D. Robert L. Johnson, M.D. Marilyn “Penny” Joseph Donald M. Karp, Esq. Douglas L. Kennedy Gene R. Korf, Esq. Rabbi Clifford M. Kulwin Ellen W. Lambert, Esq. Paul Lichtman Kevin Luing

Joseph Manfredi Antonio S. Matinho Bari J. Mattes John E. McCormac, CPA Catherine M. McFarland Joyce R. Michaelson Edwin S. Olsen Richard S. Pechter Daria M. Placitella Jay R. Post, Jr., CFP Steven J. Pozycki Marian Rocker David J. Satz, Esq. Barbara J. Scott Marla S. Smith Suzanne M. Spero Joseph P. Starkey Sylvia Steiner Arthur R. Stern Andrew Vagelos Richard J. Vezza Kim Wachtel Rita K. Waldor Constance K. Weaver Elnardo J. Webster, II E. Belvin Williams, Ph.D. Gary M. Wingens, Esq.

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family of donors njpac shining stars New Jersey Performing Arts Center reserves special accolades for its Shining Stars, the generous visionaries, luminaries and great dreamers whose cumulative giving to NJPAC totals $1 million and above. as of June 30, 2017

dreamers $10,000,000 & above The Chambers Family and The MCJ Amelior Foundation City of Newark Essex County Betty Wold Johnson New Jersey State Council on the Arts The Prudential Foundation Estate of Eric F. Ross State of New Jersey Victoria Foundation Women’s Association of NJPAC

luminaries $5,000,000 & above Bank of America The Joan and Allen Bildner Family Fund CIT Toby and Leon Cooperman Merck Foundation Katherine M. and Albert W. Merck† NJ Advance Media PSEG Foundation/PSEG Judy and Josh Weston

visionaries $1,000,000 & above ADP Alcatel-Lucent American Express Company AT&T Randi and Marc E. Berson

Casino Reinvestment Development Authority Chubb Stewart and Judy Colton Joanne D. Corzine Foundation Jon S. Corzine Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

NJPAC thanks each and every one of its Members for making a commitment that helps ensure the future well-being and success of your Arts Center. Edison Properties Newark Foundation/ The Gottesman Family Ford Foundation Gibbons P.C. Veronica M. Goldberg The Griffinger Family Harrah’s Foundation Hess Foundation, Inc. The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey Jaqua Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies

JPMorgan Chase Kresge Foundation The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation Arlene Lieberman/The Leonard Lieberman Family Foundation A. Michael and Ruth C. Lipper/Lipper Family Charitable Foundation McCrane Foundation, Inc., care of Margrit McCrane The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation New Jersey Cultural Trust Panasonic Corporation of North America Dr. Victor and Jane Parsonnet Pfizer Inc. Michael F. Price PwC Robert Wood Johnson, Jr. Charitable Trust Pat and Art Ryan The Sagner Family Foundation The Walter V. and Judith L. Shipley Family Foundation The Smart Family Foundation/David S. Stone, Esq., Stone and Magnaniini Morris and Charlotte Tanenbaum TD Bank/TD Charitable Foundation Turner Construction Company Turrell Fund Diana and Roy Vagelos Verizon Robert and Mary Waggoner Wallace Foundation Wells Fargo

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The founders’ mission was to make this a place of community, a place of inclusiveness, a place where diversity is celebrated. —John Schreiber

“Do you feel you’re ready to do something really big?” That was the question posed to one of “the originals,” NJPAC’s founding leadership and staff, when asked to take a job on faith more than two decades ago. Former colleagues who were “present at the inception” held a reunion in the Parsonnet Room on September 22, the night preceding the Spotlight Gala—those attending included Founding President and CEO Lawrence P. Goldman and NJPAC architect Barton Myers. Here’s a bit of serendipity: Myers was recently told that his lineage connects to John Baldwin, who was in the landing party when Robert Treat founded Newark in 1666. “We know the potential of the performing arts to bring people together,” reminisced Myers, who lives on the West Coast. “Wow. Who could have believed how incredibly successful NJPAC’s founders would be? It’s such an honor to have been part of this remarkable team.” All witnessed their dream at work during a hard-hat tour of NJPAC’s One Theater Square, and visits to the newly restored Hahne & Co. building and urban chic Military Park. “The founders’ mission was to make this a place of community, a place of inclusiveness, a place where diversity is celebrated,” NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber said to the group. “Here you are, and all we want to do, every day, is to be good stewards of what you’ve given us: a goal to strive for.” n

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the muse society We are deeply grateful to the following friends who have included the Arts Center in their estate plans and made known their future gift. as of June 30, 2017 Audrey Bartner Judith Bernhaut Andrew T. Berry, Esq.† Randi and Marc Berson Joan† and Allen Bildner† Candice R. Bolte Edmond H.† and Joan K. Borneman Raymond G. Chambers Toby and Leon Cooperman Fred Corrado Ann Cummis Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis Harold R. Denton

