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Newton International School

School Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 9 Thursday 10 March 2011

From the Principal 2011 has started with a lot of heartbreak and distress around the world. Whether countries are demonstrating unrest towards their current government or the unexpected arrival of a natural disaster, the world we know has changed and innocent lives have been taken. All of this affects Newton International School; all of it affects our international family. It is our job whether we are teachers or parents that we play our part in educating our students as they represent our future and are citizens of the world. Several weeks ago I was home in New Zealand. The news every night informed viewers of current situation in Egypt, Tunisia and other Arab countries that also joined in demonstrating the human rights in their countries. It filled me with unease as I knew this affected many students in my school and I hoped and prayed that friends and family of our Newton family were safe and

unharmed. Little did I know whilst glued to the television, watching for updates to inform me that resolutions were now apparent in these countries‟ my own country would be hit with an earthquake so devastating that has now been called „New Zealand‟s darkest day‟ by the Prime minister John Key. On Monday 21st February I watched coverage on the TV almost immediately after the earthquake hit Christchurch to see New Zealanders scramble for their lives as aftershocks continued to shake a once idyllic city. Christchurch was famous for its British architecture and superb city vibe. Now it is famous for the city that once was….. To watch a place I had just left 24 hours previously and watching the city fall before my eyes, a place that was so familiar to me was heart-breaking. Christchurch is a place my family are from and I

went to school. To now see iconic buildings in rubble disturbed not only myself but a nation. The people of Christchurch were without power and water for at least 3 – 4 days, people had lost lives, homes and buildings where people worked were collapsing therefore making people jobless. Over the next several days of watching the television, I watched people in agony not knowing where missing friends and family were and having to patiently wait till rescue teams from around the world, searched through the rubble to find the bodies of lives claimed, even as young as 5 months old. To see a developed country in such dire straits made me think about what really matters? From all of this unrest around the world, what can we learn from it all? Buildings can be rebuilt, homes can be rebuilt, jobs can be found, however what really matters is family

From the Deputy Principal

School Fair The last two weeks have been very exciting. After a successful Athletics championship and Maths week , we ended with a fantastic School Fair. The modeling competition was a first for NIS this year. Our students were judged by the Oscar nominated director, Peter Webber and local Qatar television celebrity George Chaloughi. It was great to see all the students dress up in their categories as well as answer the judges questions with confidence. Well done to all our winners. Overall the school fair raised 37,000 QR on the day. This money will be used to support local and international charities.

Rock Challenge The Rock Challenge is one of the biggest international dance and drama competitions aimed specifically at school age children. This year Newton D-Ring, is proud to have entered 40 of our students into the competition that will take place on 1 April 2011 at the Doha Montessori School. Both students and teachers have worked extremely hard on the performance and would love your support on the day. Tickets are sold at 120 QR and is available from Miss. Williams. AdvancED Accreditation I am sure most of you should be aware that the school successfully passed the AdvancED candidacy and is now undergoing the process of obtaining our full accreditation. This in effect means that the school and it‟s stakeholders have to meet a set of international standards. Over the next few months I will be sharing updates of the process with you.

and friends. These are irreplaceable and it is the emphasise we place on them that truly matters. It‟s our family and friends that mould us and instil values to make us lifelong ambassadors in the world. Lets not let these innocent people all around the world die in vain……. Appreciate every moment you have with your family. Appreciate that you have electricity, running water and most importantly a roof over your head. Appreciate that you have something to get up for and something to do each day. Appreciate that you are in a situation that you can live and learn every day. My sincere sympathy goes to all the families at Newton who have been affected with the loss of family and friends through the devastation around the world. Anna Williams Principal

Primary Showpiece Work

In the interim you can have a look at the AdvancED website for more information on what in entails. School Website Our school website is undergoing some changes and I encourage you to visit it regularly for up to date information. You are now also able to access your child‟s re-enrolment form and homework links for primary. Anre Theron, Deputy Principal

Well done Maya in Year 6 Blue!

