Fuel Monitoring is the star feature in Fleet Management software - All you need to know

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Fuel Monitoring is the star feature in Fleet Management - All you need to know s o f t w a r e w w w . t r a c k o b i t . c o m

Vehicle tracking involves much more than just monitoring the movement, speed and location of the vehicle. It has taken shape of a comprehensive solution that involves Fuel Management too. It not only enables you to track the fleet but also manages it efficiently from one place.

Rash Driving Behaviour of the drivers Paying less attention to service and maintenance of the vehicles Negligence from driver’s end in taking longer routes and causing delays How can we forge? Fuel theft and drainage! Not everything that glitters is gold : There are various Fleet Management software providers in the market that offer fuel monitoring. What separates an average software from a good one is accuracy. TrackoBit is a B2B software that specialises in the accuracy of data and reports. Good GPS Tracking software will have you covered in case of fuel drainage and theft. It’ll also help you track the reason behind the overconsumption of fuel and the root cause of increasing fuel costs. Primary causes include:

Say goodbye to worrisome days and sleepless nights due to spiking fuel costs. Let technology take all the pain.

On the other hand, if vehicle Z delivers an average of 3 km/l in both cases, that means the problem is with the vehicle. It was just one vehicle, how do you think you can monitor this with a fleet of a thousand vehicles? That’s when Advanced Telematics come into play. You’ll get complete Telematics solutions from GPS Tracking to Fuel Monitoring, Driver’s Behaviour and much more with a future-proof solution. TrackoBit is the most sought-after Fuel Monitoring Software that is popular for its accuracy and 99.9% uptime. It helps fleet owners make informed decisions, calculate every move during the planning process and optimize fleet management.

Let’s take an example :

For instance, Driver A drives ‘Vehicle Z’ with an average of 3 km/l daily, whereas Driver B delivers an average of 4 km/l on the same and other vehicles. That means the issue is in Driver A’s performance.

Improved and Accurate Readings :


GPS Tracking technology has brought a paradigm shift in the Logistics and Transportation Industry.

If there is excess fuel consumption than expected, you can spot where exactly things are going wrong. It has an impact on the fleet’s overall performance. Mostly, fuel theft or leakage due to unknown causes are the reasons. You can monitor them easily with the help of such software.

What to Expect From a Fuel Monitoring System

Earlier, when fleet managers did their job manually, the chances of miscalculation due to human error and negligence were high. Ever since automation took over the Logistics industry, the accuracy of fuel data has improved a lot. It increased the return on investment for the companies.

Here are the benefits of investing in a good GPS Tracking software that enhances the fuel management of the fleet in logistics.

Fuel Drainage Monitoring :

Discrepancies in Fuel estimates and consumption has been an age-old issue in the industry. Effective Fuel Monitoring has resolved the problem in the current age and time.

You get detailed information on fuel usage for all vehicles. You receive elaborated reports for every triphow much fuel is consumed, when and where.

You get real-time fuel updates with a graphical report. You can read and compare the data you receive to determine various factors, such as - consumption rate, the average of different vehicles, and the behaviour of drivers.

Get Notified in case of a Sudden Drop : You get an alert whenever there is an abrupt decrease in the reading to notify the theft attempt. This does not only ensure fuel safety but also positively impacts the overall efficiency of the fleet.

The most buzzing question in every fleet owner/manager’s mind. Fuel eats up the biggest chunk of the fleet budget. More than rising fuel prices, it is the fuel wastage that concerns the fleet managers. The vehicle tracking software monitors fuel usage, leakage, refilling and drainage. It helps them spot the exact reason for the drainage. It alerts them in case of any theft attempt and notifies them when fuel is refilled. Howtoreducefuelcosts?

Live Update on Fuel Readings :

Detailed Reports :

Turn off the engine when waiting for more than 15 sec :

Three Practices to Reduce Vehicle Idling

Idling the engine before driving off is not warming-up :

Gone are the days when cars needed to be warmed up in winter to reach the optimum temperature. Today, driving the vehicle helps the engine reach its ideal operating temperature faster than idling it.

With a keen eye on small activities and insights, they reduce the chances of possible loopholes to none. Hence, improved fleet efficiency. With daily reports, they can deduce patterns in fuel consumption and optimize trips for better efficiency. You can ask for as many features as you want if you go for a white label fleet management software service to enhance your tech stack.

It is better to turn off the engine when you are waiting for the signal to turn green. Idling for more than 10 seconds uses more fuel and emits more CO2 than stopping and restarting your engine does.

GPS Tracking System for commercial vehicles :

Drivers tend to leave the ignition on while they step out of the vehicle for a short while. This careless attitude hampers the overall fuel economy of the fleet. Having a GPS tracking system in place alerts you every time the vehicle exceeds the set limit of idling time. You get a consolidated report of the vehicle's performance and driving behaviour. It helps you spot the exact problem area and fix that.

CONTACT CUS ONTACT US E-mail: sales@trackobit.com Offices: Noida and Dubai India: +91 7042531712 UAE: +971-585995389

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