Richard DiNardo Charles H. Gillen† Bertha Goldman† Steven M. Goldman, Esq. Phyllis and Steven E. Gross Opera Link/Jerome Hines Jackie and Larry Horn Rose Jacobs† Gertrude Brooks Josephson and William Josephson in Memory of Rebecca and Samuel Brooks Adrian and Erica Karp Joseph Laraja, Sr.†

Leonard Lieberman† Ruth C. Lipper Amy C. Liss Dena F. and Ralph Lowenbach Joseph and Bernice O’Reilly† Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ostergaard Maria Parise† Donald A. Robinson, Esq. Marian and David Rocker Estate of Eric F. Ross† Bernice Rotberg Pat and Art Ryan Ethel Smith†

Leonard R. Stern† Paul Stillman Trust Morris and Charlotte Tanenbaum Carolyn M. VanDusen Artemis Vardakis† Judy and Josh Weston


premier donors and sponsors New Jersey Performing Arts Center is deeply grateful to the institutions and individuals whose aggregate contributions (gifts, grants, sponsorships and events) for the year total $50,000 or more. as of June 30, 2017 $1M & above

$100K – 49,999

$50K – 99,999

New Jersey State Council on the Arts Prudential/The Prudential Foundation

ADP American Express The Blanch and Irving Laurie Foundation Stewart and Judy Colton Betty Wold Johnson M&T Bank Merck Foundation PwC RWJBarnabas Health The Smart Family Foundation/David S. Stone., Stone and Magnanini John and Mary Kay Strangfeld TD Bank/TD Charitable Foundation Wells Fargo Judy and Josh Weston John and Suzanne Willian/ Goldman Sachs Gives

Atlantic, Tomorrow’s Office BD Randi and Marc Berson/The Fidelco Group The Joan and Allen Bildner Family Fund Boraie Development LLC Capital One Jennifer A. Chalsty Deloitte, LLP Disney Corporate Citizenship Edison Properties Newark Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Gibbons P.C Steven M. Goldman, Esq. The Griffinger Family William and Joan Hickey Investors Bank/Investors Foundation, Inc. JPMorgan Chase

$500K – 999,999 Toby and Leon Cooperman

$250K – 499,999 Bank of America/Bank of America Charitable Foundation The Horizon Foundation and New Jersey/Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey The Chambers Family and The MCJ Amelior Foundation PSEG Foundation/PSEG Victoria Foundation

William J. and Paula Marino McCrane Foundation, Inc., care of Margrit McCrane NJ Advance Media NJM Insurance Group PNC Bank, N.A/The PNC Foundation Steve and Elaine Pozycki Pat and Art Ryan The Walter V. and Judith L. Shipley Family Foundation Michael and Jill Tanenbaum Turrell Fund United Airlines

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njpac contributors New Jersey Performing Arts Center is deeply grateful to the following corporations, foundations and government agencies for their generous annual support of artistic and arts education programs, the endowment fund, and maintenance of the Arts Center. For more information, please contact Doris Thomas, Director, Corporate Relations and Sponsorships, at (973) 353-7569. as of June 30, 2017

business partners benefactor level $1,000,000 & above New Jersey State Council on the Arts Women’s Association of NJPAC

leadership circle $200,000 & above ADP Bank of America The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey/Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Merck Foundation The Prudential Foundation PSEG Foundation/PSEG Victoria Foundation

co-chair circle $100,000 & above American Express The Bank of America Charitable Foundation The Blanche & Irving Laurie Foundation M&T Bank TD Bank Wells Fargo

director’s circle $50,000 & above Atlantic, Tomorrow’s Office Audible, Inc. BD Boraie Development, LLC Capital One Deloitte, LLP Disney Corporate Citizenship Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Investors Bank/Investors Foundation, Inc.

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JPMorgan Chase Lowenstein Sandler, PC NJ Advance Media PwC Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey RWJBarnabas Health Steinway and Sons TD Charitable Foundation Turrell Fund United Airlines

president’s circle $25,000 & above Bloomberg Chubb The Coca-Cola Foundation Gibbons, PC Greenberg Traurig, LLP The Johnny Mercer Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies McCarter & English, LLP NJM Insurance Group Panasonic Corporation of North America PNC Bank, N.A./The PNC Foundation Sills Cummis & Gross, PC Verizon

composer’s circle $10,000 & above Accenture, LLP The Berger Organization Berkeley College The Russell Berrie Foundation Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. C.R. Bard Foundation Celebrity Cruises Coca-Cola Refreshments

Doherty Enterprises Dranoff Properties Elberon Development Group Flemington Car & Truck Country The Huisking Foundation ISS Facility Services J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. Jacobs Levy Equity Management F. M. Kirby Foundation Landmark Fire Protection The Lester and Grace Maslow Foundation, Inc. Lyft The Nicholas Martini Foundation Mountain Development Corp. National Endowment for the Arts Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, LLP Profeta & Associates Richmond County Savings Foundation Sandlewood Securities SP+ Tanenbaum Keale, LLP Turner Construction Company The Hyde and Watson Foundation Wyndham Worldwide

encore circle $5,000 & above Anonymous Advance Realty Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation Frank and Lydia Bergen Foundation Brach Eichler, LLC Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi, PC Choose NJ CityMD Linden Cogeneration Plant