Head of Primary Dear Parents, We had a lovely start to the second half term going straight into Maths week. There were so many activities happening in all the year groups. The teachers and students had such fun with the „Problem of the Day‟ and all the other Maths challenges last week. A special thank you goes out to our Maths week committee who planned it so well. I would also like to extend my thanks to all parents, students and teachers for a wonderful and successful School Fair. Again it is always lovely to meet parents whom I never get a chance to see. Our Year 5 students will be tested by the SEC in English, Mathematics and Science. This is compulsory for all schools in Qatar. The results will be published in a public document. All year 5 students will be doing more preparation in these subjects over the next month. I would appreciate your support and cooperation with their teachers at home and in school. You will be informed about the dates these tests will be conducted in school. All students and teachers are

currently busy with continuous assessments this half term. There will be no exam week at the end of term. A Parent Interview Meeting will take place on 30th March and beginning of April. You will receive a letter to book your time with the class teacher. I would like to encourage all parents to take the time and meet with the teacher. This is a very valuable time, as parents will be informed of their child‟s progress and what is required to advance their development further in term 3. I look forward to your continuous commitment in your child‟s education. Nadia January Head of Primary

EYFS Welcome back to the second half of Term two. We have come to the end of our topics on Growing and Under the Sea. Last week the Early Years Department had Maths Week, during which the children were encouraged to take part in some fun mathematics work and games, in particular guessing the amount of sweets in the jar. To end the week Reception children made Maths Hats and paraded them around the building, showing them off to each class. Great work boys and girls! This week Reception and Preschool have started their new topics for this half term. For the next few weeks Preschool will be learning all about Planets and Astronauts. Some great work is already on display, well done Preschool. Reception will be learning about different animals, habitats and how to look after them in our Animals topic. We would like to remind parents there will be no reports given out this term but there will be Parent/ Teacher interviews on the 30th of March. Times are to be confirmed and a letter will be issued soon.

classes to win this game were 1 Red for Year 1 and 2 Red for Year 2. A big well done to all the children for the efforts and hard work for Math Week and a big thank you to our „Maths Gang‟ who prepared it all for us to enjoy! We have also just hosted our School Fair which was a great success and everyone seemed to have a fun day! KS 1 Department

All Early Years teachers would also like to ask parents to have a go with our „Big Cook, Little Cook‟ and Reading scheme. It is great fun for the children and we would like to invite parents to come in and listen to children reading stories and have a go too. So if you would like to come in and make something with the children, listen to them read or even support them with some art activities, please don‟t hesitate to talk to your child‟s class teacher to arrange a time. This past Friday, 4th March, we had our School Fair and it was great fun! The Early Years department would like to say a big „Thank you‟ for all that you have donated towards the Fair and for supporting us on the day. From the EYFS Team

Sports Day by Movin Seneviratne

KS 1 Well once again it has been a very busy two weeks with lots going on in Key Stage 1. Last week we celebrated Maths Week. All week long the children were answering different maths questions. There was a problem of the day, an estimation question and „What Time is it Mr Ben‟? All the children gave these a go and we had some great Mathematicians who got all the answers correct. Then on Thursday we finished the week by hosting a „Who Wants to be A Millionaire‟ math challenge for each year group. This was fantastic and it just showed how the children were able to use their thinking skills and work as a team in their classes. The two lucky classes to win

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During the weekend I went to the School Fair. I played on the bouncy castle. And then I went to the haunted house. I had fun. I also went to do face painting. Everybody likes to see my face painted. I felt happy. By Darrshana 1Purple The Sponge Game was the best game in all of the School Fair but there was one other game, it was basketball but I did not get a prize. Then I went home and slept in my nice bed. It was a good day. By Ahmed J, 2 Green

Sports day finally arrived after all the excitement and curiosity. We were totally unaware of the challenges that awaited us so we had to depend on our confidence. There were events that everyone could participate in. Everyone was very cheerful and excited and simply couldn‟t conceal it. Not half of the sports events would have been as memorable, if it weren‟t for the very kind parents who helped make our sports day perfect. We had some very fun games like beat the keeper or handball as well as the traditional sports games like races or long jump. Finally after all the hard work from the teachers and PTA, we managed to have a really great sports day! Above all, the best game probably would have been the rubbish collecting game, where we learned how to really work in a team and protect the environment! The house teachers were continuously making up slogans for us to cheer and it was simply wonderful. By Movin Seneviratne Year 6 Orange

