Academic Integrity_G622B

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Academic integrity


Many times if you are a student you think that to save time and effort it is good to just copy the ideas of others, it is true that you can help from other people but you must always give the necessary thanks.

Remember that when you are studying at school it is how you will continue for the rest of your life, if you are dishonest and a liar you will take these habits with you for the future, either at work or in any case in the family.

Academic integrity is the foundation on which academic life is built and flourishes. Like personal integrity, academic integrity is a complex concept that is difficult to define.

Like the word "integrity," the concept of academic integrity is complicated and difficult to define. However, academic integrity is so intrinsic to the business of higher education that for many institutions its meaning is literally taken for granted or simply summed up in phrases such as: "academic integrity is essential to the educational mission of the university" to continue. talking about other policies and procedures.

If it is a matter of defining it, it is generally stated that academic integrity means "academic honesty", it is defined with examples or enumeration of inappropriate and/or honest conduct.

Academic project

An academic project is a forma document whose major sections nclude an abstract, introduction literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions and recommendations.

What is it required?

Critical apparatus

f you need to substantiate the eas raised in your work or help the reader find where you got your information from, you might use these types of citations:

If you cite an idea or approach of an author: you will use literal quotation

If you are going to allow the reader to go to other sources: you will use referential quotation

And what happens if you have And what happens if you have cite an author several times? cite an author several times?

If that happens you could use abbreviations like the following:

ídem: means "the same"

Ibídem: means "In the same way"

Óp.cot. :means "opus quotation"

Reasons to avoid the lack of academic integrity

If you have bad academic conduct, you disrespect the work of others and break trust.

Academic integrity is an indicator of future behavior at work. According to multiple investigations, if there is academic dishonesty in school, there will be dishonesty in the workplace.

If there are scandals for these offenses, the academic reputation of an institution can be affected and affect the value of the titles it issues.

If students are not learning the course material, then their knowledge does not reflect a complete education; in fields like nursing, that can have lifeor-death consequences.

If the work is not the student's own, they will not be putting their original thoughts in writing.

(Lee, 2022)

Free and available resources to cite in APA

One of the most complete generators on the network. Dozens of reference styles can be used, If you need to cite the following sources you can do it: book, web page, podcast, etc.. web word processor; in it you can copy and paste your text, select the phrase you need to reference and generate the citation in APA, MLA or Chicago Citation format.

https://cloudcite net/

Book, website and movie citation generator in the most popular styles like MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, IEEE and Vancouver. This platform allows you to choose the language of the references.


If a text is copied in whole or in part without referring to it or the source, it is considered plagiarism. The UNAM has adopted measures on this and has said that if plagiarism is found, the person who commits it will be deprived of his title.

If you commit or have committed plagiarism, you will be sanctioned by your faculty since laws have been created that prohibit this act.

Remember that the realization of these projects is to promote the knowledge and skills of the student. If you thought about plagiarism, you are putting your academic integrity at stake.


If a call for academic integrity is made, it imposes a great responsibility on all members of the academic community. That is why it is important that there is a balance between norm and compassion. When academic institutions are dedicated to learning, they must ensure that when violations of academic integrity occur, everyone learns from the experience.

As members of the academic communities, we can play an important role in solving the "integrity crisis" in which our society finds itself. Institutions and individuals can initiate and maintain an ongoing dialogue on these issues and act in ways that support the values and principles outlined above.

For example, something so simple, if you use references in your work, you avoid yourself or can avoid legal problems in the future, or in any case, if you study, don't lower your grade for plagiarism.

References: References:

Lee, C. (2022, January 20). ¿Por qué la integridad académica es importante para el aprendizaje?; Turnitin. mica%20apoya%20las,de%20aprendizaje%20a%20los%2 0estudiantes.

SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online. (s. f.). arttext

Guijosa, C. (2022, 3 november). 5 herramientas web para citar y referenciar. Observatorio / Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación.

UNAM. (2017). Elaboración de Trabajos Académicos. ginfile.php/154/mod_resource/content/2/elaboraciontrabajos/index.html

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