Connell Foley, LLP DeWitt Stern Group EpsteinBeckerGreen Fedway Associates, Inc. Gateway Group One Genova Burns Gia Maione Prima Foundation E.J. Grassmann Trust HLW Inserra Shop-Rite Supermarkets KPMG L+M Development Partners, Inc. GRL Capital Advisors/Glenn Langberg Lite DePalma Greenberg, LLC Lotus Equity Group Mazars USA, LLP Michael Rachlin & Company, LLC NJCU Nordstrom Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Peapack-Gladstone Bank PointProspect Consulting, LLC Prudential Center and New Jersey Devils RBH Group Rutgers Business School Newark & New Brunswick Santander Bank, N.A. Sherman Wells Sylvester & Stamelman, LLP ShopRite of Newark SILVERMAN Summit Medical Group Willis Towers Watson Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP

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the vanguard society New Jersey Performing Arts Center is deeply grateful to the following individuals and families for their generous annual support, which makes it possible for NJPAC to maintain its world-class venue, fill it with star-studded, diverse performances, and carry out its arts education programs that transform the lives of New Jersey’s children. For more information, please contact Lisa Mantone, Vice President of Development, at (973) 297-5154. as of June 30, 2017

leadership circle $200,000 & above Stewart and Judy Colton Toby and Leon Cooperman The Chambers Family and The MCJ Amelior Foundation

co-chair circle

Steve and Bonnie Holmes Kaminsky Family Foundation Don Katz and Leslie Larson Dana and Peter Langerman A. Michael and Ruth C. Lipper/ Lipper Family Charitable Foundation Harold and Donna Morrison

Thomas O’Flynn and Cheryl Barr Susan and Evan Ratner Marian and David Rocker The Sagner Family Foundation Jeffrey+ and Karen Sherman David S. Steiner and Sylvia Steiner Charitable Trust

composer’s circle

$100,000 & above Betty Wold Johnson Pat and Art Ryan The Smart Family Foundation/ David S. Stone, Esq., Stone and Magnanini John and Mary Kay Strangfeld Judy and Josh Weston

director’s circle $50,000 & above The Joan & Allen Bildner Family Fund† Jennifer A. Chalsty Edison Properties Newark Foundation Mimi and Edwin Feliciano Steven M. Goldman, Esq. The Griffinger Family William and Joan Hickey William J. and Paula Marino McCrane Foundation, Inc., c are of Margrit McCrane Steve and Elaine Pozycki The Walter V. and Judith L. Shipley Family Foundation Michael and Jill Tanenbaum John and Suzanne Willian/ Goldman Sachs Gives

president’s circle $25,000 & above Randi and Marc E. Berson Ann and Stan Borowiec Jodi & Wayne M. Cooperman

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Morris and Charlotte Tanenbaum Robert and Mary Ellen Waggoner Walsh Family Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey Nina and Ted Wells

musical meet-and-greet

Vanguard members enjoyed a memorable, jazz-filled evening that put a face to the young people they support through arts education. On June 13, donors and staff mingled over dinner in the Parsonnet Room, with one special addition to each table: a teenage student from NJPAC’s arts programs. The high schoolers chatted with their dinner companions about their academic life, their experiences at the Arts Center, and their hopes for the future. As for the music, Director of Jazz Studies Mark Gross prepared three numbers for the six young artists to perform at the event: “Fly Me to the Moon,” “’Round Midnight” and “Moanin’.” Each musician also described something about themselves to the guests by way of introduction and participated in a Q&A over coffee. Donors took home Wells Fargo Jazz for Teens CDs as mementos. The talented teens included guitarist and singer Ricky Persaud of Irvington; trumpeter Filip Vizitui of Summit; drummer Aeneas Sparks of Jersey City; pianist Leonieke Scheuble of Rockaway; bassist Greg Pise of Clifton; and actress Nikiya Mathis, an alumna of NJPAC’s arts learning programs. n

$10,000 & above Audrey Bartner Lawrence E. Bathgate, II Judith Bernhaut Mindy A. Cohen and David J. Bershad Daniel Bloomfield and Betsy True Rose Cali Carol and Roger Chartouni Turner Construction Company/ Pat A. Di Filippo Patrick C. Dunican, Jr., Esq. Debbie Dyson Michael Fucci Veronica M. Goldberg Alice Gerson Goldfarb Phyllis and Steven E. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Warren Grover Meg and Howard Jacobs Don and Margie Karp The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas H. Kean Scott and Susan Kobler Lee and Murray Kushner and Family Michelle Y. Lee Ann M. Limberg Amy and William Lipsey Carmen and Benito Lopez Barry and Leslie Mandelbaum Ellen Marshall and Jim Flanagan Duncan and Alison Niederauer Mary Beth O’Connor, Lucky VIII Films