Head of Secondary Dear Parent/Guardian, A week of thanks. There are a lot of projects taking place within the school: some large scale some more individualized. Behind each project you will generally find a teacher working feverishly to make it happen. From School Parties to Badminton Competitions; from Trips abroad to Study Support. I would ask that parents and students alike join me in a huge thank you to the staff that support these events and work hard each day to make this school something to be celebrated. School Fair As you will already have read, the School Fair was a record-breaking success. Again! From football to beading; from ping-pong to sing-song, I hope that everyone found something they could enjoy. I am sure all present enjoyed the day and it only leaves me to thank all involved and all who attended. Maths Week On returning to the school, students may have noticed something different about Maths lessons! The books were left in bags and instead there were mathematical puzzles and games with House Points awarded throughout the week. I hope the week was enjoyed and the Platinum award for the international Mathletics competition is much noted. Thank you Miss Beattie for your hard work and organization. Ski Trip There is nothing more beautiful than the view from a snow laden mountain on a bright, chilly morning. There are a number of students who are off to appreciate this and, at this time these student are finishing off the details. Visas have been got, or are in the final stages of being attained; suitcases are being prepared; sun cream bought and cameras charged. With only a matter of days to go we wish all on the trip well and thank Mrs Woolgar for all the hard work organizing this. Please note that I will be joining the children on this trip.

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Rock Challenge The excitement in the school is palpable, with all the elements of performance beginning to come together, set design, costume, music, and choreography. Teachers and pupils alike are buzzing with artistic energy. The Rock Challenge is definitely drawing closer and the much guarded secret! I would say „Break a Leg‟, the appropriate theatrical term for good fortune, however I know one student has already taken me literally so I will settle for wishing all well and thanking all the staff involved for their hard work and long hours. Newsletter I would like to point you all in the direction of the school website. Over the next few weeks and months this will be a focus as we look to develop the information on here and also aim to use this as a method of communication and celebration. There is a parent survey link here and this newsletter is being posted on the website, often before it can reach you via email. I would urge you therefore to visit us once in a while and, should you have something you would like to see on the site, please email us on Spring Party There is the sound of music in the air as students and teachers work to put together a party. The Spring Party is round the corner. Thank you school council and Miss O‟Kane for your hard work and input. Finally a huge „Thank You‟ to all who work and support Newton as we develop, both publically and behind the scenes. We really are striding forward. Mr Matthew Bradley Head of Secondary.

College of the North Atlantic On the 3rd of February, the tenth and eleventh grade students visited the college of the North Atlantic and to be honest it was one of the most influential and informative field trips since last year‟s visit to the Texas a and m university. During our visit, we learnt about all the four departments the college has to offer. The department of business studies, engineering, health science and information technology and what we need to achieve, academically speaking, in order to be accepted into it. Leaving the academic part behind, the college campus is magnificent and if we have to compare it to Newton then we can put five Newton schools into that campus! The facilities the college has to offer is beyond amazing! They have research labs, libraries, chill out zones and an actual computer lab consisting mainly of iMacs! Trust me you have to see it to believe it! And to come to a conclusion, the college of the North Atlantic is a fun and at the same time educational college to go to and it sets the standards sky high for other colleges and universities competing for becoming known as the best.

Upcoming Events in Secondary: 24th March th

Spring Party, Al Dana Club nd

26 March – 2 April

Ski Trip

3rd April

Parents Evening



6 –16 April

Spring Break Every year NIS D-Ring students take part in the Mathletics Competition and have been very successful each year gaining many awards. 2011 has been our best year with one of our students achieving a Platinum Award in World Maths Day. She is Yara Shafik in 8 Girls Red for her outstanding performance in competing against tough competition spanning the five continents. This is the highest award possible in the competition so our congratulations goes out to her and all students who took part. Well done and a big thank you from the Mathematics department and all at Newton. Cilla Beattie (HoD)