Bobbi and Barry H. Ostrowsky Dr. Victor and Jane Parsonnet Richard S. and Kayla L. Pechter Mr. Arnold and Dr. Sandra Peinado James and Nancy Pierson Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Quick, III Donald A. Robinson, Esq. Karen and Gary D. Rose The Rubenstein Foundation Philip R. Sellinger Cliff and Barbara Sobel Lizzie and Jonathan Tisch Alexine and Warren Tranquada Diana and Roy Vagelos Joyce and George Wein Foundation Linda A. Willett, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Zinbarg Jan and Barry Zubrow

encore circle $5,000 & above Jean and Bruce Acken Anonymous Barbara and Val Azzoli Barbara and Ed Becker Judy and Brian Bedol Denise and Dennis Bone Linda M. Bowden James C. Brady Nancy Cantor and Steven R. Brechin Norman L. Cantor Sylvia J. Cohn Kevin Cummings Alma DeMetropolis, CFA Robert Doherty Brendan P. Dougher Susan and Thomas Dunn Dexter and Carol Earle Foundation Leecia Roberta Eve Drs. Brenda and Robert Fischbein

Vincent and Ellen Forlenza Lawrence P. Goldman and Laurie B. Chock Renee and David Golush Peter O. Hanson Hobby’s Restaurant/The Brummer Family

Rabbi and Mrs. Clifford M. Kulwin Ralph and Martyann LaRossa Judith M. Lieberman Dena F. and Ralph Lowenbach Lisa Mantone and Thomas Vilardi Tom and Joanne Marino

Judy and Heath McLendon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Merson Joyce R. Michaelson Edwin S. and Catherine Olsen Ms. Deanne Wilson and Mr. Laurence B. Orloff Jean and Kent Papsun Christine S. Pearson Judith and Kenneth Peskin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pzena Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Radest Lennon Register and Barbara White Susan Satz The Schiffenhaus Foundation John Schreiber Susan N. Sobbott Stephen and Mary Birch Foundation Robert and Sharon Taylor Richard and Arlene Vezza Thomas C. Wallace Helene and Gary Wingens â€


Ricky Persaud, Jr. was one of the exceptional young artists who entertained Vanguard members at a special jazz event

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spotlight gala 2017 sponsorships NJPAC and The Women’s Association of NJPAC are deeply grateful to the following gala and event supporters:

lead sponsor ($450,000) Prudential

underwriter ($150,000) The MCJ Amelior Foundation

vice chairs ($50,000) American Express Company Bank of America Toby and Leon G. Cooperman Gibbons P.C. Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey PSEG PwC Arthur F. and Patricia E. Ryan Tanenbaum Keale LLP

Prudential Center and the New Jersey Devils Rutgers University – Newark RWJBarnabas Health TD Bank, N.A. Unity International Group Diana and Roy Vagelos Nina Mitchell Wells and Theodore V. Wells, Jr.

($5,000) Advance Realty Lawrence E. Bathgate, II, Esq. Bobbi Brown and Steven Plofker Cruz Family Foundation Betsy and Donald Garber

Robert Falzon William and Joan Hickey Meg and Howard Jacobs Jean and Kent Papsun Timothy Schmidt Mary Kay and John Strangfeld Charlotte and Morris Tanenbaum

silver sponsors

($15,000) Alight/Aon Hewitt BNY Mellon Broadridge Financial Solutions Jennifer A. Chalsty Chubb Cognizant Debevoise & Plimpton LLP Edison Properties, LLC Greenberg Traurig LLP Hollister Construction Services, dinner committee LLC platinum JPMorgan Chase L+M Development Partners ($35,000) McCarter & English, LLP Audible Mary Beth O’Connor and NJM Insurance Group David W. Lohuis John and Laura Overdeck dinner committee gold Panasonic Corporation of ($25,000) North America ADP Seyfarth Shaw LLP Atlantic, Tomorrow’s Office Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. BD SJP Properties David J. Bershad and Mindy Smart Family Foundation A. Cohen SP+ Boraie Development Tata Consultancy Services Corporation Ticketmaster Dranoff Family Foundation Turner Construction Company Elberon Development Co. Verizon The Fidelco Group, Randi and Wells Fargo Marc E. Berson Kim and Finn Wentworth Don Katz and Leslie Larson Judy and Josh Weston The Honorable Thomas H. Kean Windels Marx Lane & Ruth C. and A. Michael Lipper Mittendorf, LLP Paula and Bill Marino Wyndham Worldwide Merck & Co., Inc. Penguin Random House Audio Publishing PNC Bank, N.A.

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platinum ticket(s)

With your support, the Women’s Association of NJPAC has generated more than $50 million for arts learning and operational expenses since its inception in 1997. Veronica M. Goldberg Kate S. Tomlinson and Roger P. Labrie Lowenstein Sandler LLP Madison Marquette Eric D. Muller Neiman Marcus Sagner Family Foundation Santander Bank, N.A. Carol and Harlan Waksal

goldticket(s) ($2,500) Dennis and Denise Bone Ann and Stanley Borowiec

silver ticket(s) ($1,500) Carol and Roger Chartouni Richard M. Esteves Susan and David Frankel Meg and Lawrence Kasdan Anabela and Will Lopes Lotus Equity Group PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP Sylvia and David Steiner

friend ticket(s) ($1,000) Audrey Bartner Becker LLC

Berkeley College Daniel M. Bloomfield, M.D. and Betsy True Sara and Jon Bonesteel Cynthia Chu Judith and Stewart Colton Cook Drilling Corp. C.R. Bard, Inc. Diversified Lighting Associates Christine Doudna and Richard Grand-Jean Anne and Nicolas Erni Andrew Gaies Lawrence P. Goldman and Laurie B. Chock

Ferlanda Fox and Milford Nixon PS&S Penelope and Angus Reed Paul Ringel M.D. and Michele Lorand, M.D. Rebecca Roffey and Ran Ortner Amy Rosen and Time Carden John Schreiber Mara Connolly Taft Sanjay Tiwary Wilson J. Woodridge Holly and Stas Zakharenko

Massey Quick Simon Robinson Miller LLC Simon & Schuster SJP Properties Mary Kay and John Strangfeld The Women’s Association of NJPAC’s Presidents, Past and Present

half page ad sponsors Berkeley College Brach Eichler LLC BRAVO! Group Services Capital One, N.A. Hachette Audio, a division of Hachette Book Group ISS Facility Services Montclair State University New Jersey Institute of Technology The Actors Fund

raffle donations Institute of Jazz Studies, Rutgers University – Newark New Jersey Symphony Orhcestra Newark Museum Newark Public Library NICO Kitchen+Bar Prudential Center The Ritz Carlton United Airlines WBGO – Newark Public Radio Wyndham Worldwide

Official Airline of Spotlight Gala 2017

Steven M. Goldman Archie Gottesman and Gary DeBode HLW International KPMG Judith Lieberman Dena and Ralph Lowenbach Mazars USA LLP McGregor Industries, Inc. Terri Minsky and David Blum Newark Charter School Fund New Jersey City University New Jersey Resources

full page ad sponsors Amazon The Berger Organization BNY Mellon Chubb J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Inc. Jodi and Wayne Cooperman Diversified Lighting Associates HarperCollins Hunter Roberts Construction Group L+M Development Partners Ruth C. and Michael A. Lipper

Media Sponsor of Spotlight Gala 2017

Sponsor of the 20th Anniversary Season Video

Ruth C. and A. Michael Lipper Sponsor of the NJSO Opening Fanfare

annual spring luncheon & auction 2017 sponsorships UNDERWRITERS ($10,000) Prudential The MCJ Amelior Foundation

GOLD SPONSORS ($5,000) Patricia Capawana Jennifer A. Chalsty Patricia A. Chambers Mindy Cohen Veronica M. Goldberg Kathy Grier Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Paula Marino Mary Beth O’Connor PSEG PwC RWJBarnabas Health Mary Kay Strangfeld Nina M. Wells, Esq.

SILVER SPONSORS ($3,000) East Avenue Advisors, LLC Edison Properties JPMorgan Chase Ruth C. Lipper Christine S. Pearson PNC Wealth Management United Airlines Karen C. Young

FRIEND SPONSORS ($2,000) Beverly Baker-Jackson Audrey Bartner Deborah Q. Belfatto Ann Borowiec Capital One Coca-Cola Refreshments KIPP New Jersey Arlene Lieberman C. Yvonne Morris-Phipps Rutgers-University- Newark SP+ Faith Taylor Diana T. Vagelos The Westfield Group Wilf Family Foundation

Official Airline of the Spring Luncheon 2017

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members New Jersey Performing Arts Center gives special thanks to the following Members who help meet the Arts Center’s annual financial needs with gifts of $650 to $4,999. For information on becoming a Member, please call (973) 297-5809. as of June 30, 2017

connoisseurs $3,000 & above In loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Bach Patricia L. Capawana Austin G. Cleary Eleanor Kessler Cohen and Max Insel Cohen Gregg N. Gerken Herb and Sandy Glickman Louis V. Henston Jackie and Larry Horn Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Kronthal Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kuchner Ellen and Donald Legow Moet Hennessy USA Usha Robillard Carlos A. Rodriguez Dennis Sanders & Family Stephen and Mary Sichak Sam Siino Robin and Leigh Walters The Honorable Alvin Weiss Aleta and Paul Zoidis


Margaret J. Cunningham D’Maris and Joseph Dempsey Mary Ellen DeNoon Donna and Kenneth Eberle Richard R. Eger and Anne Arnovitch Alice and Glenn Engel Herbert and Karin Fastert Lauren and Steven Friedman

Daniel Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gump Kitty and Dave Hartman Lisa Hayward and Michael Riccardi Joan Hollander Mary Louise Johnston Adrian and Erica Karp Gail and Max Kleinman Hans Knapp

Prudential Hall’s glass sphere is not lit from within; it was designed to refract light from sources around it, a nightly reminder that NJPAC shines thanks to the “light” provided by its generous supporters.