Another success in ATHLETICS! Newton International school revealed some real sporting talents in the past weeks! Secondary and Primary students took part in the Athletics Championships organized by the Qatar Olympic Program in the fabulous Qatar Sports Club which is usually only used and available for high performance sportsmen. During the Athletics meeting, all participants were observed by the Junior Qatar National Team coaches and the most talented boys and girls were selected and invited to join the Qatar National Team. The Y5 and 6 boys did really well considering that for most of them it was the first time in their lives when they participated in such an event. We would like to commend Abdullah Al Thani, Ahmad Al Hashemi, Aladeen Younes, Joseph Effiong, Mohammed Azmien, Basem Abuzeid from the KS3 boys team for their great determination and effort and Rashid Al Ansi who won the 60m sprint. KS3 girls also achieved a good result, particularly Merah Al Sulaiti, Yasemin Birisik, Bethel Udo and Yasemine Saafan. Special commendation goes to Mona Saad who came 2nd in 200m and got to the final which will be held in Aspire Academy on 17th March in shot put. KS4 boys team also made NIS proud with their fine achievements; well done particularly to Andre Emeraldo for 60m sprint, Azmier for 200m sprint and 60m hurdles and Aiden Swartz getting into the top 10 in shot put. All four teams attained a position in the top half of all schools which took part. Special congratulations to Precious Orumor Y6, Suleiman Barakat Y8 and Mona Saad Y8 who were scouted for the Qatar National Team! The PE department is delighted to see how many students take part in various sporting events and how many of them are very successful! Well done, keep it up Newton!

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player of the tournament and won.The boys‟ competition is taking place this week. A huge demand for Badminton matches inspired and motivated us to organize the very first Badminton competition against Doha British Montessori School. Our KS4 boys played well and although they lost overall, they won four matches against strong opposition. Well done particularly to Marzuwan Ariff Affendi, Mohammed Azmier and Andonny Manneh. Further House Badminton matches for boys and girls were added to the house competitions schedule and will take part in the upcoming weeks. Mrs Tereza Woolgar (Head of PE and ARTS)

HANDBALL and BADMINTON are taking off at Newton Newton International School includes into the PE programme and competes in various common and well known as well as for many quite unusual sports such as Handball and Badminton. After a half term of training in Term 1, KS3 and 4 girls competed in a House Handball Tournament on Wednesday 2nd March. This exciting event provided its spectators with a real drama when in the last match the best teams battled over the house title. At the end Bell showed the highest determination, particularly Dilshaad Khaan Y7 who was awarded the best

Nick Vulicic On the 10th of February 2011, we went to Qatar Education City to attend the message of hope by NICK VUJICIC. This inspirational talk was organised by Hope Qatar, special needs centre. Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legs. However, he didn‟t give up and didn‟t make an issue of it, even though he was being teased when he was a child. He has turned his disability into a gift, for himself and others. Nick is Australian, he travels around the world for his organization Life Without Limbs and he is a speaker in great demand who shares his mission with millions of people worldwide. All of us mistaken, but our hearts are full of faith and this was the message sent by Nick around the world. Nick has fascinated us with his words. He has placed in us hope and to dream big. He also told us that whatever people criticized the nega-

tive thing about us we need to focus on that positive thing about us, and that the world doesn‟t end on that criticize. Nick believes that attitude is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal and illustrates how the choices we make can have a profound effect on our lives and those around us. Nick says that fulfilling our biggest dreams are persistence and choosing to embrace failure as a learning experience, rather than allowing the guilt and fear of failure to paralyze us. We all enjoyed his inspirational speech and we learned four new points that will guide us in our lives which are: Be thankful I don’t know what I can achieve till I try When I fail, I will try again Attitudes are altitudes Our IGCSE students had a visit from a universities adviser that gave them clear and structured guide lines on universities entry requirements and other related issues e.g. extracurricular activities. Year 11 student found the talk very beneficial as they had the opportunity to ask questions and get immediate feedback. It was a successful day.

A selection of our secondary students had the honor to meet the inspirational speaker, Nick Vujicic, who was born with no arms and legs. His talk is focused on giving students from all around the world „HOPE‟. The students were all inspired by the talk and appreciated Mr Vujicic advice. “I thought it was very inspirational. It was in my mind and made me believe that I can make it no matter what, especially if I can see a man with no limbs and he is so confident, he gives me hope. So I feel I just have to keep on trying” Sara Abdullah Al Hammadi Year 11

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