$1,250 & above Anonymous Joseph and Jacqueline Basralian George and Jane Bean Eileen R. Becker Bloomingdale’s Dyan Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Chapin, III Sally Chubb Nancy Clarke Mr. and Mrs. William F. Conger Carol and John Cornwell

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Michelle Gaines Doralee and Lawrence Garfinkel Rosemarie Gentile Kenneth and Claudia Gentner Thomas P. Giblin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilfillan Karolee and Sanford Glassman

Irvin and Marjorie Kricheff Elaine and Rob LeBuhn Kathleen Lewanski Dr and Mrs. Donald Louria Liz and David Lowenstein Kevin and Trisha Luing Massey Insurance Agency Nicholas G. McClary Mr. and Mrs. D. Nicholas Miceli

Maile Miller Jack and Ellen Moskowitz Bruce Murphy and Mary Jane Lauzon H. Herbert Myers Memorial Foundation Jeffrey S. Norman Dr. Christy Oliver and Bessie T. Oliver Laura B. Overdeck Wayne Paglieri and Jessalyn Chang Piper Hill Foundation, Inc. Dr. Kalmon D. Post and Linda Farber-Post Cecile Prince Jonathan and Bethany Rabinowitz Lawrence A. Raia Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf Steven Rothman Brent N. Rudnick Barbara Sager Mr. and Mrs. Newton B. Schott Rita and Leonard Selesner Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shapiro Joan and Allan Spinner Elaine J. Staley Joseph M. Taylor Kate S. Tomlinson and Roger Labrie Vincent and Lynne Toye Mr. and Mrs. R. Charles Tschampion Jon Ulanet Dr. Joy Weinstein and Dr. Bruce Forman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whelan Cheryl Y. Wilson Dr. Dorian J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Pat Wood Karen C. Young

copper $650 & above Gail Miller Amsterdam Dr. Sherry Barron-Seabrook and David Seabrook Rolande M. Borno Sophia T. and Gary D. Branch Kathleen and David Braslow Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Braun James and Sharon Briggs Dr. Kimberley Brown and Parkway Eye Care Center Janice Buffalow and David R. Chapman Roneea L. Bundick Jeri Burt Naomi Bynum Demetrias Carnegia Jean and Michael Chodorcoff Judith Musicant and Hugh A. Clark Martha Cybyk Mr. and Mrs. David R. Dacey Bas Debbink Suzanne Deluca-Warner Robert Dong Irwin and Janet Dorros James P. Edwards Mark A. Elfant Sheldon Epstein Sanford and Zella Felzenberg Deborah Fineman and John Bozik Tanya Freeman Dr. Ronald Gandelman and Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Barbara and Marc Gellman Dr. Louis Gianvito Lucia DiNapoli Gibbons Clifford and Karen Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Goodfellow Thomas L. Green

Stephen M. Greenberg and Barbara Infeld Wayne and Catherine Greenfeder Linda and John Groh Mrs. Robert G. Gutenstein Hammond Contracting Co., Inc. Lonnie and Bette Hanauer Peter H. Hansen

Edward Mix, Jr. Robert L. and Rita Modell Joseph L. Monaco Drs. Douglas and Susan Morrison Joan Murdock Joseph and Sheila Nadler William and Patricia O’Connor Monica Osgood

Juanita and Lorenzo Harris William Harrison James E.E. Heims Lorraine and Bob Henry Richard and Cindy Johnson James and Carolyn Kinder Joan M. Kram Mark and Sheryl Larner John Mackay Bernice E. Mayes

Larisa F. Perry Jay R. Post, Jr. CFP Gusta A. Pritchett Thomas and Carol C. Rakowski Frank Rand Brian James Remite Nogah Revesz Dr. Diane M. Ridley William A. Robinson

David Rodriguez Idina Rodriguez Ina and Mark Roffman Nancy Roman Joel Rosen David Rosenblatt Dr. Howard S. Rudominer and Mrs. Joan Rudominer Robin Rolfe and Arnold Saltzman Suzanne and Richard Scheller Sharon and James Schwarz Drs. Rosanne S. Scriffignano and Anthony Scriffignano Jeffrey and Lisa Silvershein Edie Simonelli Arlene F. Sloan and William C. Sloan, MD Marilyn and Leon Sokol Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spalteholz Robin Stainback Rosemary and Robert Steinbaum Beverly and Ed Stern Marilyn Termyna Marva Tidwell Louise and David J. Travis Mr. and Mrs. David S. Untracht Frank and Polly Vecchione Kathryn Vermilye Paul and Sharlene Vichness Ebony Clendenin Vick Susan D. Wasserman Edward and Myrna Weisselberg Jacqueline Williams Audrey J. Wreszin Diane C. Young, M.D., P.A. Richard Zaborowski Kathleen and Vincent Zarzycki Claire and Gil Zweig John Zweig

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njpac staff and administration as of March 15, 2018 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT

John Schreiber* President & CEO Fania Berry Executive Assistant to the President & CEO Chelsea Keys Special Assistant to the President & CEO David Rodriguez* Executive Vice President & Executive Producer Kira M. Ruth*** Administrative Assistant & Office Manager Warren Tranquada* Executive Vice President & COO Valerie Fullilove Senior Administrative Assistant

Danielle Vauters Manager, School and Summer Programs Raven Oppong-Boateng Coordinator, Program Registration Operations Daniel Silverstein Coordinator, On-site & Community Programs Patricia Sweeting Coordinator, Performances & Engagement Tara Baker Administrative Assistant & Office Manager Sheikia “Purple Haze� Norris Faculty Lead, Hip Hop


Lisa Mantone Senior Vice President, Development Alison Scott-Williams Trisha Singh Vice President, Arts Education Senior Administrative Assistant Jennifer Tsukayama Laura McGuinness Assistant Vice President, Arts Assistant Vice President, Individual Education Operations Giving Denise Jackson Doris Thomas Administrative Assistant to Vice Director, Corporate Relations & President & Assistant Vice Sponsorship President Deborah Purdon Cathleen Plazas Director, Research & Prospect Senior Director, Curriculum & Management Program Evaluation Josephine (Jo) Edwards* Betsy True Director, Donor Services Senior Director, Artistic Faculty & Randall Solina Curriculum Development Senior Manager, Development Mark Gross Operations Director, Jazz Instruction Kathleen Braslow Jamie M. Mayer* Manager, Individual Giving Director, Curriculum & Professional Diane Myers Development Manager, Foundation Relations Rosa Hyde Angela Marie Tayco Senior Manager, SchoolTime & Manager, Membership Assemblies Rolston Cyril Watts Victoria Revesz Manager, Development Senior Manager, School & Operations Community Programs Aisha Irvis Timothy Maynes Coordinator, Corporate Relations Senior Manager, Business Rachelle Bastien Operations, Bursar Associate, Gift Entry Roneasha Bell Manager, On-site and FINANCE Community Programs Lennon Register Kyle Conner Vice President & CFO Manager, Sales & Partnerships Mary Jaffa*** Ashley Miskoff Assistant Vice President, Finance Manager, Professional Karen Shaffer Development Assistant Vice President & Kristine Mathieson Controller Coordinator, School & Betty Robertson* Summer Programs Senior Accountant, General Accounting


166 njpac.org

Manuela Silva**** Senior Accountant, Payroll Geraldine Richardson*** Staff Accountant, Accounts Payable Monique Cook Financial Analyst


Marsha R. Bonner Assistant Vice President, Human Resources Ginny Bowers Coleman** Director, Volunteer Services Taheerah Smiley Human Resources Generalist Suzie Chan Human Resources Specialist Erika Perry Receptionist & Purchasing/Human Resources Administrator

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Ernie DiRocco** Chief Information Officer Carl Sims**** Director, Network Infrastructure Rodney Johnson** Support Analyst, IT & Telecom Brian Remite** Database Analyst, Customer Care Systems


Katie Sword* Vice President, Marketing & Communications Julia Mendes Marketing Administrative Assistant Ed Pusz Assistant Vice President, Creative Services Debra L. Volz*** Senior Director, Creative Services Linda Fowler Director, Content Yesenia Jimenez**** Director, Loyalty Services Charlene A. Roberts Director, Performance Marketing Tina Boyer Manager, Creative Services Yasmeen Fahmy Manager, Digital Media Jenifer Braun Writer, Institutional Content & Correspondence Nathan Leslie Manager, Marketing Thomas Stocky Manager, Group Sales

Doris Ann Pezzolla**** Senior Graphic Designer Christy-Leigh Grosman Allison Terkowitz Graphic Designers Matthew Cherry Associate, Digital Marketing Latoya Dawson Coordinator, Creative Services April Jeffries Coordinator, Group Sales Daryle Charles* Robert Paglia** Fallon Currie (Parrish) Priority Customer Representatives Jerome H. Enis**** Consultant, Herbert George Associates Kersten Stevens Consultant, Digital Community Angela Thomas Consultant, Performance Public Relations


Chad Spies** Vice President, Operations & Real Estate Jay Dority Director, Facilities & Capital Projects Anthony Rosta Facility Supervisor Meredith Hull Administrative Assistant Todd Tantillo*** Chief Engineer J. Dante Esposito**** Lead Engineer Thomas Amory Brian Cady** Sherman Gamble** Mariusz Koniuszewski* Maintenance Engineers John Hook* Senior Director, Security, Parking & Traffic Operations Thomas Dixon**** Safety & Security Manager Robin Jones** Senior Director, House Management Gabrielle DeGaetano Molly Roberson House Managers Kathleen Dickson**** Senior Head Usher Lamont Akins**** Jerry Battle** Edward Fleming*** Cynthia Robinson*** Head Ushers

njpac needs you! Lauren Vivenzio**** Manager, Operations Hernan Soto**** Senior Supervisor, Operations Support Staff Anthony Ball* Supervisor, Operations Support & Services Francisco Soto* Assistant Supervisor, Operations Support & Services Tyrone Boyd Delbert Green Corey Lester* David Martina Operations Support Staff Justin LaTorre Mailroom Coordinator George Gardner**** House Painter


Chris Moses** Senior Director, Production Christopher Staton* Senior Production Manager E. Kevin Jones Production Manager Christina Mangold Assistant Production Manager Crystal Cowling Production Coordinator William Worman*** Head Carpenter Mario Corrales**** Bryan Danieli** Assistant Head Carpenters Jacob Allen** Head Electrician John Enea Gumersindo Fajardo**** Assistant Head Electricians Paul Allshouse** Head Audio Al Betancourt *** John Finney** Assistant Heads Audio John DiCapua Richard Edwards**** George Honczarenko Dan Pagan House Specialist/Stage Crew Eunice Peterson**** Senior Artist Assistant Melvin Anderson* Lowell Craig** Loni Fiscus Daniel Ovalle Sindy Sanchez Chloe Sullivan Allison Wyss**** Artist Assistants


Evan White*** Senior Director, Programming Craig Pearce* Program Manager, Arts Education Kitab Rollins** Manager, Performance & Broadcast Rentals Julia Kraus Producer, Artistic Development & Community Programming Eyesha Marable Producer, Community Engagement Carmen Samuel Associate Producer, Community Engagement William W. Lockwood, Jr.**** Programming Consultants Donna Walker-Kuhne* Senior Advisor, Community Engagement


Austin Cleary** Assistant Vice President Sales & Planning, NJPAC Events Roslyn Brown** Event Associate


Erik Wiehardt** Director, Ticket Services Stephanie Miller*** Associate Director, Ticketing System Nicole Craig*** Associate Director, Box Office Robin Polakoff Ticketing System Specialist Veronica Dunn-Sloan** Box Office Manager Jana Thompson Box Office Representative


Sarah Rosen Managing Director Amy Mormak* Events & Marketing Manager

Service Recognition (as of 12/1/17) * * * * 20+ years * * * 15+ years * * 10+ years * 5+ years

Contributions from generous individuals, corporations, foundations and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts support NJPAC’s artistic programming, Arts Education programs, community engagement and special initiatives… There are many ways to make a charitable donation to NJPAC including gifts of cash, appreciated securities. Other options include charitable gift annuities, estate commitments, and matching gifts. NJPAC’s Development Department can assist you in structuring a plan that fits your circumstances. If you would like information about particular types of gifts or how that gift can be made, please contact Lisa Mantone, Senior Vice President of Development, NJPAC, One Center Street, Newark, NJ 07102. Phone 973.297.5154. Email: lmantone@njpac.org. NJPAC Arts Education programs are made possible through the generosity of our endowment donors: The Arts Education Endowment Fund in honor of Raymond C. Chambers, Randi and Marc E. Berson, Joan and Allen Bildner, Toby and Leon Cooperman and Albert and Katherine Merck. Report to the Community 2017 was written by Linda Fowler, Director of Content Marketing. Special thanks to Michael P. Scasserra, Creative Director; Bonnie Felt, Graphic Designer; Debra Volz, NJPAC Senior Director, Creative Services, Ed Pusz, NJPAC Assistant Vice President, Creative Services and Jenifer D. Braun, Contributing Writer. Among the photographers whose works are included in the Report to the Community are: Robert Ascroft, Bill Brokaw, Jennifer Brown, Lia Chang, Rob Davidson, Norman DeShong, ESTO, Yasmeen Fahmy, Elyssa Goodman, Paras Griffin & Dia Dipasupil/ Getty Images for BET, Rainy Hall, Douglas Kirkland, Dave Kotinsky, Jacob Krupnick, Chris Lee, McKim Photography, Andrew McNaughtan, Carlos Pericás, Nick Romanenko, Sherry Rubel, Lee Seidenberg, Fred Stucker, Cortney Van Jahnke, D. Vorschlag

2018 People’s Choice Award Winner NJPAC was named New Jersey’s “Favorite Large Performing Arts Center” for the tenth consecutive year, and was also named “Favorite Performing Arts Camp” for our Young Artist Summer Intensive!

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season funders NJPAC is grateful to the following partners for their commitment and investment in our mission. as of June 30, 2017

Official Soft Drink of NJPAC



Official Cruise Line of NJPAC

Official Airline of NJPAC




Official Sponsor of NJPAC’s Spotlight Gala

O ’S






official sponsors:


Official Imaging Supplier of NJPAC

Media Sponsor

major support also provided by: The Chambers Family and The MCJ Amelior Foundation Stewart and Judy Colton Toby & Leon Cooperman

Betty Wold Johnson Panasonic Corporation of North America John & Mary Kay Strangfeld

Victoria Foundation Judy & Josh Weston

additional support provided by: Audible, Inc. Joan and Allen Bildner Family Fund Edison Properties Newark Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation

The Griffinger Family The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation William J. & Paula Marino McCrane Foundation, Inc., care of Margrit McCrane PNC Bank, N.A.

Steve & Elaine Pozycki Pat & Art Ryan The Walter V. and Judith L. Shipley Family Foundation The Smart Family Foundation/ David S. Stone, Esq., Stone and Magnanini

Steinway & Sons Surdna Foundation Michael & Jill Tanenbaum Turrell Fund John & Suzanne Willian/ Goldman Sachs Gives The New Jersey Cultural Trust

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